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The febrile response is one of the most common features of infection and inflammation. However, temperature is rarely a variable in experimental immunological investigations. To determine whether the thermal microenvironment has any immunoregulatory potential in an Ag-dependent response, we applied a mild fever-range whole body hyperthermia (FR-WBH) protocol to BALB/c mice experiencing the contact hypersensitivity (CHS) reaction. We observed that the timing of this FR-WBH treatment relative to the different phases of the CHS response was crucial to the outcome. FR-WBH treatment before sensitization with a 0.5% FITC solution resulted in a depressed CHS response. This appears to be due to direct effects of FR-WBH on epidermal Langerhans cell trafficking to the draining lymph nodes. In contrast, application of FR-WBH directly after application of the elicitation dose of FITC solution resulted in an enhanced reaction. This result correlates with increased homing of lymphocytes to the site of elicitation. Overall, these data have important implications regarding the role of thermal changes experienced during infection and the clinical use of FR-WBH relative to immunotherapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

To examine the expression profile of oxidative stress responsive genes in Spodoptera litura, we constructed a cDNA library from S. litura injected with hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)). Using a microarray chip composed of 2,964 cDNAs, we screened gene expression at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 h post H(2)O(2) injection. Data were clustered into 15 groups of genes that behave similarly across each time course. Seventy-three genes were identified as being at least twofold up- or downregulated after treatment with H(2)O(2) in S. litura. We constructed expressed sequence tags (ESTs) for genes that changed at least twofold after treatment with H(2)O(2) . The functional classification of these ESTs based on Gene Ontology showed that the ESTs are rich in genes involved in oxidoreductase activity (5.7%), defense (14.3%), cellular process (22.9%), and development (17.1%).  相似文献   

Microscopic spectrofluorimetry with acridine orange and 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate was used to assess the levels of translationally active rRNA (parameter α’, red/green emission ratio) and protein synthesis (parameter β, blue/green) in peripheral blood lymphocytes during rabbit immunization with ovalbumin. The averaged α’ and β changed synchronously and increased maximally after the third booster injection. At the height of the immune response, the distributions of lymphocytes in either parameter were broad and polymodal, suggesting differential activation of particular subpopulations. This two-dye, three-color assay holds much promise for monitoring the functional state of various cells.  相似文献   

Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) is an important annual plant cultivated for grain or as a cover crop in many countries, and it is also used for weed suppression in agro-economic systems through its release of allelochemicals. Little is known, however, concerning the mode of action of allelochemicals or plant defence response against them. Here, microarrays revealed 94, 85, and 28 genes with significantly higher expression after 6 h of exposure to the allelochemicals fagomine, gallic acid, and rutin, respectively, compared with controls. These induced genes fell into different functional categories, mainly: interaction with the environment; subcellular localization; protein with binding function or cofactor requirement; cell rescue; defence and virulence; and metabolism. Consistent with these results, plant response to allelochemicals was similar to that for pathogens (biotic stress) or herbicides (abiotic stress), which increase the concentration of reactive oxygen species (ROS; with consequent oxidative stress) in plant cells. The data indicate that allelochemicals might have relevant functions, at least in part, in the cross-talk between biotic and abiotic stress signalling because they generate ROS, which has been proposed as a key shared process between these two stress mechanisms.  相似文献   

The existence of cholinergic receptors in the immune system cells is well documented. This study aimed to evaluate the acetylcholinesterase activity (AChE) in lymphocytes from rats infected with Trypanosoma evansi in acute and chronic phase disease. Twenty animals were infected with 106 trypomastigotes forms each and 10 were used as negative controls. The two groups of inoculated rats were formed according to the degree of parasitemia and the period post-infection (PI). Group A: rats with 4 days PI and between 24 and 45 parasites/field (1000×); group B: rats with 30 days PI and parasitemia with jagged peaks between 0 and 1 parasites/field; group C: not-infected animals. At 4 days PI (acute phase) and 30 days PI (chronic phase) the rats were anesthetized to collect blood for hemogram and separation of lymphocytes. After separation, the AChE activity was measured in lymphocytes. It was observed that the number of lymphocytes increased significantly in group A compared to group C. The activity of AChE in lymphocytes significantly increased in acute phase and decreased in chronic phase in the infected rats when compared to not-infected (P < 0.05). Statistical analysis showed a positive correlation between the number of lymphocytes and AChE activity in lymphocytes in 4 days PI (r2: 0.59). Therefore, the infection by T. evansi influences AChE activity in lymphocytes of rats indicating changes in the responses of cholinergic system in acute phase, possibly due to immune functions performed by these enzymes.  相似文献   

The author's concept on the system of self regulation of immune response is described. Four types of this response are proposed, which differ by total intensity of cytokine reaction, the development time as well as manifestation degree of non specific immunosuppression, and, most importantly, the profile of specific immune response to the antigens of the infective agent. These four types of immune response are closely linked with increased severity of clinical manifestations.  相似文献   

The immune system retains memory of current and past infections and can sense the presence of cancer by elaborating autoantibodies to tumor proteins. In the presence of an autoimmune disease, the immune system is an efficient, natural biosensor. Therefore we exploit the immune system through a high-throughput process to isolate disease-specific epitopes for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. These cloned disease-specific antigens are robotically spotted onto protein microarrays and interrogated with serum from the subjects under analyses. These arrays deliver personalized profiles of antigenic exposures and therapeutic targets for personalized immunotherapy. The immune system is the ultimate biosensor, superior to anything a human could create and ready to be exploited for biotechnology and biomedicine.  相似文献   

白细胞介素(简称白介素)能够调控免疫细胞的分化、增殖及效应功能。结核抗原特异性诱导的白介素的表达水平能够表征结核杆菌感染后的机体状态。在机体的抗结核免疫应答中,白介素可以直接调控吞噬细胞对胞内感染结核杆菌的杀菌活性;也能够调控效应性T细胞的增殖,并进一步激活吞噬细胞的杀菌功能。目前,部分白介素已被证明有望用于结核病的免疫辅助治疗,正在进行相关临床实验。本文对白介素调控免疫细胞抗结核免疫应答的研究进展进行综述,以期为制定结核病的白介素免疫辅助治疗方案提供指导。  相似文献   

Gordonia are Gram-positive bacteria which have immense biotechnological potential. Genomes of several Gordonia spp. have been sequenced but a detailed analysis of the differentially expressed genes during growth, the promoters which drive their expression and the information on the core promoter sequence is lacking. Here, we report the identification of core promoter sequence in Gordonia sp. IITR100. The GC content of the promoters was found to be within a range of 62–65%. The 5′-UTR length in the genes was also analysed and about 56% promoters were found to have long 5′-UTR. The functionality of the promoters was validated by microarray profiling. Based on the differential expression of genes, two growth phase dependent promoters PdsbA and Pglx were isolated and analysed. They add to the existing repertoire of the promoters functional in both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. Our results suggest that the core promoter sequence identified is conserved in members of Gordonia spp. and is similar to that of other members of Actinobacteria.  相似文献   

A tRNATyr promoter with an altered in vitro response to ppgpp   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

Motivation: DNA microarrays are a well-known and established technology in biological and pharmaceutical research providing a wealth of information essential for understanding biological processes and aiding drug development. Protein microarrays are quickly emerging as a follow-up technology, which will also begin to experience rapid growth as the challenges in protein to spot methodologies are overcome. Like DNA microarrays, their protein counterparts produce large amounts of data that must be suitably analyzed in order to yield meaningful information that should eventually lead to novel drug targets and biomarkers. Although the statistical management of DNA microarray data has been well described, there is no available report that offers a successful consolidated approach to the analysis of high-throughput protein microarray data. We describe the novel application of a statistical methodology to analyze the data from an immune response profiling assay using human protein microarray with over 5000 proteins on each chip.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori is a human pathogen that has been associated with gastritis, peptic ulcer and gastric carcinoma. The role of the direct action of H. pylori virulence factors and of the induction of autoreactive immunity in the development of chronic gastritis has not been clarified yet. Here we report the cloning and molecular characterization of a gene of H. pylori coding for a protein of 58kDa, recognized by sera of patients affected by H. pylori-induced gastroduodenal diseases. This antigen is present in all the H. pylori strains tested and it belongs to the Hsp60 family of heat-shock proteins, with high homology with other bacterial and eukaryotic proteins of the same family. This class of homologous proteins has been implicated in the induction of autoimmune disorders in different systems. The presence in infected patients of anti-H. pylori Hsp60 antibodies, potentially cross-reacting with the human homologue, and cross-reactivity between human Hsp60 and a rabbit antiserum against H. pylori Hsp60 suggest that a role of this protein in gastroduodenal diseases is possible.  相似文献   

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