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  • Alpine rivers are, despite anthropogenic water flow regulation, still often highly dynamic ecosystems. Plant species occurring along these rivers are subject to ecological disturbance, mainly caused by seasonal flooding. Gypsophila repens typically grows at higher altitudes in the Alps, but also occurs at lower altitudes on gravel banks directly along the river and in heath forests at larger distances from the river. Populations on gravel banks are considered non‐permanent and it is assumed that new individuals originate from seed periodically washed down from higher altitudes. Populations in heath forests are, in contrast, permanent and not regularly provided with seeds from higher altitudes through flooding. If the genetic structure of this plant species is strongly affected by gene flow via seed dispersal, then higher levels of genetic diversity in populations but less differentiation among populations on gravel banks than in heath forests can be expected.
  • In this study, we analysed genetic diversity within and differentiation among 15 populations of G. repens from gravel banks and heath forests along the alpine River Isar using amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP).
  • Genetic diversity was, as assumed, slightly higher in gravel bank than in heath forest populations, but genetic differentiation was, in contrast to our expectations, comparable among populations in both habitat types.
  • Our study provides evidence for increased genetic diversity under conditions of higher ecological disturbance and increased seed dispersal on gravel banks. Similar levels of genetic differentiation among populations in both habitat types can be attributed to the species' long lifetime, a permanent soil seed bank and gene flow by pollinators among different habitats/locations.

1. Helmholtzia glaberrima (Philydraceae) is a rare plant, endemic to streams of the border ranges of Queensland and New South Wales, Australia.
2. We used AFLP markers to investigate genetic diversity and patterns of differentiation among 19 populations of H. glaberrima (24 for demographic analyses), and also collected data on the size, distribution and altitude of populations.
3. Based on the distribution of populations, altitude significantly influenced the spatial arrangement of H. glaberrima along stream systems, with population size and frequency greatest in upstream habitat.
4. Patterns of genetic diversity within populations were not related to population size or distribution. Altitude and genetic diversity were related, with upstream and downstream populations having higher genetic diversity than mid-stream populations. Differentiation among populations was pronounced at all spatial scales and did not conform to a hierarchical model of gene flow.
5. Both genetic diversity and differentiation data sets indicated that strong non-equilibrium conditions associated with persistent founder effects, and not landscape characteristics, have shaped patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation in H. glaberrima . Patterns of distribution indicate that populations are distributed over a discontinuous ecological gradient, which becomes marginal at lower altitudes.  相似文献   

We investigated the distribution of genetic variation within and between seven subpopulations in a riparian population of Silene tatarica in northern Finland by using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. A Bayesian approach-based clustering program indicated that the marker data contained not only one panmictic population, but consisted of seven clusters, and that each original sample site seems to consist of a distinct subpopulation. A coalescent-based simulation approach shows recurrent gene flow between subpopulations. Relative high FST values indicated a clear subpopulation differentiation. However, amova analysis and UPGMA-dendrogram did not suggest any hierarchical regional structuring among the subpopulations. There was no correlation between geographical and genetic distances among the subpopulations, nor any correlation between the subpopulation census size and amount of genetic variation. Estimates of gene flow suggested a low level of gene flow between the subpopulations, and the assignment tests proposed a few long-distance bidirectional dispersal events between the subpopulations. No apparent difference was found in within-subpopulation genetic diversity among upper, middle and lower regions along the river. Relative high amounts of linkage disequilibrium at subpopulation level indicated recent population bottlenecks or admixture, and at metapopulation levels a high subpopulation turnover rate. The overall pattern of genetic variation within and between subpopulations also suggested a 'classical' metapopulation structure of the species suggested by the ecological surveys.  相似文献   

The philopatric behaviour of albatrosses has intrigued biologists due to the high mobility of these seabirds. It is unknown how albatrosses maintain a system of fragmented populations without frequent dispersal movements, in spite of the long-term temporal heterogeneity in resource distribution at sea. We used both genetic (amplified fragment length polymorphism) and capture-mark-recapture (CMR) data to identify explicitly which among several models of population dynamics best applies to the wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans) and to test for migration-drift equilibrium. We previously documented an extremely low genetic diversity in this species. Here, we show that populations exhibit little genetic differentiation across the species' range (Theta(B) < 0.05, where Theta(B) is an F(ST) analogue). Furthermore, there was no evidence of hierarchical structure or isolation-by-distance. Wright's F(ST) between pairs of colonies were low in general and the pattern was consistent with a nonequilibrium genetic model. In contrast, CMR data collected over the last decades indicated that about one bird per cohort has dispersed among islands. Overall, F(ST) values were not indicative of contemporary dispersal as inferred from CMR data. Moreover, all genotypes grouped together in a cluster analysis, indicating that current colonies may have derived from one ancestral source that had a low genetic diversity. A metapopulation dynamics model including a recent (postglacial) colonization of several islands seems consistent with both the very low levels of genetic diversity and structure within the wandering albatross. Yet, our data suggest that several other factors including ongoing gene flow, recurrent long-distance dispersal and source-sink dynamics have contributed to different extent in shaping the genetic signature observed in this species. Our results show that an absence of genetic structuring may in itself reveal little about the true population dynamics in seabirds, but can provide insights into important processes when a comparison with other information, such as demographic data, is possible.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Rivers are linear ecosystems across landscapes with an effective transport of organisms, sediment and organic matter. Dispersal is studied mostly during single events and for single species, and there is little knowledge on how the drift of plant litter and propagules varies within and between years for entire communities.
2. We used floating traps for collecting waterborne plant litter and propagules in a small boreal river over 2 years. We installed the traps at four different locations along the river, and emptied them at least once a week during the ice-free season. We analysed propagule content by sorting and identifying species and through germination tests on bare soil.
3. In total, we recorded at least 54 taxa in the samples, and the highest density recorded in one sample was 5000 propagules per 100 g litter (dry weight). Large temporal variations in litter and propagule transport were revealed, both within and between years.
4. The longitudinal pattern was consistent between years, with an increasing mass of litter and number of propagule taxa downstream. The results highlight the importance of the temporal and longitudinal dimensions in river management.  相似文献   

Dendritic metapopulations have been attributed unique properties by in silico studies, including an elevated genetic diversity relative to a panmictic population of equal total size. These predictions have not been rigorously tested in nature, nor has there been full consideration of the interacting effects among contemporary landscape features, colonization history and life history traits of the target species. We tested for the effects of dendritic structure as well as the relative importance of life history, environmental barriers and historical colonization on the neutral genetic structure of a longnose sucker (Catostomus catostomus) metapopulation in the Kogaluk watershed of northern Labrador, Canada. Samples were collected from eight lakes, genotyped with 17 microsatellites, and aged using opercula. Lakes varied in differentiation, historical and contemporary connectivity, and life history traits. Isolation by distance was detected only by removing two highly genetically differentiated lakes, suggesting a lack of migration–drift equilibrium and the lingering influence of historical factors on genetic structure. Bayesian analyses supported colonization via the Kogaluk's headwaters. The historical concentration of genetic diversity in headwaters inferred by this result was supported by high historical and contemporary effective sizes of the headwater lake, T‐Bone. Alternatively, reduced allelic richness in headwaters confirmed the dendritic structure's influence on gene flow, but this did not translate to an elevated metapopulation effective size. A lack of equilibrium and upstream migration may have dampened the effects of dendritic structure. We suggest that interacting historical and contemporary factors prevent the achievement of the idealized traits of a dendritic metapopulation in nature.  相似文献   

Describing, understanding and predicting the spatial distribution of genetic diversity is a central issue in biological sciences. In river landscapes, it is generally predicted that neutral genetic diversity should increase downstream, but there have been few attempts to test and validate this assumption across taxonomic groups. Moreover, it is still unclear what are the evolutionary processes that may generate this apparent spatial pattern of diversity. Here, we quantitatively synthesized published results from diverse taxa living in river ecosystems, and we performed a meta‐analysis to show that a downstream increase in intraspecific genetic diversity (DIGD) actually constitutes a general spatial pattern of biodiversity that is repeatable across taxa. We further demonstrated that DIGD was stronger for strictly waterborne dispersing than for overland dispersing species. However, for a restricted data set focusing on fishes, there was no evidence that DIGD was related to particular species traits. We then searched for general processes underlying DIGD by simulating genetic data in dendritic‐like river systems. Simulations revealed that the three processes we considered (downstream‐biased dispersal, increase in habitat availability downstream and upstream‐directed colonization) might generate DIGD. Using random forest models, we identified from simulations a set of highly informative summary statistics allowing discriminating among the processes causing DIGD. Finally, combining these discriminant statistics and approximate Bayesian computations on a set of twelve empirical case studies, we hypothesized that DIGD were most likely due to the interaction of two of these three processes and that contrary to expectation, they were not solely caused by downstream‐biased dispersal.  相似文献   

Ten qualitative traits were observed in two isolated human populations in Bosnia for prewar and postwar periods. Due to recent war in Bosnia and Herzegovina two million citizens was forced to migrate. Dramatic migration effects occurred in the investigated populations. Population characteristics found were geographic isolation, high levels of marital distance “zero”, patrilocality and propagation isolation. Relative recessive allele frequencies of ten qualitative traits were calculated. Average heterozigosity, genetic differentiation, total heterozigosity, within populations heterozigosity, genetic distance and relative measures based on results of genetic distance analysis were observed. The total number of observed individuals was 1875. We have observed 1209 individuals in prewar period (Bijela population 731 and Memici population 478) and 666 individuals in the postwar period (Bijela population 248 and Memici population 478). Results ofFst andGst analysis showed changed degree of genetic differentiation across observed loci. Significant changes in differentiation were recorded for crooked little finger and PTC tasting. Modest changes of gene differentiation were recorded for ear lobe type and thumb proximal extensibility. Genetic distance analisis between Bijela and Memici has lower value after then before the war, but genetic distance between Bijela-prewar and Bijela-postwar has higher value, as well as Memici-prewar and Memici-postwar genetic distance. Genetic distance between Bijela-prewar and Memiciprewar, as well as Bijela-postwar and Memici-postwar showed similarity. Constructed dendrogram based on results of genetic distance analyses indicated two clusters groups (1. Bijela-prewar, Memici-prewar; 2. Bijela-postwar, Memici-postwar). Changed genetic differentiation and results of genetic distance analyses indicated possibility of significant impact of forced migration in genetic structure of observed populations.  相似文献   

A computer simulation is performed of allele frequency changes resulting from genetic drift at eleven loci during the probable course of colonization of Australia by populations of the Giant Toad, Bufo marinus. The history of twelve populations for which allele frequency data are available is modelled. Account is taken of the likely pattern of relationship among the populations, the effective size of the populations (as indicated by the observed variance of allele frequencies) and the probable isolation of the populations from each other following their separation. In all simulations, allele frequencies at some loci show a significant association with latitude while others do not. In six of ten simulations, there is a significant association between degree of variation at a locus and the presence of a latitudinal cline of allele frequencies. There are also indications of this kind of association in simulations of a uni-directional range expansion. These results demonstrate that such associations, which were also observed in the data from the actual populations, can result from genetic drift during a range expansion, and therefore cannot be taken as evidence of the action of natural selection.  相似文献   

The mosquito Culex pipiens is subjected to organophosphate treatments in both Corsica and southern Sardinia, but the resistance gene A2-B2, which is currently in a worldwide expansion, has only reached Sardinia. In order to understand this situation, the genetic structure of populations sampled in Sardinia and Corsica was assessed using 15 isozymes. Two loci (HK1 and HK2) were not taken into account because of the possibility of selection. For trie other loci, statistical independence was not rejected for all possible pairs, and no deviation from Hardy-Weinberg expectations was apparent. Low but significant genie differentiation was present between Corsica and Sardinia, as well as between northern and southern Sardinia, despite a large number of effective migrants per generation. These results are discussed in the context of the high probability of extinction/recolonization of breeding sites, the flight migration ability of this mosquito, and the pleiotropic cost of insecticide resistances genes. It is concluded that A2-B2 resistance is unlikely to reach Corsica from southern Sardinia, unless accidental human transportation occurs.  相似文献   

Many studies employ molecular markers to infer ecological and evolutionary processes, assuming that variation found at genetic loci offers a reliable representation of stochastic events in natural populations. Increasingly, evidence emerges that molecular markers might not always be selectively neutral. However, only a few studies have analysed how deviations from neutrality could affect estimates of genetic variation, using populations with known genealogy. We monitored changes in allozyme variation over eight generations in captive metapopulations of the butterfly Bicyclus anynana. Population demography was recorded by individually marking 35 000 butterflies and constructing pedigrees. We designed a computer program that simulated the inheritance of founder allozyme alleles in butterfly pedigrees. We thus tested whether the observed transmission of allozyme alleles could be explained by random genetic drift alone, or whether there was evidence for positive or negative selection. This analysis showed that in the smallest metapopulations the loss of allozyme variation exceeded the neutral rate. Possibly, linkage disequilibria between deleterious mutations and marker alleles resulted in background selection and a faster erosion of allozyme variation. In larger metapopulations, one locus (MDH) showed a significant heterozygote excess and smaller than expected loss in heterozygosity, observations consistent with (associative) overdominance. This study demonstrates that the neutrality of molecular markers cannot always be assumed, particularly in small populations with a high mutation load.  相似文献   

The spider Enoplognatha ovata is univoltine. It has three principal visible morphs, lineata, redimita and mala , whose genetics are understood. Phenotype frequencies and population sizes have been estimated at 44 sites in a single valley in Yorkshire for periods of up to 15 years. Geographically, recognizable areas of high and low frequencies of redimita and ovata are found, typically a few hundred metres across. Statistically significant frequency differences also exist on a scale of tens of metres between adjacent sites. Temporal variation in lineata allele frequency has been investigated using a weighted regression technique assuming either no deterministic change or a steady change at constant rate. There is little direct evidence for selection but variation within sites is less than would be expected through genetic drift. A negative relationship is demonstrated between initial allele frequency in a site and the direction and rate of allele frequency change with time, suggesting that populations are moving towards a global equilibrium. This conclusion is insensitive to varying assumptions about the relationship between estimated and effective population sizes. Evidence from transplantation experiments and from the most isolated site indicate that both migration and selection contribute to this trend. We suggest that populations were stochastically perturbed from the equilibrium during bottlenecks in population size which resulted from major habitat disturbance about 35 years ago.  相似文献   

In this study, samples of Ancherythroculter nigrocauda, an endemic fish in the upper Yangtze River, were collected above and below dams in the Longxi River, a tributary of the upper Yangtze River, China, to investigate the genetic impacts of dams. The mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (cyt b) and 13 microsatellite (SSR) loci were used to analyze whether dams have resulted in loss of genetic diversity of the two fragmented populations or caused genetic differentiation between them. The results showed that the haplotype diversity (0.488; 0.486), nucleotide diversity (0.084%; 0.082%) and average expected heterozygosity (0.652; 0.676) of the two populations were all at a low level, and recent bottlenecks were detected. However, there was no genetic differentiation detected by the low genetic differentiation index (Fst, cyt b: ?0.1677, p = 0.99707; SSR: 0.00259, p = 0.81427). Besides, 11 pairs of half‐sibling relationship were found between the two populations indicating that there were individual movements and gene flow between them. This could be the larvae moving from upstream to downstream when water spilled over dams in flooding season. Therefore, our analysis showed that the dams have caused a loss of genetic diversity of the populations of A. nigrocauda in the Longxi River, blocked the active upstream movement but allowing passive downstream drift of larvae.  相似文献   

A survey of mtDNA variation among populations of chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta around the Pacific Rim revealed four large population groups: Rim of the Sea of Japan, the Rim of the Okhotsk Sea and West Bering Sea, North‐west Alaska and Gulf of Alaska. The observed population structure appears to reflect isolation by distance with limited gene flow between regions and larger amounts of gene flow between populations within these four regions.  相似文献   

Aim The downstream hydrochoric spread of seeds of aquatic and riparian plant species, without upstream compensation, can be expected to result in downstream accumulation of population genetic diversity. This idea has been termed the ‘unidirectional dispersal hypothesis’ and is the genetic equivalent of the more generally known ‘drift paradox’. Our aim was to test this unidirectional diversity hypothesis, and to present a general synthesis of the patterns of population genetic variation across different riparian and aquatic plant species along rivers. Location The Meuse River (Belgium) and rivers world‐wide. Methods First, we used amplified fragment length polymorphism markers to compare patterns of within‐ and between‐population genetic diversity among three riparian plant species (Sisymbrium austriacum, Erysimum cheiranthoides and Rorippa sylvestris), typically occurring in different habitats along a gradient perpendicular to the Meuse River. Second, we performed a meta‐analysis on studies reporting on the population genetic structure of riparian and aquatic plant species along rivers. Results Along the Meuse River, we found significant genetic differentiation among populations of all three riparian species, and significant isolation by distance for one of them (R. sylvestris). There was no clear association between the typical habitat of a species and its population genetic structure. None of the three species provided evidence for the unidirectional dispersal hypothesis. The meta‐analysis, based on 21 data records, did not support the unidirectional dispersal hypothesis either. Average weighted population genetic differentiation across species was significant. Main conclusions Important mechanisms of upstream seed dispersal, probably through zoochory, together with higher seed recruitment opportunities in upstream habitats due to density dependence of recruitment, may explain the absence of downstream accumulation of genetic diversity. Also, it seems difficult to find consistent patterns in genetic variation in species from aquatic and riparian habitats. We argue that this is due to the recurrent extinctions and colonizations characteristic of these habitats, resulting in complex genetic patterns. Our results strongly support previous suggestions that stream ecology should consistently embrace metapopulation theory to be able to understand patterns of genetic diversity, as well as species diversity.  相似文献   

作物育种必须调查植物学性状和生物学特征指标数据,来建立种质资源库,利用SPSS多元分析方法克服了传统植物学性状和生物学特征指标难以综合评价的缺陷,探讨利用SPSS统计分析软件对双丰系列甜菜品种(系)间亲缘关系与系谱进行准确性分析,除双丰2号品种块根产量、产糖量和株高三个主成分具有极值影响外,结果基本与亲本分析一致,可以作为亲缘关系与系谱分析的一种辅助工具;通过AFLP获得不同基因型品种的特征带和特征缺失带,表明AFLP技术在甜菜品种鉴定上的应用潜力。但AFLP也具有缺点,主要是标记是共显性的,不能完全区分某一位点是杂合体和纯合体,因而不能更好地估算种群遗传的变异,对种群遗传结构的分析不能提供更多的统计信息,相信随着AFLP分子标记技术的不断完善与发展,将与SPSS统计分析软件一起越来越广泛地利用在种群遗传和系谱分析中。  相似文献   

Zooplankton, Daphnia in particular, are increasingly used as model organisms to investigate general evolutionary biological questions. I here discuss some recent insights into the patterns and processes determining genetic diversity within and genetic differentiation among natural populations of cyclically parthenogenetic Daphnia. I focus on three aspects: (1) the interplay of phenotypic plasticity and genetic polymorphism in explaining variability in ecologically relevant traits, (2) the patterns of genetic variation revealed by neutral markers and ecologically relevant traits, and (3) the evolutionary ecological importance of hybridization events in Daphnia. The need for studies on the evolutionary ecology of sexual reproduction and dispersal via ephippial eggs in Daphnia is stressed.  相似文献   

Studies examining intraspecific variation in plant species with widespread distributions and disjunct populations have mainly concentrated on temperate species. Here, we determined the genetic structure of a broadly distributed wetland tropical tree, Pterocarpus officinalis (Jacq.), from eight Neotropical populations using amplified length fragment polymorphisms (AFLP). AFLPs proved highly variable with almost half (48%) of the genetic variation at these loci occurring among individuals within populations. Nonetheless, there was a strong geographical pattern in the distribution of AFLP variation within P. officinalis. Caribbean and continental populations fell into two well-defined genetic clusters supported by the presence of a number of unique AFLP bands. Within these two regions, there were also strong genetic differences among populations, caused mainly by frequency differences in AFLP bands, making it difficult to determine the evolutionary relationships among populations. In addition, our analysis of P. officinalis revealed striking differences in the levels of AFLP variation among the eight populations sampled. In general, Caribbean populations had lower genetic diversity than continental populations. Moreover, there was a clear loss in AFLP diversity with distance from the continent among Caribbean populations. The overall genetic pattern within P. officinalis suggests that past colonization history, coupled with genetic drift within local populations, rather than contemporary gene flow are the major forces shaping variation within this species.  相似文献   

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