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Glucose-limited chemostat cultures of Escherichia coli, growing at dilution rates above 0.3/hr, continue to grow at the restricted rate after removal of glucose restriction. In a glycogenless strain, the specific rates of increase of mass, protein, and ribonucleic acid (RNA) were equal before and after supplementation with 0.05% glucose and did not increase detectably until after 30 to 60 min. The unrestricted specific growth rate was reached after two to three doublings of cell mass. Supplementation with glucose plus 20 amino acids, but not with glucose plus vitamins or ribosides, produced an immediate increase in the specific rates of mass and RNA synthesis followed by an increase in the specific rate of protein synthesis. In a wild-type strain, synthesis of protein and RNA continued at the restricted rate after glucose supplementation, but the specific rate of increase of mass immediately increased due to rapid synthesis of glycogen. At dilution rates less than 0.3/hr, the specific rates of increase of mass, protein, and RNA increased immediately after supplementation with glucose, but did not immediately attain the unrestricted growth. The results at dilution rates greater than 0.3/hr are interpreted to mean that the regulation of a number of enzymatic reactions is entirely through control of enzyme synthesis, without modulation of enzyme function. The levels of such enzymes are controlled so that operation with zero-order kinetics precisely meets the demands for balanced growth. It was shown that glutamic dehydrogenase and glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase are regulated in this manner.  相似文献   

Growth rates of Escherichia coli BJ4 colonizing the large intestine of streptomycin-treated mice were estimated by quantitative hybridization with rRNA target probes and by epifluorescence microscopy. The ribosomal contents in bacteria isolated from the cecal mucus, cecal contents, and feces were measured and correlated with the ribosomal contents of bacteria growing in vitro at defined rates. The data suggest that E. coli BJ4 grows at an overall high rate in the intestine. However, when taking into account the total intestinal volume and numbers of bacteria present in cecal mucus, cecal contents, and feces, we suggest that E. coli BJ4 in the intestine consists of two populations, one in the mucus which has an apparent generation time of 40 to 80 min and one in the luminal contents which is static.  相似文献   

Iron bioavailability is a major limiter of bacterial growth in mammalian host tissue and thus represents an important area of study. Escherichia coli K-12 metabolism was studied at four levels of iron limitation in chemostats using physiological and proteomic analyses. The data documented an E. coli acclimation gradient where progressively more severe iron scarcity resulted in a larger percentage of substrate carbon being directed into an overflow metabolism accompanied by a decrease in biomass yield on glucose. Acetate was the primary secreted organic by-product for moderate levels of iron limitation, but as stress increased, the metabolism shifted to secrete primarily lactate (∼70% of catabolized glucose carbon). Proteomic analysis reinforced the physiological data and quantified relative increases in glycolysis enzyme abundance and decreases in tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle enzyme abundance with increasing iron limitation stress. The combined data indicated that E. coli responds to limiting iron by investing the scarce resource in essential enzymes, at the cost of catabolic efficiency (i.e., downregulating high-ATP-yielding pathways containing enzymes with large iron requirements, like the TCA cycle). Acclimation to iron-limited growth was contrasted experimentally with acclimation to glucose-limited growth to identify both general and nutrient-specific acclimation strategies. While the iron-limited cultures maximized biomass yields on iron and increased expression of iron acquisition strategies, the glucose-limited cultures maximized biomass yields on glucose and increased expression of carbon acquisition strategies. This study quantified ecologically competitive acclimations to nutrient limitations, yielding knowledge essential for understanding medically relevant bacterial responses to host and to developing intervention strategies.  相似文献   

Bacterial persistence describes a heterogeneous response to antibiotics in clonal populations of bacteria due to phenotypic variation within the population, with a small proportion of cells surviving treatment even at very high concentrations of drug. The aim of this study was to determine whether different natural isolates of Escherichia coli, selected at random from a collection representing the spectrum of genetic diversity in the species, generate different fractions of persister cells. Despite comparable minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) to the antibiotics between the different strains, highly significant variation was observed in persister fractions following exposure to ampicillin, streptomycinm, or norfloxacin. Survival following treatment with one drug did not, however, correlate with survival against another. Finally, using competition assays we quantify fitness benefits of persistence. These results show that different strains of E. coli vary markedly in their response to antibiotics despite comparable genetic susceptibility and indicate different mechanisms of evolved persistence to different antibiotics.  相似文献   

The regulation of ribonucleic acid (RNA) synthesis was examined in cultures of bacteria whose growth was limited in the chemostat by the supply of a required amino acid. Strains possessing the relaxed (relA) mutation accumulated excess RNA (relative to protein) at low growth rates when growth was limited by arginine, histidine, or cysteine but not when limited by methionine. In contrast, stringent (relA(+)) strains maintained a constant RNA/protein ratio with decreasing growth rate regardless of the amino acid used to limit growth. The presence of excess RNA in relaxed strains was accompanied by an absence of increase in RNA production upon addition of chloramphenicol, a lag upon shift-up in growth by addition of excess of the limiting amino acid, and a decreased rate of production of beta-galactosidase upon induction. Analysis of the RNA accumulated in relaxed strains indicated it was present as transfer RNA as well as 50S and 30S ribosomal subunits. Microscope examination of the relaxed strains during histidine-, arginine-, or cysteine-limited growth in the chemostat showed them to be 10 to 20 times longer in size than the stringent strains. Also, cell density was reduced to one-tenth when the increased size was observed. An analysis of the amount of ppGpp present in all slow-growing amino acid-limited cultures (relaxed and stringent) demonstrated that only basal levels of ppGpp were made. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that when growth is limited in the chemostat by an initiation event in protein synthesis, i.e., limited methionine, RNA regulation occurs in relaxed as well as stringent strains. Also, when other amino acids are limiting in concentration during translation, errors occur in relaxed strains, resulting in misread proteins.  相似文献   

Dunes Creek, a small Lake Michigan coastal stream that drains sandy aquifers and wetlands of Indiana Dunes, has chronically elevated Escherichia coli levels along the bathing beach near its outfall. This study sought to understand the sources of E. coli in Dunes Creek's central branch. A systematic survey of random and fixed sampling points of water and sediment was conducted over 3 years. E. coli concentrations in Dunes Creek and beach water were significantly correlated. Weekly monitoring at 14 stations during 1999 and 2000 indicated chronic loading of E. coli throughout the stream. Significant correlations between E. coli numbers in stream water and stream sediment, submerged sediment and margin, and margin and 1 m from shore were found. Median E. coli counts were highest in stream sediments, followed by bank sediments, sediments along spring margins, stream water, and isolated pools; in forest soils, E. coli counts were more variable and relatively lower. Sediment moisture was significantly correlated with E. coli counts. Direct fecal input inadequately explains the widespread and consistent occurrence of E. coli in the Dunes Creek watershed; long-term survival or multiplication or both seem likely. The authors conclude that (i) E. coli is ubiquitous and persistent throughout the Dunes Creek basin, (ii) E. coli occurrence and distribution in riparian sediments help account for the continuous loading of the bacteria in Dunes Creek, and (iii) ditching of the stream, increased drainage, and subsequent loss of wetlands may account for the chronically high E. coli levels observed.  相似文献   

Bacterial persistence is the tolerance of a small part of a cell population to bactericidal agents, which is attained by a suppression of important cell functions and subsequent deceleration or cessation of cell division. The growth rate is the decisive factor in the transition of the cells to the persister state. A comparative study of quickly growing Escherichia coli K-12 strain MC 4100 and cyanobacteria Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413 growing slowly was performed. The cyanobacterial cells, like E. coli cells, differed in sensitivity to antimicrobial substances depending on the growth phase. Carbenicillin inhibiting the synthesis of peptidoglycan, a component of the bacterial cell wall, and lincomycin inhibiting the protein synthesis gave rise to nucleoid decay in cells from exponential cultures of Synechocystis 6803 and did not influence the nucleoids in cells from stationary cultures. Carbenicillin suppressed the growth of exponential cultures and had no effect on cyanobacterial stationary cultures. A suppression of Synechocystis 6803 growth in the exponential phase by lincomycin was stronger than in the stationary phase. Similar data were obtained with cyanobacterial cells under the action of H2O2 or menadione, an inducer of reactive oxygen species production. Slowly growing cyanobacteria were similar to quickly growing E. coli in their characteristics. Persistence is a characteristic feature of cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Kyle A. Bauckman 《Autophagy》2016,12(5):850-863
Autophagy is a cellular recycling pathway, which in many cases, protects host cells from infections by degrading pathogens. However, uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC), the predominant cause of urinary tract infections (UTIs), persist within the urinary tract epithelium (urothelium) by forming reservoirs within autophagosomes. Iron is a critical nutrient for both host and pathogen, and regulation of iron availability is a key host defense against pathogens. Iron homeostasis depends on the shuttling of iron-bound ferritin to the lysosome for recycling, a process termed ferritinophagy (a form of selective autophagy). Here, we demonstrate for the first time that UPEC shuttles with ferritin-bound iron into the autophagosomal and lysosomal compartments within the urothelium. Iron overload in urothelial cells induces ferritinophagy in an NCOA4-dependent manner causing increased iron availability for UPEC, triggering bacterial overproliferation and host cell death. Addition of even moderate levels of iron is sufficient to increase and prolong bacterial burden. Furthermore, we show that lysosomal damage due to iron overload is the specific mechanism causing host cell death. Significantly, we demonstrate that host cell death and bacterial burden can be reversed by inhibition of autophagy or inhibition of iron-regulatory proteins, or chelation of iron. Together, our findings suggest that UPEC persist in host cells by taking advantage of ferritinophagy. Thus, modulation of iron levels in the bladder may provide a therapeutic avenue to controlling UPEC persistence, epithelial cell death, and recurrent UTIs.  相似文献   

The growth-limiting reaction of a chemostat culture of Escherichia coli K-12 was the hydrolysis of beta-glycerophosphate by alkaline phosphatase. The culture was buffered at pH 5.2 where alkaline phosphatase was unable to supply phosphate to the cell at a rate sufficient to sustain the maximum rate of growth. Alkaline phosphatase activity in this system is discussed in terms of the so-called Flip-Flop mechanism.  相似文献   

Chemostat cultures of Escherichia coli B/r/1 under conditions of glucose limitation in a salts medium at high water activity ( a w of 0.999) and at an a w of 0.987, controlled by NaCl, have been compared. The system was run at dilution rates above 0.035 h-1. The results suggested that the organism adapted to the lower a w of the medium as no significant change was observed in the energy requirement for maintenance, although the maximum molar growth yield for glucose decreased by 23.2%. Such cultures showed also a shorter lag and a higher growth rate in batch at an a w of 0.987, as compared with cultures initiated with an unadapted ( a w of 0.999) inoculum.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli mutants which secreted thymidine, thymine, uracil, cytosine, and guanine into the culture medium were isolated. The isolation strategy was based on the combination of a sensitive screening method and a mutant-generating system. The screening method made use of a thyA mutant of E. coli. These cells, when spread on the agar surface with the 3-galactosidase indicator X-gal, will grow into bule colonies if a minute amount of thymidine is supplied to them from a nearby secretor colony. A chemostat was used as a mutant-generating system to select for E. coli mutants that were resistant to inhibitors of the pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway. Although many mutants were selected based on their secretion of thymidine, other kinds of nucleosides and nucleobases, such as cytosine, uracil, guanine, and thymine, were also present in larger quantities. This rational selection strategy should be applicable to other species of micro-organisms for the isolation of better producers of nucleosides. The production of nucleosides and nucleobases by fermentation could then become a possibility.  相似文献   

Free RNA polymerase and modeling global transcription in Escherichia coli   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Bremer H  Dennis P  Ehrenberg M 《Biochimie》2003,85(6):597-609

Synthetic biology and metabolic engineering are used to develop new strategies for producing valuable compounds ranging from therapeutics to biofuels in engineered microorganisms. When developing methods for high-titer production cells, toxicity is an important element to consider. Indeed the production rate can be limited due to toxic intermediates or accumulation of byproducts of the heterologous biosynthetic pathway of interest. Conversely, highly toxic molecules are desired when designing antimicrobials. Compound toxicity in bacteria plays a major role in metabolic engineering as well as in the development of new antibacterial agents. Here, we screened a diversified chemical library of 166 compounds for toxicity in Escherichia coli. The dataset was built using a clustering algorithm maximizing the chemical diversity in the library. The resulting assay data was used to develop a toxicity predictor that we used to assess the toxicity of metabolites throughout the metabolome. This new tool for predicting toxicity can thus be used for fine-tuning heterologous expression and can be integrated in a computational-framework for metabolic pathway design. Many structure-activity relationship tools have been developed for toxicology studies in eukaryotes [Valerio (2009), Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 241(3): 356-370], however, to the best of our knowledge we present here the first E. coli toxicity prediction web server based on QSAR models (EcoliTox server: http://www.issb.genopole.fr/~faulon/EcoliTox.php).  相似文献   

A family of kinetic models has been developed that takes into account available experimental information on the regulation of ace operon expression in Escherichia coli. This has allowed us to study and analyze possible versions of regulation of the ace operon and to test their possibilities. Based on literature analysis, we found that there is an ambiguity of properties of IclR (main repressor of ace operon). The main aspect of this ambiguity are two different forms of IclR purified from E. coli K strain and different coeffector sets for IclR purified from E. coli K and B strains. It has been shown that the full-length form of IclR is physiologically relevant and that IclR truncation is a result of purification of the protein from E. coli K strains. We also found that the IclR protein purified from E. coli B strain carries two coeffector binding sites. Using model-developed levels of steady state aceBAK expression against physiological ranges of coeffectors, concentration has been predicted.  相似文献   

Phage lambda lyses the host Escherichia coli at a precisely scheduled time after induction. Lysis timing is determined by the action of phage holins, which are small proteins that induce hole formation in the bacterium's cytoplasmic membrane. We present a two-stage nucleation model of lysis timing, with the nucleation of condensed holin rafts on the inner membrane followed by the nucleation of a hole within those rafts. The nucleation of holin rafts accounts for most of the delay of lysis after induction. Our simulations of this model recover the accurate lysis timing seen experimentally and show that the timing accuracy is optimal. An enhanced holin-holin interaction is needed in our model to recover experimental lysis delays after the application of membrane poison, and such early triggering of lysis is possible only after the inner membrane is supersaturated with holin. Antiholin reduces the delay between membrane depolarization and lysis and leads to an earlier time after which triggered lysis is possible.  相似文献   

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