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List of Recorded Cotton Insects of the World. By H. H argreaves , A.R.C.S, D.I.C.
The Potato. A Survey of its History and of Factors Influencing its Yield, Nutritive Value and Storage. By W. G. B urton
The Spread of Virus Diseases in the Potato Crop. By J. P. DONCASTER and P. H. GREGORY
Les Richesses de la Mer. By N oel B oudarel  相似文献   

Wood Pulp. By J ulius G rant .
Manual for the Determination of Seed-Borne Diseases. By L. C. D oyer .
Fungi of India. Supplement I. By B. B. M undkur .
The Vegetables of New York. Vol. I. By U. P. H edrick .
Cotton: History, Species, Varieties, Morphology, Breeding, Culture, Diseases, Marketing, and Uses. By H. B. B rown .
The Longevity of Plants. By H. M olisch . Translated into English by E. H. Fulling.
Plant Physiology. By N. A. M aximov . Edited by R. B. H abvey and A. E. M urneek .
Science in Agriculture. By J. W. P aterson .
Report on Agricultural Research in Great Britain: a Survey of its Scope, Administrative Structure and Finance, and of the Methods of making its Results known to Farmers, with Proposals for Future Development.
An Introduction to Botany. By A. W. H aupt .
Form and Causality in Early Development. By A. M. D alcq .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1937,36(5):435-437
Books Review in this article:
Biological Effects of Radiation. Edited by B enjamin M. D uggar .
The Plant Diseases of Great Britain: A Bibliography. Compiled and annotated by G. C. A insworth .
Plant Ecology. By H ilda D rabble .
Zur Soziologie der Isoëtetalia. By M ax M oor .  相似文献   

The Scientific Principles of Plant Protection, with Special Reference to Chemical Control. By H. M artin .
Citrus Diseases and Their Control. By H oward S. F awcett .
Diseases and Pests of the Rubber Tree. By A rnold S harples
Humus: Origin, Chemical Composition, and Importance in Nature. By S. A. W aksman .
Illustrated Polyglottic Dictionary of Plant Names. By A. K. B edevian .
Erkennen, Nachweis und Kultur der holzverfärbenden und holzzersetzenden Pilze. Von W. B avendamm , reprinted from Handbuch der biologischen Arbeitsmethoden
Biological Effects of Radiation. Edited by B. M. D uggar .
Pollen Grains: their Structure, Identification and Significance in Science and Medicine. By R. P. W odehouse .
Botany: a Textbook for Colleges. By J. B en H ill , L. O. O verholts and H. W. P opp .
J. Arthur Harris; Botanist and Biometrician. Edited by C. O. R osendahl , R. A. G ortner and G. O. B urr .  相似文献   

A Textbook of Plant Virm Diseases . By K enneth M. S mith .
Economic Botany: A Textbook of Useful Plalzts and Plant Products . By A. F. H ill .
Practical Plant Breeding . By W. J. C. L awrence .
British Stem- and Leaf-Fungi ( Coeolomycetes ). Vol. II. Sphaeropsidales and Melanconiales . By W. B. G rove .
Plant Ecology . By H ilda D rabble .
The Properties and Functions of Membranes, Natural and Artificial .
Perspectives in Biochemistry . Edited by J oseph N eedham and D avid E. G reen .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Comparative physiology of the nervous control of muscular contraction. By G raham H oyle , D.S c
Parthenogenesis and Polyploidy in Mammalian Development. By R. A. B eatty (Cambridge Monographs in Experimental Biology)
Introduction to Bacterial Physiology. By C. E. C lifton.
The Origin of Life on the Earth. By A. I. O parin. Third revised and enlarged edition. Translated from the Russian by A nn S ynge.
Principles of Immunology. By J ohn E. C ushing and D an H. C ampbell. >
Common Diseases of Vegetables in South Africa. By V incent A. W ager.
Proceedings of the Third British Weed Control Conference , 1956
The Biological Action of Growth Substances. Symposia of the Society for Experimental Biology
The U.C. System for Producing Healthy Container-Grown Plants. Edited by K. F. B aker.
Control of the Plant Environment. Proceedings of the University of Nottingham Fourth Easter School in Agricultural Science. 1957. Ed. J. P. H udson.
Magnesium, the Fifth Major Plant Nutrient. By A. J acob. Translated by Dr Norman Walker  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1983,95(2):345-347
Book reviewed in this article
Growth Regulators in Plant Science, Monograph 8. Ed. by M. B. J ackson , B. G rout and I. A. M ackenzie .
An Introduction to Plant Taxonomy. By C. J effrey .
Pest and Diseases of Tropical Crops , Vol. 1. By D. S. H ill and J. M. W aller .
Flora of Turkey , Vol. 7 ( Orobanchaceae to Ceratophyllaceae and Ruhiaceae ). Ed. by P. H. D avis , assisted by J. R. E dmondson , R. R. M ill and K. T an .
Plant Growth Curves. The Functional Approach to Plant Growth Analysis. By R oderick H unt .
Bryophyte Ecology. Ed. by A. J. E. S mith . Bryophyte Ecology. Ed. by A. J. E. S mith . Bryophyte Ecology. Ed. by A. J. E. S mith . Bryophyte Ecology. Ed. by A. J. E. S mith .
Forest Succession: concepts and application. Ed. by D. C. W est , M. H. S hugart and D. B otkin .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1982,92(1):153-157
Stomatal Physiology. Ed. by P. G. J arvis and T. A. M ansfield
Evolution and Pollution. By A. D. B radwhaw and T. McNJ eilly
The Biology and Taxonomy of the Solanaceae. Ed. by J. G. H awkes , R. N. L ester and A. D. S kelding
Advances in Legume Science . Ed. by R. J. S ummerfield and A. H. B unting
The Shaping of Cambridge Botany . By S. M. W alters
Microbial Control of Pests and Plant Diseases 1970–1980. Ed. by H. D. B urges  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Biological Productivity of Britain (Symposium of the Institute of Biology, no. 7). Edited by W. B. Y app and D. J. W atson .
The Insect Pests of Cotton in Tropical Africa. By E. O. P earson .
The Principles of Biological Control. By H arvey L. S weetman .
Methods of Analytical Histology andHisto-Chemistry. By E dward G urr .
Electronic Apparatus for Biological Research. By P. E. K. D onaldson .
An Introduction to the Behaviour of Invertebrates. By J. D. C arthy .
Reproductive Physiology. By A. V. N albandov .
The Control of Pests and Diseases in Agricultural and Horticultural Crops. By G. L. H ey and K. M arshall .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1989,112(1):169-173
Advances in Botanical Research . Vol. 14. Ed. by J. A. C allow .
Inorganic Nitrogen Metabolism . Ed. by W. R. U llrich , P. J. A paricio , P. J. S yrett and F. C astillo .
A Centry od Nitrogen Fixation Research . Ed. by F. J. B ergersen and J. R. P ostgate .
Horizons in Lichenology . Ed. by D. H. D alby , D. L. H awksworth and S. L. J ury .
Introduction to Ecological Biochemistry , By J. B. H arborne .
Russell's Soil Conditions and Plant Growth, Ed. by A lan W ild .
Disease and Plant Population Biology . By J. J. B urdon.
Molecular Determinants of Plant Diseases . Ed. by S. N ishimura , C. P. V ance and N. D oke.
British Fungus Flora, Agrics and Boleti 5. Strophariaceae & Coprinaceae P.P.: Hypholoma, Melanotus, Psilocybe, Stropharia, Lacrymaria & Panaeolus, Psilocybe, Stropharia, Lacrymaria & Panaeolus, By R W atling and M. N. G regory .
Mechanisms of Woody Plant Defenses Against Insects . Ed. by W. J. M attson , J. L evieux and C. B ernard -D agan .
Air Pollution and Acid Rain. The Biological Impact . By A. W ellburn .
The Australian Paniceae (Paniceae) . By R. D. W erster .
Kew Index for 1986 . Compiled by R.A. D avies and K.M. L loyd .
Kew Index for 1987 . Compiled by R. A. D avies and K. M. L loyd .
Index Kewensis Supplement XVII . Compiled by J. L. M. P inner , T. A. B ence , R. A. D avies and K. M. L loyd .
Index Kewensis Supplement XVIII . Compiled by J. L. M. P inner , T. A. B ence , R. A. D avies and K. M. L loyd . Edited by R. A. D avies .
The Botany of Mangroves . By P. B. T omlinson .
Floweroing Plants in West Africa . By M argaret S teentoft .
Plants in Danger . By S. D. D avies  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this articles:
Limnology , 2nd ed. By P aul S. W elch
Fundamentals of Limnology , 2nd ed. By F ranz R uttner . Translated by D. G. FREY and F. E. J. FRY.
Zoogeography of the Sea . By S ven E kman .
Physiology of Seeds . By W. C rocker and L. V. B arton .
Insect Physiology . Edited by K. D. R oeder .
Legumes in Agriculture . By R. O. W hyte and H. C. T rumble .
Plant Diseases . By F. T. B rooks . Second edition.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
An Introduction to Plant Biochemistry . By C atherine C assels S teele .
1. Virus Diseases of Plants: A Bibliography . By D. A tanasoff .
2. Partial Bibliography of Virus Diseases of Plants . By J. I. O tero and M. T. C ook .
Investigations on Barley . By Sir E. J. R ussell and L. R. B ishop .
The Gramineae, a Study of Cereal, Bamboo, and Grass . By A gnes A rber .
A History of Embryology . By J oseph N eedham .
Report on Fungus, Bacterial and other Diseases of Crops in England and Wales , 1928–32.
The Life Forms of Plants and Statistical Plant Geography, being the collected papers of C. Raunkiaer .
Plant Chimaeras and Graft Hybrids . By W. N eilson J ones . (Methuen's Monographs on Biological Subjects.)
The Genetics of Garden Plants . By M. B. C rane and W. J. C. L awrence .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1987,107(3):645-648
Advances in Plant Nutrition, Vol. 2. Edited by B ernard T inker and A ndré L äuchli .
Molecular Biology and Crop Improvement. By R. B. A ustin with R. B. F lavell , I. E. H enson and H. J. B. L owe .
Crop Productivity – Research Imperatives Revisited (International Conference held at Boyne Highlands Inn, 1–318 October 1985 and Airlie House, 11–13 December, 1985). Edited by M artin G ibbs and C arla C arlson
Haploids of Higher Plants in Vitro. Edited by H. Hu and H.-Y. Y ang
Die Blüte. Eine Einführung in Struktur und Funktion, Ökologie und Evolution der Blüten. By D ieter H ess .
Mechanisms of Resistance to Plant Diseases. Advances in Agricultural Biotechnology, Volume 17. Edited by R. S. S. F raser .
British Fungus Flora, Volume 4, Pluteaceae: Pluteus and Volvariella. By P. D. O rton .
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Modern Methods of Plant Analysis, New Series, Volume 2. Edited by H. F. L insjens and J. F. J ackson .
Immunology in Plant Science. Edited by T revor L. W ang .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Colour-changes in Animals. The Pigmentary Effector System: A Review of the Physiology of Colour Response . By Dr L ancelot H ogben .
Outlines of Fungi and Plant Diseases for Students and Practitioners of Agriculture and Horticulture . By F. T. B ennet .
The Evolution of Plants . By D uckenfield H enry S cott . Home University Library.
An Introduction to the Study of Heredity . By E. W. M acbride .
The Biological Foundations of Society . By A rthur D endy .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Field Plot Technique. By W arren H. L eonard and A ndrew G. C lark .
The Chemistry and Toxicology of Insecticides. By H arold H. S hepard .
An Outline of Diseases of Cereal and Forage Crop Plants of the Northern Part of the United States. By J ames G. D ickson .
Diseases of Vegetable Crops. By J. C. W alker .
The Nematode Parasites of Plants Catalogued under their Hosts. By T. G oodey .
Vegetable Crops. By H. C. THOMPSON.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1983,95(3):505-508
Book reviewed in this article
Mycoplasma Diseases of Trees and Shrubs. Ed. by K. M aramorosch and S. P. R aychaudhuhi .
Alpine Rasengesellschaften auf Silikatgestein bei Davos. By L uca V etterli .
The Rust Fungi. Ed. by K. J. S cott and A. K. C hakravorty .
Environment and Plant Ecology. By J. R. E thehington .
Cryptogams. By K. E sser
Nitrogen fixation. Volume 1: Ecology. Ed. by W. J. B roughton .
Agricultural Plants. By R. H. M. L anger and G. D. H ill
Decomposer Basidiomycetes: their Biology and Ecology. Ed. by J. C. F rankland , J. N. H edger and M. J. S wift .
Cell Walls'81: Proceeding of the Second Cell Wall Meeting held in Gottingen, April 8–11, 1981. Ed. by D. G. R obinson and H. Q uader .  相似文献   

Conditioned Reflexes and Neuron Organization. By J. K onorski
The Diseases of the Flax Plant (Linum usitatissimum Linn. ) By A rthur E. M uskett and J ohn C olhoun . Pp. 112. Belfast: W. and G. Baird, Ltd. 1947. 21 s .: Flax Diseases. By R. M c K ay
Scientific Horticulture.
Chemistry of Insecticides, Fungicides and Herbicides. By D onald E. H. F rear  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Laboratory Administration. By E. S. HISCOCKS.
A Text-book of Plant Virus Diseases. (2nd edition.) By KENNETH M. SMITH.
The Storage of Seeds for Maintenance of Viability. By E. BIASUTTI OWEN.
The Study of Plant Communities. (2nd edition.) By HENRY J. OOSTING. Pp. 440. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and Co.
Annotated Catalogue of African Grasshoppers. By H. B. JOHNSTON.
Physical Chemistry. By S. C. WALLWORK.
Learning and Instinct in Animals. By W. H. THORPE.
Enzyme, Antigen and Virus. By Sir MACFARLANE BURNET.
The Water Relations of Terrestrial Arthropods. By Professor E. B. EDNEY.
Investigation of Virus Diseases of Brassica Crops. By L. BROADBENT.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1936,35(1):94-100
Books Review in this article:
Forest Trees and Timbers of the British Empire. Part I. Some East African Coniferae and Leguminosae. By L. C halk , M.A., D.Phil., J. B urtt D avy , M.A., Ph.D. and H. E. D esch , B.SC.
Part II. Twenty West African Timber Trees. By L. C halk , M.A., D.Phil., J. B urtt D avy , M.A., Ph.D., H. E. D esch , B.SC, M.A. and A. C. H oyle , B.Sc, M.A.
Part III. Fifteen South African High Forest Timber Trees. By L. C halk , M.A., D.Phil., M. M. C hattaway , B.SC, M.A., J. B urtt D avy , M.A., Ph.D., F. S. L aughton , B.SC. and M. H. S cott , B.SC.
Colloids in Agriculture. By C. E. M arshall .
Flore Laurentienne. By F rère M arie -V ictorin , D.SC.
Plant Viruses. By K enneth M. S mith .
Plant Life: A Text-book of Botany. By D. B. S wingle .
Gardening in East Africa: A Practical Handbook. Edited by A. J. J ex -B lake , with a foreword by Sir A rthur W. H ill .
British Stem- and Leaf-Fungi (Coelomycetes). Vol. I. Sphaeropsidales. By W. B. G rove , M.A.  相似文献   


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