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Evolution and taxonomic split of the model grass Brachypodium distachyon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Background and Aims

Brachypodium distachyon is being widely investigated across the world as a model plant for temperate cereals. This annual plant has three cytotypes (2n =  10, 20, 30) that are still regarded as part of a single species. Here, a multidisciplinary study has been conducted on a representative sampling of the three cytotypes to investigate their evolutionary relationships and origins, and to elucidate if they represent separate species.


Statistical analyses of 15 selected phenotypic traits were conducted in individuals from 36 lines or populations. Cytogenetic analyses were performed through flow cytometry, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with genomic (GISH) and multiple DNA sequences as probes, and comparative chromosome painting (CCP). Phylogenetic analyses were based on two plastid (ndhF, trnLF) and five nuclear (ITS, ETS, CAL, DGAT, GI) genes from different Brachypodium lineages, whose divergence times and evolutionary rates were estimated.

Key Results

The phenotypic analyses detected significant differences between the three cytotypes and demonstrated stability of characters in natural populations. Genome size estimations, GISH, FISH and CCP confirmed that the 2n = 10 and 2n = 20 cytotypes represent two different diploid taxa, whereas the 2n = 30 cytotype represents the allotetraploid derived from them. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that the 2n = 20 and 2n = 10 cytotypes emerged from two independent lineages that were, respectively, the maternal and paternal genome donors of the 2n = 30 cytotype. The 2n = 20 lineage was older and mutated significantly faster than the 2n = 10 lineage and all the core perennial Brachypodium species.


The substantial phenotypic, cytogenetic and molecular differences detected among the three B. distachyon sensu lato cytotypes are indicative of major speciation processes within this complex that allow their taxonomic separation into three distinct species. We have kept the name B. distachyon for the 2n = 10 cytotype and have described two novel species as B. stacei and B. hybridum for, respectively, the 2n = 20 and 2n = 30 cytotypes.  相似文献   

Due to the advent of the so-called Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies the amount of monetary and temporal resources for whole-genome sequencing has been reduced by several orders of magnitude. Sequence reads can be assembled either by anchoring them directly onto an available reference genome (classical reference assembly), or can be concatenated by overlap (de novo assembly). The latter strategy is preferable because it tends to maintain the architecture of the genome sequence the however, depending on the NGS platform used, the shortness of read lengths cause tremendous problems the in the subsequent genome assembly phase, impeding closing of the entire genome sequence. To address the problem, we developed a multi-pronged hybrid de novo strategy combining De Bruijn graph and Overlap-Layout-Consensus methods, which was used to assemble from short reads the entire genome of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis strain I19, a bacterium with immense importance in veterinary medicine that causes Caseous Lymphadenitis in ruminants, principally ovines and caprines. Briefly, contigs were assembled de novo from the short reads and were only oriented using a reference genome by anchoring. Remaining gaps were closed using iterative anchoring of short reads by craning to gap flanks. Finally, we compare the genome sequence assembled using our hybrid strategy to a classical reference assembly using the same data as input and show that with the availability of a reference genome, it pays off to use the hybrid de novo strategy, rather than a classical reference assembly, because more genome sequences are preserved using the former.  相似文献   

短柄草(Brachypodium distachyon)株型矮小,易于种植栽培,生长周期短,自花授粉,容易繁殖。另外,短柄草基因组比较小,易于转化,与小麦具有比较近的亲缘关系,是理想的草类特别是禾本科模式植物。近年来,短柄草的研究工作在细胞遗传学、基因组学、比较基因组学、植物-病原菌相互作用、功能基因组学等研究领域取得了许多进展,包括完成了Bd-21全基因组的测序工作、构建了T-DNA插入突变体库、用遗传学的方法首次研究短柄草基因的生物学功能等。本文综述了近年来特别是2009年以来短柄草的研究进展,并对未来的研究工作做了展望。  相似文献   

A hybrid protein structure determination approach combining sparse Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) distance restraints and Rosetta de novo protein folding has been previously demonstrated to yield high quality models (Alexander et al. (2008)). However, widespread application of this methodology to proteins of unknown structures is hindered by the lack of a general strategy to place spin label pairs in the primary sequence. In this work, we report the development of an algorithm that optimally selects spin labeling positions for the purpose of distance measurements by EPR. For the α-helical subdomain of T4 lysozyme (T4L), simulated restraints that maximize sequence separation between the two spin labels while simultaneously ensuring pairwise connectivity of secondary structure elements yielded vastly improved models by Rosetta folding. 54% of all these models have the correct fold compared to only 21% and 8% correctly folded models when randomly placed restraints or no restraints are used, respectively. Moreover, the improvements in model quality require a limited number of optimized restraints, which is determined by the pairwise connectivities of T4L α-helices. The predicted improvement in Rosetta model quality was verified by experimental determination of distances between spin labels pairs selected by the algorithm. Overall, our results reinforce the rationale for the combined use of sparse EPR distance restraints and de novo folding. By alleviating the experimental bottleneck associated with restraint selection, this algorithm sets the stage for extending computational structure determination to larger, traditionally elusive protein topologies of critical structural and biochemical importance.  相似文献   

为探究华南地区严重入侵植物五爪金龙(Ipomoea cairica)生物入侵的分子机制,对五爪金龙及其近缘种七爪金龙(I. digitata)和裂叶牵牛(I. nil)进行de novo转录组测序和组装,得到56551条unigenes,其中56522条得到注释,7815条GO注释,15615条COG注释,180201条KEGG数据库注释。转录组分析结果表明,五爪金龙氮代谢通路关键酶基因的表达高于对照。次生代谢关键酶(PAL、4CL、CAD、查耳酮合酶、苯基丙乙烯酮异构酶、槲皮黄3-O-甲基转移酶等)基因在五爪金龙与七爪金龙及裂叶牵牛中均得到协同性的差异表达,而这些代谢通路指导的产物合成对五爪金龙的抗逆境能力、生长、化感作用等均起关键作用。关键基因的RT-qPCR验证结果与转录组结果具有一致性。因此,这从分子生物学层面上对解释五爪金龙在华南地区的入侵机制提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

In the ongoing process of developing Brachypodium distachyon as a model plant for temperate cereals and forage grasses, we have developed a high-throughput Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system for a diploid accession. Embryogenic callus, derived from immature embryos of the accession BDR018, were transformed with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain AGL1 carrying two T-DNA plasmids, pDM805 and pWBV-Ds-Ubi-bar-Ds. Transient and stable transformation efficiencies were optimised by varying the pre-cultivation period, which had a strong effect on stable transformation efficiency. On average 55% of 17-day-old calli co-inoculated with Agrobacterium regenerated stable transgenic plants. Stable transformation frequencies of up to 80%, which to our knowledge is the highest transformation efficiency reported in graminaceous species, were observed. In a study of 177 transgenic lines transformed with pDM805, all of the regenerated transgenic lines were resistant to BASTA((R)), while the gusA gene was expressed in 88% of the transgenic lines. Southern blot analysis revealed that 35% of the tested plants had a single T-DNA integration. Segregation analysis performed on progenies of ten selected T(0) plants indicated simple Mendelian inheritance of the two transgenes. Furthermore, the presence of two selection marker genes, bar and hpt, on the T-DNA of pWBV-Ds-Ubi-bar-Ds allowed us to characterize the developed transformation protocol with respect to full-length integration rate. Even when not selected for, full-length integration occurred in 97% of the transformants when using bialaphos as selection agent.  相似文献   

Brachypodium distachyon is an emerging model plant for studying biological phenomena in temperate grasses. Study of the growth scale is essential to analyse spatio-temporal changes in molecular factors throughout the life cycle. For sensitive and robust staging based on morphology in B. distachyon, we demonstrated the utility of the BBCH (Biologische Bundesanstalt, Bundessortenamt and CHemical industry) scale, which is comparable to the Zadoks scale conventionally used for Triticeae crops. We compared the chronological progression of B. distachyon accessions Bd21 and Bd3-1, in addition to the progression of Chinese Spring wheat. The comparison of growth stages illustrates the morphological similarities and differences in the timing of life cycle events. Furthermore, we compared metabolite accumulation patterns across different growth stages and across different stress conditions using a widely targeted metabolome analysis. Metabolic profiling determined commonalities and specificities in chemical properties that were dependent on organisms, growth stages and/or stress conditions. Most metabolites accumulated equivalently in B. distachyon and wheat. This qualitative similarity indicated the superiority of B. distachyon as a model for Triticeae crops. The growth scale of B. distachyon should provide a conceptual framework for comparative analysis and for knowledge integration between this model grass and crops in the Pooideae subfamily.  相似文献   

The de novo synthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides in plants has been analysed on a molecular level with special focus on cDNA cloning and structure analysis of all genes involved and their expression pattern during development. The exhaustive cloning of all cDNAs resulted from screening with heterologous cDNAs or by using complementation strategies with Escherichia coli mutants and subsequent enzyme activity measurements. Southern hybridization and comparison with the Arabidopsis genome reveals plant specific aspects and a simple genomic organization of pyrimidine synthesis in plants, which is superimposed by the postulated, complex subcellular compartmentalization. Northern hybridization evinces coordinated expression of all genes under developmental control during tobacco leaf growth.  相似文献   



Agrobacterium-mediated transformation is widely used to produce insertions into plant genomes. There are a number of well-developed Agrobacterium-mediated transformation methods for dicotyledonous plants, but there are few for monocotyledonous plants.


Three hydrolase genes were transiently expressed in Brachypodium distachyon plants using specially designed vectors that express the gene product of interest and target it to the plant cell wall. Expression of functional hydrolases in genotyped plants was confirmed using western blotting, activity assays, cell wall compositional analysis and digestibility tests.

Key Results

An efficient, new, Agrobacterium-mediated approach was developed for transient gene expression in the grass B. distachyon, using co-cultivation of mature seeds with bacterial cells. This method allows transformed tissues to be obtained rapidly, within 3–4 weeks after co-cultivation. Also, the plants carried transgenic tissue and maintained transgenic protein expression throughout plant maturation. The efficiency of transformation was estimated at around 5 % of initially co-cultivated seeds. Application of this approach to express three Aspergillus nidulans hydrolases in the Brachypodium cell wall successfully confirmed its utility and resulted in the expected expression of active microbial proteins and alterations of cell wall composition. Cell wall modifications caused by expression of A. nidulans α-arabinofuranosidase and α-galactosidase increased the biodegradability of plant biomass.


This newly developed approach is a quick and efficient technique for expressing genes of interest in Brachypodium plants, which express the gene product throughout development. In the future, this could be used for broad functional genomics studies of monocots and for biotechnological applications, such as plant biomass modification for biofuel production.  相似文献   

There are many computer programs that can match tandem mass spectra of peptides to database-derived sequences; however, situations can arise where mass spectral data cannot be correlated with any database sequence. In such cases, sequences can be automatically deduced de novo, without recourse to sequence databases, and the resulting peptide sequences can be used to perform homologous nonexact searches of sequence databases. This article describes details on how to implement both a de novo sequencing program called “Lutefisk,” and a version of FASTA that has been modified to account for sequence ambiguities inherent in tandem mass spectrometry data.  相似文献   

The Drosophila egg contains all the components required to properly execute the early mitotic divisions but is unable to assemble a functional centrosome without a sperm-provided basal body. We show that 65% of unfertilized eggs obtained from a laboratory strain of Drosophila mercatorum can spontaneously assemble a number of cytoplasmic asters after activation, most of them duplicating in a cell cycle-dependent manner. Such asters are formed by a polarized array of microtubules that have their Asp-associated minus-ends converging at a main focus, where centrioles and typical centrosomal antigens are found. Aster assembly is spatially restricted to the anterior region of the oocyte. When fertilized, the parthenogenetic egg forms the poles of the gonomeric spindle by using the sperm-provided basal body, despite the presence within the same cytoplasm of maternal centrosomes. Thirty-five percent of parthenogenetic eggs and all unfertilized and fertilized eggs from the sibling bisexually reproducing D. mercatorum strain do not contain cytoplasmic asters. Thus, the Drosophila eggs have the potential for de novo formation of functional centrosomes independent of preexisting centrioles, but some control mechanisms preventing their spontaneous assembly must exist. We speculate that the release of the block preventing centrosome self-assembly could be a landmark for ensuring parthenogenetic reproduction.  相似文献   

为了探究二穗短柄草(Brachypodium distachyon)根部木栓质合成的调控机制,该研究以二穗短柄草Bd21为试验材料,利用生物信息学分析方法克隆了二穗短柄草根部木栓质合成的调控转录因子基因BdMYB92(GenBank登录号为OP497966);采用荧光定量PCR方法,分析BdMYB92基因在二穗短柄草不同组织中的表达模式以及对6种非生物胁迫处理(空气中干旱、20%PEG-6000模拟干旱、4℃中冷处理、200 mmol/L NaCl、100μmol/L ABA和机械损伤)的响应表达特征;利用双荧光素酶和酵母单杂交验证BdMYB92蛋白和BdFAR4基因启动子的互作关系。结果表明:(1)二穗短柄草BdMYB92基因cDNA全长为1 343 bp,开放阅读框为990 bp,编码329个氨基酸,蛋白分子量为36.4 kD,理论等电点为5.54。(2)亚细胞定位结果显示,BdMYB92定位在细胞核。(3)荧光定量PCR分析表明,BdMYB92在二穗短柄草根中的表达量显著高于叶鞘、节、穗、节间等其他组织;6种非生物胁迫处理均能诱导BdMYB92的上调表达,且对干旱胁迫的响应最为迅...  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Brachypodium distachyon is a temperate grass with a small stature, rapid life cycle and completely sequenced genome that has great promise as a model system to study grass-specific traits for crop improvement. Under iron (Fe)-deficient conditions, grasses synthesize and secrete Fe(III)-chelating agents called phytosiderophores (PS). In Zea mays, Yellow Stripe1 (ZmYS1) is the transporter responsible for the uptake of Fe(III)–PS complexes from the soil. Some members of the family of related proteins called Yellow Stripe-Like (YSL) have roles in internal Fe translocation of plants, while the function of other members remains uninvestigated. The aim of this study is to establish brachypodium as a model system to study Fe homeostasis in grasses, identify YSL proteins in brachypodium and maize, and analyse their expression profiles in brachypodium in response to Fe deficiency.


The YSL family of proteins in brachypodium and maize were identified based on sequence similarity to ZmYS1. Expression patterns of the brachypodium YSL genes (BdYSL genes) were determined by quantitative RT–PCR under Fe-deficient and Fe-sufficient conditions. The types of PS secreted, and secretion pattern of PS in brachypodium were analysed by high-performance liquid chromatography.

Key Results

Eighteen YSL family members in maize and 19 members in brachypodium were identified. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that some YSLs group into a grass-specific clade. The Fe status of the plant can regulate expression of brachypodium YSL genes in both shoots and roots. 3-Hydroxy-2′-deoxymugineic acid (HDMA) is the dominant type of PS secreted by brachypodium, and its secretion is diurnally regulated.


PS secretion by brachypodium parallels that of related crop species such as barley and wheat. A single grass species-specific YSL clade is present, and expression of the BdYSL members of this clade could not be detected in shoots or roots, suggesting grass-specific functions in reproductive tissues. Finally, the Fe-responsive expression profiles of several YSLs suggest roles in Fe homeostasis.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry was used in conjunction with gel electrophoresis and liquid chromatography, to determine peptide sequences from American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) leukocytes and to identify similar proteins based on homology. The goal of the study was to generate an initial database of proteins related to the alligator immune system. We have adopted a typical proteomics approach for this study. Proteins from leukocyte extracts were separated using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and the major bands were excised, digested and analyzed by on-line nano-LC MS/MS to generate peptide sequences. The sequences generated were used to identify proteins and characterize their functions. The protein identity and characterization of the protein function were based on matching two or more peptides to the same protein by searching against the NCBI database using MASCOT and Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST). For those proteins with only one peptide matching, the phylum of the matched protein was considered. Forty-three proteins were identified that exhibit sequence similarities to proteins from other vertebrates. Proteins related to the cytoskeletal system were the most abundant proteins identified. These proteins are known to regulate cell mobility and phagocytosis. Several other peptides were matched to proteins that potentially have immune-related function.  相似文献   



Brachypodium distachyon is emerging as a widely recognized model plant that has very close relations with several economically important Poaceae species. MAPK cascade is known to be an evolutionarily conserved signaling module involved in multiple stresses. Although the gene sequences of MAPK and MAPKK family have been fully identified in B. distachyon, the information related to the upstream MAPKKK gene family especially the regulatory network among MAPKs, MAPKKs and MAPKKKs upon multiple stresses remains to be understood.


In this study, we have identified MAPKKKs which belong to the biggest gene family of MAPK cascade kinases. We have systematically investigated the evolution of whole MAPK cascade kinase gene family in terms of gene structures, protein structural organization, chromosomal localization, orthologs construction and gene duplication analysis. Our results showed that most BdMAPK cascade kinases were located at the low-CpG-density region, and the clustered members in each group shared similar structures of the genes and proteins. Synteny analysis showed that 62 or 21 pairs of duplicated orthologs were present between B. distachyon and Oryza sativa, or between B. distachyon and Arabidopsis thaliana respectively. Gene expression data revealed that BdMAPK cascade kinases were rapidly regulated by stresses and phytohormones. Importantly, we have constructed a regulation network based on co-expression patterns of the expression profiles upon multiple stresses performed in this study.


BdMAPK cascade kinases were involved in the signaling pathways of multiple stresses in B. distachyon. The network of co-expression regulation showed the most of duplicated BdMAPK cascade kinase gene orthologs demonstrated their convergent function, whereas few of them developed divergent function in the evolutionary process. The molecular evolution analysis of identified MAPK family genes and the constructed MAPK cascade regulation network under multiple stresses provide valuable information for further investigation of the functions of BdMAPK cascade kinase genes.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1452-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Mutations in the GJB2 gene are the most common cause of nonsyndromic autosomal recessive sensorineural hearing loss (HL). A few mutations in GJB2 have also been reported to cause dominant nonsyndromic HL. Here we report a large inbred family including two individuals with nonsyndromic sensorineural hearing loss. A dominant GJB2 mutation, c.551G>A (p.R184Q), was detected in the proband, yet his parents were negative for the mutation. The second affected person had heterozygous c.35delG mutation, which was inherited from his father. Large deletions of the GJB6 gene were not detected in this family. This study highlights the importance of mutation analysis in all affected cases within a pedigree.  相似文献   

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