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The base catalysed imino proton exchange in DNA oligonucleotides of different sequences and lengths was studied by 1H-NMR saturation recovery experiments. The self-complementary sequences studied were GCGCGAATTCGCGC (I), CGCGAATTCGCG (II), GCGAATTCGC (III), and CGCGATCGCG (IV). The evaluation of base pair lifetimes was made after correction for the measured 'absence of added catalyst' effect which was found to be characterized by recovery times of 400-500 ms for the AT base pairs and 250-300 ms for the GC base pairs at 15 degrees C. End effects with rapid exchange is noticeable up to 3 base pairs from either end of the duplexes. The inner hexamer cores GAATTC of sequences I-II show similar base pair lifetime patterns, around 30 ms for the innermost AT, 5-10 ms for the outer AT and 20-50 ms for the GC base pairs at 15 degrees C. The shorter sequences III and particularly IV show much shorter lifetimes in their central AT base pairs (11 ms and 1 ms, respectively).  相似文献   

P A Mirau  D R Kearns 《Biopolymers》1985,24(4):711-724
1H-nmr relaxation has been used to study the effect of sequence and conformation on imino proton exchange in adenine–thymine (A · T) and adenine–uracil (A · U) containing DNA and RNA duplexes. At low temperature, relaxation is caused by dipolar interactions between the imino and the adenine amino and AH2 protons, and at higher temperature, by exchange with the solvent protons. Although room temperature exchange rates vary between 3 and 12s?1, the exchange activation energies (Eα) are insensitive to changes in the duplex sequence (alternating vs homopolymer duplexes), the conformation (B-form DNA vs A-form RNA), and the identity of the pyrimidine base (thymine vs uracil). The average value of the activation energy for the five duplexes studied, poly[d(A-T)], poly[d(A) · d(T)], poly[d(A-U)], Poly[d(A) · d(U)], and poly[r(A) · r(U)], was 16.8 ± 1.3 kcal/mol. In addition, we find that the average Eα for the A.T base pairs in a 43-base-pair restriction fragment is 16.4 ± 1.0 kcal/mol. This result is to be contrasted with the observation that the Eα of cytosine-containing duplexes depends on the sequence, conformation, and substituent groups on the purine and pyrimidine bases. Taken together, the data indicate that there is a common low-energy pathway for the escape of the thymine (uracil) imino protons from the double helix. The absolute values of the exchange rates in the simple sequence polymers are typically 3–10 times faster than in DNAs containing both A · T and G · C base pairs.  相似文献   

Snoussi K  Leroy JL 《Biochemistry》2001,40(30):8898-8904
Using NMR magnetization transfer from water and ammonia-catalyzed exchange of the imino proton, we have measured the base-pair lifetimes and the dissociation constants of six RNA duplexes: [r(CGCGAUCGCG)](2), [r(CGCGAAUUCGCG)](2), [r(CCUUUCGAAAGG)](2), [r(CGCACGUGCG)](2), [r(GGU(8)CC).r(GGA(8)CC)], and [poly(rA).poly(rU)], and we compare them with those of their DNA homologues. As predicted by a two-state (closed/open) model of the pair, the imino proton exchange times decrease linearly vs. the inverse of catalyst concentration. As in DNA duplexes, base pairs open one at a time, and the kinetics is in most cases insensitive to the nature of the adjacent residues. The lifetime of the r(G.C) pairs, 40 to 50 ms, is longer than that of the equivalent in the corresponding oligodeoxynucleotides, and the dissociation constants, about 10(-)(7), are slightly smaller. The r(A.U) opening and closing rates are much larger than those of the d(A.T) pairs, but the stabilities are comparable.  相似文献   

Using nuclear magnetic resonance line broadening, longitudinal relaxation and magnetization transfer from water, we have measured the imino proton exchange times in the duplex form of the 10-mer d-CGCGATCGCG and in seven other deoxy-duplexes, as a function of the concentration of exchange catalysts, principally ammonia. All exchange times are catalyst dependent. Base-pair lifetimes are obtained by extrapolation to infinite concentration of ammonia. Lifetimes of internal base-pairs are in the range of milliseconds at 35 degrees C and ten times more at 0 degrees C. Lifetimes of neighboring pairs are different, hence base-pairs open one at a time. Lifetimes of d(G.C) are about three times longer than those of d(A.T). The nature of neighbors usually has little effect, but lifetime anomalies that may be related to sequence and/or structure have been observed. In contrast, there is no anomaly in the A.T base-pair lifetimes of d-CGCGA[TA]5TCGCG, a model duplex of poly[d(A-T)].poly[d(A-T)]. The d(A.T) lifetimes are comparable to those of r(A.U) that we reported previously. End effects on base-pair lifetimes are limited to two base-pairs. The low efficiency of exchange catalysts is ascribed to the small dissociation constant of the deoxy base-pairs, and helps to explain why exchange catalysis had been overlooked in the past. This resulted in a hundredfold overestimation of base-pair lifetimes. Cytosine amino proteins have been studied in the duplex of d-CGm5CGCG. Exchange from the closed base-pair is indicated. Hence, the use of an amino exchange rate to evaluate the base-pair dissociation constant would result in erroneous, overestimated values. Catalyzed imino proton exchange is at this time the safest and most powerful, if not the only probe of base-pair kinetics. We propose that the single base-pair opening event characterized here may be the only mode of base-pair disruption, at temperatures well below the melting transition.  相似文献   

Polyaromatic molecules with amino chain substituents, upon binding with DNA, selectively catalyze exchange of the A.T base pair protons with bulk water protons. The amine-catalyzed exchange is mediated by compounds which are A.T and G.C base sequence specific, intercalators, and outside binders. A mechanism for the selective exchange, involving transient opening and closing of individual A.T base pairs in the duplex, is discussed.  相似文献   

2-Thiouracil-containing nucleosides are essential modified units of natural and synthetic nucleic acids. In particular, the 5-substituted-2-thiouridines (S2Us) present in tRNA play an important role in tuning the translation process through codon–anticodon interactions. The enhanced thermodynamic stability of S2U-containing RNA duplexes and the preferred S2U-A versus S2U-G base pairing are appreciated characteristics of S2U-modified molecular probes. Recently, we have demonstrated that 2-thiouridine (alone or within an RNA chain) is predominantly transformed under oxidative stress conditions to 4-pyrimidinone riboside (H2U) and not to uridine. Due to the important biological functions and various biotechnological applications for sulfur-containing nucleic acids, we compared the thermodynamic stabilities of duplexes containing desulfured products with those of 2-thiouracil-modified RNA and DNA duplexes. Differential scanning calorimetry experiments and theoretical calculations demonstrate that upon 2-thiouracil desulfuration to 4-pyrimidinone, the preferred base pairing of S2U with adenosine is lost, with preferred base pairing with guanosine observed instead. Therefore, biological processes and in vitro assays in which oxidative desulfuration of 2-thiouracil-containing components occurs may be altered. Moreover, we propose that the H2U-G base pair is a suitable model for investigation of the preferred recognition of 3′-G-ending versus A-ending codons by tRNA wobble nucleosides, which may adopt a 4-pyrimidinone-type structural motif.  相似文献   

P Bendel 《Biopolymers》1987,26(4):573-590
The results of semiselective 1H-nmr inversion recovery experiments on sonicated calf thymus DNA fragments are reported. The measurements were conducted in aqueous solutions containing 85% D2O, in order to reduce the dipolar contribution to the observed relaxation rates. In solutions containing 0.2M NaCl, 0.4 mM EDTA, and 10 mM cacodylate at pH = 7.0, the exchange rates of the imino protons in A-T base pairs confirm values published earlier in the literature, extrapolating to 0.25 s?1 at 25°C. Corresponding values for the G-C base pairs are published for the first time, and are about sixfold slower. The addition of up to 0.1M Tris buffer (pH = 7.3 at 25°C), caused a striking increase in the measured exchange rates for both the A-T and G-C imino protons, resembling the effect recently observed for poly(rA)-poly(rU) and poly(rI)-poly(rC), and suggesting that the exchange rates measured for nucleic acid duplexes in low buffer concentrations at neutral pH do not reflect base-pair opening rates as assumed in the past. Lower limits to the base-pair opening rates could be estimated from extrapolation of the experimental data to infinite buffer concentration, and are 1 × 103 s?1 for the A-T, and 50 s?1 for the G-C, base paris at 62°C.  相似文献   

K B Hall  L W McLaughlin 《Biochemistry》1991,30(44):10606-10613
Four pentamers with the general sequence 5'CU(T)GU(T)G/5'CACAG have been prepared by chemical synthesis in order to generate duplex structures with common sequences. The four duplexes studied include the DNA.DNA duplex (5'dCACAG/5'dCTGTG) and the RNA.RNA duplex (5'rCUGUG/5'rCACAG) as well as the two corresponding DNA.RNA heteroduplexes (5'rCUGUG/5'dCACAG and 5'CACAG/5'dCTGTG). The measured entropy, enthalpy, and free energy changes upon melting are reported for each pentamer and compared to the predicted values where possible. Results show that the two DNA.RNA heteroduplexes are destabilized (delta G degrees 25 = -4.2 +/- 0.4 kcal/mol) relative to either the DNA.DNA duplex (delta G degrees 25 = -4.8 +/- 0.5 kcal/mol) or the RNA.RNA duplex (delta G degrees 25 = -5.8 +/- 0.6 kcal/mol). Circular dichroism spectra indicate that the RNA and the two heteroduplexes adopt an A-form conformation, while the DNA conformation is B-form. Imino proton NMR spectra also show that the heteroduplex structures resemble the RNA.RNA duplex.  相似文献   

Local base dynamics and local structural features in RNA and DNA duplexes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
S C Kao  A M Bobst 《Biochemistry》1985,24(20):5465-5469
Local base motion and local structural base information are derived with a simple motional model from site specifically spin-labeled polyribo- and polydeoxyribonucleotides. The model was developed earlier for some nucleic acids and has now been applied to analyze 22 different nucleic acid systems. We conclude that the base motion of the spin-labeled nucleotide in single-stranded RNA, DNA, or non-base-paired bases in duplexes is of the order of 1 ns and that its base mobility decreases by about a factor of 4 upon base pairing. Also, the tether motion of the probe is slower in an RNA than in a DNA duplex.  相似文献   

Li X  Peng Y  Ren J  Qu X 《Biochemistry》2006,45(45):13543-13550
Several factors can influence charge transport (CT)-mediated DNA, such as sequence, distance, base stacking, base pair mismatch, conformation, tether length, etc. However, the DNA context effect or how flanking sequences influence redox active drugs in the DNA CT reaction and later in DNA enzymatic repair and synthesis is still not well understood. The set of seven DNA molecules in this study have been characterized well for the study of flanking sequence effects. These DNA duplexes are formed from self-complementary strands and contain the common central four-base sequence 5'-A-G-C-T-3', flanked on both sides by either (AT)(n) or (AA)(n) (n = 2, 3, or 4) or AA(AT)(2). UV-vis, fluorescence, UV melting, circular dichroism, and cyclic voltammetry experiments were used to study the flanking sequence effect on CT-mediated DNA by using daunomycin or adriamycin cross-linked with these seven DNA molecules. Our results showed that charge transport was related to the flanking sequence, DNA melting free energy, and ionic strength. For (AA)(n) or (AT)(n) species of the same length, (AA)(n) series were more stable and more efficient CT was observed through the (AA)(n) series. The same trend was observed for (AA)(n)() and (AT)(n) series at different ionic strengths, further supporting the idea that flanking sequence can result in different base stacking and modulate charge transport through these seven DNA molecules.  相似文献   

H C Joao  I G Scragg  R A Dwek 《FEBS letters》1992,307(3):343-346
Assignment of most of the proton NMR resonances of bovine pancreatic RNase B has been achieved using standard NMR techniques and by comparison with the published assignments for RNase A. A comparison of the NMR spectra of RNase B with RNase A shows that glycosylation of the enzyme has little overall effect on the conformation of the protein in solution. Comparisons of hydrogen-deuterium solvent exchange rates for the NH protons of RNase A and RNase B were made using two-dimensional 1H correlation spectroscopy. In the case of the glycosylated enzyme the exchange rates decreased for the NH protons of residues 9-14, 23-24, 32, 34-35, 39-40, 43-44, 48-49, 60, 71, 75-76, 80, 83-85, 100-101, 107, 111 and 122, relative to the unglycosylated RNase A. These results are consistent with the presence of the oligosaccharide inducing enhanced global dynamic stability and consequent changes to the unfolding equilibrium of the enzyme. The enhanced stability is observed not only for residues in the vicinity of the glycosylation site, asparagine-34, but also at residues remote from this site, as much as 30 A away.  相似文献   

Using DNA and RNA heptanucleotides containing an unnatural L-nucleotides as well as the complementary strands, effects of the introduction of an L-nucleotide on the structure of DNA/DNA, RNA/RNA, and DNA/RNA duplexes were investigated by circular dichroism experiments and RNase H-mediated RNA strand cleavage reaction. The results suggested that the substitution of the central D-nucleotide with an L-nucleotide in the duplexes causes the significant structural alterations as the duplex structures change to conformations with more B-form similarities.  相似文献   

The modified ODN's bearing C5-substituted 2'-deoxyuridine derivative were synthesized by a post-synthetic modification with an unsymmetrical triamine. The effect of the C5-substituent on the duplex formation with complementary DNA or RNA differed with the position of an imino group in the linker-arms.  相似文献   

Zhu J  Wartell RM 《Biochemistry》1999,38(48):15986-15993
Forty-eight RNA duplexes were constructed that contained all common single base bulges at six different locations. The stabilities of the RNAs were determined by temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE). The relative stability of a single base bulge was dependent on both base identity and the nearest neighbor context. The single base bulges were placed into two categories. A bulged base with no identical neighboring base was defined as a Group I base bulge. Group II-bulged bases had at least one neighboring base identical to it. Group II bulges were generally more stable than Group I bulges in the same nearest neighbor environments. This indicates that position degeneracy of an unpaired base enhances stability. Differences in the mobility transition temperatures between the RNA fragments with bulges and the completely base-paired reference RNAs were related to free energy differences. Simple models for estimating the free energy contribution of single base bulges were evaluated from the free energy difference data. The contribution of a Group I bulge 5'-(XNZ)-3'.5'-(Z'-X')-3' where N is the unpaired base and X.X' and Z.Z' the neighboring base pairs, could be well-represented (+/-0.34 kcal/mol) by the equation, DeltaG((X)(N)()(Z))(.)((Z)(')(-)(X)(')()) = 3.11 + 0. 40DeltaG(s)()((XZ))(.)((Z)(')(X)(')()). DeltaG(s)()((XZ))(. )((Z)(')(X)(')()) is the stacking energy of the closing base pair doublet. By adding a constant term, delta = -0.3 kcal/mol, to the right side of the above equation, free energies of Group II bulges could also be predicted with the same accuracy. The term delta represents the stabilizing effect due to position degeneracy. A similar equation/model was applied to previous data from 32 DNA fragments with single base bulges. It predicted the free energy differences with a similar standard deviation.  相似文献   

Hays FA  Vargason JM  Ho PS 《Biochemistry》2003,42(32):9586-9597
Structures of the DNA sequences d(CCGGCGCCGG) and d(CCAGTACbr(5)UGG) are presented here as four-way Holliday junctions in their compact stacked-X forms, with antiparallel alignment of the DNA strands. Thus, the ACC-trinucleotide motif, previously identified as important for stabilizing the junction, is now extended to PuCPy, where Pu is either an adenine or guanine, and Py is either a cytosine, 5-methylcytosine, or 5-bromouracil but not thymine nucleotide. We see that both sequence and base substituents affect the geometry of the junction in terms of the interduplex angle as well as the previously defined conformational variables, J(roll) (the rotation of the stacked duplexes about their respective helical axis) and J(slide) (the translational displacement of the stacked duplexes along their respective helical axis). The structures of the GCC and parent ACC containing junctions fall into a distinct conformational class that is relatively undistorted in terms of J(slide) and J(roll), with interduplex angles of 40-43 degrees. The substituted ACbr(5)U structure, however, is more akin to that of the distorted methylated ACm(5)C containing junction, with J(slide) (>or=2.3 A) and a similar J(roll) (164 degrees) opening the major groove-side of the junction, but shows a reduced interduplex angle. In contrast, the analogous d(CCAGTACTGG) sequence has to date been crystallized only as resolved B-DNA duplexes. This suggests that there is an electronic effect of substituents at the pyrimidine Py position on the stability of four-stranded junctions. The single-crystal structures presented here, therefore, show how sequence affects the detailed geometry, and subsequently, the associated stability and conformational dynamics of the Holliday junction.  相似文献   

Effect of DNA conformation on ribosomal RNA synthesis in vitro   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

A C Wang  S G Kim  P F Flynn  S H Chou  J Orban  B R Reid 《Biochemistry》1992,31(16):3940-3946
Nuclear magnetic resonance experiments reveal that the base H8/H6 protons of oligoribonucleotides (RNA) have T1 relaxation times that are distinctly longer than those of oligodeoxyribonucleotides (DNA). Similarly, the T1 values for the RNA H1' protons are approximately twice those of the corresponding DNA H1' protons. These relaxation differences persist in single duplexes containing covalently linked RNA and DNA segments and cause serious overestimation of distances involving RNA protons in typical NOESY spectra collected with a duty cycle of 2-3 s. NMR and circular dichroism experiments indicate that the segments of RNA maintain their A-form geometry even in the interior of DNA-RNA-DNA chimeric duplexes, suggesting that the relaxation times are correlated with the type of helix topology. The difference in local proton density is the major cause of the longer nonselective T1s of RNA compared to DNA, although small differences in internal motion cannot be completely ruled out. Fortunately, any internal motion differences that might exist are shown to be too small to affect cross-relaxation rates, and therefore reliable distance data can be obtained from time-dependent NOESY data sets provided an adequately long relaxation delay is used. In hybrid or chimeric RNA-DNA duplexes, if the longer RNA relaxation times are not taken into account in the recycle delay of NOESY pulse sequences, serious errors in measuring RNA proton distances are introduced.  相似文献   

The success of comparative analysis in resolving RNA secondary structure and numerous tertiary interactions relies on the presence of base covariations. Although the majority of base covariations in aligned sequences is associated to Watson-Crick base pairs, many involve non-canonical or restricted base pair exchanges (e.g. only G:C/A:U), reflecting more specific structural constraints. We have developed a computer program that determines potential base pairing conformations for a given set of paired nucleotides in a sequence alignment. This program (ISOPAIR) assumes that the base pair conformation is maintained through sequence variation without significantly affecting the path of the sugar-phosphate backbone. ISOPAIR identifies such 'isomorphic' structures for any set of input base pair or base triple sequences. The program was applied to base pairs and triples with known structures and sequence exchanges. In several instances, isomorphic structures were correctly identified with ISOPAIR. Thus, ISOPAIR is useful when assessing non-canonical base pair conformations in comparative analysis. ISOPAIR applications are limited to those cases where unusual base pair exchanges indeed reflect a non-canonical conformation.  相似文献   

Acid-induced exchange of the imino proton in G.C pairs.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Acid-induced catalysis of imino proton exchange in G.C pairs of DNA duplexes is surprisingly fast, being nearly as fast as for the isolated nucleoside, despite base-pair dissociation constants in the range of 10(-5) at neutral or basic pH. It is also observed in terminal G.C pairs of duplexes and in base pairs of drug-DNA complexes. We have measured imino proton exchange in deoxyguanosine and in the duplex (ATATAGATCTATAT) as a function of pH. We show that acid-induced exchange can be assigned to proton transfer from N7-protonated guanosine to cytidine in the open state of the pair. This is faster than transfer from neutral guanosine (the process of intrinsic catalysis previously characterized at neutral ph) due to the lower imino proton pK of the protonated form, 7.2 instead of 9.4. Other interpretations are excluded by a study of exchange catalysis by formiate and cytidine as exchange catalysts. The cross-over pH between the regimes of pH-independent and acid-induced exchange rates is more basic in the case of base pairs than in the mononucleoside, suggestive of an increase by one to two decades in the dissociation constant of the base pair upon N7 protonation of G. Acid-induced catalysis is much weaker in A.T base pairs, as expected in view of the low pK for protonation of thymidine.  相似文献   

M Poncin  D Piazzola  R Lavery 《Biopolymers》1992,32(8):1077-1103
Systematic theoretical modeling of symmetric DNA oligomers, carried out earlier for the B conformation, is now extended to A-DNA. In contrast to the previous results, it is found that A-DNA shows no multiplicity of low-energy substate conformations. The possibilities of the Jumna algorithm are subsequently applied to studying deformations of the oligomers. Controlled winding and stretching deformations are used to study how the two allomorphs and different base sequences absorb such external stress. The results help explain the internal mechanics of the DNA double helix and the extent to which fine structure influences this behavior. The results point to some differences between the A and B double helices, but also to many similarities. Sequence effects on flexibility are relatively limited compared to their impact on optimal energy conformations. It is also shown that the conformational substates detected for B-DNA oligomers are preserved under deformation, but have little influence on its energetics.  相似文献   

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