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There are bacteria coexisting in xenic cultures of Alexandrium tamarense, a red-tide causing alga. However little is known concerning the interactions between the alga and the bacteria in its phycosphere. The objective of the current study was to determine the effect of the bacteria in its phycosphere on the growth of the alga. We added one percent (v/v) Zobell 2216E medium to A. tamarense culture to alter bacterial growth and the results showed that algal cells were all lysed within 14 h. After adding the medium, both the abundance and the extracellular enzyme activity of the bacteria increased by 50–100 times from the 4th to the 10th hour which resulted in lysis of the algae. The 16S rRNA gene fragments of the bacteria were amplified from the DNA extracted from A. tamarense cultures and analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and sequencing. The structure of the bacterial community in phycosphere changed significantly during algal lysis. Two bacterial genera, Alteromonas sp. and Thalassobius aestuarii sp. are key factors that caused the lysis, and the β-glucosidase and chitinase produced by the bacteria in the phycosphere could directly cause the lysis. These experiments provide evidence that bacteria in its phycosphere play a key role in the culture of A. tamarense, and may provide insights into the future biocontrol of red-tides.  相似文献   

Historically, cosmopolitan phytoplankton species were presumed to represent largely unstructured populations. However, the recent development of molecular tools to examine genetic diversity have revealed differences in phytoplankton taxa across geographic scales and provided insight into the physiology and ecology of blooms. Here we describe the genetic analysis of an extensive bloom of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense that occurred in the Gulf of Maine in 2005. This bloom was notable for its intensity and duration, covering hundreds of kilometers and persisting for almost two months. Genotypic analyses based on microsatellite marker data indicate that the open waters of the northeastern U.S. harbor a single regional population of A. fundyense comprising two genetically distinct sub-populations. These subpopulations were characteristic of early- and late-bloom samples and were derived from the northern and southern areas of the bloom, respectively. The temporal changes observed during this study provide clear evidence of succession during a continuous bloom and show that selection can act on the timescale of weeks to significantly alter the representation of genotypes within a population. The effects of selection on population composition and turnover would be magnified if sexual reproduction were likewise influenced by environmental conditions. We hypothesize that the combined effects of differential growth and reproduction rates serves to reduce gene flow between the sub-populations, reinforcing population structure while maintaining the diversity of the overall regional population.  相似文献   

The vernal occurrence of toxic dinoflagellates in the Alexandrium tamarense/Alexandrium fundyense species complex in an enclosed embayment of Narragansett Bay (Wickford Cove, Rhode Island) was documented during 2005 and 2009–2012. This is the first report of regular appearance of the Alexandrium fundyense/Alexandrium tamarense species complex in Narragansett Bay. Thecal plate analysis of clonal isolates using SEM revealed cells morphologically consistent with both Alexandrium tamarense Lebour (Balech) and Alexandrium fundyense Balech. Additionally, molecular analyses confirmed that the partial sequences for 18S through the D1–D2 region of 28S were consistent with the identity of the two Alexandrium species. Toxin analyses revealed the presence of a suite of toxins (C1/2, B1 (GTX-5), STX, GTX-2/3. Neo, and GTX-1/4) in both Alexandrium tamarense (6.31 fmol cell−1 STX equiv.) and Alexandrium fundyense (9.56 fmol cell−1 STX equiv.) isolated from Wickford Cove; the toxicity of a Narragansett Bay Alexandrium peruvianum isolate (1.79 fmol cell−1 STX equiv.) was also determined. Combined Alexandrium tamarense/Alexandrium fundyense abundance in Wickford Cove reached a peak abundance of 1280 cells L−1 (May of 2010), with the combined abundance routinely exceeding levels leading to shellfishing closures in other systems. The toxic Alexandrium tamarense/Alexandrium fundyense species complex appears to be a regular component of the lower Narragansett Bay phytoplankton community, either newly emergent or previously overlooked by extant monitoring programs.  相似文献   

Different life stages of Alexandrium fundyense have different swimming behavior; gametes often are said to “swarm” or “dance” before mating. This behavior was studied, and quantitative measures of these motility patterns in two-dimensions were generated using motion-analysis software applied to video records of individual-cell movements. Behavior, swimming patterns, and growth were studied in two strains of A. fundyense and compared in encystment medium and growth medium. Vegetative cells swam straight, rotating around the apical axis until they hit something and then swam straight in a different direction. Gamete swimming behavior was slower and characterized by frequent direction changes and circular motion. Gametes contacted other cells frequently (>5 cell contacts min−1 cell−1). Zygotes swam slowly when newly formed and later became nearly immobile; these cells continued to contact other cells and also surfaces. The results are in accordance with field observations of long swimming distances for vegetative cells, accumulation in thin layers of gametes, and sinking of developing resting cysts attached to marine snow for zygotes.  相似文献   

坛紫菜养殖周期中的藻际微生物多样性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
摘要:【目的】坛紫菜是我国江浙海区栽培地主要经济藻类。观察紫菜养殖过程中藻际微生物的群落特点及变化,研究藻际环境中的微生物因素在紫菜栽培中的作用,为保证紫菜健康生长及病害防治提供理论与实验基础。【方法】采用传统纯培方法和PCR-DGGE 技术分离归类坛紫菜养殖周期中的藻际微生物,并利用16SrDNA (细菌)和18S rDNA(真菌)序列测定及在线BLAST比对鉴定到属,比较分析不同生长阶段、不同养殖海区及养殖过程的坛紫菜藻际微生物的多样性特点。【结果】在坛紫菜养殖过程中总共分离到467株细 菌,共41个属。分类结果显示藻际细菌归属于变形菌门(Alphaproteobacteria和Gammaproteobacteria)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes),优势菌群为α-变形菌纲和γ-变形菌纲。分离到55株真菌,共15个属。分类结果显示绝大多数真菌归属于子囊菌门(Ascomycota),仅1株归属于担子菌门(Basidiomycota)伞菌纲(Agaricomycetes)。细菌多样性大于真菌。坛紫菜藻际细菌有19个特异菌属,对照海水细菌有13个特异菌属;从丝状体中分离到大部分真菌和放线菌,坛紫菜养殖丝状体和不同叶状体养殖阶段的藻际微生物类别差异明显。在分离的坛紫菜藻际微生物中发现了与引起细菌性红烂病的海科贝特菌(Cobetia marina)、引起白斑病的紫菜茎点菌(Phoma porphyrae)高度相似的菌株,以及与典型的腐霉如镰孢霉菌(Fusarium sp.)和曲霉(Aspergillus sp.)高度相似的菌株。【结论】坛紫菜养殖过程中藻际微生物的多样性受到紫菜生长形态、养殖时间及养殖环境等因素的影响。在藻际微生物中发现与紫菜致病菌高度相似的微生物,作为潜在致病微生物应得到重视。  相似文献   

《Harmful algae》2011,10(6):578-589
Shipboard grazing experiments were conducted in the Gulf of Maine and on Georges Bank during of June 2006 to estimate zooplankton community grazing impact on a natural bloom of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense. Surface seawater samples containing natural populations of grazers and A. fundyense from 23 stations were incubated at ambient temperatures. Concentrations of A. fundyense after incubations were compared to those at the start of each experiment to determine net increases due to population growth, or decreases presumed to be primarily due to grazing losses. Abundances of both microzooplankton (tintinnids, oligotrich ciliates, rotifers, copepod nauplii and heterotrophic dinoflagellates) and mesozooplankton (copepod nauplii, copepodites and adult copepods, rotifers, marine cladocerans, and meroplankton) grazers in experimental aliquots were also determined. The total zooplankton community had minimal grazing impact on natural populations of A. fundyense at most stations. At 70% of the stations where grazing experiments were performed, there were no significant differences in initial and final concentrations of A. fundyense. This indicated that growth of, and grazing on A. fundyense were in approximate balance. At 2 stations, which had the highest A. fundyense abundances of the cruise (>104 cells l−1), % of the A. fundyense population grazed per day was significantly negative, indicating that net population growth of A. fundyense exceeded grazing losses. At 5 stations, which had low concentrations of A. fundyense (102–103 cells l−1), % of the A. fundyense population grazed per day was significantly positive, indicating that losses of A. fundyense due to grazing exceeded net population growth. For stations with significant differences between Initial and Grazed concentrations of A. fundyense, grazing had the greatest impact at lower concentrations of A. fundyense, and grazing impact by the larger mesozooplankton was inversely related to zooplankton abundance. There was no relationship between microzooplankton abundance and grazing impact on A. fundyense. Grazing exceeded growth only where A. fundyense abundance was low, and growth exceeded grazing only where A. fundyense abundance was high. The inverse relationship between grazing impact and A. fundyense abundance implies that grazing may be capable of retarding bloom development at low concentrations typical of the early stages of a bloom, but at higher concentrations once a bloom becomes established, either grazing maintains a balance with A. fundyense growth, or growth exceeds grazing losses at highest concentrations.  相似文献   

Sublethal behavioural effects of exposure to paralytic shellfish toxins (PST; saxitoxin and its derivatives) from the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense were investigated in newly settled winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus , larval sheepshead minnow Cyprinodon variegatus and larval mummichog Fundulus heteroclitus through an A. fundyense –copepod–fish food chain. Consumption of as few as six to 12 toxin-containing copepods was lethal to the fishes. After consuming fewer toxin-containing copepods, all three fish species exhibited sublethal effects from vector-mediated exposure. Prey-capture ability of mummichogs was reduced in larvae that had consumed toxic copepods, Coullana canadensis . After consuming toxic C. canadensis or mixed copepods, mummichog larvae had reduced swimming performance. Swimming activity was also significantly reduced in winter flounder after consuming toxic copepods, including time spent in motion and distance travelled. Prey capture and predator avoidance were reduced in first-feeding sheepshead minnow larvae that had consumed toxic dinoflagellate cells. Adverse effects on prey capture or predator avoidance may reduce larval survival and facilitate the transmission of PST through the food web. This study provides baseline information on sublethal effects of PST exposure on fishes using a novel food-chain approach with zooplankton as vectors.  相似文献   

While cyst germination may be an important factor for the initiation of harmful/toxic blooms, assessments of the fluctuation in phytoplankton cyst germination, from bottom sediments to water columns, are rare in situ due to lack of technology that can detect germinated cells in natural bottom sediments. This study introduces a simple mesocosm method, modeled after previous in situ methods, to measure the germination of plankton resting stage cells. Using this method, seasonal changes in germination fluxes of toxic dinoflagellates resting cysts, specifically Alexandrium fundyense (A. tamarense species complex Group I) and A. pacificum (A. tamarense species complex Group IV), were investigated at a fixed station in Kesennuma Bay, northeast Japan, from April 2014 to April 2015. This investigation was conducted in addition to the typical samplings of seawater and bottom sediments to detect the dinoflagellates vegetative cells and resting cysts. Bloom occurrences of A. fundyense were observed June 2014 and February 2015 with maximum cell densities reaching 3.6 × 106 cells m−2 and 1.4 × 107 cells m−2, respectively. The maximum germination fluxes of A. fundyense cysts occurred in April 2014 and December 2014 and were 9.3 × 103 cells m−2 day−1 and 1.4 × 104 cells m−2 day−1, respectively. For A. pacificum, the highest cell density was 7.3 × 107 cells m−2 during the month of August, and the maximum germination fluxes occurred in July and August, reaching 5.8 × 102 cells m−2 day−1. Thus, this study revealed the seasonal dynamics of A. fundyense and A. pacificum cyst germination and their bloom occurrences in the water column. Blooms occurred one to two months after peak germination, which strongly suggests that both the formation of the initial population by cyst germination and its continuous growth in the water column most likely contributed to toxic bloom occurrences of A. fundyense and A. pacificum in the bay.  相似文献   

Some species in the dinoflagellate genus Alexandrium spp. produce a suite of neurotoxins that block sodium channels, known as paralytic shellfish toxins (PST), which have deleterious effects on grazers. Populations of the ubiquitous copepod grazer Acartia hudsonica that have co‐occurred with toxic Alexandrium spp. are better adapted than naïve populations. The mechanism of adaptation is currently unknown. We hypothesized that a mutation in the sodium channel could account for the grazer adaptation. We tested two hypotheses: (1) Expression of the mutant sodium channel could be induced by exposure to toxic Alexandrium fundyense; (2) in the absence of induction, selection exerted by toxic A. fundyense would favor copepods that predominantly express the mutant isoform. In the copepod A. hudsonica, both isoforms are expressed in all individuals in varying proportions. Thus, in addition to comparing expression ratios of wild‐type to mutant isoforms for individual copepods, we also partitioned copepods into three groups: those that predominantly express the mutant (PMI) isoform, the wild‐type (PWI) isoform, or both isoforms approximately equally (EI). There were no differences in isoform expression between individuals that were fed toxic and nontoxic food after three and 6 days; induction of mutant isoform expression did not occur. Furthermore, the hypothesis that mutant isoform expression responds to toxic food was also rejected. That is, no consistent evidence showed that the wild‐type to mutant isoform ratios decreased, or that the relative proportion of PMI individuals increased, due to the consumption of toxic food over four generations. However, in the selected line that was continuously exposed to toxic food sources, egg production rate increased, which suggested that adaptation occurred but was unrelated to sodium channel isoform expression.  相似文献   

AIMS: To evaluate the influence of marine bacterial assemblages from the Bay of Fundy on Alexandrium fundyense str. CB301 growth. METHODS AND RESULTS: Bacterial assemblages were collected from the Bay of Fundy during an Alexandrium spp. bloom, serially diluted to extinction and inoculated into axenic CB301 cultures. Bacterial assemblages dramatically enhanced CB301 growth. Retrieval and analysis of 16S rDNA fragments revealed an Alteromonas sp. strain to be the only detectable bacterium in all assemblages that promoted A. fundyense and the sole bacterium found in the most dilute inoculum that promoted A. fundyense. While this bacterium has not yet been isolated, other isolates obtained from the assemblages did not stimulate A. fundyense, indicating that the observed stimulation was not a general effect of marine bacteria. CONCLUSIONS: Bay of Fundy marine bacterial assemblages dominated by a member of the family Alteromonadaceae were found to dramatically stimulate growth of A. fundyense. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: These results show that native bacteria have the potential to dramatically promote the growth of A. fundyense and may play an important role in influencing A. fundyense dynamics in the Bay of Fundy.  相似文献   

Organisms with sexual and asexual reproductive systems benefit from both types of reproduction. Sexual recombination generates new combinations of alleles, whereas clonality favours the spread of the fittest genotype through the entire population. Therefore, the rate of sexual vs. clonal reproduction has a major influence on the demography and genetic structure of natural populations. We addressed the effect of reproductive system on populations of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum. More specifically, we monitored the spatiotemporal genetic diversity during and between bloom events in two estuaries separated by 150 km for two consecutive years. An analysis of population genetic patterns using microsatellite markers revealed surprisingly high genotypic and genetic diversity. Moreover, there was significant spatial and temporal genetic differentiation during and between bloom events. Our results demonstrate that (i) interannual genetic differentiation can be very high, (ii) estuaries are partially isolated during bloom events and (iii) genetic diversity can change rapidly during a bloom event. This rapid genetic change may reflect selective effects that are nevertheless not strong enough to reduce allelic diversity. Thus, sexual reproduction and/or migration may regularly erase any genetic structure produced within estuaries during a bloom event.  相似文献   

Under the Red Queen hypothesis, host-parasite coevolution selects against common host genotypes. Although this mechanism might underlie the persistence of sexual reproduction, it might also maintain high clonal diversity. Alternatively, clonal diversity might be maintained by multiple origins of parthenogens from conspecific sexuals, a feature in many animal groups. Herein, we addressed the maintenance of overall genetic diversity by coevolving parasites, as predicted by the Red Queen hypothesis. We specifically examined the contribution of parasites to host clonal diversity and the frequency of sexually reproducing individuals in natural stream populations of Potamopyrgus antipodarum snails. We also tested the alternative hypothesis that clonal diversity is maintained by the input of clones by mutation from sympatric sexuals. Clonal diversity and the frequency of sexual individuals were both positively related to infection frequency. Surprisingly, although clones are derived by mutation from sexual snails, parasites explained more of the genotypic variation among parthenogenetic subpopulations. Our findings thus highlight the importance of parasites as drivers of clonal diversity, as well as sex.  相似文献   

The Fynbos biome in South Africa is renowned for its high plant diversity and the conservation of this area is particularly important for the region. This is especially true in the case of endangered vegetation types on the lowlands such as Sand Fynbos, of which only small fragments remain. The question is thus whether the diversity of the above‐ground flora is mirrored in the below‐ground microbial communities. In order to determine the relationship of the above‐ and below‐ground communities, the soil community composition of both fungal and bacterial groups in Sand Fynbos was characterized over space and time. A molecular approach was used based on the isolation of total soil genomic DNA and automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis of bacterial and fungal communities. Soil from four different sites was compared to resolve the microbial diversity of eubacterial and fungal groups on a local (alpha diversity) scale as well as a landscape scale (beta diversity). The community structures from different sites were compared and found to exhibit strong spatial patterns which remained stable over time. The plant community data were compared with the fungal and the bacterial communities. We concluded that the microbial communities in the Sand Fynbos are highly diverse and closely linked to the above‐ground floral communities.  相似文献   

In Massachusetts, paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) is annually recurrent along the coastline, including within several small embayments on Cape Cod. One such system, the Nauset Marsh System (NMS), supports extensive marshes and a thriving shellfishing industry. Over the last decade, PSP in the NMS has grown significantly worse; however, the origins and dynamics of the toxic Alexandrium fundyense (Balech) populations that bloom within the NMS are not well known. This study examined a collection of 412 strains isolated from the NMS and the Gulf of Maine (GOM) in 2006–2007 to investigate the genetic characteristics of localized blooms and assess connectivity with coastal populations. Comparisons of genetic differentiation showed that A. fundyense blooms in the NMS exhibited extensive clonal diversity and were genetically distinct from populations in the GOM. In both project years, genetic differentiation was observed among temporal samples collected from the NMS, sometimes occurring on the order of approximately 7 days. The underlying reasons for temporal differentiation are unknown, but may be due, in part, to life‐cycle characteristics unique to the populations in shallow embayments, or possibly driven by selection from parasitism and zooplankton grazing; these results highlight the need to investigate the role of selective forces in the genetic dynamics of bloom populations. The small geographic scale and limited connectivity of NMS salt ponds provide a novel system for investigating regulators of blooms, as well as the influence of selective forces on population structure, all of which are otherwise difficult or impossible to study in the adjacent open‐coastal waters or within larger estuaries.  相似文献   

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