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Carbohydrate-containing structures in rat liver rough microsomes (RM) were localized and characterized using iodinated lectins of defined specificity. Binding of [125I]Con A increased six- to sevenfold in the presence of low DOC (0.04--0.05%) which opens the vesicles and allows the penetration of the lectins. On the other hand, binding of [125I]WGA and [125I]RCA increased only slightly when the microsomal vesicles were opened by DOC. Sites available in the intact microsomal fraction had an affinity for [125I]Con A 14 times higher than sites for lectin binding which were exposed by the detergent treatment. Lectin-binding sites in RM were also localized electron microscopically with lectins covalently bound to biotin, which, in turn, were visualized after their reaction with ferritin-avidin (F-Av) markers. Using this method, it was demonstrated that in untreated RM samples, binding sites for lectins are not present on the cytoplasmic face of the microsomal vesicles, even after removal of ribosomes by treatment with high salt buffer and puromycin, but are located on smooth membranes which contaminate the rough microsomal fraction. Combining this technique with procedures which render the interior of the microsomal vesicles accessible to lectins and remove luminal proteins, it was found that RM membranes contain binding sites for Con A and for Lens culinaris agglutinin (LCA) located exclusively on the cisternal face of the membrane. No sites for WGA, RCA, soybean (SBA) and Lotus tetragonobulus (LTA) agglutinins were detected on either the cytoplasmic or the luminal faces of the rough microsomes. These observations demonstrate that: (a) sugar moieties of microsomal glycoproteins are exposed only on the luminal surface of the membranes and (b) microsomal membrane glycoproteins have incomplete carbohydrate chains without the characteristic terminal trisaccharides N-acetylglucosamine comes from galactose comes from sialic acid or fucose present in most glycoproteins secreted by the liver. The orientation and composition of the carbohydrate chains in microsomal glycoproteins indicate that the passage of these glycoproteins through the Golgi apparatus, followed by their return to the endoplasmic reticulum, is not required for their biogenesis and insertion into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane.  相似文献   

The topological disposition of a form of UDP-glucuronyltransferase (called GT-1) in rat liver microsomes was examined. Concanavalin A-Sepharose failed to bind microsomal vesicles even though GT-1 has sugar chains of "high mannose" type, indicating that mannose-containing sugar chains of microsomal glycoproteins including GT-1 are not exposed to the outer surface of microsomal vesicles. Polyclonal antibodies raised against purified GT-1 could bind to microsomal vesicles, indicating that at least part of the GT-1 polypeptide chain is extruded to the outside of the microsomal membrane. Intact microsomal vesicles were digested with carboxypeptidase Y and then subjected to immunoblot analysis using the anti-GT-1 antibodies. It was thus found that the digestion resulted in cleavage of a C-terminal, 2-kDa fragment, leaving a 52-kDa fragment of GT-1 still tightly bound to the membrane. From these results, it is concluded that GT-1 is a transmembrane protein, which extrudes its C-terminal end (at least 2 kDa) to the outside of the membrane, whereas most of its polypeptide chain together with the sugar chains are located on the luminal side of the membrane.  相似文献   

The metabolism of glycoproteins of rat liver microsomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The glycoproteins of microsomes and cytosol were studied. Various washing procedures did not release the proteins from the microsomes, and immunological tests demonstrated that the sialoproteins are not serum components. Low concentrations of deoxycholate and incubation in 0.25 M sucrose solution liberated a small amount of microsomal sialoprotein and this fraction exhibited a high degree of labeling of protein-bound N-acetylneuraminic acid. A part of the glycoprotein fraction could not be solubilized, even with a high concentration of the detergent. Thoroughly perfused rat liver contained sialoproteins in the particle-free supernate. The level of sialoprotein present could not be due to contamination with serum or broken organelles. The high in vivo incorporation of [3H]glucosamine into protein-bound sialic acid of Golgi membranes and cytosol was paralleled by a delayed and lesser rate of incorporation into the rough and smooth microsomal membranes. This incorporation pattern suggests the possibility that the glycoproteins of cytosol and Golgi may later be incorporated into the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Sialoproteins isolated from the soluble fraction of rat liver could be incorporated into microsomal membranes. This incorporation was dependent on protein concentration, time, and temperature. Sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis of membrane proteins after in vitro incorporation showed four major sugar-containing peaks and was similar to that found after in vivo labeling. Most of the incorporated protein was tightly bound to the microsomal membrane. Gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography revealed the presence of several cytosolic glycoproteins that could be incorporated into microsomes. During prolonged centrifugation in a KBr solution with a density of 1.21 a highly labeled ([3H]glucosamine) protein (mole wt approximately to 70,000) that was actively incorporated into microsomes could be recovered in the upper region of the tube. These results demonstrate that several cytoplasmic glycoproteins of rat liver are transferred into microsomal membranes and that one of these is a lipoprotein.  相似文献   

R Rees-Jones  Q Al-Awqati 《Biochemistry》1984,23(10):2236-2240
Rat liver smooth and rough microsomal membranes exhibit an ATP-dependent H+ transport which can be inhibited by sulfhydryl reagents and dicyclohexylcarbodiimide but is resistant to oligomycin. On the basis of inhibitor sensitivities and substrate specificities, this H+ pump was found to be different from that of mitochondria, lysosomes, gastric H+-K+-ATPase, and yeast plasma membrane H+-ATPase but to resemble that of endocytic vesicles and the H+ pump responsible for urinary acidification. The transport process is accelerated by valinomycin in the presence of potassium, suggesting that it is an electrogenic pump. The same fractions were enriched in an ATPase with inhibitor sensitivities similar to those of the transport activity. It is possible that the proton electrochemical gradients generated by this pump may play a role in the translocation of proteins and sugars, two of the major functions of these structures.  相似文献   

Rough microsomes were incubated in an in vitro amino acid-incorporating system for labeling the nascent polypeptide chains on the membrane-bound ribosomes. Sucrose density gradient analysis showed that ribosomes did not detach from the membranes during incorporation in vitro. Trypsin and chymotrypsin treatment of microsomes at 0° led to the detachment of ribosomes from the membranes; furthermore, trypsin produced the dissociation of released, messenger RNA-free ribosomes into subunits. Electron microscopic observations indicated that the membranes remained as closed vesicles. In contrast to the situation with free polysomes, nascent chains contained in rough microsomes were extensively protected from proteolytic attach. By separating the microsomal membranes from the released subunits after proteolysis, it was found that nascent chains are split into two size classes of fragments when the ribosomes are detached. These were shown by column chromatography on Sephadex G-50 to be: (a) small (39 amino acid residues) ribosome-associated fragments and (b) a mixture of larger membrane-associated fragments excluded from the column. The small fragments correspond to the carboxy-terminal segments which are protected by the large subunits of free polysomes. The larger fragments associated with the microsomal membranes depend for their protection on membrane integrity. These fragments are completely digested if the microsomes are subjected to proteolysis in the presence of detergents. These results indicate that when the nascent polypeptides growing in the large subunits of membrane-bound ribosomes emerge from the ribosomes they enter directly into a close association with the microsomal membrane.  相似文献   

Transmembrane orientation of glycoproteins encoded by the v-fms oncogene   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
The retroviral oncogene v-fms encodes a glycoprotein whose transport to the plasma membrane is required for transformation. Tryptic digestion of microsomes from transformed cells yielded membrane-protected amino-terminal fragments 40 kd smaller than intact molecules. These fragments were glycosylated, and they included v-fms-coded epitopes expressed at the cell surface. Deletion of the predicted membrane-spanning peptide generated polypeptides that were completely sequestered within microsomes. The mutant glycoproteins acquired more asparagine-linked oligosaccharide chains than did wild-type molecules, lacked kinase activity in vitro, were not transported to the cell surface, and had no transforming activity. Thus, the membrane-spanning segment in the middle of the glycoprotein interrupts translocation of nascent chains into the endoplasmic reticulum, ultimately orienting the amino-terminal domain outside the cell and the carboxy-terminal kinase domain in the cytoplasm. These topological features are similar to those of several growth factor receptors, suggesting that v-fms transforms cells through modified receptor-mediated signals.  相似文献   

The data presented in this paper demonstrate that native small ribosomal subunits from reticulocytes (containing initiation factors) and large ribosomal subunits derived from free polysomes of reticulocytes by the puromycin-KCl procedures can function with stripped microsomes derived from dog pancreas rough microsomes in a protein-synthesizing system in vitro in response to added IgG light chain mRNA so as to segregate the translation product in a proteolysis- resistant space. No such segregation took place for the translation product of globin mRNA. In addition to their ability to segregate the translation product of a specific heterologous mRNA, native dog pancreas rough microsomes as well as derived stripped microsomes were able to proteolytically process the larger, primary translation product in an apparently correct manner, as evidenced by the identical mol wt of the segregated translation product and the authentic secreted light chain. Segregation as well as proteolytic processing by native and stripped microsomes occurred only during ongoing translation but not after completion of translation. Attempts to solubilize the proteolytic processing activity, presumably localized in the microsomal membrane by detergent treatment, and to achieve proteolytic processing of the completed light chain precursor protein failed. Taken together, these results establish unequivocally that the information for segregation of a translation product is encoded in the mRNA itself, not in the protein- synthesizing apparatus; this provides strong evidence in support of the signal hypothesis.  相似文献   

Isolation of two classes of rough vesicles from rat liver microsomes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Summary The distribution of the alpha- and beta-subunits of G-proteins and their disposition in rat liver plasma and intracellular membranes was investigated. Western blotting, using antibodies that recognised the alpha-subunit of the inhibitory and the beta-subunits of most G-proteins, identified 41 and 36 kDa polypeptides respectively in all plasma membrane functional domains, in endosomes as well as in Golgi membranes. Lysosomes were devoid of these subunits. The highest levels of G-protein subunits were found in bile canalicular plasma membranes prepared by density gradient centrifugation followed by free-flow electrophoresis. Separation of membrane proteins into extrinsic and intrinsic components was carried out by extraction of the membranes at pH 11.0 and by partitioning the membranes in Triton X-114/aqueous phases. The results demonstrated that the alpha- and beta-subunits were tightly associated with the hepatic membranes but they could be solubilised by extraction with detergent, e.g. SDS. Prolonged incubation in the presence of GTP analogues also released up to approximately 50% of the alpha-subunit of inhibitory G-proteins from membranes. The beta-subunit was still associated with membranes after alkaline extraction. The results emphasise the strong association of G-protein subunits with liver membranes, and show that these proteins are distributed widely in the plasma membrane and along the endocytic pathways of hepatocytes.  相似文献   

The subcellular localization of guanylate cyclase was examined in rat liver. About 80% of the enzyme activity of homogenates was found in the soluble fraction. Particulate guanylate cyclase was localized in plasma membranes and microsomes. Crude nuclear and microsomal fractions were applied to discontinuous sucrose gradients, and the resulting fractions were examined for guanylate cyclase, various enzyme markers of cell components, and electron microscopy. Purified plasma membrane fractions obtained from either preparation had the highest specific activity of guanylate cyclase, 30 to 80 pmol/min/mg of protein, and the recovery and relative specific activity of guanylate cyclase paralleled that of 5'-nucleotidase and adenylate cyclase in these fractions. Significant amounts of guanylate cyclase, adenylate cyclase, 5'-nucleotidase, and glucose-6-phosphatase were recovered in purified preparation of microsomes. We cannot exclude the presence of guanylate cyclase in other cell components such as Golgi. The electron microscopic studies of fractions supported the biochemical studies with enzyme markers. Soluble guanylate cyclase had typical Michaelis-Menten kinetics with respect to GTP and had an apparent Km for GTP of 35 muM. Ca-2+ stimulated the soluble activity in the presence of low concentrations of Mn-2+. The properties of guanylate cyclase in plasma membranes and microsomes were similar except that Ca-2+ inhibited the activity associated with plasma membranes and had no effect on that of microsomes. Both particulate enzymes were allosteric in nature; double reciprocal plots of velocity versus GTP were not linear, and Hill coefficients for preparations of plasma membranes and microsomes were calculated to be 1.60 and 1.58, respectively. The soluble and particulate enzymes were inhibited by ATP, and inhibition of the soluble enzyme was slightly greater. While Mg-2+ was less effective than Mn-2+ as a sole cation, all enzyme fractions were markedly stimulated with Mg-2+ in the presence of a low concentration of Mn-2+. Triton X-100 increased the activity of particulate fractions about 3- to 10-fold and increased the soluble activity 50 to 100%.  相似文献   

The distribution of vitamin K epoxidase activity in rough and smooth microsomes has been studied and compared to the prothrombin precursor and vitamin K-dependent carboxylase activity. All three activities were high in rough microsomes as compared to the low levels found in smooth microsomes. The results are in agreement with the suggestion that there might be a linkage between the vitamin K-dependent carboxylation and epoxidation reaction in vivo.  相似文献   

Treatment of rat liver rough microsomes (3.5 mg of protein/ml) with sublytical concentrations (0.08%) of the neutral detergent Triton X-100 caused a lateral displacement of bound ribosomes and the formation of ribosomal aggregates on the microsomal surface. At slightly higher detergent concentrations (0.12-0.16%) membrane areas bearing ribosomal aggregates invaginated into the microsomal lumen and separated from the rest of the membrane. Two distinct classes of vesicles could be isolated by density gradient centrifugation from microsomes treated with 0.16% Triton X-100: one with ribosomes bound to the inner membrane surfaces ("inverted rough" vesicles) and another with no ribosomes attached to the membranes. Analysis of the fractions showed that approximately 30% of the phospholipids and 20-30% of the total membrane protein were released from the membranes by this treatment. Labeling with avidin-ferritin conjugates demonstrated that concanavalin A binding sites, which in native rough microsomes are found in the luminal face of the membranes, were present on the outer surface of the inverted rough vesicles. Freeze-fracture electron microscopy showed that both fracture faces had similar concentrations of intramembrane particles. SDS PAGE analysis of the two vesicle subfractions demonstrated that, of all the integral microsomal membrane proteins, only ribophorins I and II were found exclusively in the inverted rough vesicles bearing ribosomes. These observations are consistent with the proposal that ribophorins are associated with the ribosomal binding sites characteristic of rough microsomal membranes.  相似文献   

The hypothesis of a preferential biosynthesis of a major phenobarbital inducible form of hepatic cytochrome P-450 (P-450b) in mitochondria-associated rough endoplasmic reticulum (RERmito) was tested by measuring incorporation rates of [35S]methionine and delta-amino[3H]levulinate into the hemoprotein in adult rats. RERmito, rough microsomes (RM representing RER not associated with mitochondria) and smooth microsomes (SM) were quantitatively isolated from the same homogenate by rate zonal centrifugation and their content of P-450b determined by rocket immunoelectrophoresis. P-450b was isolated by immunoprecipitation from detergent-solubilized membrane fractions. The time course and rate of incorporation of [35S] methionine into immunoprecipitable P-450b of RERmito and of RM were similar at all time points studied (2-15 min) both under conditions of maximal induction (4 injections of phenobarbital in 4 days) and after a single injection of phenobarbital. The incorporation of [35S]methionine into P-450b of SM was slower at early time points (2-8 min) but similar to RERmito and RM after 15 min. In contrast, at short labeling periods (less than 8 min) more delta-amino[3H]levulinate was incorporated into P-450b of RERmito than into P-450b of RM and SM. No significant accumulation of free apocytochrome P-450b was found in either membrane fraction. These data indicate a close coordination of the biosynthesis and assembly of apocytochrome P-450b and its prosthetic heme but do not support the hypothesis of a major functional role of MITO X RER complexes in the synthesis of microsomal cytochrome P-450b.  相似文献   

The distribution of mannosyl-, glucosaminyl- and glucosyltransferases in rough and smooth microsomes isolated from rat liver homogenate has been investigated. Amphomycin and tunicamycin were used as inhibitors of dolichol-mediated glycosylation, and diazobenzene sulfonate and proteolytic enzymes were used as nonpenetrating surface probes. Under in vitro conditions only 20-30% of the proteins glycosylated are of the secretory type. Nonpenetrating surface probes, which interact with components on the outer surface of rough microsomal vesicles, decrease glycosylation of both secretory and membrane proteins to a great extent. Inhibitor sensitive glycosylation is present in both the outer and inner compartments of the microsomal membranes. In contrast, the surface probes and the inhibitors of dolichol-mediated glycosylation do not significantly affect protein glycosylation in smooth microsomes. When dolichol phosphate sugars were used as substrates, instead of nucleotide sugars, the probes used inhibited protein glycosylation in both subfractions. Glycosylation of externally added Lipidex-bound dolichol monophosphate and of ovalbumin were in agreement with the above results. It appears that both rough and smooth microsomes may possess several types of glycosylating pathways. The most prominent of these in rough microsomes under the conditions used is the dolichol mono- and pyrophosphate-mediated glycosylation of endogenous proteins, where the enzymes involved in the initial steps are distributed at the outer surfaces of the microsomal vesicles. The dominating pathway in smooth microsomes appears to function in completion of the oligosaccharide chain of the protein and this process does not involve lipid intermediates and cannot be influenced by nonpenetrating surface probes.  相似文献   

1. The structural-protein component of microsomal membranes was isolated by three separate methods. Analysis by polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis indicated that the microsomal structural component is made up of a heterogeneous group of proteins. These proteins were further characterized by their phospholipid-binding capacity. The electrophoretic patterns of microsomal structural proteins were found to differ significantly from those of mitochondrial structural proteins. 2. The reticulosomal fraction was also characterized by electrophoresis with reference to total microsomal proteins, microsomal structural proteins and ribosomal proteins. The reticulosomes gave an electrophoretic pattern significantly different from those of the other three preparations examined. It is suggested that reticulosomes consist largely of enzymic proteins of the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

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