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When staining the internal phloem region of a potato tuber with the vital stain neutral red, it was observed that files of elongated cells of narrow diameter were heavily stained nod were easily distinguishable from the more isodiametric parenchyma cells, many of which did not stain with neutral red. The elongated cells were identified as companion cells by locating the adjacent sieve-tube members through counterstaining with aniline blue and viewing under violet light. Of a numb of other plants surveyed, only parsnip roots possessed companion cells exhibiting a similar selective staining. In other plants both the companion cells and the surrounding parenchyma cells usually stained. Sieve-tube members never accumulated neutral red. It was concluded that the vacuoles of the companion cells of the potato tuber were stained by the ion trap mechanism because of the color of the accumulated stain, the lack of staining when neutral red was applied in an acidic solution, and the complete destaining after waking in dilute ammonium hydroxide.  相似文献   

When staining the internal phloem region of a potato tuber with the vital stain neutral red, it was observed that files of elongated cells of narrow diameter were heavily stained and were easily distinguishable from the more isodiametric parenchyma cells, many of which did not stain with neutral red. The elongated cells were identified as companion cells by locating the adjacent sieve-tube members through counterstaining with aniline blue and reviewing under violet light. Of a number of other plants surveyed, only parsnip roots possessed companion cells exhibiting a similar slective staining. In other plants both the companion cells and the surrounding parenchyma cells usually stained. Sieve-tube members never accumulated neutral red. It was concluded that the vacuoles of the companion cells of the potato tuber were stained by the ion trap mechanism because of the color of the accumulated stain, the lack of staining when neutral red was applied in an acidic solution, and the complete destaining after soaking in dilute ammonium hydroxide.  相似文献   

A Selective Stain for Mitotic Figures, Particularly in the Developing Brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A selective stain for mitotic figures is valuable where autoradiographic counting is not required, especially in the developing brain. Most work in this field has been based on conventional nuclear stains which do not differentiate mitotic figures from resting cells by color. Hematoxylin, Feulgen, gallocyanin and Nissl methods have been used particularly. The method described uses a modified Bouin fixative, followed by hydrolysis in 1 N HCl. Mitotic figures are selectively stained using crystal violet, with nuclear fast red as the counterstain for resting cells. The method has been tested using material from postnatal and fetal sheep, guinea pig and rat. Using paraffin mounted serial sections it is applicable to all organs. The method was very successful on developing rat brain, particularly for detail and quantitative estimation in the early stages of prenatal development, which was of primary interest. Nucleated cells of the erythrocytic series, keratin and what appear to be mast cells were found to stain. When nuclear counting or cell recognition were required these did not cause any difficulty, except in prenatal liver. The highly selective method presented stains mitotic figures, in all tissue tested, an intense blue against a background of red resting cells.  相似文献   

A selective stain for mitotic figures is valuable where autoradiographic counting is not required, especially in the developing brain. Most work in this field has been based on conventional nuclear stains which do not differentiate mitotic figures from resting cells by color. Hematoxylin, Feulgen, gallocyanin and Nissl methods have been used particularly. The method described uses a modified Bouin fixative, followed by hydrolysis in 1 N HCl. Mitotic figures are selectively stained using crystal violet, with nuclear fast red as the counterstain for resting cells. The method has been tested using material from postnatal and fetal sheep, guinea pig and rat. Using paraffin mounted serial sections it is applicable to all organs. The method was very successful on developing rat brain, particularly for detail and quantitative estimation in the early stages of prenatal development, which was of primary interest. Nucleated cells of the erythrocytic series, keratin and what appear to be mast cells were found to stain. When nuclear counting or cell recognition were required these did not cause any difficulty, except in prenatal liver. The highly selective method presented stains mitotic figures, in all tissue tested, an intense blue against a background of red resting cells.  相似文献   

It has been proposed to use trichrome staining of histological sections for the detection of connective tissue fiber and sites for amyloid localization, as well as for increasing color contrast. After incubation in acidin–pepsin solution, sections are dewaxed and successively stained with picrofuchsin according to van Gieson, together with nuclei counterstain with hematoxylin, Congo red, and picroindigocarmine. As a result, the amyloid bound with collagen fibers was stained brick-red, collagen and reticular fibers not bound with amyloid was stained blue-green, and cytoplasm of cells not containing amyloid was stained yellow. Trichrome staining of organs affected by amyloidosis is more informative for the analysis of organs than Congo red stain.  相似文献   

In view of its probable wide applicability, it seems desirable to publish a note on a simple technic for the recognition with the microscope of the action of lipase. In brief, the method is to make an emulsion of neutral fat previously stained with a red Sudan stain, subject some of the emulsion to the action of the supposed lipase for an appropriate time and then examine with the microscope a recovered drop of the emulsion in a solution of Nile blue sulfate. It has long been known that Nile blue sulfate stains liquid neutral fats a reddish color and fatty acids blue.  相似文献   

Nongerminating spores, germinating spores, and vegetative cells of Clostridium botulinum type A were observed during phagocytosis in the peritoneal fluid of white mice. Since phagocytes are easily ruptured by heat, the method described avoids heating, as this has been employed in conventional spore staining methods. A thin smear of the fluid is air dried on the slide for 2 hr, and stained by Wright's method: stain, 2 min; dilution water, 2 min; and rinsed; then in 0.005% methylene blue for 30 sec, and rinsed. This is followed by Ziehl-Neelsen's stain for 3-4 min and destained with 1: acetone-95% ethanol for 10 sec. The slide is rinsed, and Wright's staining repeated: stain 1 min, dilution 2-3 min; and thereafter washed about 5 ml of Wright's buffer. Blotting and air drying completes the staining. Non-germinating spores stain light red with a red spore wall, germinating spores are deep red throughout, vegetative cells are blue, and leucocytes show a dark purple nucleus and light blue cytoplasm.  相似文献   

When paraffin sections are stained in 0.05-.01% Nile blue in 1 % sulfuric acid, washed thoroughly in water and mounted in aqueous media, lipofuscins color deep blue, melanins dark green, myelin and red cells lighter greens and background pale green. If, immediately after staining, the preparations are at once extracted with acetone with or without a 1% sulfuric acid rinse, melanins remain dark green, mast cells color purple, lipofuscins and background decolorize and nuclei may stain light green.  相似文献   

When paraffin sections are stained in 0.05-.01% Nile blue in 1 % sulfuric acid, washed thoroughly in water and mounted in aqueous media, lipofuscins color deep blue, melanins dark green, myelin and red cells lighter greens and background pale green. If, immediately after staining, the preparations are at once extracted with acetone with or without a 1% sulfuric acid rinse, melanins remain dark green, mast cells color purple, lipofuscins and background decolorize and nuclei may stain light green.  相似文献   

Cleared and stained specimens may become faded and/or opaque after long periods in preservative solutions. We developed a technique to revitalize faded and/or destained specimens regardless of their age. By adapting and revising Wassersug's procedure for differential staining of bone and cartilage, we successfully cleared and restained numerous small amphibian specimens of various ages. After rehydrating, specimens were bleached in potassium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide, stained with alcian blue, and macerated with trypsin as needed. Alizarin red stain was applied or reapplied, although staining occasionally was unsuccessful in old formalin fixed specimens. After restaining, the specimens were dehydrated and placed in glycerol.  相似文献   

A polyacid-dependent dichrome has been devised which will differentiate epithelial from mesenchymal cells in young dividing primary cultures. Epithelial cells and colonies and nuclei are stained with metanil yellow, the stain is fixed and differentiated with phosphotungstic acid, and the mesenchymal elements are stained with toluidine blue. Several other dyes are tested for substitution in this method. Biebrich scarlet and aniline blue could be substituted for the metanil yellow; Bismarck brown T, Janus green B, crystal violet, and neutral red could be substituted for the basic dye.  相似文献   

A polyacid-dependent dichrome has been devised which will differentiate epithelial from mesenchymal cells in young dividing primary cultures. Epithelial cells and colonies and nuclei are stained with metanil yellow, the stain is fixed and differentiated with phosphotungstic acid, and the mesenchymal elements are stained with toluidine blue. Several other dyes are tested for substitution in this method. Biebrich scarlet and aniline blue could be substituted for the metanil yellow; Bismarck brown T, Janus green B, crystal violet, and neutral red could be substituted for the basic dye.  相似文献   

Cleared and stained specimens may become faded and/or opaque after long periods in preservative solutions. We developed a technique to revitalize faded and/or destained specimens regardless of their age. By adapting and revising Wassersug's procedure for differential staining of bone and cartilage, we successfully cleared and restained numerous small amphibian specimens of various ages. After rehydrating, specimens were bleached in potassium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide, stained with alcian blue, and macerated with trypsin as needed. Alizarin red stain was applied or reapplied, although staining occasionally was unsuccessful in old formalin fixed specimens. After restaining, the specimens were dehydrated and placed in glycerol.  相似文献   

The red color of nuclei produced in formol-fixed paraffin sections stained with toluidine blue has been investigated by using deoxyribonuclease (DNase), ribonuclease (RNase) and 0.1 M Tris buffer. The action of DNase on formol-fixed material is not fully reliable, but clear-cut when positive. Nuclear basophilia and metachromasia is removed, nucleolar and cytoplasmic RNA is preserved. The picture produced by RNase depends to some extent on the concentration and acidity of the toluidine blue used for subsequent staining. Cytoplasmic RNA is always removed, while the red stain in nuclei usually remains intact. With 0.1% toluidine blue in 1% acetic acid, a nuclear color change from red to pale green is observed. Using this same staining solution, it can be shown that 0.1 M Tris buffer (overnight extraction at 37° C) will remove cytoplasmic RNA but leave intact the nuclear material that stains red. A red to green shift can subsequently be produced by RNase. From this it is deduced that there is a chromatin-associated nuclear RNA fraction which can be removed by the enzyme, but is stable to the buffer solution.  相似文献   

Klaus Hägele 《Chromosoma》1977,59(3):207-216
Two Giemsa banding methods (C banding and RB banding) are described which selectively stain the centromere bands of polytene salivary gland chromosomes in a number of Chironomus species. — By the C banding method the polytene chromosome appearance is changed grossly. Chromosome bands, as far as they are identifiable, are stained pale with the exception of the centromere bands and in some cases telomeres, which then are intensely stained reddish blue. — By the RB method the centromere bands are stained bright blue, whereas the remainder of the polytene bands stain red to red-violet. — Contrary to all other species examined, in Chironomus th. thummi numerous interstitial polytene chromosome bands, in addition to the centromere regions, are positively C banded and blue stained by RB banding. In the hybrid of Ch. th. thummi x Ch. th. piger only those interstitial thummi bands which are known to have a greater DNA content than their homologous piger bands are C banding positive and blue stained by the RB method whereas the homologous piger bands are C banding negative and red stained by RB banding. Ch. thummi and piger bands with an equal amount of DNA both show no C banding and stain red by RB banding. — It seems that the Giemsa banding methods used are capable of demonstrating, in addition to centromeric heterochromatin, heterochromatin in those interstitial polytene chromosome bands whose DNA content has been increased during chromosome evolution.  相似文献   

A new combined stain is described for the study of cell types in the fish pituitary. Tissues are prepared by fixing in formol-sublimate and then embedded in win wax. Tissue is sectioned at 5 μm and then stained sequentially with performic acid-alcian blue, periodic acid-Schiff, orange G, and acid fuchsin As a result of this procedure acidophils stain as follows: lactotropes, red; corticotropes, light pink melanotropes, bright pink and somatotropes, orange. Cyanophils stain either magenta red (gonadotropes) or blue (thyrotropes). Neurosecretory material and the fibers of the pars nervosa which penetrate the pars intermedia stain light blue.  相似文献   

A new combined stain is described for the study of cell types in the fish pituitary. Tissues are prepared by fixing in formol-sublimate and then embedded in paraffin wax. Tissue is sectioned at 5 micron and than stained sequentially with performic acid-alcian blue, periodic acid-Schiff, orange G, and acid fuchsin. As a result of this procedure acidophils stain as follows: lactotropes, red; corticotropes, light pink; melanotropes, bright pink; and somatotropes, orange. Cyanophils stain either magenta red (gonadotropes) or blue (thyrotropes). Neurosecretory material and the fibers of the pars nervosa which penetrate the pars intermedia stain light blue.  相似文献   

Acid fuchsin and phloxine B are commonly used to stain plant-parasitic nematodes in roots and egg masses on root surfaces, respectively. Both stains can be harmful to both the user and the environment and require costly waste disposal procedures. We developed safer methods to replace both stains using McCormick Schilling red food color. Eggs, juveniles, and adults of Meloidogyne incognita stained in roots with red food color were equally as visible as those stained with acid fuchsin. Egg masses stained with red food color appeared as bright-red spheres on the root surfaces and were highly visible even without magnification. Replacement of acid fuchsin and phloxine B with red food color for staining nematodes is safer for the user and the environment, and eliminates costly waste disposal of used stain solutions.  相似文献   

Traditionally, cartilage is stained by alcian blue using acidic conditions to differentiate tissue staining. The acidic conditions are problematic when one wishes to stain the same specimen for mineralized bone with alizarin red, because acid demineralizes bone, which negatively affects bone staining. We have developed an acid-free method to stain cartilage and bone simultaneously in zebrafish larvae. This method has the additional advantage that PCR genotyping of stained specimens is possible.  相似文献   

VanWinkle-Swift  K.P.  Salanga  M.C.  Thompson  E. G.  Bai  M. S.    & Parish  E.W. 《Journal of phycology》2000,36(S3):67-68
The primary zygote wall of C. monoica is transient and is released from mature zygospores. The fluorochromes aniline blue and primulin, used in other systems to detect β-1,3 glucans, stain the primary wall intensely. Two β-1,3 glucan synthases have been identified in higher plants: a calcium-dependent synthase produced in response to wounding and induced by chitosan, and a magnesium-dependent enzyme, associated with pollen development and unresponsive to chitosan. Chitosan has no effect on C. monoica primary wall synthesis or staining properties. We are presently testing for the effect of magnesium and/or calcium depletion on primary wall synthesis. Aniline blue and primulin do not stain purified cellulose fibers, while the fluorochrome Calcofluor does. Calcofluor also stains the primary wall intensely. For all fluorochormes tested, fluorescence is first detected in motile quadriflagellate zygotes. Aniline blue staining maximizes quickly, while Calcofluor staining continues to intensify until primary wall release. Dinitrobenzonitrile, a specific inhibitor of cellulose synthesis in plants, has no effect on primary wall synthesis in C. monoica. Addition of glucanase or cellulase to partially purified primary walls results in wall thinning and loss of staining. Using electron microscopy, we are evaluating the effects of these enzymes on primary wall ultrastructure. Further studies are needed to determine whether all three fluorochromes are recognizing the same polysaccharide component (a β-1,3 glucan or a β-1,3; β-1,4 mixed glucan), or whether Calcofluor staining indicates the presence of a distinct component containing β-1,4 linkages, such as cellulose or a xyloglucan.  相似文献   

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