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Dorsal ventral polarity and pattern formation in the Drosophila embryo   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The establishment of polarity along the dorsal-ventral axis of the Drosophila embryo requires the graded distribution of the dorsal morphogen. Several maternal genes are responsible for the formation of the gradient and their products act in an ordered series of events that begins during oogenesis and involves two different cell types, the oocyte and the follicle cells. The last step in the series results in selective nuclear localization of dorsal proteins, dorsal is thought to regulate the expression of zygotic genes in a concentration dependent way. The zygotic genes determine cell fates in specific regions of the embryo and direct other genes involved in the processes of differentiation.  相似文献   

A clonal analysis has shown that the dorsal surface of the first abdominal segment of Drosophila melanogaster is subdivided into anterior and posterior compartments. Cells of the posterior compartment grow up to but not beyond the anterior-posterior compartment border within the first abdominal segment and the intersegmental border that defines the boundary between the first and second abdominal segments. Growing within these boundaries, a narrow band of tissue clonally isolated from the adjoining tissue is formed. When these posterior cells are deficient for the engrailed locus, however, neither the compartment nor the segment border is maintained. The implications, that compartmentalization is essential for segmentation, and that all insect segments are subdivided by anterior and posterior compartments, are discussed.  相似文献   

Our previous studies have suggested that all the known lineage compartment borders in the wing imaginal disc of Drosophila are coincident with boundaries of reduced gap junctional communication (communication compartment borders). Since engrailed discs have a disrupted anterior/posterior (A/P) lineage border (G. Morata and P. A. Lawrence, 1975, Nature (London) 255, 614-617), it was of great interest to determine if their A/P communication restriction boundary is similarly disrupted. Examination of gap-junction-mediated exchange of small fluorescent molecules between cells in the engrailed wing disc revealed a boundary of restricted communication that appeared to be identical to the wild-type A/P communication restriction boundary. This result suggests that lineage compartments are not required for the formation of A/P communication restrictions. Furthermore, we suggest that perhaps communication compartments are the domains within which information is provided for specifying the formation of lineage compartments.  相似文献   

The adult abdomen of Drosophila is a chain of anterior (A) and posterior (P) compartments. The engrailed gene is active in all P compartments and selects the P state. Hedgehog enters each A compartment across both its anterior and posterior edges; within A its concentration confers positional information. The A compartments are subdivided into an anterior and a posterior domain that each make different cell types in response to Hedgehog. We have studied the relationship between Hedgehog, engrailed and cell affinity. We made twin clones and measured the shape, size and displacement of the experimental clone, relative to its control twin. We varied the perceived level of Hedgehog in the experimental clone and find that, if this level is different from the surround, the clone fails to grow normally, rounds up and sometimes sorts out completely, becoming separated from the epithelium. Also, clones are displaced towards cells that are more like themselves: for example groups of cells in the middle of the A compartment that are persuaded to differentiate as if they were at the posterior limit of A, move posteriorly. Similarly, clones in the anterior domain of the A compartment that are forced to differentiate as if they were at the anterior limit of A, move anteriorly. Quantitation of these measures and the direction of displacement indicate that there is a U-shaped gradient of affinity in the A compartment that correlates with the U-shaped landscape of Hedgehog concentration. Since affinity changes are autonomous to the clone we believe that, normally, each cell's affinity is a direct response to Hedgehog. By removing engrailed in clones we show that A and P cells also differ in affinity from each other, in a manner that appears independent of Hedgehog. Within the P compartment we found some evidence for a U-shaped gradient of affinity, but this cannot be due to Hedgehog which does not act in the P compartment.  相似文献   

 The genes engrailed (en), hedgehog (hh), wingless (wg) and decapentaplegic (dpp) have been shown to play vital organising roles in the development and differentiation of thoracic imaginal discs. We have analysed the roles of these genes in organising the development and differentiation of the genital discs, which are bilaterally symmetrical and possess different primordia, namely, the male and female genital primordia and an anal primordium. Our results suggest that the organising activity of en in genital discs programs the normal development and differentiation of the genital disc by regulating the expression of hh. Hh in turn induces wg and dpp, the genes whose products act as secondary signalling molecules. Moreover, the complementary patterns of wg and dpp expression are essential for the bilateral symmetry and are maintained by mutual repression. Received: 20 April 1998 / Accepted 24 June 1998  相似文献   

This review is focused on recent advances in our understanding of the development of coordinated cell polarity, through experiments on the Drosophila compound eye. Each eye facet (or “ommatidium”) contains a set of eight photoreceptor cells, placed so that their rhabdomeres form an asymmetric trapezoid. The array of ommatidia is organized so that these trapezoids are aligned in two mirror-image fields, dorsal and ventral to the eye midline (or “equator”). The development of this pattern depends on two systems of positional information that inform the cluster of cells that will form an ommatidium of anterior/posterior (a/p) and dorsal/ventral (d/v) direction. The former (a/p) is encoded by a progressive wave of development (the morphogenetic furrow). The latter (d/v) involves molecules known to act in tissue polarity in other organs and organisms. Our understanding of the function of these molecules rests not only on their mutant phenotypes, biochemistry, and expression patterns, but also on the spatial effects when mutant patches of cells are made (genetic mosaics). BioEssays 21:275–285, 1999. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The stable maintenance of expression patterns of homeotic genes depends on the function of a number of negative trans-regulators, termed the Polycomb (Pc) group of genes. We have examined the pattern of expression of the Drosophila segment polarity gene, engrailed (en), in embryos mutant for several different members of the Pc group. Here we report that embryos mutant for two or more Pc group genes show strong ectopic en expression, while only weak derepression of en occurs in embryos mutant for a single Pc group gene. This derepression is independent of two known activators of en expression: en itself and wingless. Additionally, in contrast to the strong ectopic expression of homeotic genes observed in extra sex combs- (esc-) mutant embryos, the en expression pattern is nearly normal in esc- embryos. This suggests that the esc gene product functions in a pathway independent of the other genes in the group. The data indicate that the same group of genes is required for stable restriction of en expression to a striped pattern and for the restriction of expression of homeotic genes along the anterior-posterior axis, and support a global role for the Pc group genes in stable repression of activity of developmental selector genes.  相似文献   

The engrailed gene acts early in Drosophila embryogenesis and plays an essential role in the processes that establish and maintain the repeating segmental pattern. To begin molecular analysis of the role of the engrailed gene in embryonic pattern formation, we used a chromosomal walk to clone genomic sequences that encompass the locus, and have physically mapped the positions of 15 engrailed mutations. The positions of engrailed rearrangement mutations indicate that the engrailed complementation unit includes a minimum of 70 kb. The locus can be divided into two regions. Rearrangement mutations interrupting the centromere proximal 50 kb of the locus result in embryonic lethality while mutants altered in the distal 20 kb of the locus survive to show morphological abnormalities in several adult segments. It appears that long-range cis interactions play a role in the function of the engrailed gene.  相似文献   

The origin of pattern and polarity in the Drosophila embryo.   总被引:82,自引:0,他引:82  

In the E4 (embryonic day 4) chick tectal primordium, engrailed expression is strong at the caudal end and gradually weakens toward the rostral end. We used quail-chick chimeric tecta to investigate how the caudorostral gradient of engrailed expression is established and whether it is correlated with the subsequent rostrocaudal polarity of tectal development. To examine the positional value of the tectal primordium, we produced ectopic tecta in the diencephalon by transplanting a part of the mesencephalic alar plate heterotopically. In the ectopic tectum, the gradient of the engrailed expression reversed and the strength of the expression was dependent on the distance from the mes-diencephalon junction; the nearer the ectopic tectum was to the junction, the weaker the expression was. Consequently, the pattern of the engrailed expression in the host and ectopic tecta was nearly a mirror image, suggesting the existence of a repressive influence around the mes-diencephalon junction on the engrailed expression. We examined cytoarchitectonic development in the ectopic tecta, which normally proceeds in a gradient along the rostrocaudal axis; the rostral shows more advanced lamination than the caudal. In contrast, the caudal part of the ectopic tecta (near to the mes-diencephalon junction) showed more advanced lamination than the rostral. In both the host and ectopic tecta, advanced lamination was observed where the engrailed expression was repressed, and vice versa. Next we studied the correlation between engrailed expression and retinotectal projection from a view of plasticity and rigidity of rostrocaudal polarity in the tectum. We produced ectopic tecta by anisochronal transplantations between E3 host and E2 donor, and showed that there is little repressive influence at E3 around the mes-diencephalon junction. We then made chimeric double-rostral tectum (caudal half of it was replaced by rostral half of the donor tectum) or double-caudal tectum at E3. The transplants kept their original staining pattern in hosts. Consequently, the chimeric tecta showed wholly negative or positive staining of engrailed protein on the grafted side. In such tecta retinotectal projection pattern was disturbed as if the transplants retained their original position-specific characters. We propose from these heterotopic and anisochronal experiments that the engrailed expression can be a marker for subsequent rostrocaudal polarity in the tectum, both as regards cytoarchitectonic development and retinotectal projection.  相似文献   

Many embryonic lethal engrailed (enlethal) mutations are known to partially complement the cuticular defects of the original engrailed mutation, en1. To explore the nature of this complementation, the adult phenotypes of several different en1/enlethal transheterozygotes were compared with the corresponding patterns of engrailed protein expression in third larval instar imaginal discs (determined by immunofluorescence). Transheterozygotes of en1 and deletions of the locus (enDf) typically show slight complementation in the adult cuticle. The pattern of engrailed protein expression in some en1/enDf wing discs is indistinguishable from en1 homozygotes, but in others the pattern is nearly normal. en1/enDf leg discs appear to express engrailed protein normally. Transheterozygotes of en1 and EMS-induced, cytologically normal enlethal alleles have almost normal adult cuticle phenotypes and also exhibit normal patterns of engrailed protein expression in all of the thoracic imaginal discs. Surprisingly, the intensity of anti-engrailed staining in these discs is elevated relative to that in wild type. en2 is an unusual lethal allele in that it does not complement either the en1 adult cuticle phenotype or the protein expression pattern in imaginal discs. Moreover, the cytologically normal enlethal alleles also complement en2, at least partially. Both wing and leg imaginal discs from en2/enlethal transheterozygotes show abnormal patterns of engrailed protein expression. These results are discussed in the context of an autoregulatory model for engrailed regulation.  相似文献   

The Drosophila large intestine is initially subdivided into dorsal and ventral domains with distinct cell types, and a one-cell-wide strand of boundary cells is induced between them. Here we show that cell identity and localization of the boundary cells are determined by the combined action of Delta, Notch, and engrailed genes. The prospective dorsal domain of the hindgut primordium expresses engrailed. Engrailed represses Delta, which is ubiquitously expressed throughout the prospective hindgut region in early blastodermal stages, in the dorsal domain, and thus generates a Delta-positive/negative prepattern. Expression of Engrailed protein determines the dorsal domain, while an Engrailed-negative (Delta-positive) region is differentiated into the ventral domain. Delta-positive ventral cells activate a Notch cascade in abutting dorsal cells, and thus induce their differentiation into boundary cells. Mis-expression of a constitutively active Notch intracellular domain causes the entire large intestine to develop as boundary cells. It was also found that the transducing activity of a transmembrane form of activated Notch, which requires further proteolytic processing to generate intracellular fragments, is suppressed in the Delta-positive domain. Delta acts in two distinct ways: it activates the Notch signaling pathway in adjacent Delta-negative cells, and, at the same time, autonomously blocks Notch signaling in Delta-positive cells by affecting Notch processing.  相似文献   

The pattern of differentiated cell types within tissues and organs is often established by organizers, the localized sources of secreted ligands. Although the mechanisms underlying organizer function have been extensively studied, only in a few cases is it clear how an organizer ultimately controls each individual cell's fate across a field of progenitor cells. One of these cases involves the establishment of a precise pattern of cell differentiation across the embryonic epidermis in Drosophila. Here, we review several recent reports that help to elucidate the regulatory principles used to control this pattern. Because organizers are conserved, the same fundamental principles might operate in other organizers.  相似文献   

The formation of complex cellular arrays from unpatterned epithelia is a widespread developmental phenomenon. Insights into the mechanisms regulating this transformation have come from studying the development of the Drosophila compound eye. Pattern formation in the eye primordium is a highly ordered process in which the onset of differentiation is coordinated with synchronization of cell cycle progression. Recent studies have identified a number of genes that are required for early patterning events, and provide a link between the regulation of proliferation and pattern formation.  相似文献   

Further studies of the engrailed phenotype in Drosophila.   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Although most mutations at the engrailed locus of Drosophila cause embryonic death when homozygous, they are viable in clones of cells. We describe the phenotype of such clones in the eye-antenna, proboscis, humerus, wing, legs, and terminalia. When in anterior compartments the clones are normal, but in most posterior compartments they are abnormal and fail to respect the anteroposterior compartment boundary. We find that the yield of engrailed-lethal clones in posterior compartments is often significantly lower than expected, indicating that these clones are lost during development. Mutant clones are abnormal in the analia and rare in the humerus, suggesting that both structures are of posterior provenance. These results support the hypothesis that the engrailed+ gene is required exclusively in cells of posterior compartments to specify their characteristic cell affinities and pattern.  相似文献   

Barkai N  Shilo BZ 《Current biology : CB》2002,12(14):R493-R495
The EGF receptor pathway patterns the Drosophila egg and specifies the position of its dorsal appendages. A new mathematical analysis of this patterning network has highlighted its crucial features and provided novel insights into the spatial and temporal kinetics controlling patterning.  相似文献   

Patterns of engrailed protein in early Drosophila embryos   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
By the onset of gastrulation during nuclear cycle 14 of Drosophila embryogenesis, the engrailed gene is expressed in fourteen one-cell-wide stripes. Each stripe defines the anlagen of the posterior compartment of a metameric segment. We report here several observations relating to the role and disposition of the engrailed protein during the embryonic stages that precede cellularization. We demonstrate that in embryos mutant for the engrailed gene, there were characteristic morphological abnormalities as early as the 6th cleavage cycle. In addition, the engrailed protein was detected in pre-cycle-9 embryos by Western blot analysis. When localization of engrailed protein begins during cycle 14, engrailed expression was first present in broad anterior and posterior regions before the fourteen-stripe pattern appeared.  相似文献   

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