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Plants display a number of responses to low phosphate availability, involving biochemical and developmental changes. Recently we have shown that many of these responses can be repressed in roots by exogenous addition of cytokinins. In order to understand the genetic basis to this effect of cytokinins, and its relation with the better known roles of cytokinins in the control of cell-cycle and differentiation, we have undertaken mutant screening and characterization using a transgenic line of Arabidopsis thaliana harbouring a reporter gene specifically responsive to Pi starvation (AtIPS1::GUS). One type of mutant identified displayed reduced sensitivity of AtIPS1::GUS to cytokinin repression. Several other Pi starvation response genes showed reduced cytokinin sensitivity in these lines. These mutants also showed reduced cytokinin repression of the anthocyanin accumulation induced by Pi starvation in the aerial part of the plants. Mapping and molecular characterization of these mutants showed that they were allelic of CRE1/WOL, a locus known to encode a cytokinin receptor. CRE1 is downregulated by Pi starvation and induced by cytokinins, both in the wild-type and in the cre1 mutants, in which cre1 mRNA levels are higher. These results reveal the existence of a positive feed-back loop, in addition to the already established negative feedback loop, in cytokinin signalling and indicate that the negative regulation of Pi starvation responses by cytokinins involves a two-component signalling circuitry, as it is the case of other types of cytokinin response.  相似文献   

The plant hormone cytokinin plays essential roles in many aspects of growth and development. The cytokinin signal is transmitted by a multi‐step phosphorelay to the members of two functionally antagonistic classes of Arabidopsis response regulators (ARRs): type B ARRs (response activators) and type A ARRs (negative‐feedback regulators). Previous studies have shown that mutations in AXR1, encoding a subunit of the E1 enzyme in the RUB (related to ubiquitin) modification pathway, lead to decreased cytokinin sensitivity. Here we show that the cytokinin resistance of axr1 seedlings is suppressed by loss of function of the type A ARR family member ARR5. Based on the established role of the RUB pathway in ubiquitin‐dependent proteolysis, these data suggest that AXR1 promotes the cytokinin response by facilitating type A ARR degradation. Indeed, both genetic (axr1 mutants) and chemical (MLN4924) suppression of RUB E1 increased ARR5 stability, suggesting that the ubiquitin ligase that promotes ARR5 proteolysis requires RUB modification for optimal activity.  相似文献   

The increase in the ratio of root growth to shoot growth that occurs in response to phosphate (Pi) deprivation is paralleled by a decrease in cytokinin levels under the same conditions. However, the role of cytokinin in the rescue system for Pi starvation remains largely unknown. We have isolated a gene from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtIPS1) that is induced by Pi starvation, and studied the effect of cytokinin on its expression in response to Pi deprivation. AtIPS1 belongs to the TPSI1/Mt4 family, the members of which are specifically induced by Pi starvation, and the RNAs of which contain only short, non-conserved open reading frames. Pi deprivation induces AtIPS1 expression in all cells of wild-type plants, whereas in the pho1 mutant grown on Pi-rich soils, AtIPS1 expression in the root was delimited by the endodermis. This supports the view that pho1 is impaired in xylem loading of Pi, and that long-distance signals controlling the Pi starvation responses act via negative control. Exogenous cytokinins repress the expression of AtIPS1 and other Pi starvation-responsive genes in response to Pi deprivation. However, cytokinins did not repress the increase in root-hair number and length induced by Pi starvation, a response dependent on local Pi concentration rather than on whole-plant Pi status. Our results raise the possibility that cytokinins may be involved in the negative modulation of long-distance, systemically controlled Pi starvation responses, which are dependent on whole-plant Pi status.  相似文献   

Using 5-fluoroorotic acid (5-FOA) as a positive selection system we isolated mutants of Mucor circinelloides altered in the pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway. These mutants were found to be deficient either in orotidine-5′-monophosphate decarboxylase (OMPdecase), or in orotate phosphoribosyltransferase (OPRTase) activity. Complementation tests among mutants lacking OPRTase activity classified them into three groups, thus suggesting the possibility of interallelic complementation. To investigate this hypothesis a cDNA clone corresponding to the OPRTase-encoding gene of M. circinelloides was isolated by direct complementation of E. coli. The genomic copy transformed to prototrophy one member of each of the three classes of OPRTase-deficient mutants. We therefore concluded that they were all altered at the same locus, the pyrF locus. The corresponding alleles were cloned and sequenced. Comparisons of the amino acid sequence of M.?circinelloides OPRTase with those of E. coli and S.?typhimurium revealed a high degree of similarity in secondary and tertiary structure. As the two bacterial enzymes exist as dimers, a homodimeric quaternary structure of the M. circinelloides mature protein can be assumed. This would also explain the interallelic complementation between some pyrF mutants. The mutations found could affect either the active site or the structure of the dimer interface of the OPRTase.  相似文献   

Jasmonates (JAs) regulate Arabidopsis thaliana wound and defence responses, pollen development, and stress-related growth inhibition. Significantly, each of these responses requires COI1, an F-box protein. Other F-box proteins interact with SKP1 and cullin proteins to form SCF complexes that selectively recruit regulatory proteins targeted for ubiquitination. To determine whether COI1 also functions in an SCF complex, we have characterized Arabidopsis proteins that bind to COI1. An Arabidopsis cDNA expression library was screened in yeast for clones that produce proteins which can bind to COI1. We recovered two SKP1 homologues and a histone deacetylase. The Arabidopsis F-box protein TIR1 interacted with SKP1 proteins, but not with the histone deacetylase. Mutant COI1 proteins revealed that the F-box is required for interaction with SKP1s, but that sequences in leucine-rich repeat domains are required for interaction with the histone deacetylase. Epitope-tagged COI1 was introduced into Arabidopsis plants and cell cultures. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments confirmed the interaction in planta of COI1 with SKP1-like proteins and histone deacetylase, and also indicated that COI1 interacted with cullin. These results suggest that COI1 forms an SCFCOI1 complex in vivo. COI1 is therefore expected to form a functional E3-type ubiquitin ligase in plants and to regulate expression of jasmonate responsive genes, possibly by targeted ubiquitination of a histone deacetylase.  相似文献   

Karrikins are butenolide compounds present in post‐fire environments that can stimulate seed germination in many species, including Arabidopsis thaliana. Plants also produce endogenous butenolide compounds that serve as hormones, namely strigolactones (SLs). The receptor for karrikins (KARRIKIN INSENSITIVE 2; KAI2) and the receptor for SLs (DWARF14; D14) are homologous proteins that share many similarities. The mode of action of D14 as a dual enzyme receptor protein is well established, but the nature of KAI2‐dependent signalling and its function as a receptor are not fully understood. To expand our knowledge of how KAI2 operates, we screened ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS)‐mutagenized populations of A. thaliana for mutants with kai2‐like phenotypes and isolated 13 new kai2 alleles. Among these alleles, kai2‐10 encoded a D184N protein variant that was stable in planta. Differential scanning fluorimetry assays indicated that the KAI2 D184N protein could interact normally with bioactive ligands. We developed a KAI2‐active version of the fluorescent strigolactone analogue Yoshimulactone Green to show that KAI2 D184N exhibits normal rates of ligand hydrolysis. KAI2 D184N degraded in response to treatment with exogenous ligands, suggesting that receptor degradation is a consequence of ligand binding and hydrolysis, but is insufficient for signalling activity. Remarkably, KAI2 D184N degradation was hypersensitive to karrikins, but showed a normal response to strigolactone analogues, implying that these butenolides may interact differently with KAI2. These results demonstrate that the enzymatic and signalling functions of KAI2 can be decoupled, and provide important insights into the mechanistic events that underpin butenolide signalling in plants.  相似文献   

Cytokinins control key processes during plant growth and development, and cytokinin receptors CYTOKININ RESPONSE 1/WOODEN LEG/ARABIDOPSIS HISTIDINE KINASE 4 (CRE1/WOL/AHK4), AHK2, and AHK3 have been shown to play a crucial role in this control. The involvement of cytokinins in signaling the status of several nutrients, such as sugar, nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphate (Pi), has also been highlighted, although the full physiological relevance of this role remains unclear. To gain further insights into this aspect of cytokinin action, we characterized a mutant with reduced sensitivity to cytokinin repression of a Pi starvation-responsive reporter gene and show it corresponds to AHK3. As expected, ahk3 displayed reduced responsiveness to cytokinin in callus proliferation and plant growth assays. In addition, ahk3 showed reduced cytokinin repression of several Pi starvation-responsive genes and increased sucrose sensitivity. These effects of the ahk3 mutation were especially evident in combination with the cre1 mutation, indicating partial functional redundancy between these receptors. We examined the effect of these mutations on Pi-starvation responses and found that the double mutant is not significantly affected in long-distance systemic repression of these responses. Remarkably, we found that expression of many Pi-responsive genes is stimulated by sucrose in shoots and to a lesser extent in roots, and the sugar effect in shoots of Pi-starved plants was particularly enhanced in the cre1 ahk3 double mutant. Altogether, these results indicate the existence of multidirectional cross regulation between cytokinin, sugar, and Pi-starvation signaling, thus underlining the role of cytokinin signaling in nutrient sensing and the relative importance of Pi-starvation signaling in the control of plant metabolism and development.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the protein product of the gene locus At1g05000, a hypothetical protein from A. thaliana, was determined by the multiple-wavelength anomalous diffraction method and was refined to an R factor of 20.4% (R(free) = 24.9%) at 3.3 A. The protein adopts the alpha/beta fold found in cysteine phosphatases, a superfamily of phosphatases that possess a catalytic cysteine and form a covalent thiol-phosphate intermediate during the catalytic cycle. In At1g05000, the analogous cysteine (Cys(150)) is located at the bottom of a positively-charged pocket formed by residues that include the conserved arginine (Arg(156)) of the signature active site motif, HCxxGxxRT. Of 74 model phosphatase substrates tested, purified recombinant At1g05000 showed highest activity toward polyphosphate (poly-P(12-13)) and deoxyribo- and ribonucleoside triphosphates, and less activity toward phosphoenolpyruvate, phosphotyrosine, phosphotyrosine-containing peptides, and phosphatidyl inositols. Divalent metal cations were not required for activity and had little effect on the reaction.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis thaliana, the etr1-2 mutation confers dominant ethylene insensitivity and results in a greater proportion of mature seeds that exhibit dormancy compared with mature seeds of the wild-type. We investigated the impact of the etr1-2 mutation on other plant hormones by analyzing the profiles of four classes of plant hormones and their metabolites by HPLC-ESI/MS/MS in mature seeds of wild-type and etr1-2 plants. Hormone metabolites were analyzed in seeds imbibed immediately under germination conditions, in seeds subjected to a 7-day moist-chilling (stratification) period, and during germination/early post-germinative growth. Higher than wild-type levels of abscisic acid (ABA) appeared to contribute, at least in part, to the greater incidence of dormancy in mature seeds of etr1-2. The lower levels of abscisic acid glucose ester (ABA-GE) in etr1-2 seeds compared with wild-type seeds under germination conditions (with and without moist-chilling treatments) suggest that reduced metabolism of ABA to ABA-GE likely contributed to the accumulation of ABA during germination in the mutant. The mutant seeds exhibited generally higher auxin levels and a large build-up of indole-3-aspartate when placed in germination conditions following moist-chilling. The mutant manifested increased levels of cytokinin glucosides through zeatin-O-glucosylation (Z-O-Glu). The resulting increase in Z-O-Glu was the largest and most consistent change associated with the ETR1 gene mutation. There were more gibberellins (GA) and at higher concentrations in the mutant than in wild-type. Our results suggest that ethylene signaling modulates the metabolism of all the other plant hormone pathways in seeds. Additionally, the hormone profiles of etr1-2 seed during germination suggest a requirement for higher than wild-type levels of GA to promote germination in the absence of a functional ethylene signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Using 5-fluoroorotic acid (5-FOA) as a positive selection system we isolated mutants of Mucor circinelloides altered in the pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway. These mutants were found to be deficient either in orotidine-5′-monophosphate decarboxylase (OMPdecase), or in orotate phosphoribosyltransferase (OPRTase) activity. Complementation tests among mutants lacking OPRTase activity classified them into three groups, thus suggesting the possibility of interallelic complementation. To investigate this hypothesis a cDNA clone corresponding to the OPRTase-encoding gene of M. circinelloides was isolated by direct complementation of E. coli. The genomic copy transformed to prototrophy one member of each of the three classes of OPRTase-deficient mutants. We therefore concluded that they were all altered at the same locus, the pyrF locus. The corresponding alleles were cloned and sequenced. Comparisons of the amino acid sequence of M. circinelloides OPRTase with those of E. coli and S. typhimurium revealed a high degree of similarity in secondary and tertiary structure. As the two bacterial enzymes exist as dimers, a homodimeric quaternary structure of the M. circinelloides mature protein can be assumed. This would also explain the interallelic complementation between some pyrF mutants. The mutations found could affect either the active site or the structure of the dimer interface of the OPRTase. Received: 22 May 1998 / Accepted: 13 August 1998  相似文献   

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