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In this work we modeled the circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of LHCII, the main light harvesting antenna of photosystem II of higher plants. Excitonic calculations are performed for a monomeric subunit, taken from the crystal structure of trimeric LHCII from spinach [Liu, Z. F., Yan, H. C., Wang, K. B., Kuang, T. Y., Zhang, J. P., Gui, L. L., An, X. M., and Chang, W. R. (2004) Nature 428, 287-292]. All of the major features of the CD spectrum above 450 nm are satisfactorily reproduced, and possible orientations of the Chl and carotenoid transition dipole moments are identified. The obtained modeling parameters are used to simulate the CD spectra of two complexes with altered pigment composition: a mutant lacking Chls a 611-612 and a complex lacking the carotenoid neoxanthin. By removing the relevant pigment(s) from the structure, we are able to reproduce their spectra, which implies that the alteration does not disturb the overall structure. The CD spectrum of trimeric LHCII shows a reversed relative intensity of the two negative bands around 470 and 490 nm as compared to monomeric LHCII. The simulations reproduce this reversal, indicating that it is mainly due to interactions between chromophores in different monomeric subunits, and the trimerization does not induce observable changes in the monomeric structure. Our simulated spectrum resembles one of two different trimeric CD spectra reported in literature. We argue that the differences in the experimental trimeric CD spectra are caused by changes in the strength of the monomer-monomer interactions due to the differences in detergents used for the purification of the complexes.  相似文献   

The interrelation between spectral and structural–functional properties of LhcIIb was studied. The dipole strength of the main Qy bands of chlorophylls (Chl a 30.8 D2; Chl b 18.5 D2) and chlorophyll a/b ratio (Chl a/Chl b = 7 : 6) were determined for LhcIIb. The Chl a/Chl b value shows that the subunit of this complex contains seven Chl a and six Chl b molecules. Individual bands of chlorophylls (bands in stokes and anti-Stokes parts at 77 K were Lorentzian and Gaussian, respectively) were resolved using synchronized deconvolution of absorption, CD, and LD bands of chlorophylls. Seven of these bands belonged to Chl a. Parameters of absorption bands of Chl a indicate that seven molecules represent a united cluster (heptamer) with exciton interactions, determining the spectrum of LhcIIb in the Chl a absorption region. Parameters of absorption bands of Chl b show the existence of three clusters: monomer (639.6 nm), dimer (645.2 and 647.4 nm), and trimer (649.8 and 654.1 nm). These clusters and their properties agree with the well-known structure of porphyrin groups of the LhcIIb subunit (Kuhlbrandt, 1994). A distorted ring of seven porphyrins in the stromal range of the subunit corresponds to Chl a heptamer; a separately located molecule near the N-terminal domain on the stromal side of the subunit corresponds to Chl b monomer; a dimer and a trimer of porphyrins in the lumenal range of the subunit correspond to the dimer and trimer of Chl b, respectively. The calculated lifetimes of the excitation energy (exciton) transfer in subunit and trimer of LhcIIb confirm this location of pigments. The geometry of the Chl a heptamer (mutual orientation of transition dipole moments) was determined by the steady-state Kasha–Tinoco approximation using parameters of individual bands of exciton splitting. The calculated parameters of mutual orientation of Chl a dipoles agree with the topography of the stromal porphyrins found by electron crystallography (Kuhlbrandt, 1994). A structural model of the granal multicentral macrocomplex of PSII (MPSII) is suggested. The lifetimes of the exciton migration between the main pigment–protein compartments of MPSII were calculated. The results of calculation are consistent with the structural model of the photosystem. The location of pigments provides for fast exciton hopping between Chl a clusters of neighboring proteins in the MPSII along the stromal surface within the membrane (5-25 psec) and between stacked membranes (40 psec) of chloroplast grana.  相似文献   

Low-temperature (77 K) steady-state fluorescence emission spectroscopy and dynamic light scattering were applied to the main chlorophyll a/b protein light harvesting complex of photosystem II (LHC II) in different aggregation states to elucidate the mechanism of fluorescence quenching within LHC II oligomers. Evidences presented that LHC II oligomers are heterogeneous and consist of large and small particles with different fluorescence yield. At intermediate detergent concentrations the mean size of the small particles is similar to that of trimers, while the size of large particles is comparable to that of aggregated trimers without added detergent. It is suggested that in small particles and trimers the emitter is monomeric chlorophyll, whereas in large aggregates there is also another emitter, which is a poorly fluorescing chlorophyll associate. A model, describing populations of antenna chlorophyll molecules in small and large aggregates in their ground and first singlet excited states, is considered. The model enables us to obtain the ratio of the singlet excited-state lifetimes in small and large particles, the relative amount of chlorophyll molecules in large particles, and the amount of quenchers as a function of the degree of aggregation. These dependencies reveal that the quenching of the chl a fluorescence upon aggregation is due to the formation of large aggregates and the increasing of the amount of chlorophyll molecules forming these aggregates. As a consequence, the amount of quenchers, located in large aggregates, is increased, and their singlet excited-state lifetimes steeply decrease.  相似文献   

On the basis of the recent progress in the resolution of the structure of the antenna light harvesting complex II (LHC II) of the photosystem II, we propose a microscopically motivated theory to predict excitation intensity-dependent spectra. We show that optical Bloch equations provide the means to include all 2( N ) excited states of an oligomer complex of N coupled two-level systems and analyze the effects of Pauli Blocking and exciton-exciton annihilation on pump-probe spectra. We use LHC Bloch equations for 14 Coulomb coupled two-level systems, which describe the S (0) and S (1) level of every chlorophyll molecule. All parameter introduced into the Hamiltonian are based on microscopic structure and a quantum chemical model. The derived Bloch equations describe not only linear absorption but also the intensity dependence of optical spectra in a regime where the interplay of Pauli Blocking effects as well as exciton-exciton annihilation effects are important. As an example, pump-probe spectra are discussed. The observed saturation of the spectra for high intensities can be viewed as a relaxation channel blockade on short time scales due to Pauli blocking. The theoretical investigation is useful for the interpretation of the experimental data, if the experimental conditions exceed the low intensity pump limit and effects like strong Pauli Blocking and exciton-exciton annihilation need to be considered. These effects become important when multiple excitations are generated by the pump pulse in the complex.  相似文献   

Carotenoids in light harvesting complex (LHC) play an important role in preventing plants photodamage caused by excess light. Non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) is an important mechanism adopted by plants to deal with high light intensity and the major component is referred to as energy dependent quenching (qE). Despite numerous studies have been devoted to investigating the site and mechanism of qE, there are still much debate on these topics. In this article, we discussed the possible site and underlying mechanism of qE based on the structural similarity of carotenoids. Moreover, being as good antioxidants, carotenoids’ potential protective effects against LHC photo-oxidation by quenching active oxygen species or triplet excited state chlorophyll are also discussed.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic protein complexes in plants are located in the chloroplast thylakoid membranes. These membranes have an ultrastructure that consists of tightly stacked 'grana' regions interconnected by unstacked membrane regions. The structure of isolated grana membranes has been studied here by cryo-electron microscopy. The data reveals an unusual arrangement of the photosynthetic protein complexes, staggered over two tightly stacked planes. Chaotrope treatment of the paired grana membranes has allowed the separation and isolation of two biochemically distinct membrane fractions. These data have led us to an alternative model of the ultrastructure of the grana where segregation exists within the grana itself. This arrangement would change the existing view of plant photosynthesis, and suggests potential links between cyanobacterial and plant photosystem II light harvesting systems.  相似文献   

The molecular organization of streptavidin (SA) bound to aqueous surface monolayers of biotin-functionalized lipids and binary lipid mixtures has been investigated with neutron reflectivity and electron and fluorescence microscopy. The substitution of deuterons (2H) for protons (1H), both in subphase water molecules and in the alkyl chains of the lipid surface monolayer, was utilized to determine the interface structure on the molecular length scale. In all cases studied, the protein forms monomolecular layers underneath the interface with thickness values of approximately 40 A. A systematic dependence of the structural properties of such self-assembled SA monolayers on the surface chemistry was observed: the lateral protein density depends on the length of the spacer connecting the biotin moiety and its hydrophobic anchor. The hydration of the lipid head groups in the protein-bound state depends on the dipole moment density at the interface.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out of viscous-elastic properties of monomolecular layers of human immunoglobulin IgG formed at the interface water solutions of NaCl--air within 20 degrees C to 50 degrees C at NaCl concentration in sublayer from 0.3 to 1.0 M. It has been shown that at concentrations from 0.3 to 0.5 M of NaCl IgG macromolecules keep the tertiary structure, and in the region 35 +/- 5 degrees C a conformation transition is observed. The recorded conformation transition is reversible and of entropy nature. At NaCl concentration 0.75 in the sublayer and temperature close to 35 degrees C IgG macromolecules undergo irreversible structural changes due to the destruction of hydrogen and disulfide bonds in IgG molecules. Macromolecules dissociate to fragments with molecular mass 49,000 +/- 2000. At NaCl concentration 1.0 M and temperatures 30-50 degrees C IgG macromolecules of the monolayer are in a dissociated state. Changes in entropy, enthalpy and heat capacity as well as areas occupied by the macromolecules at dense packing, molecular mass and efficient electric dipole moment of the monolayer are calculated.  相似文献   

We used 11-cis 13-demethylretinal to examine the physiological consequences of retinal's noncovalent interaction with opsin in intact rod and cone photoreceptors during visual pigment regeneration. 11-Cis 13-demethylretinal is an analog of 11-cis retinal in which the 13 position methyl group has been removed. Biochemical experiments have shown that it is capable of binding in the chromophore pocket of opsin, forming a Schiff-base linkage with the protein to produce a pigment, but at a much slower rate than the native 11-cis retinal (Nelson, R., J. Kim deReil, and A. Kropf. 1970. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA. 66:531-538). Experimentally, this slow rate of pigment formation should allow separate physiological examination of the effects of the initial binding of retinal in the pocket and the subsequent formation of the protonated Schiff-base linkage. Currents from solitary rods and cones from the tiger salamander were recorded in darkness before and after bleaching and then after exposure to 11-cis 13-demethylretinal. In bleach-adapted rods, 11-cis 13-demethylretinal caused transient activation of phototransduction, as evidenced by a decrease of the dark current and sensitivity, acceleration of the dim flash responses, and activation of cGMP phosphodiesterase and guanylyl cyclase. The steady state of phototransduction activity was still higher than that of the bleach-adapted rod. In contrast, exposure of bleach-adapted cones to 11-cis 13-demethylretinal resulted in an immediate deactivation of transduction as measured by the same parameters. These results extend the validity of a model for the effects of the noncovalent binding of a retinoid in the chromophore pockets of rod and cone opsins to analogs capable of forming a Schiff-base and imply that the noncovalent binding by itself may play a role for the dark adaptation of photoreceptors.  相似文献   

The conversion of violaxanthin (Vx) to zeaxanthin (Zx) in the de-epoxidation reaction of the xanthophyll cycle plays an important role in the protection of chloroplasts against photooxidative damage. Vx is bound to the antenna proteins of both photosystems. In photosystem II, the formation of Zx is essential for the pH-dependent dissipation of excess light energy as heat. The function of Zx in photosystem I is still unclear. In this work we investigated the de-epoxidation characteristics of light-harvesting complex proteins of photosystem I (LHCI) under in vivo and in vitro conditions. Recombinant LHCI (Lhcal-4) proteins were reconstituted with Vx and lutein, and the convertibility of Vx was studied in an in vitro assay using partially purified Vx de-epoxidase isolated from spinach thylakoids. All four LHCI proteins exhibited unique de-epoxidation characteristics. An almost complete Vx conversion to Zx was observed only in Lhca3, whereas Zx formation in the other LHCI proteins decreased in the order Lhca4 > Lhca1 > Lhca2. Most likely, these differences in Vx de-epoxidation were related to the different accessibility of the respective carotenoid binding sites in the distinct antenna proteins. The results indicate that Vx bound to site V1 and N1 is easily accessible for de-epoxidation, whereas Vx bound to L2 is only partially and/or with the slower kinetics convertible to Zx. The de-epoxidation properties determined for the monomeric recombinant proteins were consistent with those obtained for isolated native LHCI-730 and LHCI-680 in the same in vitro assay and the de-epoxidation state found under in vivo conditions in native LHCIs.  相似文献   

We have characterized a xanthophyll binding site, called V1, in the major light harvesting complex of photosystem II, distinct from the three tightly binding sites previously described as L1, L2, and N1. Xanthophyll binding to the V1 site can be preserved upon solubilization of the chloroplast membranes with the mild detergent dodecyl-alpha-d-maltoside, while an IEF purification step completely removes the ligand. Surprisingly, spectroscopic analysis showed that when bound in this site, xanthophylls are unable to transfer absorbed light energy to chlorophyll a. Pigments bound to sites L1, L2, and N1, in contrast, readily transfer energy to chlorophyll a. This result suggests that this binding site is not directly involved in light harvesting function. When violaxanthin, which in normal conditions is the main carotenoid in this site, is depleted by the de-epoxidation in strong light, the site binds other xanthophyll species, including newly synthesized zeaxanthin, which does not induce detectable changes in the properties of the complex. It is proposed that this xanthophyll binding site represents a reservoir of readily available violaxanthin for the operation of the xanthophyll cycle in excess light conditions.  相似文献   

In higher plants, the de-epoxidation of violaxanthin (Vx) to antheraxanthin and zeaxanthin is required for the pH-dependent dissipation of excess light energy as heat and by that process plays an important role in the protection against photo-oxidative damage. The de-epoxidation reaction was investigated in an in vitro system using reconstituted light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) and a thylakoid raw extract enriched in the enzyme Vx de-epoxidase. Reconstitution of LHCII with varying carotenoids was performed to replace lutein and/or neoxanthin, which are bound to the native complex, by Vx. Recombinant LHCII containing either 2 lutein and 1 Vx or 1.6 Vx and 1.1 neoxanthin or 2.8 Vx per monomer were studied. Vx de-epoxidation was inducible for all complexes after the addition of Vx de-epoxidase but to different extents and with different kinetics in each complex. Analysis of the kinetics indicated that the three possible Vx binding sites have at least two, and perhaps three, specific rate constants for de-epoxidation. In particular, Vx bound to one of the two lutein binding sites of the native complex, most likely L1, was not at all or only at a slow rate convertible to Zx. In reisolated LHCII, newly formed Zx almost stoichiometrically replaced the transformed Vx, indicating that LHCII and Vx de-epoxidase stayed in close contact during the de-epoxidation reactions and that no release of carotenoids occurred.  相似文献   

Christen G  Steffen R  Renger G 《FEBS letters》2000,475(2):103-106
This study presents the first report on delayed fluorescence (DF) emitted from spinach thylakoids, D1/D2/Cytb-559 preparations and solubilized light harvesting complex II (LHCII) in the ns time domain after excitation with saturating laser flashes. The use of a new commercially available multichannel plate with rapid gating permitted a sufficient suppression of detector distortions due to the strong prompt fluorescence. The following results were obtained: (a) in dark-adapted thylakoids, the DF amplitudes at 100 ns and 5 micros after each flash of a train of saturating actinic pulses exhibit characteristic period four oscillations of opposite sign: the DF amplitudes at 100 ns oscillate in the same manner as the quantum yield of prompt fluorescence, whereas those at 5 micros resemble the oscillation of the micros kinetics of P680(.) reduction in samples with an intact water oxidizing complex, (b) the quantum yield of total DF emission in the range up to a few micros is estimated to be <10(-4) for thylakoids, (c) the DF of D1/D2/Cytb-559 exhibits a monophasic decay with tau approximately 50 ns, (d) DF emission is also observed in isolated LHCII with biphasic decay kinetics characterized by tau values of 65 ns and about 800 ns, (e) in contrast to thylakoids, the amplitudes of DF in D1/D2/Cytb-559 preparations and solubilized LHCII do not exhibit any oscillation pattern and (f) all spectra of DF from the different sample types are characteristic for emission from the lowest excited singlet state of chlorophyll a. The implications of these findings and problems to be addressed in future research are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

It is well established that assembly of the peripheral antenna complex, LH2, is required for proper photosynthetic membrane biogenesis in the purple bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides. The underlying interactions are, as yet, not understood. Here we examined the relationship between the morphology of the photosynthetic membrane and the lipid-protein interactions at the LH2-lipid interface. The non-bilayer lipid, phosphatidylethanolamine, is shown to be highly enriched in the boundary lipid phase of LH2. Sequence alignments indicate a putative lipid binding site, which includes beta-glutamate-20 and the adjacent carotenoid end group. Replacement of beta-glutamate-20 with alanine results in significant reduction of phosphatidylethanolamine and concomitant raise in phosphatidylcholine in the boundary lipid phase of LH2 without altering the lipid composition of the bulk phase. The morphology of the LH2 housing membrane is, however, unaffected by the amino acid replacement. In contrast, simultaneous modification of glutamate-20 and exchange of the carotenoid sphaeroidenone with neurosporene results in significant enlargement of the vesicular membrane invaginations. These findings suggest that the LH2 complex, specifically beta-glutamate-20 and the carotenoids' polar head group, contribute to the shaping of the photosynthetic membrane by specific interactions with surrounding lipid molecules.  相似文献   

Photoautotrophic organisms, the major agent of inorganic carbon fixation into biomass, convert light energy into chemical energy. The first step of photosynthesis consists of the absorption of solar energy by pigments binding protein complexes named photosystems. Within photosystems, a family of proteins called Light Harvesting Complexes (LHC), responsible for light harvesting and energy transfer to reaction centers, has evolved along with eukaryotic organisms. Besides light absorption, these proteins catalyze photoprotective reactions which allowed functioning of oxygenic photosynthetic machinery in the increasingly oxidant environment. In this work we review current knowledge of LHC proteins serving Photosystem II. Balance between light harvesting and photoprotection is critical in Photosystem II, due to the lower quantum efficiency as compared to Photosystem I. In particular, we focus on the role of each antenna complex in light harvesting, energy transfer, scavenging of reactive oxygen species, chlorophyll triplet quenching and thermal dissipation of excess energy. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Photosystem II.  相似文献   

Chlorosomes of green photosynthetic bacteria constitute the most efficient light harvesting complexes found in nature. In addition, the chlorosome is the only known photosynthetic system where the majority of pigments (BChl) is not organized in pigment-protein complexes but instead is assembled into aggregates. Because of the unusual organization, the chlorosome structure has not been resolved and only models, in which BChl pigments were organized into large rods, were proposed on the basis of freeze-fracture electron microscopy and spectroscopic constraints. We have obtained the first high-resolution images of chlorosomes from the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum by cryoelectron microscopy. Cryoelectron microscopy images revealed dense striations approximately 20 A apart. X-ray scattering from chlorosomes exhibited a feature with the same approximately 20 A spacing. No evidence for the rod models was obtained. The observed spacing and tilt-series cryoelectron microscopy projections are compatible with a lamellar model, in which BChl molecules aggregate into semicrystalline lateral arrays. The diffraction data further indicate that arrays are built from BChl dimers. The arrays form undulating lamellae, which, in turn, are held together by interdigitated esterifying alcohol tails, carotenoids, and lipids. The lamellar model is consistent with earlier spectroscopic data and provides insight into chlorosome self-assembly.  相似文献   

In this study, the contribution of intramembrane hydrogen bonding at the interface between polypeptide and cofactor is explored in the native lipid environment by use of model bacteriochlorophyll proteins. In the peripheral antenna complex, LH2, large portions of the transmembrane helices, which make up the dimeric bacteriochlorophyll-binding site, are replaced by simplified, alternating alanine-leucine stretches. Replacement of either one of the two helices with the helices containing the model sequence at a time results in the assembly of complexes with nearly native light harvesting properties. In contrast, replacement of both helices results in the loss of antenna complexes from the membrane. The assembly of such doubly modified complexes is restored by a single intramembrane serine residue at position -4 relative to the liganding histidine of the alpha-subunit. In situ analysis of the spectral properties in a series of site-directed mutants reveals a critical dependence of the model complex assembly on the side chain of the residue at this position in the helix. A hydrogen bond between the hydroxy group of the serine and the 13(1) keto group of one of the central bacteriochlorophylls of the complexes is identified by Raman spectroscopy in the model antenna complex containing one of the alanine-leucine helices. The additional OH group of the serine residue, which participates in hydrogen bonding, increases the thermal stability of the model complexes in the native membrane. Intramembrane hydrogen bonding is thus shown to be a key factor for the binding of bacteriochlorophyll and assembly of this model cofactor-polypeptide site.  相似文献   

Chloroplastic heterocomplex consisting of AtFtsH1, 2, 5 and 8 proteases, integrally bound to thylakoid membrane was shown to play a critical role in degradation of photodamaged PsbA molecules, inherent to photosystem II (PSII) repair cycle and in plastid development. As no one thylakoid bound apoproteins besides PsbA has been identified as target for the heterocomplex-mediated degradation we investigated the significance of this protease complex in degradation of apoproteins of the major light harvesting complex of photosystem II (LHCII) in response to various stressing conditions and in stress-related changes in overall composition of LHCII trimers of PSII-enriched membranes (BBY particles). To reach this goal a combination of approaches was applied based on immunoblotting, in vitro degradation and non-denaturing isoelectrofocusing. Exposure of Arabidopsis thaliana leaves to desiccation, cold and high irradiance led to a step-wise disappearance of Lhcb1 and Lhcb2, while Lhcb3 level remained unchanged, except for high irradiance which caused significant Lhcb3 decrease. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that stress-dependent disappearance of Lhcb1–3 is a proteolytic phenomenon for which a metalloprotease is responsible. No changes in Lhcb1–3 level were observed due to exposition of var1-1 mutant leaves to the three stresses clearly pointing to the involvement of AtFtsH heterocomplex in the desiccation, cold and high irradiance-dependent degradation of Lhcb1 and Lhcb2 and in high irradiance-dependent degradation of Lhcb3. Non-denaturing isoelectrofocusing analyses revealed that AtFtsH heterocomplex-dependent differential Lhcb1–3 disappearance behaviour following desiccation stress was accompanied by modulations in abundances of individual LHCII trimers of BBY particles and that LHCII of var1-1 resisted the modulations.  相似文献   

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