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Carbon exchange rates (CER) of individual intact field-grownsoya bean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] pods were measured continuouslywith a mobile gas analysis laboratory. Conditions in pod chamberssimulated those experienced normally by pods except for experimentalmodification of incident radiation or pod temperature. Undernormal conditions, CER (where positive CER represents CO2 evolution)fluctuated diurnally with a morning rise followed by a slowafternoon and evening decline which was similar among pods whichwere measured simultaneously. The frequency of measurementspermitted detection of rapid CER responses to step changes inlight and pod temperature. CER rapidly decreased and increasedwhen the chamber was alternately exposed to full sunlight andcomplete darkness, respectively. CER responded similarly tosteps up [from ambient to elevated (+ 10°C) temperature]and steps down (from elevated to ambient temperature), respectively.Thus, a temperature sensitive process which regulated pod CERwas located within the pod. CER ranged from less than 0·1to more than 1·2 mg CO2 h–1 pod–1 over theperiod of rapid dry-matter accumulation. Glycine max (L.) Merr., Soya bean, carbon exchange rate, light, temperature  相似文献   

GENT  M. P. N. 《Annals of botany》1983,51(3):317-329
The dry weight of the whole fruit, the pod wall and an enclosedseed of randomly harvested soya beans is estimated from theexternal dimensions of the attached pod. The relations betweendimensions and dry weight are independent of cultivar and growthcondition and can be used on pods from 1 cm in length untilthe seeds reach their maximum fresh weight. Dimensions of tagged pods of three cultivars of field grownsoya beans differing in time to reach maturity were measuredevery 2–3 days from initial pod elongation until maturation.Dry weights for each pod were estimated from the dimensions,and the dry weight accumulation with time was fitted to thelogistic function to find the growth rate that best characterizedthe data for each pod. The final weight, the specific growthrate and the maximum growth rate of the whole fruit, the podwall and a single seed were subjected to analysis of variance. The most significant difference between pods of these cultivarswas the specific growth rate of individual seeds, which decreasedwith increasing maturity group. There were no differences ingrowth of the pod wall. However, most of the variation was betweenindividual pods within a cultivar, where the rate of dry weightaccumulation of the whole fruit, governed largely by the seedgrowth rate times the number of seeds, was highly correlatedwith the earlier growth of the pod wall. This suggests thatthe growth of individual whole fruit was determined early inpod development and was slightly influenced by factors appliedduring the period of rapid seed growth. Glycine max (L.) Merrill, Soya bean, seed growth analysis, specific growth rate  相似文献   

Floral development includes initiation of floral primordia andsubsequent anthesis as discrete events, even though in manyinvestigations only anthesis is considered. For ‘Ransom’soya bean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] grown at day/night temperaturesof 18/14, 22/18, 26/22, 30/26, and 34/30 °C and exposedto photoperiods of 10, 12, 14, 15, and 16 h, time of anthesisranged from less than 21 days after exposure at the shorterphotoperiods and warmer temperatures to more than 60 days atlonger photoperiods and cooler temperatures. For all temperatureregimes, however, floral primordia were initiated under shorterphotopenods within 3 to 5 days after exposure and after notmore than 7 to 10 days exposure to longer photoperiods. Onceinitiation had begun, time required for differentiation of individualfloral primordia and the duration of leaf initiation at shootapices increased with increasing length of photoperiod. Whileproduction of nodes ceased abruptly under photoperiods of 10and 12 h, new nodes continued to be formed concurrently withinitiation of axillary floral primordia under photoperiods of14, 15 and 16 h. The vegetative condition at the main stem shootapex was prolonged under the three longer photoperiods and issuggestive of the existence of an intermediate apex under theseconditions. The results indicate that initiation and anthesisare controlled independently rather than collectively by photoperiod,and that floral initiation consists of two independent steps—onefor the first-initiated flower in an axil of a main stem leafand a second for transformation of the terminal shoot apex fromthe vegetative to reproductive condition. Apical meristem, intermediate apex, floral initiation, anthesis, photoinduction, Glycine max(L.) Merrill, soya bean, photoperiod, temperature  相似文献   

Multifactorial experiments were performed to study the diurnal dynamics of CO2 exchange in intact cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus L.). Based on experimental data, we analyzed the models of net photosynthesis, night respiration, and biomass accumulation. This analysis allowed us to resolve the growth component of respiration and to determine the diurnal temperature pattern that is optimal for biomass accumulation. It was found that the most profound transformation of assimilates into the biomass occurs under the maximum ratio of growth respiration to maintenance respiration. Under the experimental conditions used, this requirement was fulfilled at a temperature of 25°C during the photoperiod (optimum of net photosynthesis) and at subsequent gradual cooling to a hardening temperature (13°C by the end of the night).  相似文献   

Larrea divaricata, a desert evergreen shrub, has a remarkable ability to adjust its photosynthetic temperature response characteristics to changing temperature conditions. In its native habitat on the floor of Death Valley, California, plants of this C3 species when provided with adequate water are able to maintain a relatively high and constant photosynthetic activity throughout the year even though the mean daily maximum temperature varies by nearly 30 C from winter to summer. The temperature dependence of light-saturated net photosynthesis varies in concert with these seasonal temperature changes whereas the photosynthetic rate at the respective optimum temperatures shows little change.

Experiments on plants of the same age, grown at day/night temperatures of 20/15, 35/25, and 45/33 C with the same conditions of day length and other environmental factors, showed a similar photosynthetic acclimation response as observed in nature. An analysis was made of a number of factors that potentially can contribute to the observed changes in the temperature dependence of net CO2 uptake at normal CO2 and O2 levels. These included stomatal conductance, respiration, O2 inhibition of photosynthesis, and nonstomatal limitations of CO2 diffusive transport. None of these factors, separately or taken together, can account for the observed acclimation responses. Measurements under high saturating CO2 concentrations provide additional evidence that the observed adaptive responses are primarily the result of changes in intrinsic characteristics of the photosynthetic machinery at the cellular or subcellular levels. Two apparently separate effects of the growth temperature regime can be distinguished: one involves an increased capacity for photosynthesis at low, rate-limiting temperatures with decreased growth temperature, and the other an increased thermal stability of key components of the photosynthetic apparatus with increased growth temperature.


Fiskeby V soya bean was grown from seed germination to seedmaturation with two contrasting patterns of nitrogen metabolism:either wholly dependent on dinitrogen fixation, or with an abundantsupply of nitrate nitrogen, but lacking root nodules. The carbonand nitrogen economies of the plants were assessed at frequentintervals by measurements of photosynthesis, shoot and rootrespiration, and organic and inorganic nitrogen contents. Plantsfixing atmospheric nitrogen assimilated only 25–30 percent as much nitrogen as equivalent plants given nitrate nitrogen:c. 40 per cent of the nitrogen of ‘nitrate’ plantswas assimilated after dinitrogen fixation had ceased in ‘nodulated’plants. The rates of photosynthesis and respiration of the shootsof soya bean were not markedly affected by source of nitrogen;in contrast, the roots of ‘nodulated’ plants respiredtwice as rapidly during intense dinitrogen fixation as thoseof ‘nitrate’ plants. The magnitude of this respiratoryburden was calculated to increase the daily whole-plant respiratory loss of assimilate by 10–15 per cent over thatof plants receiving abundant nitrate. It is concluded that ‘nodulated’plants grew more slowly than ‘nitrate’ plants inthese experiments for at least two reasons: firstly, the symbioticassociation fixed insufficient nitrogen for optimum growth and,secondly, the assimila tion of the nitrogen which was fixedin the root nodules was more energy-demanding in terms of assimilatethan that of plants which assimilated nitrogen by reducing nitratein their leaves.  相似文献   

High temperature sensitivities of IAA-induced and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylicacid (ACC)-dependent ethylene production in etiolated mung bean(Vigna radiata [L] Wilczek) hypocotyl sections were comparedat 30,40, 42.5°C. When ethylene production at 30°C wastaken as control, IAA-induced production at 40°C was firstenhanced and then suppressed after 3 h, whereas ACC-dependentproduction was enhanced two-fold throughout the 8 h experimentalperiod. However, when hypocotyl sections treated with 1 mM ACCat 30°C for several hours were transferred to 40°C,the ACC-dependent production rate fell below that at 30°C.An initial transient enhancement of IAA-induced ethylene productionat 40°C was supported by increased ACC synthase activityand thus by ACC content. At 42.5°C, both IAA-induced andACC-dependent production were almost completely suppressed.The results indicate that auxin-induced ethylene productionis affected by high temperatures in two different steps: a)at 40°C, the auxin action gradually deteriorates althoughconversion of ACC to ethylene is not affected at all, and at42.5°C, the conversion is nearly completely suppressed. (Received July 8, 1985; Accepted January 24, 1986)  相似文献   

Lectin activity in immature pods from 30 strains of winged bean was investigated. Most of the lectin activity occurred in green shells and a small portion in immature seeds. Hemagglutinating activity of green shells was classified into four groups, according to the agglutination of trypsinized human type A, B, and O erythrocytes. Extracts from green shells of four representative strains which showed different hemagglutination patterns gave different elution profiles of lectin activity from ion exchange columns. Four types of lectin activity with different blood group specificities were apparently found in green shells.  相似文献   

A low flow of air is passed through a temperature-controlledplant chamber in order to obtain relatively large (300–500µl-1) differences in [O2] between influx and efflux streams.These differences are measured with a stabilized O2 electrodesystem incorporating elements of gas conditioning electroniczero suppression and signal amplification. Changes in [O2] of400 µl l-1 can be detected at full scale recorder deflectionagainst a background concentration of 21% O2. The concentrationsof CO2 and H2O within the chamber are held constant by con-trolled-flowCO2-scrubbing and dehumidifying loops. Carbon dioxide, H2O,and O2 fluxes are measured and leaf diffusion resistance andinternal [CO2] are calculated in essentially ‘real time’.  相似文献   

IRIT  KONSENS; J.  KIGEL 《Annals of botany》1991,67(4):391-399
The effect of temperature on production and abscission of flowerbuds, flowers and pods was studied in a determinate snap-beancultivar (cv. Tenderette). Under moderate temperature (e.g.27/17 °C) the onset of pod development was associated withcessation of flower bud production and with enhanced abscissionof flower buds. Raising night temperature from 17 °C to27 °C strongly reduced pod production, mature pod size andseeds per pod, while an increase in day temperature from 22°C to 32 °C had smaller and less consistent effects.Pod production under high night temperature was not constrainedby flower production since 27 °C at night promoted branchingand flower bud appearance. Under 32/27 °C day/night temperaturethe large reduction in pod set was due to enhanced abscissionof flower buds, flowers and young pods (< 3 cm). Flowershad the highest relative abscission followed by young pods andflower buds. Therefore, the onset of anthesis and of pod developmentwere the plant stages most sensitive to night temperature. Podslarger than 3 cm did not abscise but usually aborted and shrivelledunder high night temperature. The effects of 32/27 °C werenot due to transient water stresses and were observed even undercontinuous irrigation and mist-spraying. High temperature, flower production, pod set, seed set, abscission, snap bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L., cv. Tenderette  相似文献   

An in vitro procedure promoting the rapid growth and proteinincrease of soya bean cotyledons has been developed. The amountof protein synthesized varied greatly depending on the nitrogen(N) source provided. Glutamine was the most effective N source,while inorganic forms of N were ineffective. Growth and proteinsynthesis were both more rapid in vitro than in vivo. Underthe best conditions, soya bean cotyledons increased 8-fold bothin dry weight and in protein in 6 days. The formation of the7S and 11S storage proteins in vitro was similar to that invivo. Hence, this in vitro culture method is appropriate forstudying legume seed storage protein synthesis under controlledconditions.  相似文献   

KOUCHI  H.; YONEYAMA  T. 《Annals of botany》1984,53(6):875-882
A long-term, steady-state 13CO2 assimilation system at a constantCO2 concentration with a constant 13C abundance was designedand applied to quantitative investigations on the allocationof photoassimilated carbon in nodulated soya bean (Glycine maxL.) plants. The CO2 concentration in the assimilation chamberand its 13C abundance were maintained constant with relativevariances of less than ±0.5 per cent during an 8-h assimilationperiod. At the termination of 8-h 13CO2 assimilation by plantsat early flowering stage, the currently assimilated carbon relativeto total tissue carbon (measured by the degree of isotopic saturation)were for young leaves (including flower buds), 13.9 per cent;mature leaves, 15.7 per cent; stems+petioles, 5.9 per cent;roots, 5.4 per cent and nodules, 6.9 per cent, 48 h after theend of the 13CO2 assimilation period, they were 12.3, 7.5, 7.4,6.8 and 6.1 per cent, respectively. The treatment with a highconcentration of nitrate in the nutrient media significantlydecreased the allocation of 13C into nodules. Experiments on13CO2 assimilation by plants at the pod-filling stage were alsoconducted. Labelling by 13C was weaker than at the early floweringstage, but an intense accumulation of 13C into reproductiveorgans was observed. Glycine max L., nodulated soya bean plants, 13CO2 assimilation, carbon dynamics  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on production and abscission of flowerbuds, flowers and pods was studied in a determinate snap-beancultivar (cv. Tenderette). Under moderate temperature (e.g.27/17°C) the onset of pod development was associated withcessation of flower bud production and with enhanced abscissionof flower buds. Raising night temperature from 17°C to 27°Cstrongly reduced pod production, mature pod size and seeds perpod, while an increase in day temperature from 22°C to 32°Chad smaller and less consistent effects. Pod production underhigh night temperature was not constrained by flower productionsince 27°C at night promoted branching and flower bud appearance.Under 32/27°C day/night temperature the large reductionin pod set was due to enhanced abscission of flower buds, flowersand young pods ( 3 cm). Flowers had the highest relative abscissionfollowed by young pods and flower buds. Therefore, the onsetof anthesis and of pod development were the plant stages mostsensitive to night temperature. Pods larger than 3 cm did notabscise but usually aborted and shrivelled under high nighttemperature. The effects of 32/27°C were not due to transientwater stresses and were observed even under continuous irrigationand mist-spraying. High temperature, flower production, pod set, seed set, abscission, snap bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L, Tenderette  相似文献   

A differential equation model of vegetative growth of the soyabean plant (Glycine max (L.) Merrill cv. ‘Ransom’)was developed to account for plant growth in a phytotron systemunder variation of root temperature and nitrogen concentrationin nutrient solution. The model was tested by comparing modeloutputs with data from four different experiments. Model predictionsagreed fairly well with measured plant performance over a widerange of root temperatures and over a range of nitrogen concentrationsin nutrient solution between 0.5 and 10.0 mmol in the phytotron environment. Sensitivity analyses revealedthat the model was most sensitive to changes in parameters relatingto carbohydrate concentration in the plant and nitrogen uptakerate. Key words: Glycine max (L.) Merrill, dry matter, nitrogen uptake, partitioning, photosynthesis, respiration, sensitivity analysis  相似文献   

The plastochron index (PI) has been compared with leaf growthand biomass accumulation in young soya bean plants of severalcultivars that were grown in controlled environments with differentirradiance levels and durations, temperatures, and nitrogen(N) regimes. Increasing the photoperiod from 10 to 16 h day–1 increasedthe plastochron rate (PR) and the proportion of axillary growth.Doubling the photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) to 1000µmol m–2S–1, increased PR and the proportionof roots to total plant weight, but decreased the proportionof stems plus petioles to total. In a series of experiments,the plants were grown in an 8 h photoperiod at constant temperaturesof 17, 20, 26 or 32 °C. As temperature increased, PR increased,but the duration of leaf expansion decreased. Leaves were largestat 20 and progressively smaller at 26, 32 and 17 °C. Biomasswas greatest for a given PI at 20 °C and decreased in theorder of 26, 32, and 17 °C. The proportion of axillary growthalso was greatest at 20 °C. When plants were grown in a15 h photoperiod at temperatures from 17.1 to 26.6 °C, leafsize continued to increase up to the highest temperature. At17 °C, the PR in the 15 h photoperiod (PPFD 390 µmol;m–2S–1) was about threefold greater than in 8 h(500 µmol m–2 S–1); biomass accumulation perday was about fivefold greater. Increasing N from 3 to 36 mMincreased PR about 10 per cent, altered biomass partitioningamong plant parts, and increased the biomass of the plants.The NO2 form of N markedly stimulated axillary growth as comparedwith the NH4+ form. Environment or cultivar had little influenceon the duration of leaf expansion in terms of PI. Cultivarsdid not differ consistently in biomass production and allocationin the different environments. Glycine max (L.) Merrill, soybean, soya bean, plastochron index, leaf development, growth analysis, partitioning, light, nitrogen, temperature  相似文献   

KOUCHI  H.; YONEYAMA  T. 《Annals of botany》1984,53(6):883-896
Nodulated soya bean (Glycine max L.) plants at the early floweringstage were allowed to assimilate 13CO2 under steady-state conditions,with a constant 13C abundance, for 8 h in the light. The plantswere either harvested immediately or 2 d after the end of the13CO2 feeding, divided into young leaves (including flower buds),mature leaves, stems+petioles, roots and nodules; the 13C abundancein soluble carbohydrates, organic acids, amino acids, starchand poly-ß-hydroxybutyric acid was determined witha gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The rapid turnover of 13C in the sucrose pools observed in allorgans of the plants showed that sucrose was the principal materialin the translocation stream of primary products of photosynthesis.At the end of the 13CO2 exposure, sucrose in the mature leavesas the major source organs and in the stems+petioles was labelledwith currently assimilated carbon to about 75 per cent, whereasa much higher labelling of sucrose was found in the roots andin the nodules. This suggests the existence of two or more compartmentedpools of sucrose in mature leaves and also in stems+petioles. The relative labelling patterns of individual organic acidsand amino acids were similar in various plant organs. However,the rapid turnover of succinate and glycine was characteristicof nodules. Treatment with a high concentration of nitrate inthe nutrient media increased the turnover rate of amino acidcarbon in shoot organs and roots, while it markedly decreasedthe labelling of amino acids in nodules. The cyclitols, exceptfor D-pinitol, were significantly labelled with assimilated13C in mature leaves, but in nodules, the labelling was verymuch less. In the nodules, which were actively fixing atmospheric nitrogen,a large proportion (80–90 per cent) of currently assimilatedcarbon was found as sucrose and starch at the end of the 13CO2feeding. This was also true of the roots. On the other hand,in young growing leaves, the distribution of currently assimilatedcarbon into sucrose, starch and other soluble compounds wasmuch less. This suggests that a large amount of carbon assimilatedby and translocated to young leaves was used to make up structuralmaterials, mainly protein and cell wall polymers synthesis,during the light period. Glycine max L., soya bean, 13CO2 assimilation, carbon metabolism in nodules  相似文献   

Differences in the calcium sensitivity of individual secretory vesicles can explain a defining feature of calcium-regulated exocytosis, a graded response to calcium. The role of the time dependence of calcium delivery in defining the observed differences in the calcium sensitivity of sea urchin egg secretory vesicles in vitro was examined. The calcium sensitivity of individual secretory vesicles (i.e., the distribution of calcium thresholds) is invariant over a range of calcium delivery rates from faster than micromolar per millisecond to slower than micromolar per second. Any specific calcium concentration above threshold triggers subpopulations of vesicles to fuse, and the size of these subpopulations is independent of the time course required to reach that calcium concentration. All evidence supports the hypothesis that the magnitude of the free calcium is the single controlling variable that determines the fraction of vesicles that fuse, and that this fraction is established before the application of calcium. Submaximal responses to calcium cannot be attributed to alterations in the calcium sensitivity of individual secretory vesicles arising from the temporal properties of the calcium delivery. Models that attempt to explain the cessation of fusion using changes in the distribution of calcium thresholds arising from the rate of calcium delivery and/or adaptation are not applicable to this system, and thus cannot be general.  相似文献   

Mycorrhizal fungi, which can produce a large portion of total soil respiration, respond strongly to global changes such as elevated CO2, N-deposition, and land-use change. Predictions of future ecosystem C sequestration hinge on respiration budgets, but the mycorrhizal influence on total soil respiration remains unknown. In this study, sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) were subjected to various mycorrhizal treatments, and their root and soil systems were enclosed in chambers that continuously monitored belowground (root + mycorrhizal + heterotrophic) CO2 production during plant growth, death, and decomposition. Rhizocosms with high mycorrhizal colonization exhibited higher soil respiration rates as plants matured, an increase that was in proportion to the mycorrhizal stimulation of plant growth. Living mycorrhizal plants behaved like nonmycorrhizal ones in that total rhizocosm respiration had the same relationship to plant mass and the same temperature sensitivity as nonmycorrhizal plants. Upon removal of the shoots though, mycorrhizal plants exhibited the largest relative reduction in respiration resulting in a unique relationship of soil respiration with plant mass. The mycorrhizal influence on heterotrophic respiration merits as much attention from experimenters and modelers as the mycorrhizal contribution to autotrophic respiration.  相似文献   

A cuvette is described for simultaneous measurement of ethylene production and CO2 fixation by intact shoots under controlled environmental conditions. This design overcomes potential problems associated with closed systems conventionally used for studies on ethylene production, allowing accurate determination of rates of ethylene production in plants exposed to different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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