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The sporophyte and gametophyte development of Platycerium coronarium and P. grande were compared through ex situ propagation using in vitro culture technique and under greenhouse and field conditions.The morphology of the sporophyte and gametophyte, type of spore germination and prothallial development of P. coronarium and P. grande were documented. Gametophytes of P. coronarium and P. grande were cultured in vitro using different media. The gametophytes were then transferred and potted in sterile chopped Cyathea spp. (anonotong) roots and garden soil for sporophyte formation. Sporophytes (plantlets) of the two Platycerium species were attached on the slabs of anonotong and on branches and trunks of Swietenia macrophylla (mahogany) under greenhouse and field conditions.Sporophyte morphology of P. coronarium and P. grande varies but not their gametophyte morphology. P. coronarium and P. grande exhibited rapid spore germination and gametophyte development in both spore culture medium and Knudson C culture medium containing 2% glucose. Gametophytes of P. coronarium and P. grande transferred to potting medium produced more number of sporophytes while the gametophytes inside the culture media did not produce sporophytes. Sporophytes of P. grande attached on mahogany branches produced more number of leaves with bigger leaf area than those attached on anonotong slabs. Likewise, sporophytes of P. coronarium attached on mahogany branches and anonotong slabs did not develop new leaves during two weeks monitoring and are still in a period of adjustment to its environment. Sporophytes of P. grande grown or attached on the trunk of mahogany trees in the field and under shaded environment favored their growth.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature and dosage on a new microsporidian species, Vairimorpha sp. 696, were examined in H. virescens. The pathogen was evaluated for tissue specificity, spore size, cumulative percentage mortality, and spore production. All tissues examined bore infection at 32°C. Spore length was significantly longer at 19°C (5.9 μm) than at 32°C (4.7 μm). Spore widths at these two temperatures did not differ significantly. Octospores were not found at either temperature at 8 or 12 days postinoculation. One hundred percent mortality was attained in all dosages administered, but the initial rate of mortaily was more rapid in the higher dosages. Finally, spore yield was greater in larvae administered lower dosages. Maximum spore yield at 27°C was 4.87 × 109 spores/larva.  相似文献   

The fine structure of Nosema oryzaephili is very similar to that of the closely related Nosema whitei. The typical number of coils in the polar filament in the spore is slightly different in the two species. The number of coils and their angle of tilt to the long axis of the spore distinguished the two species from many others.  相似文献   

凤丫蕨属(Coniogramme Fée)种间界限模糊,存在过渡类型,是蕨类植物中分类比较困难的类群之一。黑轴凤丫蕨(C.robusta(H.Christ) H.Christ)是凤丫蕨属植物中比较特殊的种类之一。本文在标本考证、野外考察和微形态研究的基础上对该种的分类进行了订正。将假黑轴凤丫蕨(C.pseudorobusta Ching et Shing)和新黑轴凤丫蕨(C.neorobusta Ching et Shing)归并到黑轴凤丫蕨。同时对该种下的两个变种黄轴凤丫蕨(C.robusta var. splendens Ching et Shing)和棕轴凤丫蕨(C.robusta var. rependula Ching et Shing)重新定义模式标本。  相似文献   

Two new species of hypogeous Pezizales in the Pyronemataceae are described from montane cloud forests in Mexico. Genea mexicana can be recognised by ITS sequence analysis and its distinct spore and seta dimensions; Geopora tolucana by ITS sequence analysis and its light brown hymenium, broadly ellipsoid ascospores and host preference. It belongs to the group of Geopora cooperi Harkn., which appears to be a rather heterogeneous assemblage, comprising a number of cryptic species. Our results indicate that the genus Geopora is non-monophyletic, occurring in two distinct phylogenetic clusters comprising species with either epigeous apothecial or hypogeous ptychothecial ascomata. Moreover, molecular divergence of Geopora is much higher than that of the neighbouring genera. Accordingly, we propose to reassign the cupulate apothecial Geopora species to the genus Sepultaria.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Initial release height and settling speed of diaspores are biologically controlled components which are key to modelling wind dispersal. Most Sphagnum (peat moss) species have explosive spore liberation. In this study, how capsule and spore sizes affect the height to which spores are propelled were measured, and how spore size and spore number of discharged particles relate to settling speed in the aspherical Sphagnum spores.


Spore discharge and spore cloud development were filmed in a closed chamber (nine species). Measurements were taken from snapshots at three stages of cloud development. Settling speed of spores (14 species) and clusters were timed in a glass tube.

Key Results

The maximum discharge speed measured was 3·6 m s−1. Spores reached a maximum height of 20 cm (average: 15 cm) above the capsule. The cloud dimensions at all stages were related positively to capsule size (R2 = 0·58–0·65). Thus species with large shoots (because they have large capsules) have a dispersal advantage. Half of the spores were released as singles and the rest as clusters (usually two to four spores). Single spores settled at 0·84–1·86 cm s−1, about 52 % slower than expected for spherical spores with the same diameters. Settling speed displayed a positive curvilinear relationship with spore size, close to predictions by Stokes'' law for spherical spores with 68 % of the actual diameters. Light-coloured spores settled slower than dark spores. Settling speed of spore clusters agrees with earlier studies. Effective spore discharge and small, slowly settling spores appear particularly important for species in forested habitats.


The spore discharge heights in Sphagnum are among the greatest for small, wind-dispersed propagules. The discharge heights and the slow settling of spores affect dispersal distances positively and may help to explain the wide distribution of most boreal Sphagnum species.  相似文献   

The genus Chlamydomyzium is a little studied holocarpic oomycete parasite of nematodes of uncertain phylogenetic and taxonomic position. A new holocarpic species, Chlamydomyzium dictyuchoides, is described which has usually refractile cytoplasm and a dictyuchoid pattern of spore release. This new species infects bacteriotrophic rhabditid nematodes and was isolated from diverse geographical locations. Infection was initiated by zoospore encystment on the host surface and direct penetration of the cuticle. A sparsely branched, constricted, refractile thallus was formed which eventually occupied almost the entire host body cavity, often accompanied by complete dissolution of the host cuticle. Walled primary cysts formed throughout the thallus and each cyst released a single zoospore via an individual exit papillum, leaving a characteristic dictyuchoid wall net behind. At later stages of infection some thalli formed thick-walled stellate resting spores in uniseriate rows. Resting spore formation appeared to be parthenogenetic and was not accompanied by the formation of antheridial compartments. These spores had ooplast-like vacuoles and thick multi-layered walls, both of which suggest they were oospores. The maximum likelihood tree of sequences of the small ribosomal subunit (SSU) gene placed this new isolate in a clade before the main saprolegnialean and peronosporalean lines diverge. A second undescribed Chlamydomyzium sp., which has direct spore release forms a paraphyletic clade, close to C. dictyuchoides and Sapromyces. The fine structure of other documented Chlamydomyzium species was compared, including an undescribed (but sequenced) isolate, SL02, from Japan, Chlamydomyzium anomalum and Chlamydomyzium oviparasiticum. Chlamydomyzium as currently constituted is a paraphyletic genus that is part of a group of phylogenetically problematic early diverging clades that lie close to both the Leptomitales and Rhipidiales.  相似文献   

The effect of various factors on the yield of Bacillus popilliae var. rhopaea spores formed in Rhopaea verreauxi larvae have been studied. Lack of adequate food, temperatures above and below 23°C, and infecting doses above 106 spore larva, all significantly lowered spore yield per larva. Larval age had a pronounced effect; second-instar and young third-instar larvae produ ed about 1 × 1010 spores while old third-instar larvae produced about 4 × 1010 spores. Incubation of larvae for longer than 4 weeks did not increase spore yield per larva. Yields were similar whether larvae were infected by injection or per os. Three other host species could be used to mass-produce B. popilliae var. rhopaea spores but all were less efficient than R. verreauxi. Milky third-instar R. verreauxi larvae, which were field collected, yielded 1.57 × 1010 spores per larva.  相似文献   

Aspergillus spp. are frequently occurring seed-colonizing fungi that complete their disease cycles through the development of asexual spores, which function as inocula, and through the formation of cleistothecia and sclerotia. We found that development of all three of these structures in Aspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus flavus, and Aspergillus parasiticus is affected by linoleic acid and light. The specific morphological effects of linoleic acid include induction of precocious and increased asexual spore development in A. flavus and A. parasiticus strains and altered sclerotium production in some A. flavus strains in which sclerotium production decreases in the light but increases in the dark. In A. nidulans, both asexual spore production and sexual spore production were altered by linoleic acid. Spore development was induced in all three species by hydroperoxylinoleic acids, which are linoleic acid derivatives that are produced during fungal colonization of seeds. The sporogenic effects of these linoleic compounds on A. nidulans are similar to the sporogenic effects of A. nidulans psi factor, an endogenous mixture of hydroxylinoleic acid moieties. Light treatments also significantly increased asexual spore production in all three species. The sporogenic effects of light, linoleic acid, and linoleic acid derivatives on A. nidulans required an intact veA gene. The sporogenic effects of light and linoleic acid on Aspergillus spp., as well as members of other fungal genera, suggest that these factors may be significant environmental signals for fungal development.  相似文献   

Spore activation in Dictyostelium discoideum is characterized by a narrow range of activation temperatures centered near 43 °C. The temperature required for maximal spore activation may vary from one to two degrees depending upon the sporulation temperature and the age of the spore preparation. Thermodynamic calculations revealed that spore activation might involve a greater enthalpy and entropy change than that expected for soluble globular protein denaturation. The number of activation sites was calculated to be nine or more per spore using assumptions based upon a Poisson distributed array of sites. A hypothesis is suggested that the activation “site” is the mitochondrion and that the inner mitochondrial membrane contains regulatory proteins (“subsites”) which may restrict oxidative phosphorylation in the dormant spore. The restriction imposed upon oxidative phosphorylation may be relaxed upon partial denaturation of the “subsites” resulting in spore activation and subsequent germination.  相似文献   

The literature on cyatheaceous spore morphology relative to the presence of a perine layer is reviewed, and evidence based on a sodium-hydroxide assay is presented indicating that the outer scultpine layer in certain cyatheaceous spores is perine. Perine so defined characterizes Metaxya, paleotropical and certain neotropical species of Sphaeropteris, nearly all species of Alsophila, all species of Nephelea, and certain species of Trichipteris and Cyathea. It is lacking in Lophosoria, many species of Trichipteris and Cyathea, and all species of Cnemidaria. Two major patterns of spore number per sporangium in the family are reported. Lophosoria, Sphaeropteris, Trichipteris, Cyathea, Cnemidaria, and probably Metaxya are characterized by 64-spored sporangia, whereas most species of Alsophila and all species of Nephelea are characterized by 16-spored sporangia. The congruence of this generic distribution of sporangial-capacity types with Tryon's phyletic arrangement of cyatheaceous genera supports the naturalness of his system. The intrasporangial germination of spores retained in dehisced and dispersed sporangia supports the suggestion that decreased spore number per sporangium in Alsophila and Nephelea may relate to the role of the sporangia as dispersal units. The decreased number of spores per sporangium is associated with a trend toward increase in the number of sporangia per sores, with the highest known count approaching 1000 sporangia per sorus. The Alsophila-Nephelea evolutionary line has probably not been ancestral in the phylogeny of the more advanced groups of ferns.  相似文献   

The microsporidia have recently been recognized as a group of pathogens that have potential for waterborne transmission; however, little is known about the effects of routine disinfection on microsporidian spore viability. In this study, in vitro growth of Encephalitozoon syn. Septata intestinalis, a microsporidium found in the human gut, was used as a model to assess the effect of chlorine on the infectivity and viability of microsporidian spores. Spore inoculum concentrations were determined by using spectrophotometric measurements (percent transmittance at 625 nm) and by traditional hemacytometer counting. To determine quantitative dose-response data for spore infectivity, we optimized a rabbit kidney cell culture system in 24-well plates, which facilitated calculation of a 50% tissue culture infective dose (TCID50) and a minimal infective dose (MID) for E. intestinalis. The TCID50 is a quantitative measure of infectivity and growth and is the number of organisms that must be present to infect 50% of the cell culture wells tested. The MID is as a measure of a system's permissiveness to infection and a measure of spore infectivity. A standardized MID and a standardized TCID50 have not been reported previously for any microsporidian species. Both types of doses are reported in this paper, and the values were used to evaluate the effects of chlorine disinfection on the in vitro growth of microsporidia. Spores were treated with chlorine at concentrations of 0, 1, 2, 5, and 10 mg/liter. The exposure times ranged from 0 to 80 min at 25°C and pH 7. MID data for E. intestinalis were compared before and after chlorine disinfection. A 3-log reduction (99.9% inhibition) in the E. intestinalis MID was observed at a chlorine concentration of 2 mg/liter after a minimum exposure time of 16 min. The log10 reduction results based on percent transmittance-derived spore counts were equivalent to the results based on hemacytometer-derived spore counts. Our data suggest that chlorine treatment may be an effective water treatment for E. intestinalis and that spectrophotometric methods may be substituted for labor-intensive hemacytometer methods when spores are counted in laboratory-based chlorine disinfection studies.  相似文献   

We describe and illustrate two new species of Boletellus section Boletellus, B. aurocontextus sp. nov. and B. areolatus sp. nov., which are generally assumed to be B. emodensis. In this study, we reconstructed separate molecular phylogenetic trees of section Boletellus using the nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA, the largest subunit (RPB1) and the second-largest subunit (RPB2) of nuclear RNA polymerase II gene and mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit 3 (cox3) gene. We also examined the morphologies of B. emodensis sensu lato (s.l.) and other related species for comparison. The molecular phylogenetic tree inferred from the sequences of nuclear DNA (ITS, and combined dataset of RPB1 and RPB2) indicated that three genetically and phylogenetically well-separated lineages were present within B. emodensis s.l. These three lineages were also distinguished on the basis of the molecular phylogenetic tree constructed using the sequences of mitochondrial DNA (cox3), suggesting distinct cytonuclear disequilibria (i.e., evidence of reproductive isolation) among these lineages. Therefore, these three lineages can be treated as independent species: B. aurocontextus, B. areolatus, and B. emodensis. Boletellus aurocontextus and B. areolatus are also distinct from B. emodensis by the macro- and microscopic morphologies. Boletellus aurocontextus is characterized by a pileus with bright yellow to lemon yellow context, which can be observed through a gap in the scales, and basidiospores with relatively large length (mean spore length, 21.4 μm; quotient of spore length and width, 2.51). In contrast, B. areolatus is characterized by a pileus with floccose to appressed thin scaly patches, a stipe with pallid or pale cream color at the upper half, and basidiospores with relatively small length (mean spore length, 16.5 μm; quotient of spore length and width, 1.80).  相似文献   

Pachyphlodes (Pezizaceae) is a genus of truffle-like fungi that is distributed across the Northern Hemisphere. These fungi form ectomycorrhizae primarily with trees in the Fagaceae family, and occasionally with other host plants. The genus Plicariella (= Scabropezia) is phylogenetically inferred as an ally of, or within, the Pachyphlodes lineage. Despite molecular phylogenetic analyses that show the close relationships of species in these two genera, morphological differences in ascomata shape and color, spore ornamentation, and ascus shape are profound. Here, we studied spore wall development to better understand affinities within the PachyphlodesPlicariella lineages. Electron microscopy studies indicate that the initial spore wall development is similar across six Pachyphlodes species and a Plicariella species, despite striking differences in mature spore ornamentation among species. Ultrastructural analyses reveal that differences in spore ornamentation among Pachyphlodes species are due to unique developmental events at the final stages of spore wall deposition. Septal pore ultrastructure in Pachyphlodes species is similar to other Pezizaceae that have been studied. Molecular analyses of the five species studied indicate that four of them have not been previously described. The new species Pachyphlodes annagardnerae is here described, and the ultrastructural features of species of Pachyphlodes, Plicariella, and other Pezizales are compared and discussed.  相似文献   

Clostridium difficile is a major nosocomial pathogen whose infections are difficult to treat because of their frequent recurrence. The spores of C. difficile are responsible for these clinical features, as they resist common disinfectants and antibiotic treatment. Although spores are the major transmissive form of C. difficile, little is known about their composition or morphogenesis. Spore morphogenesis has been well characterized for Bacillus sp., but Bacillus sp. spore coat proteins are poorly conserved in Clostridium sp. Of the known spore morphogenetic proteins in Bacillus subtilis, SpoIVA is one of the mostly highly conserved in the Bacilli and the Clostridia. Using genetic analyses, we demonstrate that SpoIVA is required for proper spore morphogenesis in C. difficile. In particular, a spoIVA mutant exhibits defects in spore coat localization but not cortex formation. Our study also identifies SipL, a previously uncharacterized protein found in proteomic studies of C. difficile spores, as another critical spore morphogenetic protein, since a sipL mutant phenocopies a spoIVA mutant. Biochemical analyses and mutational analyses indicate that SpoIVA and SipL directly interact. This interaction depends on the Walker A ATP binding motif of SpoIVA and the LysM domain of SipL. Collectively, these results provide the first insights into spore morphogenesis in C. difficile.  相似文献   

Nosema bombycis, two Nosema spp., and a Pleistophora sp. were propagated in the silkworm and the fine structures of their spores were studied. The morphology of the polaroplast, the appearance of the nucleus, and the number of coils in the polar filament differed among the spores of the four species. The spores of the three Nosema species, however, had several identical components; e.g., the polaroplast was made up of two parts, they had two nuclei, and the ribosome arrangement was similar. On the other hand, the spore of Pleistophora sp. had a polaroplast composed of three parts, a single nucleus, and ribosomes arranged around the polar filament. Thus the fine structures of the spore differentiate microsporidan species.  相似文献   

研究了同形鳞毛蕨成精子囊素对该种和水蕨孢子萌发和配子体发育的影响,结果表明:同形鳞毛蕨配子体能产生成精子囊素,该成精子囊素能抑制同种孢子的萌发,抑制作用随配子体成熟度的增加而增强;同形鳞毛蕨成精子囊素还可促进同种孢子发育为雄配子体;光照条件下,同形鳞毛蕨成精子囊素对水蕨孢子萌发和配子体发育影响不大,黑暗条件下,同形鳞毛蕨成精子囊素能显著的促使水蕨孢子提早萌发,但都不影响其孢子最终萌发率和配子体的性别分化,表明同形鳞毛蕨和水蕨的成精子囊素不属于同一系统。  相似文献   

Sources of Variability in the Measurement of Fungal Spore Yields   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Variability in the production of fungal spores and in the measurement of spore yields was investigated in four species of fungi: Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Colletotrichum coccodes, Colletotrichum phomoides, and Acremonium strictum. When the fungi were grown on solid medium in microplates and spore yields were measured by counting the subsamples with a hemacytometer, the variability among hemacytometer squares was always the largest source of variation, accounting for 51 to 91% of the total variation. Variability among replicate cultures and results of repeat experiments were generally also significant. The effect of square-to-square variability on the precision of spore yield measurement was minimized by counting a moderate number (ca. 30) of squares per culture. Culture-to-culture variability limited the practical precision of spore production measurements to a 95% confidence interval of approximately the mean ± 25%. We provide guidelines for determining the number of replicate cultures required to attain this or other degrees of precision. Particle counter-derived spore counts and counts based on spore weights were much less variable than were hemacytometer counts, but they did not improve spore production estimates very much because of culture-to-culture variability. Results obtained by both of these methods differed from those obtained with a hemacytometer; particle counter measurements required a correction for spore pairs, while the relationship between spore weights and spore counts changed as the cultures aged.  相似文献   

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