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Initiation of eukaryotic DNA replication is achieved by the sequential binding of different proteins to origins of DNA replication. Using EGFP-tagged initiator proteins and immunofluorescence techniques we found that most of the ORC and the MCM subunits are localised at centrosomes and are colocalised with the polo-like protein kinase, Plk1. Yeast two-hybrid studies revealed interactions of Plk1 with the Mcm2 as well as the Orc2 protein. Co-immunoprecipitations showed an interaction of Plk1 with Mcm2 as well as interactions of gamma-tubulin with Mcm3 and Orc2, respectively. An in vitro phosphorylation assay showed that the Orc2 protein is a substrate of Plk1. Depletion of Orc2 and Mcm3 by siRNA leads to an inhibition of cell proliferation, an altered cell cycle distribution as well as to multinucleated cells with insufficiently organised microtubules. These results indicate an important role of the MCM and ORC proteins in mitosis besides their described role in the establishment of the pre-replicative complex.  相似文献   

Summary By the method of ethanol-salt extraction with ion-exchange chromatography on CM-cellulose an acidic protein of pea 80S ribosomes was isolated. This protein located in the large subunit, had a molecular weight of 14 000 and an IEP of 4.7. The protein is partially phosphorylated, alanine-rich and has methionine at the N-terminal position. Based on these characteristics and on the comparative study of tryptic hydrolyzates of the plant protein and E. coli L7/L12, the protein so obtained is found to be homologous to the L7/Ll2 of the procaryotic ribosomes.  相似文献   

The interaction of contractile proteins (myosin, actin, tropomyosin and troponin) with DNA was studied in vitro using a nitrocellulose filter binding technique. The data indicate a high affinity of myosin and troponin for DNA, a lesser interaction between DNA and tropomyosin and the absence of binding of actin to DNA. When binding to DNA was detected, the interaction was higher with single-stranded DNA than with RNA or double-stranded DNA, although in some conditions myosin binds equally as well to native as to denatured eukaryotic DNA. Myosin binds better to eukaryotic than to phage native DNA.  相似文献   

Mutations in the ALS2 gene has recently been linked to cases of juvenile amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, juvenile primary lateral sclerosis and ascending hereditary spastic paralysis. All reported mutations predict the production of truncated forms of Alsin suggesting a loss of function mechanism for these motor neuron disorders. Here we used the tetracycline-regulated expression system to overexpress the full-length and truncated forms of Alsin in different cell lines. Alsin overexpression caused severe phenotypic changes in monkey COS-7 cells including the enlargement and accumulation of early endosomes, impairment of mitochondria trafficking and fragmentation of the Golgi apparatus. Our results further demonstrate the requirement of the Alsin VPS9 domain for occurrence of the vacuolation process and the role of Alsin as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rab5. Transfected human SW13 cells exhibited an unexpected centrosomal localization for Alsin that was linked to the presence of the c-terminal part of the protein. Immunofluorescence staining revealed a colocalization of Alsin with the centrosomal markers gamma-tubulin and A kinase anchoring protein (AKAP-450). Similar results were obtained with human LA-N-2 and SK-N-SH neuronal cells. Moreover endogenous Alsin was detected in a centrosome preparation purified from human cortical brain. Considering the crucial role of centrosome in the production of microtubules required for intracellular transport, these findings are of potential relevance for unravelling the disease mechanisms linked to Alsin mutations.  相似文献   

Pericentrin is an integral centrosomal component that anchors regulatory and structural molecules to centrosomes. In a yeast two-hybrid screen with pericentrin we identified chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 4 (CHD4/Mi2beta). CHD4 is part of the multiprotein nucleosome remodeling deacetylase (NuRD) complex. We show that many NuRD components interacted with pericentrin by coimmunoprecipitation and that they localized to centrosomes and midbodies. Overexpression of the pericentrin-binding domain of CHD4 or another family member (CHD3) dissociated pericentrin from centrosomes. Depletion of CHD3, but not CHD4, by RNA interference dissociated pericentrin and gamma-tubulin from centrosomes. Microtubule nucleation/organization, cell morphology, and nuclear centration were disrupted in CHD3-depleted cells. Spindles were disorganized, the majority showing a prometaphase-like configuration. Time-lapse imaging revealed mitotic failure before chromosome segregation and cytokinesis failure. We conclude that pericentrin forms complexes with CHD3 and CHD4, but a distinct CHD3-pericentrin complex is required for centrosomal anchoring of pericentrin/gamma-tubulin and for centrosome integrity.  相似文献   

Fatty acid acylation of eucaryotic cell membrane proteins   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  

Cyclosporine A (CSA) is a type 2B phosphatase inhibitor which can induce contraction of renal artery smooth muscle. In this investigation, we examined the phosphorylation events associated with CSA-induced contraction of bovine renal artery smooth muscle. Contractile responses were determined in a muscle bath and the corresponding phosphorylation events were determined with whole cell phosphorylation and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. CSA-induced contractions were associated with increases in the phosphorylation of the 20 kDa myosin light chains (MLC20) and different isoforms of the small heat shock protein, HSP27. Cyclic nucleotide-dependent relaxation of CSA-induced contractions was associated with increases in the phosphorylation of another small heat shock protein, HSP20, and decreases in the phosphorylation of the MLC20, and some isoforms of HSP27. These data suggest that CSA-induced contraction and relaxation of vascular smooth muscle is associated with increases in the phosphorylation of specific contractile regulatory proteins.  相似文献   

The synthesis of eucaryotic ribosomal proteins in vitro.   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
J R Warner  C Gorenstein 《Cell》1977,11(1):201-212

The contractile proteins of the human myometrium were quantified and characterized in order to investigate their possible modifications during pregnancy. The myosin concentration was found to be 1 to 5 mg/g of tissue, while actin concentration ranged from 16 to 60 mg/g, leading to an actin/myosin ratio higher (Mean = 14) than in other smooth muscles. Purified myosin submitted to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis exhibited two isoelectric forms for the 17 KD Light Chain, the more acidic being predominant in the pregnant organ, the more basic in the non gravid one. The mobility of myosin of form filaments was studied using electron microscopy. Only the myosin purified from gravid uteri in its phosphorylated form did aggregate in long bipolar filaments. Actin was characterized in crude muscle extracts using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. It appeared in three forms differing by their isoelectric points. The more basic form (gamma) predominates in the pregnant organ, as soon as 17 weeks of pregnancy, while in the non-pregnant uterus it is the intermediate (beta) form which is predominant.  相似文献   

To determine if a living cell is necessary for the incorporation of actin, alpha-actinin, and tropomyosin into the cytoskeleton, we have exposed cell models to fluorescently labeled contractile proteins. In this in vitro system, lissamine rhodamine-labeled actin bound to attachment plaques, ruffles, cleavage furrows and stress fibers, and the binding could not be blocked by prior exposure to unlabeled actin. Fluorescently labeled alpha-actinin also bound to ruffles, attachment plaques, cleavage furrows, and stress fibers. The periodicity of fluorescent alpha-actinin along stress fibers was wider in gerbil fibroma cells than it was in PtK2 cells. The fluorescent alpha-actinin binding in cell models could not be blocked by the prior addition of unlabeled alpha-actinin suggesting that alpha-actinin was binding to itself. While there was only slight binding of fluorescent tropomyosin to the cytoskeleton of interphase cells, there was stronger binding in furrow regions of models of dividing cells. The binding of fluorescently labeled tropomyosin could be blocked by prior exposure of the cell models to unlabeled tropomyosin. If unlabeled actin was permitted to polymerize in the stress fibers in cell models, fluorescently labeled tropomyosin stained the fibers. In contrast to the labeled contractile proteins, fluorescently labeled ovalbumin and BSA did not stain any elements of the cytoskeleton. Our results are discussed in terms of the structure and assembly of stress fibers and cleavage furrows.  相似文献   

Effects of heat treatments on chick embryo fibroblasts, Drosophila embryonic cells, and human lymphoblastoid cells have been compared. Cells from all three species synthesize large heat-shock proteins (hsps) with Mr = 70,000 and 84,000-85,000. Different small hsps with Mr between 22,000 and 27,000 are made at high rates in heat-treated chicken and Drosophila cells but could not be observed in human cells. The structural features of the large hsps from cells of the different organisms were compared by three methods of peptide mapping, namely the examination of tryptic digests by two-dimensional thin layer chromatography or by high pressure liquid chromatography and of incomplete V8 digests by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The Mr = 84,000-85,000 polypeptides from all three organisms are closely related, the chicken and human polypeptides having many peptides in common. The relationship between the Mr = 70,000 polypeptides of the different organisms appears to be less close; possible explanations for this latter result are discussed. Rates of synthesis of total as well as poly(A)+ RNA are much lower in heat-treated than in untreated cells of all three organisms. Heat treatments induce dramatic changes in the shape of chick embryo fibroblasts as seen by microscopic examination. Human lymphoblastoid cells do not show changes in shape.  相似文献   

The effect of abrin and ricin on protein synthesizing systems from different sources was studied. The protein synthesis in a cell-free system from rabbit reticulocytes and from rat liver was strongly inhibited by the toxins, whereas a system from E. coli was not affected. Separate treatments of ribosomes and postribosomal supernatant from a rabbit reticulocyte lysate showed that the site of action of the toxins is on the ribosomes. The inactivation of the rabbit reticulocyte lysate by the toxins was a function of the incubation time and temperature. Protein synthesis was not necessary for the toxins to exert their effect. The data indicate that abrin and ricin act only on the eucaryotic type of ribosomes, and that they exert their effect by enzymatic action.  相似文献   

Compared to other subcellular organelles, centrosome proteome can hardly be studied, due to the difficulties in separation and purification of centrosome. Auto-antisera from 6 autoimmune patients, which recognized centrosome specifically in immunofluorescence, were used to identify the corresponding centrosomal proteins. The sera were first tested by Western blot on whole cell lysate, and all bound antibodies were then eluted from each single band in Western blot membrane to assure which antibody was responsible for the centrosome specific immunofluorescence staining. The corresponding proteins were obtained by immunoprecipitation and identified by mass spectrometry. Six centrosomal proteins, including 2 known centrosomal proteins and 4 proteins with unknown localization or reportedly non-centrosomal localization, were identified. These proteins apparently involve in cell cycle regulation, signal transduction pathways, molecular chaperons, and metabolism enzymes, which may reflect the expected functional diversity of centrosome.  相似文献   

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