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Abstract. 1. Anopheles pharoensis Theobald was found to be the prevalent man-biting anopheline mosquito in the central area of the Senegal River delta.
2. Blood-fed females of An.pharoensis were obtained during September-December 1987 from mosquito bednets in the village of Souhlloul, near the Boundoum dam, 70 km NE of St Louis.
3. Dried mosquito specimens were identified morphologically and each thorax processed using monoclonal antibody against the circum-sporozoite protein of Plasmodium falciparum.
4. Five An.pharoensis out of 912 examined were sporozoite positive, while ninety-eight An.gambiae Giles sensu lato were all negative. This finding strongly supports the local importance of An.pharoensis as a malaria vector.
5. Successful use of pyrethroid-impregnated bednets against malaria transmission in this situation has helped to achieve more than 90% reduction of malaria prevalence.  相似文献   

Due to the large overlap of Schistosoma mansoni- and Schistosoma haematobium-endemic regions in Africa, many people are at risk of co-infection, with potential adverse effects on schistosomiasis morbidity and control. Nonetheless, studies on the distribution and determinants of mixed Schistosoma infections have to date been rare. We conducted a cross-sectional survey in two communities in northern Senegal (n=857) to obtain further insight into the epidemiology of mixed infections and ectopic egg elimination. Overall prevalences of S. mansoni and S. haematobium infection were 61% and 50%, respectively, in these communities. Among infected subjects, 53% had mixed infections and 8% demonstrated ectopic egg elimination. Risk factors for mixed infection - i.e. gender, community of residence and age - were not different from what is generally seen in Schistosoma-endemic areas. Similar to overall S. mansoni and S. haematobium infections, age-related patterns of mixed infections showed the characteristic convex-shaped curve for schistosomiasis, with a rapid increase in children, a peak in adolescents and a decline in adults. Looking at the data in more detail however, the decline in overall S. haematobium infection prevalences and intensities appeared to be steeper than for S. mansoni, resulting in a decrease in mixed infections and a relative increase in single S. mansoni infections with age. Moreover, individuals with mixed infections had higher infection intensities of both S. mansoni and S. haematobium than those with single infections, especially those with ectopic egg elimination (P<0.05). High infection intensities in mixed infections, as well as age-related differences in infection patterns between S. mansoni and S. haematobium, may influence disease epidemiology and control considerably, and merit further studies into the underlying mechanisms of Schistosoma infections in co-endemic areas.  相似文献   

Corrientes province is located in the humid subtropical region of Argentina northeast on the left riverbank of Paraná River in the border with the South of Brazil. This is a region without schistosomiasis but planorbid and rodents that would serve as host of the life cycle of Schistosoma mansoni inhabit here. The objective of this work is to know the role of rodent as definitive host of schistosomiasis. Biomphalaria tenagophila (4 to 8 mm ?) from Maloyas, exposed each to 10 miracidia of SJ2 strain of S. mansoni natives from Brazil were susceptible (5%). The degree of compatibility was Class II of Frandsen. Five wild rodents captured in the same ecological niche were exposed transcutaneously to infection with 40 cercariae for animal: two Olygoryzomys flavescens, two Holochilus braziliensis, and one Scapteromys tuncidus. Only one H. braziliensis eliminated eggs in feces. Prepatent period was of 83 days. With these feces, two of six (33.3%) B. tenagophila from Maloyas were infected with miracidium. It was demonstrated, in an area free of schistosomiasis, that life cycle S. mansoni is closed with planorbid and rodents that live in the same ecological niche.  相似文献   

Praziquantel is currently the drug of choice for the treatment of schistosomiasis. Selective treatment of Schistosoma mansoni infections in various endemic countries usually present cure rates of >70% when using the standard dose of 40 mg kg(-1) body weight of praziquantel. However, unusually low cure rates (18-38%) have been reported from Senegal, raising fears for emergence of resistance (or tolerance) to praziquantel. One major problem is the precise quantitative interpretation of cure rates, which allows an unequivocal distinction between drug failure and normal drug performance. This article reviews studies on praziquantel treatment of population by standardizing the data through an innovative meta-analysis and provides empirical evidence concerning the extent to which the reported low cure rates from Senegal are atypical.  相似文献   

Small mammals are found naturally infected by Schistosoma mansoni, becoming a confounding factor for control programs of schistosomiasis in endemic areas. The aims of this study were: to investigate the infection rates by S. mansoni on the water-rat Nectomys squamipes during four years in endemic areas of Sumidouro, state of Rio de Janeiro, using mark-recapture technique; to compare two diagnostic methods for schistosomiasis; and to evaluate the effects of the chemotherapy in the human infected population on the rodent infection rates. The rodent infection rates of S. mansoni increased when rodent population sizes were lower. Coprology and serology results presented the same trends along time and were correlated. Serology could detect recent infection, including the false negatives in the coprology. The chemotherapy in the humans could not interrupt the rodent infection. Rodents can increase the schistosomiaisis transmission where it already exists, they probably maintain the transmission cycle in the nature and can be considered as biological indicators of the transmission sites of this parasite since they are highly susceptible to infection. The water-rats may present different levels of importance in the transmission dynamics of S. mansoni infection cycle for each area, and can be considered important wild-reservoirs of this human disease.  相似文献   

Combes C. and Moné H. 1987. Possible mechanisms of the decoy effect in Schistosoma mansoni transmission. International Journal for Parasitology17: 971–975. Three main possible mechanisms of the decoy effect have been showed in Schistosoma mansoni transmission: (1) miracidia penetrated into the non-target molluscs and then degenerated; (2) miracidia were exhausted by trying to penetrate the nontarget molluscs, excitation of miracidia was more specific than the penetration behaviour; (3) the defense mechanisms of the target mollusc Biomphalaria glabrata were stimulated by the miracidia that have been in contact with non target molluscs. The authors concluded in classifying the molluscs in three types of ranges: interference range, penetration range, and developmental range.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of the cercarial shedding of 2 Schistosoma mansoni populations originating from the same endemic area (Guadeloupe) allows us to distinguish an early (peak emergence at 1100 hr) and a late (peak at 1600 hr) shedding patterns of cercariae. This intraspecific variation in the chronobiology of S. mansoni cercariae may be related to the ecology in the transmission site. The early shedding pattern characterizes schistosome populations originated from urbanized foci where man plays the main role in the parasite transmission; the late shedding pattern characterizes schistosome populations originated from sylvatic focus where a rat (R. rattus) is the main host. The late shedding of cercariae is considered as an adaptation favoring transmission to a murine host whose behavior is preferentially crepuscular.  相似文献   



Sub-Saharan Africa harbors the majority of the global burden of malaria and schistosomiasis infections. The co-endemicity of these two tropical diseases has prompted investigation into the mechanisms of coinfection, particularly the competing immunological responses associated with each disease. Epidemiological studies have shown that infection with Schistosoma mansoni is associated with a greater malaria incidence among school-age children.


We developed a co-epidemic model of malaria and S. mansoni transmission dynamics which takes into account key epidemiological interaction between the two diseases in terms of elevated malaria incidence among individuals with S. mansoni high egg output. The model was parameterized for S. mansoni high-risk endemic communities, using epidemiological and clinical data of the interaction between S. mansoni and malaria among children in sub-Saharan Africa. We evaluated the potential impact of the S. mansoni–malaria interaction and mass treatment of schistosomiasis on malaria prevalence in co-endemic communities.

Principal Findings

Our results suggest that in the absence of mass drug administration of praziquantel, the interaction between S. mansoni and malaria may reduce the effectiveness of malaria treatment for curtailing malaria transmission, in S. mansoni high-risk endemic communities. However, when malaria treatment is used in combination with praziquantel, mass praziquantel administration may increase the effectiveness of malaria control intervention strategy for reducing malaria prevalence in malaria- S. mansoni co-endemic communities.


Schistosomiasis treatment and control programmes in regions where S. mansoni and malaria are highly prevalent may have indirect benefits on reducing malaria transmission as a result of disease interactions. In particular, mass praziquantel administration may not only have the direct benefit of reducing schistosomiasis infection, it may also reduce malaria transmission and disease burden.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations of zooplankton communities and their interactions with phytoplankton and environmental parameters were studied over a twelve‐month period in Lake Guiers (Senegal, West Africa). Zooplankton was most abundant during the warm and rainy season corresponding to the flood event (July to October) with peaks for rotifers and cyclopoid copepods in July–August and September–October, respectively. Filamentous cyanobacteria were the dominant phytoplankton during the warm season (August to November), while diatoms were dominant during the cool season (December to April). Temperature increase and river flooding both played an important role in these successions, favoring intense development of cyanobacteria and cyclopoid copepods. Trophic interactions also seem to be an important factor in structuring of the plankton community. Overall, the plankton composition displayed a trend toward a eutrophication state. Our study confirms the existence of seasonality in zooplankton communities and the importance of using biological indicators such as phyto‐ and zooplankton to monitor water quality, in particular in tropical freshwater ecosystems. (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Due to difficulties concerning morphological identification of planorbid snails of the genus Biomphalaria, and given a high variation of characters and in the organs with muscular tissue, we designed specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers for Brazilian snail hosts of Schistosoma mansoni from available sequences of internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) of the ribosomal RNA gene. From the previous sequencing of the ITS2 region, one primer was designed to anchor in the 5.8S conserved region and three other species-specific primers in the 28S region, flanking the ITS2 region. These four primers were simultaneously used in the same reaction (Multiplex-PCR), under high stringency conditions. Amplification of the ITS2 region of Biomphalaria snails produced distinct profiles (between 280 and 350 bp) for B. glabrata, B. tenagophila and B. straminea. The present study demonstrates that Multiplex-PCR of ITS2-DNAr showed to be a promising auxiliary tool for the morphological identification of Biomphalaria snails, the intermediate hosts of S. mansoni.  相似文献   

1. Three sibling species of mosquitoes of the Anopheles gambiae complex are found in the Senegal River Basin: An. melas Theobald, An. gambiae Giles and An. arabiensis Patton. 2. An. melas is restricted to the river delta and environs where saltwater breeding places are present. 3. An. gambiae and An. arabiensis are sympatric in the study area; An. arabiensis predominates in coastal zones where it breeds also during the dry season; An. gambiae predominates in inland areas where breeding is mostly restricted to the rainy season (July-September). 4. An. arabiensis is chromosomally polymorphic all over the study area, with much variation of inversion frequencies, particularly for the 2Ra arrangement. 5. An. gambiae is characterized by a very high frequency of the 2Rb-2La inversion arrangement which is typical of the Savanna chromosomal form.  相似文献   



Parasites incur periodic mutations which must ultimately be eliminated to maintain their genetic integrity.


It is hypothesised that these mutations are eliminated not by the conventional mechanisms of competition between parasites in different hosts but primarily by competition between parasites within the same infection.


This process is enhanced by the production of a large number of parasites within individual infections, and this may significantly contribute to parasitic virulence.


Several features of the most virulent human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum can usefully be re-interpreted in this light and lend support to this interpretation. More generally, it constitutes a novel explanation for the evolution of virulence in a wider range of microparasites.  相似文献   



In Africa, many areas are co-endemic for the two major Schistosoma species, S. mansoni and S. haematobium. Epidemiological studies have suggested that host immunological factors may play an important role in co-endemic areas. As yet, little is known about differences in host immune responses and possible immunological interactions between S. mansoni and S. haematobium in humans. The aim of this study was to analyze host cytokine responses to antigens from either species in a population from a co-endemic focus, and relate these to S. mansoni and S. haematobium infection.


Whole blood cytokine responses were investigated in a population in the north of Senegal (n = 200). Blood was stimulated for 72 h with schistosomal egg and adult worm antigens of either Schistosoma species. IL-10, IL-5, IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-2 production was determined in culture supernatants. A multivariate (i.e. multi-response) approach was used to allow a joint analysis of all cytokines in relation to Schistosoma infection.

Principal Findings

Schistosoma haematobium egg and worm antigens induced higher cytokine production, suggesting that S. haematobium may be more immunogenic than S. mansoni. However, both infections were strongly associated with similar, modified Th2 cytokine profiles.


This study is the first to compare S. mansoni and S. haematobium cytokine responses in one population residing in a co-endemic area. These findings are in line with previous epidemiological studies that also suggested S. haematobium egg and worm stages to be more immunogenic than those of S. mansoni.  相似文献   

BackgroundAnthropogenic environmental changes may lead to ecosystem destabilization and the unintentional colonization of new habitats by parasite populations. A remarkable example is the outbreak of intestinal schistosomiasis in Northwest Senegal following the construction of two dams in the ‘80s. While many studies have investigated the epidemiological, immunological and geographical patterns of Schistosoma mansoni infections in this region, little is known about its colonization history.Conclusions/SignificanceOur results show that S. mansoni parasites are very successful in colonizing new areas without significant loss of genetic diversity. Maintaining high levels of diversity guarantees the adaptive potential of these parasites to cope with selective pressures such as drug treatment, which might complicate efforts to control the disease.  相似文献   

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