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Two-cell sheep embryos and 2-4-cell and 8-cell cow embryos were cultured for 5 days in stoppered test-tubes in Synthetic Oviduct Fluid supplemented with 32 mg BSA/ml. The medium had been previously equilibrated with one of the following O2 concentrations (sheep: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 17, 20%; cow: 0, 4, 8, 12, 17, 20%). At the end of culture embryos were examined for morphology and stained to assess numbers of nuclei. Mean (+/- s.e.m.) nuclei/embryo was highest at 8% O2 for sheep embryos (23.6 +/- 3.1), 4% for 2-4-cell cow embryos (23.2 +/- 6.1) and 8% for 8-cell cow embryos (29.6 +/- 5.2). The minimum number of nuclei/embryo occurred at 20% O2 in each case (10.3 +/- 0.9, 10.3 +/- 2.7, 14.5 +/- 2.4, respectively) with similar values also recorded at 0% O2 (10.8 +/- 1.9, 16.5 +/- 6.0, 14.6 +/- 2.4, respectively). Analysis of the proportion of embryos reaching at least the morula stage demonstrated a significant quadratic component for the different oxygen concentrations for sheep (P less than 0.01) and cow (P less than 0.05) embryos. A number of sheep and cow embryos showed abnormalities, suggesting that the culture conditions require further refinement. The results confirm that, under lowered oxygen levels, development of sheep and cattle embryos can occur through the 8- to 16-cell block in a simple defined medium without somatic cell support.  相似文献   

Cloning of sheep and cow embryos   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
S M Willadsen 《Génome》1989,31(2):956-962
The results of experiments aimed at cloning of sheep and cattle embryos are described. Two experimental approaches were used to study the developmental potential of blastomeres from sheep and cow embryos: (i) blastomere separation followed by culture and (ii) fusion of isolated blastomeres with enucleated eggs followed by culture. Both approaches allow embryos to be cloned, but whereas blastomere separation allows only a relatively small number of genetically identical animals to be produced, nuclear transplantation will probably open the way for large-scale cloning of livestock.  相似文献   

Embryos recovered 7 to 8 days after estrus were frozen from -7 to -30 degrees C at 0.3 degrees C/min, from -30 to -33 degrees C at 0.1 degrees C/min, and then plunged into liquid nitrogen. They were thawed in a 25 degrees C waterbath. In a preliminary study, 15 of 18 embryos continued to develop during the 24-hour culture post-thaw in either Ham's F-10 or modified Dulbecco's phosphate buffered saline (PBS). In the main study, 5 of 20 embryos developed to 60-day pregnancies when embryos were transferred within 5 hours after thawing. The incidence of extended estrous cycles (pregnancy or presumed embryonic mortality) was 10 of 14, when the zona pellucida was intact after thawing, and 0 of 6, when it was ruptured or absent (P<.05). Embryos cultured in PBS tended to develop more readily than those in Ham's F-10 (15 of 20 vs 9 of 20, respectively, P reverse similar.1). Quality of the embryos, at recovery from the donor and after thawing, affected development in culture (19 of 27 embryos excellent at recovery developed vs 5 of 13 poor to very good, P reverse similar.1; 23 of 33 embryos good to excellent after thawing developed vs 1 of 7 poor, P<.05). The proportion of pyknotic nuclei in embryos which were cultured ranged from 18 to 100%. The pregnancy rate from embryos which were cultured was low (2 of 20). Thirty percent of frozen and thawed embryos had damaged zonae pellucidae. The study showed that: the pregnancy rate from frozen embryos was approximately half that achieved with unfrozen embryos; culturing embryos for 24 hours before transfer was not beneficial; the PBS culture system appears to be the system of choice for assessing embryo viability in vitro .  相似文献   

Rumen anaerobic fungi of cattle and sheep   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A system for the large-scale production and purification of mouse mammary tumor virus in the absence of detectable endogenous murine leukemia virus is described. By utilizing the Mm5mt/c1 cell line established from an adenocarcinoma of a C3H mouse, the continuous production of over 25,000 liters of mouse mammary tumor virus-containing tissue culture fluids has been achieved. By the strict adherence to well-defined tissue culture conditions, mammary tumor virus production was accomplished without the expression of murine leukemia virus. Various biochemical and immunological systems were established for the rapid and precise detection of the endogenous leukemia virus, the expression of which could be enhanced under conditions of culture stress.  相似文献   

Deep freezing of sheep embryos.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Sheep embryos, collected 1-8 days after oestrus, were placed in Dulbecco's phosphate-buffered saline medium (PBS). After treatment, the viability of the embryos was tested by temporary transfer to ligated rabbit oviducts. In Exp. 1, Days 5-8 embryos survived for at least 15 min at 0 degrees C in the presence of 1-5 M-DMSO. In Exp. 2, 12/14 Days 5-8 embryos survived after being frozen in 1-5 M-DMSO at 0-3 degrees C/min to temperatures ranging between-15 degrees and -60 degrees C and then thawed at 12 degrees C/min. In Exp. 3, Days 5-8 embryos were frozen in 1-5 M-DMSO at 0-3 degrees C/min to below-65 degrees C before being transferred to liquid nitrogen (-196 degrees C), and stored for 12 hr to 1 month. The embryos were thawed at 3 degrees C/min, 12 degrees C/MIN or 360 degrees C/min and, after transfer to rabbit oviducts, 0/4, 10/36 and 1/4, respectively, developed normally. The 11 embryos which were considered normal when recovered from the rabbit oviducts plus 1 slightly retarded embryo were transferred to 7 recipient ewes. Four ewes subsequently lambed, producing 5 lambs. In addition, 8 embryos were transferred to 4 ewes directly after thawing. Three of these ewes subsequently lambed, producing 3 lambs.  相似文献   

The functions of prolactin in the fetus remain speculative. No obvious physiological role has been found for the prolactin present in the fetal or maternal plasma and amniotic fluid compartments. The aim of the present study was to investigate changes in fetal plasma prolactin following intracerebroventricular (i.c.r.) administration to the fetus of artificial cerebrospinal fluid of different tonicities. A lateral ventricle catheter was placed in 11 fetuses at 107-128 days of gestation. Either isotonic artificial cerebrospinal fluid (300 mOsm.1(-1);n = 9), 15% polyethylene glycol (340 mOsm.1(-1);n = 5), or 7% distilled water in isotonic artificial cerebrospinal fluid (270 mOsm.1(-1);n = 9) was infused i.c.v. at 35 mu1.min-1 for 240 min. At 180 min thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) was administered through a fetal a fetal jugular catheter. Fetal carotid arterial blood gases, plasma osmolality and concentrations of prolactin, vasopressin (AVP), and norepinephrine (NE) were measured. Administration of hypotonic artificial cerebrospinal fluid produced an increase in fetal plasma prolactin from 46.6 +/- 36 ng.ml-1 at 0 min to 83.3 +/- 49 ng.ml-1 at 180 min (mean +/- SEM; P less than 0.05). No changes in either AVP or NE were observed. Administration of hypertonic artificial cerebrospinal fluid produced a decrease in plasma prolactin from 85 +/- 57 at time 0 to 49 +/- 35 at 180 min (P less than 0.05). No changes in either AVP or NE were observed. Fetal plasma prolactin, AVP, and NE did not change during control infusion of isotonic artificial cerebrospinal fluid.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Cells subjected to the events occurring before, during, and after freezing and thawing are exposed to major changes in the osmotic pressure of the surrounding medium; i.e., the osmolalities can exceed 30. An important question in understanding the mechanisms of injury is whether cells respond as ideal osmometers to these strongly anisotonic solutions. Mouse and bovine embryos from eight-cell to blastocyst stage were used to investigate the question. They were found to behave as ideal osmometers at room temperature over a wide range of tonicities; i.e., from four times isotonic to almost 1/3 times isotonic, ideality being defined by a Boyle-van't Hoff equation. Embryo volumes increased from 40 to 200% of isotonic over this range and survivals of mouse embryos were unaffected. However, outside this range the membrane apparently becomes leaky and the survival of mouse embryos drops sharply. Osmolalities rise to high values during freezing and the paper develops the thermodynamic equations to show how computed cell volumes as a function of subzero temperature can be translated into the Boyle-van't Hoff format of cell volume as a function of the reciprocal of osmolality.  相似文献   

Cells subjected to the events occurring before, during, and after freezing and thawing are exposed to major changes in the osmotic pressure of the surrounding medium; i.e., the osmolalities can exceed 30. An important question in understanding the mechanisms of injury is whether cells respond as ideal osmometers to these strongly anisotonic solutions. Mouse and bovine embryos from eight-cell to blastocyst stage were used to investigate the question. They were found to behave as ideal osmometers at room temperature over a wide range of tonicities; i.e., from four times isotonic to almost 1/3 times isotonic, ideality being defined by a Boyle-van't Hoff equation. Embryo volumes increased from 40 to 200% of isotonic over this range and survivals of mouse embryos were unaffected. However, outside this range the membrane apparently becomes leaky and the survival of mouse embryos drops sharply. Osmolalities rise to high values during freezing and the paper develops the thermodynamic equations to show how computed cell volumes as a function of subzero temperature can be translated into the Boyle-van't Hoff format of cell volume as a function of the reciprocal of osmolality.  相似文献   

Cattle blastocysts were collected from 29 donors 7-8 days after estrus and frozen and stored in liquid nitrogen up to several months. Two procedures were used for freezing and thawing: After thawing, the embryos were cultured from 8 to 12 hours before transfer; 36% of the embryos continued normal development during culture; both procedures resulted in a high pregnancy rate (procedure A: 10 15 ; procedure B: 11 15 ) after single cervical transfer of the frozen thawed embryos which developed normaly in vitro . However the overall survival rate was low (25%) and varied between donors, indicating that progress must be made before the technique of freezing can be extended to applied conditions.  相似文献   

Successful direct transfer of vitrified sheep embryos   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The use of a simple cryopreservation method, adapted to direct transfer of thawed embryos may help to reduce the costs of embryo transfer in sheep and increase the use of this technique genetic improvement of this species. Two experiments were made to test a vitrification method that is easy to apply in field conditions. All embryos were collected at Day 7 of the estrous cycle of FSH-stimulated donor ewes and were assessed morphologically, washed in modified PBS and incubated for 5 min in 10% glycerol, for 5 min in 10% glycerol and 20% ethylene glycol and were transferred into the vitrification solution (25% glycerol and 25% ethylene glycol). All solutions were based on mPBS. Embryos were loaded in straws (1 cm central part, the remaining parts being filled with 0.8 M galactose in mPBS) and plunged into liquid N2 within 30 sec of contact with the vitrification solution. The straws were thawed (10 sec at 20 degrees C) and the embryos were either transferred directly or after 5 min of incubation in the content of the straw (followed by washing in PBS) into the uterus of a recipient ewe. In Trial 1, the pregnancy rates at term (72 vs. 72%) as well as the embryo survival rates (60 vs 50% respectively) were not different between fresh (n = 48 embryos) and vitrified (n = 50) embryos. In a second trial no difference was observed between vitrified embryos transferred after in vitro removal of the cryoprotectant (n = 86 embryos) or directly after thawing (n = 72) both in terms of lambing rate (67 vs. 75%, respectively) and embryo survival rate (lambs born/embryos transferred; 49 vs. 53%). This method of sheep embryo cryopreservation provided high pregnancy and embryo survival, even after direct transfer of the embryos.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to evaluate the use of ethylene glycol (EG) for cryopreservation of sheep embryos. A 2 × 2 factorial treatment arrangement examining one-step vs. two-step cryoprotectant addition and removal was used. The one-step cryoprotectant addition involved placement of embryos directly into 1.5 mol EG, whereas the two-step addition utilized an intermediate 10 min exposure to 0.75 mol EG. Similarly, the one-step cryoprotectant removal involved direct placement of thawed embryos into 1.0 mol sucrose, and the two-step procedure included a 10 min exposure to 0.25 mol sucrose before placement in 1.0 mol sucrose. A total of 185 frozen-thawed embryos was placed into in vitro culture for 96 h to determine viability. No differences were observed between cryoprotectant addition or removal techniques, and overall survival was 69%. To validate the results obtained in vitro, a limited number of embryo transfers was performed. Four ewes receiving a total of 11 frozen-thawed embryos produced eight lambs (73% survival) which compared favorably with 74% survival obtained by transferring 19 non-cryopreserved embryos to eight recipients. It is concluded that one-step addition of 1.5 mol ethylene glycol followed by one-step removal in a 1.0 mol sucrose gradient is an appropriate technique for cryopreservation of sheep embryos.  相似文献   

Sheep embryos of the late morula to early blastocyst stage were frozen, thawed and cultured to test several sucrose solutions for post-thaw dilution of the cryoprotective agent glycerol. Ewes of mixed breeding were superovulated and embryos were flushed from the uterus either surgically or at slaughter 5 d after estrus. Fifty-eight embryos were pooled in microdrops of modified Dulbecco's phosphate buffered saline (MDPBS) then randomly divided into four treatments. A 2 x 2 factorial design was used to compare 0.25 M sucrose in MDPBS as an in-straw cryoprotectant dilution with a standard step-wise dilution procedure within standard fast and slow freeze-thaw systems. After storage in liquid nitrogen for 6 to 8 d, the embryos were thawed and the cryoprotectant (1.4 M glycerol) removed before culture in microdrops of modified synthetic oviduct fluid under paraffin oil in water-saturated 5% CO(2) in air atmosphere at 37 C. No significant interaction was found between the freeze-thaw procedure and cryoprotectant + dilution procedures. Embryos in the fast freeze-thaw procedure had a mean development score of 1.3 +/- 0.3 and those in the slow freeze-thaw procedure had a mean score of 1.2 +/- 0.3. The mean development score 2.0 +/- 0.3 for the standard dilution procedure was superior (P<0.001) to the score of 0.6 +/- 0.2 for the 0.25 M sucrose dilution procedure. In a separate trial, 18 sheep morulae were collected and equilibrated with 1.4 M glycerol in MDPBS. A standard fast freeze-thaw procedure was used and, after 18 d of storage at -196 C, the glycerol was diluted from the embryo with 1.0 M sucrose. Culture was conducted in a similar manner and a mean development score of 1.0 +/- 0.3 was obtained. These results indicate standard cryoprotectant dilution procedures for sheep embryos are superior to dilution with 0.25 M sucrose. In a limited study, dilution with 1.0 M sucrose was also not as effective as standard dilution procedures.  相似文献   

The relative volume of Day-3 mouse embryos changed as a linear function of the reciprocal of osmolality [corrected] of non-permeating solutes after 10 min exposure to sucrose and glycerol-sucrose solutions at 20 degrees C. The slope of the linear regression line was less in glycerol-sucrose than in sucrose solutions because glycerol permeation caused re-expansion. Before freezing by direct transfer to -180 degrees C the embryos were placed into glycerol-sucrose in 1-step (1-step equilibration) or first into glycerol and then into glycerol-sucrose (2-step equilibration). Using 2-step equilibration the post-thaw survival rate was substantially higher at 3.0 and 4.0 M-glycerol levels and less dependent on changes in the sucrose concentration within the range of 0.125 to 1.0 M than with 1-step equilibration. Under optimal conditions 90-95% of rapidly frozen embryos developed to blastocysts in vitro and 30% into live young in vivo. It is suggested that the cryoprotective role of glycerol is due to its ability to reduce osmotic pressure differences between the extra and intracellular spaces during rapid freezing of embryos.  相似文献   

A cryomicroscope was used to observe changes in the appearance of day 6 1 2 to 7 1 2 cattle embryos during cooling and warming in 1.4M glycerol/PBS. Embryos were cooled at various rates between 0.2 and 25 degrees C/min to temperatures between -25 and -60 degrees C and then cooled rapidly ( approximately 250 degrees C/min) to temperatures below -140 degrees C. The volume of the embryos calculated from the cross-sectional area during slow cooling decreased at -25 degrees C to about 50% of the isotonic volume. Fracture planes could be observed in the extracellular ice matrix surrounding the embryos after rapid cooling to approximately -140 degrees C. The fracture planes often touched the zona pellucida and sometimes caused cracks in the zona. Cracks in the zona pellucida were observed more often after rapid cooling from temperatures between -20 to -35 degrees C (9 13 ) than from temperatures between -36 to -60 degrees C (2 7 ). When embryos were warmed rapidly ( approximately 250 degrees C/min) from temperatures below -140 degrees C, no change was observed in the appearance of either the embryo or its surroundings except the melting of the extracellular ice. However, when embryos were warmed slowly (2 or 5 degrees C/min), a series of events was observed; first, at approximately -70 degrees C the cytoplasm and the extracellular space gradually darkened and reached maximum darkness at approximately -55 degrees C. Then, on continued slow warming, the dark material gradually disappeared and finally the large extracellular ice crystals melted.  相似文献   

Certain anti-sheep L antisera stimulated active potassium transport in cattle red cells. All cattle red cells tested (red cells from 21 Jersey cows) which had an internal K level of less than 70 mmol/1 were stimulated but those with more than 75 mmol/1 of K (red cells from 7 Jersey cows) were not stimulated. Cattle S-system reagents and isoimmune cattle sera produced by injecting red cells of low-potassium type into cows with cells of high-potassium type failed to stimulate active potassium transport in either cattle or sheep red cells.  相似文献   

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