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Xie F  Qureshi SH  Papadakos GA  Dupureur CM 《Biochemistry》2008,47(47):12540-12550
Ester hydrolysis is one of the most ubiquitous reactions in biochemistry. Many of these reactions rely on metal ions for various mechanistic steps. A large number of metal-dependent nucleases have been crystallized with two metal ions in their active sites. In spite of an ongoing discussion about the roles of these metal ions in nucleic acid hydrolysis, there are very few studies which examine this issue using the native cofactor Mg(II) and global fitting of reaction progress curves. As part of a comprehensive study of the representative homodimeric PvuII endonuclease, we have collected single-turnover DNA cleavage data as a function of Mg(II) concentration and globally fit these data to a number of models which test various aspects of the metallonuclease mechanism. DNA association rate constants are approximately 100-fold higher in the presence of the catalytically nonsupportive Ca(II) versus the native cofactor Mg(II), highlighting an interesting cofactor difference. A pathway in which metal ions bind prior to DNA is kinetically favored. The data fit well to a model in which both one and two metal ions per active site (EM(2)S and EM(4)S, respectively) support cleavage. Interestingly, the cleavage rate for EM(2)S is approximately 100-fold slower than that displayed by EM(4)S. Collectively, these data indicate that for the PvuII system, catalysis involving one metal ion per active site can indeed occur, but that a more efficient two-metal ion mechanism can be operative under saturating metal ion (in vitro) conditions.  相似文献   

Nuclease A (NucA) is a nonspecific endonuclease from Anabaena sp. capable of degrading single- and double-stranded DNA and RNA in the presence of divalent metal ions. We have determined the structure of the delta(2-24),D121A mutant of NucA in the presence of Zn2+ and Mn2+ (PDB code 1ZM8). The mutations were introduced to remove the N-terminal signal peptide and to reduce the activity of the nonspecific nuclease, thereby reducing its toxicity to the Escherichia coli expression system. NucA contains a betabeta alpha metal finger motif and a hydrated Mn2+ ion at the active site. Unexpectedly, NucA was found to contain additional metal binding sites approximately 26 A apart from the catalytic metal binding site. A structural comparison between NucA and the closest analog for which structural data exist, the Serratia nuclease, indicates several interesting differences. First, NucA is a monomer rather than a dimer. Second, there is an unexpected structural homology between the N-terminal segments despite a poorly conserved sequence, which in Serratia includes a cysteine bridge thought to play a regulatory role. In addition, although a sequence alignment had suggested that NucA lacks a proposed catalytic residue corresponding to Arg57 in Serratia, the structure determined here indicates that Arg93 in NucA is positioned to fulfill this role. Based on comparison with DNA-bound nuclease structures of the betabeta alpha metal finger nuclease family and available mutational data on NucA, we propose that His124 acts as a catalytic base, and Arg93 participates in the catalysis possibly through stabilization of the transition state.  相似文献   

K Shostak  M E Jones 《Biochemistry》1992,31(48):12155-12161
Pyrimidine nucleotides were tested as substrates for pure yeast orotidylate decarboxylase in an attempt to gain insight into the nature of the catalytic mechanism of the enzyme. Substitutions of the 5-position in the pyrimidine ring of the orotidylate substrate resulted in compounds that are either excellent inhibitors or substrates of the enzyme. The 5-bromo- and 5-chloroorotidylates are potent inhibitors while the 5-fluoro derivative is a good substrate with a turnover number 30 times that observed with orotidylate. When carbon 5 of the pyrimidine ring is replaced by nitrogen in 5-azaorotidylate, the resulting compound is unstable in solution with a half-life of 25 min at pH 6. However, studies with freshly generated 5-azaorotidylate show that an enzyme-dependent reaction occurs, presumably decarboxylation. This enzyme reaction follows simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Because the 5-aza group is not electrophilic, an enzyme mechanism utilizing a nucleophilic addition of the enzyme at the 5-position is ruled out. We also present studies that are not compatible with a mechanism requiring the formation of a Schiff's base prior to decarboxylation. The enzyme is tolerant of modest substitution at the 4-position, for the 4-keto group can be replaced with a thioketone. However, no catalysis is observed when the same substitution is made at the 2-position. Similarities in the substrate specificity of orotate phosphoribosyltransferase and orotidylate decarboxylase led us to compare the amino acid sequences of the two enzymes; significant (20%) sequence homology was observed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Caesalpinia digyna (Rottl.) (Family: Fabaceae) is an essential medicinal plant for it's conventional uses against a kind of human disorders. This research aims to investigate the antidiarrheal, antibacterial and antifungal properties of the methanol extract of the stems extracts of the C. digyna (MECD). The in vivo antidiarrheal activity of the stem extracts were evaluated by using castor oil-induced diarrhea, castor oil-induced enteropooling and charcoal induced intestinal transit in mice model. Besides, in vitro antimicrobial potentiality of MECD was investigated by the disc diffusion method. In silico activity of the isolated compounds were performed by Schrödinger-Maestro (Version 11.1) software. In addition, The ADME/T analysis and PASS prediction were implemented by using pass online tools. In the antidiarrheal investigation, the MECD exhibited a notable inhibition rate in all test approaches which were statistically significant (p < 0.05, p < 0.1, p < 0.01). MECD 400 mg/kg showed the maximum antidiarrheal potency in all the test methods. In vitro antimicrobial analysis unveiled that, MECD revealed higher potentiality against almost all pathogens and indicates dose-dependent activity against almost all the bacteria and fungi. In the case of in silico evaluation of anti-diarrheal, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal activity, all three isolated compounds met the pre-conditions of Lipinski's five rules for drug discovery. Pass predicted study also employed for all compounds. However, The chemical constituents of the C. digyna can be a potent source of anti-diarrheal, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal medicine and further modification and simulation studies are required to establish the effectiveness of bioactive compounds.  相似文献   

In the heart, mitochondria form a regular lattice and function as a coordinated, nonlinear network to continuously produce ATP to meet the high-energy demand of the cardiomyocytes. Cardiac mitochondria also exhibit properties of an excitable system: electrical or chemical signals can spread within or among cells in the syncytium. The detailed mechanisms by which signals pass among individual elements (mitochondria) across the network are still not completely understood, although emerging studies suggest that network excitability might be mediated by the local diffusion and autocatalytic release of messenger molecules such as reactive oxygen species and/or Ca(2+). In this short review, we have attempted to described recent advances in the field of cardiac mitochondrial network excitability. Specifically, we have focused on how mitochondria communicate with each other through the diffusion and regeneration of messenger molecules to initiate and propagate waves or oscillations, as revealed by computational models of mitochondrial network.  相似文献   

EndA is a sequence non-specific endonuclease that serves as a virulence factor during Streptococcus pneumoniae infection. Expression of EndA provides a strategy for evasion of the host''s neutrophil extracellular traps, digesting the DNA scaffold structure and allowing further invasion by S. pneumoniae. To define mechanisms of catalysis and substrate binding, we solved the structure of EndA at 1.75 Å resolution. The EndA structure reveals a DRGH (Asp-Arg-Gly-His) motif-containing ββα-metal finger catalytic core augmented by an interesting ‘finger-loop’ interruption of the active site α-helix. Subsequently, we delineated DNA binding versus catalytic functionality using structure-based alanine substitution mutagenesis. Three mutants, H154A, Q186A and Q192A, exhibited decreased nuclease activity that appears to be independent of substrate binding. Glu205 was found to be crucial for catalysis, while residues Arg127/Lys128 and Arg209/Lys210 contribute to substrate binding. The results presented here provide the molecular foundation for development of specific antibiotic inhibitors for EndA.  相似文献   

In response to exercise, the heart increases its metabolic rate severalfold while maintaining energy species (e.g., ATP, ADP, and Pi) concentrations constant; however, the mechanisms that regulate this response are unclear. Limited experimental studies show that the classic regulatory species NADH and NAD+ are also maintained nearly constant with increased cardiac power generation, but current measurements lump the cytosol and mitochondria and do not provide dynamic information during the early phase of the transition from low to high work states. In the present study, we modified our previously published computational model of cardiac metabolism by incorporating parallel activation of ATP hydrolysis, glycolysis, mitochondrial dehydrogenases, the electron transport chain, and oxidative phosphorylation, and simulated the metabolic responses of the heart to an abrupt increase in energy expenditure. Model simulations showed that myocardial oxygen consumption, pyruvate oxidation, fatty acids oxidation, and ATP generation were all increased with increased energy expenditure, whereas ATP and ADP remained constant. Both cytosolic and mitochondrial NADH/NAD+ increased during the first minutes (by 40% and 20%, respectively) and returned to the resting values by 10-15 min. Furthermore, model simulations showed that an altered substrate selection, induced by either elevated arterial lactate or diabetic conditions, affected cytosolic NADH/NAD+ but had minimal effects on the mitochondrial NADH/NAD+, myocardial oxygen consumption, or ATP production. In conclusion, these results support the concept of parallel activation of metabolic processes generating reducing equivalents during an abrupt increase in cardiac energy expenditure and suggest there is a transient increase in the mitochondrial NADH/NAD+ ratio that is independent of substrate supply.  相似文献   

CRISPR-Cas9 is a widely used biochemical tool with applications in molecular biology and precision medicine. The RNA-guided Cas9 protein uses its HNH endonuclease domain to cleave the DNA strand complementary to its endogenous guide RNA. In this study, novel constructs of HNH from two divergent organisms, G. stearothermophilus (GeoHNH) and S. pyogenes (SpHNH) were engineered from their respective full-length Cas9 proteins. Despite low sequence similarity, the X-ray crystal structures of these constructs reveal that the core of HNH surrounding the active site is conserved. Structure prediction of the full-length GeoCas9 protein using Phyre2 and AlphaFold2 also showed that the crystallographic construct of GeoHNH represents the structure of the domain within the full-length GeoCas9 protein. However, significant differences are observed in the solution dynamics of structurally conserved regions of GeoHNH and SpHNH, the latter of which was shown to use such molecular motions to propagate the DNA cleavage signal. Indeed, molecular simulations show that the intradomain signaling pathways, which drive SpHNH function, are non-specific and poorly formed in GeoHNH. Taken together, these outcomes suggest mechanistic differences between mesophilic and thermophilic Cas9 species.  相似文献   

Proteomic analysis of upland cotton was performed to profile the global detectable proteomes of ovules and fibers using two-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE). A total of 1,203 independent protein spots were collected from representative 2DE gels, which were digested with trypsin and identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption and ionization-time-offlight/ time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF/TOF) mass spectrometry. The mass spectrometry or tandem mass spectrometry (MS or MS/MS) data were then searched against a local database constructed from Gossypium hirsutum genome sequences, resulting in successful identification of 975 protein spots (411 for ovules and 564 for fibers). Functional annotation analysis of the 975 identified proteins revealed that ovule-specific proteins were mainly enriched in functions related to fatty acid elongation, sulfur amino acid metabolism and post-replication repair, while fiber-specific proteins were enriched in functions related to root hair elongation, galactose metabolism and D-xylose metabolic processes. Further annotation analysis of the most abundant protein spots showed that 28.96% of the total proteins in the ovule were mainly located in the Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondrion and ribosome, whereas in fibers, 27.02% of the total proteins were located in the cytoskeleton, nuclear envelope and cell wall. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) analyses of the ovule-specific protein spots P61, P93 and P198 and fiber-specific protein spots 230, 477 and 511 were performed to validate the proteomics data. Protein-protein interaction network analyses revealed very different network cluster patterns between ovules and fibers. This work provides the largest protein identification dataset of 2DE-detectable proteins in cotton ovules and fibers and indicates potentially important roles of tissue-specific proteins, thus providing insights into the cotton ovule and fiber proteomes on a global scale.  相似文献   

We have used crystallography and thermodynamic analysis to study nuclease variants I92E and I92K, in which an ionizable side-chain is placed in the hydrophobic core of nuclease. We find that the energetic cost of burying ionizable groups is rather modest. The X-ray determinations show water molecules solvating the buried glutamic acid under cryo conditions, but not at room temperature. The lysine side-chain does not appear solvated in either case. Guanidine hydrochloride (GnHCl) denaturation of I92E and I92K, done as a function of pH and monitored by tryptophan fluorescence, showed that I92E and I92K are folded in the pH range pH 3.5-9.0 and pH 5.5-9.5, respectively. The stability of the parental protein is independent of pH over a broad range. In contrast, the stabilities of I92E and I92K exhibit a pH dependence, which is quantitatively explained by thermodynamic analysis: the PK(a) value of the buried K92 is 5.6, while that of the buried E92 is 8.65. The free energy difference between burying the uncharged and charged forms of the groups is modest, about 6 kcal/mol. We also found that epsilon(app) for I92K and I92E is in the range approximately 10-12, instead of 2-4 commonly used to represent the protein interior. Side-chains 92E and 92K were uncharged under the conditions of the X-ray experiment. Both are buried completely inside the well-defined hydrophobic core of the variant proteins without forming salt-bridges or hydrogen bonds to other functional groups of the proteins. Under cryo conditions 92E shows a chain of four water molecules, which hydrate one oxygen atom of the carboxyl group of the glutamic acid. Two other water molecules, which are present in the wild-type at all temperatures, are also connected to the water ring observed inside the hydrophobic core. The ready burial of water with an uncharged E92 raises the possibility that solvent excursions into the interior also take place in the wild-type protein, but in a random, dynamic way not detectable by crystallography. Such transient excursions could increase the average polarity, and thus epsilon(app), of the protein interior.  相似文献   

Human dipeptidyl peptidase III (DPP III) is a zinc-exopeptidase with implied roles in protein catabolism, pain modulation, and defense against oxidative stress. To understand the mode of ligand binding into its active site, we performed molecular modeling, site-directed mutagenesis, and biochemical analyses. Using the recently determined crystal structure of the human DPP III we built complexes between both, the wild-type (WT) protein and its mutant H568N with the preferred substrate Arg-Arg-2-naphthylamide (RRNA) and a competitive inhibitor Tyr-Phe-hydroxamate (Tyr-Phe-NHOH). The mutation of the conserved His568, structurally equivalent to catalytically important His231 in thermolysin, to Asn, resulted in a 1300-fold decrease of k(cat) for RRNA hydrolysis and in significantly lowered affinity for the inhibitor. Molecular dynamics simulations revealed the key protein-ligand interactions as well as the ligand-induced reorganization of the binding site and its partial closure. Simultaneously, the non-catalytic domain was observed to stretch and the opening at the wide side of the inter-domain cleft became enhanced. The driving force for these changes was the formation of the hydrogen bond between Asp372 and the bound ligand. The structural and dynamical differences, found for the ligand binding to the WT enzyme and the H568N mutant, and the calculated binding free energies, agree well with the measured affinities. On the basis of the obtained results we suggest a possible reaction mechanism. In addition, this work provides a foundation for further site-directed mutagenesis experiments, as well as for modeling the reaction itself.  相似文献   

The FAD-dependent hydroxynitrile lyase from almond (Prunus amygdalus, PaHNL) catalyzes the cleavage of R-mandelonitrile into benzaldehyde and hydrocyanic acid. Catalysis of the reverse reaction-the enantiospecific formation of alpha-hydroxynitriles--is now widely utilized in organic syntheses as one of the few industrially relevant examples of enzyme-mediated C-C bond formation. Starting from the recently determined X-ray crystal structure, systematic docking calculations with the natural substrate were used to locate the active site of the enzyme and to identify amino acid residues involved in substrate binding and catalysis. Analysis of the modeled substrate complexes supports an enzymatic mechanism that includes the flavin cofactor as a mere "spectator" of the reaction and relies on general acid/base catalysis by the conserved His-497. Stabilization of the negative charge of the cyanide ion is accomplished by a pronounced positive electrostatic potential at the binding site. PaHNL activity requires the FAD cofactor to be bound in its oxidized form, and calculations of the pKa of enzyme-bound HCN showed that the observed inactivation upon cofactor reduction is largely caused by the reversal of the electrostatic potential within the active site. The suggested mechanism closely resembles the one proposed for the FAD-independent, and structurally unrelated HNL from Hevea brasiliensis. Although the actual amino acid residues involved in the catalytic cycle are completely different in the two enzymes, a common motif for the mechanism of cyanogenesis (general acid/base catalysis plus electrostatic stabilization of the cyanide ion) becomes evident.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial control of the actin cytoskeleton are crucial for a range of eukaryotic cellular processes. Capping protein (CP), a ubiquitous highly conserved heterodimer, tightly caps the barbed (fast-growing) end of the actin filament and is an important component in the assembly of various actin structures, including the dynamic branched filament network at the leading edge of motile cells. New research into the molecular mechanism of how CP interacts with the actin filament in vitro and the function of CP in vivo, including discoveries of novel interactions of CP with other proteins, has greatly enhanced our understanding of the role of CP in regulating the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Adenosylcobalamin-dependent isomerases catalyze a variety of chemically difficult 1,2-rearrangements that proceed through a mechanism involving free radical intermediates. These radicals are initially generated by homolysis of the cobalt-carbon bond of the coenzyme. Recently, the crystal structures of several of these enzymes have been solved, revealing two modes of coenzyme binding and highlighting the role of the protein in controlling the rearrangement of reactive substrate radical intermediates. Complementary data from kinetic, spectroscopic and theoretical studies have produced insights into the mechanism by which substrate radicals are generated at the active site, and the pathways by which they rearrange.  相似文献   

In this computational study, we have investigated the implications of rhodopsin (Rho) oligomerization in transducin (Gt) recognition. The results of docking simulations between heterotrimeric Gt and monomeric, dimeric and tetrameric inactive Rho corroborate the hypothesis that Rho and Gt can be found coupled already in the dark. Moreover, our extensive computational analysis suggests that the most likely Rho:Gt stoichiometry is the 1:1 one. This means that the essential molecular determinants for Gt recognition and activation are contained in one Rho monomer. In this respect, the complex between one Rho molecule and one heterotrimeric Gt should be considered as the functional unit.  相似文献   

Helicase-nuclease systems dedicated to DNA end resection in preparation for homologous recombination (HR) are present in all kingdoms of life. In thermophilic archaea, the HerA helicase and NurA nuclease cooperate with the highly conserved Mre11 and Rad50 proteins during HR-dependent DNA repair. Here we show that HerA and NurA must interact in a complex with specific subunit stoichiometry to process DNA ends efficiently. We determine crystallographically that NurA folds in a toroidal dimer of intertwined RNaseH-like domains. The central channel of the NurA dimer is too narrow for double-stranded DNA but appears well suited to accommodate one or two strands of an unwound duplex. We map a critical interface of the complex to an exposed hydrophobic epitope of NurA abutting the active site. Based upon the presented evidence, we propose alternative mechanisms of DNA end processing by the HerA-NurA complex.  相似文献   

Kin I kinesins are members of the diverse kinesin superfamily of molecular motors. Whereas most kinesins use ATP to move along microtubules, Kin I kinesins depolymerize microtubules rather than walk along them. Functionally, this distinct subfamily of kinesins is important in regulating cellular microtubule dynamics and plays a crucial role in spindle assembly and chromosome segregation. The molecular mechanism of Kin I-induced microtubule destabilization is as yet unclear. It is generally believed that Kin Is induce a structural change on the microtubule that leads to microtubule destabilization. Recently, much progress has been made towards understanding how Kin Is may cause this structural change, and how ATPase activity is employed in the catalytic cycle.  相似文献   

Gu  Ying-Jian  Chen  Lei  Cheng  Lin  Zhou  Ming-Yuan  Wang  Yun 《Molecular and cellular biochemistry》2021,476(9):3319-3328
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry - Chronic exposure of the methamphetamine has been shown to lead to neurotoxicity in rodents and humans. The manifestations of methamphetamine neurotoxicity...  相似文献   

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