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New contemporary data about new infectious diseases of XXI century are presented. Data on morbidity and mortality from severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS, atypical pneumonia) and avian influenza are analyzed and compared with World Health Organization data on human influenza. Biologic characteristics of avian influenza virus A/H5N1 are discussed as well as possibility of its human-to-human transmission. Principles of SARS and avian influenza infections transmission as zoonoses are described as well as mechanisms of transmission impeding their ability to infect humans. It has been argued that SARS should be regarded as contagious infection, whereas avian influenza - as non-contagious. Features of all stages of epidemic process of these infections are analyzed.  相似文献   

Recently, it has been proposed that adult mortality schedules may be responsible for latitudinal patterns of life history variation in passerine birds, whereas nest predation only could explain within latitude patterns. Unfortunately, no independent test has been performed regarding the importance of nest predation with different taxa. In the present study, seasonality and nest predation hypotheses explaining variations in gestation time and litter size in 17 lagomorph species were tested. Among latitude patterns were analysed using the phylogenetic independent contrast method of Felsenstein and within latitude patterns were analysed by the pairwise comparative method. The results obtained indicate that latitudinal patterns observed in both variables are explained by different factors: seasonality for litter size and nest predation for gestation time. Litter size variations within latitudes are also explained by differences in nest predation, supporting previous hypotheses. In conclusion, the present study suggests that, when compared among latitudes, different life history traits (e.g. litter size and gestation time) may be shaped by different selective forces and that the effects of nest predation may be high both within and between latitudes.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 603–610.  相似文献   

Coevolution of parasite virulence and host life history   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most models about the evolutionary interactions between a parasite's virulence and its host's life history neglect two potentially important aspects: epidemiological and coevolutionary feedback. We emphasize their importance by presenting models that describe the coevolution of a semelparous host's age at reproduction and a parasite's virulence in different environmental conditions. In particular, we first show that an epidemiological feedback will lead to a nonmonotonic response of the host's age at reproduction as virulence increases. We then show that the coevolutionary pressure on virulence can lead to complex associations between the host's life history and the parasite's virulence, which would not be expected with more traditional models of host or parasite evolution. Thus, for example, a high mortality rate of the host favours avirulent parasites and late reproduction of the host when the environmental conditions allow the host to grow rapidly, but early reproduction and high virulence when growth is slow.  相似文献   

R. C. Woodruff 《Genetica》1992,86(1-3):143-154
As an initial study of the influence of transposable DNA elements on life history traits, and as a model system for estimating the impact of somatic genetic damage on longevity, the effect of P DNA element movement in somatic cells on adult lifespan was measured in Drosophila melanogaster males. Lifespan was significantly reduced in males that contained the somatically active P[ry+ 2–3](99B) element and 17, 4, 3, but not just a single P element. Furthermore, there appears to be a direct correlation between the number of transposing P elements and the amount of lifespan reduction. This reduction in lifespan observed in males with somatically active P elements is probably due to genetic damage in embryos, larvae and pupae from P-element excisions and insertions, leading to changes in gene structure and regulation, chromosome breakage, and subsequent cell death in adults. This hypothesis is supported in this study by a significant increase in recessive sex-linked lethal mutations in the same males that had reduced lifespans and by the previous observation of chromosome breakage in somatic cells of similar males. The evolutionary implications of these results are discussed, including the possible influence of somatic DNA transpositions on fitness and other life history traits.  相似文献   

Predictive phylogeography seeks to aggregate genetic, environmental and taxonomic data from multiple species in order to make predictions about unsampled taxa using machine‐learning techniques such as Random Forests. To date, organismal trait data have infrequently been incorporated into predictive frameworks due to difficulties inherent to the scoring of trait data across a taxonomically broad set of taxa. We refine predictive frameworks from two North American systems, the inland temperate rainforests of the Pacific Northwest and the Southwestern Arid Lands (SWAL), by incorporating a number of organismal trait variables. Our results indicate that incorporating life history traits as predictor variables improves the performance of the supervised machine‐learning approach to predictive phylogeography, especially for the SWAL system, in which predictions made from only taxonomic and climate variables meets only moderate success. In particular, traits related to reproduction (e.g., reproductive mode; clutch size) and trophic level appear to be particularly informative to the predictive framework. Predictive frameworks offer an important mechanism for integration of organismal trait, environmental data, and genetic data in phylogeographic studies.  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts the evolution of trait combinations that enhance fitness, and the occurrence of trade-offs depends in part on the magnitude of variation in growth rate or acquisition. Using recombinant inbred lines, we examined the genetic architecture of age and size at reproduction across abiotic conditions encountered by cultivars and naturalized populations of Brassica rapa. We found that genotypes are plastic to seasonal setting, such that reproduction was accelerated under conditions encountered by summer annual populations and genetic variances for age at reproduction varied across simulated seasonal settings. Using an acquisition-allocation model, we predicted the likelihood of trade-offs. Consistent with predicted relationships, we observed a trade-off where early maturity is associated with small size at maturity under simulated summer and fall annual conditions but not under winter annual conditions. The trade-off in the summer annual setting was observed despite significant genotypic variation in growth rate, which is often expected to decouple age and size at reproduction because rapidly growing genotypes could mature early and attain a larger size relative to slowly growing genotypes that mature later. The absence of a trade-off in the winter setting is presumably attributable to the absence of genotypic differences in age at reproduction. We observed QTL for age at reproduction that jointly regulated size at reproduction in both the summer and fall annual settings, but these QTL were environment-specific (i.e. different QTL contributed to the trade-off in the fall vs. summer annual settings). Thus, at least some of the genetic mechanisms underlying observed trade-offs differed across environments.  相似文献   

Life history theory has long been a major campaign in evolutionary ecology, but has typically focused only on animals and plants. Life history research on single-celled eukaryotic protists such as malaria parasites (Plasmodium) will offer new insights into the theory’s general utility as well as the parasite’s basic biology. For example, parasitologists have described the Plasmodium life cycle and cell types in exquisite detail, with little discussion of evolutionary issues such as developmental links between traits. We measured 10 life history traits of replicate single-genotype experimental Plasmodium mexicanum infections in its natural lizard host to identify groups of linked traits. These 10 traits formed 4 trait groups: “Rate/Peak” merges measures of growth rate and maximum parasitemia of infections; “Timing” combines time to patency and maximum parasitemia; “Growth Shape” describes the fit to an exponential growth curve; and “Sex Ratio” includes only the gametocyte sex ratio. Parasite genotype (clone) showed no effect on the life history trait groups, with the exception of gametocyte sex ratio. Therefore, variation in most life history traits among infections appears to be driven by environmental (individual host) effects. The findings support the model that life history traits are often linked by developmental constraints. Understanding why life history traits of Plasmodium are linked in this way would offer a new window into the evolution of the parasites, and also should inform public health efforts to control infection prevalence.  相似文献   

1. To understand how habitat heterogeneity affects organisms, the present authors measured the response of chironomid life-histories to single patch types in a controlled laboratory experiment. The objective was to determine whether the size and type of leaf particles in the substratum affect development rate and survival of larvae, and the fecundity of the resulting adults.
2. Chironomus riparius larvae were raised in sand supplemented with dogwood, Cornus florida, (a rapid decomposer) or American sycamore, Platanus occidentalis, (a refractory decomposer) leaves fully crossed in a factorial design with four leaf particle sizes (0.2, 0.5, 1 and 5 cm2), or in sand only.
3. Development time was shorter in dogwood habitats than sycamore habitats, and shorter in sycamore habitats than in sand habitats. Survival was higher and larval head capsule lengths of instars III and IV were larger in dogwood than in sycamore or sand habitats. Development time was longer and head capsule lengths of instars III and IV were smaller in habitats with 5-cm2 leaf particles than in 0.2-, 0.5- and 1-cm2 particle size treatments. Female thorax length (a measure of fecundity) did not differ among treatments.
4. The present authors conclude that, for C. riparius confined to a single patch type, fitness is significantly enhanced when the patch contains small particles of dogwood (labile) leaves.  相似文献   

Gestation length, neonatal and maternal body weight, and neonatal and adult brain weight data were collected for New World monkeys in an attempt to establish typical patterns of perinatal life history. This study attempts to illuminate the most accurate values from the available data, which suggest that gestation length and prenatal growth rate are broadly conserved in relation to maternal size in New World monkeys. Exceptions to the patterns evident in the data point to derivations in life history strategies. In particular, this study suggests that the extended gestation length of callitrichines is a function of minimum viable neonate size and not exclusively energy minimization associated with simultaneous lactation. Cebus is shown to undergo more postnatal brain growth relative to other New World monkeys, but not as much as previously believed. Alouatta is shown to be relatively small brained at birth as well as in adulthood. Saimiri is shown to present the most unusual package of perinatal life history traits, in which precocial neonates are gestated for a relatively long time and at a slightly faster growth rate than is typical for New World monkeys. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Paternal effects on haddock early life history traits   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Paternal effects on haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus early life history traits were examined by crossing eggs and sperm in a nested design and analysing the progeny at 0, 5 and 10 days post‐hatch (dph). The proportion of the variance in early life history traits that was due to paternity was significant for hatching success, larval standard length, myotome height, jaw length and yolk size, but not eye diameter or yolk utilization efficiency. Some morphological traits were influenced more by paternity than maternity. The findings suggest that the importance of males in the early life history success of marine fishes be reconsidered.  相似文献   

Dietary effects on life history traits of riverine Bosmina   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. We compared growth, reproduction and life history characteristics of Bosmina raised on Ohio River seston versus a unialgal culture (Scenedesmus acutus), to assess potential nutritional constraints experienced by riverine populations. 2. Bosmina grew well in both treatments during their juvenile stage. Analysis of variance showed that Bosmina growth prior to the start of reproduction did not differ significantly between the treatments. After the onset of reproduction Bosmina fed on Scenedesmus grew faster and exhibited higher fecundity than their counterparts fed river seston. 3. Significant quantities of triacylglycerol (visible lipid droplets) were gradually accumulated in Bosmina fed on Scenedesmus. Visual lipid ovary indices were positively correlated with adult growth rate and fecundity and negatively correlated with longevity. 4. Biochemical analysis showed that Scenedesmus had significantly greater total ω3, ω6 and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) whereas river seston had more eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Thus, in contrast to Daphnia, EPA and DHA do not appear to influence Bosmina growth or reproductive performance, but linolenic acid or total PUFA may be important. 5. Comparatively weak performance by Bosmina feeding on river seston suggest that nutritional constraints may be important despite high particulate organic carbon and low C : N and C : P of river seston.  相似文献   

Characterizing genetic variation in parasite transmission traits and its contribution to parasite vigor is essential for understanding the evolution of parasite life‐history traits. We measured genetic variation in output, activity, survival, and infection success of clonal transmission stages (cercaria larvae) of a complex life cycle parasite (Diplostomum pseudospathaceum). We further tested if variation in host nutritional stage had an effect on these traits by keeping hosts on limited or ad libitum diet. The traits we measured were highly variable among parasite genotypes indicating significant genetic variation in these life‐history traits. Traits were also phenotypically variable, for example, there was significant variation in the measured traits over time within each genotype. However, host nutritional stage had no effect on the parasite traits suggesting that a short‐term reduction in host resources was not limiting the cercarial output or performance. Overall, these results suggest significant interclonal and phenotypic variation in parasite transmission traits that are not affected by host nutritional status.  相似文献   

Despite the voluminous literature documenting plant-animal interactions, it is only recently that ecologists have begun to focus upon the importance of seedling herbivory in plant communities. This review aims to synthesize our current understanding of the effect that selective seedling removal by herbivores has in shaping post-disturbance plant community structure. In order to do this I describe how individual seedling and plant community characteristics influence the likelihood of seedling herbivory. I argue that seedling palatability, size and morphology, together with the frequency, distribution and timing of seedling emergence all play a significant role in determining seedling regeneration success in the face of herbivore attack. I also outline how current plant defence theories can be related to recent field observations concerning seedling acceptability and removal. In addition, I suggest that those seedling characteristics which provide the emerging plant with some degree of resistance against herbivory should be viewed as one component of a suite of plant life history traits affecting seedling regeneration success or failure. In view of the increasing importance of comparative methods in plant ecology, I propose that future research should integrate seedling acceptability with other plant life history traits thought to affect seedling regeneration. Recent work suggests that seed size may be paramount in determining regeneration success. I explore the possibility that seed size and seedling acceptability may be linked and discuss how these two factors may interact along successional gradients in plant communities.  相似文献   

Glyphosate is the world's most widely used herbicide. The commercial success of this molecule is due to its nonselectivity and its action, which would supposedly target specific biosynthetic pathways found mainly in plants. Multiple studies have however provided evidence for high sensitivity of many nontarget species to glyphosate and/or to formulations (glyphosate mixed with surfactants). This herbicide, found at significant levels in aquatic systems through surface runoffs, impacts life history traits and immune parameters of several aquatic invertebrates' species, including disease‐vector mosquitoes. Mosquitoes, from hatching to emergence, are exposed to aquatic chemical contaminants. In this study, we first compared the toxicity of pure glyphosate to the toxicity of glyphosate‐based formulations for the main vector of avian malaria in Europe, Culex pipiens mosquito. Then we evaluated, for the first time, how field‐realistic dose of glyphosate interacts with larval nutritional stress to alter mosquito life history traits and susceptibility to avian malaria parasite infection. Our results show that exposure of larvae to field‐realistic doses of glyphosate, pure or in formulation, did not affect larval survival rate, adult size, and female fecundity. One of our two experimental blocks showed, however, that exposure to glyphosate decreased development time and reduced mosquito infection probability by malaria parasite. Interestingly, the effect on malaria infection was lost when the larvae were also subjected to a nutritional stress, probably due to a lower ingestion of glyphosate.  相似文献   

Evolution of life history traits can be studied at two different levels: (1) current selection processes, including trade-offs in life history traits in natural populations as revealed by observations or, preferably, exieriments; and (2) patterns of variation in life history traits with each other and with ecology among extant species. Selection is not evolution, but selection pressures must have caused evolutionary change and led to current patterns of life history traits. These problems are exemplified by recent research on clutch size in birds.  相似文献   

Plasmodium mexicanum, a malaria parasite of lizards, exhibits substantial variation among infections in the life-history traits which define its blood-dwelling stages. Such variation in life histories among infections is common in Plasmodium and may influence the ecology and evolution of the parasite's transmission success and virulence. Insight into these issues requires identification of independent traits (some traits may be bound by developmental trade-offs) and the importance of genetic versus host effects producing the variation. We studied 11 life-history traits in 120 induced infections of P. mexicanum in its natural lizard host (20 each from six donor infections). The traits varied among infections and fell into three clusters: rate/peak (rate of increase and peak parasitaemia of asexuals and gametocytes), time (duration of pre-patent period and the infection's growth) and maturity (timing of first gametocytes). Thus, few life-history traits define an infection in the lizard's blood. Donor effects were significant for ten traits and two trait clusters (maturity was the exception) suggesting genetic differences among infections may influence the rate of increase and peak parasitaemia, but not the timing of the first production of gametocytes.  相似文献   

Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) were collected from 17 reservoirs on three islands in Hawaii, USA. Genetic and life history traits for adult females from these populations were used to evaluate hypotheses concerning short-term evolutionary divergence of populations recently established from a common ancestral source. The effects of founder events and drift on genetic variability and population differentiation were also examined. Significant differences in life history characteristics, allele frequencies, and multi-locus heterozygosities (H) were found among fish populations collected from different reservoirs and between reservoirs classified as stable or fluctuating on the basis of temporal fluctuation in water level. Females from stable reservoirs exhibited greater standard length (35.1 vs 32.8 mm), lower fecundity (11.9 vs 15.2 embryos), lower reproductive allocation (18.2% vs 22.8%), but larger mean embryo size (1.95 vs 1.67 mg) than females from fluctuating reservoirs. Consistency in means among replicates of each reservoir class and concordance in direction and magnitude of differences reported here and results of sampling conducted from these same locations 10 years previously (Stearns, 1983a) suggest that ecological factors intrinsic to these two environments are important in determing population life history traits. Females from stable reservoirs exhibited lower heterozygosity than females from fluctuating reservoirs (0.134 vs 0.158, respectively). Levels and direction od differences in heterozygosity, the high proportion of polymorphic loci and lack of fixation of alternative alleles argue against a purely stochastic explanation for genetic and life history variation among reservoir populations. Levels of genetic variability and interpopulation differentiation were similar to those observed in mainland populations of this species. A high proportion of the genetic diversity was apportioned between populations and within populations due to differences between juveniles and adults. Significant genotypic differences between adult and juvenile age classes suggest that the genetic divergence of local populations may occur over short periods of time.  相似文献   

We present a new methodology to estimate rates of energy acquisition, maintenance, reproductive investment and the onset of maturation (four-trait estimation) by fitting an energy allocation model to individual growth trajectories. The accuracy and precision of the method is evaluated on simulated growth trajectories. In the deterministic case, all life history parameters are well estimated with negligible bias over realistic parameter ranges. Adding environmental variability reduces precision, causes the maintenance and reproductive investment to be confounded with a negative error correlation, and tends, if strong, to result in an underestimation of the energy acquisition and maintenance and an overestimation of the age and size at the onset of maturation. Assuming a priori incorrect allometric scaling exponents also leads to a general but fairly predictable bias. To avoid confounding in applications we propose to assume a constant maintenance (three-trait estimation), which can be obtained by fitting reproductive investment simultaneously to size at age on population data. The results become qualitatively more robust but the improvement of the estimate of the onset of maturation is not significant. When applied to growth curves back-calculated from otoliths of female North Sea plaice Pleuronectes platessa , the four-trait and three-trait estimation produced estimates for the onset of maturation very similar to those obtained by direct observation. The correlations between life-history traits match expectations. We discuss the potential of the methodology in studies of the ecology and evolution of life history parameters in wild populations.  相似文献   

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