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A novel antimicrobial peptide, eumenitin, was isolated from the venom of the solitary eumenine wasp Eumenes rubronotatus. The sequence of eumenitin, Leu-Asn-Leu-Lys-Gly-Ile-Phe-Lys-Lys-Val-Ala-Ser-Leu-Leu-Thr, was mostly analyzed by mass spectrometry together with Edman degradation, and corroborated by solid-phase synthesis. This peptide has characteristic features of cationic linear alpha-helical antimicrobial peptides, and therefore, can be predicted to adopt an amphipathic alpha-helix secondary structure. In fact, the CD spectra of eumenitin in the presence of TFE or SDS showed a high content of alpha-helical conformation. Eumenitin exhibited inhibitory activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, and moderately stimulated degranulation from the rat peritoneal mast cells and the RBL-2H3 cells, but showed no hemolytic activity against human erythrocytes. This antimicrobial peptide in the eumenine wasp venom may play a role in preventing potential infection by microorganisms during prey consumption by their larvae.  相似文献   

Mastoparans are tetradecapeptides found to be the major component of vespid venoms. These peptides present a wide spectrum of biological activities, such as mast cell degranulation, hemolytic activity and also reveals antimicrobial activity. A mastoparan toxin isolated from the venom of Anterhynchium flavomarginatum micado has been crystallized. At room temperature these crystals diffracted to 2.8 A resolution. However, upon cooling to cryogenic temperature around 85 K, the original resolution limit could be improved to 2.0 A. Crystals were determined to belong to the space group P3(1) (P3(2)). This is the first mastoparan to be crystallized and it will provide further insights in the conformational significance of mastoparan toxins, with respect to their potency and activity in G protein regulation.  相似文献   

Interaction of wasp venom mastoparan with biomembranes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mastoparan-induced changes in the K+ permeability of rat peritoneal mast cells, human erythrocytes, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli were examined. Mastoparan did not efficiently increase the K+ permeability of cells except for S. aureus. The release of membrane phospholipids was also observed from S. aureus cells in the concentration range of the permeability enhancement. Mastoparan stimulated histamine release from mast cells, independently of a small efflux of K+. Mastoparan became markedly effective to E. coli cells whose outer membrane structure was chemically disrupted beforehand, showing that the peptide can enhance the permeability of the cytoplasmic membranes of both Gram-positive and -negative bacteria. In experiments using liposomes, mastoparan increased the permeability of the liposomes composed of egg phosphatidylethanolamine and egg phosphatidylglycerol, which are the lipid constituents of the cytoplasmic membrane of E. coli cells, while it showed a weak activity to the liposomes composed of egg phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol. The latter result related closely to the fact that this peptide acted weakly on erythrocytes and mast cells in which acidic lipids constitute a minor portion. Mastoparan decreased the phase transition temperature of dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol liposomes, but it did not affect that of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine liposomes. These results indicate that mastoparan penetrated into membranes mainly containing acidic phospholipids and disrupted the membrane structure to increase the permeability. The action of the wasp venom mastoparan was compared with that of a bee venom melittin.  相似文献   

A novel peptide, decoralin, was isolated from the venom of the solitary eumenine wasp Oreumenes decoratus. Its sequence, Ser-Leu-Leu-Ser-Leu-Ile-Arg-Lys-Leu-Ile-Thr, was determined by Edman degradation and corroborated by solid-phase synthesis. This sequence has the characteristic features of linear cationic alpha-helical peptides; rich in hydrophobic and basic amino acids with no disulfide bond, and accordingly, it can be predicted to adopt an amphipathic alpha-helix secondary structure. In fact, the CD spectra of decoralin in the presence of TFE or SDS showed a high alpha-helical conformation content. In a biological evaluation, decoralin exhibited a significant broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity, and moderate mast cell degranulation and leishmanicidal activities, but showed virtually no hemolytic activity. A synthetic analog with C-terminal amidation showed a much more potent activity in all the biological assays.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that mastoparan, an amphiphilic peptide derived from wasp venom, modifies the secretion of neurotransmitters and hormones from a variety of cell types. Mastoparan interacts with heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide-binding proteins (G proteins) such as Gi and Go, which are ADP-ribosylated by pertussis toxin (PTX) and thereby uncoupled from receptors. Previously, some of the effects of mastoparan including secretion were reported to be modified selectively by PTX but not by cholera toxin (CTX). In the present study, we examined the influence of bacterial toxins on the effects of mastoparan in PC12 cells. Mastoparan stimulated [3H]noradrenaline (NA) release from prelabeled PC12 cells in the absence of CaCl2, although high K+ or ATP stimulated the release in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Pretreatment with CTX, not PTX, for 24 h inhibited mastoparan-stimulated [3H]NA release. Mastoparan inhibited forskolin-stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation in a dose-dependent manner, although mastoparan had no effect by itself. Pretreatment with PTX completely abolished the inhibitory effect of carbachol via Gi on cyclic AMP accumulation and partially reduced the effect of mastoparan. However, the inhibitory effect of 20 μM mastoparan was not modified by pretreatment with PTX. Thus, we investigated the effect of mastoparan on CTX-catalyzed [32P]ADP-ribosylation of proteins in PC12 cells. A subunit of CTX (CTX-A) catalyzed [32P]ADP-ribosylation of many proteins in the cytosolic fraction of PC12 cells. One of these was a 20 kDa protein, named ADP-ribosylating factor (ARF). The addition of mastoparan to assay mixtures inhibited ADP-ribosylation of many proteins including ARF and CTX-A in the presence of the cytosolic fraction. In the absence of the cytosolic fraction, however, mastoparan slightly enhanced ADP-ribosylation of bovine serum albumin and auto-ADP-ribosylation by CTX-A. Mastoparan did not inhibit ADP-ribosylation of the α subunit of Gs in the membrane fraction. These findings suggest that (1) mastoparan interacts with PTX-insensitive and CTX-sensitive factor(s) to stimulate NA release, and (2) mastoparan interacts with ARF inhibiting its activity to enhance the ADP-ribosylation reaction by CTX. ARF may be an exocytosis-linked G protein. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A novel antimicrobial peptide, anoplin, was purified from the venom of the solitary wasp Anoplius samariensis. The sequence was mostly analyzed by mass spectrometry, which was corroborated by solid-phase synthesis. Anoplin, composed of 10 amino acid residues, Gly-Leu-Leu-Lys-Arg-Ile-Lys-Thr-Leu-Leu-NH2, has a high homology to crabrolin and mastoparan-X, the mast cell degranulating peptides from social wasp venoms, and, therefore, can be predicted to adopt an amphipathic alpha-helix secondary structure. In fact, the circular dichroism (CD) spectra of anoplin in the presence of trifluoroethanol or sodium dodecyl sulfate showed a high content, up to 55%, of the alpha-helical conformation. A modeling study of anoplin based on its homology to mastoparan-X supported the CD results. Biological evaluation using the synthetic peptide revealed that this peptide exhibited potent activity in stimulating degranulation from rat peritoneal mast cells and broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Therefore, this is the first antimicrobial component to be found in the solitary wasp venom and it may play a key role in preventing potential infection by microorganisms during prey consumption by their larvae. Moreover, this peptide is the smallest among the linear alpha-helical antimicrobial peptides hitherto found in nature, which is advantageous for chemical manipulation and medical application.  相似文献   

The wasp venom peptide, mastoparan (Ile-Asn-Leu-Lys-Ala-Leu-Ala-Ala-Leu-Ala-Lys-Lys-Ile-LeuNH2), activated phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) hydrolysis as catalyzed by a phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C (PLC-Im) purified from rabbit brain membranes. This activation was found when the molar ratio of mastoparan to PIP2 was less than 1 and when the concentration of PIP2 exceeded 10 microM. PIP2 breakdown was inhibited at both high and low substrate concentrations if the molar ratio of mastoparan to PIP2 was greater than 1. The stimulatory effect of mastoparan correlated with its ability to restrict aggregation of PIP2 into higher order structures (liposomes or mixed deoxycholate/phospholipid micelles) as the concentration of PIP2 was increased to 10 microM or greater. Mastoparan stimulation of PIP2 breakdown required the presence of a higher calcium concentration than was necessary for detection of enzyme activity. Both the stimulatory and inhibitory effects of mastoparan on PIP2 hydrolysis were lost if 2.5 mM deoxycholate was present in the assays. Hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol (PI) by PLC-Im was inhibited at all concentrations of mastoparan tested. These results show that both PIP2 and PI are suitable substrates for PLC-Im, depending on the physical characteristics of their aggregates in aqueous suspension. An amphiphilic alpha-helix-forming peptide such as mastoparan may modulate phospholipase C activity due to the peptide's interaction with phospholipid substrates.  相似文献   

Mastoparan, a 14-residue peptide, has been investigated with respect to its ability to form ion channels in planar lipid bilayers. In the presence of 0.3-3.0 microM mastoparan, two types of activity are seen. Type I activity is characterized by discrete channel openings, exhibiting multiple conductance levels in the range 15-700 pS. Type II activity is characterized by transient increases in bilayer conductance, up to a maximum of about 650 pS. Both type I and type II activities are voltage dependent. Channel activation occurs if the compartment containing mastoparan is held at a positive potential; channel inactivation if the same compartment is held at a negative potential. Channel formation is dependent on ionic strength; channel openings are only observed at KCl concentrations of 0.3 M or above. Furthermore, raising the concentration of KCl to 3.0 M stabilizes the open form of the channel. Mastoparan channels are weakly cation selective, PK/Cl approximately 2. A 12-residue analogue, des-Ile1,Asn2-mastoparan, preferentially forms type I channels. The ion channels formed by these short peptides may be modelled in terms of bundles of transmembrane alpha-helices.  相似文献   

Aglycosylated IgG produced by hybridoma cells cultured in the presence of tunicamycin was compared with normal IgG for its ability to bind to staphylococcal protein A. No differences were found in binding or elution profiles. It is concluded that aglycosylation does not produce major structural alterations at the CH2-CH3 interface of the Fc region of IgG.  相似文献   

A new antimicrobial peptide, hadrurin, was isolated from the venom of the Mexican scorpion Hadrurus aztecus, by gel filtration on a Sephadex G-50 column, followed by high performance liquid chromatography. It is a basic peptide composed of 41 amino-acid residues with a molecular mass of 4436 Da, and contains no cysteines. A model of the three-dimensional folding of hadrurin is compatible with that of an amphipatic molecule with two alpha-helical segments. Hadrurin demonstrates antimicrobial activity at low micromolar concentration, inhibiting the growth of bacteria such as: Salmonella thyphi, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterococcus cloacae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and Serratia marscences. It also shows cytolytic activity when tested in human erythrocytes. Hadrurin and two analogs (C-terminal amidated, and all D-enantiomer) were chemically synthesized. They were used to study the possible molecular mechanism of action by testing their ability to dissipate the diffusion potential of liposomes of different compositions. The results obtained indicate that there are no specific receptor molecules for the action of hadrurin, and the most probable mechanism is through a membrane destabilization activity. It is surmised that hadrurin is used by the scorpion as both an attack and defense element against its prey and putative invasive microorganisms. It is a unique peptide among all known antimicrobial peptides described, only partially similar to the N-terminal segment of gaegurin 4 and brevinin 2e, isolated from frog skin. It would certainly be a model molecule for studying new antibiotic activities and peptide-lipid interactions.  相似文献   

As the frequent emergence of the resistant bacteria, the development of new agents with a new action mode attracts a great deal of interest. It is now widely accepted that antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are promising alternatives to conventional antibiotics. In this study, antimicrobial peptide polybia-MPI and its analogs were synthesized and their antibacterial activity was studied. Our results revealed that polybia-MPI has potent antibacterial activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Its ability to make PI permeate into bacteria and lead to the leakage of calcein from model membrane LUVs, suggests a killing mechanism involving membrane perturbation. SEM and TEM microscopy experiments verified that the morphology of bacteria was changed greatly under the treatment of polybia-MPI. Compared with the conventional chemotherapy, polybia-MPI targets the cell membrane rather than entering into the cell to exert its antibacterial activity. Furthermore, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were employed to investigate the mechanism of membrane perturbation. The results indicated that the α-helical conformation in the membrane is required for the exhibition of antibacterial activity and the membrane disturbance by polybia-MPI is a cooperative process. In conclusion, with the increasing resistance to conventional antibiotics, there is no doubt that polybia-MPI could offer a new strategy to defend the resistant bacteria.  相似文献   

Natural venoms are promising sources of candidate therapeutics including antibiotics. A recently described potent antimicrobial peptide latarcin 2a (Ltc 2a) from Lachesana tarabaevi spider venom shows a broad-spectrum antibacterial activity. This peptide consists of 26 amino acid residues and therefore its production using chemical synthesis, although trivial, is costly. We describe an easy approach to Ltc 2a production in Escherichia coli using the conventional fusion partner thioredoxin. Latarcin 2a synthetic gene was cloned into the expression vector pET-32b, which was then used to transform E. coli BL21(DE3) strain. His-tagged fusion purification was achieved using metal-chelate affinity chromatography. Since no methionine residues are present in the latarcin 2a sequence, cyanogen bromide could be effectively utilized to separate the target product from the carrier protein. Reverse-phase HPLC was used as the final step of purification; the final yield was 3 mg/L of bacterial culture. To increase the yields, we attempted incorporation of Ltc 2a tandem repeats into the fusion protein; however, production rates greatly decreased due to enhanced fusion toxicity. Moreover, we probed constructs to produce an Ltc 2a dimer and the Ltc 2a propeptide to study their functional properties. Recombinant peptides were produced at appreciable yields and biological tests to determine their activities were performed. Latarcin 2a is the first linear peptide from spider venom and one of the first membrane-active peptides from venomous animals to be biosynthetically produced.  相似文献   

Two novel biologically active peptides, Eumenine mastoparan-OD and Orancis-Protonectin, were isolated from a solitary wasp, Orancistrocerus drewseni drewseni (Eumeninae, Vespidae). MALDI-TOF MS analysis of a small amount of the crude venom gave two intensive molecular-related ion peaks at m/z 1269.9 and 1552.9 that were expected to be novel based on a peptide database search. Purification of the crude venom by HPLC gave two peptide fractions, P-1 and P-2. The amino acid sequence of P-1 (GRILSFIKAGLAEHL-NH2) and P-2 (ILGIITSLLKSL-NH2) were determined by ESI-MS/MS, automated Edman degradation, and amino acid analysis. According to the high sequence homology with those of mastoparan and protonectin, P-1 and P-2 were labeled Eumenine mastoparan-OD and Orancis-Protonectin, respectively. Orancis-Protonectin is the first example of a protonectin analog isolated from the venom of a solitary wasp. The hemolytic activities of these new peptides were more potent than that of mastoparan.  相似文献   

Many potent antimicrobial peptides also present hemolytic activity, an undesired collateral effect for the therapeutic application. Unlike other mastoparan peptides, Polybia-MP1 (IDWKKLLDAAKQIL), obtained from the venom of the social wasp Polybia paulista, is highly selective of bacterial cells. The study of its mechanism of action demonstrated that it permeates vesicles at a greater rate of leakage on the anionic over the zwitterionic, impaired by the presence of cholesterol or cardiolipin; its lytic activity is characterized by a threshold peptide to lipid molar ratio that depends on the phospholipid composition of the vesicles. At these particular threshold concentrations, the apparent average pore number is distinctive between anionic and zwitterionic vesicles, suggesting that pores are similarly formed depending on the ionic character of the bilayer. To prospect the molecular reasons for the strengthened selectivity in Polybia-MP1 and its absence in Mastoparan-X, MD simulations were carried out. Both peptides presented amphipathic alpha-helical structures, as previously observed in Circular Dichroism spectra, with important differences in the extension and stability of the helix; their backbone solvation analysis also indicate a different profile, suggesting that the selectivity of Polybia-MP1 is a consequence of the distribution of the charged and polar residues along the peptide helix, and on how the solvent molecules orient themselves according to these electrostatic interactions. We suggest that the lack of hemolytic activity of Polybia-MP1 is due to the presence and position of Asp residues that enable the equilibrium of electrostatic interactions and favor the preference for the more hydrophilic environment.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are promising candidates for the development of future antibiotics. In an attempt to increase the efficacy of therapeutic AMPs, computer-based design methods appear as a reliable strategy. In this study, we evaluated the antimicrobial efficiency and mechanism of action of a novel designed AMP named PaDBS1R1, previously designed by means of the Joker algorithm, using a fragment of the ribosomal protein L39E from the archaeon Pyrobaculum aerophilum as a template. PaDBS1R1 displayed low micromolar broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity against Gram-negative (MIC of 1.5?μM) and Gram-positive (MIC of 3?μM) bacteria, including carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (MIC of 6.25?μM) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MIC of 12.5?μM), without cytotoxicity towards HEK-293 cells. In addition, membrane permeabilization and depolarization assays, combined with time-kill studies and FEG-SEM imaging, indicated a fast membrane permeation and further leakage of intracellular content. Biophysical studies with lipid vesicles show a preference of PaDBS1R1 for Gram-negative bacteria-like membranes. We investigated the three-dimensional structure of PaDBS1R1 by CD and NMR analyses. Our results suggest that PaDBS1R1 adopts an amphipathic α-helix upon interacting with hydrophobic environments, after an initial electrostatic interaction with negative charges, suggesting a membrane lytic effect. This study reveals that PaDBS1R1 has potential application in antibiotic therapy.  相似文献   

The auto-cleavage product from the C-terminal part of the capsid protein of the flock house virus, namely the 1 peptide, was used as a model peptide to characterize the initial steps of viral membrane penetration. Monolayers at the air–water interface were used to investigate the phase behaviour of ternary lipid–peptide mixtures, whereas solid-supported membranes were used to visualize the lytic activity of the 1 peptide. 1,2-Dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-phospatidylcholine/1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-phospatidylserine (4:1) membranes were used as negatively charged model membranes. By means of film balance techniques lipid/peptide discrimination was found resulting in a lipid-rich and a peptide-rich phase. Quartz crystal microbalance and scanning force microscopy experiments led to the conclusion of a detergent-like mechanism of the 1 peptide resulting in mixed lipid–peptide micelles with a molar ratio of 2.8:1. A monolayer adsorption with an ongoing lysis of membranes was found with 1 peptide molecules interacting at membrane defects.  相似文献   

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