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This study reports an unusual subpopulation of rats bearing transplanted tumors approximately 50% of the total and apparently unrelated to the presence of metastases, that exhibited shortened bleeding times despite reduced platelet numbers and/or fibrinogen levels. The remaining rats exhibited the expected inverse relationships between bleeding time and platelet numbers and/or fibrinogen level. Tumors were hepatomas and squamous cell carcinomas initially induced in the Fischer strain of rats and carried by passage through tissue culture or syngenic recipient animals.  相似文献   

A high degree of variability in the occurrence of splenic suppressor macrophages was noted among individual tumor-inoculated animals. Such cells were detected in the spleens of approximately 60–70% of animals inoculated with Gross virus-induced lymphoma cells. However, there appeared to be no correlation between the occurrence of suppressor macrophages and several variables associated with tumor inoculation (i.e., dose, route, or time after tumor injection). Histocompatibility studies of rats whose spleens did or did not contain inhibitory macrophages indicated that genetic variance among individual rats could be ruled out as a source of the observed variability. The results of randomly testing spleens from non-tumor-inoculated (normal) rats for the presence of suppressor macrophages indicated that the frequency of and variability in the occurrence of these cells were independent of tumor inoculation suggesting, alternatively, that exposure to environmental stimuli may be the source.  相似文献   

ASGP-1, the major cell surface sialomucin of the 13762 ascites rat mammary adenocarcinoma, is at least 0.5% of the total ascites cell protein and has sulfate on 20% of its O-linked oligosaccharide chains. We have used this system to investigate the O-glycosylation pathway in these cells and to determine the temporal relationship between sulfation and sialylation. The two major sulfated oligosaccharides (S-1 and S-2) were isolated as their oligosaccharitols by alkaline borohydride elimination, anion exchange HPLC, and ion-suppression HPLC. From structural analyses S-1 is proposed to be a branched, sulfated trisaccharide -O4S-GlcNAc beta 1,6-(Gal beta 1,3)-GalNAc and S-2 its sialylated derivative -O4S-GlcNAc beta 1,6-(NeuAc alpha 2,3-Gal beta 1,3)-GalNac. Pulse labeling with sulfate indicated that sulfation occurred primarily on a form of ASGP-1 intermediate in size between immature and mature sialomucin. Pulse-chase analyses showed that the intermediate could be chased into mature ASGP-1. The concomitant conversion of S-1 into S-2 had a half-time of less than 5 min. Monensin treatment of the tumor cells led to a 95% inhibition of sulfation with the accumulation of unsulfated trisaccharide GlcNAc beta 1,6-(Gal beta 1,3)-GalNAc and sialylated derivative GlcNAc beta 1,6-(NeuAc alpha 2,3-Gal beta 1,3)-GalNAc. These data suggest that sulfation of ASGP-1 is an intermediate synthetic step, which competes with beta-1,4-galactosylation for the trisaccharide intermediate and thus occurs in the same compartment as beta-1,4-galactosylation. Moreover, sulfation precedes sialylation, but the two are rapidly successive kinetic events in the oligosaccharide assembly of ASGP-1.  相似文献   

A difference in the expression and metabolism of sulfated glycosaminoglycans between rat mammary tumor cells derived from a primary tumor and those from its metastatic lesions has been observed. Cells from the primary tumor possessed about equal quantities of chondroitin sulfate and heparan sulfate on their cell surfaces but released fourfold more chondroitin sulfate than heparan sulfate into their medium. In contrast, cells from distal metastatic lesions expressed approximately 5 times more heparan sulfate than chondroitin sulfate in both medium and cell surface fractions. This was observed to be the result of differential synthesis of the glycosaminoglycans and not of major structural alterations of the individual glycosaminoglycans. The degree of sulfation and size of heparan sulfate were similar for all cells examined. However, chondroitin sulfate, observed to be only chondroitin 4-sulfate, from the metastases-derived cells had a smaller average molecular weight on gel filtration chromatography and showed a decreased quantity of sulfated disaccharides upon degradation with chondroitin ABC lyase compared to the primary tumor derived cells. Major qualitative or quantitative alterations were not observed for hyaluronic acid among the various 13762NF cells. The metabolism of newly synthesized sulfated glycosaminoglycans was also different between cells from primary tumor and metastases. Cells from the primary tumor continued to accumulate glycosaminoglycans in their medium over a 72-h period, while the accumulation of sulfated glycosaminoglycans in the medium of metastases-derived cells showed a plateau after 18-24 h. A pulse-chase kinetics study demonstrated that both heparan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate were degraded by the metastases-derived cells, whereas the primary tumor derived cells degraded only heparan sulfate and degraded it at a slower rate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Activities and acyl specificities of both sn-glycero-3-phosphate and diacylglycerol acyltransferases in microsomal fractions isolated frorn homogenates of the mammary adenocardinoma R3230AC carried by Fischer rats were compared to those from normal mammary glands of lactating Fischer rats. Although the neoplasm exhibited lower activities for these two enzyme reactions, the specificities for acyl-CoAs as donors were quite similar to those found in the normal tissue counterpart. Long-chain acyl-CoAs were preferred substrates for the sn-glycero-3-phosphate acyltransferase reaction while acyltransferase with diacylglycerol as acceptor showed much less preference. With both normal and neoplastic tissues, the products of each reaction were the same i.e., phosphatides with sn-glycero-3-phosphate and triacylglycerol with diacylglycerol as acyl acceptors, respectively. All results support the concept of a non-random distribution of fatty acids in the triacylglycerol of this mammary adenocarcinoma in virgin rats which is the same as that from the normal tissue in lactating animals.  相似文献   

Summary Adult rats were given 105 or 106 Yoshida ascites sarcoma (YAS) cells IP and were treated with cyclophosphamide (CY) given IP in single doses of 20 mg/kg or 100 mg/kg, 2 or 5 days after YAS inoculation. Both the curative effect of CY and subsequent resistance to tumor challenge in rats that survived depended on the dose of injected tumor cells and on the dose and time of administration of CY. These three factors determined whether the host's immune response to tumor antigens would develop and contribute to the overall anti-tumor effects of the chemotherapy. The curative effects of CY were significantly less pronounced in T-cell-deficient than in normal rats. Anti-tumor and immunosuppressive activities of CY exerted opposite influences on the ultimate result of the chemotherapy. Adverse immunosuppressive effects prevailed when the drug was administered early (2 days) after YAS inoculation. In this case the chemotherapy was less efficient and the surviving rats were susceptible to a subsequent tumor challenge. Further analysis showed that the injection of CY 2 days after inoculation of YAS antigens induced strong and specific immunologic tolerance to the tumor. In contrast, when a sufficient amount of tumor antigens (higher dose of tumor cells injected and CY injection delayed) elicited an anti-YAS immune response that was not suppressed by early injection of CY (CY administered 5 days after the tumor) effective eradication of tumor cells and anti-YAS resistance in cured animals were observed.Abbreviations YAS Yoshida ascites sarcoma - CY cyclophosphamide - MRBC mouse red blood cells  相似文献   

Summary A 6-thioguanine-resistant (TgR) variant of the metastatic mammary tumor 13762 was found to be very immunogenic. This TgR variant was nontumorigenic and nonmetastatic, whereas the parent 13762 cell line is very tumorigenic and metastatic in normal syngeneic animals. The TgR variant was tumorigenic in irradiated animals. The mechanism of the hosts' immune rejection of this TgR variant was investigated. A 51Cr-release cytotoxic cell assay was used to assess lymphocyte cell-mediated cytotoxicity (CMC) of tumor-draining lymph nodes and spleens from animals injected with tumor cells. In a secondary CMC response of splenic T cells from animals injected with TgR cells, there was a much stronger response as compared to animals injected with 13762 cells. This strong cytotoxic T cell response was short-term and correlated to the host rejection of TgR cells. Previously, we selected revertant cell lines (TgRrev, TgRrevM) from the TgR variant line that were more metastatic and tumorigenic. The revertant cell lines induced a lower CMC response than the TgR line, but a higher response compared to the parent 13762 line. The poor CMC response from 13762 tumorbearing animals was investigated and appeared to be due to a suppressor T cell response.  相似文献   

MAT-B1 and MAT-CI rat ascites mammary adenocarcinoma cells differ in morphology, lectin receptor mobility, and xenotransplantability. Since these properties may be related to cell surface organization, the predominant sialoglycoproteins of these sublines have been investigated by chemical labeling, proteolysis, and alkaline borohydride elimination. Treatment of both sublines with periodate and tritiated borohydride labels one major sialoglycoprotein (ASGP-1) with a low electrophoretic mobility on polyacrylamide gels in dodecyl sulfate. Treatment of labeled or unlabeled cells with trypsin releases about 30% of the total cell sialic acid without significant decrease in cell viability. Gel filtration in pyridine-acetate buffer or in dodecyl sulfate indicates that the released materials are very heterogeneous, and that most of the MAT-C1 sialoglycopeptides are larger than sialoglycopeptides of MAT-B1. Amino acid compositions are quite similar for the released material from the two sublines, but they differ substantially in sialic acid. Further degradation of trypsin-released material with Pronase gives products which are included in a column of mixed Bio-Gel P-10 and P-30 and which also indicate a larger average size for MAT-C1 sialoglyco-peptides. Oligosaccharides from the sialoglycopeptides were obtained by alkaline borohydride treatment of trypsin-released, labeled material and fractionated by chromatography on Bio-Gel P-2. The oligosaccharide(s) comprising the major peak from MAT-C1 cells was larger in size than most of the material from MAT-B1 cells and contained galactosaminitol, galactose, glucosamine, sialic acid, and fucose. These results suggest that MAT-C1 ASGP-1 has more complex oligosaccharides than MAT-B1 ASGP-1, a difference which may play an important role in the differences in cell behavior between the sublines, including transplantability. Regardless of whether the ASGP-1 plays a role in transplantation, investigations of the sialoglycoproteins of these sublines provide a potentially valuable tool for understanding some of the mechanisms by which tumor cells control their cell surface properties.  相似文献   

Rat 13762NF mammary adenocarcinoma cell surface glycoproteins from s.c. tumor- or lung metastases-derived cell clones of differing spontaneous metastatic potentials were examined for their relationship to metastasis. After treatment with neuraminidase, lectin-binding assays showed that highly metastatic clone MTLn3 cells express approximately twice the quantity of peanut agglutinin (PNA) binding sites (approximately 2.3 X 10(8) sites/cell) than clones of lower metastatic potential. However, the number of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA)-binding sites on the various cell clones decreased slightly as the metastatic potential of the clones increased. The quantities of concanavalin A (conA)-binding sites were similar (approximately 1.7 X 10(8) sites/cell) in all cell clones and growth conditions. Glycoprotein analysis was performed by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS-PAGE) and subsequent staining with 125I-labeled lectins. SDS-PAGE gels stained with 125I-labeled conA revealed mainly one glycoprotein (Mr approximately 150 kD), and the amounts of this glycoprotein did not correlate with metastasis. Differences in WGA-binding glycoproteins were detected between s.c. tumor- and lung metastases-derived cell clones. Several desialylated glycoproteins were detected with 125I-labeled PNA after SDS-PAGE, and the labeling intensity of one (Mr approximately 580 kD) correlated with the metastatic potentials of the various cell clones. This high Mr galactoprotein was further analyzed by [3H]glucosamine metabolic labeling, solubilization, sequential gel filtration, and chondroitinase ABC treatment prior to SDS-PAGE. The 580 kD galactoprotein was expressed in increased amounts on the more highly metastatic clones. Chemical labeling of cell surface sialic acid residues using periodate treatment followed by [3H]borohydride reduction showed an additional change in a major sialoglycoprotein (Mr approximately 80 kD), which decreased in labeling intensity on clones of increasing metastatic potential. The results suggest quantitative changes in cell surface glycoproteins rather than major qualitative alterations are associated with differences in the metastatic behavior of 13762NF tumor cell clones.  相似文献   

Although 17-estradiol administration following trauma-hemorrhage prevents the suppression in splenic macrophage cytokine production, it remains unknown whether the salutary effects are mediated via estrogen receptor (ER)- or ER- and which signaling pathways are involved in such 17-estradiol effects. Utilizing ER-- or ER--specific agonists, this study examined the role of ER- and ER- in 17-estradiol-mediated restoration of macrophage cytokine production following trauma-hemorrhage. In addition, since MAPK and NF-B are known to regulate macrophage cytokine production, we also examined the activation of those signaling molecules. Male rats underwent trauma-hemorrhage (mean arterial pressure of 40 mmHg for 90 min) and fluid resuscitation. The ER- agonist propyl pyrazole triol (PPT; 5 µg/kg), the ER- agonist diarylpropionitrile (DPN; 5 µg/kg), 17-estradiol (50 µg/kg), or vehicle (10% DMSO) was injected subcutaneously during resuscitation. Twenty-four hours thereafter, splenic macrophages were isolated, and their IL-6 and TNF- production and activation of MAPK and NF-B were measured. Macrophage IL-6 and TNF- production and MAPK activation were decreased, whereas NF-B activity was increased, following trauma-hemorrhage. PPT or 17-estradiol administration after trauma-hemorrhage normalized those parameters. DPN administration, on the other hand, did not normalize the above parameters. Since PPT but not DPN administration following trauma-hemorrhage was as effective as 17-estradiol in preventing the suppression in macrophage cytokine production, it appears that ER- plays the predominant role in mediating the salutary effects of 17-estradiol on macrophage cytokine production following trauma-hemorrhage and that such effects are likely mediated via normalization of MAPK but not NF-B signaling pathways. shock; mitogen-activated protein kinase; nuclear factor-B; propyl pyrazole triol; diarylpropionitrile  相似文献   

ASGP-1 (ascites Sialoglycoprotein 1) the major sialoglycoprotein of 13762 rat ascites mammary adenocarcinoma cells, is shed from MAT-B1 (nonxenotransplantable) and MAT-C1 (xenotransplantable) sublines when incubated in vitro after labeling in vivo with [3H]glucosamine. The rates of shedding of label in both particulate and soluble form are similar for the two sublines, but the turnover of label in the cells is 80% greater for MAT-C1 cells (t12 2.4 days) than for MAT-B1 cells (t12 4.1 days). Shed soluble ASGP-1 was smaller than ASGP-1 in the particulate fraction by gel filtration in dodecyl sulfate. By CsCl density gradient centrifugation, gel filtration, and sucrose density gradient centrifugation, all in 4 m guanidine hydrochloride, the shed soluble ASGP-1 was found to be slightly more dense and smaller than ASGP-1 purified from membranes. No differences in sialic acid or oligosaccharides released by alkaline borohydride treatment were found between the shed soluble ASGP-1 and purified ASGP-1. These results suggest that the shed soluble ASGP-1 is released from the membrane by a proteolytic cleavage. This mechanism is supported by the inhibition of the release of soluble shed ASGP-1 by aprotinin, a protease inhibitor. Soluble ASGP-1 in ascites fluid is also smaller by gel filtration, but is more heterogeneous, suggesting a similar release mechanism in vivo followed by more extensive degradation in the ascites fluid.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we found an increase in the mutant frequency at the Hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase (Hprt) locus in the splenic lymphocytes of Fischer 344 rats acutely exposed to aflatoxin B1 (AFB1). Because an acute exposure may not reflect the exposure pattern of individuals whose diet may contain AFB1-contaminated foodstuffs, we sought to determine if the feeding regimen affected the induction of Hprt mutations in the rat splenic lymphocyte. Thus, Fischer 344 rats were fed either (A) a control diet, (B) various doses of AFB1 for three four-week periods interspersed with two four-week periods of the control diet, or (C) continuously fed 1.6 ppm of AFB1. Not only was a significant increase in the mutant frequency detected in the lymphocytes of rats fed a dose as low as 0. 01 ppm of AFB1, but the increase in the mutant frequency at the end of the 20-week experimental period was consistent with an accumulation of damage induced by AFB1. These results indicate that the rat lymphocyte/Hprt assay is useful for detecting chronic low level exposures. Further, these data suggest that an intermittent, low-level exposure to AFB1 may present a human health risk.  相似文献   

A spontaneous degenerative lesion of the cornea resembling calcific band keratopathy in man has been observed in 10-15% of the F-344 rats (aged 35-300 days) purchased from a private vendor's closed breeding colony. The lesion appears clinically as punctuate to linear superficial corneal opacities located in the interpalpebral fissure of one or both eyes. Occasional roughening, bleb formation, or pitting of the corneal surface resembling superficial ulcers may be observed. The lesion occurs in both sexes. It is rarely associated with inflammation or irritation. Histologically, it consists of mineral deposits along the epithelial basement membrane and Bowman's space, some of which are large enough to disrupt or destroy portions of the basilar epithelium. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis of the deposits proved them to be composed of calcium and phosphorus. Electron microscopic examination revealed a variety of extracellular laminated and crystalline arrays similar to those seen in humans with band keratopathy. The etiology of the lesion is as yet undetermined. A genetic-associated susceptibility due to hypercalcemia may be involved.  相似文献   

We previously reported that Fischer (F) rat lungs developed more extensive injury when challenged with oxidants than age-matched Sprague-Dawley (SD) rat lungs. We now describe a reduced pulmonary vascular response to alveolar hypoxia and angiotensin II (ANG II) in F compared with SD rats. The comparative studies were performed with isolated lungs perfused with salt solution or blood, catheter-implanted awake rats, and isolated main pulmonary arterial rings. Isolated lungs from F rats perfused with either blood or salt solution had reduced vasoconstriction in comparison with lungs from SD rats when exposed to alveolar hypoxia or challenged with ANG II. Instrumented awake F rats had a smaller mean increase in total pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) than SD rats (35 vs. 94 mmHg.min.l-1, P less than 0.05) when challenged with 8% oxygen. The contractile response of isolated pulmonary artery but not thoracic aortic rings to KCl and ANG II was reduced in F compared with SD rats. In addition, F rats exposed to 4 wk of hypobaric hypoxia developed less pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular hypertrophy (when corrected for the hematocrit) than SD rats. We conclude that the oxidant stress-sensitive inbred F rat strain is characterized by a lung vascular bed that is relatively unresponsive to vasoconstricting stimuli. The mechanism underlying this genetic difference in lung vascular control remains to be defined.  相似文献   

Soluble suppressor factor (SSF) is a recently purified human lymphokine produced by peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) in serum-free medium as a likely consequence of an autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction. Immunoregulatory actions of SSF include suppression of: polyclonal B cell activation, proliferative responses of normal PBL, and natural killer (NK) and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity. We examined the ability of the monosaccharides fucose (Fuc), galactose (Gal), glucose (Glc), and mannose (Man) to reverse SSF-mediated suppression of NK activity. Fuc and Gal can partially or completely reverse SSF-mediated suppression at four effector:target cell ratios. Man and Glc were unable to significantly reverse SSF-mediated suppression. Fuc or Gal was added to PBL at various times after addition of SSF. SSF-mediated suppression of NK cytotoxicity becomes irreversible with respect to these monosaccharides during the first 24 hr of PBL exposure to SSF. To explore the mechanism behind this block of SSF-mediated suppression. Fuc or Gal (50 mM) was cultured with PBL for 24 hr before addition of SSF, or with SSF for 24 hr before addition to PBL. Our experiments indicate that SSF is directly interacting with these monosaccharides, and may function by recognizing specific sugar moieties on the surface of effector cells.  相似文献   

Copenhagen X Fischer F1 rats bearing palpable Dunning R3327 MAT-LyLu prostatic adenocarcinomas were treated by intraperitoneal (i.p.) or intratumor (i.t.) injection with either human serum albumin alone or in combination with recombinant tumor necrosis factor (rTNF). At intervals tumors were measured and survivals noted. A maximum tolerable dose and least toxic route of administration was then determined. Those treated i.t. with rTNF survived significantly longer and ultimately developed significantly smaller tumors than untreated controls. Those administered rTNF by the i.p. route had less significant increases in survival with intermediate final tumor sizes.  相似文献   

The light–dark cycle is an environmental factor that influences immune physiology, and so, variations of the photoperiod length result in altered immune responsivity. Macrophage physiology comprises a spectrum of functions that goes from host defense to immune down-regulation, in addition to their homeostatic activities. Macrophages also play a key role in the transition from innate to adaptive immune responses. Met-enkephalin (MEnk) has been recognized as a modulator of macrophage physiology acting in an autocrine or paracrine fashion to influence macrophage activation, phenotype polarization and production of cytokines that would enhance lymphocyte activation at early stages of an immune response. Previously it was shown that splenic MEnk tissue content is reduced in rats exposed to constant light. In this work, we explored whether production of Met-enkephalin-containing peptides (MECPs) in cultured splenic macrophages is affected by exposure of rats to a constant light regime. In addition, we explored whether primary immune response was impaired under this condition. We found that in rats, 15 days in constant light was sufficient to disrupt their general activity rhythm. Splenic MEnk content oscillations and levels were also blunted throughout a 24-h period in animals subjected to constant light. In agreement, de novo synthesis of MECPs evaluated through incorporation of 35S-methionine was reduced in splenic macrophages from rats exposed to constant light. Moreover, MECPs immunocytochemistry showed a decrease in the intracellular content and lack of granule-like deposits in this condition. Furthermore, we found that primary T-dependent antibody response was compromised in rats exposed to constant light. In those animals, pharmacologic treatment with MEnk increased IFN-γ-secreting cells. Also, IL-2 secretion from antigen-stimulated splenocytes was reduced after incubation with naloxone, suggesting that immune-derived opioid peptides and stimulation of opioid receptors are involved in this process. Thus, the immune impairment observed from early stages of the response in constant light-subjected rats, could be associated with reduced production of macrophage-derived enkephalins, leading to a sub-optimal interaction between macrophages and lymphocytes in the spleen and the subsequent deficiency in antibody production.  相似文献   

Motility of lymphocytes plays a significant role in their functions. Because macrophages frequently associate with lymphocytes in lymphoid tissues and inflammatory sites, they are likely to be important in regulating lymphocyte motility. In this study, we identified a chemokinetic activity in macrophage culture supernatants. Interestingly, this activity could be detected by the capillary migration assay but not by the more commonly used Boyden chamber chemotaxis assay. Colchicine, on the other hand, was chemokinetic for lymphocytes in the Boyden chamber chemotaxis assay but not in the capillary migration assay. Both these observations and previous studies on the morphology of motile lymphocytes on two-dimensional (2-D) surfaces (capillary migration assay) and in 3-D matrices (Boyden chamber chemotaxis assay) suggest that lymphocytes possess more than one motility mechanism--one for 2-D surfaces and one for 3-D matrices. We propose that the macrophage-derived chemokinetic activity described herein only affected the motility mechanism on 2-D surfaces. In addition, we also observed that the chemokinetic activity was produced by "resting" macrophages and could not be augmented by further activation. Finally, the effect was greatest on mature T cells. We propose that this factor plays an important role in facilitating cell interactions within lymphoid tissues and inflammatory sites.  相似文献   

When the I-A and I-E expressions were assessed in peritoneal macrophages fromCryptococcus neoformans infected animals, a significant decrease in the former was observed when compared with normal macrophages (p<0.001) whereas a significant increase in the I-E expression was observed when compared with controls (p<0.005). On the other hand, when studying the in vitro action of Ts cells on the macrophages, it was observed that the I-A expression was significantly reduced in macrophages upon contact with Ts cells. Similar results were obtained when Ts cells were replaced by a soluble factor. In contrast, the I-E expression was significantly increased by in vitro action of the Ts cell or its soluble factor. Indomethacin partially restored I-A and I-E expression in the macrophages to control levels.  相似文献   

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