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The common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) is a species phylogenetically very close to man. It was not many years ago that the captive population of chimpanzees (P. troglodytes) was considered at risk because of perceived problems with reproductive success. With the potential need for many individuals for research in a variety of areas, particularly in the areas of parasitic and viral infections, an NIH-funded program was established to promote the breeding of the species. That program, the 'National Chimpanzee Breeding and Research Program', was highly successful, so successful, in fact, that there is now a surplus of animals available for current research programs. This situation has prompted the use of intrauterine devices (IUDs) as a method of fertility control. Overall, this method is successful and associated with a failure (of pregnancy) rate similar to that reported in the human. Physical and logistic constraints, however, render the method less than ideal for situations where a pregnancy rate of zero is desired.  相似文献   

Hiroaki Soma 《Zoo biology》1990,9(2):141-147
Placentas from 28 term chimpanzee pregnancies, including two sets of dichorionic-diamniotic twin-pregnancies, were examined and compared histopathologically with those obtained from 171 small-for-dates (SFD), 306 premature, and 77 pregnancy toxemic human infants. Term infant and placental weights for the chimpanzee were generally smaller than for any of the human categories studied. Macroscopically, the chimpanzee placentas showed a high frequency of extrachorialis, infarctions, intervillous thrombi, and marginal hemorrhages, pathologies frequently associated with pregnancy toxemia and abruptio placenta in the human being. Yet, ultrastructurally, the chimpanzee chorionic villi evidenced well-developed organella, syncytial microvilli, and chorionic capillaries, although villitis and inflammation of the membranes and cord were not infrequently seen. These findings suggest that chimpanzees may suffer the same obstetric complications seen in human pregnancies.  相似文献   

The chimpanzee, because of its similarities to the human, is especially valuable in studies of reproductive function. However, relatively little is known about the physiology of reproduction in the adult male chimpanzee. This study provides, for five adult male chimpanzees, baseline values for testicular volume without and with pressure and for cellular and biochemical characteristics of ejaculates collected by artificial vagina (AV). There was no correlation between body weight and testicular volume measured without or with pressure. The ratios of mean testicular volume without and with pressure were not statistically different among animals. Statistical analysis of penetration of denuded hamster oocytes by ejaculated chimpanzee sperm revealed no correlations between sperm count and percentage of eggs penetrated. There was significant variability in concentrations of protein and fructose and in activities of alpha-glucosidase and acid phosphatase among samples from different animals. Computer-assisted motion analysis (CAMA) of sperm provided baseline data on motion parameters necessary for future evaluation of this technique for semen analysis in the chimpanzee. The level of demonstrated inter-animal variation mandates use of each animal as its own control for studies on normal and altered reproductive function. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

As a result of environmental variability, animals may be confronted with uncertainty surrounding the presence of, or accessibility to, food resources at a given location or time. While individuals can rely on personal experience to manage this variability, the behavior of members of an individual's social group can also provide information regarding the availability or location of a food resource. The purpose of the present study was to measure how captive chimpanzees individually and collectively adjust their foraging strategies at an artificial termite mound, as the availability of resources provided by the mound varied over a number of weeks. As predicted, fishing activity at the mound was related to resource availability. However, chimpanzees continued to fish at unbaited locations on the days and weeks after a location had last contained food. Consistent with previous studies, our findings show that chimpanzees do not completely abandon previously learned habits despite learning individually and/or socially that the habit is no longer effective.  相似文献   

Eruption sequence and age ranges for the maxillary and mandibular deciduous dentition were generated from serial dental study models from 28 laboratory-reared chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). These data can serve as additional normative, baseline information for the evaluation of fetal insults on neonatal growth and development in the laboratory-reared chimpanzee.  相似文献   

The adolescent growth spurt in linear dimension in humans is considered to be unique among mammals, but few comparative studies have been done, even on chimpanzees. Growth of the summed length of crown to rump, thigh, and leg was studied longitudinally in 12 chimpanzees. We took body weight growth and reproductive maturation into consideration. Reproductive maturation was monitored by the swelling of sexual skin and menarche in females, and by testicular development in males. We applied two relationships found in humans between body length growth and the environment to the chimpanzees. The first relationship was the robustness of the growth spurt, meaning that the spurt is absent only in individuals under the most severe environmental pressure. Subjects maturing in a favorable or even mediocre environment are anticipated to show the growth spurt. The second relationship was catch-up growth, where, when the environment is ameliorated, growth may be accelerated to attain the target size. Catch-up growth at the end of the juvenile period may mimic the adolescent growth spurt. Results showed that subjects living under favorable conditions did not exhibit a growth spurt, and that it was only the subjects who had delayed growth in the juvenile period that showed a spurt in adolescence, the period when reproductive maturation occurred. Although we have concluded that chimpanzees do not have an adolescent growth spurt, except in cases of catch-up growth, this does not mean that they have a different growth pattern from that of humans. The absence of a growth spurt may be associated with adaptations to chimpanzee patrilineal society, where adolescent males are incorporated into the adult hierarchy at a low rank.  相似文献   

Bilateral asymmetry in the limb bones of the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is much debate in behavioral primatology on the existence of population-level handedness in chimpanzees. The presence or absence of functional laterality in great apes may shed light on the origins of human handedness and on the evolution of cerebral asymmetry. The plasticity of long bone diaphyses in response to mechanical loading allows the functional interpretation of differences in cross-sectional geometric. While left-right asymmetry in upper limb diaphyseal morphology is a known property in human populations, it remains relatively unexplored in apes. We studied bilateral asymmetry in 64 skeletons of wild-caught chimpanzee using the humerus, second metacarpal, and femur. The total subperiosteal area (TA) of the diaphyses was measured at 40% of maximum humeral length and at the midshaft of the metacarpals and femora using external silicone molds. Overall, the TA values of the left humeri were significantly greater than the right, indicating directional asymmetry. This effect was even greater when the magnitude of difference in TA between each pair of humeri was compared. The right second metacarpals showed a tendency toward greater area than did the left, but this did not reach statistical significance. The lack of asymmetry in the femur serves as a lower limb control, and suggests that the upper limb results are not a product of fluctuating asymmetry. These findings imply behavioral laterality in upper limb function in chimpanzees, and suggest a complementary relationship between precision and power.  相似文献   

A host of ecological, anatomical, and physiological selective pressures are hypothesized to have played a role in the evolution of hominid bipedalism. A referential model, based on the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and bonobo (Pan paniscus), was used to test through experimental manipulation four hypotheses on the evolution of hominid bipedalism. The introduction of food piles (Carry hypothesis) increased locomotor bipedality in both species. Neither the introduction of branches (Display hypothesis) nor the construction of visual barriers (Vigilance hypothesis) altered bipedality in either species. Introduction of raised foraging structures (Forage hypothesis) increased postural bipedality in chimpanzees. These experimental manipulations provided support for carrying of portable objects and foraging on elevated food-items as plausible mechanisms that shaped bipedalism in hominids.  相似文献   

The present paper gives a case report on the death of a wild young chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus) at Bossou, Guinea. The corpse of a 6.5-year-old male was found, and an autopsy suggested that he had died from some non-epidemic disease or from poisoning. Morphological measurements of the skeleton revealed that the chimpanzee was much smaller than corresponding individuals in captivity. The dental formula of the chimpanzee coincided with those of 5- to 5.5-year-olds in captivity. The death of this chimpanzee suggests that some of the individuals who had disappeared at Bossou had died of natural causes.  相似文献   

Contraception of two chimpanzees was considered necessary for clinical reasons. After failure of reversible methods of contraception (an intrauterine device and a long-acting progestagen), tubal ligation was successfully performed, using a technique similar to one used in women.  相似文献   

During terrestrial locomotion, chimpanzees exhibit dorsiflexion of the midfoot between midstance and toe‐off of stance phase, a phenomenon that has been called the “midtarsal break.” This motion is generally absent during human bipedalism, and in chimpanzees is associated with more mobile foot joints than in humans. However, the contribution of individual foot joints to overall foot mobility in chimpanzees is poorly understood, particularly on the medial side of the foot. The talonavicular (TN) and calcaneocuboid (CC) joints have both been suggested to contribute significantly to midfoot mobility and to the midtarsal break in chimpanzees. To evaluate the relative magnitude of motion that can occur at these joints, we tracked skeletal motion of the hindfoot and midfoot during passive plantarflexion and dorsiflexion manipulations using cineradiography. The sagittal plane range of motion was 38 ± 10° at the TN joint and 14 ± 8° at the CC joint. This finding indicates that the TN joint is more mobile than the CC joint during ankle plantarflexion–dorsiflexion. We suggest that the larger range of motion at the TN joint during dorsiflexion is associated with a rotation (inversion–eversion) across the transverse tarsal joint, which may occur in addition to sagittal plane motion. Am J Phys Anthropol 154:604–608, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of human temporal bone pneumatization has been well studied from both comparative and clinical perspectives. While a difference in the extent of air cell distribution has been noted in our closest living relatives, chimpanzees and gorillas, the processes responsible have been relatively unexplored. To examine these processes, a large, age‐graded series of hominoid skulls was radiographed and the progress of pneumatization recorded. Additionally, a subsample of 30 chimpanzees and 12 gorillas was subjected to high‐resolution CT scanning. Neonatal specimens show a well‐developed mastoid antrum, as well as a capacious hypotympanum extending into the petrous apex. In African apes, as in humans, the mastoid antrum serves as the focus for air cell expansion into the mastoid and immediately adjacent areas. In chimpanzees and gorillas, however, a pronounced lateral structure, described as the squamous antrum, serves as the focus of pneumatization for anterior structures such as the squamous and zygomatic. The diminution of this structure in Homo sapiens explains the difference in air cell distribution in these regions. J. Morphol. 241:127–137, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Human language is distinctive compared with the communication systems of other species. Yet, several questions concerning its emergence and evolution remain unresolved. As a means of evaluating the neuroanatomical changes relevant to language that accompanied divergence from the last common ancestor of chimpanzees, bonobos and humans, we defined the cytoarchitectonic boundaries of area Tpt, a component of Wernicke''s area, in 12 common chimpanzee brains and used design-based stereologic methods to estimate regional volumes, total neuron number and neuron density. In addition, we created a probabilistic map of the location of area Tpt in a template chimpanzee brain coordinate space. Our results show that chimpanzees display significant population-level leftward asymmetry of area Tpt in terms of neuron number, with volume asymmetry approaching significance. Furthermore, asymmetry in the number of neurons in area Tpt was positively correlated with asymmetry of neuron numbers in Brodmann''s area 45, a component of Broca''s frontal language region. Our findings support the conclusion that leftward asymmetry of Wernicke''s area originated prior to the appearance of modern human language and before our divergence from the last common ancestor. Moreover, this study provides the first evidence of covariance between asymmetry of anterior and posterior cortical regions that in humans are important to language and other higher order cognitive functions.  相似文献   

Allometric methods and theory derived from principles of relative growth provide new and powerful approaches to an understanding of the nature and development of sexual dimorphism among living primates. The Frankfurt collection of Liberian chimpanzee skulls and mandibles provides a large skeletal sample from a single natural population of wild shot animals, including individuals of all ages and both sexes, and allows investigation of allometric and heterochronic patterns of sexual dimorphism. Univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analyses are utilized in this study in order to ascertain the ontogenetic nature of male-female differences in the skull of the Liberian chimpanzee. The results of univariate and multivariate analyses indicate that, while overall levels of sexual dimorphism in the chimpanzee skull are small, the greatest differences are in dimensions of the viscerocranium, while neurocranial dimensions and orbital size tend to be less dimorphic. Bivariate regressions of 21 cranial variables against basicranial length document positive allometry in many facial and mandibular dimensions, and isometry or negative allometry for most neurocranial dimensions. The data confirm previous work in chimpanzees and other anthropoid primates suggesting that males and females are “ontogenetically scaled” in most cranial traits. That is, males and females share the same cranial growth trajectories, although ending up at different points. Both rate and time hypermorphosis are suggested as underlying causes of ontogenetic scaling in the Liberian chimpanzee.  相似文献   

We present the spontaneous pathological lesions identified as a result of necropsy or biopsy for 245 chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) over a 35‐year period. A review of the pathology database was performed for all diagnoses on chimpanzees from 1980 to 2014. All morphologic diagnoses, associated system, organ, etiology, and demographic information were reviewed and analyzed. Cardiomyopathy was the most frequent lesion observed followed by hemosiderosis, hyperplasia, nematodiasis, edema, and hemorrhage. The most frequently affected systems were the gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, urogenital, respiratory, and lymphatic/hematopoietic systems. The most common etiology was undetermined, followed by degenerative, physiologic, neoplastic, parasitic, and bacterial. Perinatal and infant animals were mostly affected by physiologic etiologies and chimpanzee‐induced trauma. Bacterial and physiologic etiologies were more common in juvenile animals. Degenerative and physiologic (and neoplastic in geriatric animals) etiologies predominated in adult, middle aged, and geriatric chimpanzees.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the comparative anatomy of tongue musculature is crucial to the discussion of the origin and the evolution of speech because of the indispensable role played by this organ in speech. However, the tongue musculature of primates has rarely been studied. In a previous study, the author analyzed human tongue musculature and developed a 3D model of this organ [Takemoto, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 44:95-107, 2001]. In this study, the tongue musculature of chimpanzees was examined using methods similar to those used for humans. Results showed that tongue musculature was topologically the same for both humans and chimpanzees. As in humans, the tongue musculature of chimpanzees consisted of inner and outer regions. The inner musculature was composed of serial "structural units," made up of two types of laminae whose fibers were perpendicular to the tongue surface. The outer musculature was a thin layer of fibers oriented parallel to the surface and superficial to the inner musculature. Although the tongue musculature of humans and chimpanzees is similar, the external shapes differ: the chimpanzee tongue is flat, whereas the human tongue is round. Applying the muscular hydrostat theory to the external shape of the tongue suggests that the primary actions of the chimpanzee tongue are protrusion and retrusion, whereas the human tongue can be deformed in the oral cavity with a high degree of freedom. It is hypothesized that the evolution of the external shape of the tongue is one of the factors that led to the development of human speech. The results of this study suggest that modeling based on muscular hydrostatic theory of the effects of changes in external tongue shape on articulatory movements should be included in discussions on the origin of speech.  相似文献   

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