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Dicer proteins are central to the different mechanisms involving RNA interference. Plants have evolved multiple DICER‐LIKE (DCL) copies, thus enabling functional diversification. In Arabidopsis, DCL2 and DCL4 process double‐stranded RNA into 22 and 21 nucleotide small interfering (si)RNAs, respectively, and have overlapping functions with regards to virus and transgene silencing. Nonetheless, some studies have reported that dcl2 or dcl4 single mutations are sometimes sufficient to hinder silencing. To better dissect the role of DCL2 and DCL4, we analyzed silencing kinetics and efficiencies using different transgenic systems in single and double mutant backgrounds. The results indicate that DCL2 stimulates transitivity and secondary siRNA production through DCL4 while being sufficient for silencing on its own. Notably, silencing of 35S‐driven transgenes functions more efficiently in dcl4 mutants, indicating that DCL4 mostly obscures DCL2 in wild‐type plants. Nonetheless, in a dcl4 mutant compromised in phloem‐originating silencing, ectopically expressed DCL2 allows restoration of silencing, suggesting that DCL2 is not, or poorly, expressed in phloem. Remarkably, this ectopic DCL2 contribution to phloem‐originating silencing is dependent on the activity of RNA‐DEPENDENT RNA POLYMERASE6. These results indicate that, despite differences in the silencing activity of their small RNA products, DCL2 and DCL4 mostly act redundantly yet hierarchically when present simultaneously.  相似文献   

  • Plant immunity is regulated by a huge phytohormone regulation network. Ethylene(ET) and brassinosteroids (BRs) play critical roles in plant response to biotic stress; however, the relationship between BR and ET in plant immunity is unclear.
  • We used chemical treatments, genetic approaches and inoculation experiments to investigate the relationship between ET and BR in plant defense against Pst DC3000 in Nicotiana benthamiana.
  • Foliar applications of ET and BR enhanced plant resistance to Pst DC3000 inoculation, while treatment with brassinazole (BRZ, a specific BR biosynthesis inhibitor) eliminated the ET induced plant resistance to Pst DC3000. Silencing of DWARF 4(DWF4, a key BR biosynthetic gene), BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1 (BRI1, aBR receptor) and BRASSINOSTEROID-SIGNALING KINASE 1 (BSK1, downstream of BRI1) also neutralised the ET‐induced plant resistance to Pst DC3000. ET can induce callose deposition and reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation to resistPst DC3000, BRZ‐treated and gene‐silenced were completely eliminate this response.
  • Our results suggest BR is involved in ET‐induced plant resistance, the involvement of ET in plant resistance is possibly by the induction of callose deposition and ROS accumulation, in a BR‐dependent manner.

ARGONAUTE proteins (AGOs) are known to be key components of the RNA silencing mechanism in eukaryotes that, among other functions, serves to protect against viral invaders. Higher plants encode at least 10 individual AGOs yet the role played by many in RNA silencing-related antiviral defense is largely unknown, except for reports that AGO1, AGO2, and AGO7 play an antiviral role in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). In the plant virus model host Nicotiana benthamiana, Tomato bushy stunt virus (TBSV) P19 suppressor mutants are very susceptible to RNA silencing. Here, we report that a N. benthamiana AGO (NbAGO) with similarity to Arabidopsis AGO2, is involved in antiviral defense against TBSV. The activity of this NbAGO2 is shown to be directly associated with anti-TBSV RNA silencing, while its inactivation does not influence silencing of transiently expressed transgenes. Thus, the role of NbAGO2 might be primarily for antiviral defense.  相似文献   

van Wezel R  Hong Y 《FEBS letters》2004,566(1-3):65-70
Unstimulated human fibrosarcoma cells (HT1080) constitutively secrete matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP 2) as a proenzyme requiring proteolytic cleavage by membrane type-1 MMP (MT1 MMP) for activation. Physiological and pharmacological stimuli induce clustering of MT1 MMP/tissue inhibitor of MMP 2 "receptors", promoting binding and activation of MMP 2. We now report that cholesterol depleted HT1080 cells accumulated MT1 MMP on the cell surface and activated MMP 2. A specific inhibitor of mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 1/2 inhibited both MMP 2 activation and extracellular signal-related kinase phosphorylation induced by cholesterol depletion. Our data indicate that the cholesterol content of unstimulated cells is critical for secretion of MMP 2 as an inactive zymogen and control of pericellular proteolysis.  相似文献   

Phosphatidic acid plays an important role in Nicotiana benthamiana immune responses against phytopathogenic bacteria. We analyzed the contributions of endoplasmic reticulum-derived chloroplast phospholipids, including phosphatidic acid, to the resistance of N. benthamiana against Ralstonia solanacearum. Here, we focused on trigalactosyldiacylglycerol 3 (TGD3) protein as a candidate required for phosphatidic acid signaling. On the basis of Arabidopsis thaliana TGD3 sequences, we identified two putative TGD3 orthologs in the N. benthamiana genome, NbTGD3-1 and NbTGD3-2. To address the role of TGD3s in plant defense responses, we created double NbTGD3-silenced plants using virus-induced gene silencing. The NbTGD3-silenced plants showed a moderately reduced growth phenotype. Bacterial growth and the appearance of bacterial wilt disease were accelerated in NbTGD3-silenced plants, compared with control plants, challenged with R. solanacearum. The NbTGD3-silenced plants showed reduced both expression of allene oxide synthase that encoded jasmonic acid biosynthetic enzyme and NbPR-4, a marker gene for jasmonic acid signaling, after inoculation with R. solanacearum. Thus, NbTGD3-mediated endoplasmic reticulum—chloroplast lipid transport might be required for jasmonic acid signaling-mediated basal disease resistance in N. benthamiana.  相似文献   

The term 'RNA silencing' describes a process that results in the specific degradation of an RNA target. In plants, silenced tissues can initiate the spreading of the process into non-silenced regions by a mobile signal that can be transmitted over long distances. In the present work, we made use of a modified grafting approach to elucidate the driving force behind long-distance transport of the silencing signal. We made reciprocal grafts of two GFP-transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana lines, the non-silenced line 16c (sensor) and the silenced line 6.4 (inducer). We show that the direction of systemic spread of silencing from inducer to sensor can be manipulated by altering sink/source relations in the plant. Using radioactive phosphate as a phloem tracer, we demonstrated that plants that transmitted silencing from silenced scion to non-silenced rootstock had developed a persisting phloem flow from scion to rootstock. These data provide experimental proof of what has been hypothesized so far, that the silencing signal travels via phloem from source to sink. We present here evidence that the appearance of systemic silencing is not an accidental stochastic process, but can be predicted on the basis of the direction of phloem flow.  相似文献   

Several distinct pathways of RNA silencing operate in plants with roles including the suppression of virus accumulation, control of endogenous gene expression, and direction of DNA and chromatin modifications. Proteins of the Dicer-Like and Argonaute (AGO) families have key roles within these silencing pathways and have distinct biochemical properties. We are interested in the relationships between different silencing pathways and have used Nicotiana benthamiana as a model system. While not being an amenable plant for traditional genetics, N. benthamiana is extensively used for RNA-silencing studies. Using virus-induced gene silencing technology we demonstrate that both NbAGO1- and NbAGO4-like genes are required for full systemic silencing but not for silencing directed by an inverted repeat transgene. Phenotypic differences between the virus-induced gene silencing plants indicate that NbAGO1 and NbAGO4 like act at different stages of the silencing pathways. Suppression of NbAGO1 expression recapitulated the hypomorphic mutant phenotype of certain Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) ago1 alleles, however, suppression of NbAgo4 like resulted in phenotypes differing in some respects from those reported for Arabidopsis ago4. We suggest that the small interfering RNA amplification step required for full systemic silencing is dependent upon a nuclear event requiring the activity of NbAGO4 like.  相似文献   

Jing XL  Fan MN  Jia G  Liu LW  Ma L  Zheng CC  Zhu XP  Liu HM  Wang XY 《Journal of virology》2011,85(23):12792-12803
Many plant and animal viruses counteract RNA silencing-mediated defense by encoding diverse RNA silencing suppressors. We characterized HVT063, a multifunctional protein encoded by turkey herpesvirus (HVT), as a silencing suppressor in coinfiltration assays with green fluorescent protein transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana line 16c. Our results indicated that HVT063 could strongly suppress both local and systemic RNA silencing induced by either sense RNA or double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). HVT063 could reverse local silencing, but not systemic silencing, in newly emerging leaves. The local silencing suppression activity of HVT063 was also verified using the heterologous vector PVX. Further, single alanine substitution of arginine or lysine residues of the HVT063 protein showed that each selected single amino acid contributed to the suppression activity of HVT063 and region 1 (residues 138 to 141) was more important, because three of four single amino acid mutations in this region could abolish the silencing suppressor activity of HVT063. Moreover, HVT063 seemed to induce a cell death phenotype in the infiltrated leaf region, and the HVT063 dilutions could decrease the silencing suppressor activity and alleviate the cell death phenotype. Collectively, these results suggest that HVT063 functions as a viral suppressor of RNA silencing that targets a downstream step of the dsRNA formation in the RNA silencing process. Positively charged amino acids in HVT063, such as arginine and lysine, might contribute to the suppressor activity by boosting the interaction between HVT063 and RNA, since HVT063 has been demonstrated to be an RNA binding protein.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is essential for normal developmental processes and genome stability. DNA methyltransferases are key enzymes catalyzing DNA methylation. Chromomethylase (CMT) genes are specific to the plant kingdom and encode chromodomain‐containing methyltransferases. However, the function of CMT genes in plants remains elusive. In this study, we isolated and characterized a CMT gene from Nicotiana benthamiana, designated NbCMT3. Alignment of the NbCMT3 amino acid sequence with other plant CMT3s showed conservation of bromo‐adjacent‐homology and methyltransferase catalytic domains. We investigated the expression patterns of NbCMT3 and its function in developmental programs. NbCMT3 was expressed predominately in proliferating tissues such as apical shoots and young leaves. NbCMT3 protein showed a nuclear location, which could be related to its putative cellular functions. Knocking down NbCMT3 expression by virus‐induced gene silencing revealed its vital role(s) in leaf morphogenesis. The formation of palisade cells was defective in NbCMT3‐silenced plants as compared with controls. NbCMT3 has a role in developmental programs.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis thaliana, Dicer-like 3 (DCL3) and Dicer-like 4 (DCL4) cleave long, perfect double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) into 24 and 21 nucleotides (nt) small interfering RNAs, respectively, which in turn function in RNA-directed DNA methylation and RNA interference, respectively. To reveal how DCL3 and DCL4 individually recognize long perfect dsRNAs as substrates, we biochemically characterized DCL3 and DCL4 and compared their enzymatic properties. DCL3 preferentially cleaves short dsRNAs with 5′ phosphorylated adenosine or uridine and a 1 nt 3′ overhang, whereas DCL4 cleaves long dsRNAs with blunt ends or with a 1 or 2 nt 3′ overhang with similar efficiency. DCL3 produces 24 nt RNA duplexes with 2 nt 3′ overhangs by the 5′ counting rule. Inorganic phosphate, NaCl and KCl enhance DCL3 activity but inhibit DCL4 activity. These results indicate that plants use DCLs with distinct catalytic profiles to ensure each dsRNA substrate generates only a specific length of siRNAs that trigger a unique siRNA-mediated response.  相似文献   

Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) is a rapid and robust method for determining and studying the function of plant genes or expressed sequence tags (ESTs). However, only a few plant species are amenable to VIGS. There is a need for a systematic study to identify VIGS-efficient plant species and to determine the extent of homology required between the heterologous genes and their endogenous orthologs for silencing. Two approaches were used. First, the extent of phytoene desaturase (PDS) gene silencing was studied in various Solanaceous plant species using Nicotiana benthamiana NbPDS sequences. In the second approach, PDS sequences from a wide range of plant species were used to silence the PDS gene in N. benthamiana. The results showed that tobacco rattle virus (TRV)-mediated VIGS can be performed in a wide range of Solanaceous plant species and that heterologous gene sequences from far-related plant species can be used to silence their respective orthologs in the VIGS-efficient plant N. benthamiana. A correlation was not always found between gene silencing efficiency and percentage homology of the heterologous gene sequence with the endogenous gene sequence. It was concluded that a 21-nucleotide stretch of 100% identity between the heterologous and endogenous gene sequences is not absolutely required for gene silencing.  相似文献   

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