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Annual recurrent blooms of the toxic dinoflagellates Alexandrium catenella and Alexandrium minutum were detected from 2000 to 2003 in harbours along the Catalan coast. The interrelation study between the occurrence of the blooms and specific external conditions at the study sites demonstrated that different factors are required for the bloom of each Alexandrium species. Concentrations higher than 105 cells l−1 of A. catenella were only detected in Tarragona harbour. These blooms were associated with water surface temperature between 21 and 25 °C and salinities of around 34 psu or higher than 37 psu. A. minutum appeared widely spread along the Catalan coast, though the most intensive and recurrent blooms of this species were observed in Arenys de Mar harbour. Concentrations of millions of cells per litre of A. minutum were associated with water temperatures below 14 °C and salinities of around 34–36 psu. A. minutum cell densities showed a positive significant correlation with NO3 but a negative correlation with NH4. On the other hand, A. catenella blooms dominated when both NO3 and NH4 levels were high. The prevailing inorganic nitrogen form (NO3 vs. NH4) could explain why these two species rarely coincide in the same harbours. Accumulation of cysts in the sediment was found to be an important potential factor for the recurrence of these species. The 4.3 × 103 A. catenella cysts cm−3 of wet sediment in Tarragona harbour and the 3.02 × 103 A. minutum cysts cm−3 of wet sediment in Vilanova harbour were the highest concentrations observed from the cyst study. Confined waters such as harbours play an important role as reservoirs for the accumulation of cysts and vegetative cells, which contributes to the expansion of these dinoflagellates in the region. However, the particular environmental conditions are also decisive factors of bloom intensity.  相似文献   

The combined effects of temperature and salinity on growth of Alexandrium monilatum were studied in laboratory cultures. This toxic, red-tide dinoflagellate grew faster with higher temperatures, up to a maximum of approximately 1 division per day at 31 °C. Salinities above 15 psu had a lesser effect on growth rate, as might be expected for an estuarine species. Growth rates of cultures exposed to natural light and temperature fluctuations were comparable to laboratory cultures. The minimum N cell quota suggested that high N flux would be required to support bloom development. A literature survey of documented A. monilatum blooms indicated that within US waters, blooms occur in July–September in nearshore or estuarine regions of the Gulf of Mexico and the Florida Atlantic coast. Temperature and salinity measured during blooms correspond to the optimal growth conditions of the laboratory cultures. Nevertheless, the occurrence of A. monilatum blooms is sporadic compared to the occurrence of seemingly optimal growth conditions. Laboratory growth experiments predict when blooms of this species are unlikely due to low growth rates, but so far cannot predict individual blooms.  相似文献   

A monitoring program with a weekly sampling frequency over a 15-month period indicates that urea concentrations above a certain threshold level may trigger the blooms of Alexandrium catenella in Thau lagoon. However, urea concentrations were also sometimes related to ammonium and dissolved organic nitrogen concentrations, indicating that the role of urea may not be a direct one. An original approach is used to assess the relative contribution of several nitrogen sources (nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, urea) to growth of A. catenella by comparing nitrogen uptake rates to nitrogen-based growth rates estimated from dilution experiments during four blooms over a 4-year period (2001–2004) in Thau lagoon. Nitrate and nitrite contributed 0.1–14% and 0.1–5% respectively of growth requirements. Ammonium and urea were the main N sources fueling growth of A. catenella (30–100% and 2–59%, respectively). Indirect estimates indicated that an unidentified N source could also contribute significantly to growth at specific times. Concerning ammonium and urea uptake kinetics, half-saturation constants varied between 0.2 and 20 μgat N L−1 for ammonium and between 0.1 and 44 μgat N L−1 over the 4-year period, indicating that A. catenella can have a competitive advantage over other members of the phytoplankton even under low concentrations of ammonium and urea. However, the observed large changes in ammonium and urea uptake kinetics on a short time scale (days) during blooms preclude more precise estimates of those contributions to growth and require further investigation.  相似文献   

A.M. Cox  D.H. Shull  R.A. Horner   《Harmful algae》2008,7(4):379-388
The magnitude of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins in shellfish and the geographical scope of shellfish closures in Puget Sound have increased in recent decades. PSP, monitored by the Washington Department of Health, has spread from Sequim Bay in the 1950s into central Puget Sound in the 1970s and throughout Puget Sound by the 1990s. Alexandrium catenella, the species responsible for PSP toxins, produces a benthic resting cyst that, upon germinating, can seed blooms. This study examined whether there is a relationship between profiles of cysts in the sediment and temporal variation in PSP in shellfish and if the history of the toxin's southward expansion through Puget Sound can be seen in the cyst record. To address this question, sediment cores were collected from three Puget Sound basins, Sequim Bay, Penn Cove, and Carr Inlet, and cyst profiles were determined. Activities of 210Pb were fitted to a depth-dependent diagenetic model to date the sediment cores and determine mixing and sediment-accumulation rates. In order to compare historical variation in PSP with cyst profiles that have been altered by bioturbation, a depth and time-dependent diagenetic model was then used to predict vertical profiles of cysts that would occur under the assumption that cyst deposition rates are proportional to PSP concentration in shellfish measured over several decades at each site. The cyst profiles predicted by the model were compared to measured cyst profiles. These comparisons suggested that Alexandrium blooms and resulting PSP concentration in shellfish are more closely linked to cyst germination and deposition at some stations than at others. Sequim Bay had relatively large numbers of cysts and it is likely that the persistent toxicity here is the result of recurrent seeding from the cyst bed. Penn Cove and Carr Inlet had few cysts despite occasional blooms, suggesting that blooms are transported into those areas, perhaps from other sites of cyst germination. Sequim Bay and Penn Cove had cysts from top to bottom of the cores so it was not possible to determine the date when cysts were first introduced into these bays, but it is likely that A. catenella has been in Penn Cove since at least 1955 or for about two decades before the WDOH PSP toxicity data would indicate. The cyst profile in Carr Inlet suggested a first appearance date of 1985 that is consistent with the first appearance of PSP in shellfish in 1988.  相似文献   

Nutritional and environmental conditions were characterized for a batch culture of the marine dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense HK9301 isolated from the South China Sea for its growth (cells ml−1), cellular toxin content (Qt in fmol cell−1) and toxin composition (mol%). Under a nutrient replete condition, Qt increased with cell growth and peaked at the late stationary phase. Toxin content increased with the nitrate concentration in the culture while it reached a maximum at 5 μM phosphate. When nitrate was replaced with ammonia, Qt decreased by 4.5-fold. Salinity and light intensity were important factors affecting Qt. The latter increased two-fold over the range of salinity from 15 to 30‰, while decreased 38% as light intensity increased from 80 to 220 μE m−2 s−1. Toxin composition varied with growth phase and culture conditions. In nutrient replete cultures, toxin composition varied greatly in the early growth phase (first 3 days) and then C1/C2, C3/C4 and GTX1 remained relatively constant while GTX4 increased from 32 to 46% and GTX5 decreased from 28 to 15%. In general, the composition of GTXs was affected in a much greater extent than C toxins by changes in nutrient conditions, salinity and light intensity. This is especially true with GTX4 and GTX5. These data indicate that the cellular toxin content and toxin composition of A. tamarense HK9301 are not constant, but that they vary with growth phase and culture conditions. Use of toxin composition to identify a toxigenic marine dinoflagellate is not always valid. The data also reveal that high salinity and low light intensity, together with high nitrate and low phosphate concentrations, would favor toxin production by this species.  相似文献   

In laboratory experiments, oysters (Crassostrea virginica) were fed Alexandrium fundyense (strain CB501) vegetative cells or resting cysts (from strains CB501 and GMT25) produced from laboratory cultures. The toxicity per cyst was 1.7 pg STXequiv/cyst and for vegetative cells 3.9 pg STXequiv/cell. The toxic, resting cysts and vegetative cells were removed from suspension in the experimental containers within about 4 h. Oysters fed toxic vegetative cells digested 72% of cells ingested, and 28% survived gut passage by forming temporary cysts. Toxin levels of oysters fed vegetative cells averaged 27 μg STXequiv/100 g meat. Resting cysts added to the experimental containers adhered to the walls so that only 40% of the cysts added were available to the oysters during the experiment. Of the cysts that were ingested, approximately 59% were digested, and oysters accumulated toxins (an average of 1.2 μg STXequiv/100 g meat), showing that consumption of resting cysts can cause toxicity in oysters. Direct consumption of resting cysts, thus, may explain shellfish toxicity in areas without known blooms, but with toxic resting cysts in the sediment. These results suggest a possible role of toxic cysts in mediating time-lags between surface blooms and appearance of toxicity in benthic grazers, and the possible role of benthic grazers in controlling seed populations, except in anoxic areas, which can serve as cyst “refuges” from grazing mortality.  相似文献   

The effects of a mixture of penicillin G and streptomycin on the growth and C2 toxin production of a marine dinoflagellate, Alexandrium tamarense CI01, were investigated to determine if antibiotic treatment would increase the toxin yield of the cultured algae in batch cultures. Algal growth and toxin production were both enhanced markedly when the culture was supplemented with the antibiotics, each at an initial concentration of 100 unit ml−1 in medium,2 but were severely inhibited when the concentration was 500 unit ml−1 or higher. Short-term pretreatment of algal inocula with the antibiotics at 100, 500, and 1000 unit ml−1 all produced the enhancing effects on the algal cultures in an autoclaved medium. A prolonged antibiotic pretreatment of the algal culture followed by repeated sterile cultivation resulted in an algal culture free of cultivable bacteria. This “drug-treated” culture became more resistant to the toxicity and more responsive to the enhancing effects of the antibiotics. Our results indicated that the antibiotics can enhance growth and C2 toxin productivity not only through their inhibition of the growth of bacteria that compete for nutrients with the coexisting algae, but also through their direct effects on the physiology of the algae. Supplementation of the two antibiotics therefore is an efficient way to increase the yield of C2 toxin in the production cultures of A. tamarense CI01.  相似文献   

The dinoflagellates Alexandrium tamarense (Lebor) Balech and Alexandrium catenella (Whedon and Kofoid) Balech (Dinophyceae) are believed to be the main species responsible for paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) all over the world. It is necessary to identify A. tamarense and A. catenella cysts and to monitor their distribution in sediment in order to minimize the damages caused by PSP to the economy and food quality because cysts are the seed population for blooms caused by motile vegetative cells. In this study, we developed an efficient DNA extraction method from the natural cysts present in marine sediments after they were size fractionated with a plankton net (mesh size of 20–150 μm). The 10–3000 cysts were added to the sediments collected from the Ariake Sea, and for which the primuline-staining method did not reveal any cysts. DNA was then extracted from each sample, and linear standard curves for A. tamarense and A. catenella cysts were obtained from the correlation between the Ct values by real-time PCR and the log of the initial densities of cysts. We monitored the A. tamarense and A. catenella cyst densities in the environmental samples. This assay was demonstrated to be a powerful tool for the identification, detection, and quantification of the cysts of the toxic dinoflagellates.  相似文献   

Mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) were experimentally contaminated with paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins by being fed with the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense, and changes in toxin content and specific composition during the decontamination period were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Toxins excreted by the mussels into the seawater were also recovered using an activated charcoal column and analyzed by HPLC. The predominant toxins in A. tamarense, mussels, and seawater were the N-sulfocarbamoyl-11-hydrosulfate toxins (C1,2) and carbamate gonyautoxins-1,4 (GTX1,4). There were no remarkable differences in the relative proportions of the predominant toxins within A. tamarense, mussels and seawater. Because the relative proportion of the various toxin analogues excreted by the mussels was similar to that within their tissues during detoxification, it appeared that the selective release of particular toxins by the mussels was unlikely. The total amount of toxin lost from mussels was nearly equal to that which was found dissolved in the seawater, suggesting that, at least the early stages of mussel detoxification, most losses can be accounted for by excretion.  相似文献   

The occurrence of Alexandrium taylori and Alexandrium peruvianum is reported for the first time in Malaysia waters. The Malaysian A. taylori isolates were pyriform in shape with a transdiameter range of 36–40 μm and a cell length range of 33–37 μm. The first apical plate (1′) was pentagonal with two distinctive anterior margins. No direct connection between 1′ and the apical pore complex was observed. The posterior sulcal plate (S.p.) was large, elongated and oblique to the right with anterior projections. The ventral pore (vp) was relatively large and situated at a confluence point of 1′, the second apical (2′) and the fourth apical (4′) plates. Cells of A. peruvianum were slightly anteriorly and posteriorly compressed. S.p. had an irregular pentagonal shape, with the anterior margin divided into 2 portions. 1′ was boomerang-shaped with a large and truncated ventral pore in the middle right margin. The anterior right margin of 1′ was straight. The sixth precingular plate (6″) was wider than long. The anterior sulcal plate (S.a.) was triangular and lacked a left portion extension. In laboratory cultures, both A. taylori and A. peruvianum produced paralytic shellfish toxins, with GTX4 and GTX6 as the predominant toxin, respectively. This is the first report of PSP toxins production for both species as well as the occurrences in Malaysia waters.  相似文献   

Chen Y  Yan T  Zhou M J 《农业工程》2007,27(10):3964-3972
The biochemical composition of Prorocentrum donghaiense was analyzed and the effects of P. donghaiense and Alexandrium catenella on the transport of materials through a simulated marine food chain were investigated. The results showed that the content of phenylalanine, histidine and lysine in P. donghaiense was obviously lower than that in other dietary microalgae. Fed with P. donghaiense solely, the gross conversion efficiencies (GCEs) of A. salina increased gradually when the algal densities were lower than 4 × 104 cells/ml, and decreased gradually at higher densities. When fed with the mixture of P. donghaiense and the diatom Nitzschia. closterium, A. salina preferred grazing on P. donghaiense to grazing on N. closterium, and the GCEs of A. salina decreased with the increasing density of P. donghaiense. Exposed to A. catenella, A. salina lost weight and no Chlorophyll a was detected in the guts, which indicated that A. salina did not ingest the algal cells. When the re-suspended cells and cell-free medium of A. catenella were mixed with N. closterium or P. donghaiense, respectively, the grazing and GCEs of A. salina were all diminished. Consequently, the large-scale blooms of P. donghaiense and A. catenella in the East China Sea could adversely affect zooplankton owing to insufficient food or nutrition, and therefore impact the material transfer efficiency through the food chain.  相似文献   

Interactions between bacteria and harmful algal bloom (HAB) species have been acknowledged as an important factor regulating both the population dynamics and toxin production of these algae. A marine bacterium SP48 with algicidal activity to the toxic dinoflagellate, Alexandrium tamarense, was isolated from the Donghai Sea area, China. Genetic identification was achieved by polymerase chain reaction amplification and sequence analysis of 16S rDNA. Sequence analysis showed that the most probable affiliation of SP48 was to the γ-proteobacteria subclass and the genus Pseudoalteromonas. Bacterial isolate SP48 showed algicidal activity through an indirect attack. Additional organic nutrients but not algal-derived DOM was necessary for the synthesis of unidentified algicidal compounds but β-glucosidase was not responsible for the algicidal activity. The algicidal compounds produced by bacterium SP48 were heat tolerant, unstable in acidic condition and could be easily synthesized regardless of variation in temperature, salinity or initial pH for bacterial growth. This is the first report of a bacterium algicidal to the toxic dinoflagellate A. tamarense and the findings increase our knowledge of bacterial–algal interactions and the role of bacteria during the population dynamics of HABs.  相似文献   

Growth and spirolide production of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium ostenfeldii (Danish strain CCMP1773) were studied in batch culture and a photobioreactor (continuous cultures). First, batch cultures were grown in 450 mL flasks without aeration and under varying conditions of temperature (16 and 22 °C) and culture medium (L1, f/2 and L1 with addition of soil extract). Second, cultures were grown at 16 °C in 8 L aerated flat-bottomed vessels using L1 with soil extract as culture medium. Finally, continuous cultures in a photobioreactor were conducted at 18 °C in L1 with soil extract; pH was maintained at 8.5 and continuous stirring was applied.This study showed that A. ostenfeldii growth was significantly affected by temperature. At the end of the exponential phase, maximum cell concentration and cell diameter were significantly higher at 16 °C than at 22 °C. In batch culture, maximum spirolide quota per cell (approx. 5 pg SPX 13-desMeC eq cell−1) was detected during lag phase for all conditions used. Spirolide quota per cell was negatively and significantly correlated to cell concentration according to the following equation: y = 4013.9x−0.858. Temperature and culture medium affected the spirolide profile which was characterized by the dominance of 13,19-didesMeC (29–46%), followed by SPX-D (21–28%), 13-desMeC (21–23%), and 13-desMeD (17–21%).Stable growth of A. ostenfeldii was maintained in a photobioreactor over two months, with maximum cell concentration of 7 × 104 cells mL−1. As in batch culture, maximum spirolide cell quota was found in lag phase and then decreased significantly throughout the exponential phase. Spirolide cell quota was negatively and significantly correlated to cell concentration according to the equation: y = 12,858x−0.8986. In photobioreactor, spirolide profile was characterized by higher proportion of 13,19-didesMeC (60–87%) and lower proportions of SPX-D (3–12%) and 13-desMeD (1.6–10%) as compared to batch culture.  相似文献   

The profile of tetrahydropurine neurotoxins associated with paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) was determined from a Chilean strain of the marine dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella. The toxin composition was compared with that of toxic shellfish, presumably contaminated by natural blooms of A. catenella from the same region in southern Chile. Ion pair-liquid chromatography with post-column derivatization and fluorescence detection (LC-FD) was employed for relative quantitative analysis of the toxin components, whereas unambiguous identification of the toxins was confirmed by tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS). In the dinoflagellate strain from Chile, the N-sulfocarbamoyl derivatives (C1/C2, B1) and the carbamoyl gonyautoxins GTX1/GTX4 comprise >90% of the total PSP toxin content on a molar basis. This toxin composition is consistent with that determined for A. catenella populations from the Pacific coast in the northern hemisphere. The characteristic toxin profile is also reflected in the shellfish, but with evidence of epimerization and metabolic transformations of C1 and C2 to GTX2 and GTX3, respectively. This work represents the first unequivocal identification and confirmation of such PSP toxin components from the Chilean coast.  相似文献   

The distribution of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense Lebour has apparently expanded within the southern hemisphere during the last 2 decades. Toxic blooms of A. tamarense were recorded in Argentinean coastal waters since 1980; however, the first documented bloom in southern Brazil was in 1996. In this study, 13 strains of A. tamarense from southern Brazil were isolated and kept in culture. Phylogenetic analysis using RFLP and DNA sequences of the D1–D2 region of large subunit ribosomal DNA (rDNA) clearly indicates that Brazilian strains are most closely related to other South American strains. The strains from South America are placed firmly within a phylogenetic clade which contains strains from North America, northern Europe and northern Asia, previously called the North American clade. Possible dispersal hypotheses are discussed. The cultures were also analyzed for saxitoxin and its derivatives by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The main saxitoxin groups found were the low toxicity N-sulfocarbamoyl group, C1, 2 (30–84%), followed by the high potency carbamate toxins, gonyautoxins 1, 4 (6.6–55%), gonyautoxins 2, 3 (0.3–29%), neosaxitoxin (1.4–24%) and saxitoxin (0–4.4%). The toxin composition is similar to that of other strains from South America, supporting a close relationship between A. tamarense from southern Brazil and other areas of South America. Toxicity values were variable (7.07–65.92 pg STX cell−1), with the higher range falling among the most toxic values recorded for cultures of A. tamarense, indicating the significant risk for shellfish contamination and human intoxication during blooms of this species along the southern Brazilian coast.  相似文献   

Excystment experiments were carried out on cysts of Alexandrium minutum and A. tamarense (Group III) taken from Cork Harbour, Ireland. Freshly sampled cysts were isolated into well plates and their excystment was monitored over a 30 day period. A pronounced seasonality was observed in the excystment behaviour in both species when measurements were carried out seasonally. Between 80 and 100% of the isolated cysts excysted within 30 days when samples were taken between March and June. However, between only 0 and 15% excysted in samples taken between August and early February. This seasonal characteristic was observed repeatedly over a 3 year period (2004–2007). The effect was observed in cysts which had been sampled from both inter-tidal and sub-tidal locations. No endogenous clock was evident in the germination of A. tamarense and A. minutum cysts taken from Cork Harbour which had been stored cool and in the dark under anoxic conditions for up to 18 months. The seasonal effect observed was independent of water temperature, although temperature did affect the rate of excystment. Temperature also affected the maturation of cysts which had been freshly formed in the laboratory. The significance of incorporating seasonality in excystment of Alexandrium into models describing its growth is also discussed.  相似文献   

A novel bloom of Alexandrium minutum occurred in an inner basin of the Cape Town harbour from November 2003 to February 2004. Cellular concentrations reached a maximum of 1.4 × 108 cells l−1 during the mid-December period with corresponding chlorophyll a concentrations of 243 mg m−3. Primary productivity measurements conducted during the latter part of the bloom revealed a maximum assimilation number of 11.17 mg C mg Chl a−1 h−1 during the middle of the day. Productivity during this post-peak period was sustained largely by the reduced nitrogen species NH4 and urea (96%) as measured using 15N tracer techniques. The large subunit ribosomal DNA sequence of A. minutum isolates from Cape Town harbour was identical to conspecifics collected in Western Europe and in Australia. The composition of tetrahydropurine neurotoxins associated with paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) was limited to gonyautoxins (GTX1-GTX4). This profile combined with evidence of a low toxin cell quota (1.5 fmol GTX cell−1) supports a close association of this taxon with other members of the A. minutum species complex, particularly from Europe. Toxin analysis from black mussels collected during this bloom indicated that the accumulated PSP toxins originated from A. minutum and not from Alexandrium catenella as is most often the case along the South African coast.  相似文献   

The effects of environmental and nutritional factors on population dynamics and toxin production were examined in Alexandrium catenella, maintained in enriched K media in laboratory cultures. Starting with a density of 50 cell ml−1, the dinoflagellate population typically showed a lag phase and an exponential growth phase which lasted 14 days each, and then entered the stationary phase, with a maximal capacity of 12–18,000 cell ml−1-. Population densities showed distinct diurnal patterns, with population growth beginning 2–4 hours in darkness. The optimal physical conditions for growth were pH 8.5,salinity of 30–35‰, temperature of 20–25°C, and photoperiod of 14//10D to 16L/8D. The cell cycle was determined by flow cytometry on synchronized batch cultures maintained at optimal pH, salinity, temperature and under 5 different photoperiod regimes. It was found that the G1 phase was timed to end at approximately 3 h after onset of darkness, and the G2/M phase had begun at 4 hours. Nutrient supply markedly affected population growth. Under optimal physical conditions, the optimal concentrations for macronutrients and micronutrients were: NH+−4- 0.025–0.2 mM,NO−3 0.22–8.83 mM, glycerophosphate0.04–0.06 mM, silicate 0.1–0.54 mM; FeEDTA 0.07–0.11 mM;Co 0.1 μM, Cu 0.005–0.04 μM; Mn 0.22–7.2 μM;Mo 0.03–0.6 μM; Se 0.02–0.1 μM; Zn 0.04–1.6μM; thiamin 0.075–6 μM; vitamin B120.0004–0.004 μM; biotin 0.007–0.015 μM; EDTA5–40 μM. The toxin profile of A. catenella was determined by HPLC and found to include in descending order: GTX-4, GTX-3, GTX-1, B2, neosaxitoxin, saxitoxin. Toxin content per cell was highest in cell populations in the early exponential phase. The highest toxin per litre medium was recorded at 20°C at the beginning of the stationary phase,when cell density was highest and toxin/cell was still relatively high. At10°C, the cell density was low while the amount of toxin/cell was high;while at 30°C, the population at full capacity was low and the toxin/cell was also low. The population and toxin data thus provided an explanation for the peak level of PSP contamination in shellfish during the months of March–April around the eastern and southern side of Hong Kong and a minor peak extending to the western side in September–October, when the physical conditions of the seawater provided the right environment for toxin accumulation. Toxin content in the dinoflagellate reached its maximum during the S-phase of the cell cycle. Nitrogen restriction in the medium reduced population growth and toxin production, while phosphorus restriction reduced only population growth but enhanced toxin accumulation in the cells. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Alexandrium catenella (Whedon et Kofoid) Balech, a toxic dinoflagellate, is a bloom-forming planktonic species in cold water coastal regions. It produces strong paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins which are transmitted via tainted shellfish. These toxins can affect humans, other mammals, fish and birds. In this study, polyclonal antiserum against A. catenella was produced, and a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA) was developed to detect A. catenella. The antiserum against A. catenella showed good specificity, the linear detection range was relatively large, between 38 and 600,000 cells. In addition, specific probes were designed to target the small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) of A. catenella, and quantitative sandwich hybridization integrated with a nuclease protection assay (NPA-SH) was established in order to identify and quantify A. catenella. The NPA-SH assay did not show good specificity as well as cELISA, by which A. catenella and A. tamarense could not be distinguished. Samples in different cell growth phases were analyzed with cELISA and NPA-SH. The results showed that the cell concentration calculated by cELISA was very similar with microscopy, while that of NPA-SH was sometimes higher than that of microscopy, especially in log phase. Comparing the two methods, both assays allow rapid identification of A. catenella without time-consuming microscopy when multiple sites need to be considered in routine monitoring. Meanwhile, cELISA was more specific and accurate in detection of A. catenella than NPA-SH.  相似文献   

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