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Rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants of the indica cultivar IR54 were regenerated from protoplasts. Conditions were developed for isolating and purifying protoplasts from suspension cultures with protoplast yields ranging from 1·106 to 15·106 viable protoplasts/1 g fresh weight. Protoplast viability after purification was generally over 90%. Protoplasts were cultured in a slightly modified Kao medium in a Petri plate by placing them onto a Millipore filter positioned on top of a feeder (nurse) culture containing cells from a suspension culture of the japonica rice, Calrose 76. Plating efficiencies of protoplasts ranged from 0.5 to 3.0%; it was zero in the absence of the nurse culture. Protoplast preparations usually contained no contaminating cells, and when present, the number of cells never exceeded 0.1% of the protoplasts. After three weeks the Millipore filter with callus colonies were transferred off feeder cells and onto a Linsmaier and Skoog-type medium for an additional three weeks. Selected callus colonies that had embryo-like structures were then transferred to regeneration medium containing cytokinins, and regeneration frequencies up to 80% were obtained. Small shoots emerged and were transferred to jars for root development prior to transferring to pots of soil and growing the plants to maturity in growth chambers. Of the cytokinins evaluated, N6-benzylaminopurine was the most effective in promoting shoot formation; however, kinetin was also somewhat effective. Regeneration medium could be either an N6 or Murashige and Skoog basal medium. Of 76 plants grown to maturity, 62 were fertile, and the plant heights averaged about three-fourths the height of seed-grown plants.Two other suspension cultures of IR54, one developed from the protoplast callus of the initial IR54 line, and the other developed from callus produced by mature seeds, have yielded protoplasts capable of regenerating plants when using cells of the Calrose 76 suspension as a nurse culture. In addition, protoplasts obtained from three-week-old primary callus of immature embryos of IR54 were capable of regenerating plants when using the same culture conditions.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - pcy packed cell volume - BAP N6-benzylaminopurine - FDA fluorescein diacetate - FW fresh weight - IAA indole-3-acetic acid Media AA Muller and Grafe (1978) - CPW Frearson et al. (1973) - Kao* Kao (1977) - LS Linsmaier and Skoog (1965) - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962) - N6 Chu et al. (1975) - PCM Ludwig et al. (1985)  相似文献   

Plant regeneration from callus and protoplasts in Medicago polymorpha   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Seventeen ecotypes of the wild species Medicago polymorpha adapted to a Sardinian (Italy) environment have been evaluated for their response to tissue culture. The accession Samughero-Albi was the more respondent for callus induction and, together with Usassai, showed the highest regeneration capacity on media containing 1 mg l-1 2iP and 0.1 mg l-1 IAA. The morphogenetic response was also affected by the explant source. The hypocotyl-derived-calli were the best regenerating tissues. Regenerated plantlets were difficult to root and it was possible to obtain plants with a well developed root system only after 5–7 weeks of culture on media containing 2iP and IAA both at 0.2 mg l-1. Mesophyll cells were the best protoplast yielding source but only those isolated from roots were able to divide and to regenerate plants. Results are discussed in relation to the genotype specificity for the morphogenetic response and the feasibility of using M. polymorpha in the somatic hybridization with M. sativa.Abbreviations NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - 6-BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - 2iP N6-2-isopentenyl-adenine - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - GA3 gibberellic acid - GFMS growth regulator free MS medium - Prol proline - Malt maltose  相似文献   

Summary The conditions for effective isolation of viable protoplasts from Laminaria japonica with an alginase produced by marine bacterium Alteromonas sp. and a commercially available cellulase were investigated. The highest yields of viable protoplasts (7.910.4x106 cells g–1 FW) were obtained with a hypertonic solution containing 50 % seawater, 25 mM MgCl2, 5 mM HEPES buffer system, and 0.5 M mannitol. Protoplasts were not obtained from thalli of L. japonica when an abalone alginase (abalone acetone powder; AAP: Sigma) was used instead of the bacterial alginase. The isolated protoplasts were cultured in an PESI medium at 5 °C. Complete cell wall formation was observed within 7 days, and dividing cells were first observed in a 9-day-old culture. Some protoplasts regenerated into sheet-shaped thalli and rhizoid structures were also observed on some thalli after 30 to 40 days in culture. This is the first report of protoplast regeneration into plantlets of L. japonica Areschoug (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae).Abbreviations FW Flesh weight - AAP Abalone acetone powder - HEPES N-2-hydroxy-ethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid - Tris Tris(hyrdoxymethyl)aminomethane - PESI Provasoli's enriched seawater with iodine  相似文献   

Protoplasts were isolated from cotyledons of Sesbania bispinosa (Jacq.) W.F. Wight. In a liquid-over-agar culture system with Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 1 mg l-1 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-d, 2 mg l-1 benzyladenine (BA), 1 mg l-1 glutamine and 0.5 and formed callus. The first division occurred after 3–4 days. Callus formed from the protoplasts differentiated shoots by organogenesis on MS medium with 1 mg l-1 indolebutyric acid (IBA) and 1 mg l-1 BA. These shoots developed into complete plantlets when excised and cultured on MS medium with 0.5 mg l-1 IBA.  相似文献   

Summary We have produced a large number of plants regenerated from protoplasts originally isolated from embryo-derived cell suspensions of wild barley, Hordeum murinum L.. Suspensions initially allowed protoplast isolation and culture 5.5 to 9 months from the date of callus initiation. Colony formation efficiencies ranged from 1.5 to 3.0 % and from 0.1 to 1.4 % for protoplast cultures with and without nurse cells, respectively. Both nurse and non-nurse techniques allowed efficient embryogenesis and plant regeneration. More than 400 shoots/plantlets have been obtained from 6 independent experiments. Over 150 plants have been transferred to the greenhouse. Protoplasts isolated from the youngest suspensions (5.5 months old) gave rise to the largest number of plants. Protoplasts isolated from suspensions as old as 15 months were also regenerable.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - NAA naphthaleneacetic acid - L1, L2 medium according to Lazzeri et al. 1991 - L3 medium medium according to Jähne et al. 1991a  相似文献   

Summary Protoplasts ofBrassica nigra (L.) Koch were isolated from stem peels of bolting racemes and cultured in 1.5 ml of VN1 liquid medium. The protoplasts in the liquid medium were plated on top of half strength MS medium supplemented with 400 mg/liter glutamine, 15 mg/liter glutathione, 50 mg/literl-serine, 0.25 mg/liter 6-benzylaminopurine, 0.5 mg/liter 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 1.5% sucrose, and 5% mannitol, pH, 5.7, solidified with 0.3% agarose. Ten percent of calli obtained from the protoplasts developed into plantlets within 4 wk after transfer onto 2N regeneration medium which contains MS salts plus 200 mg/liter casein hydrolysate, 0.625 mg/liter 6-benzylaminopurine, 0.625 mg/liter kinetin, 0.625 mg/liter 6-(γ,γ-dimethylallylamino)-purine, 0.625 mg/liter zeatin, 0.5 mg/liter 1-naphthaleneacetic acid, 1.5% sucrose, and 0.4% agarose. THis is the first report of plant regeneration fromB. nigra protoplasts.  相似文献   

Protoplasts of the ectomycorrhizal ascomycete Cenococcum geophilum were isolated from mycelium grown in liquid medium. The method was optimized with regard to culture conditions, preincubation, lytic enzyme system, pH value of the incubation medium, osmotic buffer and incubation temperature for C. geophilum strains SIV and 1448. The yields were 1-3·108 and 7·106 protoplasts per gram fresh weight for C. geophilum SIV and C. geophilum 1448, respectively. Protoplasts from C. geophilum SIV exhibited plasma membrane integrity close to 100% (fluorescein diacetate staining). At least 50% of the protoplasts contained a nucleus (staining with acridine orange). The regeneration of protoplasts from C. geophilum is described for the first time. The regeneration frequency was up to 13%, and, dependent on the conditions of culture (liquid medium, agarose, agar), four types of regeneration patterns could be distinguished Regenerated protoplasts of C. geophilum were capable of forming mycorrhizas with spruce (Picea abies) seedlings.  相似文献   

Summary Protoplasts were isolated from immature cotyledons of Vigna sinensis and cultured in a modified MS Liquid medium containing 0. 2 mg/l 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4-D), 1 mg/l naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 0. 5 mg/l 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) in the dark at a density of 1 × 105/ml. The protoplasts began to divide in 3–5 days. Sustained cell division resulted in formation of cell clusters and small calli, with the cell division frequency and plating efficiency of cell colonies reaching 27. 7% and 1. 7% respectively. When calli of 2 mm in size were transferred onto MSB medium (MS salts and B5 vitamins) containing 500mg/l NaCl, 500 mg/ 1 casein hydrolysate (CH), 2 mg/l 2,4-D and 0. 5 mg/l BAP for further growth, approximately 5% of the calli developed embryogenically. The embryogenic calli were selected and subcultured on the same composition of MSB medium and were able to maintain somatic embryogenesis capacity in subculture for a long time. When the calli were moved to MSB medium with 0. 1 mg/l indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), 0. 5mg/l kinetin(KT), 3–5% mannitol and 2% sucrose in the light, many somatic embryos formed from the calli. Only part of the embryoids developed further to the cotyledonary stage, and the others died at the globular, heart-shaped or torpedo stages. Finally, some cotyledonary embryoids germinated and developed into plants or shoots. The shoots were readily rooted on 1/2 strength MS medium with 0. 1–0.3 mg/l indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). The plants grew well in soil and were fertile.Abbreviations 2, 4-D dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - NAA naphthaleneacetic acid - BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - KT kinetin - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - CH casein hydrolysate - CM coconut milk - ZT zeatin  相似文献   

An efficient protocol for plant regeneration from protoplasts of hydroxyproline(HYP)resistant cell line of Onobrychis viciaefolia was established.In SH medium supplemented with 1mg/L2,4-dichlorophenoxy-acetic acid(2,4-D),0.5mg/L kinetin(KT)and 0.2mg/L naphthalene acetic acid(NAA),the division frequency of protoplastderived cells reached up to over 60%,and microcalli were obtained in 5-6wk.Upon transferring them on agar solidified MS medium plus 2mg/L indole-3-acetic acid (IAA),shoots were induced.After cultivating them on MS medium with or without IAA,roots were regenerated.Chromosome number of all protoplast-regenerated plants examined were normal(2n=28).The protoplast-derived calli and plants grew vigorously on the medium containing 10 mmol/L HYP.  相似文献   

A method was developed for electrofusion of higher-plant protoplasts from celery and protoplasts from the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans. Initially, methods for the fusion of protoplasts from ecch species were determined individually and, subsequently, electrical parameters for fusion between the species were determined. Pronase-E treatment and the presence of calcium ions markedly increased celery protoplast stability under the electrical conditions required and increased fusion frequency with A. nidulans protoplasts. A reduction in protoplast viability was observed after electrofusion but the majority of the protoplasts remained viable over a 24-h incubation period. A small decline in protoplast respiration rate occurred during incubation but those celery protoplasts fused with A. nidulans protoplasts showed elevated respiration rates for 3 h after electrofusion.Abbreviations AC alternating current - DC direct current  相似文献   

Plant regeneration from protoplasts of Japanese lawngrass   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Embryogenic callus of Japanese lawngrass (Zoysia japonica Steud.) was induced from sterile mature seeds on LS medium with 5 mg / l of 2,4-D. Embryogenic callus selected visually under microscope was proliferated in liquid N6 medium with amino acids (N6-AA medium). Protoplasts were isolated from suspension cells by the treatment of enzyme mixture containing pectolyase Y-23 and cultured in K8p medium with 2 mg / l of 2,4-D at the density of 106 / ml. Plants were regenerated by transferring the protoplasts derived callus to MS medium and incubating at 28 °C under light for two months. Plantlets were successfully transplanted in the soil.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichrolophenoxyacetic acid - MES 2-(N-Morpholino) ethanesulfonic acid  相似文献   

Embryogenic cell suspensions of rubber derived from immature inflorescences and inner integuments of immature fruits released 3.1 ± 0.2 × 107 protoplasts g-1 f. wt. (mean ± s.e.m, n = 10) and 3.2 ± 0.2 × 107 protoplasts g-1 f. wt., with mean viabilities of 83 ± 2% and 77 ± 8%, respectively. Sustained mitotic division was observed only when protoplasts were cultured in KPR liquid medium on nitrocellulose membranes overlying the same semi-solid medium containing Lolium multiflorum nurse cells. Protoplast-derived cell colonies were produced within 2 months of culture. Protoplast-derived cell colonies proliferated, upon subculture to MS-based regeneration medium, with 40% of the protoplast-derived calli developing somatic embryos. The latter germinated into plants on the same medium after 3 months of culture. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A continuous-flow culture system was developed for culturing Laminaria japonica protoplasts. Protoplasts were settled on 5-μm pore size nylon mesh fixed inside a 50-ml plastic syringe, and cultured in Provasoli's enriched seawater with iodine medium with a gentle upward flow generated by a peristaltic pump. In the culture system, 50% of the protoplasts regenerated their cell wall within 24 hours and almost all protoplasts regenerated a cell wall after 3 days culture. After cell wall regeneration, a number of cells divided and regenerated into sheet-shaped thalli. The thalli transferred to a tissue culture flask developed into sporophyte-like plantlets within 1 month. Plantlets then differentiated into blade, stipe, and holdfast, with a proper mucilage canal. Received: 21 April 1997 / Revision received: 27 June 1997 / Accepted: 5 July 1997  相似文献   

Embryogenic callus was developed from young leaves of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.hybrid, cv. CoL-54). A good embryogenic callus response was achieved using MS basal medium containing 2.0 mol (0.5 mg l-1) picloram under dark conditions at 27±1°C. Initiation of fast growing homogeneous cell suspension cultures was achieved in MS and AA media, both supplemented with g mol (2 mg l-1) 2,4-d and 500 mg l-1 CH. Embryogenic callus was reinitiated from embryogenic cell suspension cultures using MS medium containing 30 g l-1 sucrose, 500 mg l-1 CH and 2.26 mol (0.5 mg l-1) 2,4-d after 4–6 weeks of culture under 16-h photoperiod conditions. Plant regeneration was achieved after about 4 weeks in MS medium lacking growth regulators but containing CH (500 mg l-1) and sucrose (60 g l-1). Rooting was enhanced by transferring regenerated plantlets to half strength MS basal medium.Totipotent protoplasts with an average yield of 2.0×107 to 1.0×108 ml-1 were obtained from embryogenic cell suspension cultures at log phase, i.e., 4–5 days after transfer to fresh media. The best growth response was achieved when protoplasts were cultured in a modifed KM8P medium at the density of 2.0×105 m l-1. Protoplasts were mainly embedded in 0.8% sea plaque agarose. Division efficiency of 22.2% was achieved after 20 days of culture and 0.26% of microcolonies continued growth and formed microcalluses after 30 days of culture under dark conditions. Microcalluses were proliferated in MS medium having 2,4-d (2 mg l-1) under 16-h photoperiod. Transferring these embryogenic calluses in MS medium +9.29 mol kinetin (2 mg l-1) +5.37 mol NAA (1.0 mg l-1) + activated charcoal (200 mg l-1) for 5 weeks favoured plant regeneration. Shoots and roots were further proliferated in half strength MS basal medium for 2–4 weeks. Regenerated plants were transferred to autoclaved sand for 2 weeks under 16-h photoperiod in growth room and transferred to soil in a greenhouse to raise to maturity.Abbreviations MS salts of Murashige & Skoog (1962) basal medium - AA salts of Muller & Grafe (1978) basal medium - N6 saits of Chuet al. (1975) basal medium - 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - CH casein hydrolysate - KM8P protoplast culture medium of Kao & Michayluk (1975) - KPR protoplast culture medium of Kao (1977) - P9 protoplast culture medium (Chen & Shih, 1983) - BA Benzyladenine - Picloram 4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid - NAA Naphthalene acetic acid  相似文献   

Plant regeneration from isolated protoplasts of 8 cultivars of lisianthus, Eustoma grandiflorum (Griseb.) Schinners, has been established by using activated charcoal. Protoplasts were isolated from lisianthus leaves grown in vitro and started to divide within 3–4 days of culture, but successful colony formation was only achieved by adding gellan gum blocks containing 1% (w/v) activated charcoal immediately after culture. Colonies consisting of as many as 50–100 cells formed after 30 days of culture and were transferred to fresh medium for callus proliferation and shoot regeneration, respectively. These shoots rooted on MS medium containing 0.5 mg l–1 indolebutyric acid(IBA) and the plantlets were finally transplanted to pots. Morphological characteristics, growth habit and pollen fertility of protoplast-derived plants of one cultivar were not different from those of seed-grown plants as control.Abbreviations BA 6-benzylaminopurine - NAA 1-naphthaleneacetic acid - MS Murashige & Skoog (1962) medium - IBA indolebutyric acid - MES 2-N-morpholinoethane sulfonic acid  相似文献   

Calli were initiated from flower buds, gynoecia and inflorescence segments of Haworthia magnifica v. Poelln. and subcultured on solid medium. Two liquid culture steps were necessary to prepare the calli for the isolation of protoplasts capable of sustained cell divisions. Plants were regenerated from protoplast-derived calli. The influence of both the osmolality of the culture media and exudates on the viability of protoplasts and protoplast-derived cell colonies is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Plant regeneration from mesophyll protoplasts of Lactuca perennis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cultured protoplasts of young, unexpanded leaves of the wild lettuce, Lactuca perennis, divided to produce cell colonies in an agarose-solidified, modified MS medium with reduced levels of inorganic salts, together with 2,4-d, NAA and zeatin at 0.2, 0.1 and 0.5 mg 1-1 respectively. Organogenesis followed the initial transfer of protoplastderived colonies to modified MS medium with 2,4-d, NAA and zeatin (0.1, 1.0 and 0.2 mg 1-1 respectively) and then to full-strength MS medium with 6-BA and NAA (0.4 and 0.05 mg 1-1). Shoots were rooted on agar-solidified MS medium lacking growth regulators. Regenerated shoots were established ex vitro, 21 weeks after protoplast isolation.Abbreviations 6-BA 6-benzyladenine - BSA bovine serum albumin - d days - 2.4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - f. wt. fresh weight - IAA indoleacetic acid - MES 2 [N-morpholino]ethane sulphonic acid - MS Murashige & Skoog (1962)  相似文献   

A protoplast-to-plant regeneration system has been established for sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) and its wild relative, I. lacunosa L. Viable protoplasts, isolated from preplasmolyzed stems and petioles of in vitro-grown plants, were cultured on liquid MS (Murashige & Skoog 1962) medium that supported cell division and colony formation. Embryogenic calli of sweet potato were induced on agar-solidified MS medium supplemented with 3% (w/v) sucrose, 50 mg l-1 casamino acids, 0.2–0.5 mg l-1 2,4-d, 1.0 mg l-1 kinetin and 1.0 mg l-1 ABA. On average, 3 plants were regenerated from a single sweet potato callus subcultured on semi-solid MS medium containing 3% (w/v) sucrose, 800 mg l-1 glutamine, 2.0 mg l-1 BA or 1.0 mg l-1 kinetin and 1.0 mg l-1 GA3. Embryogenic calli of I. lacunosa L. were initiated on semi-solid MS medium containing 0.2–0.5 mg l-1 IAA and 1.0–2.0 mg l-1 BA. An average of 5 plants was regenerated from a single sweet potato callus subcultured on semi-solid MS medium containing 0.5 or 1.0 mg l-1 GA3.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - BA benzyladenine - 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - GA3 gibberellic acid - IAA indole acetic acid - MES 2-(N-morpholino)-ethane sulfonic acid - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   

Protoplasts isolated from cotyledons of Brassica carinata, underwent sustained division when cultured at 5.0 × 104 ml-1 in modified 8p medium (KM8P) with 1.0% (w/v) Seaplaque agarose. Cell colonies produced callus when agarose droplets, in which the protoplasts were embedded, were transferred to K8 medium with 0.6% (w/v) Sigma Type I or Type VII agarose at day 16, giving a plating efficiency of 1.6%. Seventy percent of the protoplast derived-tissues produced shoot buds after subculture to MS medium containing 3.0% (w/v) sucrose, 1.125 mgl-1 BAP, 0.035 mgl-1 GA and 0.6% (w/v) Type I agarose, resulting in shoot formation from 1.1% of the protoplasts originally plated. Protoplast-derived colonies transferred to hormone-free MS medium with 1.0% (w/v) sucrose and 0.6% (w/v) Type I agarose produced roots. The latter gave rise to shoots after excision from the parent callus and culture on MS medium with 3.0% sucrose, 0.225 mgl-1 BAP, and 0.6% (w/v) Type I agarose. Shoots regenerated directly from protoplast-derived calli, or indirectly from roots, developed prolific root systems when placed on hormone-free MS medium with 1.0% (w/v) sucrose and 0.6% (w/v) Type I agarose.Abbreviations BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - CH casein hydrolysate - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - GA gibberellic acid - K kinetin - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - MES 2(N-morpholino)ethanesulphonic acid, 2,iP-6(,-dimethylallyamino) purine - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - Z zeatin - ZR zeatin riboside  相似文献   

Large populations of viable protoplasts were released from suspension cultured cells of the woody medicinal plant Solanum dulcamara (bittersweet, woody nightshade) when the cells were harvested 3 to 7 months after culture initiation and 4 to 5 days after transfer to fresh medium. A Bio-Gel p6 purified enzyme mixture enhanced the protoplast plating efficiency 6 fold compared to the unpurified mixture, without affecting protoplast yield. Agarose-solidified medium markedly improved protoplast division and colony formation, and enabled protoplasts to be plated at lower densities than in liquid medium. All protoplast-derived tissues produced shoots on MS based medium with 1.0 mgl-1 zeatin. Shoots rooted readily on medium lacking phytohormones. Cytological examination revealed high chromosome stability of suspension cultured cells, of plants derived from such cells, and of protoplast-derived plants. The implication of these results is discussed in relation to the genetic manipulation of this pharmaceutically important plant.  相似文献   

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