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Often during the process of divergence, genetic markers will only gradually obtain the signal of isolation. Studies of recently diverged taxa utilizing both mitochondrial and nuclear data sets may therefore yield gene trees with differing levels of phylogenetic signal as a result of differences in coalescence times. However, several factors can lead to this same pattern, and it is important to distinguish between them to gain a better understanding of the process of divergence and the factors driving it. Here, we employ three nuclear intron loci in addition to the mitochondrial Cytochrome b gene to investigate the magnitude and timing of divergence between two endangered and nearly indistinguishable petrel taxa: the Galapagos (GAPE) and Hawaiian (HAPE) petrels (Pterodroma phaeopygia and P. sandwichensis). Phylogenetic analyses indicated reciprocal monophyly between these two taxa for the mitochondrial data set, but trees derived from the nuclear introns were unresolved. Coalescent analyses revealed effectively no migration between GAPE and HAPE over the last 100,000 generations and that they diverged relatively recently, approximately 550,000 years ago, coincident with a time of intense ecological change in both the Galapagos and Hawaiian archipelagoes. This indicates that recent divergence and incomplete lineage sorting are causing the difference in the strength of the phylogenetic signal of each data set, instead of insufficient variability or ongoing male-biased dispersal. Further coalescent analyses show that gene flow is low even between islands within each archipelago suggesting that divergence may be continuing at a local scale. Accurately identifying recently isolated taxa is becoming increasingly important as many clearly recognizable species are already threatened by extinction.  相似文献   

A mouse embryonic cDNA containing two opa-like (CAX)n repeats was isolated on the basis of its cross-hybridization with a Drosophila K10 cDNA. Such repeated sequences were present in different murine mRNAs, some of which were specifically expressed during fetal life or in different adult tissues. This suggests that, as already described for Drosophila, opa-like sequences are parts of proteins involved in ontogenic or cell-type-specific functions in vertebrates. However, unlike Drosophila, such repeated sequences were not found within the murine homeo-boxes containing genes of the Hox-1 complex.  相似文献   

MuMTV-related sequences have been identified in the DNA of human breast cancer cells using the Southern transfer technique and hybridisation with cloned MuMTV DNA under conditions in which partially mismatched sequences form stable hybrids. Hybridisation with cloned fragments of the MuMTV genome showed that the gag-pol region shares the most homology (estimated to be greater than 80%) with the human MuMTV-related sequences, however, DNA fragments partially homologous to the MuMTV LTR, gag ad env regions were also detected. Analysis of several human DNA samples suggests that the majority of the human MuMTV-related sequences are genetically transmitted but additional Eco R1 fragments were detected in the DNA of one out of three breast cancer cell lines, MCF7. These sequences are potential probes for the human MuMTV-related retroviral sequences and will allow their possible role in human breast cancer to be evaluated.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial free radical theory of aging suggests that accumulating oxidative damage to mitochondria and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) plays a central role in aging. Circulating cell‐free mtDNA (ccf‐mtDNA) isolated from blood may be a biomarker of disease. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are small (30–400 nm), lipid‐bound vesicles capable of shuttling proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids as part of intercellular communication systems. Here, we report that a portion of ccf‐mtDNA in plasma is encapsulated in EVs. To address whether EV mtDNA levels change with human age, we analyzed mtDNA in EVs from individuals aged 30–64 years cross‐sectionally and longitudinally. EV mtDNA levels decreased with age. Furthermore, the maximal mitochondrial respiration of cultured cells was differentially affected by EVs from old and young donors. Our results suggest that plasma mtDNA is present in EVs, that the level of EV‐derived mtDNA is associated with age, and that EVs affect mitochondrial energetics in an EV age‐dependent manner.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) deletions are a primary cause of mitochondrial disease and are believed to contribute to the aging process and to various neurodegenerative diseases. Despite strong observational and experimental evidence, the molecular basis of the deletion process remains obscure. In this study, we test the hypothesis that the primary cause of mtDNA vulnerability to breakage resides in the formation of non-B DNA conformations, namely hairpin, cruciform and cloverleaf-like elements. Using the largest database of human mtDNA deletions built thus far (753 different cases), we show that site-specific breakage hotspots exist in the mtDNA. Furthermore, we discover that the most frequent deletion breakpoints occur within or near predicted structures, a result that is supported by data from transgenic mice with mitochondrial disease. There is also a significant association between the folding energy of an mtDNA region and the number of breakpoints that it harbours. In particular, two clusters of hairpins (near the D-loop 3'-terminus and the L-strand origin of replication) are hotspots for mtDNA breakage. Consistent with our hypothesis, the highest number of 5'- and 3'-breakpoints per base is found in the highly structured tRNA genes. Overall, the data presented in this study suggest that non-B DNA conformations are a key element of the mtDNA deletion process.  相似文献   

Nuclei of ovarian pseudonurse cells from the mutant strain of Drosophila melanogaster otu 11 are suitable for mapping the attachment of chromosomes to the nuclear envelope (NE). Loci in contact with the NE included region 20CD of the X chromosome, region 41 of chromosome 2, the proximal end of region 81 of chromosome 3, and region 101 of chromosome 4. In situ hybridization revealed that all 4 regions contained sequences homologous to clone lambda20p1.4. DNA of clone lambda20p1.4 was previously found to bind specifically to purified D. melanogaster lamins. These results suggest that specific DNA sequences are involved in attachment of chromosomes to NE in vivo.  相似文献   

The major DNA product formed by methylating agents in vitro and in vivo is 7-methylguanine (m7Gua). In untreated rodent genomes, this damage is thought to arise as a consequence of endogenous processes. Using 2 independent HPLC systems and 2 methods of detection, we observed that low levels of m7Gua are present in nuclear DNA of normal 23-month-old postmitotic mouse tissues. We then asked whether the steady-state levels of indigenous m7Gua change as a function of age in these tissues. C57BL/6NNia male mice 11 months, 23 months, and 28 months of age were analyzed. The results showed that in nuclear DNA of brain, liver, and kidney tissues, the steady-state levels of m7Gua increased approximately 2-fold between the young and old age groups. The persistence of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU)-induced m7Gua in these tissues in treated animals was also studied. Following a 25 mg MNU/kg body weight dose, administered by the intraperitoneal route, m7Gua appeared to be at least partially persistent for a period of up to 20 days. The degree of persistence of m7Gua, however, appeared to be independent of tissue or age. Since m7Gua has intrinsic mutagenic potential and the content of m7Gua is generally a good indicator of overall alkylation damage to DNA, an age-related increase in the steady-state amounts of m7Gua may be relevant to basic mechanisms of aging and carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among genera of pigeons and doves (Aves, Columbiformes) have not been fully resolved because of limited sampling of taxa and characters in previous studies. We therefore sequenced multiple nuclear and mitochondrial DNA genes totaling over 9000 bp from 33 of 41 genera plus 8 outgroup taxa, and, together with sequences from 5 other pigeon genera retrieved from GenBank, recovered a strong phylogenetic hypothesis for the Columbiformes. Three major clades were recovered with the combined data set, comprising the basally branching New World pigeons and allies (clade A) that are sister to Neotropical ground doves (clade B), and the Afro-Eurasian and Australasian taxa (clade C). None of these clades supports the monophyly of current families and subfamilies. The extinct, flightless dodo and solitaires (Raphidae) were embedded within pigeons and doves (Columbidae) in clade C, and monophyly of the subfamily Columbinae was refuted because the remaining subfamilies were nested within it. Divergence times estimated using a Bayesian framework suggest that Columbiformes diverged from outgroups such as Apodiformes and Caprimulgiformes in the Cretaceous before the mass extinction that marks the end of this period. Bayesian and maximum likelihood inferences of ancestral areas, accounting for phylogenetic uncertainty and divergence times, respectively, favor an ancient origin of Columbiformes in the Neotropical portion of what was then Gondwana. The radiation of modern genera of Columbiformes started in the Early Eocene to the Middle Miocene, as previously estimated for other avian groups such as ratites, tinamous, galliform birds, penguins, shorebirds, parrots, passerine birds, and toucans. Multiple dispersals of more derived Columbiformes between Australasian and Afro-Eurasian regions are required to explain current distributions.  相似文献   

Using specific probes we show that sequences homologous to NADH dehydrogenase Subunit 6, and Cytochrome oxidase Subunits I, II, and III mitochondrial genes are present in nuclear DNA from various tissues. These mitochondrial-like sequences are also present in rat hepatoma nuclear DNA but with an abnormal organization and a higher copy number than in normal hepatocytes.  相似文献   

The gradual accumulation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations is implicated in aging and may contribute to the accelerated aging phenotype seen with tobacco smoking and HIV infection. mtDNA mutations are thought to arise from oxidative damage; however, recent reports implicate polymerase γ errors during mtDNA replication. Investigations of somatic mtDNA mutations have been hampered by technical challenges in measuring low‐frequency mutations. We use primer ID‐based next‐generation sequencing to quantify both somatic and heteroplasmic blood mtDNA point mutations within the D‐loop, in 164 women and girls aged 2–72 years, of whom 35% were smokers and 56% were HIV‐positive. Somatic mutations and the occurrence of heteroplasmic mutations increased with age. While transitions are theorized to result from polymerase γ errors, transversions are believed to arise from DNA oxidative damage. In our study, both transition and transversion mutations were associated with age. However, transition somatic mutations were more prevalent than transversions, and no heteroplasmic transversions were observed. We also measured elevated somatic mutations, but not heteroplasmy, in association with high peak HIV viremia. Conversely, heteroplasmy was higher among smokers, but somatic mutations were not, suggesting that smoking promotes the expansion of preexisting mutations rather than de novo mutations. Taken together, our results are consistent with blood mtDNA mutations increasing with age, inferring a greater contribution of polymerase γ errors in mtDNA mutagenesis. We further suggest that smoking and HIV infection both contribute to the accumulation of mtDNA mutations, though in different ways.  相似文献   

The presence of protein or complex of proteins that specifically bind to human satellite 3 (HS3) was shown during investigations of the nuclear matrix. The specificity of binding of HS3 was shown by using nuclear matrix immobilized on nitrocellulose. The activity disappeared after extractions of the nuclear matrix. The presence of specific activity in low salt extract was shown by gel retardation assay with whole HS3 fragment. All the subfragments of HS3 after Sau3A restriction (1 kb, 0.36 kb, 0.41 kb) also retarded in the mixture with this protein extract. DNA-protein complexes were stable even in the presence of a 1000-fold excess of competitive DNA. These data are discussed in the frame of hypotheses about the three dimensional organization of interphase chromatin.  相似文献   

The development of the macronucleus from the zygotic micronucleus in the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena spp. involves the elimination of specific DNA sequences (M. C. Yao and M. Gorovsky, Chromosoma 48:1-18 1974). The present study demonstrates that micronucleus-specific DNA is present on all five of the micronuclear chromosomes. Fragments of micronuclear DNA from Tetrahymena thermophila were cloned in the plasmid vector pBR322. A procedure was developed to examine the organization of the cloned sequences in micro- and macronuclear DNA without nick translating each individual probe. Twenty-three percent of randomly selected DNA sequences examined by this method were micronucleus (germ line) specific. They were all members of families of repeated sequences. Hybridization of six micronucleus-specific DNA sequences to micronuclear DNA from nullisomic strains of T. thermophila, which are lacking one or more pairs of chromosomes in the micronucleus, suggested that these sequences are present on several chromosomes. One micronucleus-specific sequence was shown by in situ hybridization to be present on all five of the micronuclear chromosomes.  相似文献   

Human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences reveal an abundance of polymorphic sites in which the frequencies of the segregating bases are very different. A typical polymorphism involves one base at low frequency and the other base at high frequency. In contrast, nuclear gene data sets tend to show an excess of polymorphisms in which both segregating bases are at intermediate frequencies. A new statistical test of this difference finds significant differences between mtDNA and nuclear gene data sets reported in the literature. However, differences in the polymorphism patterns could be caused by different sample origins for the different data sets. To examine the mtDNA-nuclear difference more closely, DNA sequences were generated from a portion of the X-linked pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 alpha subunit (PDHA1) locus and from a portion of mitochondrial control region I (CRI) from each of eight individuals, four from sub-Saharan Africa. The two genes revealed a significant difference in the site frequency distribution of polymorphic sites. PDHA1 revealed an excess of intermediate-frequency polymorphisms, while CRI showed an excess of sites with the low-high frequency pattern. The discrepancy suggests that mitochondrial variation has been shaped by natural selection, and may not be ideal for some questions on human origins.   相似文献   

Both mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences have been employed in efforts to reconstruct deep-level phylogenetic relationships. A fundamental question in molecular systematics concerns the efficacy of different types of sequences in recovering clades at different taxonomic levels. We compared the performance of four mitochondrial data sets (cytochrome b, cytochrome oxidase II, NADH dehydrogenase subunit I, 12S rRNA-tRNA-16S rRNA) and eight nuclear data sets (exonic regions of alpha-2B adrenergic receptor, aquaporin, ss-casein, gamma-fibrinogen, interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein, kappa-casein, protamine, von Willebrand Factor) in recovering deep-level mammalian clades. We employed parsimony and minimum-evolution with a variety of distance corrections for superimposed substitutions. In 32 different pairwise comparisons between these mitochondrial and nuclear data sets, we used the maximum set of overlapping taxa. In each case, the variable-length bootstrap was used to resample at the size of the smaller data set. The nuclear exons consistently performed better than mitochondrial protein and rRNA-tRNA coding genes on a per-residue basis in recovering benchmark clades. We also concatenated nuclear genes for overlapping taxa and made comparisons with concatenated mitochondrial protein-coding genes from complete mitochondrial genomes. The variable-length bootstrap was used to score the recovery of benchmark clades as a function of the number of resampled base pairs. In every case, the nuclear concatenations were more efficient than the mitochondrial concatenations in recovering benchmark clades. Among genes included in our study, the nuclear genes were much less affected by superimposed substitutions. Nuclear genes having appropriate rates of substitution should receive strong consideration in efforts to reconstruct deep-level phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

Search for mitochondrial DNA sequences in chick nuclear DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Search for mitochondrial DNA sequences in chick nuclear DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The insertion of mitochondrial DNA in the nuclear genome generates numts, nuclear sequences of mitochondrial origin. In the horse reference genome, we identified 82 numts and showed that the entire horse mitochondrial DNA is represented as numts without gross bias. Numts were inserted in the horse nuclear genome at random sites and were probably generated during the repair of DNA double-strand breaks. We then analysed 12 numt loci in 20 unrelated horses and found that null alleles, lacking the mitochondrial DNA insertion, were present at six of these loci. At some loci, the null allele is prevalent in the sample analysed, suggesting that, in the horse population, the number of numt loci may be higher than 82 present in the reference genome. Contrary to humans, the insertion polymorphism of numts is extremely frequent in the horse population, supporting the hypothesis that the genome of this species is in a rapidly evolving state.  相似文献   

The alteration of calcium content, Ca2+-ATPase activity, DNA content and DNA fragmentation in the nuclei of regenerating rat liver was investigated. Liver was surgically removed about 70% of that of sham-operated rats. the reduced liver weight by partial hepatectomy was completely restored at 3 days after the surgery. Regenerating liver significantly increased Ca2+-ATPase activity and DNA content in the nuclei between 1 and 5 days after hepatectomy. The nuclear calcium content was clearly increased from 2 days after hepatectomy. The increase of Ca2+-ATPase activity in regenerating liver was clearly inhibited by the presence of trifluoperazine (10 M), staurosporine (2.5 M) and dibucaine (10 M), which are inhibitors of calmodulin and protein kinase, in the enzyme reaction mixture. However, the nuclear enzyme activity in normal rat liver was not significantly altered by these inhibitors. Meanwhile, the increase of nuclear DNA content in regenerating liver was completely blocked by the administration of trifluoperazine (2.5 mg/100 g body weight), suggesting an involvement of calmodulin. Now, the nuclear DNA fragmentation was significantly decreased in regenerating liver, suggesting that this decrease is partly contributed to the increase in nuclear DNA content. The present study clearly demonstrates that regenerating liver enhances nuclear Ca2+-ATPase activity and induces a corresponding elevation of nuclear calcium content. This Ca2+-signaling system may be involved in the regulation of nuclear DNA functions in regenerating rat liver.  相似文献   

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