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Dispersal is an important step in animal's life cycle, one consequence of which is reducing local mate and resource competition. Dispersal is often achieved during one unique special movement, from the birthplace to a new appropriate area where to settle and reproduce. However, in species in which this special movement is limited by life history tradeoffs, we may expect dispersal to be promoted also by routine movements occurring throughout the animal’s life and stimulated by other activities like foraging or the search of nesting conditions. Here we employ a multidisciplinary approach consisting of computer simulations, mark–recapture and genetic data to better understand the role of colony relocations as dispersal strategy in the gypsy ant Aphaenogaster senilis. Contrary to expectations, our results show that colony relocations do not result in effective dispersal as evidenced by mark–recapture and genetic data. Furthermore, simulations showed that successive colony relocations did not follow a constant direction, but occurred either in a randomly changing direction or followed a circular trajectory, indicating limited effective dispersal. We also found a general lack of inbreeding and significant population viscosity between neighbouring colonies suggesting that relocations may act as a balancing strategy between these two processes. We discuss the results in terms of their evolutionary and ecological significance, and highlight future directions of research towards the understanding of dispersal strategies in colonial species.  相似文献   

The rate at which ant nests relocate may affect the fate of ant-dispersed seeds by influencing nutrient and seed accumulation in localized areas. In this study, the movement of ant nest entrances was monitored in fixed quadrats in dry sclerophyll woodland in Kuringai Chase National Park, NSW. Changes in entrance location were rapid for most species, with few entrances remaining in use for more than 6 months. Approximately 30% of entrances that closed were subsequently re-opened. There was no obvious seasonal pattern in entrance relocation. After 1 year, between 5 and 40% of the ground surface of the quadrats had been within 10 cm of a nest entrance. New nest entrances did not cluster near old entrances, indicating that nest entrance relocation may be accompanied by changes in underlying nest structure. Nutrient levels in soil samples from active nests of Rhytidoponera metallica, Aphaenogaster longiceps, Pheidole sp. 1 and Iridomyrmex sp. 8 did not differ significantly from random locations. The rapid changes in entrance location and the lack of nutrient enrichment may be the result of continual and progressive underground shifts in nest location. Such shifts have three potential consequences for seeds that remain buried within the nests. First, seeds will not benefit following germination by being in a nutrient-rich microsite. Second, a proportion of seeds collected by harvester ant species may escape predation if left in an abandoned section of the nest. Third, concentrations of seeds in localized areas may be reduced, leading to a reduction in competition between establishing seedlings.  相似文献   

Animals such as social insects that live in colonies can recognizeintruders from other colonies of the same or different speciesusing colony-specific odors. Such colony odors usually haveboth a genetic and an environmental origin. When within-colonyrelatedness is high (i.e., one or very few reproductive queens),colonies comprise genetically distinct entities, and recognitionbased on genetic cues is reliable. However, when nests containmultiple queens and colonies comprise multiple nests (polydomy),the use of purely genetically determined recognition labelsmay become impractical. This is due to high within-colony geneticheterogeneity and low between-colony genetic heterogeneity.This may favor the use of environmentally determined recognitionlabels. However, because nests within polydomous colonies maydiffer in their microenvironment, the use of environmental labelsmay also be impractical unless they are actively mixed amongthe nests. Using a laboratory experiment, we found that bothisolation per se and diet composition influenced the cuticularchemical profiles in workers of Formica aquilonia. In addition,the level of aggression increased when both the proportionsof dietary ingredients and the availability of food were altered.This suggests that increased aggression was mediated by changesin the chemical profile and that environmental cues can mediaterecognition between colonies. These results also suggest thatthe underlying recognition cues are mutable in response to extrinsicfactors such as the amount and the composition of food.  相似文献   

Kolay  S.  Annagiri  S. 《Insectes Sociaux》2017,64(3):321-327
Insectes Sociaux - Nests play an important role in the lives of organisms that occupy them and a suitable nesting site has to be selected carefully. Sometimes, a nest of better quality may be...  相似文献   

昆虫群落中天敌间的致死干扰竞争作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
致死干扰竞争作用(lethal interference competition)是近些年来才被人们认识到的更为复杂的种间竞争关系, 是昆虫天敌间竞争的一种极端形式, 广泛存在于寄生性天敌昆虫之间。本文从其定义、 作用机制、 方式及其与害虫生物防治的相互关系几个方面介绍了天敌群落中的这一典型的种间相互关系。根据作用机制的不同, 可将致死干扰竞争作用分为外竞争和内竞争; 其通常的作用方式包括多寄生(超寄生)、 复寄生、 杀卵作用、 寄主取食、 物理攻击和生理抑制等。深入全面地研究这一种间关系对于有效生防作用物的筛选和引入, 以及整个生防系统群落的稳定性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

We studied how the tropical wet forest ant Aphaenogaster araneoides adjusted its home range and foraging behavior in response to changes in the leaf litter and food environments. We decoupled litter abundance and food availability by creating a factorial treatment design including litter removal and food supplementation. Leaf litter removal caused a decrease in the number of foraging trips but an increase in their duration. Over a 2-week experimental period, about half of the colonies relocated their nests. We found a strong effect of nearest neighbor distance upon the home range areas of colonies after they relocated their nests. In summary, short-term manipulations of resources resulted in changes in home range area and foraging behaviors that differed depending upon nest relocation and the competitive environment.  相似文献   

In many social insect species, colonies frequently emigrate to a new nest. This requires the coordination of many individuals, and it puts the queen at risks of being lost or predated. We experimentally studied colony emigration in the ant Aphaenogaster senilis, who emigrates frequently and obligatorily reproduces by colony fission. As in other species, colony emigration was characterised by a synchronised relocation of workers. Foragers found the new nest site and triggered the relocation of the “inside” workers, which built up following a sigmoid curve. Unlike in Temnothorax, where workers are transported to the new nest, most individuals relocated by walking. The brood was transported around the middle of colony relocation, mostly by “inside” workers because they represent most of the workforce. The queen walked to the new nest at the middle of colony relocation, when the flow of ants to the new nest was maximal. Overall, this temporal dynamic of colony emigration is similar to that observed in other species. However, we argue that species-specific traits, such as whether workers are transported to the new nest or relocate by themselves, may affect parts of the process of colony emigration.  相似文献   

Summary: Social insect colonies can respond to changes in resource availability by altering their foraging behavior. Colonies of the desert ant, Aphaenogaster cockerelli, responded to experimental changes in the distribution and type of available resources by adjusting the numbers of ants engaged in foraging and other tasks outside the nest, and by adjusting the temporal patterns of these activities. Colonies foraged more intensely for protein resources than for seed resources, and for high-density resources more than for low-density resources. This flexible allocation and resource use may promote coexistence with interspecific competitors such as ants in the genus Myrmecocystus.  相似文献   

Summary: Genetic theory predicts that workers in monogynous ant colonies with singly-mated queens should capitalize on higher relatedness with sisters than with brothers by altering the sex investment ratio of a colony in favor of females. Sex investment ratios, however, may also be influenced by the amount of resources available to colonies, in part because more mating opportunities might be obtained by investing scarce resources in males, which are much smaller than queens. Female larvae that reach a critical size by a particular point in development become queens while underfed larvae develop into workers, so workers could potentially influence the sex investment ratio of a colony by selectively feeding female larvae. In a previous experiment on the ant, Aphaenogaster rudis, colonies increased female sex investment after their diet was supplemented with elaiosomes, a lipid-rich food gained from a seed dispersal mutualism. In order to investigate the mechanisms producing this shift, we radio-labeled Sanguinaria canadensis elaiosomes with fatty acids and compared uptake among castes within a colony. The experiment was performed in both the laboratory and field. Lab colonies produced female-biased sex investment ratios, while field colonies mainly invested in males. We hypothesize that this discrepancy is related to differing levels of background food availability in the lab and field. The results of the elaiosome distribution experiment do not support a hypothesis that elaiosomes play a qualitative role in queen determination, because all individuals in a colony receive this nutrient. There is, however, support for the hypothesis that elaiosomes have a quantitative effect on larval development because larvae that accumulated more radio-label from elaiosomes tended to develop into gynes (virgin queens), while other female larvae developed into workers.  相似文献   

Debris dropping behavior by ants during foraging has been labeled alternately as tool use or a protective behavior. To address this controversy, we investigated the circumstances under which the common forest ant Aphaenogaster rudis drops and retrieves debris in the forests of Vermont, in the U.S.A. We tested the hypotheses, first, that debris dropping functions to protect workers from entanglement or drowning in liquids, and second, that debris dropping functions as part of foraging tool use. To determine how workers are allocated to the debris dropping and retrieval tasks, we studied individually marked foragers in the field and laboratory. Our results provide evidence that the debris dropping behavior of Aphaenogaster rudis deserves to be labeled as foraging tool use; A. rudis ants do not drop debris in non-food substances that present a hazard of entanglement or drowning to workers. We also found that potential tools represent a small, but non-negligible, percentage of the items that A. rudis foragers bring back to their colonies. Furthermore, debris dropping by A. rudis at baits discouraged colonization by other ant species. Finally, we provide the first evidence that tool use is a specialized task performed by a subset of A. rudis foragers within each colony at any given point in time. The execution of this task by a small proportion of workers may enhance the competitive ability of this ecologically dominant forest ant. Received 3 April 2006; revised 13 August 2006; accepted 1 September 2006.  相似文献   

Prenatal olfactory learning has been demonstrated in a wide variety of animals, where it affects development and behaviour. Young ants learn the chemical signature of their colony. This cue-learning process allows the formation of a template used for nest-mate recognition in order to distinguish alien individuals from nest-mates, thus ensuring that cooperation is directed towards group members and aliens are kept outside the colony. To date, no study has investigated the possible effect of cue learning during early developmental stages on adult nest-mate recognition. Here, we show that odour familiarization during preimaginal life affects recognition abilities of adult Aphaenogaster senilis ants, particularly when the familiarization process occurs during the first larval stages. Ants eclosed from larvae exposed to the odour of an adoptive colony showed reduced aggression towards familiar, adoptive individuals belonging to this colony compared with alien individuals (true unfamiliar), but they remained non-aggressive towards adult individuals of their natal colony. Moreover, we found that the chemical similarity between the colony of origin and the adoptive colony does not influence the degree of aggression, meaning that the observed effect is likely to be due only to preimaginal learning experience. These results help understanding the developmental processes underlying efficient recognition systems.  相似文献   

Vegetational diversity in agricultural systems is predicted to reduce herbivore populations, but we observed the opposite effect: higher nymph population densities of a functionally monophagous herbivore, the squash bug, Anasa tristis (Hemiptera: Coreidae) in a vegetationally diverse squash-bean-corn polyculture than in a squash monoculture. We examined spatial and temporal aspects of squash bug and predator populations in relation to vegetational diversity. Average colonization, oviposition, and mortality rates for the herbivore were similar in monocultures and polycultures. In the polyculture, however, we found that squash bugs eggs were highly aggregated on plants on the outer edges of plots. Predation was also lower on plants near the edges, allowing the large aggregations of eggs found in the polyculture to escape predation and ultimately produce more squash bugs. Spatial interactions between herbivores and natural enemies may underlie some of the general effects of vegetational diversity on herbivores.  相似文献   

We studied nest relocation in the ant Pheidole dentata, a common species in the southern US, by following colonies for 6 weeks. We correlated probability of relocation with several abiotic and biotic environmental factors, such as air temperature, humidity, leaf litter depth (LLD), nest type and presence of phorid fly parasitoids. Colonies moved often, on average every 16.2 days. By the end of our study, fewer than 5 % of colonies marked at the start remained in their original nests. Only 3.1 % of colonies returned to a previously used nest. The mean distance of relocation was 0.76 ± 0.73 m. Colonies nested in a variety of locations, such as in the ground, by tree trunks, under rocks and inside wood. Several factors affected probability of relocation. Higher LLD and vapor pressure deficit (VPD) increased probability of relocation. Probability of relocation varied by nest type, by plot and week of study. We found no evidence that surface cover or rain affected relocation behavior. Colonies appear to avoid nests that become dry by nesting against tree trunks. Phorid fly abundance correlated negatively with VPD, yet it had no effect on colonies’ likelihood of relocation. We discuss other implications of frequent nest relocations.  相似文献   

1. The relative importance of host-plant resources and natural enemies in influencing the abundance of insect herbivores was investigated in potted plant and natural population experiments, using tephritid (Diptera: Tephritidae) flies, their host plant, creeping thistle Cirsium arvense, and their Hymenoptera parasitoids. 2. Experimental manipulation of host-plant quality (i.e. levels of host-plant nutrients) and resource availability (i.e. the number of buds) increased tephritid abundance. There was no evidence that the seed-feeding tephritid fly Xyphosia miliaria preferentially oviposited on fertilized C. arvense. 3. At low thistle densities, X. miliaria showed a constant rate of resource exploitation. At higher thistle densities, a threshold was detected, above which additional buds were not attacked. 4. Parasitism attack was variable across host (tephritid) densities but levels of parasitism were consistently higher on the fertilized thistles. 5. Experimental manipulation of host-plant quality and resource availability (quantity) not only directly affects the tephritid population but also, indirectly, leads to high rates of parasitism. Both chemical and physical characteristics of host plants affect the performance of natural enemies. 6. Both top-down and bottom-up forces act to influence tephritid abundance, with bottom-up influences appearing to be the most important.  相似文献   

Although a major benefit of myrmecochory in the Australian environment is believed to be the targeting of seeds to nutrient-enriched ant nests, there is very little direct evidence for this. Here I report that, compared to control soil, soil from nest mounds of Aphaenogaster longiceps enhances the growth of seedling roots and shoots by about 50% in glasshouse trials. This benefit of nutrient-enrichment, however, probably only occurs when seeds are dispersed by ants that construct large, long-lived, nest mounds. This is very often not the case, and there is now increasing evidence that distance dispersal is often the major benefit of myrmecochory in Australia.  相似文献   

Colonies of ants often house multiple queens, and variation in polygyny often tracks environmental conditions. Three hypotheses have been proposed to describe how environmental variation may account for the degree of polygyny: competition, food limitation and nest limitation. Here I evaluate these hypotheses with studies on litter-nesting thief ants (Solenopsis spp.) throughout a lowland tropical rain forest in Costa Rica. In one component, I measured how polygyny varied across a broad environmental gradient demonstrating substantial variation in resources and competition. In a second component, I manipulated the abundance of food, the spatial presentation of food and the availability of nesting space to assess the effects on queen number. The degree of polygyny increased with nest limitation and competition, but there was no indication that colonies produce queens to capitalize on food availability. The increase in queen number in response to the density of competitors suggests that an increase in queen number enhances exploitative abilities.  相似文献   

Summary I used a factorial experiment repeated in two years to assess the relative effects of natural enemy attack, interspecific competition, and water availability to the host plant, and of interactions among these factors, on the population dynamics of the aphid Aphis varians feeding on fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium). The impact of a suite of coccinellid and syrphid predators emerged as the predominant factor affecting the success of aphid colonies: colonies protected from natural enemies grew in size at a rate of ten percent per day, were only one tenth as likely to go extinct, and produced over ten times more dispersing alates. In contrast, I found only minor effects of removing flea beetles, the most abundant herbivore with which A. varians colonies cohabit fireweed stems, and of supplementing water availability to fireweed host plants, in spite of a significant effect of watering frequency on aphid growth in the green-house. There was no evidence of significant two- or three-way interactions among factors. Hence, despite the potential complexity of the food web in which it is embedded, the dynamics of A. varians appears to be driven predominantly by a single factor, i.e. interactions with natural enemies.  相似文献   

1. The leaf beetle, Chrysomela lapponica, originally uses the salicyl glucosides (SGs) of its host plants to sequester salicylaldehyde, which serves as a defence against generalist enemies but attracts specialist enemies. However, some populations of C. lapponica have shifted to SG‐poor hosts, and their secretions do not contain salicylaldehyde. 2. In was suggested that beetles shift to SG‐poor hosts to escape from specialist enemies. To test this hypothesis, we compared field mortality between two populations of C. lapponica that were associated with SG‐rich willow, Salix myrsinifolia (Kola Peninsula and Finland) and two populations that fed on SG‐poor willows, S. glauca (Ural) and S. caprea (Belarus). 3. Mortality from generalist enemies was significantly higher in Belarus than in three other populations, whereas mortality from specialists did not differ among populations. A specialist predator (syrphid fly larvae, Parasyrphus nigritarsis) and specialist parasitoids (phorid flies, Megaselia spp.) were attracted to the secretions of larvae reared on both SG‐rich and SG‐poor hosts. 4. Feeding on leaves of S. caprea and S. myrsinifolia both previously damaged by leaf puncturing and by the larvae of potentially competing species Chrysomela vigintipunctata, decreased the weight and prolonged the development of C. lapponica. 5. Thus, populations of C. lapponica that have shifted to SG‐poor willow species did not obtain enemy‐free space because specialist enemies have developed adaptations to herbivores that switched to a novel host plant. We suggest that in some populations host plant shift was favoured by interspecific competition with the early season SG‐using specialist, C. vigintipunctata.  相似文献   

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