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The larvicidal activity of essential oils of four species of Piper from the Amazon Forest was tested using third-instar larvae of Aedes aegypti. The oils were extracted by steam distillation and analyzed by GC and GC–MS. The main components isolated from each Piper species were as follows: viridiflorol (27.50%), aromadendrene (15.55%) and β-selinene (10.50%) from Piper gaudichaudianum; β-selinene (15.77%) and caryophyllene oxide (16.63%) from Piper humaytanum; dillapiol (54.70%) and myristicin (25.61%) from Piper permucronatum; and asaricin (27.37%) and myristicin (20.26%) from Piper hostmanianum. Amongst all essential oils tested, the most active against larvae of A. aegypti was the oil extracted from P. permucronatum, with a LC50 = 36 μg/ml (LC90 = 47 μg/ml), followed by the essential oil of P. hostmanianum, with a LC50 = 54 μg/ml (LC90 = 72 μg/ml). The oils with higher content of arylpropanoids were more active against larvae of A. aegypti.  相似文献   

Structure? activity relationships of nine thiophenes, 2,2′: 5′,2″‐terthiophene ( 1 ), 2‐chloro‐4‐[5‐(penta‐1,3‐diyn‐1‐yl)thiophen‐2‐yl]but‐3‐yn‐1‐yl acetate ( 2 ), 4‐(2,2′‐bithiophen‐5‐yl)but‐3‐yne‐1,2‐diyl diacetate ( 3 ), 4‐[5‐(penta‐1,3‐diyn‐1‐yl)thiophen‐2‐yl]but‐3‐yne‐1,2‐diyl diacetate ( 4 ), 4‐(2,2′‐bithiophen‐5‐yl)‐2‐hydroxybut‐3‐yn‐1‐yl acetate ( 5 ), 2‐hydroxy‐4‐[5‐(penta‐1,3‐diyn‐1‐yl)thiophen‐2‐yl]but‐3‐yn‐1‐yl acetate ( 6 ), 1‐hydroxy‐4‐[5‐(penta‐1,3‐diyn‐1‐yl)thiophen‐2‐yl]but‐3‐yn‐2‐yl acetate ( 7 ), 4‐(2,2′‐bithiophen‐5‐yl)but‐3‐yne‐1,2‐diol ( 8 ), and 4‐[5‐(penta‐1,3‐diyn‐1‐yl)thiophen‐2‐yl]but‐3‐yne‐1,2‐diol ( 9 ), isolated from the roots of Echinops transiliensis, were studied as larvicides against Aedes aegypti. Structural differences among compounds 3, 5 , and 8 consisted in differing AcO and OH groups attached to C(3″) and C(4″), and resulted in variations in efficacy. Terthiophene 1 showed the highest activity (LC50, 0.16 μg/ml) among compounds 1 – 9 , followed by bithiophene compounds 3 (LC50, 4.22 μg/ml), 5 (LC50, 7.45 μg/ml), and 8 (LC50, 9.89 μg/ml), and monothiophene compounds 9 (LC50, 12.45 μg/ml), 2 (LC50, 14.71 μg/ml), 4 (LC50, 17.95 μg/ml), 6 (LC50, 18.55 μg/ml), and 7 (LC50, 19.97 μg/ml). These data indicated that A. aegypti larvicidal activities of thiophenes increase with increasing number of thiophene rings, and the most important active site in the structure of thiophenes could be the tetrahydro‐thiophene moiety. In bithiophenes, 3, 5 , and 8 , A. aegypti larvicidal activity increased with increasing number of AcO groups attached to C(3″) or C(4″), indicating that AcO groups may play an important role in the larvicidal activity.  相似文献   

Aedes aegypti L. (Diptera: Culicidae) is a vector for serious diseases in tropical regions. This pest is mainly controlled by commercial larvicides but the application of such products has led to environmental problems. Essential oils (EO) have been consistently reported as molecules with insecticidal activity and can be used to produce more environmentally friendly larvicides in the control of A. aegypti. In this study, the larvicidal effect of essential oils (EO) from the leaves of three Artemisia species was evaluated against Aaegypti. The oils were obtained from steam distillation and their chemical composition was determined by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The EO of Artemisia camphorata was the most active in the screening bioassay and presented LC50 and LC95 of 64.95 and 74.18 μg ml−1, respectively. In addition, we found that germacrene D-4-ol was the constituent responsible for the toxicity of this EO. Artemisia camphorata EO and its major constituent, germacrene D-4-ol, are promising for the development of natural larvicides against A. aegypti.  相似文献   

Aedes aegypti L. is the major vector of dengue fever, an endemic disease in Brazil. In an effort to find effective and affordable ways to control this mosquito, the larvicidal activities of essential oils from nine plants widely found in the Northeast of Brazil were analyzed by measurement of their LC50. The essential oils were extracted by steam distillation and their chemical composition determined by GL-chromatography coupled to mass spectroscopy. The essential oils from Cymbopogon citratus and Lippia sidoides, reported in the literature to have larvicidal properties against A. aegypti, were used for activity comparison. The results show that Ocimum americanum and Ocimum gratissimum have LC50 of 67 ppm and 60 ppm respectively, compared to 63 ppm for L. sidoides and 69 ppm for C. citratus. These results suggest a potential utilization of the essential oil of these two Ocimum species for the control of A. aegypti.  相似文献   

Zingiber cassumunar is an important plant used in traditional medicine and as a natural mosquito repellent. However, the compounds responsible for the repellent activity of the plant are still unknown. The aim of the study is to identify the components of Z. cassumunar essential oil that show repellent activity against Aedes albopictus. We also evaluated the larvicidal and adulticidal activities of Z. cassumunar essential oil against Ae. albopictus. In-cage mosquito repellent experiments showed that Z. cassumunar essential oil possessed moderate repellent activity with a minimum effective dose (MED) of 0.16 ± 0.01 mg/cm2, compared to reference standard N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide (DEET, 0.03 ± 0.01 mg/cm2). Bioassay-guided fractionation identified the major active compound of Z. cassumunar essential oil as (−)-terpinen-4-ol (1) (MED: 0.19 ± 0 mg/cm2). We also found that Z. cassumunar essential oil showed moderate larvicidal activity against first instar larvae of Ae. albopictus with a LC50 (50% lethal concentration) of 44.9 μg/L after 24 h. Fumigation bioassays showed that Z. cassumunar essential oil exhibits moderate adulticidal activity against Ae. albopictus with a LC50 of 5.44%, while (−)-terpinen-4-ol showed significant adulticidal activity with a LC50 of 2.10% after 24 h. This study verifies that the Z. cassumunar essential oil has mosquito repellent activity, and that (−)-terpinen-4-ol is mainly responsible for this activity. Furthermore, this study provides scientific support for the folk usage of Z. cassumunar essential oil as mosquito repellent and indicates that Z. cassumunar essential oil and (−)-terpinen-4-ol can be used as plant-derived repellents and insecticides for mosquito control.  相似文献   

Insecticide resistance and growing public concern over the safety and environmental impacts of some conventional insecticides have resulted in the need to discover alternative control tools. Naturally occurring botanically‐based compounds are of increased interest to aid in the management of mosquitoes. Susceptible strains of Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) (Diptera: Culicidae) and Anopheles gambiae (Meigen) (Diptera: Culicidae) were treated with permethrin, a common type‐I synthetic pyrethroid, using a discriminate dose that resulted in less than 50% mortality. Piperonyl butoxide (PBO) and 35 essential oils were co‐delivered with permethrin at two doses (2 and 10 µg) to determine if they could enhance the 1‐h knockdown and the 24‐h mortality of permethrin. Several of the tested essential oils enhanced the efficacy of permethrin equally and more effectively than piperonyl butoxide PBO, which is the commercial standard to synergize chemical insecticide like pyrethroids. PBO had a strikingly negative effect on the 1‐h knockdown of permethrin against Ae. aegypti, which was not observed in An. gambiae. Botanical essential oils have the capability of increasing the efficacy of permethrin allowing for a natural alternative to classic chemical synergists, like PBO.  相似文献   

An investigation of the behavioral responses of Aedes aegypti (= Stegomyia aegypti) to various concentrations of essential oils (2.5, 5, and 10%) extracted from hairy basil (Ocimum americanum Linn), ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe), lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus Stapf), citronella grass (Cymbopogon nardus Rendle), and plai (Zingiber cassumunar Roxb) were performed using an excito‐repellency test chamber. Results showed that Ae. aegypti exhibited varying levels of escape response in both the contact and noncontact chambers in response to different essential oils. The magnitude of the behaviors changed in a dose‐response fashion depending on the percent volume to volume concentration of oil used. A 2.5% concentration of hairy basil oil produced a significantly greater escape response compared to the other extracts at the same concentration (P< 0.05). Oils of ginger, lemongrass, and citronella produced stronger irritant and repellent responses at the median 5% concentration compared to the lowest and highest concentrations. There was marked suppression of escape for both contact and noncontact tests using 10% concentrations of hairy basil, lemongrass, and citronella, with high knockdown for all three oils after 30 min. Hairy basil and lemongrass had the highest insecticidal activity to Ae. aegypti, with LC50 values of 6.3 and 6.7 percent, respectively. We conclude that the essential oils from native plants tested, and likely many other extracts found in plants, have inherent repellent and irritant qualities that should to be screened and optimized for their behavior‐modifying properties against Ae. aegypti and other biting arthropods of public health and pest importance.  相似文献   

This study was designed to compare the behavioral responses of Aedes aegypti to a single essential oil and to a mixture of two or three essential oils using an excito‐repellency test chamber. Mixtures were prepared from essential oils extracted from Litsea cubeba (LC), Litsea salicifolia (LS), and Melaleuca leucadendron (ML). In general, the mixture of essential oils produced a much stronger escape response by Ae. aegypti, regardless of the test conditions. No significant difference in escape responses was seen when the mixture of oils was compared with a standard commercial product containing DEET. Greater contact irritancy was seen from mixed oils of LC and LS than with other mixed oils. Mixtures of LC and LS at 0.075% showed the highest synergistic action (65.5% escaped) compared to that with unmixed oil alone at the same concentration (LC/20% and LS=32.2%). In addition, mixtures of LC and LS at 0.075% demonstrated the highest non‐contact repellency (62.7%) and showed a greater effect than the use of LC (20%) or LS (20.3%) alone. We conclude that mixtures of two essential oils show potential as active ingredients for mosquito repellents.  相似文献   

A preliminary study was conducted to investigate the effects of the extracts of 112 medicinal plant species, collected from the southern part of Thailand, on Aedes aegypti. Studies on larvicidal properties of plant extracts against the fourth instar larvae revealed that extracts of 14 species showed evidence of larvicidal activity. Eight out of the 14 plant species showed 100% mosquito larvae mortality. The LC50 values were less than 100μg/mL (4.1μg/ mL-89.4μg/mL). Six plant species were comparatively more effective against the fourth instar larvae at very low concentrations. These extracts demonstrated no or very low toxicity to guppy fish (Poecilia reticulata), which was selected to represent most common non-target organism found in habitats ofAe. aegypti, at concentrations active to mosquito larvae. Three medicinal plants with promising larvicidal activity, having LC50 and LC50 values being 4.1 and 16.4 μg/mL for Mammea siamensis, 20.2 and 34.7 μg/mL forAnethum graveolens and 67.4 and 110.3μg/mL forAnnona muricata, respectively, were used to study the impact of the extracts on the life cycle ofAe. aegypti. These plants affected pupal and adult mortality and also affected the reproductive potential of surviving adults by reducing the number of eggs laid and the percentage of egg hatchability. When each larval stage was treated with successive extracts at the LC50 value, the first instar larvae were found to be very susceptible to A. muricata and the second instar larvae were found to be susceptible to A. graveolens, while the third and fourth instar larvae were found to be susceptible to M. siamensis. These extracts delayed larval development and inhibited adult emergence and had no adverse effects on P. reticulata at LC50 and LC50 values, except for the M. siamensis extract at its LC50 value.  相似文献   

The efficacy of three formulations (i.e., natural lavender crude, essential oil, and gel) extracted from Lavender angustifolia was tested against vectors of the epidemic dengue virus, Aedesaegypti, to evaluate their larvicidal activity effect. The ethanolic extract of the lavender crude was prepared using a rotary evaporator, while the other extracts, such as essential oil and gel, were obtained from iHerb, a supplier of medicinal herbs in the US. The mortality rate of larvae was evaluated 24 h after exposure. Larvicidal activity of the lavender crude was 91% mortality at 150 ppm, 94% for essential oil at a concentration of 3000 ppm, and 97% for lavender gel at a 1000 ppm. Natural lavender crude was one of the most promising extracts tested against Ae.aegypti larvae, with lethal concentrations at LC50 and LC90 of 76.4 and 174.5 ppm post-treatment. The essential oil had the least effect on mosquito larvae, with LC50 and LC90 reaching 1814.8 and 3381.9 ppm, respectively. The lavender gel was moderately effective against Ae. aegypti larvae, with LC50 and LC90 values reaching 416.3 and 987.7 ppm after exposure. The occurrence of morphological abnormalities in the larvae treated with the three compounds, in turn, resulted in an incomplete life cycle. Therefore, our results indicated that natural lavender crude displayed the highest larvicidal activity against larvae, followed by gel and essential oil. Thus, this study concluded that lavender crude is an effective, eco-friendly compound that can be used as an alternative to chemical products to control vector-borne epidemic diseases.  相似文献   

Essential oils extracted from dried leaves of three spontaneous plants naturally growing in Burkina Faso, i.e. Cymbopogon proximus, Lippia multiflora and Ocimum canum, exhibited larvicidal activity by the WHO standard protocol against 3rd and 4th instar F1-larvae of field-collected mosquitoes vectors of human disease, namely Aedes aegypti and members of the Anopheles gambiae complex, An. arabiensis and An. gambiae. The median lethal concentration (LC50) for Ae. aegypti and An. gambiae s.l. larvae ranged between 53.5-258.5 ppm and 61.9-301.6 ppm, respectively. The LC90 estimates ranged 74.8-334.8 ppm for Ae. aegypti, and 121.6-582.9 ppm for An. gambiae s.l. Ovicidal activity against eggs of An. gambiae s.l. was also demonstrated. The LC50 values for An. gambiae s.l. eggs ranged between 17.1-188.7 ppm, while LC90 values ranged between 33.5-488 ppm. Lippia multiflora showed the highest activity against An. gambiae s.l. eggs and Ae. aegypti larvae, whereas no difference was found among C. proximus and L. multiflora in their activity against An. gambiae s.l. larvae. Of the three plants, essential oils from O. canum had the lowest activity against both eggs and larvae. Eggs were more susceptible than larvae. Ae. aegypti larvae were more susceptible than larvae of An. gambiae s.l.  相似文献   

Essential oils obtained from the flowers of Dendropanax morbifera were extracted and the chemical composition and larvicidal effects were studied. The analyses were conducted by gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy (GC–MS) revealed that the essential oil of D. morbifera contained 27 compounds. The major chemical components identified were γ-elemene (18.59%), tetramethyltricyclohydrocarbon (10.82%), β-selinene (10.41%), α-zingibirene (10.52%), 2-isopropyl-5-methylbicylodecen (4.2%), β-cubebene (4.19), and 2,6-bis(1,1-Dimethylethyl)-4-phenol (4.01%). The essential oil had a significant toxic effect against early fourth-stage larvae of Aedes aegypti L. with an LC50 value of 62.32 ppm and an LC90 value of 131.21 ppm. The results could be useful in search for newer, safer, and more effective natural larvicidal agents against A. aegypti.  相似文献   

Plants are a prospective source of novel natural insect repellents and botanical insecticides. This study was conducted to investigate the chemical composition of the essential oils of three plants growing in Saudi Arabia, namely Ducrosia anethifolia, Achillea fragrantissima, and Teucrium polium; and to evaluate their potential mosquitocidal and repellent activities against adult female Culex pipiens L. The main components of the three oils were found to be decanal (28.9%) and chrysanthenyl acetate (10.04%), (D. anethifolia); sabinyl acetate (35.79) and artemesia ketone (18.28%) (A. fragrantissima); α‐cadinol (49.53%) and δ‐cadinene (10.23%) (T. polium). The oil of A. fragrantissima was the most toxic (LC50 = 0.11 μL/L air) followed by D. anethifolia and T. polium with LC50 values of 5.22 and 25.98 μL/L air, respectively. T. polium oil was the most repellent (292 min at 2 μL/cm2), followed by D. anethifolia and A. fragrantissima. The results indicate that the essential oils have a potential fumigant insecticidal and repellent activities for mosquito control.  相似文献   

Aedes aegypti is a mosquito vector of arboviruses such as dengue, chikungunya, zika and yellow fever that cause important public health diseases. The incidence and gravity of these diseases justifies the search for effective measures to reduce the presence of this vector in the environment. Bioinsecticides are an effective alternative method for insect control, with added ecological benefits such as biodegradability. The current study demonstrates that a chitinolytic enzyme complex produced by the fungus Trichoderma asperellum can disrupt cuticle formation in the L3 larvae phase of A. aegypti, suggesting such biolarvicidal action could be used for mosquito control. T. asperellum was exposed to chitin from different sources. This induction of cell wall degrading enzymes, including chitinase, N-acetylglucosaminidase and β-1,3-glucanase. Groups of 20 L3 larvae of A. aegypti were exposed to varying concentrations of chitinolytic enzymes induced with commercial chitin (CWDE) and larvae cell wall degrading enzymes (L-CWDE). After 72 h of exposure to the CWDE, 100% of larvae were killed. The same percent mortality was observed after 48 h of exposure to L-CWDE at half the CWDE enzyme mixture concentration. Exoskeleton deterioration was further observed by scanning and electron microscopy. Our findings indicate that L-CWDE produced by T. asperellum reflect chitinolytic enzymes with greater specificity for L3 larval biomolecules. This specificity is characterized by the high percentage of mortality compared with CWDE treatments and also by abrupt changes in patterns of the cellular structures visualized by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. These mixtures of chitinolytic enzymes could be candidates, as adjuvant or synergistic molecules, to replace conventional chemical insecticides currently in use.  相似文献   

The mosquito Aedes aegypti is an increasing problem of public health, being the vector responsible for dengue and Yellow Fever in tropical and subtropical regions. The aim of this work was to determine the potential larvicidal activity of a series of meroterpenoids, compounds 1-7, previously obtained fungal secondary metabolites from Penicillium sp., against the third-instar larvae of A. aegypti. The lethal concentrations (LC(50) and LC(90)) of 1-7 were evaluated 24 h after exposure. Dehydroaustin (4) was the most active meroterpenoid in the series, with an LC(50) value of 2.9 ppm, making it an attractive natural insecticide.  相似文献   

Essential oils are very popular among organic growers because they are ecologically safe, do not have mammalian toxicity, and cannot be resistant to a variety of contaminants. Four essential oils, Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint, and Neem, were tested for larvicide efficacy against the dengue fever vector Aedes aegypti larvae under laboratory conditions using dipping bioassay techniques. Among the essential oils tested, lemon, peppermint, and lavender oils showed high larvicidal activity against larvae of Ae. aegypti. Lemon oil showed the highest effects (LC50 10.676 ppm), while Peppermint, Lavender and Neem oil showed the lowest effects (LC50 21.380, 29.818 and 38.058 ppm, respectively). As a result, the mixture of lemon oil (LC50) with Peppermint oil (LC25) showed the highest co-toxicity factor, whereas the mixture of Lemon oil (LC50) with Diesel oil (LC25) showed the lowest co-toxicity factor. Based on the results of this study, it appears that essential oils may be useful as larvicides against Ae. aegypti larvae. In search of new natural larvicides, these compounds may provide an alternative to Synthetic insecticides as these are environmentally safe insecticides.  相似文献   

The High Throughput Screening System (HITSS) has been applied in insecticide behavioral response studies with various mosquito species. In general, chemical or natural compounds can produce a range of insect responses: contact irritancy, spatial repellency, knock‐down, and toxicity. This study characterized these actions in essential oils derived from citronella, hairy basil, catnip, and vetiver in comparison to DEET and picaridin against Aedes aegypti and Anopheles minimus mosquito populations. Results indicated the two mosquito species exhibited significantly different (P<0.05) contact irritant escape responses between treatment and control for all tested compound concentrations, except with the minimum dose of picaridin (P>0.05) against Ae. aegypti. Spatial repellency responses were elicited in both mosquito species when exposed to all compounds, but the strength of the repellent response was dependent on compound and concentration. Data show that higher test concentrations had greatest toxic effects on both mosquito populations, but vetiver had no toxic effect on Ae. aegypti and picaridin did not elicit toxicity in either Ae. aegypti or An. minimus at any test concentration. Ultimately, this study demonstrates the ability of the HITSS assay to guide selection of effective plant essential oils for repelling, irritating, and killing mosquitoes.  相似文献   

《Microbiological research》2014,169(4):240-254
Since synthetic antimicrobial agents and food additives can cause a number of adverse effects, there is a growing interest from consumers in ingredients from natural sources. Medicinal plants, such as Myrtus communis L. are a source of new compounds which can be used in both the food industry and for medical purposes, primarily as antimicrobial agents. In this review, the characteristics of myrtle essential oils and extracts are summarized, with particular attention to their chemical composition, biological activities and potential applications.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to find the antifungal activities of seven essential oils from some Iranian medicinal plants that have maximum (100%) inhibition effect on the mycelium growth of postharvest phytopathogenic fungi. Among 20 examined species belonging to three families, only 7 species could stop the mycelium growth of phytopathogenic fungi. The selected plants include Trachyspermum ammi, Zataria multiflora Boiss., Satureia hortensis, Caryophillum aromaticus, Menthe piperita, Cuminum cyminum L. and Carum carvi, and fungi include Aspergillus flavus, Botrytis cinerea, Penicillium italicum, Penicillium expansum, Penicillium commune, Rhizopus stolonifer and Rhizopus lyococcus. The results showed that the essential oil of these plants could stop the mycelium growth at 500 ppm, but could not completely inhibit the spore germination, however reduced the spore germination to 80–90%. Among the fungi Rhizopus stolonifer and Rhizopus lyococcus are more resistant to the inhibition effects of essential oils. Among the plants, Cuminum cyminum L. and Carum carvi were slightly weaker than other plants. Also except for Cuminum cyminum L. and Carum carvi, the essential oils of other plants had fungicide effect while these two plants in most cases had fugistatic effect. The results showed that these essential oils can be used as an effective alternative control method.  相似文献   

Widespread use of chemical insecticides has resulted in development of insect resistance and natural products with biological activities could become an attractive alternative to control insect pests. In order to find more effective insecticides for controlling mosquito, various mosquitocidal compounds are studied. Recently, juvenile hormone antagonists (JHANs) have been found to be to safe and effective insecticides for control of mosquito. In order to identify novel insecticidal compounds with JHAN activity, several chalcones were surveyed on their JHAN activities and larvicidal activities against Aedes albopictus larvae. Among them, 2′‐hydroxychalcone and cardamonin showed high levels of JHAN and mosquito larvicidal activities. These results suggested that chalcones with JHAN activity could be useful for control of mosquito larvae.  相似文献   

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