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Four new simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci (designated VVMD5, VVMD6, VVMD7, and VVMD8) were characterized in grape and analyzed by silver staining in 77 cultivars of Vitis vinifera. Amplification products ranged in size from 141 to 263 base pairs (bp). The number of alleles observed per locus ranged from 5 to 11 and the number of diploid genotypes per locus ranged from 13 to 27. At each locus at least 75% of the cultivars were heterozygous. Alleles differing in length by only 1 bp could be distinguished by silver staining, and size estimates were within 1 or 2 bp, depending on the locus, of those obtained by fluorescence detection at previously reported loci. Allele frequencies were generally similar in wine grapes and table grapes, with some exceptions. Some alleles were found only in one of the two groups of cultivars. All 77 cultivars were distinguished by the four loci with the exception of four wine grapes considered to be somatic variants of the same cultivar, 'Pinot noir', 'Pinot gris', 'Pinot blanc', and 'Meunier'; two table grapes that are known to be synonymous, 'Keshmesh' and 'Thompson Seedless'; and three table grapes, 'Dattier', 'Rhazaki Arhanon', and 'Markandi', the first two of which have been suggested to be synonymous. Although the high polymorphism at grape SSR loci suggests that very few loci would theoretically be needed to separate all cultivars, the economic and legal significance of grape variety identification requires the increased resolution that can be provided by a larger number of loci. The ease with which SSR markers and data can be shared internationally should encourage their broad use, which will in turn increase the power of these markers for both identification and genetic analysis of grape. Key words : grape, Vitis, microsatellite, simple sequence repeat, DNA typing, identification.  相似文献   

Cell walls have been isolated from the mesocarp of mature grape (Vitis vinifera L.) berries. Tissue homogenates were suspended in 80% (v/v) ethanol to minimise the loss of water-soluble wall components and wet-sieved on nylon mesh to remove cytoplasmic material. The cell wall fragments retained on the sieve were subsequently treated with buffered phenol at pH 7.0, to inactivate any wall-bound enzymes and to dislodge small amounts of cytoplasmic proteins that adhered to the walls. Finally, the wall preparation was washed with chloroform/methanol (1:1, v/v) to remove lipids and dried by solvent exchange. Scanning electron microscopy showed that the wall preparation was essentially free of vascular tissue and adventitious protein of cytoplasmic origin. Compositional analysis showed that the walls consisted of approximately 90% by weight of polysaccharide and less than 10% protein. The protein component of the walls was shown to be rich in arginine and hydroxyproline residues. Cellulose and polygalacturonans were the major constituents, and each accounted for 30–40% by weight of the polysaccharide component of the walls. Substantial varietal differences were observed in the relative abundance of these two polysaccharides. Xyloglucans constituted approximately 10% of the polysaccharide fraction and the remainder was made up of smaller amounts of mannans, heteroxylans, arabinans and galactans. Received: 26 November 1996 / Accepted: 30 January 1997  相似文献   

Schlosser J  Olsson N  Weis M  Reid K  Peng F  Lund S  Bowen P 《Protoplasma》2008,232(3-4):255-265
Summary. Expression profiles of genes involved in cell wall metabolism and water transport were compared with changes in grape (Vitis vinifera L.) berry growth, basic chemical composition, and the shape, size, and wall thickness of cells within tissues of the berry pericarp. Expression of cell wall-modifying and aquaporin genes in berry pericarp tissues generally followed a bimodal expression profile with high levels of expression coinciding with the two periods of rapid berry growth, stages I and III, and low levels of expression corresponding to the slow-growth period, stage II. Cellular expansion was observed throughout all tissues during stage I, and only mesocarp cellular expansion was observed during stage III. Expansion of only exocarp cells was evident during transition between stages II and III. Cell wall-modifying and aquaporin gene expression profiles followed similar trends in exocarp and mesocarp tissues throughout berry development, with the exception of the up-regulation of pectin methylesterase, pectate lyase, two aquaporin genes (AQ1 and AQ2), and two expansin genes (EXP3 and EXPL) during stage II, which was delayed in the exocarp tissue compared with mesocarp tissue. Exocarp endo-(1→3)-β-glucanase and expansin-like gene expression was concurrent with increases in epidermal and hypodermal cell wall thickness. These results indicate a potential role of the grape berry skin in modulating grape berry growth. Correspondence: P. Bowen, Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre, 4200 Highway 97, Summerland, BC V0H 1Z0, Canada  相似文献   

A cDNA library was constructed in lambda TriplEx2 vector using poly (A(+)) RNA from immature seeds of Cicer arietinum. The lectin gene was isolated from seeds of chickpea through library screening and RACE-PCR. The full-length cDNA of Chichpea seed lectin(CpGL)is 972 bp and contains a 807 bp open reading frame encoding a 268 amino acid protein. Analysis shows that CpSL gene has strong homology with other legume lectin genes. Phylogenetic analysis showed the existence of two main clusters and clearly indicated that CpSL belonged to mannose-specific family of lectins. RT-PCR revealed that CAA gene expressed constitutively in various plant tissues including flower, leaf, root and stem. When chickpea lectin mRNA level was checked in developing seeds, it was higher in 10 DAF seeds and decreased throughout seed development.  相似文献   

UsingAgrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated gene transfer, 14 T0Brassica napus plants carrying one of three chimeric 2S albumin seed protein genes were obtained after co-transformation with theneo gene. Plants were made homozygous using either cell haploid culture or, for single-copy plants, traditional crossing methods. Sixty-five percent of kanamycin-resistant plants contained at least one copy of the seed protein gene, and multiple copies were usually at a single locus. In the majority of cases, at least one copy of theneo gene was linked to an introduced 2S albumin gene, demonstrating that co-transformation is not a reliable way to obtain lines without the marker gene linked to the gene of interest. In 3 T0 plants sequences derived from beyond the left border of the vector were integrated in the plant genome, in two cases partially rearranged, confirming that T-DNA insertion is not always precise. Procedures for efficiently determining this are described. This work highlights the extra steps needed to prepare transgenic lines for field studies and potential further breeding.  相似文献   

A cell suspension of grape, Vitis vinifera L. cv Gamay Fréaux, was grown under different conditions of water stress (high external osmotic potential) induced by an increase of sucrose concentration or by the addition of mannitol to the culture medium. Best growth (cell density) was achieved in the low osmotic potential medium. Increasing the osmotic potential of the medium from –0.5 MPa to –0.9 MPa medium resulted in a significant increase in accumulation of anthocyanins in pigmented cells. Regulation of the osmotic potential of culture medium may be useful in controlling anthocyanin production.  相似文献   

Grapevine plants (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Silvaner) were cultivated under shaded conditions in the absence of UV radiation in a greenhouse, and subsequently placed outdoors under filters transmitting natural radiation, or screening out the UV-B (280 to 315 nm), or screening out the UV-A (315 to 400 nm) and the UV-B spectral range. All conditions decreased maximum chlorophyll fluorescence (FM) and increased minimum chlorophyll fluorescence (F0) from dark-adapted leaves; however, with increasing UV, FM quenching was stimulated but increases in F0 were reduced. The FV/FM ratio (where FV=FM-F0) was clearly reduced by visible radiation (VIS): UV-B caused a moderate extra-reduction in FV/FM. Exposure of leaves (V. vinifera L. cv. Bacchus) to UV or VIS lamps quenched the FM to similar extents; further, UV-B doses comparable to the field, quenched F0. A model was developed to describe how natural radiation intensities affect PS II and thereby change leaf fluorescence. Fitting theory to experiment was successful when the same FM yield for UV- and VIS-inactivated PS II was assumed, and for lower F0 yields of UV- than for VIS-inactivated PS II. It is deduced, that natural UV can produce inactivated PS II exhibiting relatively high FV/FM. The presence of UV-inactivated PS II is difficult to detect by measuring FV/FM in leaves. Hence, relative concentrations of intact PS II during outdoor exposure were derived from FM. These concentrations, but not FV/FM, correlated reasonably well with CO2 gas exchange measurements. Consequently, PS II inhibition by natural UV could be a main factor for UV inhibition of photosynthesis.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

为了验证作者建立的葡萄(Vitis vinifera L.)基因电子表达分析平台在葡萄果实发育相关基因的表达预测及特定序列快速检索等方面的应用效果,利用NCBI上公布的大量葡萄EST序列及半定量PCR和RT-PCR技术,对葡萄不同器官中VvANR、VvCHI、VvCHS2和VvDFR基因的表达分析预测结果进行验证,并对该平台具有的特定序列快速检索功能进行了简介.预测结果表明:葡萄各器官中VvANR、VvCHI、VvCHS2和VvDFR基因的无冗余EST序列数量均较多,分别为33条、36条、55条和46条;4个基因的表达量有一定差异,VvANR在花序和芽中表达量较高,VvCHI在花序、果实和芽中表达量较高,VvCHS2在果实、芽、花序和花中表达量较高,VvDFR在花序、芽、花、果实和根中表达量均较高.半定量PCR和RT-PCR实验结果显示:VvANR主要在花序、花和小果中表达;VvCHI主要在小果、花、茎和花序中表达;VvCHS2主要在茎、花序、花和小果中表达;VvDFR在各组织中表达量从高至低依次排序为花、花序、茎、叶、小果、中果、大果.验证结果表明:采用葡萄基因电子表达分析平台识别表达量较高的组织时,平台的预测结果与实验结果基本一致;而在预测一些表达量较低的组织时效果较差.应用该平台、通过5个步骤,可以简便、快速检索出特定组织或特定状况下的特定cDNA文库信息.  相似文献   

Despite their numerous advantages, the use of microsatellites as genetic markers could be limited because of the low number of loci that can be simultaneously analysed per experiment. To increase the information per simple sequence repeat (SSR) assay in the grapevine, we developed a large set of new markers suitable for multiplexing and multi-loading. We produced microsatellite motif-enriched genomic libraries containing preferentially large size inserts which allowed us to design primers generating a wide range of allele sizes in a very standard and unique PCR condition. Three hundred and fifty clones were sequenced and 190 of them (54%) contained microsatellite motifs with suitable flanking regions for primer design. We developed 169 new SSR markers giving suitable signal with fluorescent-based DNA detection. The total number of alleles detected varied from 1 to 8 per locus with an average of 3.5 and the mean expected heterozygosity was 0.544 (range: 0 0.86). Sixty-eight loci (40%) were perfect types, 73 (43%) were imperfect and 28 (17%) were compound or imperfect-compound. The number of alleles generated by perfect and imperfect type loci was positively correlated to the length of the microsatellite motif. Forty-six multiplex sets based on 125 selected loci were developed. Considering their allele size range, up to four PCR multiplex were pooled together for multi-loading. The 169 SSR loci developed in this study represent a new and informative set of markers easy to combine for multiplexing and multi-loading according to the needs of any user and suitable for large scale genetic analyses in grapevine.  相似文献   

Thermal asymmetric interlaced (TAIL-) PCR is an efficient technique for amplifying insert ends from yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) and P1 clones. Highly specific amplification is achieved without resort to complex manipulations before or after PCR. The adaptation of this method for recovery and mapping of genomic sequences flanking T-DNA insertions in Arabidopsis thaliana is described. Insertion-specific products were amplified from 183 of 190 tested T-DNA insertion lines. Reconstruction experiments indicate that the technique can recover single-copy sequences from genomes as complex as common wheat (1.5 × 1010 bp). RFLPs were screened using 122 unique flanking sequence probes, and the insertion sites of 26 T-DNA transgenic lines were determined on an RFLP map. These lines, whose mapped T-DNA insertions confer hygromycin resistance, can be used for fine-scale mapping of linked phenotypic loci.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: A reliable protocol for flowering and fruiting in cuttings was developed with the aim of (a) studying inflorescence and flower development in grapevine cuttings and field plants, and (b) assisting haploid plant production. METHODS: Inflorescence and flower development was studied in 'Gewurztraminer' (GW) and 'Pinot Noir' (PN) grape vines and cuttings grown in a glasshouse, along with variations in starch in the flowers. As there is a strong relationship between flower development and starch, the starch content of reproductive structures was estimated. KEY RESULTS: Inflorescence and flower development were similar in the vines and cuttings with consistent differences between the two cultivars. Indeed, the ontogenesis of male and female organs is not synchronous in GW and PN, with both female and male meiosis occurring earlier in PN than in GW. Moreover, changes of starch reserves were similar in the two plant types. CONCLUSIONS: Cuttings have a similar reproductive physiology to vines, and can be used to study grape physiology and to develop haploid plants.  相似文献   

Streptomyces phage phiC31 integrase is widely used to mediate the integration of exogenous genes into host genomes for gene therapy and genomic modification, as it autonomously performs efficient, unidirectional, site-specific integration into pseudo attP sites of the host genome. Although pseudo attP sites are rarely found within exons, it is necessary to map their precise locations to avoid the risk of insertion mutagenesis. High-efficiency thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR (hiTAIL-PCR) is a technique that has been developed to recover genomic sequences that flank insertion tags. We have found, however, that this technique is poorly efficient, as it amplifies many non-specific targets and frequently does not generate sufficient product for downstream analysis. Therefore, we have modified the hiTAIL-PCR procedure and re-designed the random primers. As a result, both the amount and specificity of the reaction product were enhanced for each integration site. Restriction analysis of known sequences within the integrated vector, which co-amplified with the flanking genomic sequences, validated 90% of these bands for sequencing. In contrast, only 30% of the bands produced by previous hiTAIL-PCR could be validated. Compared with the original hiTAIL-PCR, our improved hiTAIL-PCR procedure identified phiC31 integration sites more accurately and efficiently.  相似文献   

Summary Transgenic grape plants were regenerated from somatic embryos derived from immature zygotic embryos of seedless grape (Vitis vinifera L.) selections. Somatic embryos were bombarded twice with 1 m gold particles using the Biolistic PDS-1000/He device (Bio-Rad Laboratories) and then exposed to Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain C58/Z707 containing the binary plasmid pGA482GG or pCGN7314. Following cocultivation, secondary embryos were allowed to proliferate on Emershad/Ramming proliferation (ERP) medium for 6 weeks before selection on ERP medium containing 20–40 g/ml kanamycin (kan). Transgenic embryos were identified after 3–5 months under selection and allowed to germinate and develop into rooted plants on Woody Plant Medium containing 1 M 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), 1.5% sucrose, 0.3% activated charcoal and 0.75% agar. Integration of the foreign genes into these grapevines was verified by growth in the presence of kan, positive GUS and PCR assays, and Southern analysis.  相似文献   

Cuticular waxes from grape berry cuticle of Vitis vinifera L. have been investigated by X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry and gas chromatography. The waxes were mainly composed of n-alcohols and n-fatty acids and a considerable amount (about 30%) of the cyclic terpenoid oleanolic acid. The physical techniques used showed that the waxes have a high degree of molecular order in spite of the presence of the cyclic component. Molecular dynamics of the reconstituted waxes were measured to characterize the transport properties of the cuticular waxes that form the transport-limiting barrier of plant cuticles. For this purpose, the diffusion coefficient of labelled cholesterol, imitating the terpenoic acid, was measured. The value obtained was around 10-21 m2 s-1 indicating a low mobility of the cyclic part of the reconstituted waxes. Temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient was studied in the range of 5-45C. Arrhenius plot analysis yielded a high activation energy, 196.4 kJ mol-1, of the diffusion process. This indicates dense molecular packing of reconstituted cuticular waxes.  相似文献   

The promoter region of two sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. HA89 genotype) seed specifically expressed genes, coding for an oleate desaturase (HaFAD2-1) and a lipid transfer protein (HaAP10), were cloned and in silico characterized. The isolated fragments are 867 and 964 bp long, respectively, and contain several seed-specific motifs, such as AACA motif, ACGT element, E-Boxes, SEF binding sites and GCN4 motif. Functional analysis of these promoters in transgenic Arabidopsis plants was investigated after fusing them with the β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene. None of the promoters triggered GUS activity in any vegetative tissue, with the exception of early seedling cotyledons. HaFAD2-1 and HaAP10 promoters were tested along seed development from globular stage to mature seeds. GUS staining was restricted to embryonic tissue and quantitative fluorometric assays showed high activity values at the later stages of development. In this work we demonstrate that HaFAD2-1 promoter is as strong as 35S promoter even though it is a tissue-specific promoter and its activity derived just from the embryo, thus confirming that it can be considered a strong highly specific seed promoter useful for biotechnology applications.  相似文献   

Cell cultures of grapes, Vitis vinifera L. cv Gamay Fréaux were grown under different conditions of external osmotic potential induced by an increase of sucrose concentration or by the addition of mannitol to the culture medium. Addition of 82 mM mannitol or increasing sucrose concentration to 132 mM had similar effects on repressing growth. Cyanidin 3-glucoside, peonidin 3-glucoside and peonidin 3-p-coumaroylglucoside are three main anthocyanins of Vitis cells. Increasing osmotic potential from –0.43 MPa to –0.8 MPa in the medium resulted in a significant intracellular accumulation of anthocyanin especially peonidin 3-glucoside in the pigmented cells. High osmotic potential appears to stimulate the methylation of anthocyanins. Osmotic potential is an important culture factor and may be useful in the controlling of anthocyanin production and composition.  相似文献   

To identify and isolate genes related to abiotic stresses (salinity and drought) tolerance in grapevine, a candidate gene approach was developed and allowed isolating a full-length cDNA of rd22 gene from the Cabernet Sauvignon variety. The latter, named Vvrd22, is a dehydration-responsive gene that is usually induced by the application of exogenous ABA. Details of the physicochemical parameters and structural properties (molecular mass, secondary structure, conserved domains and motives, putative post-translational modification sites...) of the encoded protein have also been elucidated. The expression study of Vvrd22 was carried out at the berry growth stages and at the level of plant organs and tissues as well as under both drought and salt stresses. The results showed that Vvrd22 is constitutively expressed at a low level in all analyzed tissues. Moreover, salt stress induced Vvrd22 expression, particularly for the tolerant variety (Razegui), contrary to the sensitive one (Syrah), which did not display any expression variation during the stress, which means that Vvrd22 is involved in salt stress response and that its expression level depends on regulatory mechanisms that are efficient only for the tolerant variety. On the other hand, under drought stress, Vvrd22 is induced in an identical manner for both tolerant and sensitive varieties. In addition, stress signal molecules such as ABA (lonely applied or in combination with sucrose) induced Vvrd22 expression, even at a low level. A minimal knowledge about the role and the functionality of this gene is necessary and constitutes a prerequisite condition before starting and including Vvrd22 in any program of improvement of grapevine's abiotic stress tolerance.  相似文献   

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