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Studies in experimental grasslands have extensively documented the effects of sown plant diversity on the colonization of new species, but the responses of the sown plant combinations themselves have rarely been investigated. We established experimental grasslands differing in species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, and 16) and functional group number and composition (1–4; legumes, grasses, small herbs, tall herbs), and we studied the changes in the abundance of sown species (residents) in both weeded and non-weeded subplots over a period of five years after sowing. The accumulation of new species through spontaneous colonization in the non-weeded treatment did not affect the number of resident species, but had increasingly negative effects over time on the cover of resident species and their aboveground biomass production at community level. Temporal stability of resident populations was lower and year-to-year changes in resident species composition were larger in non-weeded than in weeded subplots. Compositional dissimilarity between weeded and non-weeded treatments increased through time. These negative effects of the colonization of new species on the abundances and stability of resident populations depended on resident species identity and not on additional variation between different functional groups. The colonization of new species did not change the number of resident species emerging from seeds, but reduced seedling densities of residents. Colonization did not affect the structure of resident communities as measured by species evenness, functional trait diversity and mean trait values suggesting that colonization can destabilize the species composition of residents in terms of abundance while leaving them unchanged in terms of functional characteristics. Generally, negative impacts of colonizing species on residents which accelerated through time decreased with an increasing number of sown species. Sowing more diverse grassland mixtures increases their predictability in terms of ecosystem characteristics, which is important for ecological restoration and sustainable agriculture.  相似文献   


What, if anything, is the adaptive function of countershading?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Countershading, the gradation of colour from dark on the dorsum to light on the ventrum, is generally considered to have the effect of making organisms difficult to detect. The mechanism that facilitates this form of crypsis is often considered to be concealment of shadows cast on the body of the animal. We review the current empirical evidence for the cryptic function of countershading and for the mechanism underlying it. We argue that there is no conclusive evidence that countershading per se provides any selective advantage in terrestrial or aerial environments. However, the highly refined adaptations of some marine organisms to match the different background light conditions against which they are set when viewed from different aspects strongly suggest an adaptive advantage to countershading in these environments. In none of the cases discussed in this review was the conventional explanation of self-shadow concealment a more plausible explanation for countershading than the alternative explanation that the dorsum and ventrum experience different selection pressures (often associated with background matching).  相似文献   

A quasispecies is a well-defined distribution of mutants that is generated by a mutation-selection process. Selection does not act on a single mutant but on the quasispecies as a whole. Experimental systems have been designed to study quasispecies evolution under laboratory conditions. More recently, virus populations have been called quasispecies to indicate their extensive genetic heterogeneity. The most prominent examples are probably the human immunodeficiency viruses HIV-1 and HIV-2. The quasispecies nature of HIV has formed the basis of a model that provides a mechanism for the pathogenesis of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in humans. This article focuses on the nature of the quasispecies concept and its implications for evolutionary biology and virology.  相似文献   

Tumor-induced lymphangiogenesis: a target for cancer therapy?   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Recent advances in understanding the biology of lymphangiogenesis, the new growth of lymphatic vessels, have cast new light on the molecular basis of metastasis to regional lymph nodes. The receptor tyrosine kinase VEGFR-3 is virtually exclusively expressed on lymphatic but not blood endothelium in the adult, and activation of VEGFR-3 by its ligands VEGF-C and VEGF-D is sufficient to induce lymphangiogenesis. Correlative studies with human tumors and functional studies using animal tumor models show that increased levels of VEGF-C or VEGF-D in tumors lead to enhanced numbers of lymphatic vessels in the vicinity of tumors, which in turn promotes metastasis to regional lymph nodes by providing a greater number of entry sites into the lymphatic system for invading tumor cells. These findings have prompted studies to investigate whether inhibitors of VEGFR-3 activation might represent novel therapeutic agents for the suppression of metastasis. However, a number of points regarding the therapeutic potential of anti-lymphangiogenic treatments in the context of cancer remain to be addressed. The spectrum and relative importance of molecules that induce lymphangiogenesis and the regulation of their expression during tumor progression, the reversibility of tumor-induced lymphangiogenesis, and possible side-effects of anti-lymphangiogenesis-based therapies all need to be investigated. Most importantly, the extent to which lymph node metastases contribute to the formation of metastases in other organs remains to be elucidated. These aspects are the focus of this review, and their investigation should serve as a roadmap to possible translational application.  相似文献   

Melkonian M 《Protist》1999,150(1):1

Sympatric speciation has always fascinated evolutionary biologists, and for good reason; it pits diversifying selection directly against the tendency of sexual reproduction to homogenize populations. However, different investigators have used different definitions of sympatric speciation and different criteria for diagnosing cases of sympatric speciation. Here, we explore some of the definitions that have been used in empirical and theoretical studies. Definitions based on biogeography do not always produce the same conclusions as definitions based on population genetics. The most precise definitions make sympatric speciation an infinitesimal end point of a continuum. Because it is virtually impossible to demonstrate the occurrence of such a theoretical extreme, we argue that testing whether a case fits a particular definition is less informative than evaluating the biological processes affecting divergence. We do not deny the importance of geographical context for understanding divergence. Rather, we believe this context can be better understood by modelling and measuring quantities, such as gene flow and selection, rather than assigning cases to discrete categories like sympatric and allopatric speciation.  相似文献   

This note summarizes the development of the transmission/disequilibrium test (TDT). The initial purpose of the TDT procedure was to test for linkage between a genetic marker and a disease susceptibility locus when an association had been found between the two. An association between disease and marker had sometimes been taken to imply linkage. An association could, however, be due to population stratification even in the absence of linkage. In contrast, the outcome of the TDT is not affected by such stratification. Furthermore, when linkage is not in doubt, the TDT can, in some cases, also provide a test of association between marker and disease. We discuss these various matters in this paper.  相似文献   

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