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Most halobacteria produce gas vesicles (GV). The well-characterized species Halobacterium halobium and some GV+ revertants of GV- mutants of H. halobium produce large amounts of GV which have a spindlelike shape. Most other GV+ revertants of H. halobium GV- mutants and other recently characterized halobacterial wild-type strains possess GV with a cylindrical form. The number of intact particles in the latter isolates is only 10 to 30% of that of H. halobium. Analysis of GV envelope proteins (GVPs) by electrophoresis on phenol-acetic acid-urea gels showed that the GVP of the highly efficient GV-producing strains migrated faster than the GVP of the low-GV-producing strains. The relative molecular mass of the GVP was estimated to be 19 kilodaltons (kDa) for high-producing strains (GVP-A) and 20 kDa for low-producing strains (GVP-B). Amino acid sequence analysis of the first 40 amino acids of the N-terminal parts of GVP-A and GVP-B indicated that the two proteins differed in two defined positions. GVP-B, in relation to GVP-A, had Gly-7 and Val-28 always replaced by Ser-7 and Ile-28, respectively. These data suggest that at least two different gvp genes exist in H. halobium NRL. This was directly demonstrated by hybridization experiments with gvp-specific DNA probes. A fragment of plasmid pHH1 and a chromosomal fragment of H. halobium hybridized to the probes. Only a chromosomal fragment hybridized to the same gyp probes when both chromosomal and plasmid DNAs from the low-GV-producing halobacterial wild-type strains SB3 and GN101 were examined. These findings support the assumption that GVP-A is expressed by a pHH1-associated gvp gene and GVP-B by a chromosomal gvp gene.  相似文献   

Through hybridization of available probes, we have added nine genes to the macrorestriction map of the Haloferax mediterranei chromosome and five genes to the contig map of Haloferax volcanii. Additionally, we hybridized 17 of the mapped cosmid clones from H. volcanii to the H. mediterranei genome. The resulting 35-point chromosomal comparison revealed only two inversions and a few translocations. Forces known to promote rearrangement, common in the haloarchaea, have been ineffective in changing global gene order throughout the nearly 10(7) years of these species' divergent evolution.  相似文献   

Gas vesicles are proteinaceous, gas‐filled nanostructures produced by some bacteria and archaea. The hydrophobic major structural protein GvpA forms the ribbed gas vesicle wall. An in‐silico 3D‐model of GvpA of the predicted coil‐α1‐β1‐β2‐α2‐coil structure is available and implies that the two β‐chains constitute the hydrophobic interior surface of the gas vesicle wall. To test the importance of individual amino acids in GvpA we performed 85 single substitutions and analyzed these variants in Haloferax volcanii ΔA + Amut transformants for their ability to form gas vesicles (Vac+ phenotype). In most cases, an alanine substitution of a non‐polar residue did not abolish gas vesicle formation, but the replacement of single non‐polar by charged residues in β1 or β2 resulted in Vac transformants. A replacement of residues near the β‐turn altered the spindle‐shape to a cylindrical morphology of the gas vesicles. Vac transformants were also obtained with alanine substitutions of charged residues of helix α1 suggesting that these amino acids form salt‐bridges with another GvpA monomer. In helix α2, only the alanine substitution of His53 or Tyr54, led to Vac transformants, whereas most other substitutions had no effect. We discuss our results in respect to the GvpA structure and data available from solid‐state NMR.  相似文献   

A series of deletions introduced into the gvp gene cluster of Haloferax mediterranei, comprising 14 genes involved in gas vesicle synthesis (mc-vac-region), was investigated by transformation experiments. Gas vesicle production and the expression of the gvpA gene encoding the major gas vesicle protein, GvpA, was monitored in each Haloferax volcanii transformant. Whereas transformants containing the entire mc-vac-region produced gas vesicles (Vac+), various deletions in the region 5' to gvpA (encompassing gvpD-gvpM) or 3' to gvpA (containing gvpC, gvpN and gvpO) revealed Vac- transformants. All these transformants expressed gvpA and contained the 8 kDa GvpA protein as shown by Western analysis. However, transformants containing the gvpA gene by itself indicated a lower level of GvpA than observed with each of the other transformants. None of these transformants containing deletion constructs assembled the GvpA protein into gas vesicles. In contrast, transformants containing a construct carrying a 918 bp deletion internal to gvpD exhibited a tremendous gas vesicle overproduction, suggesting a regulatory role for the gvpD gene or its product. This is the first assignment of a functional role for one of the 13 halobacterial gvp genes found in addition to gvpA that are involved in the synthesis of this unique structure.  相似文献   

Gas vesicle formation in haloarchaea requires the expression of the p-vac region consisting of 14 genes, gvpACNO and gvpDEFGHIJKLM. Expression of gvpFGHIJKLM leads to essential accessory proteins formed in minor amounts. An overexpression of gvpG, gvpH or gvpM in addition to p-vac inhibited gas vesicle formation, whereas large amounts of all other Gvp proteins did not disturb the synthesis. The unbalanced expression and in particular an aggregation of the overproduced Gvp with other accessory Gvp derived from p-vac could be a reason for the inhibition. Western analyses demonstrated that the hydrophobic GvpM (and GvpJ) indeed form multimers. Fluorescent dots of GvpM–GFP were seen in cells in vivo underlining an aggregation of GvpM. In search for proteins neutralizing the inhibitory effect in case of GvpM, p-vac +pGMex, +pHMex, +pJMex, and +pLMex transformants were constructed. The inhibitory effect of GvpM on gas vesicle formation was suppressed by GvpH, GvpJ or GvpL, but not by GvpG. Western analyses demonstrated that pHMex and pJMex transformants contained additional larger protein bands when probed with an antiserum raised against GvpH or GvpJ, implying interactions. The balanced amount of GvpM–GvpH and GvpM–GvpJ appears to be important during gas vesicle genesis.  相似文献   

冯博  蔡双凤  韩静  刘海龙  周坚  向华 《微生物学报》2010,50(10):1305-1312
【目的】进一步揭示地中海富盐菌(Haloferax mediterranei)中聚羟基丁酸羟基戊酸酯[poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate),PHBV]前体供应的途径并鉴定其中的关键基因。【方法】将细菌及其他古菌中已鉴定的与聚羟基脂肪酸酯前体(3-羟基脂酰-CoA)供应相关的酶与地中海富盐菌预测的全蛋白质组进行同源性比对,得到相似性比较高的5个基因,分别命名为:phaB1,phaB2,phaJ1,phaJ2和phaJ3。首先利用RT-PCR检测了5个基因在产PHBV的条件下的转录情况。然后利用同源重组双交换的方法,将5个基因分别或组合敲除,得到突变株:ΔphaB1,ΔphaB2,ΔphaJ1,ΔphaJ2,ΔphaJ3,ΔphaB1phaB2,ΔphaJ1phaJ2和ΔphaJ1phaJ2phaJ3。并在突变株ΔphaB1phaB2中分别互补phaB1和phaB2基因。【结果】无论是将3个phaJ基因单独敲除,还是组合敲除,对地中海富盐菌PHBV的积累都没有明显影响。单独敲除phaB1基因对PHBV的积累没有明显影响,单独敲除phaB2基因导致突变株PHBV产量明显下降,而且3-HV单体组分所占的摩尔比例也有所下降。将phaB1和phaB2基因同时敲除后,得到的突变株不再产生PHBV。【结论】在地中海富盐菌中可能主要存在由乙酰-CoA和丙酰-CoA提供PHBV前体的途径,其中编码乙酰乙酰-CoA还原酶的两个基因即为phaB1和phaB2。  相似文献   

Abstract Eleven Swa I restriction sites and ten genes have been aligned to the Bam HI physical map of the main chromosome of the halobacterium Haloferax mediterranei ATCC33500, using two-dimensional pulsed field gel electrophoresis and hybridization experiments.  相似文献   

Haloferax mediterranei is capable of producing large amounts of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) from many kinds of carbon sources, with exopolysaccharide (EPS) as a by-product. In this study, we identified a gene cluster involved in EPS biosynthesis in H. mediterranei. Knocking out the genes in this cluster encoding the putative UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 6-dehydrogenase (HFX_2145), glycosyltransferases (HFX_2146 and HFX_2147) and polysaccharide transporter (HFX_2148) eliminated EPS synthesis. The deficiency in EPS biosynthesis in the mutant strain remarkably decreased the viscosity of culture broth, and hence increased the dissolved oxygen content and decreased the foaming propensity. Compared with the wild-type (WT) strain, the PHBV production of the EPS-mutant strain was significantly enhanced (approximately 20 %), whereas the cell growth rate remained similar under the same culture conditions. These results indicated that the carbon sources used for synthesizing EPS were shifted to PHBV production. Thus, a novel engineered H. mediterranei strain was developed, which would be favorable for future industrial production of PHBV.  相似文献   

Given the potential applications of gas vesicles (GVs) in multiple fields including antigen-displaying and imaging, heterologous reconstitution of synthetic GVs is an attractive and interesting study that has translational potential. Here, we attempted to express and assemble GV proteins (GVPs) into GVs using the model eukaryotic organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We first selected and expressed two core structural proteins, GvpA and GvpC from cyanobacteria Anabaena flos-aquae and Planktothrix rubescens, respectively. We then optimized the protein production conditions and validated GV assembly in the context of GV shapes. We found that when two copies of anaA were integrated into the genome, the chromosomal expression of AnaA resulted in GV production regardless of GvpC expression. Next, we co-expressed chaperone-RFP with the GFP-AnaA to aid the AnaA aggregation. The co-expression of individual chaperones (Hsp42, Sis1, Hsp104, and GvpN) with AnaA led to the formation of larger inclusions and enhanced the sequestration of AnaA into the perivacuolar site. To our knowledge, this represents the first study on reconstitution of GVs in S. cerevisiae. Our results could provide insights into optimizing conditions for heterologous protein production as well as the reconstitution of other synthetic microcompartments in yeast.  相似文献   

Glutamate synthase (GOGAT) is one of the two important enzymes involved in the ammonium assimilation pathway glutamine synthetase (GS)/GOGAT, which enables Hfx. mediterranei to thrive in media with low ammonium concentration or containing just nitrate as single nitrogen source. The gene coding for this enzyme, gltS, has been sequenced, analysed and compared with other GOGATs from different organisms from the three domains of life. According to its amino acid sequence, Hfx. mediterranei GOGAT displays high homology with those from other archaeal halophilic organisms and with the bacterial alpha-like subunit. Hfx. mediterranei GOGAT and GS expression was induced under conditions of ammonium restriction. The GOGAT protein was found to be a monomer with a molecular mass of 163.78 kDa, which is consistent with that estimated by gel filtration, 198 ± 30 kDa. The enzyme is highly ferredoxin dependent: activity was only observed with one of the two different 2Fe–2S ferredoxins chromatographically isolated from Hfx. mediterranei. The enzyme also displayed typical halophilic behaviour, being fully stable, and producing maximal activity, at salt concentrations from 3 to 4 M NaCl, pH 7.5 and a temperature of 50 °C.  相似文献   

Haloferax mediterranei can use nitrate as sole nitrogen source during aerobic growth. We report here the purification and biochemical characterisation of the assimilatory nitrate reductase (EC from H. mediterranei. The enzyme, as isolated, was composed of two subunits (105+/-1.3 kDa and 50+/-1.3 kDa) and behaved as a dimer during gel filtration (132+/-6 kDa). A pH of 9 and elevated temperatures up to 80 degrees C (at 3.1 M NaCl) are necessary for optimum activity. The enzyme stability and activity of the enzyme depend upon the salt concentration. Reduced methyl viologen was as effective as the natural electron donor ferredoxin in the catalytic process. In contrast, NADPH and NADH, which are electron donors in nitrate reductases from different non-photosynthetic bacteria, were ineffective.  相似文献   

Haloferax mediterranei is an extreme halophilic micro-organism belonging to the Archaea domain that was isolated from the Santa Pola solar salterns (Alicante, Spain) in 1983. The biochemistry of the proteins involved in nitrogen metabolism is being studied, but the knowledge of their regulation is very scarce at present. The PII superfamily is constituted by major regulators of nitrogen metabolism, which are widespread in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. These trimeric proteins (12?kDa per subunit) have in Escherichia coli long been known to regulate GS (glutamine synthetase) activity via its adenylyltransferase/adenylyl-removing enzyme and, more recently, to be able to interact directly with this enzyme in methanogenic archaea. We have tested the possible role of PII proteins in the regulation of ammonium assimilation in our model organism and the results clearly indicate that the direct influence of GS by PII proteins can also take place in halophilic archaea, starting with the comprehension of nitrogen regulation in those organisms.  相似文献   



Cyanobacteria are recognized as the primordial organisms to grace the earth with molecular oxygen ~3.5 billion years ago as a result of their oxygenic photosynthesis. This laid a selection pressure for the evolution of antioxidative defense mechanisms to alleviate the toxic effect of active oxygen species (AOS) in cyanobacteria. Superoxide dismutases (SODs) are metalloenzymes that are the first arsenal in defense mechanism against oxidative stress followed by an array of antioxidative system. Unlike other living organisms, cyanobacteria possess multiple isoforms of SOD. Hence, an attempt was made to demonstrate the oxidative stress tolerance ability of marine cyanobacterium, Leptolyngbya valderiana BDU 20041 and to PCR amplify and sequence the SOD gene, the central enzyme for alleviating stress.


L. valderiana BDU 20041, a filamentous, non-heterocystous marine cyanobacterium showed tolerance to the tested dye (C.I. Acid Black 1) which is evident by increased in biomass (i.e.) chlorophyll a. The other noticeable change was the total ROS production by culture dosed with dye compared to the control cultures. This prolonged incubation showed sustenance, implying that cyanobacteria maintain their antioxidant levels. The third significant feature was a two-fold increase in SOD activity of dye treated L. valderiana BDU20041 suggesting the role of SOD in alleviating oxidative stress via Asada-Halliwell pathway. Hence, the organism was PCR amplified for SOD gene resulting in an amplicon of 550 bp. The sequence analysis illustrated the presence of first three residues involved in motif; active site residues at H4, 58 and D141 along with highly conserved Mn specific residues. The isolated gene shared 63.8% homology with MnSOD of bacteria confirmed it as Mn isoform. This is the hitherto report on SOD gene from marine cyanobacterium, L. valderiana BDU20041 of Indian subcontinent.


Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) coupled with induction of SOD by marine cyanobacterium, L. valderiana BDU20041 was responsible for alleviating stress caused by an azo dye, C. I. Acid Black 1. The partial SOD gene has been sequenced and based on the active site, motif and metal specific residues; it has been identified as Mn metalloform.  相似文献   

Pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFG) has been used to study the genomic organization of the halophilic archaeon Haloferax mediterranei. Analysis of the different genomic elements as well as the restriction patterns obtained with several endonucleases revealed that this microorganism has a circular chromosome of 2.9 Mb and, at least, three extrachromosomal elements of 490, 320 and 130 kb respectively. The complete physical map of the chromosome for the endonucleases PacI and BamHI has been constructed, and several BcII, BgIII and DraI restriction fragments have been aligned on these maps. The localization of heterologous and homologous genes on the physical map, including those for rRNA, lay the ground work for the construction of a genetic map.  相似文献   

Physiology, regulation and biochemical aspects of the nitrogen assimilation are well known in Prokarya or Eukarya but they are poorly described in Archaea domain. The haloarchaeon Haloferax mediterranei can use different nitrogen inorganic sources (NO3, NO2 or NH4+) for growth. Different approaches were considered to study the effect of NH4+ on nitrogen assimilation in Hfx. mediterranei cells grown in KNO3 medium. The NH4+ addition to KNO3 medium caused a decrease of assimilatory nitrate (Nas) and nitrite reductases (NiR) activities. Similar effects were observed when nitrate-growing cells were transferred to NH4+ media. Both activities increased when NH4+ was removed from culture, showing that the negative effect of NH4+ on this pathway is reversible. These results suggest that ammonium causes the inhibition of the assimilatory nitrate pathway, while nitrate exerts a positive effect. This pattern has been confirmed by RT-PCR. In the presence of both NO3 and NH4+, NH4+ was preferentially consumed, but NO3 uptake was not completely inhibited by NH4+ at prolonged time scale. The addition of MSX to NH4+ or NO3 cultures results in an increase of Nas and NiR activities, suggesting that NH4+ assimilation, rather than NH4+ per se, has a negative effect on assimilatory nitrate reduction in Hfx. mediterranei. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The products of CO2 fixation by heterotrophically grown Haloferax mediterranei were analysed. The main 14C-labelled alpha-ketoacid detected following incubation with NaH14CO3 and pyruvate or propionate was pyruvate. In presence of these organic acids and NH4+, 14CO2 was incorporated into glutamic and aspartic acids and alanine.  相似文献   

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