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A series of novel mimetic peptides were designed, synthesised and biologically evaluated as inhibitors of Aβ42 aggregation. One of the synthesised peptidic compounds, termed compound 7 modulated Aβ42 aggregation as demonstrated by thioflavin T fluorescence, acting also as an inhibitor of the cytotoxicity exerted by Aβ42 aggregates. The early stage interaction between compound 7 and the Aβ42 monomer was investigated by replica exchange molecular dynamics (REMD) simulations and docking studies. Our theoretical results revealed that compound 7 can elongate the helical conformation state of an early stage Aβ42 monomer and it helps preventing the formation of β-sheet structures by interacting with key residues in the central hydrophobic cluster (CHC). This strategy where early “on-pathway” events are monitored by small molecules will help the development of new therapeutic strategies for Alzheimer’s disease.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathogenesis is associated with formation of amyloid fibrils caused by polymerization of the amyloid β-peptide (Aβ), which is a process that requires unfolding of the native helical structure of Aβ. According to recent experimental studies, stabilization of the Aβ central helix is effective in preventing Aβ polymerization into toxic assemblies. To uncover the fundamental mechanism of unfolding of the Aβ central helix, we performed molecular dynamics simulations for wild-type (WT), V18A/F19A/F20A mutant (MA), and V18L/F19L/F20L mutant (ML) models of the Aβ central helix. It was quantitatively demonstrated that the stability of the α-helical conformation of both MA and ML is higher than that of WT, indicating that the α-helical propensity of the three nonpolar residues (18, 19, and 20) is the main factor for the stability of the whole Aβ central helix and that their hydrophobicity plays a secondary role. WT was found to completely unfold by a three-step mechanism: 1) loss of α-helical backbone hydrogen bonds, 2) strong interactions between nonpolar sidechains, and 3) strong interactions between polar sidechains. WT did not completely unfold in cases when any of the three steps was omitted. MA and ML did not completely unfold mainly due to the lack of the first step. This suggests that disturbances in any of the three steps would be effective in inhibiting the unfolding of the Aβ central helix. Our findings would pave the way for design of new drugs to prevent or retard AD.  相似文献   

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are drug targets for neuronal disorders and diseases. Partial agonists for nAChRs are currently being developed as drugs for the treatment of neurological diseases for their relative safety originated from reduced excessive stimulation. In the current study, molecular docking, molecular dynamics simulations and binding energy calculations were performed to theoretically investigate the interactions between the partial agonists, 4-OH-DMXBA and tropisetron with α7-nAChR. The results suggest that the partial agonists 4-OH-DMXBA and tropisetron bind with α7-nAChR in a binding mode similar to that with AChBP. The non-conserved residues in the binding sites contribute to the orientation deviation of these partial agonists from their orientation in AChBP. Energy calculation and decomposition using MM-GB/SA suggests that the van der Waals term (ΔEVDW) is the main driving force for the binding of the partial agonists to α7-nAChR. The molecular dynamics simulations showed that the opening of the C-loop binding with the partial agonists is in-between the openings for the binding with the full agonist and in the apo state. This conformation difference for the C-loop sheds light on the partial agonism of nAChR.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease is one of the most common dementia among elderly worldwide. There is no therapeutic drugs until now to treat effectively this disease. One main reason is due to the poorly understood mechanism of Aβ peptide aggregation, which plays a crucial role in the development of Alzheimer's disease. It remains challenging to experimentally or theoretically characterize the secondary and tertiary structures of the Aβ monomer because of its high flexibility and aggregation propensity, and its conformations that lead to the aggregation are not fully identified. In this review, we highlight various structural ensembles of Aβ peptide revealed and characterized by computational approaches in order to find converging structures of Aβ monomer. Understanding how Aβ peptide forms transiently stable structures prior to aggregation will contribute to the design of new therapeutic molecules against the Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Polymerization of the amyloid β-peptide (Aβ), a process which requires that the helical structure of Aβ unfolds beforehand, is suspected to cause neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease. According to recent experimental studies, stabilization of the Aβ central helix counteracts Aβ polymerization into toxic assemblies. The effects of two ligands (Dec-DETA and Pep1b), which were designed to bind to and stabilize the Aβ central helix, on unfolding of the Aβ central helix were investigated by molecular dynamics simulations. It was quantitatively demonstrated that the stability of the Aβ central helix is increased by both ligands, and more effectively by Pep1b than by Dec-DETA. In addition, it was shown that Dec-DETA forms parallel conformations with β-strand-like Aβ, whereas Pep1b does not and instead tends to bend unwound Aβ. The molecular dynamics results correlate well with previous experiments for these ligands, which suggest that the simulation method should be useful in predicting the effectiveness of novel ligands in stabilizing the Aβ central helix. Detailed Aβ structural changes upon loss of helicity in the presence of the ligands are also revealed, which gives further insight into which ligand may lead to which path subsequent to unwinding of the Aβ central helix.  相似文献   

Amyloid β (Aβ) peptides and metal ions have been associated with the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. The conformational space of Aβ fragments of different length with and without binding of metal ions has been extensively investigated by replica-exchange molecular dynamics (REMD) simulation. However, only trajectories extracted at relatively low temperatures have been used for this analysis. The capability of REMD simulations to characterize the internal dynamics of such intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) as Aβ has been overlooked. In this work, we use an approach recently developed by Xue and Skrynnikov (J Am Chem Soc 133:14614–14628, 2011) to calculate NMR observables, including 15N relaxation rates and 15N–1H nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE), from the high-temperature trajectory of REMD simulations for zinc-bound Aβ peptides. The time axis of the trajectory was rescaled to correct for the effect of the high temperature (408 K) compared with the experimental temperature (278 K). Near-quantitative agreement between simulated values and experimental results was obtained. When the structural properties and free-energy surfaces of zinc-bound Aβ(1–40) and Aβ(1–42) were compared at the physiological temperature 310 K it was found that zinc-bound Aβ(1–42) was more rigid than Aβ(1–40) at the C terminus, and its conformational transitions were also more preferred. The self-consistent results derived from trajectories at high and low temperatures demonstrate the capability of REMD simulations to capture the internal dynamics of IDPs.  相似文献   

Chen P  Evans CL  Hirst JD  Searle MS 《Biochemistry》2011,50(1):125-135
The PB1 domain of NBR1 folds via a single pathway mechanism involving two sequential energy barriers separated by a high-energy intermediate. The structural ensemble representing each of the two transition states (TS1 and TS2) has been calculated using experimental Φ values and biased molecular dynamics simulations. Both TS1 and TS2 represent compact states (β(TS1) = 0.71, and β(TS2) = 0.93) but are defined by quite different distributions of Φ values, degrees of structural heterogeneity, and nativelike secondary structure. TS1 forms a heterogeneous ensemble of dynamic structures, representing a global collapse of the polypeptide chain around a set of weak nativelike contacts. In contrast, TS2 has a high proportion of nativelike secondary structure, which is reflected in an extensive distribution of high Φ values. Two snapshots along the folding pathway of the PB1 domain reveal insights into the malleability, the solvent accessibility, and the timing of nativelike core packing that stabilizes the folded state.  相似文献   

In the photosystem II (PSII) of oxygenic photosynthetic organisms, the reaction center (RC) core mediates the light-induced electron transfer leading to water splitting and production of reduced plastoquinone molecules. The reduction of plastoquinone to plastoquinol lowers PSII affinity for the latter and leads to its release. However, little is known about the role of protein dynamics in this process. Here, molecular dynamics simulations of the complete PSII complex embedded in a lipid bilayer have been used to investigate the plastoquinol release mechanism. A distinct dynamic behavior of PSII in the presence of plastoquinol is observed which, coupled to changes in charge distribution and electrostatic interactions, causes disruption of the interactions seen in the PSII–plastoquinone complex and leads to the “squeezing out” of plastoquinol from the binding pocket. Displacement of plastoquinol closes the second water channel, recently described in a 2.9 Å resolution PSII structure (Guskov et al. in Nat Struct Mol Biol 16:334–342, 2009), allowing to rule out the proposed “alternating” mechanism of plastoquinol–plastoquinone exchange, while giving support to the “single-channel” one. The performed simulations indicated a pivotal role of D1-Ser264 in modulating the dynamics of the plastoquinone binding pocket and plastoquinol–plastoquinone exchange via its interaction with D1-His252 residue. The effects of the disruption of this hydrogen bond network on the PSII redox reactions were experimentally assessed in the D1 site-directed mutant Ser264Lys.  相似文献   

Acetic acid acts as one component of the mobile phase to influence separation of puerarin from daidzin when using β-cyclodextrin-substituted media. In this work considering an explicit acetic acid solution, host-guest complexes of β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) with puerarin and daidzin were investigated by molecular dynamics simulations. Computational results indicate different shuttle motions of puerarin and daidzin inside the cavity of β-CD. A model detailing the shuttle motion was constructed, and the relationships between shuttle depth and guest rotation angles, hydrogen bonds, and host-guest interaction energies were analyzed. The results can be used to explain the chromatographic retention mechanisms of puerarin and daidzin with β-CD, and to explore the complexity of host-guest interactions involving β-CD.  相似文献   


We report molecular dynamics simulations of three possible adducts of Fe(II) to the N-terminal 1–16 fragments of the amyloid-β peptide, along with analogous simulations of Cu(II) and Zn(II) adducts. We find that multiple simulations from different starting points reach pseudo-equilibration within 100–300?ns, leading to over 900?ns of equilibrated trajectory data for each system. The specifics of the coordination modes for Fe(II) have only a weak effect on peptide secondary and tertiary structures, and we therefore compare one of these with analogous models of Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes. All share broadly similar structural features, with mixture of coil, turn and bend in the N-terminal region and helical structure for residues 11–16. Within this overall pattern, subtle effects due to changes in metal are evident: Fe(II) complexes are more compact and are more likely to occupy bridge and ribbon regions of Ramachandran maps, while Cu(II) coordination leads to greater occupancy of the poly-proline region. Analysis of representative clusters in terms of molecular mechanics energy and atoms-in-molecules properties indicates similarity of four-coordinate Cu and Zn complexes, compared to five-coordinate Fe complex that exhibits lower stability and weaker metal–ligand bonding.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Cystathionine β-synthase is an essential enzyme of the trans-suifuration pathway that condenses serine with homocysteine to form cystathionine. Missense mutations in CBS are the major cause of inherited homocystinuria, and the detailed effect of disease associated amino acid substitutions on the structure and stability of human CBS is yet unknown. Here, we apply a unique approach in combining in silico tools and molecular dynamics simulation to provide structural and functional insight into the effect of SNP on the stability and activity of mutant CBS. In addition, principal component analysis and free energy landscape were used to predict the collective motions, thermodynamic stabilities and essential subspace relevant to CBS function. The obtained results indicate that C109R, E176K and D376N mutations have the diverse effect on dynamic behavior of CBS protein. We found that highly conserved D376N mutation, which is present in the active pocket, affects the protein folding mechanism. Our strategy may provide a way in near future to understand and study effects of functional nsSNPs and their role in causing homocystinuria.  相似文献   

Delker C  Raschke A  Quint M 《Planta》2008,227(5):929-941
The phytohormone auxin is a potent regulator of plant development. Since its discovery in the beginning of the twentieth century many aspects of auxin biology have been extensively studied, ranging from biosynthesis and metabolism to the elucidation of molecular components of downstream signaling. With the identification of the F-box protein TIR1 as an auxin receptor a major breakthrough in understanding auxin signaling has been achieved and recent modeling approaches have shed light on the putative mechanisms underlying the establishment of auxin gradients and maxima essential for many auxin-regulated processes. Here, we review these and other recent advances in unraveling the entanglement of biosynthesis, polar transport and cellular signaling events that allow small auxinic molecules to facilitate their complex regulatory action.  相似文献   

The interaction of the Alzheimer's amyloid beta peptide, Aβ40, with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) micelles, together with the self-assembly of SDS molecules around the peptide from an initial random distribution were studied using atomistic and coarse-grained (CG) molecular dynamics simulations. In atomistic simulations, the peptide structure in the micelle was characterized by two helical regions connected through a short hinge. The initial structure of the system was shown to affect the simulation results. The atomistic self-assembly of SDS molecules resulted in a 38-molecule micelle around the peptide, along with some globules and individual molecules. Coarse-grained simulation results, however, did not show such a difference, and at the end of all CG simulations, a complete 60-molecule micelle was obtained, with the peptide located at the interface of the micelle with water. The obtained CG radial density profiles and SDS micelle size and shape properties were identical for all CG simulations.  相似文献   

The dependence of some molecular motions in the enzyme 1,3-1,4-β-glucanase from Bacillus licheniformis on temperature changes and the role of the calcium ion in them were explored. For this purpose, two molecular dynamics simulated trajectories along 4 ns at low (300 K) and high (325 K) temperatures were generated by the GROMOS96 package. Several structural and thermodynamic parameters were calculated, including entropy values, solvation energies, and essential dynamics (ED). In addition, thermoinactivation experiments to study the influence of the calcium ion and some residues on the activity were conducted. The results showed the release of the calcium ion, which, in turn, significantly affected the movements of loops 1, 2, and 3, as shown by essential dynamics. These movements differ at low and high temperatures and affect dramatically the activity of the enzyme, as observed by thermoinactivation studies. The first two authors contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

Missense mutation L270P disrupts the auto-inhibited state of “Wiskkot–Aldrich syndrome protein” (WASP), thereby constitutively activating the mutant structure, a key event for pathogenesis of X-linked neutropenia (XLN). In this study, we comprehensively deciphered the molecular feature of activated mutant structure by all atom molecular dynamics (MD) approach. MD analysis revealed that mutant structure exposed a wide variation in the spatial environment of atoms, resulting in enhanced residue flexibility. The increased flexibility of residues favored to decrease the number of intra-molecular hydrogen bonding interactions in mutant structure. The reduction of hydrogen bonds in the mutant structure resulted to disrupt the local folding of secondary structural elements that eventually affect the proper folding of mutants. The unfolded state of mutant structure established more number of inter-molecular hydrogen bonding interaction at interface level due to the conformational variability, thus mediated high binding affinity with its interacting partner, Cdc42.  相似文献   

The Wilms’ tumour suppressor protein (WT1) plays a multifaceted role in human cancer processes. Mutations on its DNA recognition domain could lead to Denys–Drash syndrome, and alternate splicing results in insertion of the tripeptide Lys–Thr–Ser (KTS) between the third and fourth zinc fingers (ZFs), leading to changes in the DNA-binding function. However, detailed recognition mechanisms of the WT1–DNA complex have not been explored. To clarify the mutational effects upon WT1 towards DNA binding at the atomic level, molecular dynamics simulations and the molecular mechanics/Poisson Boltzmann surface area (MM/PBSA) method were employed. The simulation results indicate that mutations in ZF domains (E427Q and Q369H) may weaken the binding affinity, and the statistical analyses of the hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions show that eight residues (Lys351, Arg366, Arg375, Arg376, Lys399, Arg403, Arg424 and Arg430) have a significant influence on recognition and binding to DNA. Insertion of the tripeptide KTS could form an immobilized hydrogen-bonding network with Arg403, affecting the flexibility and angle of the linker between ZF3 and ZF4, thus influencing the recognition between the protein and the DNA triplet at its 5′ terminus. These results represent the first step towards a thorough characterization of the WT1 recognition mechanisms, providing a better understanding of the structure–function relationship of WT1 and its mutants.  相似文献   

Conformational rearrangements of peroxysome proliferator activated receptor (PPARγ) ligand-binding domain (LBD) that accompany the release and binding of ligands are not well understood. To determine the major events associated with the escape of the partial agonist GW0072, molecular dynamic (MD) simulations were performed using two different methods: reversed targeted molecular dynamics (TMD−1) and time-dependent distance restraints (TDR) using as restraints either the root mean square deviation from a reference structure (TMD−1) or the distance between the geometrical centers of the binding pocket and of the ligand (TDR). Both methods do not assume any a priori route for ligand extraction. To avoid artifacts, different initial simulation conditions were used and particular attention was paid for giving time to the protein to relax during the extraction process by running 10–12 ns simulations within explicit water. Two distinct exit gates A and B were found, independently of initial conditions and method. During the exit process no interaction between GW0072 and the transactivation AF-2 helix was observed. Our results suggest that the ligand uses the intrinsic flexibility of the protein to move within the receptor. Paths A and B are very similar to those found for other nuclear receptors, suggesting that these routes are a common characteristics of nuclear receptors that are used by different kinds of ligands. Finally, the knowledge of entry/exit pathways of a receptor should be very useful in discriminating between different ligands that could have been favorably docked in the binding pocket by introducing docking along these pathways into computational drug design protocols.  相似文献   

The counterion distribution around a DNA dodecamer (5'-CGCGAATTCGCG-3') is analyzed using both standard and novel techniques based on state of the art molecular dynamics simulations. Specifically, we have explored the population of Na(+) in the minor groove of DNA duplex, and whether or not a string of Na(+) can replace the spine of hydration in the narrow AATT minor groove. The results suggest that the insertion of Na(+) in the minor groove is a very rare event, but that when once the ion finds specific sites deep inside the groove it can reside there for very long periods of time. According to our simulation the presence of Na(+) inside the groove does not have a dramatic influence in the structure or dynamics of the duplex DNA. The ability of current MD simulations to obtain equilibrated pictures of the counterion atmosphere around DNA is critically discussed.  相似文献   

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