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Diseases featuring abnormally low alveolar PO2 are frequently accompanied by systemic effects. The common presence of an underlying inflammatory component suggests that inflammation may contribute to the pathogenesis of the systemic effects of alveolar hypoxia. While the role of alveolar macrophages in the immune and defense functions of the lung has been long known, recent evidence indicates that activation of alveolar macrophages causes inflammatory disturbances in the systemic microcirculation. The purpose of this review is to describe observations in experimental animals showing that alveolar macrophages initiate a systemic inflammatory response to alveolar hypoxia. Evidence obtained in intact animals and in primary cell cultures indicate that alveolar macrophages activated by hypoxia release a mediator(s) into the circulation. This mediator activates perivascular mast cells and initiates a widespread systemic inflammation. The inflammatory cascade includes activation of the local renin-angiotensin system and results in increased leukocyte-endothelial interactions in post-capillary venules, increased microvascular levels of reactive O2 species; and extravasation of albumin. Given the known extrapulmonary responses elicited by activation of alveolar macrophages, this novel phenomenon could contribute to some of the systemic effects of conditions featuring low alveolar PO2.  相似文献   

In patients requiring mechanical ventilation for acute lung injury or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), tidal volume reduction decreases mortality, but the mechanisms of the protective effect have not been fully explored. To test the hypothesis that alveolar macrophage activation is an early and critical event in the initiation of ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI), rats were ventilated with high tidal volume (HV(T)) for 10 min to 4 h. Alveolar macrophage counts in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid decreased 45% by 20 min of HV(T) (P < 0.05) consistent with activation-associated adhesion. Depletion of alveolar macrophages in vivo with liposomal clodronate significantly decreased permeability and pulmonary edema following 4 h of HV(T) (P < 0.05). BAL fluid from rats exposed to 20 min of HV(T) increased nitric oxide synthase activity nearly threefold in na?ve primary alveolar macrophages (P < 0.05) indicating that soluble factors present in the air spaces contribute to macrophage activation in VILI. Media from cocultures of alveolar epithelial cell monolayers and alveolar macrophages exposed to 30 min of stretch in vitro also significantly increased nitrite production in na?ve macrophages (P < 0.05), but media from stretched alveolar epithelial cells or primary alveolar macrophages alone did not, suggesting alveolar epithelial cell-macrophage interaction was required for the subsequent macrophage activation observed. These data demonstrate that injurious mechanical ventilation rapidly activates alveolar macrophages and that alveolar macrophages play an important role in the initial pathogenesis of VILI.  相似文献   

The alveolar type II cells have many important metabolic and biosynthetic functions including the synthesis and secretion of the lipid-protein complex, surfactant. Alveolar type II cells are also considered to be the progenitor cell type of the alveolar epithelium by their ability to both proliferate and to differentiate into alveolar type I cells. Recently, increasing evidence has suggested a role for programmed cell death, or apoptosis, in the maintenance of the alveolar epithelium under normal and pathological conditions. Apoptosis is a form of cell death serving physiologic and homeostatic functions, and is important in the development and progression of various disease states. Alveolar type II cells undergo apoptosis during normal lung development and maturation, and as a consequence of acute lung injury. This review offers an overview of apoptotic signalling pathways in alveolar type II cells and describes the biological and physiological functions of alveolar type II cell apoptosis in the normal and diseased lung. A better understanding of the signalling transduction pathways leading to alveolar type II cell apoptosis may provide new approaches to the treatment of acute lung injury and other pulmonary disorders.  相似文献   

Many acute and chronic lung diseases are characterized by the presence of increased numbers of activated macrophages. These macrophages are derived predominantly from newly recruited peripheral blood monocytes and may play a role in the amplification and perpetuation of an initial lung insult. The process of inflammatory cell recruitment is poorly understood, although the expression of inflammatory cell-specific chemoattractants and subsequent generation of chemotactic gradients is likely involved. Although immune cells such as macrophages and lymphocytes are known to generate several inflammatory cell chemoattractants, parenchymal cells can also synthesize and secrete a number of bioactive factors. We now demonstrate the generation of significant monocyte chemotactic activity from tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and interleukin (IL)-1 beta-treated pulmonary type II-like epithelial cells (A549). The predominant inducible monocyte chemotaxin had an estimated molecular mass of approximately 14-15 kDa and was neutralized by specific antibody to human monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1). Induction of activity was accompanied by increases in steady-state mRNA level for MCP-1. These data are consistent with the induction of MCP-1 expression from A549 cells by TNF and IL-1. MCP-1 production from A549 cells could be induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated alveolar macrophage (AM)-conditioned media, but not by LPS alone. The inducing activity in AM-conditioned media was neutralized with specific antibodies to IL-1 beta, but not TNF-alpha. Our findings suggest that the alveolar epithelium can participate in inflammatory cell recruitment via the production of MCP-1 and that cytokine networking between contiguous alveolar macrophages and the pulmonary epithelium may be essential for parenchymal cell MCP-1 expression.  相似文献   

Alveolar hypoxia (Fi(O(2)) 0.10) rapidly produces inflammation in the microcirculation of skeletal muscle, brain, and mesentery of rats. Dissociation between tissue Po(2) values and inflammation, plus the observation that plasma from hypoxic rats activates mast cells and elicits inflammation in normoxic tissues, suggest that the response to hypoxia is initiated when mast cells are activated by an agent released from a distant site and carried by the circulation. These experiments tested the hypothesis that this agent originates in alveolar macrophages (AM). Male rats were depleted of AM by tracheal instillation of clodronate-containing liposomes. Four days after treatment, AM recovered by bronchoalveolar lavage were <10% of control. Control rats received buffer-containing liposomes. As expected, alveolar hypoxia (Fi(O(2)) 0.10) in control rats increased leukocyte-endothelial adherence, produced degranulation of perivascular mast cells, and increased fluorescent albumin extravasation in the cremaster microcirculation. None of these effects was seen when AM-depleted rats were exposed to hypoxia. Plasma obtained from control rats after 5 min of breathing 10% O(2) elicited inflammation when applied to normoxic cremasters. In contrast, normoxic cremasters did not develop inflammation after application of plasma from hypoxic AM-depleted rats. Supernatant from AM cultured in 10% O(2) produced increased leukocyte-endothelial adherence, vasoconstriction, and albumin extravasation when applied to normoxic cremasters. Normoxic AM supernatant did not produce any of these responses. The effects of hypoxic supernatant were attenuated by pretreatment of the cremaster with the mast cell stabilizer cromolyn. These data support the hypothesis that AM are the source of the agent that initiates hypoxia-induced systemic inflammation by activating mast cells.  相似文献   

Summary Responses of a recently developed rat alveolar macrophage cell (NR8383.1) line were compared to those of freshly derived alveolar macrophages in vitro. Marked inter- and intraspecies heterogeneity in levels of phagocytosis of unopsonizedPseudomonas aeruginosa or zymosan was noted among freshly derived alveolar macrophages from rats, rabbits, and baboons. In contrast, phagocytic responses of alveolar macrophage cell line were predictable and highly reproducible. Similar results were obtained in measuring oxidative burst, as indicated by the production of H2O2 and luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence. Responses were again highly variable in freshly derived alveolar macrophages stimulated with zymosan or phorbol myristic acetate; moreover, freshly derived alveolar macrophages exhibited a wide range of chemiluminescence activity in unstimulated cultures. Results strongly suggest that data derived from the continuous alveolar macrophage culture NR8383.1 can be extrapolated to freshly derived alveolar macrophages of various species, and in many experiments will be useful in avoiding the significant animal-to-animal variance observed among freshly derived cell preparations. This work was supported in part by grant A119811 and SCOR HL23578, from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. Portions of these studies appeared as a poster presentation at the American Society for Microbiology, Atlanta, GA, 1987.  相似文献   

Summary Although an outwardly rectifying K+-conductance has been described in murine peritoneal macrophages and a murine macrophage cell line, the expression of this conductance in human monocyte-derived macrophages (HMDMs) is rare. Whole-cell current recordings in this study were obtained from HMDMs differentiated in adherent culture for varying periods of time following isolation and compared to currents obtained in human alveolar macrophages (HAMs) obtained from bronchoalveolar lavage. These studies were undertaken to compare ionic current expression in the in vitro differentiated macrophage to that of a human tissue macrophage. HAMs are the major population of immune and inflammatory cells in the normal lung and are the most readily available source of human tissue macrophages. Of the 974 HMDMs in the study obtained from a total of 36 donors, we were able to observe the presence of the inactivating outward current (I A ) which exhibited voltage-dependent availability in only 49 (or 5%) of the cells. In contrast, whole-cell current recordings from HAMs, revealed a significantly higher frequency ofI A expression (50% in a total of 160 cells from 26 donors). In the alveolar cell, there was no correlation observed between cell size and peakI A amplitude, nor was there a relationship between peakI A amplitude and time in culture. The current in both cell types was K+ selective and 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) sensitive.I A in both cell types inactivated with a time course which was weakly voltage-dependent and which exhibited a time constant of recovery from inactivation of approximately 30 sec. The time course of current inactivation was dependent upon the external K+ concentration. An increase in the time constant describing current decay was observed in elevated K+. Current activation was half-maximal at approximately –18 mV in normal bathing solution. Steady-state inactivation was half-maximal at approximately –44 mV. The presence of the outwardly rectifying K+ conductance may alter the potential of the mononuclear phagocyte to respond to extracellular signals mediating chemotaxis, phagocytosis, and tumoricidal functions.  相似文献   

Taurine uptake by isolated alveolar macrophages and type II cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evidence suggests that taurine may protect cellular membranes against oxidants (Gordon et al., Am. J. Pathol. 125: 585-600, 1986). The present study was conducted to determine if alveolar macrophages and type II cells (which are relatively resistant to oxidant injury) possess a specialized transport system for the accumulation of taurine. The results indicate that both cell types contain more taurine than plasma or whole lung. Taurine influx exhibited both carrier-mediated and simple diffusion components. Carrier-mediated uptake displayed saturation kinetics (Km = 26.3 and 22.5 microM, while Vmax = 33.2 and 4.9 pmol.10(6) cells-1.min-1 for macrophages and type II cells, respectively). Taurine uptake was dependent on extracellular sodium and inhibited by metabolic inhibitors or ouabain. Total taurine uptake by type II cells was lower than that of alveolar macrophages. However, type II cells exhibited a higher intercellular concentration of taurine (14 vs. 4 mM) because of a higher ratio of carrier-mediated uptake to leakage than with alveolar macrophages. It is possible that this specialized transport system for taurine uptake may lend these cells resistant to oxidant injury.  相似文献   

A decreased clearance of apoptotic cells (efferocytosis) by alveolar macrophages (AM) may contribute to inflammation in emphysema. The up-regulation of ceramides in response to cigarette smoking (CS) has been linked to AM accumulation and increased detection of apoptotic alveolar epithelial and endothelial cells in lung parenchyma. We hypothesized that ceramides inhibit the AM phagocytosis of apoptotic cells. Release of endogenous ceramides via sphingomyelinase or exogenous ceramide treatments dose-dependently impaired apoptotic Jurkat cell phagocytosis by primary rat or human AM, irrespective of the molecular species of ceramide. Similarly, in vivo augmentation of lung ceramides via intratracheal instillation in rats significantly decreased the engulfment of instilled target apoptotic thymocytes by resident AM. The mechanism of ceramide-induced efferocytosis impairment was dependent on generation of sphingosine via ceramidase. Sphingosine treatment recapitulated the effects of ceramide, dose-dependently inhibiting apoptotic cell clearance. The effect of ceramide on efferocytosis was associated with decreased membrane ruffle formation and attenuated Rac1 plasma membrane recruitment. Constitutively active Rac1 overexpression rescued AM efferocytosis against the effects of ceramide. CS exposure significantly increased AM ceramides and recapitulated the effect of ceramides on Rac1 membrane recruitment in a sphingosine-dependent manner. Importantly, CS profoundly inhibited AM efferocytosis via ceramide-dependent sphingosine production. These results suggest that excessive lung ceramides may amplify lung injury in emphysema by causing both apoptosis of structural cells and inhibition of their clearance by AM.  相似文献   

Compelling evidence suggests that co-trimoxazole prophylaxis reduces mortality in HIV-infected patients, although it is unclear whether these effects are directly related to antimicrobial activities. We evaluated in vitro phagocytosis and killing of Staphylococcus aureus in alveolar macrophages (AM) obtained from AIDS patients who smoke, treated (n=19) or not treated (n=13) with co-trimoxazole, as compared to non-HIV-infected healthy smokers (n=15). Phagocytosis and killing of Staphylococcus aureus by AM obtained from non-co-trimoxazole treated AIDS patients were significantly lower compared to non-HIV-infected healthy smokers. In contrast, AIDS patients treated with co-trimoxazole prophylaxis showed phagocytosis and killing levels similar to those of healthy controls. These results might help to clarify the observed positive effect of co-trimoxazole on survival in HIV-infected patients.  相似文献   

In 1977, Mason and Williams developed the concept of the alveolar epithelial type II (AE2) cell as a defender of the alveolus. It is well known that AE2 cells synthesise, secrete, and recycle all components of the surfactant that regulates alveolar surface tension in mammalian lungs. AE2 cells influence extracellular surfactant transformation by regulating, for example, pH and [Ca2+] of the hypophase. AE2 cells play various roles in alveolar fluid balance, coagulation/fibrinolysis, and host defence. AE2 cells proliferate, differentiate into AE1 cells, and remove apoptotic AE2 cells by phagocytosis, thus contributing to epithelial repair. AE2 cells may act as immunoregulatory cells. AE2 cells interact with resident and mobile cells, either directly by membrane contact or indirectly via cytokines/growth factors and their receptors, thus representing an integrative unit within the alveolus. Although most data support the concept, the controversy about the character of hyperplastic AE2 cells, reported to synthesise profibrotic factors, proscribes drawing a definite conclusion today.  相似文献   

The effect of surface tension on alveolar macrophage shape and phagocytosis was assessed in vivo and in vitro. Surface tension was regulated in vivo by conditionally expressing surfactant protein (SP)-B in Sftpb-/- mice. Increased surface tension and respiratory distress were produced by depletion of SP-B and were readily reversed by repletion of SP-B in vivo. Electron microscopy was used to demonstrate that alveolar macrophages were usually located beneath the surfactant film on the alveolar surfaces. Reduction of SP-B increased surface tension and resulted in flattening of alveolar macrophages on epithelial surfaces in vivo. Phagocytosis of intratracheally injected fluorescent microbeads by alveolar macrophages was decreased during SP-B deficiency and was restored by repletion of SP-B in vivo. Incubation of MH-S cells, a mouse macrophage cell line, with inactive surfactant caused cell flattening and decreased phagocytosis in vitro, findings that were reversed by the addition of sheep surfactant or phospholipid containing SP-B. SP-B controls surface tension by forming a surfactant phospholipid film that regulates shape and nonspecific phagocytic activity of alveolar macrophages on the alveolar surface.  相似文献   

There is evidence to suggest that cell injury induced in alveolar macrophages (AM) following phagocytic activation by silica particles may be mediated through changes in intracellular free calcium [Ca2+]i. However, the mechanism of silica- induced cytotoxicity relative to [Ca2+]i overloading is not yet clear. To provide a better insight into this mechanism, isolated rat AMs were exposed to varying concentrations of crystalline silica (particle size < 5 μm in diameter) and the fluctuation in their [Ca2+]i and cell integrity were quantitatively monitored with the fluorescent calcium probe, Fura-2 AM, and the membrane integrity indicator, propidium iodide (PI). Results from this study indicate that silica can rapidly increase [Ca2+]i in a dose-dependent manner with a characteristic transient calcium rise at low doses (<0.1 mg/ml) and an elevated and sustained rise at high doses (>0.1 mg/ml). Depletion of extracellular calcium [Ca2+]o markedly inhibited the [Ca2+]i rise (≈90%), suggesting that Ca2+ influx from extracellular source is a major mechanism for silica-induced [Ca2+]i rise. When used at low doses but sufficient to cause a transient [Ca2+]i rise, silica did not cause significant increase in cellular PI uptake during the time of study, suggesting the presevation of membrane integrity of AMs under these conditions. At high doses of silica, however, a marked increase in PI nuclear fluorescence was observed. Depletion of [Ca2+]o greatly inhibited cellular PI uptake, induced by 0.1 mg/ml or higher doses of silica. This suggests that Ca2+ influx, as a result of silica activation, is associated with cell injury. Indeed, our results further demonstrated that the low dose effect of silica on Ca2+ influx is inhibited by the Ca2+ channel blocker nifedipine. At high doses of silica (>0.1 mg/ml), cell injury was not prevented by nifedipine or extracellular Ca2+ depletion, suggesting that other cytotoxic mechanisms, i.e., nonspecific membrane damage due to lipid peroxidation, are also responsible for the silica-induced cell injury. Silica had no significant effect on cellular ATP content during the time course of the study, indicating that the observed silica-induced [Ca2+]i rise was not due to the impairment of Ca2+-pumps, which restricts Ca2+ efflux. Pretreatment of the cells with cytochalasin B to block phagocytosis failed to prevent the effect of silica on [Ca2+]i rise. Taken together, these results suggest that the elevation of [Ca2+]i caused by silica is due mainly to Ca2+ influx through plasma membrane Ca2+ channels and nonspecific membrane damage (at high doses). Neither ATP depletion nor Ca2+ leakage during phagocytosis was attributed to the silica-induced [Ca2+]i rise. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Endocytosis of 125I-mannose-bovine serum albumin (BSA) and exocytosis of 125I-mannose-poly-D-lysine by rabbit alveolar macrophages were examined as a function of temperature. A plot for total ligand uptake (cell-associated ligand plus degraded ligand) versus time shows a single inflection point at 20 degrees C. Ligand degradation does not occur below 20 degrees C. Internalization of surface-bound 125I-mannose-BSA is negligible below 10 degrees C. The rate constant for internalization increases dramatically above 20 degrees C: 0.02 min-1 at 20 degrees C, 0.05 min-1 at 25 degrees C, 0.13 min-1 at 30 degrees C, and 0.29 min-1 at 35 degrees C. 125I-Mannose-N-acetyl-poly-D-lysine preloaded in lysosomes is exocytosed in a temperature and time-dependent fashion. Even at lower temperatures (2-10 degrees C), secretion of 125I-mannose-N-acetyl-poly-D-lysine was detected, indicating that movement of lysosomal content to plasma membrane and beyond cannot be suppressed at these temperatures. Thus, the temperature dependence of exocytosis of an 125I-labeled ligand is quite different from that of endocytosis, suggesting that the two processes are controlled by different mechanisms. Stimulation of secretion of preloaded 125I-mannose-N-acetyl-poly-D-lysine by mannose-BSA was more pronounced at lower temperatures with a sharp inflection point at 10 degrees C. These findings suggest that endosomes containing newly internalized mannose-BSA interact with the exocytosis pathway and enhance secretion of 125I-mannose-N-acetyl-poly-D-lysine from lysosomes.  相似文献   

In 1977, Mason and Williams developed the concept of the alveolar epithelial type II (AE2) cell as a defender of the alveolus. It is well known that AE2 cells synthesise, secrete, and recycle all components of the surfactant that regulates alveolar surface tension in mammalian lungs. AE2 cells influence extracellular surfactant transformation by regulating, for example, pH and [Ca2+] of the hypophase. AE2 cells play various roles in alveolar fluid balance, coagulation/fibrinolysis, and host defence. AE2 cells proliferate, differentiate into AE1 cells, and remove apoptotic AE2 cells by phagocytosis, thus contributing to epithelial repair. AE2 cells may act as immunoregulatory cells. AE2 cells interact with resident and mobile cells, either directly by membrane contact or indirectly via cytokines/growth factors and their receptors, thus representing an integrative unit within the alveolus. Although most data support the concept, the controversy about the character of hyperplastic AE2 cells, reported to synthesise profibrotic factors, proscribes drawing a definite conclusion today.  相似文献   

Administration of chlorphentermine to rats leads to an increase in the phospholipid content of pulmonary surfactant materials and alveolar macrophages. It is known that this drug binds to pure phospholipids and prevents their degradation by phospholipases. Therefore, experiments were carried out to determine if chlorphentermine binds to surfactant phospholipids in vitro and to measure the in vivo association of drug with phospholipids in alveolar lavage materials from rats injected with [14C]chlorphentermine. The presence of chlorphentermine in alveolar macrophages, type II cells and other small pneumocytes (a population of lung cells which does not include alveolar macrophages or type II cells) from treated animals was also assessed. Binding of the drug to surfactant phospholipids, as measured with the fluorescent probe, 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate, occurs in vitro and does not differ in various subfractions of alveolar lavage materials isolated by differential centrifugation. Following daily administration of chlorphentermine to rats for 3 days, the drug appears to be associated with surfactant phospholipids such that the molar ratio is 1:100 (chlorphentermine/phospholipid). Chlorphentermine is also associated with alveolar macrophages (molar ratio, 1:18) and type II cells (molar ratio, 1:33). Not much drug is associated with the population of other lung cells (molar ratio, 1:333). In alveolar macrophages, approx. 70% of the drug seems to be bound to phospholipid and/or sequestered in subcellular organelles. However, only 20% of the chlorphentermine is bound and/or sequestered in type II cells. The results of these experiments suggest that following chlorphentermine administration, the drug is associated with phospholipids in acellular pulmonary lavage materials, alveolar macrophages and type II cells. This drug-phospholipid interaction may impair phospholipid degradation and lead to a phospholipidosis in surfactant materials and alveolar macrophages.  相似文献   

The chemical decomposition of glutamine to ammonia and pyrrolidonecarboxylic acid was studied at 37 degrees C in a pH range of 6.8-7.8 in different media preparations containing various amounts of fetal bovine serum. The media type influenced the decomposition rate, and the first-order rate constants increased with increasing pH values. The serum concentration had little or no effect on the decomposition rate. The importance of chemical decomposition of glutamine on the analysis of glutamine and ammonia metabolism was illustrated by an example of batch cultivation of a hybridoma cell line. The difference between the apparent uptake rate of glutamine and the actual uptake rate (which is corrected for the chemical decomposition) is shown to be as high as 200%. Similar discrepancy between the apparent and actual ammonia production rate is observed. Mathematical analysis was carried out to develop the relationship between the apparent and actual glutamine uptake and ammonia production rates. The analysis reveals that there are three important dimensionless parameter ratios that govern the difference between the apparent and actual glutamine uptake and ammonia production rates.  相似文献   

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