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Medvedeva  V. A.  Ivanova  M. V.  Shumaev  K. B.  Dudylina  A. L.  Ruuge  E. K. 《Biophysics》2021,66(4):603-609
Biophysics - Mitochondrial dysfunction, which may be due to excessive generation of toxic forms of oxygen and nitrogen in oxidative stress, is one of the risk factors for a wide range of...  相似文献   

In peroxisomes isolated from pea leaves (Pisum sativum L.) the production of superoxide free radicals (O2) by xanthine and NADH was investigated. In peroxisomal membranes, 100 micromolar NADH induced the production of O2 radicals. In the soluble fractions of peroxisomes, no generation of O2 radicals was observed by incubation with either NADH or xanthine, although xanthine oxidase was found located predominantly in the matrix of peroxisomes. The failure of xanthine to induce superoxide generation was probably due to the inability to fully suppress the endogenous Mn-superoxide dismutase activity by inhibitors which were inactive against xanthine oxidase. The generation of superoxide radicals in leaf peroxisomes together with the recently described production of these oxygen radicals in glyoxysomes (LM Sandalio, VM Fernández, FL Rupérez, LA del Río [1988] Plant Physiol 87: 1-4) suggests that O2 generation could be a common metabolic property of peroxisomes and further supports the existence of active oxygen-related rôles for peroxisomes in cellular metabolism.  相似文献   

Direct nonenzymatic oxidation of semiquinone by oxygen is one of the main sources of superoxide radicals in mitochondria. Using all the known data on hepatocyte mitochondria, we have revealed the correlation between the rate of superoxide generation by the bc 1complex and the transmembrane potential (). Assuming that the main electrogenic stage of the Qcycle is the electron transfer between the cytochrome bhemes, then the rate of superoxide generation sharply increases when grows from 150 to 180 mV. However, this interrelation is ambiguous. Indeed, the increase of the generation rate with the growth of the potential can occur faster when succinate dehydrogenase is inhibited by malonate than when external ADP is exhausted. When the potential is changed by adding phosphate or potassium (K+), the rate of production remains constant, although the comparison of the rates at the same reveals the effect of phosphate or potassium. It turned out that the rate of generation is a function of rather than any of its components. Phosphate and K+have practically no influence on , since the change in is compensated by pH. The rate of superoxide generation by the bc 1complex is a multiple function of the electron-transfer activity of enzymes, the processes determining the membrane potential (e.g., loading), and the oxygen concentration. The kinetic model proposed in this work may serve to understand how the superoxide production is regulated.  相似文献   

超氧化物歧化酶在氧自由基所引起的癌变中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
超氧化物歧化酶是一类抗氧化酶,它能催化超氧阴离子自由基的歧化反应,对机体起保护作用。氧自由基在某些情况下会对机体产生损伤作用。文章就氧自由基的产生、氧自由基与致癌的关系,以及超氧化物歧化酶在氧自由基所引起的癌变中的作用等方面进行了综述。  相似文献   

目的:研究芥子碱硫氰酸盐清除超氧阴离子自由基的作用。方法:用化学发光法测定芥子碱硫氰酸盐清除超氧阴离子自由基的能力,并以抗坏血酸的清除能力做为对照,以IC50值(清除率为50%时的浓度值)作为评价指标。结果:芥子碱硫氰酸盐和抗坏血酸的IC50值分别为0.135 mmol/L和18.74 mmol/L,后者的IC50值约为前者的140倍。结论:芥子碱硫氰酸盐具有良好的抗氧化作用,可以作为天然抗氧化剂进行开发。  相似文献   

In the presence of cyanide and various respiratory substrates (succinate or pyruvate + malate) addition of high concentrations of lucigenin (400 microM; Luc2+) to rat liver mitochondria can induce a short-term flash of high amplitude lucigenin-dependent chemiluminescence (LDCL). Under conditions of cytochrome oxidase inhibition by cyanide the lucigenin-induced cyanide-resistant respiration (with succinate as substrate) was not inhibited by uncouplers (FCCP) and oligomycin. Increase in transmembrane potential (Deltaphi) value by stimulating F0F1-ATPase functioning (induced by addition of MgATP to the incubation medium) caused potent stimulation of the rate of cyanide-resistant respiration. At high Deltaphi values (in the presence of MgATP) cyanide resistant respiration of mitochondria in the presence of succinate or malate with pyruvate was insensitive to tenoyltrifluoroacetone (TTFA) or rotenone, respectively. However, in both cases respiration was effectively inhibited by myxothiazol or antimycin A. Mechanisms responsible for induction of LDCL and cyanide resistant mitochondrial respiration differ. In contrast to cyanide-resistant respiration, generation of LDCL signal, that was suppressed only by combined addition of Complex III inhibitors, antimycin A and myxothiazol, is a strictly potential-dependent process. It is observed only under conditions of high Deltaphi value generated by F0F1-ATPase functioning. The data suggest lucigenin-induced intensive generation of superoxide anion in mitochondria. Based on results of inhibitor analysis of cyanide-resistant respiration and LDCL, a two-stage mechanism of autooxidizable lucigenin cation-radical (Luc*+) formation in the respiratory chain is proposed. The first stage involves two-electron Luc2+ reduction by Complexes I and II. The second stage includes one-electron oxidation of reduced lucigenin (Luc(2e)). Reactions of Luc(2e) oxidation involve coenzyme Q-binding sites of Complex III. This results in formation of autooxidizable Luc*+ and superoxide anion generation. A new scheme for lucigenin-dependent electron pathways is proposed. It includes formation of fully reduced form of lucigenin and two-electron-transferring shunts of the respiratory chain. Lucigenin-induced activation of superoxide anion formation in mitochondria is accompanied by increase in ion permeability of the inner mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

We searched for possible sites of superoxide generation in the complex I segment of the respiratory chain by studying both forward and reverse electron transfer reactions in isolated rat heart mitochondria. Superoxide production was monitored by measuring the release of hydrogen peroxide from mitochondria with a fluorescence spectrophotometer using the Amplex red/horseradish peroxidase system. In the forward electron transfer, a slow superoxide production in the presence of glutamate and malate was enhanced by both rotenone and piericidin A (specific inhibitors at the end of the complex I respiratory chain). Both diphenileneiodonium and ethoxyformic anhydride (inhibitors for respiratory components located upstream of the respiratory chain) inhibited the enhancement by rotenone and piericidin A.In contrast, in reverse electron transfer driven by ATP, both diphenileneiodonium and ethoxyformic anhydride enhanced the superoxide production. Piericidin A also increased superoxide production. Rotenone increased it only in the presence of piericidin A. Our results suggest that the major site of superoxide generation is not flavin, but protein-associated ubisemiquinones which are spin-coupled with iron-sulfer cluster N2.  相似文献   

线粒体参与氧自由基代谢的功能   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
根据呼吸链中传递的电子可从细胞色素c漏出传给H2O2的实验结果,结合文献关于呼吸链底物端电子漏导致生成O2·-和H2O2的报导,提出了呼吸链主链电子传递之外,存在一个由两类电子漏衔接形成的电子漏路径.由于这一路径实质上是氧自由基的代谢途径而显示出线粒体可能具有参与氧自由基代谢的功能.  相似文献   

Rice leaf slices stimulated with blast fungus hyphal component reduced nitroblue tetrazolium in a damped oscillatory profile with relaxing half wavelength in a medium containing glucose, when the respective rate of reduction was plotted against the function of time after the application of blast fungus hyphal component. In the presence of 110μm FAD and glucose, the wave number of the reduction profile increased 4- to 5-fold when compared to that in the absence of exogenous FAD. Exogenous FAD in the increasing concentration of 70 to 110 μm, which was added in the presence of glucose, gave a positive heterotropic-like response upon the reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium with rice leaf slices which were press-injured and stimulated. Exogenous pyrroloquinoline quinone in the increasing concentration of 10?3 to 10?1 μm, which was added in the presence of glucose, gave an inhibition upon the reduction. From sediment of the homogenate of stimulated rice leaf slices, the nitroblue tetrazolium reducing redox-enzyme system was solubilized by Triton X-100 and was electrophoretically isolated in a sharp blue band on a polyacrylamide slab gel containing Triton X-100, when the electrophoresed gel was stained by nitroblue tetrazolium or Coomassie brilliant blue. In the solubilized solution, the presence of b-type cytochrome was observed by the oxidation-reduction difference spectrum.  相似文献   

The thiobarbituric acid (TBA) test for detecting lipid hydroperoxides does not require for fomation of TBA reacting compounds from hydroperoxides, but oxygen has an unfavorable effect, that is, it forms new hydroperoxides during the reaction when unoxidized lipids co-exist. Therefore, a method using a vacuum reaction tube was proposed.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Plant Physiology - The effect of melatonin and salicylic acid (SA) on respiration and ROS (hydrogen peroxide) generation during the oxidation of succinate by mitochondria...  相似文献   

Hypocretin/orexin-producing neurons, located in the perifornical region of the lateral hypothalamus area (LHA) and projecting to the brain sites of rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM), involve in the increase of sympathetic activity, thereby regulating cardiovascular function. The current study was designed to test the hypothesis that the central orexin-A (OXA) could be involved in the cardiovascular dysfunction of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) by releasing NAD(P)H oxidase-derived superoxide anion (O2 ) generation in RVLM, AMI rat model established by ligating the left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery to induce manifestation of cardiac dysfunction, monitored by the indicators as heart rate (HR), heart rate variability (HRV), mean arterial pressure (MAP) and left intraventricular pressure. The results showed that the expressions of OXA in LHA and orexin 1 receptor (OX1R) increased in RVLM of AMI rats. The double immunofluorescent staining indicated that OX1R positive cells and NAD(P)H oxidative subunit gp91phox or p47phox-immunoreactive (IR) cells were co-localized in RVLM. Microinjection of OXA into the cerebral ventricle significantly increased O2 production and mRNA expression of NAD(P)H oxidase subunits when compared with aCSF-treated ones. Exogenous OXA administration in RVLM produced pressor and tachycardiac effects. Furthermore, the antagonist of OX1R and OX2R (SB-408124 and TCS OX2 29, respectively) or apocynin (APO), an inhibitor of NAD(P)H oxidase, partly abolished those cardiovascular responses of OXA. HRV power spectral analysis showed that exogenous OXA led to decreased HF component of HRV and increased LF/HF ratio in comparison with aCSF, which suggested that OXA might be related to sympathovagal imbalance. As indicated by the results, OXA might participate in the central regulation of cardiovascular activities by disturbing the sympathovagal balance in AMI, which could be explained by the possibility that OXR and NAD(P)H-derived O2 in RVLM mediates OXA-induced cardiovascular responses.  相似文献   

Previously, we demonstrated that mitochondria from denervated muscle exhibited dramatically higher Amplex Red dependent fluorescence (thought to be highly specific for hydrogen peroxide) compared with control muscle mitochondria. We now demonstrate that catalase only partially inhibits the Amplex Red signal in mitochondria from denervated muscle. In contrast, ebselen (a glutathione peroxidase mimetic and inhibitor of fatty acid hydroperoxides) significantly inhibits the Amplex Red signal. This suggests that the majority of the Amplex Red signal in mitochondria from denervated muscle is not derived from hydrogen peroxide. Because Amplex Red cannot react with substrates in the lipid environment, we hypothesize that lipid hydroperoxides formed within the mitochondrial lipid bilayer are released as fatty acid hydroperoxides and react with the Amplex Red probe. We also suggest that the release of fatty acid hydroperoxides from denervated muscle mitochondria may be an important determinant of muscle atrophy. In support of this, muscle atrophy and the Amplex Red signal are inhibited in caloric restricted mice and in transgenic mice that overexpress the lipid hydroperoxide-detoxifying enzyme glutathione peroxidase 4. Finally, we propose that cytosolic phospholipase A2 may be a potential source of these hydroperoxides.A progressive loss of muscle mass leading to a decline in both strength and function is a normal consequence of biological aging (1, 2). Although several mechanisms have been implicated in age-related muscle atrophy (25), the loss of motor neurons or innervation may be one of the most important factors responsible for muscle atrophy observed during aging and in neurodegenerative diseases like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)3 (68). The sciatic nerve transection model of skeletal muscle denervation leads to rapid decline in muscle mass and has been extensively used to investigate the mechanisms of muscle atrophy following the loss of innervation (911). Recent studies using this denervation model in rodents point to a role of mitochondrial oxidative stress in the mechanism of muscle atrophy (11, 12).Studies from our laboratory and others point to oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction as key players in the mechanisms underlying loss of muscle mass during aging and in neurodegenerative diseases, which are characterized by the loss of muscle mass (1217). We recently reported a significant elevation in mitochondrial production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) using the Amplex Red probe in various mouse models that exhibit muscle atrophy associated with loss of innervation aging, copper-zinc superoxide dismutase knockout (Sod1–/–) mice, and the G93A Sod1 mutant mouse model of ALS (13). In addition, we demonstrated that ROS were significantly elevated in muscle mitochondria isolated from mice 7 days after surgical sciatic nerve transection (13). ROS production was positively correlated with the extent of muscle atrophy, indicating that mitochondrial oxidative stress may have a major role in muscle atrophy associated with loss of innervation. Reports from other laboratories have also demonstrated that mitochondrial ROS production is significantly elevated in atrophied muscles from aging rats and in rats that underwent denervation surgery (11, 18).In the present study, we investigated the nature of the radical species released from isolated mitochondria following denervation by sciatic nerve transection. We propose that the majority of ROS production from muscle mitochondria post-denervation surgery may be due to fatty acid hydroperoxides rather than hydrogen peroxide/superoxide. We also hypothesize that the release of fatty acid hydroperoxides from denervated muscle mitochondria may be mediated by calcium-dependent cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2). Finally, our data suggest that fatty acid hydroperoxides may be of pathophysiological relevance because interventions that minimize oxidative stress in general (caloric restriction) as well as lipid hydroperoxides specifically (glutathione peroxidase 4 (Gpx4)) inhibited denervation-induced muscle atrophy.  相似文献   

A recently developed method has been utilized to demonstrate the generation of hydroxyl radicals (HObullet) in the immediate proximity of DNA by cop-per(II)/iron(HI)-adriamycin in the presence of ascorbate and hydrogen peroxide. SECCA, a succinylated derivative of coumarin, generates the fluorescent 7-hydroxy-SECCA following reaction with HObullet. SECCA was coupled to polylysine or to histone HI and then complexed to DNA. When HO' was generated in the proximity of DNA by polylysine-coupled iodine-125, which emits short range Auger electrons, 7-hydroxy-SECCA was produced. DMSO was only moderately efficient in reducing the fluorescence induction, demonstrating the “local” generation of HObullet in this system. Copper(II)/iron(III)-adriamycin in the presence of ascorbate and hydrogen peroxide generated the fluorescent 7-hydroxy-SECCA both when SECCA was free in solution and when SECCA was DNA-conjugated. With SECCA free in solution, the fluorescence induction was almost eliminated in the presence of HObullet scavengers (ethanol, tertbutanol or DMSO) and the relative efficiency of the scavengers in reducing the fluorescence followed their rate constant with HObullet. Furthermore, SECCA incubated with a singlet oxygen-generating compound demonstrated no fluorescence induction. When SECCA was positioned in close proximity to DNA as a SECCA-histone-H1-DNA complex, the relative efficiency of the scavengers in reducing the fluorescence still followed their rate constant with HO'; overall however the scavengers were much less effective in reducing the fluorescence, due presumably to the formation of HObullet radical in the immediate vicinity of DNA. These data suggest that copper(II)/iron(III)-adriamycin produces HO' in the presence of ascorbate and hydrogen peroxide whether unbound or bound to DNA and suggest that in the latter case scavengers would not prevent HObullet from attacking chromatin. In addition, the ability of DMSO to trap HObullet was shown to decrease as the conformation of the HI-DNA complex becomes more compact indicating the strong dependence of the trapping ability on chromatin conformation.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(11):1338-1344

Despite their being good markers of oxidative stress for clinical use, little is known about ubiquinol-10 (reduced coenzyme Q10) and ubiquinone-10 (oxidized coenzyme Q10) levels in foetuses and their mothers. This study investigates oxidative stress in 10 healthy maternal venous, umbilical arterial and venous bloods after vaginal delivery by measuring ubiquinol-10 and ubiquinone-10 levels. Serum ubiquinol-10 and ubiquinone-10 levels were measured by HPLC with a highly sensitive electrochemical detector. Maternal venous ubiquinol-10 and ubiquinone-10 levels were significantly higher than umbilical arterial and venous levels (all p < 0.001). However, the ubiquinone-10/total coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) ratio, which reflects the redox status, was significantly higher in umbilical arterial and umbilical venous blood compared to maternal venous blood (all p < 0.001). The ubiquinone-10/total CoQ10 ratio was higher in umbilical arterial than in umbilical venous blood (p < 0.01). The present study demonstrated that foetuses were under higher oxidative stress than their mothers.  相似文献   

In the present study we investigated the specificity and sensitivity of the chemiluminescence (CL) dye and luminol analogue 8-amino-5-chloro-7-phenylpyrido[3,4-d]pyridazine-1,4-(2H,3H) dione (L-012) to detect reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as superoxide, peroxynitrite and hydrogen peroxide in cell free systems as well as in isolated mitochondria. The results obtained by L-012 were compared with other CL substances such as luminol, lucigenin, coelenterazine and the fluorescence dye dihydroethidine. The results indicate that the L-012-derived chemiluminescence induced by superoxide from hypoxanthine/xanthine oxidase (HX/XO) or by 3-morpholino sydnonimine (SIN-1)-derived peroxynitrite largely depends on the incubation time. Irrespective of the experimental conditions, L-012-derived CL in response to HX/XO and SIN-1 was 10–100 fold higher than with other CL dyes tested. In a cell-free system, authentic peroxynitrite yielded a higher L-012-enhanced CL signal than authentic superoxide and the superoxide-induced signal in cell-free as well as isolated mitochondria increased in the presence of equimolar concentrations of nitrogen monoxide (NO). The superoxide signal/background ratio detected by L-012-enhanced CL in isolated mitochondria with blocked respiration was 7 fold higher than that obtained by the superoxide sensitive fluorescence dye dihydroethidine. We conclude that L-012-derived CL may provide a sensitive and reliable tool to detect superoxide and peroxynitrite formation in mitochondrial suspensions.  相似文献   

Changes of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activities as well as of the content of SH-containing compounds were revealed in hemolymph of the native and the Vairimorpha ephestiae microsporidian-infected greater wax moth Galleria mellonella larvae. The SOD and GST activities in hemolymph of infected insects decreased at the stage of merogony, whereas during massive sporulation the enzymatic antioxidant activity in host tissues was higher than in control. By the ESR spectroscopy method, using the 1-hydroxy-3-carboxy-pyrrolidinespin-trap, generation of free radicals in hemolymph of infected insects was shown to decrease only at the stage of sporogony. The phenoloxidase activity in lymph was lower at acute microsporidiosis than in native larvae. The hemolymph concentration of thiol-containing proteins in infected insects did not differ from that in control. We suggest that decrease of generation of free radicals in hemolymph of the greater wax moth larvae at the stage of sporogony is due to a suppression of the prophenoloxidase system and an elevation of the antioxidant activity.  相似文献   

Ren-1 renin is synthesized in the kidney of every mouse. Ren-2 renin has been observed in the submandibular gland (SMG) of male mice carrying two renin genes. However, it is not known if Ren-2 renin is in the kidney and blood of the two-renin gene mice. In this study, a direct ELISA for Ren-2 renin (SMG renin) was established by a sandwich method. This ELISA could measure the Ren-2 active renin in the range from 1 to 100ng and distinguish Ren-2 active renin from not only Ren-1 renin but also Ren-2 prorenin. By a combination of this assay system and conventional methods, the pro-form as well as the active form of Ren-2 renin was found in the kidney and plasma of male AKR mice carrying two-renin genes.  相似文献   

迷迭香酸对羟自由基所致小鼠肝线粒体损伤的保护作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探索迷迭香酸对羟自由基致小鼠肝脏线粒体氧化损伤的保护作用。采用羟自由基(.OH),诱导小鼠肝线粒体损伤后,通过测定线粒体肿胀度、膜流动性、丙二醛(MDA)含量及琥珀酸脱氢酶(SDH)活性等指标以确定迷迭香酸对小鼠肝线粒体羟自由基损伤的保护作用。结果迷迭香酸剂量依赖地抑制线粒体肿胀,提高膜流动性,降低MDA的生成,增强SDH活性,差异显著。本实验证明迷迭香酸可以抑制.OH所致的线粒体损伤。  相似文献   

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