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Management of imported fire ant species has evolved since their accidental introduction into the United States and currently uses integrated pest management concepts to design, implement, and evaluate suppression programs. Although eradication is the management goal in certain isolated infestation sites, localized goals vary dramatically in larger infestations where reinvasion of treated areas is likely. These goals are influenced by regulatory policies, medical liabilities, ecological impact, and/or economic considerations. Tactics employed in fire ant management programs presented here include cultural and biological control options along with judicious use of site‐specific insecticide products. In addition, program design considerations that include management goal(s), action level(s), ant form (monogyne or polygyne), presence of nontarget ant species, size of treatment area, seasonality, implementation cost, and environmental impact are also presented. Optimally, elegant IPM programs are target specific, threshold driven, environmentally friendly and cost‐effective.  相似文献   

Repellency and toxicity of 2% mint oil granules were evaluated against worker red imported fire ants. Solenopsis invicta Buren, in a series of laboratory and field experiments. In continuous exposure experiments, LT50 values ranged from 1.2 h with 164.8 mg/cm2 of 2% mint oil granules to 15.3 h with 1.65 mg/cm2 of granules. LT50 values declined exponentially with increasing rate of mint oil granules. Limited exposure to 164.8 mg/cm2 mint oil granules resulted in > 50% knock down (KD) after 30 min; however, there was no KD at 15 min. Twenty-four hour mortality increased linearly with increasing exposure time. Mean repellency of worker red imported fire ants ranged from 49.2 +/- 5.4% for 0 mg/cm2 (untreated control) of mint oil granules at 30 min to 100% for 147.8 mg/cm2 of mint oil granules at 3 h. Repellency increased with increasing milligrams per square centimeter of mint oil granules and exposure time. In field tests, 100% of mounds opened and treated with mint oil granules were abandoned 5 d after treatment and ants had relocated or formed satellite mounds by 2 d after treatment. Unopened mounds treated topically with mint oil granules were not abandoned, but ants formed satellite mounds 2 d after treatment. Mint oil granules could provide another tool for red imported fire ant integrated pest management, particularly in situations in which conventional insecticides would be inappropriate.  相似文献   

The red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta (Buren), are generally considered pests. They have also been viewed as beneficial predators feeding on other insect pests of various agroecosystems. This study documents the foraging habits of fire ants in a sweetpotato field in Mississippi. Fire ant foraging trails connecting outside colonies to a sweetpotato field were exposed and foraging ants moving out of the field toward the direction of the colony were collected along with the solid food particles they were carrying. The food material was classified as arthropod or plant in origin. The arthropod particles were identified to orders. Fire ant foragers carried more arthropods than plant material. Coleoptera and Homoptera were the most abundant groups preyed upon. These insect orders contain various economically important pests of sweetpotato. Other major hexapod groups included the orders Hemiptera, Diptera and Collembola. The quantity of foraged material varied over the season. No damage to sweetpotato roots could be attributed to fire ant feeding. Imported fire ant foraging may reduce the number of insect pests in sweetpotato fields.  相似文献   

Three studies were conducted to assess the effects of the entomopathogen Thelohania solenopsae on polygynous, red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, colonies. A total of 57 of 122 queens (46.7%) from nine, field-collected, polygyne, S. invicta colonies, was infected with T. solenopsae. Infection rate of queens for each colony ranged from 25 to 75%. Laboratory colonies of polygyne S. invicta, with three to 12 queens, were inoculated and infected with T. solenopsae. Brood levels in all infected colonies declined to 0 after 26-52 wk. Brood did not reappear in any of the colonies after 3-11 wk, even though in two of the eight infected colonies, five fertile queens that were uninfected were recovered. Thus, polygyne, S. invicta colonies infected with T solenopsae, which were confined and isolated under laboratory conditions, did not recover. Field plots that contained polygynous S. invicta colonies, which were infected with T solenopsae, were monitored over a 2-yr period. Infection rates increased during the study and reached a maximum of 9.3%. Fire ant nest density and colony sizes fluctuated over time, with maximum reduction of 63% per plot. In general, fire ant reductions were attributed to smaller colony sizes. T. solenopsae infections in polygynous S. invicta can result in a slow colony decline and death. Under field conditions, the prolonged colony death may mask the impact of T. solenopsae by allowing for concurrent reinfestations.  相似文献   

Cost-effective detection of invasive ant colonies before establishment in new ranges is imperative for the protection of national borders and reducing their global impact. We examined the sampling efficiency of food-baits and pitfall traps (baited and nonbaited) in detecting isolated red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren) nests in multiple environments in Gainesville, FL. Fire ants demonstrated a significantly higher preference for a mixed protein food type (hotdog or ground meat combined with sweet peanut butter) than for the sugar or water baits offered. Foraging distance success was a function of colony size, detection trap used, and surveillance duration. Colony gyne number did not influence detection success. Workers from small nests (0- to 15-cm mound diameter) traveled no >3 m to a food source, whereas large colonies (>30-cm mound diameter) traveled up to 17 m. Baited pitfall traps performed best at detecting incipient ant colonies followed by nonbaited pitfall traps then food baits, whereas food baits performed well when trying to detect large colonies. These results were used to create an interactive model in Microsoft Excel, whereby surveillance managers can alter trap type, density, and duration parameters to estimate the probability of detecting specified or unknown S. invicta colony sizes. This model will support decision makers who need to balance the sampling cost and risk of failure to detect fire ant colonies.  相似文献   

Callicarpenal and intermedeol are two insect-repellent terpenoids isolated from leaves of American beautyberry (Callicarpa americana L.; Verbenaceae) and Japanese beautyberry (Callicarpa japonica Thunb.). The repellency of these two terpenoids against workers of red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta Buren, black imported fire ants, Solenopsis richteri Forel, and a hybrid of these two species was evaluated using digging bioassays. In a multiple choice digging bioassay using two colonies from each species and their hybrid, callicarpenal showed significant repellency at concentration as low as 50 ppm against both red imported fire ant colonies and 6.25 ppm against all black imported fire ant and hybrid colonies. Intermedeol showed significant repellency at concentration as low as 1.50 ppm against both red imported fire ant colonies and 6.25 ppm against all black imported fire ant and hybrid colonies. In total, 15 colonies, five colonies from each species and the hybrid, were tested on callicarpenal and intermedeol at 50 ppm in a two-choice digging bioassay. Both callicarpenal and intermedeol showed repellency against all colonies, and intermedeol showed significantly greater repellency than callicarpenal against both species and their hybrid.  相似文献   

Liquid baits were evaluated for control of the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), and associated mealybug and soft scale pests in California vineyards. In 2003, liquid baits with small doses ofimidacloprid, boric acid, or thiamethoxam dissolved in 25% sucrose water resulted in lower ant and mealybug densities and fruit damage, compared with an untreated control. Similar treatments in a soft scale-infested vineyard showed only a reduction of ant density and fruit infestation in only the boric acid and thiamethoxam treatments. In 2004, commercial and noncommercial formulations of liquid baits reduced ant densities in three separate trials, but they had inconsistent effects on mealybug densities and fruit infestation; granular protein bait had no effect. Using large plots and commercial application methodologies, liquid bait deployed in June resulted in lower ant density and fruit infestation, but it had no effect on mealybug density. Across all trials, liquid bait treatments resulted in lower ant density (12 of 14 trials) and fruit damage (11 of 14 sites), presenting the first report of liquid baits applied using commercial methodologies that resulted in a reduction of ants and their associated hemipteran crop damage. For commercialization of liquid baits, we showed that any of the tested insecticides can suppress Argentine ants when properly delivered in the crop system. For imidacloprid, bait dispensers must be protected from sunlight to reduce photodegradation. Results suggest that incomplete ant suppression can suppress mealybug densities. However, after ant populations are suppressed, there may be a longer period before hemipteran populations are effectively suppressed. Therefore, liquid baits should be considered part of a multiseason program rather than a direct, in-season control of hemipteran pest populations.  相似文献   

Red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, colonies were infected horizontally by introducing live brood (mainly larvae and pupae) infected with Thelohania solenopsae. Live, infected brood introduced into uninfected colonies were adopted and raised to adulthood instead of being executed by the recipient colony. Introductions of infected larvae with uninfected pupae, which eclose into adult worker caste fire ants, resulted in an 80% infection rate of the inoculated colonies. Infections from introductions of infected pupae with uninfected larvae resulted in a 37.5% infection of inoculated colonies. Infections were also detected in 11.6 and 3.7% of the adult worker caste ants that eclosed from uninfected large larvae and pupae, respectively, that were held with infected adult workers. Microscopic examination of infected brood revealed sporoblasts and large numbers of spores of T. solenopsae in S. invicta pupae.  相似文献   



Complete mitochondrial genome sequences have become important tools for the study of genome architecture, phylogeny, and molecular evolution. Despite the rapid increase in available mitogenomes, the taxonomic sampling often poorly reflects phylogenetic diversity and is often also biased to represent deeper (family-level) evolutionary relationships.  相似文献   

热处理作为一种无污染、无残留、环境友好型防治措施,在红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren(Hymenoptera:Formicidae)防控中具有广阔的应用前景。然而,目前有关热处理对红火蚁防治效果的研究相对较少,致死温度和致死时间的最佳组合仍值得进一步探究。为此,本研究在实验室条件下,采用干热(45.5、46、46.5、47、47.5、48、49、50和51℃)和热水(41、41.5、42.5、43、45、46、47和48℃)处理红火蚁工蚁0.5~5 min,记录工蚁的击倒率、及处理后12 h的存活情况。结果显示,热处理温度越高、时间越长,红火蚁工蚁的击倒率和死亡率越高。干热处理过程中,48℃高温处理4 min、49℃高温处理3 min、50或51℃高温处理2 min均可杀死100%的工蚁。采用热水处理时,45或46℃热水处理5 min、48℃热水处理2 min便可杀死全部的工蚁。因此,作为一种安全、高效的物理防治措施,热处理可用于红火蚁的有效防控。  相似文献   

Aggression bioassays were used to investigate nestmate recognition in polygyne laboratory colonies of the imported fire ant, Solenopsis invictaBuren. Unlike workers from polygyne field colonies, laboratory-maintained (>10 weeks) workers exhibited well-developed nestmate recognition. As in monogyne colonies of this species, both heritable and environmentally acquired (diet) odors provided recognition cues and were roughly additive in their effect. Within diet treatments, polygyne colonies responded in a graded fashion to polygyne conspecifics, monogyne conspecifics, and heterospecifics (S. richteri Forel),thus suggesting incipient genetic divergence between the two S. invictasocial forms. Hypotheses to account for the acute intraspecific discrimination observed in the laboratory are presented. Empirical testing of these hypotheses will illuminate ecological constraints and proximate mechanisms underlying the reduced intercolony discrimination associated with natural polygyne colonies of this and other ant species.  相似文献   

The oral toxicity of boron compounds to the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr), was evaluated in laboratory tests. The ants were provided 25% sucrose water containing 0.5 and 1% boric acid, disodium octaborate tetrahydrate, and borax. Lethal times of these solutions were a function of the concentration of boron. In field tests, the ants showed no discrimination between disodium octaborate tetrahydrate and boric acid. There was a significant reduction in consumption of sucrose water with > 1% boric acid.  相似文献   

At the onset of mating flights inSolenopsis invicta, workers swarm excitedly over the mound as alates prepare to fly. Previous studies demonstrated that this excitement is stimulated by the male and female alates. We investigated the glandular source(s) of pheromones produced by the alates that cause excitement. The only common female and male alate body part that elicited excitement when crushed was the head. Within the head, excised mandibular glands were found to be responsible for worker excitement. Fire ant workers are very sensitive to external stimuli and some excitement was elicited by crushed female gasters and male thoraces, but the response was never as significant as with crushed heads. Tests with summer and winter alates revealed similar results, except that gasters of winter female alates had a greater excitant effect than did gasters of summer female alates. This may be due to the production of attractant pheromones by the poison glands of overwintering female alates. We conclude that the mandibular gland is the source of alate excitant pheromones.  相似文献   

The red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, is an abundant predator in cropping systems throughout its range. It has been documented to be an important predator of numerous crop pests, as well as being an agricultural pest itself. Information on the impact of insecticides on natural enemies such as fire ants is necessary for the integration of biological and chemical control tactics in an effective pest management program. Therefore, a residual vial bioassay was developed to determine the concentration-mortality responses of S. invicta workers to four commonly used insecticides: acephate, chlorpyrifos, methomyl and lambda-cyhalothrin. Fire ant workers showed a mortality response to serial dilutions to all four chemicals. Methomyl (LC50 0.04 microg/vial, fiducial limits 0.03-0.06) was the most toxic, followed by chlorpyrifos (LC50 0.11 microg/vial, fiducial limits 0.07-0.17) and acephate (LC50 0.76 microg/vial, fiducial limits 0.50-1.04). Of the chemicals assayed, it took a much higher concentration of lambda-cyhalothrin (LC50 2.30 microg/vial, fiducial limits 1.57-3.59) to kill 50% of the workers compared with the other three chemicals. The results of this study demonstrate the wide range in responses of fire ants to four insecticides that are labeled and commonly used on numerous agricultural crops throughout the United States. These results further suggest the possibility of using a discriminating dose of lambda-cyhalothrin to control the target pest species while conserving fire ants in the agricultural systems in which their predatory behavior is beneficial to the integrated pest management program.  相似文献   

高效氯氟氰菊酯和噻虫嗪对红火蚁的室内毒力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
[背景]高效氯氟氰菊酯和噻虫嗪是农业上常用的杀虫剂。[方法]在室内测定了0.25 g·L-1高效氯氟氰菊酯微囊悬浮剂和0.01%噻虫嗪胶饵对红火蚁的毒力。[结果]高效氯氟氰菊酯微囊悬浮剂对红火蚁有良好的触杀作用,触杀时间短,致死量大,具备毒力传导作用;噻虫嗪胶饵能通过虫体间交哺传导毒力,室内防治整巢红火蚁效果可达93.50%以上。[结论与意义]这2种药剂都具有有效防治红火蚁的潜力。  相似文献   

Eusocial insects have evolved diverse particle-use behaviors. A previous study reported that red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta Buren, deposited soil particles on substances treated with essential balm, a fire ant repellent. We hypothesized that S. invicta modifies inaccessible surfaces by covering them with soil particles to facilitate food search and transportation. Here, laboratory experiments were conducted to study the particle-covering behavior of S. invicta in response to viscose surfaces or surfaces treated with essential balm or liquid paraffin in the presence of real food (sausage) or non-food objects (acrylic plates). S. invicta workers deposited significantly more soil particles on these three types of treated surfaces than on untreated surfaces. In addition, significantly more particles were relocated on viscose and paraffin-smeared surfaces in the presence of food than in the presence of non-food objects. The particle-covering behavior on viscose surfaces was also observed in the field. Interestingly, when no soil particles were available, ants searched and transported food on viscose surfaces only if the surfaces were artificially covered with sufficient quantities of soil particles but could not do so on viscose surfaces without soil particles or with insufficient quantities of soil particles. In addition, ants actively relocated particles to cover viscose surfaces if the transportation distance was within 200 mm, whereas significantly fewer particles were relocated at longer transportation distances (400 mm). Our study provides a novel example of particle use by fire ants during foraging.  相似文献   

Red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, colonies were successfully infected with the microsporidium Vairimorpha invictae by introducing live larvae, pupae, or dead adults from V. invictae-infected field colonies collected in Argentina. Introductions with 4th instar larvae or non-melanized pupae obtained from infected field colonies, resulted in infection of 40% of the inoculated colonies. Introductions of 4th instars or melanized pupae produced from colonies that were initially infected in the laboratory, resulted in infections of 83% of the colonies, thus perpetuating the infection in other colonies. Infection was detected in 2 of 6 colonies after introducing adult worker caste ants that had died with V. invictae. The average number of adults and the volume of immature ants per colony were significantly lower in the infected than in the control colonies. Infected colonies had 86% fewer adults per colony and 82% less immature ants than the controls. A portion of the 16S rRNA gene of the V. invictae identified from these studies was amplified, cloned, and sequenced; the 1251 nucleotide amplicon was 100% identical to the 16S rRNA gene sequence recorded previously in the GenBank database, thus verifying the species as V. invictae. This is the first report of the artificial transmission of this pathogen to uninfected ant colonies, and demonstration of its ability to hinder growth in individual colonies.  相似文献   

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