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Dr. Adam El-Shahat 《Facies》1995,33(1):265-275
Summary The Quaternary carbonates of the Mediterranean coast of Egypt between Alexandria and Salum appear as parallel limestone ridges rising up to 100 m above sea level. These ridges are dominated by dunal carbonates which differ not only in their primary composition but also by distinct grades of meteoric water diagenesis. Oolitic facies dominates the younger aeolianites of the first and second ridges. Bioclastic facies with abundant coralline algae, benthonic foraminifers, molluscs, echinoderms and intraclasts represents the major rock type in the older aeolianites. Features of meteoric water diagenesis include precipitation of increasing amounts of avoid-filling low Mg-calcite spar, dissolution of aragonite and stabilization of aragonite and high Mg-calcite to low Mg-calcite. Aeolianites below paleosol horizons contain abundant calcrete cements, micritized fossils and detrital grains which are commonly corroded and replaced by calcite. Three stages of progressive meteoric diagenesis are recognised in the Egyptian Quaternary aeolianites. In stage 1 minor precipitation of low Mg-calcite occurs at the grain boundaries. Stage 2 is marked by partial dissolution of aragonite, partial loss of high Mg-calcite and precipitation of low Mg-calcite in some pore spaces. In stage 3, most of the remaining pores are occluded by cementation. At the end of stage 3, Mg is removed from high Mg-calcite but some aragonite still persists. The early vadose cements are represented by miniscus, bridge and pendant cements. The phreatic cements were precipitated as bladed spar in the isopachous rims and equant spar in the intergranular and mouldic porosity. The late vadose cements are represented by micritic cements that were related to calcrete formation. Elemental behaviour during meteoric water diagenesis indicates that it leads to a gradual decrease in bulk Sr along with Na in progressively altered aeolianites. Mn distribution is controlled by the carbonate mineralogy (aragonite versus calcite) as well as the proximity of the aeolianites to the overlying paleosol horizons.  相似文献   

The extensive salt marshes in the plains and depressions of the western Mediterranean desert of Egypt were classified into three habitat types: A with shallow water table and high salinity, B with relatively deep water table and high salinity, and C transitional habitats in which salinity and water table are no controlling factors. Fourteen vegetation types were distinguished, each dominated by one or two species.The dominating life forms are chamaephytes in sites of high salinity, and therophytes in sites of low salinity. Spatial and temporal variations in the standing crop biomass were pronounced. The accumulation of material started during spring and reached a maximum in autumn, when photosynthetic activity was maintained to account for transpiration losses.There was a general trend of increasing salinity and concentration of different ions from habitat type A to habitat type C through habitat type B. The periodical variation in the water table was insignificant, while a significant drop in salinity and the concentration of different ions was detected in spring, which was attributed to the diluting effect of rain water during that season.Most species exhibited clear distribution patterns and their a bundance varied significantly along gradients of different factors. Simple correlations between the compositional gradients or the distributional behaviour of species and salinity or the concentration of individual ions were generally low, while correlations with combinations of ions in the form of ratios (notably sodium and potassium adsorption ratos) were higher.During the early stages of succession the building up of soil and the decrease in salinity are the most important factors while at more advanced stages, soil texture and calcium carbonate content become more decisive.Nomenclature follows Täckholm (1974)  相似文献   

The present study deals with the analysis of the floristic composition and plant diversity of Wadi Gimal protectorate. Its major aim is to identify community types and environmental factors that affect their growth and distribution. These quantitative data provide rangers with knowledge that is necessary for monitoring and managing plant communities within the protected areas, as well as restoration of vegetation‐depleted habitats. Twenty‐seven stands were selected along the length of Wadi and its tributaries. Thirty‐five species were recorded in Wadi Gimal; with Poaceae as the dominant family and Phanerophytes dominating over other life forms. Saharo‐Arabians were the predominant chorological element. Six vegetation groups were recognized in Wadi Gimal. Zilla spinosa (VG C) which inhabited the Wadi bed had the highest species richness, species turnover, relative evenness and relative concentration of dominance. Capparis sinaica (VG A) which inhabited the mountain slope had the lowest species richness, relative evenness and relative concentration of dominance, while Salvadora persica group had the lowest species turnover. Phoenix dactylifera–Hyphaene thebaica (VG F) which dominated the deltaic part of Wadi, had the highest salinity; whilst Acacia ehrenbergiana (VG E) which dominated the upper‐stream part of the Wadi had the lowest value of salinity.  相似文献   

Cladocora caespitosa is the only reef-forming zooxanthellate scleractinian in the Mediterranean Sea. This endemic coral has suffered severe mortality events at different Mediterranean sites owing to anomalous summer heat waves related to global climate change. In this study, we assessed genetic structure and gene flow among four populations of this species in the Western Mediterranean Sea: Cape Palos (SE Spain), Cala Galdana (Balearic Islands), Columbretes Islands, and L’Ametlla (NE Spain). The results obtained from Bayesian approaches, F ST statistics, and Bayesian analysis of migration rates suggest certain levels of genetic differentiation driven by high levels of self-recruitment, a fact that is supported by egg-retention mechanisms. Conversely, genetic connectivity among distant populations, even if generally low, seems to be related to sporadic dispersal events through regional surface currents linked to the spawning period that occurs at the end of summer-beginning of autumn. These features, together with a certain isolation of the Columbretes Islands, could explain the regional genetic differentiation found among populations. These results help to better understand population structure and connectivity of the species and will serve as an approach for further studies on different aspects of the biology and ecology of C. caespitosa.  相似文献   

To date, the only native sturgeon species in Western Europe was believed to be Acipenser sturio. However, this species is currently restricted to the Gironde River (Southern France), and it poses serious difficulties for rearing in captivity and for using in recovery programme. Furthermore, it has been questioned whether A. sturio is in fact the only species within the rivers of Western Europe, as A. naccarii, a species previously considered endemic of the Adriatic region, has been reported from the Iberian Peninsula in recent years. Here, we have used forensic techniques to obtain DNA from several museum specimens of sturgeons caught in the Spanish Guadalquivir River and in other European rivers. We analysed DNA sequences from these specimens for five genetic markers (three nuclear and two mitochondrial regions), which were subsequently compared with sequences obtained from A. sturioand A. naccarii. Our study demonstrates that A. naccarii coexists withA. sturio, from the Adriatic Sea to the Iberian Peninsula, a finding that could be taken into account in future sturgeon recovery programmes in Western Europe.  相似文献   

Summary Gene frequency surveys conducted in Alexandria and Cairo reveal genetic profiles which are extensions of those that characterize the cat populations of European cities. For nine selected comparisons with Alexandria, regression analysis indicates that a linear function best describes the relationship between Nei's and Cavalli-Sforza's genetic distance indices and geographic distance.  相似文献   

Cyclamen balearicum is a self-compatible perennial herb endemic to the western Mediterranean Basin. This species occurs in five geographically isolated terrestrial islands in southern France and on four Balearic islands. In this study, we compare genetic variability and differentiation within and among 11 terrestrial island populations and 17 true island populations. Of nine readable enzyme loci, five were polymorphic in both terrestrial and true islands. F statistics showed a significant heterozygote deficiency in all populations, probably due to high levels of autonomous selfing, restricted gene flow, and subsequent genetic drift. Genetic diversity was higher in terrestrial islands than on the Balearic islands, suggesting that the Balearic islands were colonized when they were in contact with the continent. Population differentiation was greater among terrestrial islands (Fst = 0.417 and Gst = 0.344) than among true islands (Fst = 0.112 and Gst = 0.093). Furthermore, differentiation among populations on the Basses Cévennes terrestrial island was greater (Fst = 0.254) than among populations on the true island of Mallorca (Fst = 0.163). The greater genetic differentiation among terrestrial islands could have been caused by genetic bottlenecks associated with changes in climate and human land use that may have reduced population sizes more severely in terrestrial islands in southern France than on the Balearic islands.  相似文献   

Tropical dry forests are more threatened, less protected and especially susceptible to deforestation. However, most deforestation research focuses on tropical rain forests. We analyzed spatial and temporal changes in land cover from 1972 through 2005 at Chatthin Wildlife Sanctuary (CWS), a tropical dry forest in Myanmar (Burma). CWS is one of the largest protected patches of tropical dry forest in Southeast Asia and supports over half the remaining wild population of the endangered Eld’s deer. Between 1973 and 2005, 62% of forest was lost at an annual rate of 1.86% in the area, while forest loss inside CWS was only 16% (0.45% annually). Based on trends found during our study period, dry forests outside CWS would not persist beyond 2019, while forests inside CWS would persist for at least another 100 years. Analysis of temporal deforestation patterns indicates the highest rate of loss occurred between 1992 and 2001. Conversion to agriculture, shifting agriculture, and flooding from a hydro-electric development were the main deforestation drivers. Fragmentation was also severe, halving the area of suitable Eld’s deer habitat between 1973 and 2001, and increasing its isolation. CWS protection efforts were effective in reducing deforestation rates, although deforestation effects extended up to 2 km into the sanctuary. Establishing new protected areas for dry forests and finding ways to mitigate human impacts on existing forests are both needed to protect remaining dry forests and the species they support.  相似文献   

It is increasingly common for apex predators to face a multitude of complex conservation issues. In Australia, dingoes are the mainland apex predator and play an important role in ecological functioning. Currently, however, they are threatened by hybridization with modern domestic dogs in the wild. As a consequence, we explore how increasing our understanding of the evolutionary history of dingoes can inform management and conservation decisions. Previous research on whole mitochondrial genome and nuclear data from five geographical populations showed evidence of two distinct lineages of dingo. Here, we present data from a broader survey of dingoes around Australia using both mitochondrial and Y chromosome markers and investigate the timing of demographic expansions. Biogeographic data corroborate the presence of at least two geographically subdivided genetic populations, southeastern and northwestern. Demographic modeling suggests that dingoes have undergone population expansion in the last 5,000 years. It is not clear whether this stems from expansion into vacant niches after the extinction of thylacines on the mainland or indicates the arrival date of dingoes. Male dispersal is much more common than female, evidenced by more diffuse Y haplogroup distributions. There is also evidence of likely historical male biased introgression from domestic dogs into dingoes, predominately within southeastern Australia. These findings have critical practical implications for the management and conservation of dingoes in Australia; particularly a focus must be placed upon the threatened southeastern dingo population.  相似文献   

The desiccation of the Mediterranean Sea during the Messinian Salinity Crisis 6.0-5.3 million years ago (Ma), caused a major extinction of the marine ichthyofauna of the Mediterranean. This was followed by an abrupt replenishment of the Mediterranean from the Atlantic after the opening of the Strait of Gibraltar. In this study, we combined demographic and phylogeographic approaches using mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers to test the alternative hypotheses of where (Atlantic or Mediterranean) and when (before or after the Messinian Salinity Crisis) speciation occurred in the Mediterranean damselfish, Chromis chromis. The closely related geminate transisthmian pair Chromis multilineata and Chromis atrilobata was used as a way of obtaining an internally calibrated molecular clock. We estimated C. chromis speciation timing both by determining the time of divergence between C. chromis and its Atlantic sister species Chromis limbata (0.93-3.26 Ma depending on the molecular marker used, e.g. 1.23-1.39 Ma for the control region), and by determining the time of coalescence for C. chromis based on mitochondrial control region sequences (0.14-0.21 Ma). The time of speciation of C. chromis was always posterior to the replenishment of the Mediterranean basin, after the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Within the Mediterranean, C. chromis population structure and demographic characteristics revealed a genetic break at the Peloponnese, Greece, with directional and eastbound gene flow between western and eastern groups. The eastern group was found to be more recent and with a faster growing population (coalescent time = 0.09-0.13 Ma, growth = 485.3) than the western group (coalescent time = 0.13-0.20 Ma, growth = 325.6). Our data thus suggested a western origin of C. chromis, most likely within the Mediterranean. Low sea water levels during the glacial periods, the hydrographic regime of the Mediterranean and dispersal restriction during the short pelagic larval phase of C. chromis (18-19 days) have probably played an important role in C. chromis historical colonization.  相似文献   

Landscape structure not only reflects the natural settings of the landscape but also its history and the impact of human activity. Information about the characteristics of the landscape elements in terms of their structural functionality plays a central role in assessing their ecological quality. Statutory designation of sites plays a key role in conserving and maintaining valuable parts of the landscape.In this study, we investigated whether protection status influences functionality in case studies from the Czech Republic, representing three different landscape types.Landscape structure metrics derived from land cover maps, were used for the assessment of functionality in protected and unprotected regions of the landscape types. Mean functionality was calculated for six different functionality groups. We also focused on the level of protection status and its relationship to functionality.Our results showed that landscape functionality is higher in protected areas as opposed to unprotected areas. In addition, functionality was found to be high for the ‘valuable matrix’ and the ‘connecting corridors’ groups. The results also indicated that the more strictly protected areas tend to have higher functionality.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean Basin is a biodiversity hotspot, housing >11.000 narrowly endemic plant species, many of which are declining due to mass tourism and agricultural intensification. To investigate the genetic resource impacts of ongoing habitat loss and degradation, we characterized the genetic variation in the last known populations of Leopoldia gussonei, a self-compatible endangered Sicilian Grape Hyacinth numbering less than 3,000 remaining individuals, using AFLP. Results demonstrated significant genome-wide genetic differentiation among all extant populations (ΦST = 0.05–0.56), and genetic clustering according to geographic location. Gene diversity was fairly constant across population (mean HE = 0.13) and was neither affected by current population size nor by spatial isolation. Vegetation analysis showed the presence of known invasive weeds in a quarter of the populations, but we found no relation between genetic diversity and plant community composition. The marked genetic differences among populations and the profusion of rare and private alleles indicate that any further population loss will lead to significant losses of genetic diversity. Conservation efforts should therefore focus on the preservation of all sites where L. gussonei still occurs, yet the deliberate introduction of diverse material into the smallest populations seems unneeded as clonality likely mitigated genetic drift effects thus far. More generally, our findings support the view that endemic plant species with a narrow ecological amplitude, as many specialists in Mediterranean coastal ecosystems, are highly genetically differentiated and that conservation of their genetic diversity requires preservation of most, if not all of their extant populations.  相似文献   

An understanding of within-host dynamics of pathogen interactions with eukaryotic cells can shape the development of effective preventive measures and drug regimes. Such investigations have been hampered by the difficulty of identifying and observing directly, within live tissues, the multiple key variables that underlay infection processes. Fluorescence microscopy data on intracellular distributions of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) show that, while the number of infected cells increases with time, the distribution of bacteria between cells is stationary (though highly skewed). Here, we report a simple model framework for the intensity of intracellular infection that links the quasi-stationary distribution of bacteria to bacterial and cellular demography. This enables us to reject the hypothesis that the skewed distribution is generated by intrinsic cellular heterogeneities, and to derive specific predictions on the within-cell dynamics of Salmonella division and host-cell lysis. For within-cell pathogens in general, we show that within-cell dynamics have implications across pathogen dynamics, evolution, and control, and we develop novel generic guidelines for the design of antibacterial combination therapies and the management of antibiotic resistance.  相似文献   

A major goal of modern computational biology is to simulate the collective behaviour of large cell populations starting from the intricate web of molecular interactions occurring at the microscopic level. In this paper we describe a simplified model of cell metabolism, growth and proliferation, suitable for inclusion in a multicell simulator, now under development (Chignola R and Milotti E 2004 Physica A 338 261-6). Nutrients regulate the proliferation dynamics of tumour cells which adapt their behaviour to respond to changes in the biochemical composition of the environment. This modelling of nutrient metabolism and cell cycle at a mesoscopic scale level leads to a continuous flow of information between the two disparate spatiotemporal scales of molecular and cellular dynamics that can be simulated with modern computers and tested experimentally.  相似文献   

Although human activity is considered to be a major driving force affecting the distribution and dynamics of Mediterranean ecosystems, the full consequences of projected climate variability and relative sea-level changes on fragile coastal ecosystems for the next century are still unknown. It is unclear how these waterfront ecosystems can be sustained, as well as the services they provide, when relative sea-level rise and global warming are expected to exert even greater pressures in the near future (drought, habitat degradation and accelerated shoreline retreat). Haifa Bay, northern Israel, has recorded a landward sea invasion, with a maximum sea penetration 4,000 years ago, during an important period of urban development and climate instability. Here, we examine the cumulative pressure of climate shifts and relative sea-level changes in order to investigate the patterns and mechanisms behind forest replacement by an open-steppe. We provide a first comprehensive and integrative study for the southern Levant that shows that (i) human impact, through urbanization, has been the main driver behind ecological erosion in the past 4,000 years; (ii) climate pressures have reinforced this impact; and (iii) local coastal changes have played a decisive role in eroding ecosystem resilience. These three parameters, which have closely interacted during the last 4,000 years in Haifa Bay, clearly indicate that for an efficient management of the coastal habitats, anthropogenic pressures linked to urban development must be reduced in order to mitigate the predicted effects of Global Change.  相似文献   

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