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Résumé En continuant leurs recherches, en vue de contribuer à l'élucidation du problème concernant la nature saprophytique, tellurique, des dermatophytes, les auteurs ont réussi, en utilisant le procédé deVanbreuseghem, à isoler du sol leTrichophyton quinckeanum. Ils l'ont mis en évidence dans la terre qui se trouvait sous un petit abri pour le bois, abri situé près d'une maison à Bucarest. La même souche avait provoqué un herpès circiné inflammatoire chez une femme qui s'est probablement contaminée en fendant le bois sous ce même abri. La souche isolée de la terre a été inoculée, avec résultat positif, à l'homme, au cobaye et à la souris blanche. Chez l'homme, la mycose expérimentale a été accompagnée par l'apparition de godets visibles à l'oeil nu (dans un seul cas).Selon les auteurs, il serait utile de chercher systhématiquement, dans les couches superficielles du sol, tous les dermatophytes à cultures vivaces et à riche morphologie microscopique, vu qu'ils ont isolé, de la même terre et en même temps que leTrichophyton quinckeanum (et en même temps que leMicrosporon gypseum et leKeratinomyces ajelloi) leTrichophytron terrestre proche auCtenomyces mentagrophytes.
Summary In continuing their researches in order to contribute to the elucidation of the problem concerning the presence of dermatophytes as saprophytes in the soil, the authors were able to isolate from the soil, making use ofVanbreuseghem's method, a strain ofTrichophyton (Achorion)quinckeanum. The very difficult isolation of this fungus has been done from the soil of a woodshed, in a court of a house in Bucarest. The same strain caused a herpes circinatus of inflammatory type, on the wrist of the woman to whom the shed belonged. This woman probably contaminated herself by spliting wood there. The strain, isolated from the soil, was inoculated in man, guinea pig and white mouse, with positive results. In one case, the experimental lesion, obtained in man, showed the presence of little scutula. Considering that lately they were able to isolate from the soil, not only the above mentionedTrichophyton quinckeanum (in addition toMicrosporon gypseum andKeratinomyces ajelloi) but also theTrichophytron terrestre, near toCtenomyces mentagrophytes, the authors think that it would be useful to persist in searching farther, in the superficial layers of the soil, for the presence of the dermatophytes with rich microscopical morphology.

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2002,1(8):711-716
Fire-setting to open up mines has been used on hard rock since prehistoric times. In the copper-mining district of Cabrières, the existence of metre-sized spherical or sub-spherical cavities, sometimes spaced along the same vertical in an ore seam, has usually been ascribed to this method 〚12〛, 〚13〛, 〚20〛. Two AMS 14C dating of micro-charcoal found in dolomite and of burnt ore breccias related to extraction in these cavities give the ages 3830 ± 40 BP, cal BC 2340–2130 and 3900 ± 40 BP, cal BC 2480–2280, which is the first evidence in France of the use of fire-setting in prehistoric mines.  相似文献   

A correlation between the biozonations of orbitolinidsand charophytes is established in the Lower Valanginian from the Polacos Formation (Maestrat basin, Castelló, east of Spain). This correlation is based on the presence of the charophyte association: Perimneste micrandra-Perimneste ancora (rare), Globator trochiliscoides (primitive), Embergerella stellata, Flabellochara harrisii and Porocharaceae in the levels underlaying and overlaying the banks with the orbitolinid Valdanchella miliani. This charophyte assemblage is similar to the flora of the “Olba zone” from Grambast (1974), which was hypothetically attributed to the Hauterivian.According to our correlation, the olba flora was atleast already existing in the Lower Valanginian. Provisionally, the biostratigraphic boundary between the Berriasian and the Valanginian can be characterized in the continental domain of Tethys by the disappearance of Globator nurrensis and the first appearance of Embergerella stellata. Uncertainty still exists in the chronostratigraphy of the charophyte biozonation during the Middle Valanginian to Upper Hauterivan time interval.  相似文献   

Isolated fern rachises have been discovered in twoWestphalian A coal balls of Belgium and Spain. They represent a new taxon, Holmesopteris faironiae n.gen., n.sp., characterized by the special location of the protoxylem poles. The morphology, the anatomy and the foliar branching of this new taxon suggest that it may belong to the family Botryopteridaceae; Stephanian species of the genus Botryopteris seem closely related to the new fern.  相似文献   

Dimorphism in the genus RichterellaAvram is confirmedon the basis of material collected in Ardeche (South east France) principally in the beds of the Fallauxi zone, from the localities of Le Pouzin and Broyon. The microconch, R. richteri (Oppel), lacks lateral lappets but a ventral horn, formed by the strongly projected forward secondary ribs, is present. The macroconch is «Lemencia praerichteriDonze & Enay. These two forms are united in the same species, R. richteri, and then in the same genus, Richterella. The microconch, which is generally better preserved than macroconch in the studied material, shows a greater variability of ribbing than previously thought, due to the poor illustrations of the lectotype of richteri (reproduced here) which showed only dichotomous ribs. The genus Richterella loses its original dimorphic sense and since its origins and its possible derivations are unknown, it became a taxon defined on morphological bases. The forms from Ardeche bear a greater resemblance to the Spanish ones than they do to the Roumanian forms. The stratigraphical and faunal contexts of Richterella in Ardeche are discussed in this work.  相似文献   

A skeleton of a Channid fish is reported for the first time from the European Lower Miocene. Because of the lack of any appropriate diagnostic character, it is nevertheless impossible to determine if it belongs either to the Asiatic genusChanna Scopoli or to the African one,Parachanna Teugels &Daget. For this reason, its palaeobiogeographical significance remains unclear. Otoliths (sagitta) that very likely belong to the same Channid species have been described from Illerkirchberg asChanna elliptica (vonSalis). They are compared to the sagitta from recent species of the generaChanna (Scopoli) andParachanna (Teugels &Daget). Their morphological characters are intermediate between those characterizing the sagitta of both genera.  相似文献   

Résumé L'auteur décrit en particulier à l'aide du microscope électronique les différentes couches constituant la paroi du proventricule de Syllidiens (Annélides Polychètes) en insistant spécialement sur celles (zones sous-épithéliales) situées de part et d'autre de la couche des muscles radiaires caractéristique de cet organe. II est montré que, contrairement à ce qu'il était admis jusqu'à présent, les zones sous-épithéliales sont constituées par des fibres de collagène noyées dans un matériel granuleux vraisemblablement de nature mucopolysaccharidique. D'autre part, un système d'attache particulier entre zones sous-épithéliales et musculature radiaire est mis en évidence.Les fibres de collagène de périodicité 560 Å constituent, autour de la musculature radiaire, un réseau à mailles rectangulaires hautement organisé. Dans l'assise la plus interne de ce réseau, les fibres sont allongées parallèlement à l'axe antéro-postérieur du Ver; dans l'assise la plus externe, elles sont disposées circulairement dans des plans transversaux.La signification de la présence de ces fibres de collagène (les seules existant dans tout le corps des Syllis étudiés) est évoquée. Les problèmes de leur origine et du rôle possible de cellules différenciées (musculaires) dans la synthèse de ce collagène sont analysés.
Presence of collagen in the proventriculus of Syllids
Summary The layers of the wall of the proventriculus of Syllids (Annelids Polychetes) were studied, mainly with the aid of the electron microscope. The areas on both sides of the radial musculature (subepithelial zones) were given special attention. Contrary to previous views, it was shown that the subepithelial zones contain collagen fibrils within a granular material probably of mucopolysaccharide nature. Furthermore, a system of special attachment devices between subepithelial zones and radial musculature was demonstrated.The collagen fibrils (periodicity 560 Å) form a highly organized network with rectangular meshes around the radial musculature. In the innermost layer of this network, the fibers run parallel to the antero-posterior axis of the worm; in the outermost layer, they run circularly.The significance of the presence of these collagen fibers, the only in existence in the entire organism studied, is discussed. The problem of their origin, and the possible role played by differentiated (muscular) cells in the synthesis of this collagen are analyzed.

A rich microfauna of Foraminifera has been recognized in the Allochtonous formations of St Florent. These families are: Ammodiscidae, Fischerinidae, Miliolidae, Archaediscidae and Nodosariidae. This microfauna and a palynological assemblage with Corollina confirm the presence of Rhaetian in this unit. The lithostratigraphic study of the Allochtonous units of St Florent and Macinaggio (North of the Cap Corse) shows that the triassic and liassic carbonates are very similar to those of the prepiedmontese units of the Ligurian Alps, which are characterized by a clear deepening of depositional environment during the Sinemurian time.  相似文献   

V. Labeyrie 《BioControl》1961,6(4):249-256
Summary No discovery of any parasite ofSphaeroderma rubidium Graell.,Ceratapion carduorum Kirbi, andDepressaria subpropinquella Stain. has been mentioned for France. However considerable collections ofMymaridae obtained on layings ofS. rubidium, show that parasitism may have a part in the limitation of this species. The few parasites of larvae and pupae ofC. carduorum obtained do not seem to have any considerable regulating influence. Although the parasitism of caterpillars ofD. subpropinquella byAngitia is frequent, the latter do not seem to be the essential factor in the evolution of the population of this species. The caterpillars ofChoreutis bjerkandrella thnb. may be used as a refuge by manyHymenoptera in summer, as a consequence of the scarcety ofMicrolepidoptera at a vulnerable stage.   相似文献   

A new vertebrate fauna associated with lithic artefacts from the Early Pleistocene of the Hérault Valley (southern France) dated around 1.57 Ma. Some lithic artefacts associated with an Early Pleistocene (Upper Villafranchian) vertebrate fossil assemblage have been found from a quarry exploited for basalt in the lower Hérault Valley (Languedoc, southern France) at the Lézignan-le-Cèbe locality. A preliminary patrimony expertise led us to identify about 20 vertebrate taxa, and the autumnal rainfalls revealed the presence of roughly 30 lithic artefacts of “pebble culture” type. A basalt layer dated at 1.57 My directly overlies the fossiliferous level, extends along the little hill (locus 2) yielding artefacts. These new promising data offer new perspectives to improve our understanding of Early Pleistocene ecosystems (and possibly ancient hominin occupation) of southern Europe.  相似文献   

El Cierro Cave (Ribadesella, Asturias, Spain), located near the mouth of the River Sella, has yielded one of the most important Upper Palaeolithic sequences in northern Spain. To date, three major occupation periods at the cave have been identified and dated. The first was at the beginning of the Holocene (ca. 8500 BP; ca. 9000 cal BP); the second at the end of the Upper Palaeolithic, in the Younger Dryas (YD) or Greenland Stadial 1 (GS1) (ca. 11.200 BP; 12.700 cal BP) and the third during Greenland Stadial 2 (GS2) (ca. 16.300–15.500 BP; ca. 19.200–18.700 cal BP). This paper describes the stratigraphy documented in the excavations performed by F. Jordá Cerdá and A. Gómez-Fuentes between 1977 and 1979 and presents the first radiocarbon determinations for the first two occupation periods, together with the study of the archaeological materials found in Level F. This level, dated to 15.500 BP (ca. 18.700 cal BP) is characterised by specialised red deer hunting and the gathering of marine resources (winkles). Various artefacts made from animal raw materials have been documented; both finished products and items in the process of being manufactured, as well as portable art objects. The lithic assemblage, consisting mainly of local raw materials with a small proportion of allochthonous flint, is characterised by an abundance of small bladelet cores and backed bladelets. These archaeological remains and the radiocarbon date mean Level F can be attributed to the so-called “Cantabrian Lower Magdalenian”. This period has been documented archaeologically and dated to a similar time at other sites in the River Sella valley and in the rest of northern Spain.  相似文献   

Newly recognized specimens reveal the occurrenceof an agriotherine ursid, Indartos aff. arctoides, in the Late Miocene fauna of Menacer (ex-Marceau), Algeria). The identification of these specimens and their chronological and biogeographical significances are established by comparison with other agriotheres in the Old World. The major features of the agriotherine radiation in Eurasia and Africa are defined.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2019,18(3):390-406
The historian, archaeologist, and naturalist Charles de Gerville (1769–1853) reported as early as January 1816 the presence of fossil bones in the quarries of the region of Valognes, in the department of Manche. These quarries exploited the “Calcaire de Valognes” and the underlying “Argiles et Calcaires d’Huberville”, both formations dated as Lower Hettangian (Lower Jurassic). De Gerville communicated to Jacques-Louis-Marin Defrance a watercolour drawing of one of these fossil bones, discovered in July 1820, in which it is possible to recognize a plesiosaur femur. This femur, as well as a fragment of rib and three vertebrae of Plesiosauria from de Gerville's collection, was then figured in a publication by Arcisse de Caumont, in 1825. The plesiosaur femur was later acquired by Pierre Tesson of Caen, who owned one of the most important collections of fossils in Normandy. The Tesson collection was later purchased in 1857 by the British Museum (now The Natural History Museum, London), where the femur has been rediscovered. This specimen is the first known plesiosaur specimen ever discovered in the Lower Jurassic of France, before the genus Plesiosaurus was established upon material from the Lias of southwestern England. One of the vertebrae figured by de Caumont has been rediscovered in the “Muséum Emmanuel-Liais” (Cherbourg-en-Cotentin), which had acquired part of de Gerville's collection. The interpretation of the “fossil bones of Valognes” by Georges Cuvier, Henri Marie Ducrotay de Blainville, Arcisse de Caumont, Jacques-Amand Eudes-Deslongchamps and Constant Duméril is revealed through unpublished documents.  相似文献   

Mayaudon  Jacques  Simonart  Paul 《Plant and Soil》1958,9(4):367-375
Conclusions Par l'emploi de substrats radioactifs, il a été possible de montrer que le glucose, le ray-grass tel quel, la fraction soluble, les hemicelluloses et la fraction cellulosique du ray-grass ne sont pas, dans les conditions expérimentales appliquées, entièrement transformés en CO2 dans le sol après une période de deux mois.La décomposition du glucose est plus rapide que celle des hemicelluloses et celle-ci est plus rapide que celle de la fraction cellulosique. Pour le glucose et pour la fraction cellulosique, 11% et 15% respectivement ne se retrouvent pas sous forme de C14O2 tandis que pour la fraction soluble, pour les hemicelluloses et pour le ray-grass tel quel, c'est près de 20% qui ne sont pas oxydés en CO2.La décomposition de chacun de ces substrats radioactifs donne encore lieu à la production de produits organiques radioactifs que l'on trouve dans la fraction des substances solubles, dans la fraction groupant l'- et le -humus et dans l'humine. La radioactivité de cette dernière fraction est du même ordre de grandeur que la somme des deux autres fractions.Travail effectué sous les auspices de l'Institut pour l'Encouragement de la Recherche Scientifique dans l'Industrie et l'Agriculture (I.R.S.I.A.).  相似文献   

Nearly 40 years of intensive research conducted in the Somme basin has demonstrated the discontinuity in the human occupation of the area during the Upper Palaeolithic. The northern position of the Somme basin within the loessic region appears to be an explanatory factor in this discontinuity, the nature of which increasingly appears related to climate and environmental factors. Archaeological occupations have been systematically attributed to phases of warming or climate improvement. On the other hand, an absence of human occupation has been consistently observed during the coldest periods. The extreme poverty of the biomass contemporary to the loessic deposits of the Upper Pleniglacial could partly explain this discontinuity specific to the far northwest of Europe (southern England, northern Belgium, Netherlands, and northern Germany). Although only 150 or 200 km away, the southern Paris Basin, which is located on the fringes of the loessic region of northern France and Normandy, presents a more continuous human occupation, which appears to have benefitted from more favourable conditions.  相似文献   

The fossil vertebrate locality of Laugnac is the type locality of the Neogene mammalian zone MN2b. It has yielded many remains of Suoidea belonging to two different genera.Xenohyus venitor is characterized by its large size and especially its large central upper incisors, I1/ and I2/. It is quite difficult to know its phyletic relationships because the material is not abundant.Hyotherium cf.meisneri is more abundant with a quite good skull, pieces of skull, jaws and isolated teeth. It belongs to a peculiar lineage different from that ofH. major from Saint Gérand-le-Puy, France. It has some similarities withAureliachoerus aurelianensis from later geological levels (MN3-MN5).  相似文献   

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