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Summary Strains carrying an I-like R factor, R64, or its derepressed derivative, R64-11, together with an Flac episome mutant in one of ten cistrons determining transfer-proficiency, transferred the Flac mutant at a frequency equivalent to about 1% of the level of R factor transfer. Similarly, R64, R64-11 and transfer-deficient mutants of R64-11, were transferred at increased frequencies in the presence of wild-type Flac. Experiments using RecA strains showed that mobilisation by recA +-promoted recombination was not involved, and others using strains carrying transfer-deficient mutants of both R64-11 and Flac suggested that even inefficient complementation between R64-11 and Flac transfer mutants did not occur. The transfer systems of the two plasmids seemed, therefore, to be unrelated, and plasmid-specific, although at a low frequency the entire transfer system of one, not just the pilus, could transfer a transfer-deficient mutant of the other.  相似文献   

Summary Some merodiploids containing two different trpC alleles grow in the absence of added tryptophan. The trpC gene product is the bifunctional enzyme indoleglycerol phosphate synthetase but the ability to grow on minimal medium does not require that the alleles be dificient in different functions. This indication of complementation is supported by the evidence that the trpC alleles, of the merodiploids, can be transferred by transduction or by the trp-colV,B episome. Genetic recombination between episome and chromosome is seen to occur, but at a rate too low to explain the observed results. The nature of the interaction between the trpC alleles is not readily explained since indoleglycerol phosphate synthetase appears to consist of a single polypeptide chain in in vitro studies.  相似文献   

A genetic complementation analysis of 75 stable nonpiliated mutants of a type 1 piliated strain of Escherichia coli K-12, AW405, was performed. Strains containing pairs of pil mutations were constructed by the infectious transfer of an F101 plasmid containing one pil mutation into E. coli K-12 AW 405 containing another pil mutation. The presence or absence of type 1 pili on the merodiploid strains was determined by agglutination with type 1 pilus antiserum. All 75 mutants fell into one of four complementation groups. The pattern of complementation defined three cistrons involved in pilus formation, pilA, pilB, and pilC. The fourth complementation group was composed of a large number of mutants defective in both pilA and pilB functions.  相似文献   

Rare conjugational progeny formed by crossing each of five Hfr strains with a recA-F- strain have been characterized. Selection was made for a proximal Hfr marker, taking strict precautions to prevent transfer of recA+ to the zygotes. Most of the progeny were found to be F' strains containing deletion mutant plasmids. With two exceptions, these mutant plasmids have lost all of the tra genes, which are required to confer conjugational donor ability upon a host. In addition, all but the exceptional mutant plasmids were found to be very poorly transmissible from transient heterozygotes which also contain a wild-type F' plasmid. The poor transmissibility is a cis-dominant transfer-defective phenotype which may result from deletion of all or part of the origin of transfer replication (ori), or of a gene determining a cis-acting protein. The two exceptional mutant plasmids may carry short deletions of some of the tra genes or polar tra mutations. The remaining progeny were nonmutant F' strains and F- strains. The frequency with which the F- strains were recovered permits us to estimate that the maximum amount of recombination possible in a recA56 zygote is 10(-6) that of a recA+ zygote.  相似文献   

ruvC mutants of Escherichia coli appear to lack an activity that resolves Holliday intermediates into recombinant products. Yet, these strains produce close to normal numbers of recombinants in genetic crosses. This recombination proficiency was found to be a function of recG. A "mini-kan" insertion in recG was introduced into ruvA, ruvB, and ruvC strains. Conjugational recombination was reduced by more than 100-fold in recG ruvA::Tn10, recG ruvB, and recG ruvC strains and by about 30-fold in a recG ruvA strain carrying a ruvA mutation that is not polar on ruvB. The double mutants also proved very deficient in P1 transduction and are much more sensitive to UV light than ruv single mutants. Since mutation of recG alone has very modest effects on recombination and sensitivity to UV, it is concluded that there is a functional overlap between the RecG and Ruv proteins. However, this overlap does not extend to circular plasmid recombination. The possibility that RecG provides a second resolvase that can substitute for Ruv is discussed in light of these findings.  相似文献   

A bacteriophage lambda cloning vector was designed to facilitate the isolation of genes from procaryotic organisms by complementation of Escherichia coli mutants. This vector, lambda SE4, was constructed by attaching a very-low-copy-number replication system (from the plasmid NR1) and a spectinomycin resistance gene to the left arm of lambda 1059 (Karn et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 77:5172-5176, 1980). This phasmid cloning vector is capable of growing lytically as a phage in a nonimmune host or lysogenically as a phasmid in an immune host. This phasmid utilizes the Spi- selection for insertions of DNA into the vector and has the ability to accept 2- to 19-kilobase Sau3A1, BamHI, BglII, BclI, or XhoII fragments; recombinants lysogenize immune hosts as single-copy-number selectable plasmids at 100% frequency. An E. coli library was constructed by using the initial vector lambda SE4, and clones of a number of representative genes were identified. A typical clone, lambda ant+, was shown to be readily mutagenized by a mini-Tn10 transposon. A general method for transferring cloned DNA segments onto bacteriophage lambda was developed. The method involves the use of in vivo recombination with a selection and was used to construct two derivatives of lambda SE4. Possible uses of these vectors and of the method for transferring cloned DNA onto phage lambda are discussed.  相似文献   

Functional analysis of host-specificity mutants in Escherichia coli   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

Mutants have been isolated which lack NADH-dependent nitrite reductase activity but retain NADPH-dependent sulphite reductase and formate hydrogenlyase activities. These NirB- strains synthesize cytochrome c552 and grow normally on anaerobic glycerol-fumarate plates. The defects map in a gene, nirB, which is extremely close to cysG, the gene order being crp, nirB, cysG, aroB. Complementation studies established that nirB+ and cysG+ can be expressed independently. The data strongly suggest that nirB is the structural gene for the 88 kDal NADH-dependent nitrite oxidoreductase apoprotein (EC The nirB gene is apparently defective in the previously described nirD mutant, LCB82. The nirH mutant, LCB197, was unable to use formate as electron donor for nitrite reduction, but NADH-dependent nitrite reductase was extremely active in this strain and a normal content of cytochrome c552 was detected. Strains carrying a nirE, nirF or nirG mutation gave normal rates of nitrite reduction by glucose, formate or NADH.  相似文献   

Mutants resistant to the donor-specific bacteriophage R17 were isolated from Hfr and Flac-containing strains of Escherichia coli K-12. Thirty-five mutants were examined for the presence of F pili by electron microscopy. The pilus morphology was studied, as were the abilities of the cells to retract their pili and to synthesize new pili. Measurements were made of the efficiency of the conjugal deoxyribonucleic acid transfer and of M13 and R17 phage infection. All mutants had noticeable defects in pilus production, structure, or function. Mutants were found which produced unusually long pili, displayed wide variations in the number of pili per cell, and were deficient in pilus retraction and synthesis. Evidence is presented that there may be two pathways of pilus retraction.  相似文献   

Biochemical analysis of spontaneous fepA mutants of Escherichia coli   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The fepA gene of Escherichia coli encodes the outer-membrane receptor protein for ferrienterobactin. Previous genetic studies indicated that fepA mutations occur frequently and suggested that most of the mutations were deletions. In this work seven spontaneous fepA mutations were analyzed by enzyme assay (enterobactin synthase and enterobactin esterase) and by DNA hybridization studies. In two strains, UT500 and UT700, the mutations were confined to the fepA gene. In the remaining mutants, the mutations were large deletions; in several cases, 27 kb or more of DNA had been lost. The deletions, all of which eliminated approximately the left half of the enterobactin gene cluster, extended from the vicinity of the fepC gene counterclockwise into the chromosome. A minimum of three clockwise endpoints were identified and at least two counterclockwise endpoints were detected. The variation in endpoints among the deletions argues against the involvement of a normal transposon in their formation. Also, unexpected homology was found between enterobactin gene cluster DNA and lacPOZ and pSC101.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of sul mutants of Escherichia coli B   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

The composition of the outer membrane channels formed by the OmpF and OmpC porins is important in peptide permeation, and elimination of these proteins from the Escherichia coli outer membrane results in a cell in which the primary means for peptide permeation through this cell structure has been lost. E. coli peptide transport mutants which harbor defects in genes other than the ompF/ompC genes have been isolated on the basis of their resistance to toxic tripeptides. The genetic defects carried by these oligopeptide permease-negative (Opp-) strains were found to map in two distinct chromosomal locations. One opp locus was trp linked and mapped to the interval between att phi 80 and galU. Complementation studies with F'123 opp derivatives indicated that this peptide transport locus resembles that characterized in Salmonella typhimurium as a tetracistronic operon (B. G. Hogarth and C. F. Higgins, J. Bacteriol. 153:1548-1551, 1983). The second opp locus, which we have designated oppE, was mapped to the interval between dnaC and hsd at 98.5 min on the E. coli chromosome. The differences in peptide utilization, sensitivity and resistance to toxic peptides, and the L-[U-14C]alanyl-L-alanyl-L-alanine transport properties observed with these Opp-E. coli strains demonstrated that the transport systems encoded by the trp-linked opp genes and by the oppE gene(s) have different substrate preferences. Mutants harboring defects in both peptide transport loci defined in this study would not grow on nutritional peptides except for tri-L-methionine, were totally resistant to toxic peptides, and would not actively transport L-[U-14C]alanyl-L-alanyl-L-alanine.  相似文献   

Stafford SJ  Lund PA 《FEBS letters》2000,466(2-3):317-322
Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) exhibits both an oxido-reductase and an isomerase activity on proteins containing cysteine residues. These activities arise from two active sites, both of which contain pairs of redox active cysteines. We have developed two simple in vivo assays for these activities of PDI, based on the demonstration that PDI can complement both a dsbA mutation and a dsbC mutation when expressed to the periplasm of Escherichia coli. We constructed a variety of mutants in and around the active sites of PDI and analysed them using these complementation assays. Our analysis showed that the active site amino acid residues have a major role in determining the activities exhibited by PDI, particularly the N-terminal cysteine of the N-terminal active site. The roles of the histidine residue at position 38 and the glutamic acid residue at position 30 were also studied using these assays. The results show that these two in vivo assays should be useful for rapid screening of mutants in PDI prior to purification and detailed biochemical analysis.  相似文献   

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