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Brefeldin A (BFA) added to primary cultures of rat hepatocytes, at a concentration of 0.2 microg/ml, prevented the assembly of newly synthesized apolipoprotein B (apoB) into mature, secretory VLDL but did not prevent the secretion of apoB as denser particles (HDL apoB), or of albumin. The unassembled apoB remained associated with the membranes of the cellular microsomal fraction. There was no effect of BFA on the removal of apoB from the lumen of these vesicles. VLDL apoB formed only a minor component of the total apoB in the microsomal lumen. Higher (5 microg/ml) concentrations of BFA were required to prevent the secretion of HDL apoB and albumin. Under these conditions apoB accumulated in the microsomal lumen, as well as in the membranes of these vesicles. Again, apoB VLDL formed only a minor proportion of the total lumenal apoB. ApoB-48 VLDL and apoB-100 VLDL assembly could be restored by removing BFA from the medium. This reactivation of VLDL assembly was accompanied by an increased removal of apoB from the microsomal membranes, but there was no detectable increase in the small quantity of VLDL apoB that was recovered from the microsomal lumen. In the absence of BFA, during pulse-chase experiments the pattern of change in the specific radioactivity of microsomal membrane apoB was similar to that of the secreted VLDL apoB whereas that of the lumenal apoB resembled that of the secreted HDL apoB. The results suggest that membrane-associated apoB is the main direct precursor of secreted VLDL apoB in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes and that VLDL assembly does not involve primarily microsomal lumenal apoB as an intermediate.  相似文献   

Insulin inhibition of apolipoprotein B (apoB) secretion by primary cultures of rat hepatocytes was investigated in pulse-chase experiments using [35S]methionine as label. Radioactivity incorporation into apoBH and apoBL, the higher and lower molecular weight forms, was assessed after immunoprecipitation of detergent-solubilized cells and media and separation of the apoB forms using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Hepatocyte monolayers were incubated for 12-14 h in medium with and without an inhibitory concentration of insulin. Cells were then incubated for 10 min with label, and, after differing periods of chase with unlabeled methionine, cellular medium and media labeled apoB were analyzed; greater than 90% of labeled apoB was present in cells at 10 and 20 min after pulse, and labeled apoB did not appear in the medium until 40 min of chase. Insulin treatment inhibited the incorporation of label into total apoB by 48%, into apoBH by 62%, and into apoBL by 40% relative to other cellular proteins. Insulin treatment favored the more rapid disappearance of labeled cellular apoBH with an intra-cellular retention half-time of 50 min (initial half-life of decay, t1/2 = 25 min) compared with 85 min in control (t1/2 = 60 min). Intracellular retention half-times of labeled apoBL were similar in control and insulin-treated hepatocytes and ranged from 80 to 100 min. After 180 min of chase, 44% of labeled apoBL in control and 32% in insulin-treated hepatocytes remained cell associated. Recovery studies indicated that insulin stimulated the degradation of 45 and 27% of newly synthesized apoBH and apoBL, respectively. When hepatocyte monolayers were continuously labeled with [35S]methionine and then incubated in chase medium with and without insulin, labeled apoBH was secreted rapidly, reaching a plateau by 1 h of chase, whereas labeled apoBL was secreted linearly over 3-5 h of chase. Insulin inhibited the secretion of immunoassayable apoB but not labeled apoB. Results demonstrate that 1) insulin inhibits synthesis of apoB from [35S]methionine, 2) insulin stimulates degradation of freshly translated apoB favoring apoBH over apoBL, and 3) an intracellular pool of apoB, primarily apoBL, exists that is largely unaffected by insulin. Overall, insulin action in primary hepatocyte cultures reduces the secretion of freshly synthesized apoB and favors secretion of preformed apoB enriched in apoBL.  相似文献   

The modulation of apolipoprotein B synthesis and secretion by fatty acids in rat hepatocytes was studied. Maximum apolipoprotein B production was obtained in the case of oleic acid followed by linoleic, stearic and palmitic/linolenic acid when compared to control which was not supplemented with any fatty acids. Oleic acid was found to exert a concentration dependent increase in the secretion of [3H] apolipoprotein B into the medium while that associated with the cell layer was not affected. Pulse chase experiments in the presence of oleic acid showed that it caused an increase in the secretion of apolipoprotein B into the medium.14C-acetate incorporation into cholesterol and cholesteryl ester associated with the cell layer and secreted very low density lipoproteins also showed an increase in the presence of oleic acid indicating an increase in cholesterogenesis. The effect of oleic acid on [3H] apolipoprotein B and very low density lipoproteins secretion appeared to be mediated through cholesterol as (i) ketoconazole, an inhibitor of cholesterol synthesis caused significant reduction in the stimulatory effect of oleic acid on apolipoprotein secretion and (ii) mevinolin, another inhibitor of cholesterol synthesis also reversed the stimulatory effect of oleic acid on apolipoprotein B secretion. These results indicated that oleic acid may influence apolipoprotein B synthesis and secretion in hepatocytes probably by affecting cholesterol/cholesteryl ester formation which may be a critical component in the secretion of apolipoprotein B as lipoproteins  相似文献   

1. The effect of the Ca2+-channel blocker diltiazem on hepatic apolipoprotein B (apo B) synthesis and secretion was studied in 12-18 h cultures of collagenase-dispersed rat hepatocytes. 2. The presence of diltiazem in the medium decreased apo B secretion by hepatocytes in a concentration-dependent manner. At 25 microM, diltiazem inhibited apo B secretion by approx. 36%, but there was no evidence of intracellular accumulation of apo B. 3. The inhibition of apo B secretion by hepatocytes was significantly correlated with cell-associated diltiazem (r = 0.72, P less than 0.01). 4. The rate of apo B secretion remained linear over 16 h even in the presence of 50 microM-diltiazem. 5. At diltiazem concentrations in the medium which were inhibitory for apo B secretion, [14C]acetate incorporation into cellular lipids and [35S]methionine incorporation into protein were enhanced. 6. Diltiazem inhibited the secretion of the apo B variants with a preferential inhibition of the higher-molecular-mass form of apo B (apo BH) over the lower-molecular-mass form (apo BL) at diltiazem concentrations in the medium greater than 25 microM. 7. Together, these results suggest that Ca2+ may play an important role in the synthesis and secretion of apo B-containing lipoproteins.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein B mRNA editing is developmentally regulated in the human and rodent small intestine, changing from <1% at day 14 to approximately 90% by day 20 in the rat fetus. This regulation is coincident with the developmental formation of the crypt-to-villus axis functional unit, a continuous and rapidly renewing system involving cell generation, migration, and differentiation. Utilizing small intestine isografts implanted into the subcutaneous tissue of adult recipients, apolipoprotein B mRNA editing was developmentally up-regulated, parallel to that seen with an intact control. In contrast, apoB mRNA expression remains nearly constant in the isograft, unlike the normal intact small intestine. Immunohistochemical analyses demonstrated that apoB-48 protein existed predominantly in well differentiated enterocytes along the villus surface whereas apoB-100 was in the lamina propria and crypts. ApoB mRNA editing levels were very low in the crypt-like rat intestinal cell line, IEC-6 ( approximately 0.3%), but very high in well differentiated enterocytes ( approximately 91.5%). The expression of homeobox gene Cdx1 increased 18-fold in small intestine in vivo during the same time course when apoB mRNA editing increased from approximately 2 to approximately 90%. The overexpression of Cdx1 in IEC-6 cells increased apoB mRNA editing over 10-fold compared with the vector control. This increase was associated with a significant increase of activating factor ACF, a component of the apoB mRNA editing complex. Taken together, these data suggest that the developmental regulation of apoB mRNA editing is an autonomous cytodifferentiation function of small intestine for which homeobox gene Cdx1 may play an important role.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein B (apoB) mRNA editing leads to a single base change in its mRNA and the production of apoB-48. Currently, the degree of apoB mRNA editing is analyzed by the RT-PCR primer extension method. While this method is quantitative, it is labor intensive, utilizes radioactivity for labeling and may not be sensitive enough to discriminate between low levels of editing and inherent assay background levels. Peptide nucleic acid (PNA) oligonucletides have been used in single point mutation detection through PCR clamping. In the present work, we developed a PCR based assay which can detect the single base change responsible for the apoB-48 production. We found that as low as 0.5% of the edited form can be clearly detected by PNA mediated PCR clamping. When combined with the primer extension assay, an approximately 180-fold enrichment of the edited percentage is observed, reflecting selected PCR amplification of templates containing the edited base.  相似文献   

An RNA editing mechanism modifies apolipoprotein B (apo-B) mRNA in the intestine by converting cytosine at nucleotide (nt) 6666 to uracil. To define the sequence requirements for editing, mutant apo-B RNAs were analyzed for the ability to be edited in vitro by enterocyte extracts. Editing was detected by a sensitive and linear primer extension assay. An upstream region (nt 6648 to 6661) which affected the efficiency of editing was identified. RNAs with mutations in this efficiency sequence were edited at 22 to 160% of wild-type levels. Point mutations in a downstream 11-nt mooring sequence (nt 6671 to 6681) abolished editing, confirming previous studies (R. R. Shah, T. J. Knott, J. E. Legros, N. Navaratnam, J. C. Greeve, and J. Scott, J. Biol. Chem. 266:16301-16304, 1991). The optimal distance between the editing site and the mooring sequence is 5 nt, but a C positioned 8 nt upstream is edited even when nt 6666 contains U. The efficiency and mooring sequences were inserted individually and together adjacent to a heterologous C in apo-B mRNA. The mooring sequence alone induced editing of the C at nt 6597 both in vitro and in transfected rat hepatoma cells. Editing at nt 6597 was specific, was independent of editing at nt 6666, and was stimulated to wild-type levels when the efficiency sequence was also inserted. Introduction of the mooring sequence into a heterologous mRNA, luciferase mRNA, induced editing of an upstream cytidine. Although UV cross-linking studies have previously shown that proteins of 60 to 66 kDa cross-link to apo-B mRNA, these proteins did not cross-link to the luciferase translocation mutants.  相似文献   

Editing of apolipoprotein B (apoB) mRNA requires the catalytic component APOBEC-1 together with "auxiliary" proteins that have not been conclusively characterized so far. Here we report the purification of these additional components of the apoB mRNA editing enzyme-complex from rat liver and the cDNA cloning of the novel APOBEC-1-stimulating protein (ASP). Two proteins copurified into the final active fraction and were characterized by peptide sequencing and mass spectrometry: KSRP, a 75-kDa protein originally described as a splicing regulating factor, and ASP, a hitherto unknown 65-kDa protein. Separation of these two proteins resulted in a reduction of APOBEC-1-stimulating activity. ASP represents a novel type of RNA-binding protein and contains three single-stranded RNA-binding domains in the amino-terminal half and a putative double-stranded RNA-binding domain at the carboxyl terminus. Purified recombinant glutathione S-transferase (GST)-ASP, but not recombinant GST-KSRP, stimulated recombinant GST-APOBEC-1 to edit apoB RNA in vitro. These data demonstrate that ASP is the second essential component of the apoB mRNA editing enzyme-complex. In rat liver, ASP is apparently associated with KSRP, which may confer stability to the editing enzyme-complex with its substrate apoB RNA serving as an additional auxiliary component.  相似文献   

The regulation of phosphatidylcholine (PC) catabolism has been studied in choline-deficient rat hepatocytes. Supplementation of choline-deficient hepatocytes, prelabeled with [3H]choline, with 100 microM choline increased the rate of PC catabolism by approx. 2-fold. The major product of PC degradation was glycerophosphocholine in both choline-deficient and choline-supplemented cells. Choline supplementation decreased the radioactivity recovered in lysoPC by 50%. This effect was accompanied by a 2-fold increase of labeled glycerophosphocholine. Comparable results were obtained when PC of the cells was prelabeled with [3H]methionine or [3H]glycerol. The activity of phospholipase A in cytosol, mitochondria and microsomes isolated from choline-deficient rat liver was similar to the activity in control liver, when determined with [3H]PC vesicles as the substrate. Measurement of the activity of phospholipase A with endogenously [3H]choline-labeled PC showed that the formation of lysoPC in mitochondria isolated form choline-supplemented cells was 40% lower than in choline-deficient cells. Alternatively, the formation of [3H]glycerophosphocholine and [3H]choline in microsomes from choline-supplemented cells was significantly higher (1.4-fold) than in microsomes from choline-deficient cells. These results suggest that the rate of PC catabolism is regulated in rat hepatocytes and that the concentration of PC might be an important regulatory factor.  相似文献   

The possibility that apo-B is phosphorylated was examined using cultured rat hepatocytes. Rabbit antiserum prepared against rat apo-B was found to specifically react with both large and small molecular weight apo-B (by electroblotting assay and by immunoprecipitation of [35S]methionine-labeled proteins synthesized and secreted by hepatocytes). Following a 4-h incubation with [35P]orthophosphate, immunoprecipitation, and sodium dodecyl sulfate electrophoresis, an autoradiographic band corresponding to small molecular weight apo-B was obtained from cells and medium. Compared to the relative abundance of 32P which was associated with secreted small molecular weight apo-B, there was little (if any) detected in large molecular weight apo-B. Addition of excess unlabeled apo-B (obtained from rat serum) totally competed with the specific antiserum for this radioactive protein, indicating it was antigenically related to apo-B. Moreover, isolation of the 32P-labeled apo-B electrophoretic band, followed by acid hydrolysis and phosphoamino acid analysis, showed that at least 20% of the 32P originally associated with small molecular weight apo-B was in the form of phosphoserine. Control experiments ruled out the possible contamination of apo-B with phospholipid as well as the possibility that the phosphoserine produced by acid hydrolysis could have been derived from phosphatidylserine. To examine the relevance of these data to the in vivo state, rats were injected with [32P]orthophosphate. Immunoprecipitation of their livers followed by autoradiographic analysis showed the presence of 32P in small molecular weight apo-B. These data show for the first time that small molecular weight apo-B is synthesized as a phosphoserine containing protein.  相似文献   

We examined the role of S-linked palmitoylation of human apolipoprotein (apo) B in the assembly and secretion of very low density lipoproteins using recombinant human apoB48. There are four free cysteine residues (Cys(1085), Cys(1396), Cys(1478), and Cys(1635)) within apoB48 that potentially can be palmitoylated. All four cysteine residues were substituted with serine by site-specific mutagenesis. The mutant protein was expressed in transfected rat hepatoma McA-RH7777 cells. Metabolic labeling of the stably transfected cells with iodopalmitic acid analog showed that the mutant apoB48 lacked palmitoylation. The lack of palmitoylation had little impact on the ability of apoB48 to assemble and secrete very low density lipoproteins or high density lipoproteins. Immunocytochemistry experiments using confocal microscopy failed to reveal any major alterations in the intracellular distribution of the mutant apoB48 at steady state. Pulse-chase analysis combined with subcellular fractionation showed no apparent deficiency in the movement of the mutant apoB48 protein from the endoplasmic reticulum to cis/medial Golgi. However, the mutant apoB48 lacking palmitoylation showed retarded movement toward the distal Golgi and increased association (>2-fold) with the membranes of the secretory compartments. A marginal decrease (by 15-20%) in secretion efficiency as compared with that of wild type apoB48 was also observed. These results suggest that lack of palmitoylation may influence the partitioning of apoB48 between microsomal membranes and microsomal lumen, but it does not compromise the ability of apoB48 to assemble lipoproteins.  相似文献   

We have studied the consequences of alterations to hepatic apoB mRNA editing on the biosynthesis and intracellular distribution of newly synthesized apoB variants together with their mass distribution in nascent Golgi very low density lipoproteins (VLDL). Radiolabeled liver membrane fractions were prepared from control or hypothyroid animals and separated by discontinuous sucrose gradient centrifugation. Hepatic apoB-100 synthesis in these groups accounted for 93-100% of total newly synthesized apoB species of Golgi fractions recovered from the sucrose gradients (G1 and G2). The analogous fractions isolated from the livers of hyperthyroid (treated with 3,3',5-triiodo-L-thyronine, T3) animals revealed that newly synthesized apoB-100 accounted for only 46 +/- 10% (G1) and 24 +/- 11% (G2), respectively, of total newly synthesized apoB. ApoB-100 mass in nascent Golgi VLDL from control and hypothyroid G1 fractions represented 70-78% total apoB as determined by Western blot analysis. By contrast, Golgi VLDL from hyperthyroid animals contained predominantly (greater than 78%) apoB-48 as the apoB species. Electron microscopy revealed that the morphology and size distribution of hyperthyroid G1 VLDL were similar to particles isolated from control animals. Thus, despite a profound reduction in the proportion of apoB-100 mRNA species containing an unmodified codon (CAA, B-GLN) at position 2153 in hyperthyroid animals (6 +/- 1% vs 50-61% in control and hypothyroid animals) apoB-100 biosynthesis was detectable in a defined membrane fraction isolated by discontinuous sucrose gradient centrifugation. However, no apoB-100 synthesis was detectable in liver samples prepared by Polytron disruption in Triton-containing buffers. These data suggest that effective hepatic VLDL assembly and secretion in the T3-treated rat continues despite a profound reduction in apoB-100 biosynthesis and implies that apoB-48 contains the requisite domains to direct this process, a situation analogous to that in the intestine.  相似文献   

P P Lau  S H Chen  J C Wang    L Chan 《Nucleic acids research》1990,18(19):5817-5821
Apolipoprotein (apo) B-48 mRNA is the product of RNA editing which consists of a C----U conversion changing a CAA codon encoding Gln-2153 in apoB-100 mRNA to a UAA stop codon in apoB-48 mRNA. In the adult rat, RNA editing occurs both in the small intestine and the liver. We have studied the ability of rat liver nuclear extracts to bind to synthetic apoB mRNA segments spanning the editing site. Using an RNA gel mobility shift assay, we found the sequence-specific binding of a protein(s) to a 65-nucleotide apoB-100 mRNA. UV crosslinking followed by T1 ribonuclease digestion and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis demonstrated the formation of a 40 kDa protein-RNA complex when 32P-labeled apoB-100 mRNA was incubated with a rat liver nuclear extract but not with HeLa nuclear extract. Binding was specific for the sense strand of apoB mRNA, and was not demonstrated with single-stranded apoB DNA, or antisense apoB RNA. The complex also failed to form if SDS was present during the UV light exposure. Binding experiments using synthetic apoB mRNAs indicate that the 40 kDa protein would also bind to apoB-48 mRNA but not apoA-I, apoA-IV, apoC-II or apoE mRNA. Experiments using deletion mutants of apoB-100 mRNA indicate efficient binding of wildtype 65-nucleotide (W65), 40-nucleotide (W40) and 26-nucleotide (W26) apoB-100 mRNA segments, but not 10-nucleotide (or smaller) segments of apoB-100 mRNA to the 40 kDa protein. In contrast, two other regions of apoB-100 mRNA, B-5' (bases 1128-3003) and B-3' (bases 11310-11390), failed to bind to the protein. The 40 kDa sequence-specific binding protein in rat liver nuclear extract may play a role in apoB-100 mRNA editing.  相似文献   

The effects of dexamethasone (a synthetic glucocorticoid) and insulin on the secretion of very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) were investigated. Rat hepatocytes in monolayer culture were preincubated for 15 h in the presence or absence of combinations of 100 nM-dexamethasone and 2 nM-, 10 nM- or 50 nM-insulin. Dexamethasone increased [3H]oleate incorporation into secreted triacylglycerol by 2.7-fold and the mass of triacylglycerol secreted by 1.5-fold. Insulin alone decreased these parameters and antagonized the effect of dexamethasone. Dexamethasone increased the secretion of [3H]leucine in apolipoprotein (apo) E, and in the large (BH) and small (BI) forms of apo B in VLDL by about 7.1-, 3.6- and 4.0-fold respectively. Insulin alone decreased the secretion of these 3H-labelled apolipoproteins in VLDL. However, 2 nM-insulin with dexamethasone increased the secretion of 3H-labelled apo BH and apo BL by a further 0.8- and 3.2-fold respectively; 50 nM-insulin decreased the secretions of apo E, apo BH and apo BL in VLDL. Similar effects for dexamethasone or insulin alone were also obtained for the masses of apo E and apo BL + H secreted in VLDL. Albumin secretion was not significantly altered by either dexamethasone or insulin alone, but in combination they stimulated by 2.1-2.6-fold. Insulin or dexamethasone alone had little effect on the secretion of apolipoproteins in the HDL fraction. However, dexamethasone plus 2 nM-insulin increased the incorporation of [3H]leucine into apo AI, apo AH plus apo C, apo AIV and apo E of HDL by about 1.8-, 1.6-, 1.7- and 2.0-fold respectively. The apo E in the bottom fraction represented about 69% of the total 3H-labelled apo E secreted. The responses in the total secretion of apo E from the hepatocytes resembled those seen in HDL. The interactions of insulin and dexamethasone are discussed in relation to the general regulation of lipoprotein metabolism, the development of hyperlipidaemias and the predisposition to premature atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

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