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海牛类是适应于海洋生活的水生哺乳动物,由于长期以来的过度捕杀,数量急剧下降,已被列为世界上珍稀濒危的野生动物。 北美海牛(Trichechus manatus)主要生活在北起加勒比海、墨西哥湾,南至圭亚那、苏里南以及西印度群岛之间广阔的海域和热带河流中,很少为人们所饲养。多年来,人们对于海牛的许多生物学问题进行了一系列的观察和研究。 1976年7月由墨西哥政府赠送我国的一对海牛,至今已在北京动物园生活近十余年。生  相似文献   

花面狸在人工饲养下的繁殖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

华南虎(Panthera tigris amoyensis)为中国特有珍贵动物,经济价值甚高。历史上分布于我国华南、中南、西南、华东地区山林中。近数十年来因生境破坏和滥捕乱猎,分布区缩小,数量锐减,濒于灭绝境地。为保护和促使这一珍贵动物的繁衍,研究其繁殖实为一重要工作。  相似文献   

人工饲养下白枕鹤繁殖生态的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐新杰  刘冰许 《四川动物》1996,15(4):175-176
人工饲养下白枕鹤繁殖生态的研究徐新杰,刘冰许郑州动物园450002白枕鹤(OI,s吻功)是国家二级保护动物,《国际濒危物种贸易公约》中列为1级濒危物种【‘]。研究在人工饲养条件下的繁殖生态,是移地保护的重要内容。我们近年进行了该项研究,报告如下。1亲...  相似文献   

人工饲养条件下子午沙鼠的繁殖特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
蒋卫  郑强 《兽类学报》1995,15(1):75-76,72

我园人工饲养大熊猫已有27年历史,但从事人工饲养下的繁殖研究起步较晚,现就我园几年来人工饲养下大熊猫繁殖生态的一些观察叙述如下:大熊猫的年龄结构与性表现年龄:重庆动物园现饲养大熊猫8只,年龄分别为1至27周岁,雄性2只,雌性6只。年龄在4.5至15岁间的雌性熊猫3只,具有繁殖潜力。(其中2只已有生育,1只于1986年初开始发情,另3只年龄为1岁、2岁和27岁)。性表现的年龄与徐启明报道基本一致,但本园所繁殖3胎的生育年龄分别始于9岁和12岁,看来有性表现不等于具备繁殖能力,故可不必急于实施人工授精。人工饲养下的发情(持续)时间:雌性大熊猫在…  相似文献   

刘仁俊  杨健  陈德勤 《兽类学报》2003,23(3):245-249
介绍多年来对鲸类动物在人工饲养条件下繁殖问题的研究成果,包括:雌雄性生殖器官的组织解剖,饲养和采精训练,人工饲养条件下的繁殖,孕豚护理,分娩和幼豚饲养。为推动我国鲸类动物的人工繁殖提供科学资料。  相似文献   

人工饲养海豹繁殖初步成功   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海豹(Phoca vitulina Linnaeus)生活在北冰洋和太平洋北部,为海生哺乳动物,每年冬春季洄游到我国渤海一带寻食和产仔。海豹肉可食,皮可制革和做防潮雨具,雄性生殖器是做名贵中药材“海狗肾”的原料。 我馆自解放后就在海水池里饲养海豹,当初海水池在室内,大小为3×1.5×0.6米。海豹在夏季每因温度增高而染病死亡。1953—1955年先后养活两只雄性海豹,为观察方便编为1、2号,1号于1969年送给  相似文献   

鸬鹚的繁殖习性及人工饲养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鸬鹚(Phalacrocorax)为鹈形目(Pelecaniformes)、鸬鹚科(Phalacrocoracidae)、鸬鹚属(Phalacrocorax)的鸟类,是世界各地极为常见的大型水禽,除南北极外各地均有分布。鸬鹚在世界有30种,我国有5种,为普通鸬鹚(P.carbo)、斑头鸬鹚(P.filamentosus)、黑颈鸬鹚(P.niger)、红脸鸬鹚(P.urile)和海鸬鹚(P.pelagicus)。鸬鹚在我国遍及全国,但以东南沿海各省为多,我国常见的为普通鸿虬因为它生来喜欢吃鱼,所以人们称它“鱼老鸦”。鸬鹚的全身几乎都是黑色并带有金属光泽,只有两顿和喉部是白色,但繁殖期的亲鸟,头…  相似文献   

自从Corner(1923)报告了猕猴的月经现象以后,一些作者对猕猴的繁殖进行了一系列的研究(Zuckerman,1931;Hartman,1932;1949;Wag-enen,1954;Sade,1964;Valerio等,1968;Hafez,1971)。更兼近30年来猕猴是医学生物学和疫苗生产中广泛应用的一种灵长类动物。需要数量逐年增长,而自然界中的数量又逐年减少。因此,目前对保护和合理利用这种动物资源受到人们的普遍关切。羌囚、苏联、11本等国家建立了灵长类研究中心和大型养猴场,研究猿猴在驯养条件下的繁殖问题。国内的第一个大型猿猴养值场也就是现在的中114科学院昆明动物所养猴场,创建于1958年。这个养猴场创建初期,我们就在这里从事称猴的词养、繁殖和生长发育等问题的研究。  相似文献   

Two West Indian manatees (Trichechus manatus spp.) were reported with severe emaciation. One animal was a Florida manatee from the Everglades; the other was an Antillean manatee from Cuba. On necropsy, both animals had nephrolithiasis, pyelonephritis, and moderate to severe renomegaly. Histopathology revealed multifocal to diffuse pyelonephritis, interstitial nephritis, and nephrocalcinosis. The stones were analyzed and consisted primarily of calcium carbonate. Serum chemistry values for the Florida animal revealed no renal abnormalities. The mechanism of calculus formation remains unclear in manatees. In horses, another hindgut fermenter, the most common urolith is also calcium carbonate. Urinalyses performed on manatees are very similar to those of horses (i.e., alkaline urine, low specific gravity, and calcium carbonate crystals). Formation of uroliths in manatees may have a pathogenesis similar to equine urolithiasis.  相似文献   

Indra Kumar Sharma 《Ostrich》2013,84(3):205-207
Vulture populations have declined globally as well as regionally within Africa. Little is known about the status of the African White-backed Vulture Gyps africanus in Kenya, but ongoing studies indicate that its population has declined over the last two decades. A total of 32 African White-backed Vulture nests were monitored in the Masai Mara National Reserve over a five-year period between 2003 and 2007. Mean nesting success was 59%, which is comparable to that of populations from southern Africa. Nearest neighbour distances were significantly closer in wooded habitats (‘trees and shrubs savanna’) than in more open grassland habitats (‘open low shrubs’). Based on nearest neighbour distances, the estimated total breeding population within the Masai Mara National Reserve is 1 106 pairs, a figure that may be an overestimate and requires ground-truthing. Collecting baseline data on numbers of breeding pairs and regular nest monitoring are essential in order to assess the impact of various threats to vultures in Kenya, which include growing threats (elephant-mediated habitat disturbance and fire) as well as emerging threats (such as poisoning with the carbamate-based pesticide Furadan?).  相似文献   

William  Serle 《Ibis》1981,123(1):62-74
An analysis is made of over a thousand precise bird breeding records for a forest area in West Cameroon. In the lowland forest there is no universal breeding season although most families have a preferred nesting season. On the other hand. in the montane forest breeding is seasonal and takes place in the drier months. These conclusions are supported by field observations and by the examination of over 5000 birds for gonad state, plumage wear and moult.
The remarkable difference in seasonality between the lowland and montane avifaunas is discussed with reference to climate, particularly to the mist which envelops the montane forest in the rainy season.  相似文献   

In this study, we show temporal organization of activity patterns in larger temporal series recording. The objective of this study was to determine the temporal pattern of the rest-activity rhythm in manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus) in captivity. Activity recordings were programmed from August 2010 to September 2011 with actimetry devices, and behavior recordings were conducted in dry and rainy seasons. We showed that the marine manatee presents a complex temporal organization, in which the rest-activity rhythm comprises several frequencies with a predominant circadian component and multiple ultradian components. Our results indicate that the animals were more active during the day with respect to the night. The temporal organization of this cycle entails multiple frequencies that include ultradian rhythms, which may be expressions generated by physiological needs, such as food availability and thermoregulatory requirements. These patterns should be taken into consideration for future studies of biological rhythms in manatee.  相似文献   

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