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By using sites in the Great Marshes at Barnstable (Massachusetts, USA) this study examines the effects of a set of environmental parameters on the foraminiferal distribution. The studied parameters are: elevation above mean high water; salinity of the porewater; various sediment characteristics; vegetation; and food source. Relations between the environmental parameters and foraminiferal properties (frequencies, densities and diversities) are quantified with correlation coefficients. For the first time Siphotrochammina lobata and Balticammina pseudomacrescens are documented in the New England region.

The following species show a significant correlation with one or more of the studied parameters and are designated as key-species: Haplophragmoides manilaensis, Jadammina macrescens, Balticammina pseudomacrescens, Miliammina fusca and Tiphotrocha comprimata. Based on cluster analysis and the presence, absence or dominance of the key-species characteristic associations are distinguished. The distribution of three associations is indicative of specific marsh environments: the marsh fringe, the middle marsh and the marsh edge. These three marsh units are separated by their own salinity regime, flooding and sediment characteristics.

The marsh fringe is typified by the H. manilaensis Association and experiences freshwater input (seepage, surface runoff and rainwater) and only slight marine influence, resulting in low salinity values (2.5–20‰). The width of the marsh fringe is variable, dependent on the amount of seepage which in turn is controlled by the permeability of the basement and the peat. The J. macrescens Association characterizes the middle marsh where salinities are controlled by infiltration of sea- and rainwater and by evaporation. Salinity values are higher than 20‰, while temporarily salinity can reach extreme high values during periods without flooding and high evaporation rates (e.g., 44‰). The fully marine M. fusca Association occupies the daily flooded marsh edge where the salinities have the same values as Cape Cod bay water (ca. 28‰).

Unlike many other salt marshes the distribution of foraminiferal assemblages in the Great Marshes does not show a vertical zonation with respect to mean high water. This shows that a worldwide applicable model for paleoenvironmental studies in salt marshes based on foraminifera is not feasible. Each salt marsh has its own characteristics. Regional factors such as climate play an important role in the salinity regime, while the local upland characteristics determine if seepage takes place. Thus each marsh has its own foraminiferal fingerprint showing the opportunistic behaviour of the salt marsh agglutinants. A surface study is an indispensable first step in assessing the value of foraminifera as paleo-ecological indicators.  相似文献   

Tidal channels influence the distribution and composition of salt marsh vegetation in a San Francisco Bay salt marsh. Two channel networks in the Petaluma Marsh, Sonoma County, CA, were mapped and characterized using global positioning and geographic information systems. Plant species abundance was sampled on transects placed perpendicular to and extending away from the channel banks. The vegetation showed significant increases in species richness along channel banks and larger areas of effect which increased approximately linearly with channel size. Composition of species assemblages varies with distance from the channel bank and channel size. These results demonstrate that salt marsh plant assemblages, composed of both major and minor species, are distributed with respect to the channel network in Petaluma Marsh.  相似文献   

Live (Rose Bengal stained) benthic foraminifera were investigated in surface sediment samples from the Okhotsk Sea to reveal the relationship between faunal characteristics and environmental parameters. Live benthic foraminifera were quantified in the size fraction > 125 µm in the upper 8 cm of replicate sediment cores, recovered with a multicorer at five stations along the Sakhalin margin, and at three stations on the southwestern Kamchatka slope. The stations are from water depths between 625 to 1752 m, located close or within the present Okhotsk Sea oxygen minimum zone, with oxygen levels between 0.3 and 1.5 ml l- 1. At the high-productivity and ice-free Kamchatka stations, live benthic foraminifera are characterized by maximal standing stocks (about 1700-3700 individuals per 50 cm2), strong dominance of calcareous species (up to 87-91% of total live faunas), and maximal habitat depths (down to 5.2-6.7 cm depth). Vertical distributions of total faunal abundances exhibit a clear subsurface maximum in sediments. At the Sakhalin stations, which are seasonally ice-covered and less productive, live benthic foraminifera show lower standing stocks (about 200-1100 individuals per 50 cm2), lower abundance of calcareous species (10-64% of total live faunas), and shallower habitat depths (down to 2.5-5.4 cm depth). Faunal vertical distributions are characterized by maximum in the uppermost surface sediments. It is suggested that 1) lower and strongly seasonal organic matter flux, caused by the seasonal sea ice cover and seasonal upwelling, 2) lower bottom water oxygenation (0.3-1.1 ml l- 1), and 3) more pronounced influence of carbonate undersaturated bottom water along the Sakhalin margin are the main factors responsible for the observed faunal differences. According to species downcore distributions and average living depths, common calcareous species were identified as preferentially shallow, intermediate and deep infaunal. Foraminiferal microhabitat occupation correlates with the organic matter flux and the depth of the oxygenated layer in sediments.  相似文献   

In transitional environments, the intertidal zones represent a peculiar case characterized by halophile vegetation and by a low diversity benthic community. On these areas just a few particular foraminiferal species, a class of Protoctista secreting a shell called test, can survive for a certain time out of water. They are distributed in well-defined vertical zonations with respect to mean sea level and they correspond to analogous marsh floral zonations. In particular, the Trochammina macrescens Brady + Trochammina inflata (Montagu) association characterizes the salt marsh zone above mean high water level. The potential of these taxa as bioindicators is tested, since their presence-absence-dominance differentiates the subtidal/supratidal environments. Over the last few centuries, various engineering works generated major physical changes in the Venetian Lagoon. These changes affected the natural evolution of the intertidal morphologies, the surface of which is decreasing. In an attempt to reverse this tendency, numerous artificial salt marshes have been constructed and more are under construction. In this study, the Mazzorbo artificial salt marsh, built during the second half of 1999, is considered. On its surface, 16 samples were collected along a transect line in May 2008 to verify the ecological role of this salting within the lagoon ecosystem. The sediment grain size distribution of the salt marsh reflects the dissipative role of the tide and the effect of sediment transport due to the wave and tidal action. However, the presence of only a few Trochammina individuals shows that the foraminiferal fauna did not recognise this morphology as a salt marsh. The lack of Trochammina colonisation can be related to the excessive elevation of the salt marsh surface. This hypothesis is confirmed by the lack of the salt-tolerant plant Spartina. The unsuccessful colonisation by the foraminifera seems to indicate that this artificial salting does not have the natural dynamism of the intertidal morphologies and it may only be classified as land recovery. The supratidal foraminiferal taxa can act as an ecological indicator: through their observation it is possible to verify whether an artificial salt marsh accomplishes its task of functioning as an ecological unit with the community of organisms.  相似文献   

Summary Smaller benthic and planktonic foraminifera from the clastic sediments of the Pazin Basin (Istria, Croatia) were studied in order to obtain more data about paleoceanographic conditions that existed in the Middle Eocene Dinaric foreland basin. The succession investigated corresponds to the Middle Eocene planktonic foraminiferal zones Globigerapsis kugleri/Morozovella aragonensis (P11), Morozovella lehneri (P12), and Globigerapsis beckmanni (P13). Benthic foraminiferal assemblages from the clastic succession are dominated by epifaunal trochospiral genera suggesting oligotrophic to mesotrophic conditions and moderately oxygenated bottom waters. Planktonic foraminiferal assemblages indicate mesotrophic to eutrophic conditions of the surface waters, with increased eutrophication in the upper part of the section. Water depth, based on the ratio between planktonic and epifaunal benthic foraminifera and on the recognized species of cosmopolitan benthic foraminifera, was estimated to have been between about 900 and 1200 m. The basin was elongated and open to marine currents on both sides allowing good circulation and ventilation of the bottom water.  相似文献   

We have collected live and dead foraminiferal times-series data at 2-weekly intervals for a 12-month period from the intertidal zone of Cowpen Marsh, Tees Estuary, UK. The data from the 689 samples show profound differences between live and dead assemblages, although assemblages are dominated by just three species, Haynesina germanica, Jadammina macrescens and Trochammina inflata, which represent over 70% of the assemblage. The cumulative increase in species of most environments approximates to a lognormal or log series. None of the datasets show a broken stick pattern. The cumulative maximum number of species, which represents the species carrying capacity of the environment, is recorded earlier in the life assemblages than the dead counterparts. The dead assemblage of Cowpen Marsh is found to have a higher abundance (435 compared to 163 individuals/10 cm3) and number of species (52 compared to 28) than its live counterpart because the dead assemblage represents many generations added over a long period of time. In contrast, some species are recorded in the live dataset that were not found in the dead assemblage, indicating the dead record is either incomplete (e.g. taphonomic change) or inadequately sampled.We investigated the influence of patterns in cumulative increase on dead assemblages for sea-level reconstructions through the development of foraminiferal-based transfer functions. The cumulative transfer functions suggest that the performance improves during the first six sample intervals of the time-series dataset with reconstruction differing by 1.2 m and remains constant thereafter.  相似文献   

VA mycorrhizal colonization of four species of pioneer salt marsh plants including two species of chenopodiaceae at the terminal Gangetic delta in India, is reported. Five common species of VAM fungi were recorded from rhizosphere soils of the plant species. Population of spores of VAM fungi and effective inoculum potential of these fungi in rhizosphere soils as determined by the MPN-method were rather low.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. An ecological investigation of the shore fly community was carried out in a salt marsh in Novosedly in the Czech Republic.
2. Sampling was carried out in 1997 and 1999 at approximately 14-day intervals during the seasonally active period, using yellow water traps.
3. Altogether 14 374 specimens of the family Ephydridae were collected (6040 in 1997 and 8334 in 1999), belonging to 48 shore fly species (37 in 1997 and 41 in 1999).
4. Community structure, species richness, species diversity, evenness, and seasonal and inter-annual changes were studied. The species richness, species diversity, and evenness of the shore fly community in 1999 were higher than in 1997 but inter-annual difference in species diversity was not statistically significant. Paracoenia fumosa , Scatella tenuicosta , and Hydrellia albilabris were found to be the most abundant species in both study years.
5. Seasonal patterns and phenology of the most abundant species are discussed. Hydrellia albilabris showed similar seasonal distribution of abundance in 1997 and 1999, whereas seasonal distribution of P. fumosa and S. tenuicosta varied between the study years. Paracoenia fumosa , Hydrellia griseola , H. albilabris , Scatella paludum , S. tenuicosta , and Philotelma defecta were found to occur throughout the whole observation period from March until November while Notiphila cinerea , Hydrellia ischiaca , and Psilopa nigritella appeared in a limited period only.  相似文献   

The salt marsh grass Distichlis spicata was regenerated from tissue culture and propagated in a greenhouse. Selected regenerants, along with selections from six wild populations, were grown for two years in a common garden flood-irrigated thrice weekly with tidal creek water. Selected wild and regenerated plants were also planted in a created salt marsh. Significant differences among regenerant and wild population selections were found in several functionally important salt marsh plant characteristics, including potential detritus production, belowground organic matter production, canopy structure, and decomposition rate. A combination of characteristics not found in the wild populations was evident in a regenerated line that exhibited both a high detritus production potential and a high decomposition rate. The amount of variation that occurred among regenerants from one parental line via somaclonal variation was similar to that which occurred among the wild population selections. Results of this study suggest that tissue culture may provide a means of producing marsh grasses with specific characteristics for directing the functional development of newly created salt marshes.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the assemblage composition of large benthic foraminifera (LBF) in relation to environmental conditions is needed to interpret fossil records. In this study the assemblage composition of LBF is described for a carbonate shelf with a barrier reef system and some reefs outside the barrier. In a total of 140 samples, 34–35 species of LBF were found. Four clusters, roughly corresponding to substrate type were identified. Several small groups of samples were recognized that were collected locally inside, on, or outside the barrier. Microscale environmental gradients within the substrate or in the benthic boundary layer resulted in spatial differentiation of the microhabitat of each species.  相似文献   

Castro  Paula  Freitas  Helena 《Hydrobiologia》2000,428(1):171-177
Spartina maritima (Curtis) Fernald is a dominant species in the Mondego salt marsh on the western coast of Portugal, and it plays a significant role in estuarine productivity. In this work, leaf litter production dynamics and fungal importance for leaf decomposition processes in Spartina maritima were studied. Leaf fall was highly seasonal, being significantly higher during dry months. It ranged from 42 g m-2 in June to less than 6 g m-2 during the winter. Fungal biomass, measured as ergosterol content, did not differ significantly between standing-decaying leaves and naturally detached leaves. Fungal biomass increased in wet months, with a maximum of 614 g g-1 of ergosterol in January in standing-decaying leaves, and 1077 g g-1 in December, in naturally detached leaves, decreasing greatly in summer. Seasonal pattern of fungal colonization was similar in leaves placed in litterbags on the marsh-sediment surface. However, ergosterol concentrations associated with standing-decaying and naturally detached leaves were always much higher than in litterbagged leaves, suggesting that fungal activity was more important before leaf fall. Dry mass of litterbagged leaves declined rapidly after 1 month (about 50%), mostly due to leaching of soluble organic compounds. After 13 months, Spartina leaves had lost 88% of their original dry weight. The decomposition rate constant (k) for Spartina maritima leaves was 0.151 month-1.  相似文献   

We undertook a 2-year (2002–2004) mark–recapture study to investigate demographic performance and habitat use of salt marsh harvest mice (Reithrodontomys raviventris halicoetes) in the Suisun Marsh. We examined the effects of different wetland types and microhabitats on 3 demographic variables: density, reproductive potential, and persistence. Our results indicate that microhabitats dominated by mixed vegetation or pickleweed (Salicornia spp.) supported similar salt marsh harvest mouse densities, reproductive potential, and persistence throughout much of the year, whereas few salt marsh harvest mice inhabited upland grass-dominated microhabitats. We found that densities were higher in diked wetlands, whereas post-winter persistence was higher in tidal wetlands, and reproductive potential did not differ statistically between wetland types. Our results emphasize the importance of mixed vegetation for providing adequate salt marsh harvest mouse habitat and suggest that, despite their physiognomic and hydrological differences, both diked and tidal wetlands support salt marsh harvest mouse populations by promoting different demographic attributes. We recommend that habitat management, restoration, and enhancement efforts include areas containing mixed vegetation in addition to pickleweed in both diked and tidal wetlands. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Intertidal zonation and seasonal variability of benthic macrofaunawere analysed along a Spartina alterniflora (Loisel) marshand nearby unvegetated flat in a subtropical bay. Fivereplicate samples were taken along six tidal levels from the uppermarsh, limited by mangroves, to the lower unvegetated flat.Sediment composition, live and dead above- and below-ground biomassof S. alterniflora and detritus biomass from the vegetatedand unvegetated areas were determined to evaluate whethervariations on plant structure and detritus along the 25 m transectaffect the dynamics of benthic invertebrates. Composition andabundance of invertebrates varied with the elevation and plantcover clearly plays a key role on the distribution patterns of themacrofauna. Below-ground and dead above-ground biomass presentedthe highest correlation with the densities of the invertebrates.Vertical distribution of benthic fauna, however, appears not to beaffected by bellow-ground fraction. Higher detritus biomass in theupper unvegetated flat coincided with higher densities ofdetritivorous or omnivorous species in this level. An eruptivealgal growth during summer affected positively most of the dominantspecies.  相似文献   

Genetic differentiation was studied among populations of the salt marsh beetle Pogonus littoralis (Coleoptera: Carabidae), comparing Atlantic and Mediterranean populations over a large part of its range. The genetic structure of this highly mobile beetle was investigated by studying allozyme polymorphism at nine enzyme loci in 13 populations. Mediterranean P. littoralis were highly significantly differentiated from Atlantic populations. Moreover, more isolated Atlantic populations showed increased differentiation and decreased genetic diversity compared to less fragmented Mediterranean populations.  相似文献   

Larval and juvenile fishes were collected at low tide from the surface of an intertidal salt marsh on Sapelo Island, Georgia every 6 days from 25 May through 20 December 1982. Larval fishes were present in shallow puddles of tidal water on the marsh from the beginning of the sampling period until the end of October. Juveniles were present throughout the year. Fundulus heteroclitus (Linnaeus) and F. luciae (Baird) accounted for 96.3% (67.0% and 29.3%, respectively) of the 4355 fishes collected. These fishes exhibited synchronous, temporal pulses in larval abundance, suggesting that reproduction was discontinuous and controlled by the same factor(s) in both species. Larval F. heteroclitus inhabited aquatic micro-habitats near the upland edge of the intertidal marsh, but as the larvae grew to juvenile size (≈ 10 mm standard length) they moved to lower elevations near a tidal creek. Large juveniles and adults of F. heteroclitus infrequently occurred in the samples, presumably because they leave the intertidal marsh as the tide ebbs. F. luciae were rarely found in low marsh areas, but all age classes (including adults) occurred at higher elevations, supporting previous suggestions that this species prefers high marsh habitats. The vegetated, intertidal salt marsh appears to be the principal nursery habitat for both of these cyprinodontid species.  相似文献   

An assemblage of planktonic foraminifera is described from 125 samples taken from the Cercado, Gurabo, and Mao Formations in the Cibao Valley, northern Dominican Republic. The primary objectives of this study are to establish a biochronologic model for the late Neogene of the Dominican Republic and to examine sea surface conditions within the Cibao Basin during this interval. The Cercado Formation is loosely confined to Zones N17 and N18 ( 7.0–5.9 Ma). The Gurabo Formation spans Zones N18 and N19 ( 5.9–4.5 Ma). The Mao Formation is placed in Zone N19 ( 4.5–3.6 Ma). Changes in the relative abundances of indicator species are used to reconstruct sea surface conditions within the basin. Increasing relative abundances of Globigerinoides sacculifer and Globigerinoides ruber, in conjunction with a decreasing relative abundance of Globigerina bulloides, suggests the onset of increasing sea surface temperature and salinity in conjunction with diminishing primary productivity at 6.0 Ma. Abrupt increases in the relative abundances of G. sacculifer and G. ruber at 4.8 Ma suggest a major increase in sea surface temperature and salinity in the early Pliocene. The most likely mechanism for these changes is isolation of the Caribbean Ocean through progressive restriction of Pacific–Caribbean transfer via the Central American Seaway. Periods of high productivity associated with upwelling events are recorded in the upper Cercado Formation ( 6.1 Ma) and in the middle Mao Formation ( 4.2 Ma) by spikes in G. bulloides and Neogloboquadrina spp. respectively. The timing of major increases in sea surface salinity and temperature as well as decreasing productivity ( 4.8 Ma) and periods of upwelling ( 6.1and 4.2 Ma) in the Cibao Basin generally corroborate previously suggested Caribbean oceanographic changes related to the uplift of Panama. Changes in sea surface conditions depicted by paleobiogeographic distributions in the Cibao Basin suggest that shoaling along the Isthmus of Panama had implications in a shallow Caribbean basin as early as 6.0 Ma. Major paleobiologic changes between 4.8 and 4.2 Ma likely represent the period of final closure of the CAS and a nearly complete disconnection between Pacific and Caribbean water masses. This study illustrates the use of planktonic foraminifera in establishing some paleoceanographic conditions (salinity, temperature, productivity, and upwelling) within a shallow water basin, outlining the connection between regional and localized oceanographic changes.  相似文献   

The suitability of marsh sites for sea-level studies was examined based on a field study along a transect from high to low marsh. Living foraminifera at Bombay Hook (Delaware, USA) are considered to be shallow infaunal (i.e., uppermost 10 cm). Peak concentrations were found at 1–10 cm in the high marsh, 1–5 cm in the intermediate marsh, and 3–5 cm in the low marsh. However, sporadic deep infaunal inputs in the low marsh could significantly contribute to the sub-fossil assemblage. In the upper 10 cm buried (death + sub-fossil) and living assemblages showed a strong correlation, and the seasonal pattern of the buried assemblage paralleled the living one, suggesting that the buried assemblage reflected the most recent reproductive inputs. The cumulative standing crop of each dominant species was used to estimate their contribution to the buried assemblage in order to assess if the community is vertically homogeneous and, therefore, if the infaunal production causes differential sub-surface enrichment. The results showed that a “shallow” (0–5 cm) infaunal contribution is able to explain much of the sub-fossil assemblage beneath the surface in the high and intermediate marsh plots. However, in the low marsh plot, the deep infaunal contribution was greatest and significantly affected the sub-fossil assemblage. Therefore, modern analogues for sea-level studies in mid-Atlantic North American marshes should include the uppermost 5 cm. The interval proposed for the high and intermediate marsh is thin enough that epifaunal species are not underrepresented and encompasses only ~8 years (based on burial rates) providing a high temporal resolution. Handling editor: J. Saros  相似文献   

Intense herbivory by a growing population of intertidal burrowing crabs Sesarma reticulatum (purple marsh crabs) has denuded large areas of salt marsh on Cape Cod (Massachusetts, USA). Spartina alterniflora (smooth cordgrass) and, to a lesser extent, S. patens (salt marsh hay) have been the primary taxa affected while halophytic forb populations of Salicornia spp. (pickleweed), Suaeda maritima (sea-blite), and Limonium carolinianum (sea lavender), that normally constitute a relatively low proportion of marsh vegetation, have remained intact. In addition, these forb species appear to be colonizing some of the marsh grass dieback areas. Because the loss of vegetation results in considerable subsidence and erosion, the objective of this study was to (1) confirm whether certain taxa are unpalatable to S. reticulatum and (2) determine whether unpalatable species could be used to re-vegetate dieback areas as an interim measure to control marsh sediment and elevation loss. The results suggest that S. reticulatum prefers Spartina alterniflora over forbs and that one or all of these forb species are good candidates for vegetation restoration in dieback areas.  相似文献   

Summary The depth distributions of larger foraminifera (27 species) were investigated along two transects in the fore reef areas of a NW Pacific fringing reef. One transect is distinguished by a strong flattening below the steep reef slope (−30 m), whereas further steepening characterizes the equivalent part in the other transect. According to the different taphonomic processes affecting foraminiferal tests before final sedimentation, empty tests were classified into the three categories ‘optimally’, ‘well’ and ‘poorly’ preserved. The depth distribution of each preservation state was compared with living individuals. While distributions of optimally preserved tests almost coincide with living individuals, well-preserved tests are characterized by significant depth shifts that are stronger at the upper-most slope compared with the deeper parts. Since the time-averaged traction forces are similar in both investigated transects, differences between the distributions of living individuals and well-preserved tests are more intensive on steep versus flat slopes. Poorly preserved tests signalize allochthonous origin or reworking of relict sediments.  相似文献   

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