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Two experiments examined the effects of inserting a break in a cyclic interval schedule on the temporal control of keypecking responses in pigeons. In Experiment 1, pigeons were exposed to intervals that changed from 45 to 15s and returned to 45 s. A break was inserted between the last 15-s and following 45-s interval and was in effect for either 0, 60, or 120 s. Either a blackout of lights in the test chamber or turning off the response key alone signaled breaks. In Experiment 2, we examined the effects of a wider range of breaks-0, 120, and 360 s. Post-reinforcement pause (PRP) tracked changes in the interval requirement across all conditions. However, breaks in the schedule, even one lasting 360 s, did not disrupt the overall time course of responding. The only effect that a break had on temporal performance was an elevation in the rate of responding and a shorter PRP in the interval following a break. The results suggest that breaks did not affect the birds' memory for short intervals, and that the momentary increase in responding may be related to the reinforcement omission effect.  相似文献   

Understanding the spatial structuring of animal behaviors and how they link landscapes can be critical for conservation management. This emerging field has been greatly facilitated by technologically advanced acquisition and analysis of data on animal movements. The framework of graph theory, which directly quantifies network connectivity properties, provides a useful addition to this tool set. Using a novel application of graph theory, we investigate the structure and patterning of African elephant Loxodonta africana rest sites, a potentially critical feature structuring spatial properties of animal populations. Elephants in the study rested intermittently and for short durations (1–3 rests d–1, lasting 3–5 h total). They switched circadian rest patterns according to landscape attributes, resting more during the day and further from permanent water in areas with high human density outside protected areas. Within protected areas and during the dry season, elephants showed clustering and sequential use of rest nodes (repeated motifs). Repeated use of specific rest nodes (self‐looping) was more frequent than expected if rest nodes were chosen at random, particularly when outside protected areas further from water, indicating the importance of preferred rest sites. Our results suggest that elephants adjust resting behavior when in human‐dominated areas, using preferred resting sites presumably in locations that reduce the risk of interactions. This study demonstrates how graph theory may be used practically to gain novel insight into behaviours, such as resting, that are discrete in time and space. Furthermore, analysis of the spatial and network properties of rest sites, given an individual's susceptibility when engaged in rest behavior, allowed characterization of spatio‐temporal risk perception, providing a powerful behavioral based means to quantify the landscape of fear.  相似文献   

A computational head-neck model was developed to test the hypothesis that increases in friction between the head and impact surface will increase head and neck injury risk during near-axial impact. The model consisted of rigid vertebrae interconnected by assemblies of nonlinear springs and dashpots, and a finite element shell model of the skull. For frictionless impact surfaces, the model reproduced the kinematics and kinetics observed in near-axial impacts to cadaveric head-neck specimens. Increases in the coefficient of friction between the head and impact surface over a range from 0.0 to 1.0 resulted in increases of up to 40, 113, 9.8, and 43% in peak post-buckled resultant neck forces, peak moment at the occiput-C1 joint, peak resultant head accelerations, and HIC values, respectively. The most dramatic increases in injury-predicting quantities occurred for COF increases from 0.0 to 0.2, while further COF increases above 0.5 generally produced only nominal changes. These data suggest that safety equipment and impact environments which minimize the friction between the head and impact surface may reduce the risk of head and neck injury in near-vertex head impact.  相似文献   

DNA single-strand breaks (SSB) are one of the most frequent DNA lesions produced by reactive oxygen species and during DNA metabolism, but the analysis of cellular responses to SSB remains difficult due to the lack of an experimental method to produce SSB alone in cells. By using human cells expressing a foreign UV damage endonuclease (UVDE) and irradiating the cells with UV through tiny pores in membrane filters, we created SSB in restricted areas in the nucleus by the immediate action of UVDE on UV-induced DNA lesions. Cellular responses to the SSB were characterized by using antibodies and fluorescence microscopy. Upon UV irradiation, poly(ADP-ribose) synthesis occurred immediately in the irradiated area. Simultaneously, but dependent on poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation, XRCC1 was translocated from throughout the nucleus, including nucleoli, to the SSB. The BRCT1 domain of XRCC1 protein was indispensable for its poly(ADP-ribose)-dependent recruitment to the SSB. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen and the p150 subunit of chromatin assembly factor 1 also accumulated at the SSB in a detergent-resistant form, which was significantly reduced by inhibition of poly(ADP-ribose) synthesis. Our results show the importance of poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation in sequential cellular responses to SSB.  相似文献   

Although the belief that overuse can harm pitchers is widespread, there exists little evidence to show that the number of pitches thrown and the days of rest affect future performance and injury among adults. The purpose of this study is to quantify the effects of pitches thrown and the days of rest on pitcher performance. We examined performances of major-league baseball starting pitchers from 1988 to 2009 using fractional polynomial multiple regression to estimate the immediate and cumulative impact of pitches thrown and the days of rest on performance, while controlling for other factors that likely affect pitcher effectiveness. Estimates indicate each pitch thrown in the preceding game increased earned run average (ERA) by 0.007 in the following game. Each pitch averaged in the preceding 5 and 10 games increased the ERA by 0.014 and 0.022, respectively. Older pitchers were more sensitive to cumulative pitching loads than younger pitchers were, but they were less affected by pitches thrown in the preceding game. Rest days were weakly associated with performance. In summary, we found that there is a negative relationship between past pitches thrown and future performance that is virtually linear. The impact of the cumulative pitching load is larger than the impact of a single game. Rest days do not appear to have a large impact on performance. This study supports the popular notion that high pitching loads can dampen future performance; however, because the effect is small, pitch-count benchmarks have limited use for maintaining performance and possibly preventing injury.  相似文献   

The present study provides first comprehensive and up-to-date results on alien plant taxa in Iceland since 1967. We evidenced the presence of 336 alien vascular plant taxa, including 277 casuals and 59 naturalised taxa, two being invasive. The distribution of the alien flora exhibits a clear spatial pattern showing hotspots of occurrence and diversity within areas of major settlement centres. Altitude above sea level and temperature-related variables proved to be the most important factors shaping alien plant distribution in Iceland. Predictive modelling evidenced that arctic areas of Iceland and the Central Highlands are under serious risk of alien plant invasion due to climate change. The results provide crucial information for alien and invasive plant management and contribute data for meta-analyses of invasion processes worldwide.  相似文献   

Pollination is a well-studied and at the same time a threatened ecosystem service. A significant part of global crop production depends on or profits from pollination by animals. Using detailed information on global crop yields of 60 pollination dependent or profiting crops, we provide a map of global pollination benefits on a 5' by 5' latitude-longitude grid. The current spatial pattern of pollination benefits is only partly correlated with climate variables and the distribution of cropland. The resulting map of pollination benefits identifies hot spots of pollination benefits at sufficient detail to guide political decisions on where to protect pollination services by investing in structural diversity of land use. Additionally, we investigated the vulnerability of the national economies with respect to potential decline of pollination services as the portion of the (agricultural) economy depending on pollination benefits. While the general dependency of the agricultural economy on pollination seems to be stable from 1993 until 2009, we see increases in producer prices for pollination dependent crops, which we interpret as an early warning signal for a conflict between pollination service and other land uses at the global scale. Our spatially explicit analysis of global pollination benefit points to hot spots for the generation of pollination benefits and can serve as a base for further planning of land use, protection sites and agricultural policies for maintaining pollination services.  相似文献   

A null model of temporal trends in biological invasion records   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Biological invasions are a growing aspect of global biodiversity change. In many regions, introduced species richness increases supralinearly over time. This does not, however, necessarily indicate increasing introduction rates or invasion success. We develop a simple null model to identify the expected trend in invasion records over time. For constant introduction rates and success, the expected trend is exponentially increasing. Model extensions with varying introduction rate and success can also generate exponential distributions. We then analyse temporal trends in aquatic, marine and terrestrial invasion records. Most data sets support an exponential distribution (15/16) and the null invasion model (12/16). Thus, our model shows that no change in introduction rate or success need be invoked to explain the majority of observed trends. Further, an exponential trend does not necessarily indicate increasing invasion success or 'invasional meltdown', and a saturating trend does not necessarily indicate decreasing success or biotic resistance.  相似文献   

Inherited genetic variation contributes to individual risk for many complex diseases and is increasingly being used for predictive patient stratification. Previous work has shown that genetic factors are not equally relevant to human traits across age and other contexts, though the reasons for such variation are not clear. Here, we introduce methods to infer the form of the longitudinal relationship between genetic relative risk for disease and age and to test whether all genetic risk factors behave similarly. We use a proportional hazards model within an interval-based censoring methodology to estimate age-varying individual variant contributions to genetic relative risk for 24 common diseases within the British ancestry subset of UK Biobank, applying a Bayesian clustering approach to group variants by their relative risk profile over age and permutation tests for age dependency and multiplicity of profiles. We find evidence for age-varying relative risk profiles in nine diseases, including hypertension, skin cancer, atherosclerotic heart disease, hypothyroidism and calculus of gallbladder, several of which show evidence, albeit weak, for multiple distinct profiles of genetic relative risk. The predominant pattern shows genetic risk factors having the greatest relative impact on risk of early disease, with a monotonic decrease over time, at least for the majority of variants, although the magnitude and form of the decrease varies among diseases. As a consequence, for diseases where genetic relative risk decreases over age, genetic risk factors have stronger explanatory power among younger populations, compared to older ones. We show that these patterns cannot be explained by a simple model involving the presence of unobserved covariates such as environmental factors. We discuss possible models that can explain our observations and the implications for genetic risk prediction.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to compare the responses of a non-transgenic tobacco plant (WT) and plants with genetically prolonged life-span (SAG) to risk elements of As, Cd and Zn. Plants were grown in control soil and in soil with higher levels of risk elements. The pigment contents were established by HPLC and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters were measured from slow kinetics after a 15 min dark period with the PAM fluorometer. Top (i.e. young) leaves of both WT and SAG plants were more sensitive to photoinhibition caused by these risk elements but plants showed acclimation to such elements in the bottom leaves. Plants differed in the participation of individual pigments of xanthophyll cycle: increased levels of risk elements seem to stimulate especially first (violaxanthin to antheraxanthin) and second (anhtheraxanthin to zeaxanthin) steps of the cycle in WT plants. In SAG plants, toxic elements caused an increase in the content, particularly of the initial compound of the cycle — violaxanthin.  相似文献   

The induction of single- and double-strand breaks in DNA by gamma-rays has been measured. The maximum number of nucleotide pairs (a) between two independently induced single-strand breaks in opposite strands of the DNA which cannot prevent the occurrence of a double-strand break was found to amount to about 16. This value did not differ significantly for the four types of bacteriophage DNA investigated (T4, T7 and PM2 DNA, and replicative form DNA of phage phiX174) and was the same in 10(-2) M phosphate buffer containing 0, 0.5 or 1 M NaCl. In 10(-3) M phosphate buffer a was 34 nucleotide pairs. Evidence is presented that the relatively large value of a has to be ascribed at least partly to a temporal local denaturation accompanying the induction of a single-strand scission. A contribution of base damage that labilizes the DNA-helix, between two single-strand breaks to the high value of a can not be excluded.  相似文献   

To facilitate the assessment of hip injury risk in frontal motor-vehicle crashes, an injury risk curve that relates peak force transmitted to the hip to the probability of hip fracture was developed by using survival analysis to fit a lognormal distribution to a recently published dataset of hip fracture forces. This distribution was parameterized to account for the effect of subject stature, which was the only subject characteristic found to significantly affect hip fracture force (X2(1)=6.03, p=0.014). The distribution was further parameterized to account for the effects of hip flexion and abduction from a standard driving posture on hip fracture force using relationships between mean hip fracture force and hip flexion/abduction reported in the literature. The resulting parametric distribution was used to define relationships between force applied to the hip and the risk of hip fracture for the statures associated with the small female, midsize male, and large male crash-test dummies, thus allowing these dummies to assess hip fracture/dislocation risk in frontal crashes, provided that such dummies are sufficiently biofidelic. For the midsize male crash test dummy, a 50% risk of hip fracture was associated with a force of 6.00 kN. For the small female and large male dummies, a 50% risk of hip fracture was associated with forces of 4.46 and 6.73 kN, respectively.  相似文献   

Human harvests can select against phenotypes favoured by natural selection, and natural resource managers should evaluate possible artificial selection on wild populations. Because the required genetic data are extremely difficult to gather, however, managers typically rely on harvested animals to document temporal trends. It is usually unknown whether these data are unbiased. We explore our ability to detect a decline in horn size of bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) by comparing harvested males with all males in a population where evolutionary changes owing to trophy hunting were previously reported. Hunting records underestimated the temporal decline, partly because of an increasing proportion of rams that could not be harvested because their horns were smaller than the threshold set by hunting regulations. If harvests are selective, temporal trends measured from harvest records will underestimate the magnitude of changes in wild populations.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of aging on the elastic properties of lung tissue and the chest wall, simultaneously quantifying the contribution of each component to static inspiratory muscle work in resting and exercising adults. We further evaluated the interaction of aging and habitual physical activity on respiratory mechanics. Static lung volumes and elastic properties of the lung and chest wall (pressure-volume relaxation maneuvers) in 29 chronically sedentary and 29 habitually active subjects, grouped by age, were investigated: young (Y, 20-30 years), middle-aged (M, 40-50 years), and older (O, >60 years). Using static pressure-volume data, we computed the elastic work of breathing (joules per liter, J.l(-1)), including inspiratory muscle work, over resting and exercising tidal volume excursions. Elastic work of the lung (Y = 0.79 +/- 0.05; M = 0.47 +/- 0.05; O = 0.43 +/- 0.05 J.l(-1)) and chest wall (Y = -0.49 +/- 0.06; M = -0.12 +/- 0.07; O = 0.04 +/- 0.05 J.l(-1) ) changed significantly with age (P < 0.05). With aging, a parallel displacement of the chest wall pressure-volume curve resulted in a shift from energy being stored primarily during expiration to energy storage during inspiration, and driving expiration, both at rest and during exercise. Although deviating significantly from young adults, this did not significantly elevate static inspiratory muscle work but resulted in a redistribution of the tissues on which this work was performed and the phase of the respiratory cycle in which it occurred. Nevertheless, static inspiratory muscle work remained similar across age groups, at rest and during exercise, and habitual physical activity failed to influence these changes.  相似文献   

A survey in 1986 of 450 elderly people in 51 private rest homes and 206 residents of seven local authority (part III) homes in the Southampton area showed no significant difference in overall dependency between the two populations. Although age and sex distributions of the residents of part III homes had remained the same between 1982 and 1986, the average level of dependency had fallen significantly. Since the provision of places increased because of expansion in the private sector residential care institutions are generally catering for a more independent population.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal trends of diatom flux in British Columbian fjords   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The monthly flux of diatom taxa at four sites in two fjordsof British Columbia, Canada, was determined over a 3-year periodby particle interceptor traps. Saanich Inlet is a small basinwith little horizontal density gradient while Jervis Inlet experiencesseasonal runoff and strong vertical stratification. The basicpattern of seasonal succession is the same in both fjords, butthe timing and volume of production differ. Production is spreadover a longer part of the year in Saanich Inlet, resulting ina more diverse assemblage, while in Jervis Inlet there is asingle production maximum in May, dominated by Skeletonema costatum.Most taxa occur simultaneously at all sites, but many show apreference for one fjord, or one area within a fjord. Severalspecies of Chaetoceros recur consistently in inner Saanich Inleteach fall, suggesting re-seeding by benthic spores. In contrast,Rhizosolenia setigera is more common in the outer reaches ofboth fjords, and is probably introduced from outside. In SaanichInlet interannual variability is relatively low, except forthe fall season, which may differ from year to year in bothvolume and taxonomic composition. Jervis Inlet is both spatiallyand temporally more variable: spring production may differ fromyear to year by an order of magnitude. In this fjord the degreeof stratification, controlled by freshwater influx, appearsto determine the timing and composition of the phytoplanktonassemblage. Large volumes of runoff may suppress the springbloom, and prolonged stratification through the summer producesan unusual assemblage which may be light limited. El Niñoof 1986–1987 had an opposite effect in the two fjords.In Saanich Inlet the unusual degree of sunshine during fallresulted in the largest bloom of the entire interval. Unusuallywarm air temperatures prevented the build-up of winter snowaround Jervis Inlet. As a result, the normal late-spring stabilizationof the water column from snowmelt did not occur, and the springbloom was eliminated.  相似文献   

Little is known about the impact of the total cavopulmonary connection (TCPC) on resting and exercise hemodynamics in a single ventricle (SV) circulation. The aim of this study was to elucidate this mechanism using a lumped parameter model of the SV circulation. Pulmonary vascular resistance (1.96+/-0.80 WU) and systemic vascular resistances (18.4+/-7.2 WU) were obtained from catheterization data on 40 patients with a TCPC. TCPC resistances (0.39+/-0.26 WU) were established using computational fluid dynamic simulations conducted on anatomically accurate three-dimensional models reconstructed from MRI (n=16). These parameters were used in a lumped parameter model of the SV circulation to investigate the impact of TCPC resistance on SV hemodynamics under resting and exercise conditions. A biventricular model was used for comparison. For a biventricular circulation, the cardiac output (CO) dependence on TCPC resistance was negligible (sensitivity=-0.064 l.min(-1).WU(-1)) but not for the SV circulation (sensitivity=-0.88 l.min(-1).WU(-1)). The capacity to increase CO with heart rate was also severely reduced for the SV. At a simulated heart rate of 150 beats/min, the SV patient with the highest resistance (1.08 WU) had a significantly lower increase in CO (20.5%) compared with the SV patient with the lowest resistance (50%) and normal circulation (119%). This was due to the increased afterload (+35%) and decreased preload (-12%) associated with the SV circulation. In conclusion, TCPC resistance has a significant impact on resting hemodynamics and the exercise capacity of patients with a SV physiology.  相似文献   

Distributions of species often exhibit nested structure, such that assemblages at species-poor sites are proper subsets of taxa at more species-rich sites. Traditionally, this has been viewed as a large-scale biogeographic pattern and treated implicitly as static from a temporal perspective. Nonetheless, recent work suggests that nestedness may arise at multiple spatio-temporal scales. A 13-year data set encompassing the effects of two large-scale natural disturbances (hurricanes Hugo and Georges) on terrestrial gastropod assemblages was used to test the hypothesis that changes in species composition resulting from disturbance alter the degree of nestedness exhibited over time at two spatial scales. Gastropod assemblages were least nested immediately following disturbance, and nestedness increased thereafter. Although land-use history influenced the degree of nestedness, trajectories of nestedness following disturbance were similar irrespective of disturbance history or hurricane identity. The effects of hurricanes with respect to nestedness of terrestrial gastropods may be general and predictable, even though species respond to hurricanes in disparate fashions. By damaging some localities within the forest more severely than others, a hurricane dismantles extant patterns of species composition and severs connections among sites, as inhospitable microclimatic conditions limit dispersal of gastropods. As time passes and the forest canopy regenerates, conditions ameliorate, and movement among sites becomes more frequent. Thus, a conclusion based on a single time period may not characterize the study system in general. Consequently, explanations for nested structure that incorporate variability in ecological as well as evolutionary time will improve the applicability and comparability of nested subsets analysis across study systems.  相似文献   

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