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To search genetically for additional components of the protein translocation apparatus of mitochondria, we have used low fidelity PCR mutagenesis to generate temperature-sensitive mutants in the outer membrane translocation pore component ISP42. A high copy number suppressor of temperature-sensitive isp42 has been isolated and sequenced. This novel gene, denoted ISP6, encodes a 61 amino acid integral membrane protein of the mitochondrial outer membrane, which is oriented with its amino-terminus facing the cytosol. Disruption of the ISP6 gene is without apparent effect in wild type yeast cells, but is lethal in temperature-sensitive isp42 mutants. Immunoprecipitation of the gene product, ISP42p, from mitochondria solubilized under mild conditions reveals a multi-protein complex containing ISP6p and ISP42p.  相似文献   

Mitochondria contain two membranes, the outer membrane and the inner membrane with folded cristae. The mitochondrial inner membrane organizing system (MINOS) is a large protein complex required for maintaining inner membrane architecture. MINOS interacts with both preprotein transport machineries of the outer membrane, the translocase of the outer membrane (TOM) and the sorting and assembly machinery (SAM). It is unknown, however, whether MINOS plays a role in the biogenesis of outer membrane proteins. We have dissected the interaction of MINOS with TOM and SAM and report that MINOS binds to both translocases independently. MINOS binds to the SAM complex via the conserved polypeptide transport–associated domain of Sam50. Mitochondria lacking mitofilin, the large core subunit of MINOS, are impaired in the biogenesis of β-barrel proteins of the outer membrane, whereas mutant mitochondria lacking any of the other five MINOS subunits import β-barrel proteins in a manner similar to wild-type mitochondria. We show that mitofilin is required at an early stage of β-barrel biogenesis that includes the initial translocation through the TOM complex. We conclude that MINOS interacts with TOM and SAM independently and that the core subunit mitofilin is involved in biogenesis of outer membrane β-barrel proteins.  相似文献   

In order to study the mechanism of the glutamate-aspartate translocator, rat liver mitochondria were loaded with either glutamate or aspartate. In the presence of ascorbate plus tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine as an electron donor at the third energy conservation site, exchange of external glutamate for matrix aspartate is highly favored over the reverse exchange. In the absence of an energy source, although the asymmetry of the exchange rates is much smaller, it is still observable. Further studies have shown that the proton uptake accompanying influx of glutamate in exchange for aspartate efflux occurs by protonation of a group on the carrier (pK = 7.9) at the external side of the inner mitochondrial membrane, followed by deprotonation at the matrix surface. It is postulated that glutamate binds to the protonated form of the carrier and aspartate to the deprotonated form. Because of the alkaline pK, aspartate efflux is inhibited with increased matrix [H+] due to limitation of the availability of deprotonated carrier for aspartate binding. For the reverse exchange, aspartate uptake is inhibited by increasing external [H+]. Thus the rate of aspartate uptake by mitochondria is apparently impeded both by a proton motive force (Δp) unfavorable to entry of ions with net negative charge as well as by the small proportion of deprotonated carrier at the outer surface of the membrane. This conclusion is further illustrated by inhibition of the aspartate-aspartate exchange with increased [H+] and by addition of an energy source. The glutamate-glutamate exchange, however, showed a slight stimulation by increased [H+] and was unaffected by the energy state.The model initially proposed for the carrier, in which a neutral glutamate-carrier complex exchanges for a negatively charged aspartate-carrier complex, is tested further. Glutamate uptake was noncompetitively inhibited by external aspartate, which indicates that aspartate and glutamate bind to separate forms of the carrier. Intramitochrondrial glutamate at a concentration of 18 mm, however, had no effect on aspartate efflux. Arrhenius plots for the glutamate-aspartate and aspartate-glutamate exchanges were linear over the range of temperatures tested (1–35 °C and 5–25 °C, respectively) and provided an average value of 14.3 kcal/mol for the energy of activation. In addition, there appear to be two pools, exchangeable and nonexchangeable, of matrix aspartate available to the translocator, since extramitochondrial radiolabeled aspartate can equilibrate only with unlabeled matrix aspartate at low aspartate loading (1–2 nmol of aspartate/mg of protein). The physiological significance of the data is discussed.  相似文献   

The import of proteins into the mitochondrial intermembrane space differs in various aspects from the classical import pathway into the matrix. Apocytochrome c defines one of several pathways known to reach the intermembrane space, yet the components and pathways involved in outer membrane translocation are poorly defined. Here, we report the reconstitution of the apocytochrome c import reaction using proteoliposomes harbouring purified components. Import specifically requires the protease-resistant part of the TOM complex and is driven by interactions of the apoprotein with internal parts of the complex (involving Tom40) and the 'trans-side receptor' cytochrome c haem lyase. Despite the necessity of TOM complex function, the translocation pathway of apocytochrome c does not overlap with that of presequence-containing preproteins. We conclude that the TOM complex is a universal preprotein translocase that mediates membrane passage of apocytochrome c and other preproteins along distinct pathways. Apocytochrome c may provide a paradigm for the import of other small proteins into the intermembrane space such as factors used in apoptosis and protection from stress.  相似文献   

Yamamoto H  Esaki M  Kanamori T  Tamura Y  Nishikawa Si  Endo T 《Cell》2002,111(4):519-528
Based on the results of site-specific photocrosslinking of translocation intermediates, we have identified Tim50, a component of the yeast TIM23 import machinery, which mediates translocation of presequence-containing proteins across the mitochondrial inner membrane. Tim50 is anchored to the inner mitochondrial membrane, exposing the C-terminal domain to the intermembrane space. Tim50 interacts with the N-terminal intermembrane space domain of Tim23. Functional defects of Tim50 either by depletion of the protein or addition of anti-Tim50 antibodies block the protein translocation across the inner membrane. A translocation intermediate accumulated at the TOM complex is crosslinked to Tim50. We suggest that Tim50, in cooperation with Tim23, facilitates transfer of the translocating protein from the TOM complex to the TIM23 complex  相似文献   

Mitochondria were fractionated according to a procedure which allowed to get free outer and inner membrane plus two distinct contact sites between the two membranes. The data indicate that phospholipase A2 is localized in outer membrane contact sites and in inner membrane. The enzyme activity is twice higher in the contact site fraction than in the free membrane. The major fatty acids released are linoleic and docosahexanoic acids.  相似文献   

We studied the properties of the permeability transition pore (PTP) in rat liver mitochondria and in mitoplasts retaining inner membrane ultrastructure and energy-linked functions. Like mitochondria, mitoplasts readily underwent a permeability transition following Ca(2+) uptake in a process that maintained sensitivity to cyclosporin A. On the other hand, major differences between mitochondria and mitoplasts emerged in PTP regulation by ligands of the outer membrane translocator protein of 18 kDa, TSPO, formerly known as the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor. Indeed, (i) in mitoplasts, the PTP could not be activated by photo-oxidation after treatment with dicarboxylic porphyrins endowed with protoporphyrin IX configuration, which bind TSPO in intact mitochondria; and (ii) mitoplasts became resistant to the PTP-inducing effects of N,N-dihexyl-2-(4-fluorophenyl)indole-3-acetamide and of other selective ligands of TSPO. Thus, the permeability transition is an inner membrane event that is regulated by the outer membrane through specific interactions with TSPO.  相似文献   

The membrane topology of Om45 in the yeast mitochondrial outer membrane (OM) is under debate. Here, we confirm that Om45 is anchored to the OM from the intermembrane space (IMS) by its N-terminal hydrophobic segment. We show that import of Om45 requires the presequence receptors, Tom20 and Tom22, and the import channel of Tom40. Unlike any of the known OM proteins, Om45 import requires the TIM23 complex in the inner membrane, a translocator for presequence-containing proteins, and the membrane potential (ΔΨ). Therefore, Om45 is anchored to the OM via the IMS by a novel import pathway involving the TIM23 complex.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2022,121(17):3242-3252
BamA, the core component of the β-barrel assembly machinery complex, is an integral outer-membrane protein (OMP) in Gram-negative bacteria that catalyzes the folding and insertion of OMPs. A key feature of BamA relevant to its function is a lateral gate between its first and last β-strands. Opening of this lateral gate is one of the first steps in the asymmetric-hybrid-barrel model of BamA function. In this study, multiple hybrid-barrel folding intermediates of BamA and a substrate OMP, EspP, were constructed and simulated to better understand the model’s physical consequences. The hybrid-barrel intermediates consisted of the BamA β-barrel and its POTRA5 domain and either one, two, three, four, five, or six β-hairpins of EspP. The simulation results support an asymmetric-hybrid-barrel model in which the BamA N-terminal β-strand forms stronger interactions with the substrate OMP than the C-terminal β-strand. A consistent “B”-shaped conformation of the final folding intermediate was observed, and the shape of the substrate β-barrel within the hybrid matched the shape of the fully folded substrate. Upon further investigation, inward-facing glycines were found at sharp bends within the hybrid and fully folded β-barrels. Together, the data suggest an influence of sequence on shape of the substrate barrel throughout the OMP folding process and of the fully folded OMP.  相似文献   

B Segui-Real  G Kispal  R Lill    W Neupert 《The EMBO journal》1993,12(5):2211-2218
The protein translocation machineries of the outer and inner mitochondrial membranes usually act in concert during translocation of matrix and inner membrane proteins. We considered whether the two machineries can function independently of each other in a sequential reaction. Fusion proteins (pF-CCHL) were constructed which contained dual targeting information, one for the intermembrane space present in cytochrome c heme lyase (CCHL) and the other for the matrix space contained in the signal sequence of the precursor of F1-ATPase beta-subunit (pF1 beta). In the absence of a membrane potential, delta psi, the fusion proteins moved into the intermembrane space using the CCHL pathway. In contrast, in the presence of delta psi they followed the pF1 beta pathway and eventually were translocated into the matrix. The fusion protein pF51-CCHL containing 51 amino acids of pF1 beta, once transported into the intermembrane space in the absence of a membrane potential, could be further chased into the matrix upon re-establishing delta psi. The sequential and independent movement of the fusion protein across the two membranes demonstrates that the translocation machineries act as distinct entities. Our results support a model in which the two translocation machineries can function independently of each other, but generally interact in a dynamic fashion to achieve simultaneous translocation across both membranes. In addition, the results provide information about the targeting sequences within CCHL. The protein does not contain a signal for retention in the intermembrane space; rather, it lacks matrix targeting information, and therefore is unable to undergo delta psi-dependent interaction with the protein translocation apparatus in the inner membrane.  相似文献   

The protein transport machinery of the inner mitochondrial membrane contains three essential Tim proteins. Tim17 and Tim23 are thought to build a preprotein translocation channel, while Tim44 transiently interacts with the matrix heat shock protein Hsp70 to form an ATP-driven import motor. For this report we characterized the biogenesis and interactions of Tim proteins. (i) Import of the precursor of Tim44 into the inner membrane requires mtHsp70, whereas import and inner membrane integration of the precursors of Tim17 and Tim23 are independent of functional mtHsp70. (ii) Tim17 efficiently associates with Tim23 and mtHsp70, but only weakly with Tim44. (iii) Depletion of Tim44 does not affect the co-precipitation of Tim17 with antibodies directed against mtHsp70. (iv) Tim23 associates with both Tim44 and Tim17, suggesting the presence of two Tim23 pools in the inner membrane, a Tim44-Tim23-containing sub-complex and a Tim23-Tim17-containing sub-complex. (v) The association of mtHsp70 with the Tim23-Tim17 sub-complex is ATP sensitive and can be distinguished from the mtHsp70-Tim44 interaction by the differential influence of an amino acid substitution in mtHsp70. (vi) Genetic evidence, suppression of the protein import defect of a tim17 yeast mutant by overexpression of mtHsp70 and synthetic lethality of conditional mutants in the genes of Tim17 and mtHsp70, supports a functional interaction of mtHsp70 with Tim17. We conclude that the protein transport machinery of the mitochondrial inner membrane consists of dynamically interacting sub-complexes, each of which transiently binds mtHsp70.  相似文献   

The kinetics and mechanism of passive and active proton translocation in submitochondrial vesicles, obtained by sonication of beef heart mitochondria, have been studied.Analysis of the anaerobic release of the protons taken up by submitochondrial particles in the respiring steady state shows that proton diffusion consists of two parallel, apparent first-order processes: a fast reaction which, on the basis of its kinetic properties and response to cations and various effectors, is considered to consist of a proton/monovalent cation exchange; and a slow process which, on analogous grounds, is considered as a single electrogenic flux.The study of the various parameters of the respiration-linked active proton translocation and of the accompanying migration of permeant anions and K+ led to the following conclusions: (i) The oxidoreduction-linked proton translocation is electrogenic. (ii) Cation counterflow is not a necessary factor in the respiration-driven proton translocation. (iii) The membrane potential developed by active proton translocation exerts a coupling with respect to permeant cations and anions. (iv) The respiration-driven proton translocation is secondarily coupled, through the ΔμH component of the electrochemical proton gradient and at the level of a proton-cation exchange system of the membrane, to the flow of K+ and Na+.  相似文献   

E C Hurt  U Müller    G Schatz 《The EMBO journal》1985,4(13A):3509-3518
We have used an in vivo complementation assay to test whether a given polypeptide sequence can direct an attached protein to the mitochondrial inner membrane. The host is a previously described yeast deletion mutant that lacks cytochrome oxidase subunit IV (an imported protein) and, thus neither assembles cytochrome oxidase in its mitochondrial inner membrane nor grows on the non-fermentable carbon source, glycerol. Growth on glycerol and cytochrome oxidase assembly are restored to the mutant if it is transformed with the gene encoding authentic subunit IV precursor, a protein carrying a 25-residue transient pre-sequence. No restoration is seen with a plasmid encoding a subunit IV precursor whose pre-sequence has been shortened to seven residues. Partial, but significant restoration is achieved by an artificial subunit IV precursor in which the authentic pre-sequence has been replaced by the first 12 amino acids of a 70-kd protein of the mitochondrial outer membrane. If this dodecapeptide is fused to the amino terminus of mouse dihydrofolate reductase (a cytosolic protein), the resulting fusion protein is imported into the matrix of yeast mitochondria in vitro and in vivo. Import in vitro requires an energized inner membrane. We conclude that the extreme amino terminus of the 70-kd outer membrane protein can direct an attached protein across the mitochondrial inner membrane.  相似文献   

Functions of outer membrane receptors in mitochondrial protein import   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Most mitochondrial proteins are synthesized in the cytosol as precursor proteins and are imported into mitochondria. The targeting signals for mitochondria are encoded in the presequences or in the mature parts of the precursor proteins, and are decoded by the receptor sites in the translocator complex in the mitochondrial outer membrane. The recently determined NMR structure of the general import receptor Tom20 in a complex with a presequence peptide reveals that, although the amphiphilicity and positive charges of the presequence is essential for the import ability of the presequence, Tom20 recognizes only the amphiphilicity, but not the positive charges. This leads to a new model that different features associated with the mitochondrial targeting sequence of the precursor protein can be recognized by the mitochondrial protein import system in different steps during the import.  相似文献   

The ADP/ATP carrier (AAC) is the major representative of the inner membrane carrier proteins of mitochondria that are synthesized without cleavable presequences. The characterization of the import pathway of AAC into mitochondria has mainly depended on an operational staging system. Here, we introduce two approaches for analyzing the import of AAC, blue native electrophoresis and folding-induced translocation arrest, that allow a functional staging of AAC transport across the outer membrane. (i) Blue native electrophoresis permits a direct monitoring of the receptor stage of AAC and its chase into mitochondria. Binding to this stage requires the receptor protein Tom70 but not Tom37 or Tom20. (ii) A fusion protein between AAC and dihydrofolate reductase can be selectively arrested in the general import pore complex of the outer membrane by ligand induced folding of the passenger protein. Cross-linking demonstrates that the arrested preprotein is in close contact not only with several receptors and Tim10 but also with the channel protein Tom40, providing the first direct evidence that cleavable preproteins and carrier preproteins interact with the same outer membrane channel. The staging system presented here permits a molecular dissection of AAC transport across the outer mitochondrial membrane, relates it to functional units of the translocases, and indicates a coordinated and successive cooperation of distinct translocase subcomplexes during transfer of the preprotein.  相似文献   

Brain hexokinase (ATP:D-hexose-6-phosphotransferase, EC binds selectively to the outer membrane of rat liver mitochondria but not to inner mitochondrial or microsomal membranes nor to the plasma membrane of human erythrocytes. A protein having subunit molecular weight of 31,000, determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis, has been highly purified from the outer mitochondrial membrane by repetitive solubilization with octyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside followed by reconstitution into membranous vesicles when the detergent is removed by dialysis. When incorporated into lipid vesicles, the protein confers the ability to bind brain hexokinase in a Glc-6-P-sensitive manner as is seen with the intact outer mitochondrial membrane. Hexokinase binding ability and the 31,000 subunit molecular weight protein co-sediment during sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Both hexokinase binding ability and the 31,000 subunit molecular weight protein are resistant to protease treatment of the intact outer mitochondrial membrane while other membrane proteins are extensively degraded. It is concluded that this protein, designated the hexokinase-binding protein (HBP), is an integral membrane protein responsible for the selective binding of hexokinase by the outer mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

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