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The evolutionarily conserved Eps15 homology domain (EHD)/receptor-mediated endocytosis (RME)-1 family of C-terminal EH domain proteins has recently come under intense scrutiny because of its importance in intracellular membrane transport, especially with regard to the recycling of receptors from endosomes to the plasma membrane. Recent studies have shed new light on the mode by which these adenosine triphosphatases function on endosomal membranes in mammals and Caenorhabditis elegans. This review highlights our current understanding of the physiological roles of these proteins in vivo, discussing conserved features as well as emerging functional differences between individual mammalian paralogs. In addition, these findings are discussed in light of the identification of novel EHD/RME-1 protein and lipid interactions and new structural data for proteins in this family, indicating intriguing similarities to the Dynamin superfamily of large guanosine triphosphatases.  相似文献   

In genetic screens for new endocytosis genes in Caenorhabditis elegans we identified RME-1, a member of a conserved class of Eps15-homology (EH)-domain proteins. Here we show that RME-1 is associated with the periphery of endocytic organelles, which is consistent with a direct role in endocytic transport. Endocytic defects in rme-1 mutants indicate that the protein is likely to have a function in endocytic recycling. Evidence from studies of mammalian RME-1 also points to a function for RME-1 in recycling, specifically in the exit of membrane proteins from recycling endosomes. These studies show a conserved function in endocytic recycling for the RME-1 family of EH proteins.  相似文献   

During early embryogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans, the ATL-1-CHK-1 (ataxia telangiectasia mutated and Rad3 related-Chk1) checkpoint controls the timing of cell division in the future germ line, or P lineage, of the animal. Activation of the CHK-1 pathway by its canonical stimulus DNA damage is actively suppressed in early embryos so that P lineage cell divisions may occur on schedule. We recently found that the rad-2 mutation alleviates this checkpoint silent DNA damage response and, by doing so, causes damage-dependent delays in early embryonic cell cycle progression and subsequent lethality. In this study, we report that mutations in the smk-1 gene cause the rad-2 phenotype. SMK-1 is a regulatory subunit of the PPH-4.1 (protein phosphatase 4) protein phosphatase, and we show that SMK-1 recruits PPH-4.1 to replicating chromatin, where it silences the CHK-1 response to DNA damage. These results identify the SMK-1-PPH-4.1 complex as a critical regulator of the CHK-1 pathway in a developmentally relevant context.  相似文献   

Coordination of neurite extension with surrounding glia development is critical for neuronal function, but the underlying molecular mechanisms remain poorly understood. Through a genome-wide mutagenesis screen in C. elegans, we identified dyf-4 and daf-6 as two mutants sharing similar defects in dendrite extension. DAF-6 encodes a glia-specific patched-related membrane protein that plays vital roles in glial morphogenesis. We cloned dyf-4 and found that DYF-4 encodes a glia-secreted protein. Further investigations revealed that DYF-4 interacts with DAF-6 and functions in a same pathway as DAF-6 to regulate sensory compartment formation. Furthermore, we demonstrated that reported glial suppressors of daf-6 could also restore dendrite elongation and ciliogenesis in both dyf-4 and daf-6 mutants. Collectively, our data reveal that DYF-4 is a regulator for DAF-6 which promotes the proper formation of the glial channel and indirectly affects neurite extension and ciliogenesis.  相似文献   

Vasopressin stimulates the liberation of labelled inositol phosphate in partially purified plasma membranes prepared from myo-[3H]inositol prelabelled WRK1 cells. This stimulatory effect was very rapid (165% stimulation of inositol trisphosphate accumulation after a 10 s incubation period in the presence of 1 microM vasopressin), concentration dependent (EC50 = 12 nM) and was abolished by an antagonist of the vasopressor response to vasopressin. GTP, even at high concentrations (0.1 mM), did not increase inositol phosphate release: it was found to be absolutely necessary for hormonal stimulation of phospholipase C activity. Non-hydrolysable analogues of GTP may also stimulate this enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Sato M  Sato K  Liou W  Pant S  Harada A  Grant BD 《The EMBO journal》2008,27(8):1183-1196
Using Caenorhabditis elegans genetic screens, we identified receptor-mediated endocytosis (RME)-4 and RME-5/RAB-35 as important regulators of yolk endocytosis in vivo. In rme-4 and rab-35 mutants, yolk receptors do not accumulate on the plasma membrane as would be expected in an internalization mutant, rather the receptors are lost from cortical endosomes and accumulate in dispersed small vesicles, suggesting a defect in receptor recycling. Consistent with this, genetic tests indicate the RME-4 and RAB-35 function downstream of clathrin, upstream of RAB-7, and act synergistically with recycling regulators RAB-11 and RME-1. We find that RME-4 is a conserved DENN domain protein that binds to RAB-35 in its GDP-loaded conformation. GFP-RME-4 also physically interacts with AP-2, is enriched on clathrin-coated pits, and requires clathrin but not RAB-5 for cortical association. GFP-RAB-35 localizes to the plasma membrane and early endocytic compartments but is lost from endosomes in rme-4 mutants. We propose that RME-4 functions on coated pits and/or vesicles to recruit RAB-35, which in turn functions in the endosome to promote receptor recycling.  相似文献   

Autophagy and endocytosis are dynamic and tightly regulated processes that contribute to many fundamental aspects of biology including survival, longevity, and development. However, the molecular links between autophagy and endocytosis are not well understood. Here, we report that BEC-1, the C. elegans ortholog of Atg6/Vps30/Beclin1, a key regulator of the autophagic machinery, also contributes to endosome function. In particular we identify a defect in retrograde transport from endosomes to the Golgi in bec-1 mutants. MIG-14/Wntless is normally recycled from endosomes to the Golgi through the action of the retromer complex and its associated factor RME-8. Lack of retromer or RME-8 activity results in the aberrant transport of MIG-14/Wntless to the lysosome where it is degraded. Similarly, we find that lack of bec-1 also results in mislocalization and degradation of MIG-14::GFP, reduced levels of RME-8 on endosomal membranes, and the accumulation of morphologically abnormal endosomes. A similar phenotype was observed in animals treated with dsRNA against vps-34. We further identify a requirement for BEC-1 in the clearance of apoptotic corpses in the hermaphrodite gonad, suggesting a role for BEC-1 in phagosome maturation, a process that appears to depend upon retrograde transport. In addition, autophagy genes may also be required for cell corpse clearance, as we find that RNAi against atg-18 or unc-51 also results in a lack of cell corpse clearance.  相似文献   

We describe a protocol for mutating genes in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans using the Mos1 transposon of Drosophila mauritiana. Mutated genes containing a Mos1 insertion are molecularly tagged by this heterologous transposable element. Mos1 insertions can therefore be identified in as little as 3 weeks using only basic molecular biology techniques. Mutagenic efficiency of Mos1 is tenfold lower than classical chemical mutagens. However, the ease and speed with which mutagenic insertions can be mapped compares favorably with the vast amount of work involved in classical genetic mapping. Therefore, Mos1 could be the tool of choice when screening procedures are efficient. In addition, Mos1 mutagenesis can greatly simplify the mapping of mutations that exhibit low penetrance, subtle or synthetic phenotypes. The recent development of targeted engineering of C. elegans loci carrying Mos1 insertions further increases the attractiveness of Mos1-mediated mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Autophagy and endocytosis are dynamic and tightly regulated processes that contribute to many fundamental aspects of biology including survival, longevity, and development. However, the molecular links between autophagy and endocytosis are not well understood. Here, we report that BEC-1, the C. elegans ortholog of Atg6/Vps30/Beclin1, a key regulator of the autophagic machinery, also contributes to endosome function. In particular we identify a defect in retrograde transport from endosomes to the Golgi in bec-1 mutants. MIG-14/Wntless is normally recycled from endosomes to the Golgi through the action of the retromer complex and its associated factor RME-8. Lack of retromer or RME-8 activity results in the aberrant transport of MIG-14/Wntless to the lysosome where it is degraded. Similarly, we find that lack of bec-1 also results in mislocalization and degradation of MIG-14::GFP, reduced levels of RME-8 on endosomal membranes, and the accumulation of morphologically abnormal endosomes. A similar phenotype was observed in animals treated with dsRNA against vps-34. We further identify a requirement for BEC-1 in the clearance of apoptotic corpses in the hermaphrodite gonad, suggesting a role for BEC-1 in phagosome maturation, a process that appears to depend upon retrograde transport. In addition, autophagy genes may also be required for cell corpse clearance, as we find that RNAi against atg-18 or unc-51 also results in a lack of cell corpse clearance.  相似文献   

Presenilins are part of a protease complex that is responsible for the intramembraneous cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein involved in Alzheimer's disease and of Notch receptors. In Caenorhabditis elegans, mutations in the presenilin sel-12 result in a highly penetrant egg-laying defect. spr-5 was identified as an extragenic suppressor of the sel-12 mutant phenotype. The SPR-5 protein has similarity to the human polyamine oxidase-like protein encoded by KIAA0601 that is part of the HDAC-CoREST co-repressor complex. Suppression of sel-12 by spr-5 requires the activity of HOP-1, the second somatic presenilin in C.elegans. spr-5 mutants derepress hop-1 expression 20- to 30-fold in the early larval stages when hop-1 normally is almost undetectable. SPR-1, a C.elegans homologue of CoREST, physically interacts with SPR-5. Moreover, down-regulation of SPR-1 by mutation or RNA interference also bypasses the need for sel-12. These data strongly suggest that SPR-5 and SPR-1 are part of a CoREST-like co-repressor complex in C.elegans. This complex might be recruited to the hop-1 locus controlling its expression during development.  相似文献   

We describe a mathematical model for the aggregation of starved first-stage C elegans larvae (L1s). We propose that starved L1s produce and respond chemotactically to two labile diffusible chemical signals, a short-range attractant and a longer range repellent. This model takes the mathematical form of three coupled partial differential equations, one that describes the movement of the worms and one for each of the chemical signals. Numerical solution of these equations produced a pattern of aggregates that resembled that of worm aggregates observed in experiments. We also describe the identification of a sensory receptor gene, srh–2, whose expression is induced under conditions that promote L1 aggregation. Worms whose srh–2 gene has been knocked out form irregularly shaped aggregates. Our model suggests this phenotype may be explained by the mutant worms slowing their movement more quickly than the wild type.  相似文献   

The L1 family of cell adhesion molecules (L1CAMs) is important for neural development. Mutations in one of the human L1CAM genes, L1, can result in several neurological syndromes, the symptoms of which are variably penetrant. The physiological cause of these symptoms, collectively termed CRASH, is not clear. Caenorhabditis elegans animals genetically null for the L1CAM homologue LAD-1, exhibit variably penetrant pleiotropic phenotypes that are similar to the CRASH symptoms; thus the C. elegans lad-1 mutant provides an excellent model system to study how disruption of L1 leads to these abnormalities. These phenotypes include uncoordinated movements, variable embryonic lethality, and abnormal neuronal distribution and axon trajectories. Our analysis revealed that many of these phenotypes are likely a result of tissue detachment.  相似文献   

Lee KM  Nizza S  Hayes T  Bass KL  Irmisch A  Murray JM  O'Connell MJ 《Genetics》2007,175(4):1585-1595
Smc5/6 is a structural maintenance of chromosomes complex, related to the cohesin and condensin complexes. Recent studies implicate Smc5/6 as being essential for homologous recombination. Each gene is essential, but hypomorphic alleles are defective in the repair of a diverse array of lesions. A particular allele of smc6 (smc6-74) is suppressed by overexpression of Brc1, a six-BRCT domain protein that is required for DNA repair during S-phase. This suppression requires the postreplication repair (PRR) protein Rhp18 and the structure-specific endonucleases Slx1/4 and Mus81/Eme1. However, we show here that the contribution of Rhp18 is via a novel pathway that is independent of PCNA ubiquitination and PRR. Moreover, we identify Exo1 as an additional nuclease required for Brc1-mediated suppression of smc6-74, independent of mismatch repair. Further, the Apn2 endonuclease is required for the viability of smc6 mutants without extrinsic DNA damage, although this is not due to a defect in base excision repair. Several nucleotide excision repair genes are similarly shown to ensure viability of smc6 mutants. The requirement for excision factors for the viability of smc6 mutants is consistent with an inability to respond to spontaneous lesions by Smc5/6-dependent recombination.  相似文献   

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