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The genusBarkeria (Orchidaceae) consists of four species and eight subspecies (the treatment includes a key) of epiphytic plants endemic to Mexico and Central America.Barkeria is separated from the genusEpidendrum on the structure of the rostellum and column in the flower, plus shape of the pseudobulbs. The authors suggest thatBarkeria is most closely related toCaularthron based on the general shape of the flowers, widely spreading fleshy column wings, and structure of the rostellum.  相似文献   

A merger of the genera Evrardia and Chamaegastrodia is proposed, and an annotated enumeration of five species so far recognized is proposed.  相似文献   

A new name (Pteroceras semiteretifolium H. Æ. Peders.) and two new combinations (P. cladostachyum (Hook.f.) H. Æ. Peders., P. unguiculatum (Lindley) H. Æ. Peders.) are presented. The correct application of the name P. pallidum (Blume) Holttum is discussed.  相似文献   

Two new orchid species from the Cyrtochilum halteratum‐alliance, Cyrtochilum kraenzlinianum and C. maasii, are described and illustrated based on Colombian material. Both novelties are similar to C. halteratum, but they are separable from this species based on floral characteristics. Information about the habitat and ecology of the new species as well as brief notes on their taxonomic affinities are provided.  相似文献   

以铁皮石斛(Dendrobium catenatum)无菌组培苗为材料,接种C20、C22、C35、C42这4株真菌菌株.共生培养60d后,研究真菌对组培苗的平均鲜重增长率、营养元素、叶绿素和内源激素的影响.结果表明:(1)接菌组培苗的营养根重分离获得原接种菌株;(2)接菌组培苗的平均鲜重增长率,叶绿素a、b含量和营养元素N、P、K含量均高于对照;(3)接菌组培苗的GA3和IAA含量均高于对照,ABA含量低于对照.其中,接种C42的组培苗平均鲜重增长率和叶绿素a含量达极显著差异(p<0.01),接种C22和C35组培苗的平均鲜重增长率和叶绿素a含量达到显著差异(p<0.05),接种C20和C42的组培苗K含量达显著性差异,接种C20、C35、C42的组培苗IAA含量极显著地高于对照,接菌组培苗的N含量和GA3含量均达极显著差异,而接菌组培苗的ABA含量极显著地低于对照.因此,这4株真菌菌株可应用于铁皮石斛等兰科植物的栽培与生产中.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Acymatopus from Japan and China are described. This is the first record of Acymatopus outside Japan. A key to all six valid species of the genus is given, and their distributions are mapped and discussed.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of ten species of Holcoglossum (Orchidaceae), a highly endangered and diversified genus from China, were investigated to study the infrageneric relationships, biogeography, and speciation patterns in the Hengduan Mountains. The karyotype formulae of the studied species are as follows: 2 n  = 38 = 20m + 18sm in H. subulifolium , 2 n  = 38 = 22m + 16sm in H. amesianum , 2 n  = 38 = 26m + 12sm (6 SAT) in H. lingulatum , 2 n  = 38 = 26m + 12sm in H. wangii , 2 n  = 38 = 10m + 28sm in H. kimballianum , 2 n  = 38 = 14m + 22sm + 2st in H. flavescens , 2 n  = 38 = 24m + 12sm + 2st in H. rupestre , 2 n  = 38 = 14m + 20sm + 4st in H. sinicum , 2 n  = 38 = 16m + 14sm + 8st in H. weixiense , and 2 n  = 76 in H. tsii . The karyotypes of two tropical species, H. amesianum and H. subulifolium , are the most primitive in the genus, whereas those of four temperate alpine species, H. sinicum , H. rupestre , H. weixiense , and H. flavescens , are more advanced. H. tsii is a tetraploid and H. rupestr e may be one of its ancestors. The low frequency of polyploidy in Holcoglossum in the Hengduan Mountains region supports the conclusion that chromosome stasis during rapid speciation is common there.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 154 , 283–288.  相似文献   

兰科虎舌兰属Epipogium种类增补与修订   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
报道日本虎舌兰Epipogium japonicum Makino在中国四川西部的新记录,并讨论了该种与虎舌兰E. roseum (D. Don) Lindl.的形态差异。过去将日本虎舌兰处理为虎舌兰的异名是不恰当的。日本虎舌兰间断分布于日本和中国的四川西部高海拔地区及台湾。  相似文献   

A taxonomic synopsis of Bipinnula Comm. ex Juss. (Orchidaceae: Chloraeinae) in Argentina is presented. Three species are recognized: B. biplumata Rchb.f., B. penicillata (Rchb.f.) Cisternas & Salazar and B. polysyka Kraenzl. A key to separate these species is presented and their distribution in Argentina is presented. All species are described in detail and photographs of diagnostic vegetative and floral features, as well as distributional, ecological and nomenclatural comments are included. Lectotypes for the basionyms Arethusa biplumata L.f., Chloraea arechavaletae Kraenzl. and B. polysyka Kraenzl. are designated. All studied species are terrestrial orchids that grow in grasslands of the heavily transformed Pampas biome; two of them are restricted to a few counties. Therefore, an assessment on their conservation status is urgently needed.  相似文献   

NILSSON, L. A., RABAKONANDRIANINA, E., RAZANANAIVO, R. & RANDRIAMANINDRY, J.J., 1992. Long pollinia on eyes: hawk-moth pollination of Cynorkis uniflora Lindley (Orchidaceae) in Madagascar. The pollination biology of Cynorkis uniflora Lindley (Orchidaceae) was studied on a rocky outcrop in a fragment of montane rain forest in central Madagascar. The plant was obligately pollinated by hawk-moths. Nectar was produced in a floral spur and was accessible to hawk-moths with medium-long and long tongues. All observed visits took place during the 80 min following dusk. Floral traits and visits indicated pollination association with endemic hawk-moths of the genera Nephete and Hippotion with medium tongue length and early-evening habits. The orchid pollinia had extraordinarily long caudicles (c. 16 mm) and were carried attached to the hawk-moths' eyes, thus protruding far in front of the face of the pollinator. The ratio between components of floral female and male functions within the orchid population suggested that the much elongated operative male floral parts result from strong and progressively extreme sex-specific selection for acquiring mates via hawk-moths. By far the most frequent flower-visitors of C. uniflora at the study site were long-tongued nectar thieving hawk-moths whose relative abundance probably reflected faunal imbalance caused by the destruction of nearby moth foraging habitats through deforestation.  相似文献   

Biosystematics of the genus Piperia Rydb. (Orchidaceae)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Piperia is a North American segregate of Habenaria consisting of 5 taxa (4 species and 1 subspecies). The genus is defined and differentiated from other North American genera of the Habenaria alliance by its morphology and pollination mechanism. All taxa have n = 21 chromosomes. Thin-layer chromatography of fresh leaf extracts and a morphological assessment revealed discrete, but variable, taxa. All species are partially interfertile; however, a high degree of sympatry suggests these species are reproductively isolated. One new combination is proposed: P. elongata subsp. michaelii.  相似文献   

Kiat W. Tan 《Brittonia》1969,21(3):202-214
The genusBletilla has been variously placed in the major classifications of the Orchidaceae. This study attempts to provide a better understanding of the relationships of this genus and to clarify its systematic position. A survey is provided of the taxonomic assignments ofBletilla in major classifications of the Orchidaceae, and morphological comparisons are made of species chosen to represent the generaBletilla, Arethusa, andBletia. Chromosome numbers reported forBletilla andBletia are summarized, and confirmatory counts of 2n =32 are reported forBletilla striata andB. striata f.gebina. A preliminary report is provided on intergeneric crossing studies. It was found thatBletilla consistently shows greater similarity toBletia than toArethusa. It is suggested, therefore, thatBletilla be removed from the subtribe Arethusinae and placed nearBletia in the Bletiinae.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic positions of the enigmatic “wildcard” taxon,Habenaria griffithii,were inferred from molecular data and morphological evidence.Morphologically,H.griffithii is quite “isolated” in Habena...  相似文献   

Taxonomy and nomenclature of six Nervilia species occurring in the Flora Zambesiaca area are revised. Lectotypes or neotypes are selected for all relevant taxa from Africa. The new species N. gassneri is described and the new combination N. kotschyi var. purpurata is made. One widespread African species previously mostly known under the names N. humilis and N. reniformis is shown to be conspecific with the widespread Asian and Australien species N. crociformis.  相似文献   

The morphological study of the herbarium material representing Epistephium (Orchidaceae, Vanilloideae) led to the discovery of two groups of specimens that significantly differ from all known species of the genus. The results of literature data study and of comparative analysis of those and other specimens suggest that these collections represent new taxa that we describe as E. garayi and E. kubiyuense. The distinguishing features of the species are indicated. As both new species are reported from Colombia (E. garayi, also from Guyana), the key for the determination of all Colombian representatives of the genus is included. Information on the ecology and distribution of newly described taxa is presented.  相似文献   

植物体和植物根际均是复杂的微生态系统,其内栖息着关系复杂的共生微生物,共同影响植物的生长发育.为探讨混合接种真菌与细菌对兰科植物生长的影响,筛选出真菌与细菌的优势促生组合,本研究选取经分离、筛选获得的4株促生内生真菌(铁皮石斛内生真菌C22、C35,美花石斛内生真菌L12、L28)和3株促生内生细菌(铁皮石斛菌内生细菌TX-7、TX-16、TX-19),以"真菌+细菌"的方式混合接种于铁皮石斛无菌组培苗中,共培养120 d.结果获得了3组优势组合:C22+TX-19、L28+TX-16和L28+TX-19,它们对铁皮石斛组培苗的生长均表现出正效应,其中C22+TX-19和L28+TX-19对促进组培苗生物量的增长具有协同效应,L28+TX-19对提高组培苗的根分枝率具有协同效应,3个组合对增加组培苗的分蘖数和根尖数均表现为累加效应.研究结果表明,内生真菌与内生细菌的共同作用可显著促进铁皮石斛的生长,混合接种有可能更大地发挥微生物的效能.  相似文献   

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