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利用多尺度遥感影像综合进行全球和区域尺度的土地利用/覆盖变化(LUCC)研究是最近全球变化研究的重要方向之一.本文综合利用野外群落样方、数字相机、ETM+影像、NOAA/AVHRR影像,在遥感、GIS和GPS支持下,对我国北方典型草原区植被盖度进行了综合监测、模拟与分析.结果表明:(1)利用经处理后的数字相机影像测量盖度的结果准确性较高,可以作为植被盖度测量的标准结果,反映真实的覆盖特征,并用以验证利用其它方法测量结果的精度.(2)利用野外1 m2样方网格法目视估测的植被盖度结果变化较大,不稳定.本次实验中,与数字相机测量结果相比,样方估测的盖度普遍偏高,平均偏差为9.92%;但两者相关性较好(r2=0.89).(3)采用Gutman模型ETM+影像、NOAA/AVHRR影像反演植被盖度的结果与数字相机测量结果偏差分别为7.03%、7.83%,ETM+像元分解NOAA像元后得到的植被盖度与数字相机测量结果偏差5.68%.三者与数字相机测量结果的相关系数r2分别为0.78、0.6l和0.76.(4)利用野外实测植被盖度数据直接与NOAA-NDVI影像建立统计模型估算植被盖度的精度较低(r2=0.65),而通过空间分辨率介于两者之间的ETM+影像进行转换后,该精度得到一定的提高(r2=0.80).利用像元分解的方法提高了大尺度植被盖度监测的精度,是利用遥感数据进行尺度转换研究的重要实践.多尺度遥感影像的综合对地观测对大区域上反演植被盖度有很好的促进作用.  相似文献   

多尺度遥感综合监测我国北方典型草原区植被盖度   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用多尺度遥感影像综合进行全球和区域尺度的土地利用/覆盖变化(LUCC)研究是最近全球变化研究的重要方向之一。本文综合利用野外群落样方、数字相机、ETM+影像、NOAA/AVHRR影像,在遥感、GIS和GPS支持下,对我国北方典型草原区植被盖度进行了综合监测、模拟与分析。结果表明:(1) 利用经处理后的数字相机影像测量盖度的结果准确性较高,可以作为植被盖度测量的标准结果,反映真实的覆盖特征,并用以验证利用其它方法测量结果的精度。(2) 利用野外1 m2样方网格法目视估测的植被盖度结果变化较大,不稳定。本次实验中,与数字相机测量结果相比,样方估测的盖度普遍偏高,平均偏差为9.92%;但两者相关性较好(r2=0.89)。(3) 采用Gutman模型ETM+影像、NOAA/AVHRR影像反演植被盖度的结果与数字相机测量结果偏差分别为7.03%、7.83%,ETM+像元分解NOAA像元后得到的植被盖度与数字相机测量结果偏差5.68%。三者与数字相机测量结果的相关系数r2分别为0.78、0.61和0.76。(4)利用野外实测植被盖度数据直接与NOAA-NDVI影像建立统计模型估算植被盖度的精度较低(r2=0.65),而通过空间分辨率介于两者之间的ETM+影像进行转换后,该精度得到一定的提高(r2=0.80)。利用像元分解的方法提高了大尺度植被盖度监测的精度,是利用遥感数据进行尺  相似文献   

The steppe vegetation of the Xizang (Tibet) Plateau is somewhat similar to the temperate steppe of our country, but it possesses its own characteristics: 1. The elements of the Qinghai-Xizang floral region or plant species taking the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau as their chief distribution center play a dominant part in tile constitution of the steppe communities. In these communities, the plants are usually sparse and dwarf, their growth period is shorter and the biological productivity is lower than the steppe in the temperate zone. They possess synusia consisting of herbaceous plants fit for cold climate, synusia consisting of kobresia and synusia consisting of cushion plants. 2. There are 4 types of steppe vegetation in the Xizang Plateau. And the tussock-grass steppe is the most typical. According to their different ecological characteristics, they may be divided into 3 types. Of these, the most widely distributed type is the cold temperate-weak semiarid steppe. And there are many characteristical steppe communities. 3. Distributionally, the steppe in the Xizang Plateau belongs to a special type of vertical distribution in the subtropical latitude zone, it is different from the gene- rally known montane vertical belt, and possesses a vertical-horizontal distributive nature, i.e. "zonation of plateau". Within the Plateau steppe region, steppe eommunities with different ecological characteristics have clearly marked areal differentiaton, and which has determined the nature of the vertical belts in these areas. According to different basal belts of the vertical belt spectrum, such belts may be divided into 3 types. There are no forests in the montane vertical belt spectra in the Plateau steppe region, and the upper distributional limit of the steppe vegetation reaches an altitude of about 5200 (5400) m., which is the highest distributional limit of steppe on the earth.  相似文献   

Aneurolepidium chinense and Stipa grandis steppes are the two main community-types in the temperate,typical steppe zone of Eastern Mongolian plateau. The changes of their species diversity under grazing influence were studied on two representative grazing gradients, situated in the Xilin River Basin, Inner Mongolia. The results showed: The species richness of the two communities is reduced with the increase of grazing intensity,while their in dices of evenness and diversity on moderately grazed sites were higher than those on both ungrazed and heavily grazed sites. The diversity changes of the steppe community on grazing gradient depended mainly on the competitive exclusion of the species and the different effects of grazing on different species. These two functions could be integratively reflected by the synusia structure in communities. So the diversity of the synusia structure in a community was a measure of the degrees of differentiation of the ecological niches in it,and could be effectively used to interprete the species diversity changes. A moderate grazing intensity prevented the competitive exclusion of the dominant synusia,and at the same time,had no restrictions to the development of other synusia, which led to a diversified synusia structure with a high species diversity. Based on the species-area curve analysis, the measurement of large nested quadrats on homogeneous habitat was suggested as a suitable method for inventory and monitoring species diversity in the steppe area.  相似文献   

The Upper Min River (UMR) watershed, with an area of 23,000 km2 in the Upper Yangtze basin in Sichuan province, is ecologically and environmentally fragile. This situation is due to natural catastrophes and increasing anthropogenic disturbance. Forest cover has decreased dramatically, especially along the main Min River. Restoration of the vegetation in a watershed needs to consider the natural vegetation distribution and dynamics. In the UMR watershed, 625 sample plots were randomly placed to study the soil types, current vegetation distribution, vegetation dynamics, afforestation, and potential tree species for restoration. We investigated the relationship between vegetation types and soil orders, predicted the percentages of potential tree species for forest landscape restoration using logistic regression, identified priority areas for rapid restoration, and pinpointed areas for forest restoration where low precipitation is a constraint. The results showed that the vegetation types were well correlated with soil orders, and the latter could be used to deduce the potential vegetation for areas of degraded secondary forest. Priority areas for rapid restoration were demonstrated, and the difficult areas with precipitation as a limiting factor for vegetation restoration were specified. Suitable tree species were suggested for restoration on different soil orders at different elevations.  相似文献   

This paper provides a list of 125 species from 22 families of Microlepidoptera collected in the south of Krasnoyarsk Territory and in the Republic ofKhakassia, with 63 species (50%) and 2 families (Bucculatricidae and Elachistidae) recorded in the region for the first time, and 11 species from 6 families being new to Siberia: Cauchas fibulella, Nemophora fasciella, N. minimella (Adelidae), Phyllonorycter sorbicola, Phyllocnistis extrematrix (Gracillariidae), Cosmiotes freyerella, Elachista subocellea (Elachistidae), Caryocolum alsinella, Scrobipalpula diffluella (Gelechiidae), Agonopterix intersecta (Depressariidae), and Ypsolopha horridella (Ypsolophidae). Three species are new to science: Phyllonorycter sp. and Phyllocnistis verae (Gracillariidae) from the suburbs of Krasnoyarsk and Chrysoesthia sp. (Gelechiidae) from the Republic of Khakassia. Almost half of the faunistic findings belong to two families, Gelechiidae (34 species) and Gracillariidae (24 species). In the former family, the number of species distributed in Krasnoyarsk Territory and/or Khakassia was increased by 1.5 times based on our collection. Trophic specialization remains unknown only for 7 of the 125 species. Most (90%) of the remaining 118 species are phytophagous, the others are saprophagous; 53 species are known as leaf miners. Phytophagous species feed on plants of 36 families and 21 orders. The largest number of microlepidopteran species inhabit plants of the orders Rosales and Fagales (25 and 24 species, respectively). Twelve species are known as pests: Tineidae (4 species), Gracillariidae, Gelechiidae (2 species in each), Argyresthiidae, Choreutidae, Lyonetiidae, and Plutellidae (one species in each). Four pest species have expanded beyond the Palaearctic in the last century: Choreutis pariana (Choreutidae), Scrobipalpa atriplicella (Gelechiidae), Plutella xylostella (Plutellidae), and Niditinea fuscella (Tineidae).  相似文献   

北方农牧交错带植被重建中适宜乔、灌、草种的生态区划   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
因遭受滥垦及过度放牧破坏的中国北方农牧交错带亟待进行植被的恢复和重建。本文从为该区域植被的恢复与重建提供植物物种上的支持出发,对适宜该区域生长与分布的乔、灌、草种进行了生态区划。生态区划的原则概括为4条:生态保育优先、有利生产发展、适地适树适草以及参考行政区划边界。在该原则指导下,依据限定农牧交错带植物生长和分布的主要生态因子:年最低日均温、年大于0℃积温、湿润度指数(年降水量与年大于O℃积温之比)、反映区域地表组成物质、地形及气候特征影响的土壤类型等,将农牧交错带划分为7个不同的生态区域,依次为:I.松辽平原西部及大兴安岭山地区,II.辽河上游风沙区,In.蒙古高原中、东部及冀西北山地区,Ⅳ.吕梁山、太行山、燕山山地区,V.鄂尔多斯高原风沙区,Ⅵ.陕北、陇东黄土高原区,Ⅶ.陇中及青海高原东部黄土区。在上述分区的基础上,对以往文献报道中出现的适宜该区域生长和分布的乔、灌、草,包括乡土种和人工栽培或引种的外来种,按其生态习性分别进行了细致的甄别选择,并在文中择其精要予以列出。  相似文献   

因遭受滥垦及过度放牧破坏的中国北方农牧交错带亟待进行植被的恢复和重建.本文从为该区域植被的恢复与重建提供植物物种上的支持出发,对适宜该区域生长与分布的乔、灌、草种进行了生态区划.生态区划的原则概括为4条:生态保育优先、有利生产发展、适地适树适草以及参考行政区划边界.在该原则指导下,依据限定农牧交错带植物生长和分布的主要生态因子:年最低日均温、年大于0℃积温、湿润度指数(年降水量与年大于0℃积温之比)、反映区域地表组成物质、地形及气候特征影响的土壤类型等,将农牧交错带划分为7个不同的生态区域,依次为:Ⅰ.松辽平原西部及大兴安岭山地区,Ⅱ.辽河上游风沙区,Ⅲ.蒙古高原中、东部及冀西北山地区,Ⅳ.吕梁山、太行山、燕山山地区,Ⅴ.鄂尔多斯高原风沙区,Ⅵ.陕北、陇东黄土高原区,Ⅶ.陇中及青海高原东部黄土区.在上述分区的基础上,对以往文献报道中出现的适宜该区域生长和分布的乔、灌、草,包括乡土种和人工栽培或引种的外来种,按其生态习性分别进行了细致的甄别选择,并在文中择其精要予以列出.  相似文献   

This article deals with the results of the study of diatom algae of Lake Shira. The list of found algae contains 95 species (126, including infraspecific taxa). A brief ecological and geographical analysis of the algal flora is made.  相似文献   

松嫩草地水淹干扰后的土壤种子库特征及其与植被关系   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
王正文  祝廷成 《生态学报》2002,22(9):1392-1398
研究了松嫩平原羊草草地不同强度水淹干扰对土壤种子库种类组成、物种多样性及其与植被物种组成的相似性关系等的影响。结果表明:(1)随着水淹强度的加重或水淹持续时间的延长,相应地段的土壤种子库物种数目和种子存量都呈减小趋势;(2)土壤种子库的种类成分在干扰样带和对照样带间差异明显,而受水淹干扰的样带之间种子库的种类组成差异不大,表明洪水漂移行使了繁殖体传播和散布的功能;(3)随水淹干扰强度增加,种子库物种多样性指数减小;(4)种子库与地上植被物种组成相似性普遍较低,其原因是主要靠营养繁殖以更新种群的多年生根茎植物经常在植被中出现而不在种子库中出现;(5)种子库与地上植被物种组成相似性随水淹干扰强度增加而下降,表明了水淹干扰对种子库与地上植被物种组成相似性有一定程度的影响。  相似文献   

In the aftermath of the severe droughts and floods at the end of the 20th century, the Chinese government launched several ecological restoration projects, including the Natural Forest Protection Program in 1998 and the Grain-for-Green Program in 1999, to promote afforestation and reforestation to reduce surface runoff and consequent soil erosion nationwide. However, it is still unclear how vegetation has changed in southern China since the launch of these programs. In this study, we used the MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) to analyze the vegetation cover dynamics in southern China from 2000 to 2009 and evaluate the resulting effects of controlling soil erosion. Our observations indicate that 5.3% of the study area significantly increased and 0.98% significantly decreased in EVI value (p < 0.05). The spring EVI had largest increase in space. The conversions of croplands on steep slopes to forests resulting from national policies led to significant increases in EVI. The increase in EVI was not driven by annual average temperature and annual precipitation. By referencing ecological restoration statistical data and field observations, we showed that ecological restoration programs significantly improved vegetation cover in southern China. Increase in the area of farmland-converted forestlands has reduced soil erosion based upon monitoring sediment yields at hydrologic stations in the Yangtze River. This study displays the spatial patterns of trend in vegetation growth since the beginning of the 21st century in southern China and highlights the important role of China’s afforestation program.  相似文献   

Although organisms can alter dynamics of elements in ecosystems via physiological results, the effects of tree species on ecosystem nutrient dynamics are highly uncertain. A four-fold variation in the calcium concentrations of streams, soils and leaf litters were caused by the planting of Cryptomeria japonica in south-central Japan. In this study, we examined how the calcium dynamics were affected by the planting of C. japonica through strontium isotope analysis. We predicted the planting of C. japonica would result in the calcium concentration increasing because of the significant dissolution of calcium from bedrock. In a forest ecosystem, calcium is usually derived from precipitation and bedrock weathering, and their relative contributions can be estimated using a strontium isotope mixing model. Therefore, we collected stream water, litter, soil, precipitation and bedrock samples from 17 sites in catchments dominated by C. japonica plantation or evergreen broad-leaved forest; after collection, we analyzed the sample chemical compositions and strontium isotope ratios. The calcium concentrations in the stream water and the water-soluble calcium in the soil were significantly higher at sites dominated by C. japonica than at broad-leaved forest sites. Strontium isotope analysis indicated that there was more calcium from the bedrock present in stream water at sites dominated by C. japonica than in stream water at broad-leaved forest sites. Our results showed that watershed-scale dynamics of calcium and other cations can be altered by the type of vegetation in a catchment due to the effects of vegetation on the supply of calcium from bedrock.  相似文献   

Predictions from forest ecosystem models are limited in part by large uncertainties in the current state of the land surface, as previous disturbances have important and lasting influences on ecosystem structure and fluxes that can be difficult to detect. Likewise, future disturbances also present a challenge to prediction as their dynamics are episodic and complex and occur across a range of spatial and temporal scales. While large extreme events such as tropical cyclones, fires, or pest outbreaks can produce dramatic consequences, small fine-scale disturbance events are typically much more common and may be as or even more important. This study focuses on the impacts of these smaller disturbance events on the predictability of vegetation dynamics and carbon flux. Using data on vegetation structure collected for the same domain at two different times, i.e. “repeat lidar data”, we test high-resolution model predictions of vegetation dynamics and carbon flux across a range of spatial scales at an important tropical forest site at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. We found that predicted height change from a height-structured ecosystem model compared well to lidar measured height change at the domain scale (~150 ha), but that the model-data mismatch increased exponentially as the spatial scale of evaluation decreased below 20 ha. We demonstrate that such scale-dependent errors can be attributed to errors predicting the pattern of fine-scale forest disturbances. The results of this study illustrate the strong impact fine-scale forest disturbances have on forest dynamics, ultimately limiting the spatial resolution of accurate model predictions.  相似文献   

We conduct a study of the dry forest in areas of scant rainfall in the Dominican Republic; these are sites with particular endemic habitats, as the samples reveal a high rate of local and insular endemic species, with 84 (24.85%) endemisms. This work covers dry forests rich in coarse spiny plants and includes a statistical (multivariate analysis), phytosociological and catenal study of the vegetation. We analyse the floristic composition, ecology, distribution and richness in endemisms of each association. The bioclimatic analysis reveals the different thermotypes and ombrotypes on the island, and locates the proposed plant associations in the infra- and thermotropical thermotypes, and in the arid, semiarid and dry ombrotypes. As a result of this phytosociological analysis, we propose the new alliance Harrio nashii–Acacion skleroxylae and four plant associations: Harrisio nashii–Prosopidetum juliflorae, Crotono poitaei–Erythroxyletum rotundifolii, Lonchocarpo pycnophylli–Cylindropuntietum caribaeae and Neoabbottio paniculatae–Guaiacetum officinali; these associations connect catenally with the subhumid forest and mangrove swamps.  相似文献   

Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) has declined precipitously throughout coastal areas and its reestablishment has long been an important objective of coastal management. We investigated restoration success of Vallisneria americana (wild celery) using seeds, seed pods, and whole shoot transplants at sites in the Chesapeake Bay in the United States where historical aerial photography has indicated that the species once grew. In addition, we evaluated habitat conditions and established herbivore exclosures to assess the impacts of water quality, sediment conditions, and grazers on planting success. Whole shoot transplants resulted in the most rapid cover of the bottom, but required greater planting effort. Direct dispersal of individual seeds was generally more successful than dispersal of intact seed pods, resulting in more rapid initial seedling growth. Overall, 100% bottom cover of whole shoot transplant plots could be reached in approximately 3 years, despite light attenuation coefficients (Kd) of 3.0 to 4.0. Transplants at shallow depths (<0.5 m) were able to rapidly grow and elongate to the surface at mid‐to‐low tidal heights. Transplants were successful in both muddy (8% organic) and sandy (<2%) substrates. Using mesh exclosures to protect the plants from herbivory was critical to restoration success. Although water quality and other habitat conditions are important for SAV growth and survival, restoration in the unvegetated areas studied here was limited by grazing of initial recruits. The establishment of protected founder colonies of sufficient size to withstand initial grazing pressures may be required to reestablish SAV in similar areas.  相似文献   

Studies of the effects of precipitation on litter decomposition and nitrogen mineralization in arid and semiarid environments have demonstrated contradictory results. We conducted a manipulative experiment with rainout shelters in the semiarid Patagonian steppe, aimed at assessing the direct effects of water availability on litter decomposition and net nitrogen mineralization while isolating the indirect effects. We created four levels of precipitation input: control and three levels (30, 55 and 80%) of precipitation interception and we examined litter decomposition and nutrient release of a dominant grass species, Stipa speciosa, inorganic soil nitrogen, and in situ net nitrogen mineralization over two consecutive years. Litter decomposition rates (k, year−1) varied significantly (P < 0.001) among precipitation interception treatments and were positively correlated with incoming annual precipitation (APPT, mm/year) (k = 0.0007 × APPT + 0.137). In contrast, net N mineralization was not correlated with incoming precipitation. Soil NO3 significantly decreased with increasing precipitation input, whereas soil NH4+ concentration did not differ among precipitation interception treatments. Controls of water input on litter decomposition appear to be different from controls on N mineralization in the semiarid Patagonian steppe. We suggest that although water availability affects both the mineralization of C and N, it differentially affects the movement and fate of the inorganic products. A consequence of the accumulation of inorganic N during dry episodes is that periods of maximum water and soil nutrient availability may occur at different times. This asynchrony in the availability of N and water in the soil may explain the observed lags in the response of primary production to increases in water availability.  相似文献   

在内蒙古草原区,从荒漠草原带到森林草原带,沿气候干燥度变化的方向调查了119个草原样地的植被与环境特征,依此定量分析了植被—环境关系。 根据表述环境因子取样质量的环境因子墒值及环境因子与出现频率最高的50个植物种间的平均相互信息,分析了所调查30个环境因子在决定植被组成中的作用优势度。结果表明,气候因子的影响是占绝对优势的,而地形和管理因子的作用是次一级的,或是地区性的。群落的物种组成与其第一优势种关联极好,因而依群落第—优势种识别的植物群落类型是组成和结构相对稳定的群落单位。基于植物种在降水和气温梯度上最适区域的计算及依此在植物降水-气温平面上的直接排序,揭示出广泛的草原植物在气候梯度上的生态替代。这种替代,尤其是包括针茅属(Stipa)植物在内的草原优势植物的替代,导致了针茅草原的生态替代。本研究也定量刻划了内蒙古主要草原植物群落的植被特征,及其在气候、土壤和人为影响梯度上的分布幅度和生态适宜区域。草原植物种和植物群落在气候和放牧梯度上的直接排序提供了气候和土地利用变化后草原植被动态的可能图景。  相似文献   

采用样线法对成南高速公路边坡植被恢复进行调查,并分析了研究区域内植物群落的α多样性指数以及重要值参数,同时,根据坡度差异将调查所得边坡划分为斜坡(Ⅰ)、陡坡(Ⅱ)和急坡(Ⅲ)三大类.结果显示:调查所得植物属于41个科,85属,91个种;其中豆科(Leguminosae)、禾本科(Gramineae)、菊科(Asteraceae)、蔷薇科(Rosaceae)的种类最多,占全部种数的44%;不同类型坡面具有不同的适应物种,草本层和灌木层具有不同的适应性特征.同时,通过分析多样性指数和重要值筛选出了不同类型边坡的实用性物种,并根据此次调查的分析处理结果,提出了植被恢复的一些原则以及建议.  相似文献   

以盐池县为主的宁夏东部草原地区,地处典型草原向荒漠草原的过渡地带,饲养着全自治区近五分之二的二毛裘皮滩羊,是区内重要的畜牧业生产基地之一。这一地区在1955—1961年间曾由不同的专业队进行过多次自然资源综合考察[6,8,10,17],主要单位有中国科学院黄河中游水土保持综合考察队,中国科学院治沙工作队,中国科学院内蒙古宁夏综合考察队以及自治区综合勘察队和宁夏农学院等。虽然积累了一些有关这一地区草原植被方面的资料,但正式发表的不多,并且在草原界线的划分上由于认识的不同,分歧较大。如划分界线时有的主要考虑地形或土壤因子[8],而对植被本身的差异注意得不够,甚至建群针茅的种类也还没有搞清楚[17];还有的把隐域植被(沙生植被)与地带性植被混同起来,并过分强调少量入侵的荒漠植物(刺叶柄棘豆)的作用。1977年以来我们连续在这一地区进行草场植被资源调查和草原生态定位研究,现就我们的认识对宁夏东部草原的属性、界线及其资源特征,提出一些看法。  相似文献   

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