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Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common neoplasm of the parotid gland, generally presenting as a slowly enlarging, firm, well-circumscribed, painless nodule. Occasional cases have presented after a short period of rapid growth or have been associated with pain. The vast majority of these tumors are solid, but rare examples have been associated with cystic degeneration or hemorrhage. Spontaneous and tumor-associated infarction of the parotid has been reported, but these examples have been limited to infarctions of Warthin's tumors and postoperative infarctions of salivary glands. We present the case of a 48-year-old male with a one-year history of a painful, enlarging, left parotid mass associated with paresthesia of the tongue. Computed tomographic examination of the parotid demonstrated a left superficial lobe mass with a rim of enhancement and low attenuation center. Fine needle aspiration yielded necrotic debris and atypical squamous elements that were thought to be compatible with carcinoma. A superficial parotidectomy with intraoperative frozen section revealed a pleomorphic adenoma with extensive central necrosis. To our knowledge, this represents the first reported case of an infarcted pleomorphic adenoma and illustrates the potential for misinterpretation of these cytologic and radiologic findings as indicative of malignancy.  相似文献   

The cytologic and histochemical data in a case of extensive peritoneal endometriosis are presented. The presence of macrophages heavily laden with blue and dark pigment (as demonstrated by May-Grünwald-Giemsa, Perls and Fontana stains) and scattered non-neoplastic endometrial cells in hemorrhagic ascitic fluid indicated a diagnosis of peritoneal endometriosis. Metabolized hemoglobin material was related to both recent and older hemorrhages.  相似文献   

We encountered a 65-year-old man with gamma heavy chain disease associated with extramedullary plasmacytoma of the thyroid gland. Serum electrophoresis revealed an abnormal fast gamma band that cross-reacted with anti-IgG (Fc gamma) sera immunoelectrophoretically. Intracytoplasmic monoclonal immunoglobulin, IgG (Fc gamma), was demonstrated in thyroid tissue sections using an indirect immunofluorescence method. After surgery, the serum abnormal fast gamma band disappeared. At the time of writing, the patient has survived 18 months post-surgery.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Intracytoplasmic lumina (ICL) have been observed frequently in breast carcinoma cells. However, they are extremely rare in thyroid gland tumors. We encountered a medullary carcinoma of the thyroid (MCT) with ICL and present a case with cytologic, immunocytochemical and ultrastructural features. CASE: A 15-year-old female was admitted with a left thyroid mass. Ultrasound examination revealed a well-defined tumor in the left lobe of the thyroid. Fine needle aspiration cytology showed mainly dispersed spindle cells with oval nuclei and some polymorphic or triangular tumor cells. The tumor cells containing ICL were noted at high magnification. The ICL contained sparse microvilli and abundant granular material with dense, round bodies on ultrastructural sections. Immunocytochemically, these tumor cells were positive for calcitonin and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). Moreover, CEA was recognized in the ICL with immunocytochemical staining. All tumor cells were negative for thyroglobulin. Pathologic examination confirmed the diagnosis of medullary carcinoma of the thyroid gland. CONCLUSION: MCT can include ICL with granular material containing CEA.  相似文献   

Ductal carcinoma is an uncommon tumor of the salivary glands. Histopathologically, it is characterized by the presence of intraductal and infiltrative neoplastic components, morphologically resembling mammary carcinoma. A case of ductal carcinoma of the parotid gland, in which preoperative fine needle aspiration biopsy was performed, is presented. Cytologic examination of the aspirate revealed naked nuclei featuring anisokaryosis, chromatin clumps and clear vacuolar zones.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Extramedullary plasmacytoma (EMP) of the breast is extremely rare, especially that not associated with multiple myeloma. CASE: A case of plasmacytoma of the breast in a 73-year-old man was diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). Aspiration smears revealed a dispersed population of plasmacytoid cells at various stages of maturation. The tumor was excised, and the histologic sections confirmed the cytologic diagnosis. CONCLUSION: FNAC diagnosis of plasmacytoma of the breast offers the opportunity to distinguish these neoplasms from primary mammary tumors and avoid unnecessary surgery.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Myxoid leiomyosarcoma is a rare variant of uterine sarcoma, exhibiting malignant biologic behavior despite the absence of cytologic atypia and of significant mitotic activity. CASE: A 20-year-old female was referred with a cystic pelvic mass. At laparotomy, the tumor, weighed 2,200 g and originating in the left lateral uterine wall, was removed. Microscopic examination revealed well-differentiated smooth muscle cells without atypia and with a few mitotic figures in the copious myxoid matrix, suggesting myxoid leiomyosarcoma. Three years following laparotomy, an irregular mass around the uterus was noted on sonographic examination, suggesting local recurrence. Two years and six months later, the second operation was performed, and a locally recurrent, multicystic tumor weighing 3,500 g was excised. The histopathology was similar to that of the primary tumor. Cytologic findings on imprint material from the tumor revealed a few isolated or sheet like small cells consisting of spindle and polygonal cells with round and oval nuclei. Cytologic atypia was also minimal. CONCLUSION: Myxoid leiomyosarcoma should be included in the differential diagnosis of smooth muscle neoplasia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There are only rare case reports of preoperative fine needle aspiration cytologic (FNAC) diagnosis of myoepithelioma of the salivary gland. Myoepitheliomas with pure spindle cell morphology may simulate a variety of benign or malignant spindle cell soft tissue tumors. CASE: A 54-year-old woman presented with a history of progressively increasing swelling in the right parotid region. The clinical diagnosis was parotid malignancy. Routine FNAC yielded highly particulate material. The smears were cellular, with tissue fragments, clusters of spindle cells and numerous small globules and strands of bright magenta material. High cellular yield and pure spindle cell population with an accentuated chromatin pattern in Papanicolaou-stained smears simulated a low-grade spindle cell soft tissue sarcoma. A vague resemblance to a schwannoma was also noted. However, based on the characteristic findings of the May-Grünwald-Giemsa (MGG)-stained smears, a preoperative diagnosis of myoepithelioma was made and confirmed by subsequent histopathologic examination and immunohistochemistry. CONCLUSION: Cytologically, spindle cell myoepithelioma of the salivary gland may simulate low-grade spindle cell soft tissue sarcoma or schwannoma. However, optimal sampling of the lesion and logical interpretation of the MGG-stained smears, in the appropriate clinical situation, allow a confident preoperative diagnosis of these tumors.  相似文献   

We report on a 20-year-old woman who, in her third month of pregnancy, presented with a morbilliform rash, fever and diarrhea. Many multinucleate superficial, intermediate and metaplastic cells were noted in the cervical cytologic preparation. The presence of the measles virus in cells from the cervix was confirmed by the amplification of measles complementary DNA (cDNA) by the polymerase chain reaction. The patient's cervical Papanicolaou smear was unremarkable on reexamination four months after the onset of the disease. To our knowledge, this is the first verified reported case of infection of the uterine cervix by the measles virus.  相似文献   

The cytopathologic features of choroid plexus papilloma observed in the ventricular fluid of a 9-month-old boy are reported and compared with other pediatric central nervous system neoplasms. The cytologic features of choroid plexus papilloma are similar to those of normal choroid plexus and may be difficult to distinguish from those of a well-differentiated papillary ependymoma. However, the cell clusters are distinct from those associated with choroid plexus carcinoma and primitive neuroectodermal tumors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Elastofibroma is a benign, soft tissue tumor that occurs most frequently in the subscapular area in elderly people. To the best of our knowledge, in only two cases has the cytology been reported. The aim of this report is to describe the characteristic cytologic findings of elastofibroma and to discuss the usefulness of elastin stain in scrape smears. CASE: A 72-year-old female had bilateral masses in the lower subscapular area. Scrape smears from a cut surface of the resected masses revealed abundant, "wormlike" or "braidlike" material with central cores with Papanicolaou stain in an intraoperative consultation. Various-sized, petaloid or crystalloid globules were also present. Those elastic fibers were strongly positive for elastin stain in cytologic preparations. CONCLUSION: Elastofibroma can be diagnosed cytologically, and elastin-stained, scrape cytologic preparation is especially useful in such a case.  相似文献   

A case of ameloblastic fibroma of the jaw in an 18-year-old patient is presented. Fine needle aspiration cytologic smears showed two different types of cellular elements: a glandlike epithelial component, arranged in bidimensional, well-outlined clusters of basaloid cells with palisading of the columnar cells at the borders of those clusters, and a mesenchymal component that consisted of loosely arranged fusiform cells. These cytologic features appear to be sufficiently characteristic to suggest a diagnosis of ameloblastic fibroma by fine needle aspiration.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Giant luteinized follicle cyst is a recently recognized cause of ovarian enlargement during pregnancy and the puerperium. Only rare cases of this clinical condition have been reported in the literature, and the cytologic features have not been previously described. CASE: A 34-year-old, pregnant woman presented at 10 weeks' gestation with a large, right ovarian cyst. Clinical management was initially conservative, but four weeks later the patient presented with acute abdominal pain. At laparotomy, the ovarian cyst was aspirated and a cystectomy performed. On cytologic examination, the presence of a luteinized follicle cyst of pregnancy was suggested. Subsequent histologic examination confirmed the diagnosis. CONCLUSION: This case illustrates the clinicopathologic features of a luteinized follicle cyst of pregnancy with special emphasis on the cytologic characteristics. The cytologic features are sufficient to establish the diagnosis in conjunction with the ultrasonographic appearance.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) can be used for establishing a diagnosis of cutaneous lesions, especially in cases with cyst formation. Poroid hidradenoma is eccrine neoplasm with both solid and cystic components. CASE: A 77-year-old female presented with a slightly elevated nodule in the skin on her left elbow. The tumor was well demarcated, 2.7 x 2.4 cm and soft, and overlying skin was slightly reddish. FNAC revealed two types of cell: one had abundant cytoplasm in which small to large, occasionally multinucleated nuclei with small but distinct nucleoli were evident. Chromatin was finely granular, and nuclear membrane was thin and almost smooth. Another type of cell had scanty cytoplasm and a round to oval nucleus with small but prominent nucleoli. Histologic diagnosis was poroid hidradenoma. CONCLUSION: FNAC can be useful for diagnosing intradermal cystic lesions before surgical resection.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Oncocytic carcinoma is a rare malignant tumor of the salivary gland. Abundant, granular, eosinophilic cytoplasm is recognized as an oncocytic feature that reflects an accumulation of mitochondria. Ultrastructural study or immunohistochemical staining using antimitochondrial antibody can confirm the oncocytic nature of the tumor. However, there have been no data on whether immunocytochemical staining for human mitochondria aids in the confirmation of the oncocytic nature of oncocytic carcinoma. CASE: A 61-year-old man presented with a swelling in the left lower cheek. Computed tomography demonstrated a solid, isodense tumor in the parotid gland. An excisional biopsy of the tumor was performed, and an enlarged regional lymph node was removed. Imprint cytology of the lymph node showed cohesive cell clusters with lymphocytes. The clusters were composed of tumor cells that had characteristic abundant, granular cytoplasm and round to oval, centrally or eccentrically located nuclei with increased, fine chromatin and distinct nucleoli. Immunocytochemical staining revealed granular immunoreactivity of the cytoplasm for human mitochondria. Histology demonstrated tumor invasion in the normal gland and adjacent skeletal muscles. All tumor cells showed positive cytoplasm with antimitochondrial antibody by immunohistochemistry. Ultrastructural studies demonstrated packed mitochondria in the cytoplasm of the tumor. CONCLUSION: Immunocytochemical staining for human mitochondria help confirm the oncocytic nature of oncocytic carcinoma in cytologic specimens.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Pulmonary tumorlets are localized lesions of neuroendocrine cell proliferation, usually found in association with chronic pulmonary inflammation. Since they are mostly incidental histologic or radiologic discoveries, they have received little attention, and there have been no reports on their detailed cytology. We describe for the first time the cytologic features of a pulmonary tumorlet and discuss its differential diagnosis. CASE: An abnormal nodule in the right lung field was discovered on a regular checkup by chest roentgenogram in a 70-year-old, nonsmoking female. Intraoperative aspiration cytology demonstrated cohesive, spindle-shaped cells arranged in fascicles or singly. Since these cells showed nuclear atypia, such as hyperchromasia, a coarsely granular chromatin pattern and nuclear grooving, a nonepithelial malignant lesion was suspected and upper lobectomy performed. The final diagnosis was a pulmonary tumorlet on the basis of histologic examination of the resected material. CONCLUSION: This is the first cytologic report of a pulmonary tumorlet. In this case, differential diagnosis was made of a tumor consisting predominantly of spindle-shaped cells. Although cytologic findings included nuclear atypia, the lesion was not malignant.  相似文献   

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