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The roof plate is a specialized embryonic midline tissue of the central nervous system that functions as a signaling center regulating dorsal neural patterning. In the developing hindbrain, roof plate cells express Gdf7 and previous genetic fate mapping studies showed that these cells contribute mostly to non-neural choroid plexus epithelium. We demonstrate here that constitutive activation of the Sonic hedgehog signaling pathway in the Gdf7 lineage invariably leads to medulloblastoma. Lineage tracing analysis reveals that Gdf7-lineage cells not only are a source of choroid plexus epithelial cells, but are also present in the cerebellar rhombic lip and contribute to a subset of cerebellar granule neuron precursors, the presumed cell-of-origin for Sonic hedgehog-driven medulloblastoma. We further show that Gdf7-lineage cells also contribute to multiple neuronal and glial cell types in the cerebellum, including glutamatergic granule neurons, unipolar brush cells, Purkinje neurons, GABAergic interneurons, Bergmann glial cells, and white matter astrocytes. These findings establish hindbrain roof plate as a novel source of diverse neural cell types in the cerebellum that is also susceptible to oncogenic transformation by deregulated Sonic hedgehog signaling.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin mediated proteolysis is required for transition from one cell cycle phase to another. For instance, the mitosis inhibitor Wee1 is targeted for degradation during S phase and G2 to allow mitotic entry. Wee1 is an essential tyrosine kinase required for the G2/M transition and S-phase progression. Although several studies have concentrated on Wee1 regulation during mitosis, few have elucidated its degradation during interphase. Our prior studies have demonstrated that Wee1 is degraded via CK1δ dependent phosphorylation during the S and G2/M phases of the cell cycle. Here we demonstrate that GSK3β may work in concert with CK1δ to induce Wee1 destruction during interphase. We generated small molecules that specifically stabilized Wee1. We profiled these compounds against 296 kinases and found that they inhibit GSK3α and GSK3β, suggesting that Wee1 may be targeted for proteolysis by GSK3. Consistent with this notion, known GSK3 inhibitors stabilized Wee1 and GSK3β depletion reduced Wee1 turnover. Given Wee1's central role in cell cycle progression, we predicted that GSK3 inhibitors should limit cell proliferation. Indeed, we demonstrate that GSK3 inhibitors potently inhibited proliferation of the most abundant cell in the mammalian brain, the cerebellar granule cell progenitor (GCP). These studies identify a previously unappreciated role for GSK3β mediated regulation of Wee1 during the cell cycle and in neurogenesis. Furthermore, they suggest that pharmacological inhibition of Wee1 may be therapeutically attractive in some cancers where GSK-3β or Wee1 are dysregulated.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin mediated proteolysis is required for transition from one cell cycle phase to another. For instance, the mitosis inhibitor Wee1 is targeted for degradation during S phase and G2 to allow mitotic entry. Wee1 is an essential tyrosine kinase required for the G2/M transition and S-phase progression. Although several studies have concentrated on Wee1 regulation during mitosis, few have elucidated its degradation during interphase. Our prior studies have demonstrated that Wee1 is degraded via CK1δ dependent phosphorylation during the S and G2/M phases of the cell cycle. Here we demonstrate that GSK3β may work in concert with CK1δ to induce Wee1 destruction during interphase. We generated small molecules that specifically stabilized Wee1. We profiled these compounds against 296 kinases and found that they inhibit GSK3α and GSK3β, suggesting that Wee1 may be targeted for proteolysis by GSK3. Consistent with this notion, known GSK3 inhibitors stabilized Wee1 and GSK3β depletion reduced Wee1 turnover. Given Wee1''s central role in cell cycle progression, we predicted that GSK3 inhibitors should limit cell proliferation. Indeed, we demonstrate that GSK3 inhibitors potently inhibited proliferation of the most abundant cell in the mammalian brain, the cerebellar granule cell progenitor (GCP). These studies identify a previously unappreciated role for GSK3β mediated regulation of Wee1 during the cell cycle and in neurogenesis. Furthermore, they suggest that pharmacological inhibition of Wee1 may be therapeutically attractive in some cancers where GSK-3β or Wee1 are dysregulated.  相似文献   

Medulloblastoma, the most common malignant brain tumor of childhood, is believed to derive from immature granule neuron precursors (GNPs) that normally proliferate in the external granule layer before exiting the cell cycle and migrating to their mature location in the inner granule layer. In this study, we examined the expression of D type cyclins in GNPs during cerebellar development and showed that GNPs in early development expressed only cyclin D1, whereas later GNPs expressed both cyclins D1 and D2. Coinciding with the period of cyclin D1-only expression, Ccnd1(-/-) mice showed reduced proliferation of GNPs and impaired growth of the cerebellum. Interestingly, removal of cyclin D1 was sufficient to drastically reduce the incidence of medulloblastoma in Ptch1(+/-) mice, despite the fact that these tumors showed upregulation of both cyclins D1 and D2. We showed that cyclin D1 has an earlier role in tumorigenesis: in the absence of cyclin D1, the incidence and overall volume of ;preneoplastic' lesions were significantly decreased. We propose a model that links a role of cyclin D1 in normal GNP proliferation with its early role in tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

This study shows that forcing c-Flip overexpression in undifferentiated skeletal myogenic cells in vivo results in early aging muscle phenotype. In the transgenic mice, adult muscle histology, histochemistry and biochemistry show strong alterations: reduction of fibers size and muscle mass, mitochondrial abnormalities, increase in protein oxidation and apoptosis markers and reduced AKT/GSK3β phosphorylation. In the infant, higher levels of Pax-7, PCNA, P-ERK and active-caspase-3 were observed, indicating enhanced proliferation and concomitant apoptosis of myogenic precursors. Increased proliferation correlated with NF-κB activation, detected as p65 phosphorylation, and with high levels of embryonic myosin heavy chain. Reduced regenerative potential after muscle damage in the adult and impaired fiber growth associated with reduced NFATc2 activation in the infant were also observed, indicating that the satellite cell pool is prematurely compromised. Altogether, these data show a role for c-Flip in modulating skeletal muscle phenotype by affecting the proliferative potential of undifferentiated cells. This finding indicates a novel additional mechanism through which c-Flip might possibly control tissue remodeling.  相似文献   



Cerebellar granule cell precursors are specifically generated within the hindbrain segment, rhombomere 1, which is bounded rostrally by the midbrain/hindbrain isthmus and caudally by the boundary of the Hoxa2 expression domain. While graded signals from the isthmus have a demonstrable patterning role within this region, the significance of segmental identity for neuronal specification within rhombomere 1 is unexplored. We examined the response of granule cell precursors to the overexpression of Hoxa2, which normally determines patterns of development specific to the hindbrain. How much does the development of the cerebellum, a midbrain/hindbrain structure, reflect its neuromeric origin as a hindbrain segment?  相似文献   

Medulloblastoma is a cerebellar tumor that can arise through aberrant activation of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling, which normally regulates cerebellar granule cell proliferation. Mutations of the Shh receptor PATCHED (PTCH) are associated with medulloblastomas, which have not been found to have loss of PTCH heterozygosity. We address whether patched (Ptc) heterozygosity fundamentally alters granule cell differentiation and contributes to tumorigenesis by increasing proliferation and/or decreasing apoptosis in Ptc+/- mice. Our data show that postnatal Ptc+/- mouse granule cell precursor growth is not globally altered. However, many older Ptc+/- mice display abnormal cerebellar regions containing persistently proliferating granule cell precursors. Since fewer Ptc+/- mice form medulloblastomas, these granule cell rests represent a developmentally disrupted, but uncommitted stage of tumorigenesis. Although Ptc+/- mouse medulloblastomas express neurodevelopmental genes, they diverge from granule cell differentiation in their discordant coexpression of postmitotic markers despite their ongoing growth. Like human medulloblastomas, mouse tumors with reduced levels of the neurotrophin-3 receptor, trkC/Ntrk3, display decreased apoptosis in vivo, illustrating the role of TrkC in regulating tumor cell survival. These results indicate that Ptc heterozygosity contributes to tumorigenesis by predisposing a subset of granule cell precursors to the formation of proliferative rests and subsequent dysregulation of developmental gene expression.  相似文献   

Transient exposure to ethanol (EtOH) results in a massive neurodegeneration in the developing brain leading to behavioral and cognitive deficits observed in fetal alcohol syndrome. There is now compelling evidence that K+ channels play an important role in the control of programmed cell death. The aim of the present work was to investigate the involvement of K+ channels in the EtOH-induced cerebellar granule cell death and/or survival. At low and high concentrations, EtOH evoked membrane depolarization and hyperpolarization, respectively. Bath perfusion of EtOH (10 mM) depressed the I A (transient K+ current) potassium current whereas EtOH (400 mM) provoked a marked potentiation of the specific I K (delayed rectifier K+ current) current. Pipette dialysis with GTPγS or GDPβS did not modify the effects of EtOH (400 mM) on both membrane potential and I K current. In contrast, the reversible depolarization and slowly recovering inhibition of I A induced by EtOH (10 mM) became irreversible in the presence of GTPγS. EtOH (400 mM) induced prodeath responses whereas EtOH (10 mM) and K+ channel blockers promoted cell survival. Altogether, these results indicate that in cerebellar granule cells, EtOH mediates a dual effect on K+ currents partly involved in the control of granule cell death.  相似文献   

CD47 is involved in neurite differentiation in cultured neurons, but the function of CD47 in brain development is largely unknown. We determined that CD47 mRNA was robustly expressed in the developing cerebellum, especially in granule cells. CD47 protein was mainly expressed in the inner layer of the external granule layer (EGL), molecular layer, and internal granule layer (IGL), where granule cells individually become postmitotic and migrate, leading to neurite fasciculation. At postnatal day 8 (P8), CD47 knockout mice exhibited an increased number of proliferating granule cells in the EGL, whereas the CD47 agonist peptide 4N1K increased the number of postmitotic cells in primary granule cells. Knocking out the CD47 gene and anti‐CD47 antibody impaired the radial migration of granule cells from the EGL to the IGL individually in mice and slice cultures. In primary granule cells, knocking out CD47 reduced the number of axonal collaterals and dendritic branches; by contrast, overexpressing CD47 or 4N1K treatment increased the axonal length and numbers of axonal collaterals and dendritic branches. Furthermore, the length of the fissure between Lobules VI and VII was decreased in CD47 knockout mice at P21 and at 14 wk after birth. Lastly, CD47 knockout mice exhibited increased social interaction at P21 and depressive‐like behaviors at 10 wk after birth. Our study revealed that the cell adhesion molecule CD47 participates in multiple phases of granule cell development, including proliferation, migration, and neurite differentiation implying that aberrations of CD47 are risk factors that cause abnormalities in cerebellar development and atypical behaviors.© 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 75: 463–484, 2015  相似文献   

The structurally related cell adhesion molecules L1 and Nr-CAM have overlapping expression patterns in cerebellar granule cells. Here we analyzed their involvement in granule cell development using mutant mice. Nr-CAM-deficient cerebellar granule cells failed to extend neurites in vitro on contactin, a known ligand for Nr-CAM expressed in the cerebellum, confirming that these mice are functionally null for Nr-CAM. In vivo, Nr-CAM-null cerebella did not exhibit obvious histological defects, although a mild size reduction of several lobes was observed, most notably lobes IV and V in the vermis. Mice deficient for both L1 and Nr-CAM exhibited severe cerebellar folial defects and a reduction in the thickness of the inner granule cell layer. Additionally, anti-L1 antibodies specifically disrupted survival and maintenance of Nr-CAM-deficient granule cells in cerebellar cultures treated with antibodies. The combined results indicate that Nr-CAM and L1 play a role in cerebellar granule cell development, and suggest that closely related molecules in the L1 family have overlapping functions.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor beta 2 (TGF-beta2) plays a critical role in growth, differentiation and cell death, but its function in the developing cerebellum is still uncertain. In this study we analyzed the effects of TGF-beta2 on ex vivo developing cerebellar slice cultures. Proliferation of granule cell precursors peaked ex vivo in the same developmental window as in vivo (P8-P14). Addition of recombinant TGF-beta2 could extent the proliferation of granule cell precursors and induced a second late proliferation wave. In contrast, antibody neutralization of TGF-beta2 strongly reduced proliferation and induced neurodegeneration. TGF-beta2 neutralization resulted in apoptotic cells, which showed caspase 3 activation. Taken together our results demonstrate that TGF-beta2 is a novel growth and survival factor for granule cells precursors in the developing cerebellum.  相似文献   

The chemokine SDF-1 alpha (CXC12) and its receptor CXCR4 have been shown to play a role in the development of normal cerebellar cytoarchitecture. We report here that SDF-1 alpha both induces chemotactic responses in granule precursor cells and enhances granule cell proliferative responses to Sonic hedgehog. Chemotactic and proliferative responses to SDF-1 alpha are greater in granule cells obtained from cerebella of animals in the first postnatal week, coinciding with the observed in vivo peak in cerebellar CXCR4 expression. SDF-1 alpha activation of neuronal CXCR4 differs from activation of CXCR4 in leukocytes in that SDF-1 alpha-induced calcium flux is activity dependent, requiring predepolarization with KCl or pretreatment with glutamate. However, as is the case in leukocytes, neuronal responses to SDF-1 alpha are all abolished by pretreatment of granule cells with pertussis toxin, suggesting they occur through G(alpha i) activation. In conclusion, SDF-1 alpha plays a role in two important processes of granule cell maturation - proliferation and migration - assisting in the achievement of appropriate cell number and position in the cerebellar cortex.  相似文献   

Cerebellar cortical throughput involved in motor control comprises granule cells (GCs) and Purkinje cells (PCs), both of which receive inhibitory GABAergic input from interneurons. The GABAergic input to PCs is essential for learning and consolidation of the vestibulo-ocular reflex, but the role of GC excitability remains unclear. We now disrupted the Kcc2 K-Cl cotransporter specifically in either cell type to manipulate their excitability and inhibition by GABA(A)-receptor Cl(-) channels. Although Kcc2 may have a morphogenic role in synapse development, Kcc2 disruption neither changed synapse density nor spine morphology. In both GCs and PCs, disruption of Kcc2, but not Kcc3, increased [Cl(-)](i) roughly two-fold. The reduced Cl(-) gradient nearly abolished GABA-induced hyperpolarization in PCs, but in GCs it merely affected excitability by membrane depolarization. Ablation of Kcc2 from GCs impaired consolidation of long-term phase learning of the vestibulo-ocular reflex, whereas baseline performance, short-term gain-decrease learning and gain consolidation remained intact. These functions, however, were affected by disruption of Kcc2 in PCs. GC excitability plays a previously unknown, but specific role in consolidation of phase learning.  相似文献   

Proliferation and survival of Schwann cells are important for nerve development and for disease processes in peripheral nerves. We have analyzed embryos lacking alpha4- or alpha5-integrins and show here that these integrins contribute to the control of glial cell numbers. To overcome early embryonic lethality an explant and grafting system that allows the study of isolated glial progenitor cells both in vitro and in vivo was used. Schwann cells differentiate in the absence of alpha5 but their numbers and the proliferation rate of early progenitor cells are reduced, suggesting that alpha5 is essential for normal proliferation. Survival, rather than proliferation, is compromised in alpha4-deficient explants. Conditional immortalization allowed further characterization and revealed that alpha4 contributes to survival in a cell-density-dependent fashion. In addition, transplants into chicken embryos were used to analyze in vivo cell migration and showed that cell death occurs mainly in highly motile, individually migrating cells. The cell death patterns in vitro and in vivo argue that alpha4-integrins play a role in survival during cell migration. Neural crest migration has been suggested to require these integrins; however, no defects in migration were observed in the absence of alpha4 or alpha5. We conclude that integrins can complement growth factors in the control of glial cell numbers.  相似文献   

Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is a mortal cancer with gradually increasing incidences all over the world, whereas effective diagnosis and treatment for this disease are still lacking. As a classical long noncoding RNA (lncRNA), maternally expressed gene 3 (MEG3) has been reported to exhibit pivotal regulatory roles in the occurrence and development of various digestive system tumors. Nevertheless, the clinical relevance and biological function of MEG3 in CCA remain largely unclear. In this study, MEG3 expression was significantly downregulated in both CCA tissues and cells in comparison with that in nontumor controls, respectively, and this downexpression was prominently associated with advanced TNM stage, lymph node invasion, and poor survival. Moreover, decreased MEG3 was an independent forecaster of poor prognosis for CCA patients. Functionally, MEG3 overexpression inhibited CCA growth in vitro and in vivo. Enhanced MEG3 also suppressed migration and invasion of CCLP-1 and QBC939 cells by reversing epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) process. On the contrary, the proliferation, metastasis, and EMT were facilitated via knocking down MEG3. In addition, the expression of B lymphoma Mo-MLV insertion region 1 (Bmi1) and RING finger protein 2 was impacted by gain or loss of MEG3, furthermore, the malignant processes induced by MEG3 knockdown were rescued by means of silencing Bmi1. These data suggested that MEG3 caused tumor suppressive effects partly through mediating polycomb repressive complex 1. Our findings elucidate that MEG3 exerts critical functions in CCA development and likely acts as a promising tumor indicator or intervention target for CCA.  相似文献   

The real-time observation of cell movement in brain slice preparations reveals that in the developing brain, postmitotic neurons alter their shape concomitantly with changes in the mode, direction, tempo, and rate of migration as they traverse different cortical layers. Although it has been hypothesized that orchestrated activities of multiple external cues and cell-cell contact are essential for controlling the cortical-layer-specific changes in cell migration, signaling mechanisms and external guidance cues related to the alteration of neuronal cell migration remain to be determined. In this article, we will first review recent studies on position-specific changes in granule cell behavior through different migratory terrains of the developing cerebellar cortex. We will then present possible roles for the coordinated activity of Ca2+ channels, NMDA type of glutamate receptors, and intracellular Ca2+ fluctuations in controlling cerebellar granule cell movement. Furthermore, we will discuss the crucial roles of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neuregulin (NRG), stromal cell-derived factor 1α (SDF-1α), ephrin-B2, and EphB2 receptor in providing directional cues promoting granule cell migration from the external granular layer (EGL) to the internal granular layer (IGL). Finally, we will demonstrate that endogenous somatostatin controls the migration of granule cells in a cortical layer-specific manner: Endogenous somatostatin accelerates granule cell movement near the birthplace within the EGL, but significantly slows down the movement near their final destination within the IGL.  相似文献   

Cellular and molecular mechanisms of cerebellar granule cell migration   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The real-time observation of cell movement in brain slice preparations reveals that in the developing brain, postmitotic neurons alter their shape concomitantly with changes in the mode, direction, tempo, and rate of migration as they traverse different cortical layers. Although it has been hypothesized that orchestrated activities of multiple external cues and cell-cell contact are essential for controlling the cortical-layer-specific changes in cell migration, signaling mechanisms and external guidance cues related to the alteration of neuronal cell migration remain to be determined. In this article, we will first review recent studies on position-specific changes in granule cell behavior through different migratory terrains of the developing cerebellar cortex. We will then present possible roles for the coordinated activity of Ca2+ channels, NMDA type of glutamate receptors, and intracellular Ca2+ fluctuations in controlling cerebellar granule cell movement. Furthermore, we will discuss the crucial roles of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neuregulin (NRG), stromal cell-derived factor 1alpha (SDF-1alpha), ephrin-B2, and EphB2 receptor in providing directional cues promoting granule cell migration from the external granular layer (EGL) to the internal granular layer (IGL). Finally, we will demonstrate that endogenous somatostatin controls the migration of granule cells in a cortical layer-specific manner: Endogenous somatostatin accelerates granule cell movement near the birthplace within the EGL, but significantly slows down the movement near their final destination within the IGL.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal characteristics of functional relations between granule cells and Purkinje cells were studied by multimicroelectrode recording of activity of two or more neurons and statistical analysis of the results. On the arrival of mono- and polymodal afferent volleys, excited granule cells and Purkinje cells were shown to organize themselves into cooperative groups (elementary ensembles) of neurons measuring 200–300 and 300–400 µ, respectively. Elementary ensembles of these neurons are regarded as components of functional units which process information in the frog cerebellar cortex. Some of the special features connected with the cooperative principle of their organization and activity were investigated.Rostov State University. Institute of Cybernetics, Hanoi. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 171–176, March–April, 1977.  相似文献   

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