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2005年上海地区儿童流行性腮腺炎890例临床流行病学特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 了解2005年上海儿童流行性腮腺炎(流腮)的流行情况、临床特征和直接经济负担。方法 回顾性横断面临床分析我院传染科确诊的流行性腮腺炎(流腮)890例门诊儿童和270例住院儿童临床资料。结果 流腮在上海地区全年均有发病,4~7月为发病高峰季节,占全年的54.2%。270例住院患儿中,以外来儿童居多,占67.8%,有8例(3.0%)曾经接种过1剂麻疹-风疹-腮腺炎(MMR)疫苗。96.6%的门诊患儿和99.6%的住院患儿为3岁以上儿童。在890例流腮儿童中有并发症患儿234例,占26.3%,其中并发脑膜炎和(或)脑炎205例(87.6%),并发睾丸炎14例(6.0%),并发胰腺炎11例(4.7%),并发耳聋1例(0.4%),有2种或2种以上并发症18例(7.7%)。无死亡病例发生,但有耳听神经损伤后遗症。每一患儿病程中就诊1~3次,平均为1.4次。门诊1次就诊的医疗费用为114.9~184.7元,平均为(142.9±20.5)元,住院患儿总医疗费用624.6~6190.2元,平均为(1897.8±744.2)元。结论 流腮仍是上海儿童中常见的急性呼吸道传染病,并发症较高,幼托机构幼儿和学龄儿童是易感人群,应加强和推广易感人群的疫苗接种,疫苗接种经济有效,可大大降低疾病治疗负担。  相似文献   

The article describes the epidemiological characteristics of Q fever in Croatia, during the period before and after the Homeland War. In the ten years prior to the Homeland War (1983-1992) 1053 cases of Q fever were recorded, 16.2% (171) of which on islands and in coastal areas. In the period after the Homeland War (1995-2008), a total of 654 cases was recorded, 59.9% (392) of which on islands and in coastal areas. In addition to reduced incidence, geographic distribution of the disease also changed. Before the war, the highest morbidity rate was recorded in the Sisak-Moslavina County. After the war, the Split-Dalmatia County recorded the highest morbidity rate because in the post-war period sheep from Bosnia and Herzegovina went to this county for winter grazing. The disease might be relevant to the Croatian Army and other armed forces that stay in Croatia as part of NATO forces.  相似文献   

Q fever occurs in all geographical landscape zones and in most administrative regions of the Ukrainian SSR. The disease was diagnosed in those areas where no such cases had ever been registered. In the Kharkov region the examination of 425 fever patients with unclear diagnosis resulted in diagnosing 5 cases of Q fever. The proportion of seropositive persons among different professional groups of the population in the eastern part of the republic was determined (6.9% among workers of meat-packing factories, 8.7% among workers of fur- and wool-treating establishments, 5.2% among stock breeders). At the farms of the Kharkov, Poltava and Sumy regions the spread of infection among large cattle was 2.3% and among small cattle 5.6%. Rickettsial carriership revealed in hard ticks collected in the Kharkov region indicated the possibility of the existence of the natural focus of Q fever in this zone and increased the available information on the presence of the territories with the natural foci of this infection in the Ukraine.  相似文献   

Clinico-epidemiological analysis of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) incidence rate in the Primorski Territory for 25 years has revealed the prevalence of focal forms of this infection (on the average, 50%) and its high mortality rate (on the average, 33% for the focal forms and 6.4% for the meningeal form). Such course and termination of this infection depend not only on the reactive capacity of the patient's body, but, to a great extent, on the virulence of TBE virus circulating in the area under study.  相似文献   

Mesozoic plate tectonic reconstruction of the Carpathian region   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Palaeomagnetic, palaeobiogeographic and structural comparisons of different parts of the Alpine-Carpathian region suggest that four terranes comprise this area: the Alcapa, Tisza, Dacia and Adria terranes. These terranes are composed of different Mesozoic continental and oceanic fragments that were each assembled during a complex Late Jurassic-Cretaceous-Palaeogene history. Palaeomagnetic and tectonic data suggest that the Carpathians are built up by two major oroclinal bends. The Alcapa bend has the Meliata oceanic unit, correlated with the Dinaric Vardar ophiolite, in its core. It is composed of the Western Carpathians, Eastern Alps and Southern Alcapa units (Transdanubian Range, Bükk). This terrane finds its continuation in the High Karst margin of the Dinarides. Further elements of the Alcapa terrane are thought to be derived from collided microcontinents: Czorsztyn in the N and a carbonate unit (Tisza?) in the SE. The Tisza-Dacia bend has the Vardar oceanic unit in its core. It is composed of the Bihor and Getic microcontinents. This terrane finds its continuation in the Serbo-Macedonian Massif of the Balkans.The Bihor-Getic microcontinent originally laid east of the Western Carpathians and filled the present Carpathian embayment in the Late Palaeozoic-Early Mesozoic. The Vardar ocean occupied an intermediate position between the Western Carpathian-Austroalpine-Transdanubian-High Karst margin and the Bihor-Getic-Serbo-Macedonian microcontinent. The Vardar and Pindos oceans were opened in the heart of the Mediterranean-Adriatic microcontinent in the Late Permian-Middle Triassic. Vardar subducted by the end of Jurassic, causing the Bihor-Getic-Serbo-Macedonian microcontinent to collide with the internal Dinaric-Western Carpathian margin.An external Penninic-Váhic ocean tract began opening in the Early Jurassic, separating the Austroalpine-Western Carpathian microcontinent (and its fauna) from the European shelf. Further east, the Severin-Ceahlau-Magura also began opening in the Early Jurassic, but final separation of the Bihor-Getic ribbon (and its fauna) from the European shelf did not take place until the late Middle Jurassic.The Alcapa and the Tisza-Dacia were bending during the Albian-Maastrichtian. The two oroclinal bends were finally opposed and pushed into the gates of the Carpathian embayment during the Palaeogene and Neogene. At that time, the main N-S shortening in distant Alpine and Hellenic sectors was linked by a broader right-lateral shear zone along the former Vardar suture.  相似文献   

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