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The primary goal of this study was to employ ultrasonography to examine the ovaries of ewes undergoing superovulatory treatment for correlations between antral follicular blood flow and ovarian responses/embryo yields. Five Santa Inês ewes were subjected to a short- (Days 0–6, Group 1) and five to a long-term progesterone-based protocol (Days 0–12, Group 2) to synchronize estrus and ovulations after the superovulatory treatment. Porcine FSH (pFSH, 200 mg) was administered in 8 decreasing doses over 4 days, starting on Days 4 and 10 in Groups 1 and 2, respectively. After CIDR removal, all ewes were bred by a ram and embryos were recovered surgically 7 days later. Transrectal ovarian ultrasonography was performed the day before and on all 4 days of the superovulatory treatment. Both an arbitrary-scale [(0) non-detectable; (1) small; (2) moderate; (3) intense blood flow] and quantitative analysis of the blood flow area were used to assess the follicular blood flow in color Doppler images. There were no significant correlations between the arbitrary blood flow scores and superovulatory responses in the ewes of the present study. However, there was a positive correlation between the quantitative estimates of follicular blood flow on the final day of the superovulatory treatment, and the number (DA: r = 0.68, P < 0.05; DA/TA × 100%: r = 0.85, P < 0.05) and percentage (DA: r = 0.65, P < 0.05; DA/TA × 100%: r = 0.91, P < 0.001) of unfertilized eggs (DA: Doppler area, TA: total area of the largest ovarian cross section). This experiment presents a commercially practical tool for predicting superovulatory outcomes in ewes and evidence for the existence of follicular blood flow threshold that may impinge negatively on oocyte quality when surpassed during hormonal ovarian superstimulation.  相似文献   

Acute experiments on dogs anesthetized with chloralose and numbutal were made to examine the changes in the blood flow in the muscles of hind limbs in response to stimulation of different parts of the hypothalamus before and after elimination of the effects of the main reflexogenic zones. Vasodilatation in leg muscles evoked by stimulation of the anterior hypothalamus (supraoptic dorso- and ventro-medial nuclei) increased after elimination of baroceptor effects. Qualitatively, the same response evoked by stimulation of the mamillary nuclei diminished. A conclusion has been made about differential interaction of the hypothalamic and bulbar mechanisms in muscle circulation control. It is assumed that vasodilatation of the skeletal muscles evoked by stimulation of the posterior hypothalamus might be determined by reflex inhibition of the vascular tone.  相似文献   

The sex-specific divergence of antioxidant pathways in fetal organs of opposite-sex twin is unknown and remains urgently in need of investigation. Such study faces many challenges, mainly the ethical impossibility of obtaining human fetal organs. Opposite-sex sheep twins represent a unique model for studying a sex dimorphism for antioxidant systems. The activity of total superoxide dismutase (SOD), SOD1, SOD2, glutathione peroxidase (GPX), glutathione reductase (GR) and catalase (CAT), the content of total glutathione, reduced glutathione (GSH), and oxidized glutathione (GSSG) were measured in brain, lung, liver, kidney, and skeletal muscles of female and male fetuses collected from sheep twin pregnancies at day 65 of gestation. Lipid peroxidation was assessed by measuring melondialdehyde (MDA) tissue content. Male brain has greater total SOD and SOD1 activities than female brain. Female liver has greater SOD2 activity than male liver. Male liver has greater GR activity than female liver. Male liver has higher total GSH and GSSG content than female liver. Male skeletal muscles have higher total GSH, GSH, and GSSG content than female skeletal muscles. Female brain and liver have higher MDA content than male brain and liver. This is the first report of a sex dimorphism for fetal organ antioxidative pathways. Brain, liver, and skeletal muscles of male and female fetuses display distinct antioxidant pathways. Such sexually dimorphic responses to early life oxidative stress might be involved in the sex-related difference in fetal development that may have a long-term effect on offspring. Our study urges researchers to take into consideration the importance of sex as a biologic variable in their investigations.  相似文献   

To examine the mechanisms and regional differences in the age-related decrement of skin blood flow, 11 young (age 20-25 years) and 10 older (age 64-76 years) men were exposed to a mild heat stress by immersing their feet and lower legs in water at 42 degrees C for 60 min, while they were sitting in near thermoneutral conditions [25 degrees C and 45% relative humidity (rh)]. During the equilibrium period (25 degrees C and 45% rh) before the heat test, no group differences were observed in rectal (Tre) and mean skin (Tsk) temperatures or mean arterial pressure (MAP). During passive heating, Tsk was significantly lower in the older men 20 min after commencing exposure (P<0.001), although there were similar increases in Tre in both groups. Exposure time and age did not affect MAP. The local sweating rate (m(sw)) and the percentage change in skin blood flow by laser Doppler flowmetry (%LDF) relative to baseline values on the chest, back, forearm and thigh were significantly lower in the older men (P<0.001), especially on the thigh. After starting the heat exposure, three temporal phases were observed in the relationship between %LDF and m(sw) at most sites in each subject. In phase A, %LDF increased but with no increase in m(sw). In phase B, m(sw) increased but with no secondary increase in %LDF. Finally, in phase C, there were proportional increases in %LDF and m(sw). The increase in %LDF in phase A was significantly lower on the forearm and thigh (P<0.05) for the older men, but not on the chest and back. In phase C, the slopes of the regression lines between %LDF and m(sw) were lower for the older men on the back (P<0.03), forearm (P = 0.08) and thigh (P<0.03), but not on the chest. These results would suggest that the age-related decrement in skin blood flow in response to passive heating may be due in part to a smaller release of vasoconstrictor tone and to less active vasodilatation once sweating begins. Regional differences exist in the impaired vasoconstriction and active vasodilatation systems.  相似文献   

Thiamine participates in neuromuscular transmission. This transmission is depressed when thiamine level in organism decreases and it is normalized in animals after thiamine injection.  相似文献   

Phospholipid and cholesterol amounts, intrinsic protein/lipid ratios in liver, brain and skeletal muscle microsomal membranes of 14 species of vertebrate animals have been studied. No significant differences between phospholipid amounts in tissues as well as vertebrate classes have been discovered. The highest cholesterol amount has been found in brain microsomes, the smallest one in sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes. In reptile brain and muscle microsomes a higher amount of cholesterol compared to that in species of other vertebrate classes has been found. In brain membranes intrinsic protein and lipid amounts are approximately equal, while in liver and muscle microsomes a protein component predominates. Phospholipid/protein ratio is larger in brain membranes than in liver and muscle ones. Cholesterol/protein ratio reaches the highest values in microsomal membranes of reptile tissues. Brain membranes of vertebrate animals are characterized by a greater stability of protein-lipid composition than liver and muscle ones.  相似文献   

Ventilation and brain blood flow (BBF) were simultaneously measured during carbon monoxide (CO) inhalation in awake and sleeping goats up to HbCO levels of 40%. Unilateral BBF, which was continuously measured with an electromagnetic flow probe placed around the internal maxillary artery, progressively increased with CO inhalation in the awake and both sleep stages. The increase in BBF with CO inhalation during rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep (delta BBF/delta arterial O2 saturation = 1.34 +/- 0.27 ml X min-1 X %-1) was significantly greater than that manifested during wakefulness (0.87 +/- 0.14) or slow-wave sleep (0.92 +/- 0.13). Ventilation was depressed by CO inhalation during both sleep stages but was unchanged from base-line values in awake goats. In contrast to slow-wave (non-REM) sleep, the ventilatory depression of REM sleep was primarily due to a reduction in tidal volume. Since tidal volume is more closely linked to central chemoreceptor function, we believe that these data suggest a possible role of the increased cerebral perfusion during hypoxic REM sleep. Induction of relative tissue alkalosis at the vicinity of the medullary chemoreceptor may contribute to the ventilatory depression exhibited during this sleep period.  相似文献   

Microsomal AMP-deaminase was solubilized by 0.5 M KCl after treatment of microsomal membranes with 0.12 M KCl. Using disc-electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate one major protein component (mol. weight about 90 000) and three minor ones with molecular weights of 110 000, 80 000, and 60 000 were found in the soluble fraction. In addition to proteins, the fraction was found in the soluble fraction. In addition to proteins, the fraction was found to contain a small amount of phospholipids. The deaminase found in the solution may be reconstructed into the membranes at a decrease in KCl concentration, part of enzyme being bound in the inactive form under excess of the soluble fraction. Deaminase binding to the membranes is unaffected by the changes within the pH range of 6.2--7.8 and temperature range of 4--10 degrees C. It is assumed that AMP-deaminase is bound to other membrane components by electrostatic bonds.  相似文献   

Properties of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in the eye, heart and muscles of Hemigrapsus sanguineus, Paralithodes camtschatica, Erimacrus isenbeckii, Pandalus latirastrus, Pagurus brachiomastus have been studied with acrylamide gel electrophoresis and kinetics analysis. LDH in all the tissues of all the representatives studied was found to be specific for L-pyruvate and lactate; it migrated in electrophoresis as a single band revealing low mobility towards anode. The isoenzyme from P. camtschatica and P. latirastrus differed from the isoenzymes of other animals studied by higher mobility towards anode that reflected higher negative value of its total charge. The LDH isoenzymes in all the animals studied resembled the A4 (LDH5) of the vertebrates being unstable to the denaturing action of high temperature and being unaffected by high concentrations of pyruvate up to 1.0.10-3M. On the other hand, in conrast to the A4 of mammals, the LDH in question displayed enhancement of the reaction rate and decrease of the Km values upon increase in the NAD+ and NAD.H concentrations both in the presence of high or low lactate and pyruvate concentrations. The isoenzymes displayed catalytic activity also in the presence of NADP, the Km values for pyruvate in the presence of equimolar (2.25 mM) concentrations of NAD.H or NADP.H were practically identical and were found to be within the limits of 14-26.10-5 M. Molecular weight of the LDH studied assessed by the gel filtration method was found to be 130-140,000. It is suggested that the LDH isoenzyme from the representatives of the decapod crayfish studied is homologous in its certain properties to the homotetrameric A4 form of the vertebrates.  相似文献   

The correlation between brain blood flow (BBF) and respiratory neuromotor output, as reflected by diaphragmatic electromyogram (EMG) activity (EMGdi), was studied during wakefulness, rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep, and non-REM sleep (NREM). Compared with the awake state, mean BBF increased by 4.7% during NREM and by 32.6% during REM (P less than 0.001). Also, surges of BBF during REM occurred during periods of intense phasic activity. EMGdi [peak and peak/inspiratory time (TI)] was highly variable within REM periods but fluctuated as a reciprocal function of simultaneously measured BBf (r = -0.49, P less than 0.001). Furthermore, mean EMGdipeak decreased from NREM to REM in a manner reciprocally related to the corresponding change in BBF (r = -0.77, P = 0.015). These findings suggest that a component of the reduction of respiratory neuromotor output during REM is attributable to increased BBF with consequent relative hypocapnia in the central chemoreceptor environment.  相似文献   

Total and regional skeletal muscle flows (radiolabeled microspheres) were determined in isolated maximally vasodilated hindquarters of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and age-matched (11-12 mo) normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY) to assess the vascular flow capacity of the skeletal muscle vascular beds. Vascular flow capacity was estimated by measuring total hindquarters and regional muscle blood flows (under conditions of maximal vasodilation with papaverine or papaverine plus isoproterenol) over a wide range of perfusion pressures in WKY and SHR. Capillary exchange capacity was estimated by determining the capillary filtration coefficient. Isogravimetric capillary pressures and segmental vascular resistances were determined in each hindquarter. Isogravimetric flows and capillary pressures were not different between WKY and SHR. However, total and precapillary vascular resistances were significantly elevated in SHR, and postcapillary resistances were not different compared with WKY. Maximal capillary filtration coefficient values for the SHR group averaged 20% lower than WKY values, suggesting that hypertension was associated with a reduction in the microvascular surface area available for fluid exchange and, therefore, the capillary exchange capacity. Over the perfusion pressures studied, total hindquarters flows averaged 60% lower in SHR than in WKY. Flows to individual skeletal muscles averaged 76% lower in SHR than in WKY regardless of the muscle fiber type. Thus, modifications exist in the hindlimb skeletal muscle vasculature of SHR that reduces the capillary exchange capacity and limit the capacity of deliver flow at a given perfusion pressure gradient.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine (ACh) hyperpolarized the rat diaphragm muscle fibers by 4.5 +/- 0.8 mV (K0.5 = = 36 +/- 6 nmol/l). The AC-induced hyperpolarization was blocked by d-tubocurarine and ouabain in nanomolar concentrations. This effect of ACh was not observed in cultured C2C12 muscle cells and in Xenopus oocytes with expressed embryonic mouse muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) or with neuronal alpha 4 beta 2 nAChR. In membrane preparations from the Torpedo californica electric organ, containing both nAChR and Na, K-ATPase, 10 nmol/l ouabain modulated the binding kinetics of the cholinergic ligand dansyl-C6-choline to the nAChR. These results suggest that in-sensitive alpha 2 isoform) and nAChR in a state with high affinity to Ach and d-tubocurarine may form a functional complex in which binding of ACh to nAchR is coupled to activation of the Na, K-ATPase.  相似文献   

Synergic action of nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandins (PG) in the regulation of muscle blood flow during exercise has been demonstrated. In the present study, we investigated whether these vasodilators also regulate local blood flow, flow heterogeneity, and glucose uptake within the exercising skeletal muscle. Skeletal muscle blood flow was measured in seven healthy young men using near-infrared spectroscopy and indocyanine green and muscle glucose uptake using positron emission tomography and 2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-[(18)F]glucose without and with local blockade of NO and PG at rest and during one-legged dynamic knee-extension exercise. Local blockade was produced by infusing nitro-L-arginine methyl ester and indomethacin directly in the muscle via a microdialysis catheter. Blood flow and glucose uptake were measured in the region of blockade and in two additional regions of vastus lateralis muscle 1 and 4 cm away from the infusion of blockers. Local blockade during exercise at 25 and 40 watts significantly decreased blood flow in the infusion region and in the region 1 cm away from the site of infusion but not in the region 4 cm away. During exercise, muscle glucose uptake did not show any regional differences in response to blockade. These results show that NO and PG synergistically contribute to the local regulation of blood flow in skeletal muscle independently of muscle glucose uptake in healthy young men. Thus these vasodilators can play a role in regulating microvascular blood flow in localized regions of vastus lateralis muscle but do not influence regional glucose uptake. The findings suggest that local substrate uptake in skeletal muscle can be regulated independently of regional changes in blood flow.  相似文献   

A theory of blood flow in skeletal muscle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A theoretical analysis of blood flow in the microcirculation of skeletal muscle is provided. The flow in the microvessels of this organ is quasi steady and has a very low Reynolds number. The blood is non-Newtonian and the blood vessels are distensible with viscoelastic properties. A formulation of the problem is provided using a viscoelastic model for the vessel wall which was recently derived from measurements in the rat spinotrapezius muscle (Skalak and Schmid-Sch?nbein, 1986b). Closed form solutions are derived for several physiologically important cases, such as perfusion at steady state, transient and oscillatory flows. The results show that resting skeletal muscle has, over a wide range of perfusion pressures an almost linear pressure-flow curve. At low flow it exhibits nonlinearities. Vessel distensibility and the non-Newtonian properties of blood both have a strong influence on the shape of the pressure-flow curve. During oscillatory flow the muscle exhibits hysteresis. The theoretical results are in qualitative agreement with experimental observations.  相似文献   

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